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An analysis of outcomes and reporting methods associated with select states and territories participating in IDEA part CSpringer, Madison Laurie 07 November 2014 (has links)
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Part C (2004) grants federal funding to states and territories who implement early childhood intervention programs meant to assess and treat children with disabilities ages 0-3. Although each state and territory receives federal funds provided through taxpayers, there are large discrepancies in the way each state and territory determines eligibility, assesses children, implements treatment, and measures outcomes. This report examines the outcome results of 8 states and 1 U.S. territory to consider if variables such as funding, population, or enrollment numbers have an effect on outcome results. In addition, this report looks at differences in eligibility criteria and reporting methods for each state and territory included. / text
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Study of the UPFC Model Based on the Current-Injection ConceptWang, Mu-Chi 28 June 2002 (has links)
The unified power controller (UPFC) is, the most comprehensive device emanated so far from the FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission Systems) initiative. Installation of UPFC to control power flow has become an emerging topic in today¡¦s power industry, especially the deregulated market. By the use of UPFC, a high-speed and low-cost power electronic device, the line flows can be controlled in such a way that thermal limits are kept, losses minimized, stability increased, and contractual requirements fulfilled without violating the economic generation dispatch. To coupe with control signals to attain various control capabilities, it can be used to control both the active and reactive powers and voltage magnitudes altogether.
This thesis aims to study static UPFC models for power flow calculations. Basic operation of UPFC will be briefly reviewed. A new UPFC current-based model is proposed in this paper to improve existing power-based model by using the Norton Equivalent Theorem. The proposed model can be integrated with the ECI power flow model easily. The equivalent relationships between the new model and the traditional model will also be investigated. And the proposed current-based UPFC model will provide better convergent characteristics.
The Evolutionary Programming (EP) method was also proposed in this research to solve the UPFC control parameters to attain a global optimum. EP is an artificial intelligence process including reproduction, mutation, competition, and selection. Being a stochastic method, EP can avoid the local convergence problem and provide a better opportunity to reach the global or near global optimum. Using the test cases of 5-bus and Taipower systems, the test results proves that the new UPFC new model can successfully control active power and reactive power, and voltage magnitudes simultaneously with an effective process and a feasible solution.
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Analys av ”Early Contractor Involvement” (ECI) : Att i byggprojektens tidiga skeden involvera entreprenörenPizzoni, David January 2021 (has links)
Att nå effektivitet, en bra kostnadsbild och hantera den växande frågan gällande minskad belastning på miljön är viktiga delar i dagens byggprojekt. Att välja totalentreprenad som entreprenadform kan vara ett sätt att nå detta. För att bland annat hantera brister med denna entreprenadform kan man istället använda sig utav den relativt nya metoden ECI (Early Contractor Involvement). Metoden bygger på att få tillgång till entreprenörens kunskap tidigt och att gemensamt kunna angripa de utmaningar projektet står inför. Detta ställer höga krav på relationen mellan parterna. Syftet med denna studie uppnås först genom att visa att tidigare studier konstaterar att ECI bidrar gällande aspekterna effektivitet, kostnadsbild och i viss mån även till miljö- och hållbarhetsarbete, att fördelsfaktorerna överträffar nackdelsfaktorerna och att metoden är att föredra kontra en traditionell totalentreprenad. Sedan genom en surveystudie med en webbaserad enkätundersökning hos beställare, entreprenörer och projektörer/byggledare på en SME-byggentreprenörs (små och medelstora företag) marknad baserad i Stockholm. Här erhölls information om att ECI i det stora hela bidrar väldigt väl i aspekter kopplade till effektivitet och kostnadsbild och väl gällande miljö- och hållbarhetsfrågor kontra en traditionell totalentreprenad. Även information om att fördelsfaktorerna överträffar nackdelsfaktorerna på marknaden erhölls här, vilket stämmer överens med tidigare studier. Det kunde även konstateras att relationsbaserade faktorer är oerhört viktiga i ECI. Implementeringen och skapandet av ett gemensamt engagemang med tydliga ramar framhävs i de rekommendationer för ECI som lämnas i slutet. / Achieving efficiency, a satisfactory project cost and dealing with the growing issue of reduced impact on the environment are important parts of today's construction projects. Choosing design and build contract (D&B) in your project can be a way to achieve this. A way to manage shortcomings with this form of contract, you can instead use the relatively new method ECI (Early Contractor Involvement). The method is based on gaining access to the entrepreneur's knowledge early on and being able to jointly tackle the challenges the project faces. This places high demands on the relationship between the parties. The purpose of this study is first achieved by showing that previous studies state that ECI contributes in terms of efficiency, project cost and to some extent also to environmental and sustainability work, that the benefit factors outweigh the disadvantage factors and that the method is preferable to a traditional D&B-contract. Then through a survey study with a web-based survey of clients, contractors and designers/construction managers at a SME-construction company’s market (Small and Medium Enterprises) based in Stockholm. Here, information was obtained that ECI, overall, contributes very well in aspects related to efficiency and project cost and well regarded environmental and sustainability issues versus a traditional D&B-contract. Information showed that the advantage factors exceed the disadvantage factors on the market, which is then consistent with previous studies. It could also be stated that relationship-based factors are extremely important in ECI. The implementation and creation of a joint commitment with a clear framework is emphasized in the recommendations for ECI that are provided at the end.
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Emotional Intelligence : The Three Major Theories in the FieldHultin, Maria January 2011 (has links)
Emotional intelligence (EI) is a term that has several definitions and theories. Three major views in the field of EI will be presented and discussed in this thesis, furthermore some practical implications for the research. There will also be a brief overview of the two fields of emotion and intelligence research, from where the concept of EI has emerged. The first view presented is Mayer and Salovey‟s four-branch model of EI, measured with the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (the MSCEIT). The second view is the Bar-On model of emotional-social intelligence, closely related to the Emotional Quotient Inventory (the EQ-i). The third view is Goleman and colleagues‟ model of EI, which is measured with the Emotional Competence Inventory (the ECI). These different views of EI will be discussed in terms of ability-models and mixed-models, where the first model presented is referred to as an ability-model of EI and the following two models are seen as mixed-models of EI.
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RIKTPRIS I ECI-PROJEKT – KRAV PÅ BIM-MODELLER AVSEENDE DETALJERINGSNIVÅ / Target Price in ECI projects – Requirements on BIM-models Regarding Level of DevelopmentSaliba, George, Welker, Fanny January 2019 (has links)
Det här examensarbetet handlar om riktpriset i ECI projekt samt krav på BIM modeller avseende detaljeringsnivåer. Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) är en relativt ny samverkansmodell i Sverige som används av Trafikverket i ett fåtal väldigt stora infrastrukturprojekt. ECI består av två faser och går ut på att beställaren samverkar med entreprenören i ett tidigt skede, fas 1, där entreprenörens kompetens och erfarenhet är värdefull redan i planeringen. Om beställare och entreprenör kommer överens om den ungefärliga kostnaden, riktpriset, för att utföra arbetet enligt fas 1, får entreprenören också utföra arbetet som en totalentreprenad i fas 2. BIM är en viktig pusselbit för framgång i ECI-projekt och kan förbättra samverkan mellan olika aktörer och team i projekteringen. Informationen i modeller kan lätt flyttas mellan team och användas för att förkorta beslutsprocesser. Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka vilken detaljeringsnivå i modeller som är nödvändig för ECI-projektets första fas (riktprisfasen), samt undersöka hur Trafikverket ställer krav på BIM och modellers detaljeringsnivåer. Studien genomfördes genom att göra en jämförelse av erhållet riktpris för två brandsläckningssystem med olika detaljeringsnivå (LOD200 och LOD300) i en tunnelmodell. Studien avgränsar sig till endast bruttokostnader för material såsom rör, rörkopplingar och ventiler. Undersökningen visade utifrån mängdförteckningen att riktpriset för modellen med högre detaljeringsnivå (LOD 300) är 95% större än för den lägre nivån (LOD 200). I modellen med LOD 200 beräknades riktpriset enbart på rören vilket gjorde en stor skillnad jämfört med LOD 300 där riktpriset beräknades på rören, rörkopplingar och ventiler. Utifrån det kan slutsatsen dras att en modell med detaljeringsgrad LOD 200 inte innehåller tillräckligt med information för att kunna prissättas utan alltför stor prisavvikelse och risk.
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Specialpedagogiska insatser för förskolebarn som behöver extra stöd i sin sociala kompetens : En kvalitativ studie av pedagogers uppfattningar om barns socialakompetens och betydelsen av anknytning och lekAbrahamsson, Terese January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this study was to describe and analyse nine pedagogues understandings and experiences of preschools work with early childhood interventions and special education for children in need of extra support in their social skills, from a special educational approach. Data was collected by qualitative interviews and the collected material was analysed with the phenomenological approach.The result was analysed through systems theory and three perspectives on special education. The major result showed that attachment is a concept that all respondents seemed to think were important in preschool and the foundation of every child's development. Attachment should permeate the entire preschool environment. The definition of social skills in children was for example requirements of various abilities where components such as turn-taking, consideration,communication and empathy where important. Interaction and collaboration was also important.The play of the children was a good activity and a good opportunity to train social skills, as playsituations clearly demonstrates the abilities required and the unique needs of each child. It was important that educators were present and even participating, in play by introducing, guiding,explaining and interpreting rules in playsituations. Special education is about a systematic approach by including time for teachers to reflect and adapting communication, relationships and indoorenvironments in preschools.
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Moral development and the ethic of care in post-apartheid South AfricaTruter, Benedict Christiaan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The transformation of South African society since 1994 provides a suitable
opportunity to investigate moral development amongst undergraduate students in the
Western Cape. The Ethic of Care Interview (ECI), a measure based on Carol
Gilligan's theory of gender-related moral development and designed by Skoe and
Marcia (1991), was administered to 26 undergraduate university students from three
universities. The Mann-Whitney distribution-free test was used to analyse the data.
From these findings it appears that young South Africans are struggling to make
ethical decisions based on care for self and other; however, black females were found
to score at significantly higher levels than any other group on the ECI. There were
no other significant differences across gender or interview type (conscious and
unconscious). Reasons for results obtained are discussed and suggestions for future
research made. Finally, the ethic of care is considered in terms of its potential value
for the present context. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die transformasie van die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing sedert 1994 bied 'n ideale
geleentheid om morele ontwikkeling onder voorgraadse studente in die Wes-Kaap te
ondersoek. Die "Ethic of Care" (ECl) onderhoud, 'n meet-instrument gebaseer op
Carol Gilligan se teorie van geslagsverwante morele ontwikkeling, en ontwerp deur
Skoe en Marcia (1991), is op 26 voorgraadse studente van drie universiteite toegepas.
Die Mann-Whitney distribusie-vrye toets is gebruik om die data te analiseer. Van uit
hierdie ondersoekbevindings blyk dit dat jeugdige Suid-Afrikaners dit moeilik vind
om moreel etiese besluite, rakende dit etiek van omgee, ondervind; maar daar is
bevind dat swart vroue beduidend hoër tellings op die ECl behaal het as enige ander
groep. Daar was geen beduidende verskille tussen geslagte (mans en vroue) of tipe
onderhoud (bewustelik en tydens hipnose) nie. Moontlike redes vir die bevindinge
word bespreek en voorstelle vir toekomstige navorsing word gemaak. Ten slotte
word die potensiële waarde van die "Ethic of Care" vir die huidige konteks,
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Programmierung und Steuerung eines SpektralfotometersMeissner, Robert 02 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Aufgabe der Studienarbeit ist die Entwicklung einer Software mit grafischer Benutzeroberfläche, welche es ermöglicht, Farbtesttabellen (color test charts) mit Hilfe des Spektralfotometers Spectrolino der Firma X-Rite Incorporated (ehemals GretagMacbeth GmbH) und dem dazugehörigen XY-Tisch SpectroScan zu messen. Das zu schreibende Programm soll standardisierte und auch nicht standardisierte Testtafeln weitgehend automatisch messtechnisch erfassen können.
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Communication development of high-risk neonates from admission to discharge from a Kangaroo mother care unitMcInroy, Alethea 21 July 2008 (has links)
Advances in neonatology have led to increased numbers of high-risk neonates surviving and intensified interest in the developmental outcomes of this population. In the South African context prematurity and low birth weight are the most common causes of death in the perinatal period and the same risk factors that contribute to infant mortality also contribute to the surviving infants’ increased risk for developmental delays. As a result of the interacting biological and environmental risk factors of prematurity, low birth weight, poverty and HIV and AIDS in the South African context Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) has been developed as best practice to promote infant survival and to facilitate mother-infant attachment. Mother-infant attachment may lead to synchronous interaction patterns between the mother and infant which forms the basis of early communication development. Early communication intervention (ECI) services are recommended as early as possible as high-risk infants are especially at risk for feeding difficulties and communication developmental delays. It is, however, not clear what the content of an ECI programme should be and how it should be implemented according to the changing communication and feeding developmental needs of the infant while receiving KMC. There appears to be a dearth of research on the earliest stages of communication development in high-risk neonates, which should form the foundation of such a programme. A descriptive survey was conducted to describe the development of 25 high-risk infants and their mothers’ changing needs from admission to discharge from a KMC unit. Each participant and mother dyad was followed up over an average of 11 days of data collection with three to four data collection sessions. Data was collected by means of direct observation during routine care-giving activities. The different developmental subsystems of the participants’ feeding, communication, neuro-behavioural organization and mother-neonate interaction were described. The results demonstrated that subtle, but definite changes could be observed in the participants’ development. Development in all the different areas occurred over time as the participants progressed through the three developmental states of the in-turned state, coming-out state and reciprocity state. As the participants progressed during the 11 days of data collection and were increasingly able to attend to their environment, they also developed the ability to regulate and organize their own behaviour in order to develop more complex communication, feeding and interaction skills with their mothers. The functioning of the participants’ sensory systems developed in a specific order namely tactile, auditory and then visual. Although the participants developed consistently throughout their stay in the KMC unit, mother-neonate interaction never reached optimal levels. The importance of an individualized training programme for each mother is reflected in the finding that the neonate’s developmental level and progress needs to be considered when implementing the ECI programme. The need for speech-language therapy involvement in KMC is emphasized in the light of a shortage of practicing speech-language therapists in South Africa. It is therefore imperative that the prevention of communication delays and feeding difficulties in high-risk neonates as well as parent training assume priority. / Dissertation (MCommunication Pathology)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology / unrestricted
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Dominance effects from local competitors: setting institutional parameters for employment relations in multinational subsidiaries; a case from the Spanish supermarket sectorRoyle, Tony, Ortiz, L. January 2009 (has links)
No / Dominance effects are normally associated with multinational corporations (MNCs). However, we argue that a strong local competitor can create ‘dominance effects’ setting the institutional parameters for employment relations in multinational subsidiaries. Moreover such an effect can be persistent. In this case the Spanish-owned El Corte Inglés (ECI) used its power and influence to establish an employer's federation and two ‘yellow unions’. These yellow unions infiltrated the French-owned MNC Carrefour and most of the Spanish supermarket sector by the early 1980s and continue to dominate collective bargaining rounds and works council elections, marginalizing the main independent trade unions. This has resulted in poor pay and working conditions and a lack of effective employee representation across most of the Spanish supermarket sector. The fact that Carrefour established an international framework agreement to observe union rights in 2001 has as yet not changed this situation.
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