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Emotions in SportsCrabbe, Rowena C. 10 July 2007 (has links)
In recent years the NCAA has had problems with the delinquent behavior of collegiate athletes on and off the field. The ability to know what causes athletes to act out will help athletic programs and reputations. Psychological behaviors have been related to sports performance and behavior in prior studies
In this study, we hypothesized that higher Emotional Intelligence in collegiate athletes, the ability to perceive, understand and manage one's emotions, will be related to lower acts of delinquent behavior on and off the field, as well as better performance during games. Study participants were Virginia Tech Soccer, Basketball, and Football male student athletes. We assessed emotional intelligence using the MSCEIT v.2.0 and also measured self report delinquent behavior and game statistics. None of our hypotheses were supported. A major reason for the lack of evidence to support our hypotheses may have been low statistical power and possible sampling biases. / Master of Science
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Validizace Testu rozpoznávání emocí (TRE) / Validation of the Emotion Recognition Test (TRE)Knorková, Alžběta January 2018 (has links)
The main topic of this thesis is emotional intelligence. The theoretical part is dedicated to the definition of emotional intelligence and the introduction to the problematic of this phenomenon. There is also a chapter dedicated to a review of emotional intelligence measures and critical assessment of the selected methods. Special focus is given to the approach of Mayer and Salovey. They defined emotional intelligence as the ability to understand, express, use and regulate emotions in self and others. On the base of their theory, they developed a method MSCEIT (Mayer Salovey Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test). The thesis is also reviewing a Bar-On's method and his approach. The purpose of the empirical part of the thesis is to validate the newly developed method TRE (Emotion Recognition Test) which was developed by a team from QED GROUP company. The data from this test and from the golden standard in measuring emotional intelligence - MSCEIT were compared by correlation. The result of the correlation between TRE and MSCEIT showed correlation on a significant level on the sample N = 65. The correlation between TRE and the total score of MSCEIT showed a satisfactory level of convergent validity (r = .249, p = .009). The highest correlation was found between TRE and MSCEIT dimension Using emotions...
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Emoční inteligence a možnosti jejího poznávání a uplatnění / Emotional intelligence and possibilities of its recognition and applicationMaršálek, Jan January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the theorethical part of the thesis is to describe basic charac- teristics of concept of the emotional intelligence. The thesis summarizes two main theoretical approaches to EI: Mayer, Salovey et al. (1997) and Goleman (2000, 2011). Several currently used EI measurement methods are introduced, along with some of the principal reservations against the EI measurement as such. Practical applications of emotional intelligence along with theoretical possibilities of further development of EI are also briefly discussed. The empirical part summarizes the findings of combined quantitative- qualitative research realized in a sample of scout leaders. Using MSCEIT (Mayer et al., 2012), the research revealed that the scout leaders reached significantly lower EQ score in general EI, in Strategical EI branch and in subscales Using emotions and Understanding emotions. Reversely, they achieved significantly higher EQ score in subscale Managing emotions. The outputs of the qualitative enquiry are in direct contradiction to the quantitative outputs; the respondents agreed consentaneously that the scout education improved their emotional matureness, they also provided many particular examples and links between scouting and the develop- ment of the emotional intelligence. Possible explanations for this contrast...
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Emotional Intelligence : The Three Major Theories in the FieldHultin, Maria January 2011 (has links)
Emotional intelligence (EI) is a term that has several definitions and theories. Three major views in the field of EI will be presented and discussed in this thesis, furthermore some practical implications for the research. There will also be a brief overview of the two fields of emotion and intelligence research, from where the concept of EI has emerged. The first view presented is Mayer and Salovey‟s four-branch model of EI, measured with the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (the MSCEIT). The second view is the Bar-On model of emotional-social intelligence, closely related to the Emotional Quotient Inventory (the EQ-i). The third view is Goleman and colleagues‟ model of EI, which is measured with the Emotional Competence Inventory (the ECI). These different views of EI will be discussed in terms of ability-models and mixed-models, where the first model presented is referred to as an ability-model of EI and the following two models are seen as mixed-models of EI.
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The Neural Correlates of Emotional Intelligence : A Systematic ReviewAgnvall, Anne, Unessi, Reza January 2023 (has links)
Emotional intelligence (EI) lies at the intersection of emotion and cognition and is seen as beneficial to our relationships and well-being. Yet, there is a gap in knowledge regarding the neural correlates of EI. There are three prevailing models defining the psychological construct of EI, the trait model, the ability model, and the mixed model. According to the ability model, EI consists of two facets - experiential and strategic EI. Experiential EI refers to abilities of perceiving and using emotions to facilitate thoughts, whereas strategic EI refers to abilities of understanding and managing emotions. This systematic review aims to investigate whether, and to what extent, the neural correlates of experiential and strategic EI rely on similar or different neural substrates. Five peer-reviewed studies met the inclusion criteria and were included. All the studies used Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test to measure EI. The brain imaging techniques used included structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging and diffusion tensor imaging. The findings of the review suggest that experiential and strategic EI rely partly on distinct and partly on common neural circuitry. Neural correlates associated primarily with strategic EI were gray matter volumes of ventromedial and ventrolateral prefrontal cortex and anterior and posterior insula. Both strategic and experiential EI were found to correlate with the rostral anterior cingulate cortex gray matter activation, and the effective connectivity of the anterior prefrontal cortex. Further research and development of measurement methodology are needed to deepen the understanding of strategic and experiential EI and their neural correlates.
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Die Bedeutung der emotionalen Intelligenz im WettkampfsportKopp, Alexandra 30 July 2024 (has links)
Die sportpsychologische Forschung zum Zusammenhang zwischen der emotionalen Intelligenz (EI) und der sportlichen Leistung im Wettkampfsport ist durch eine breite Vielfalt konzeptioneller EI-Modelle sowie eine heterogene Verwendung von EI-Inventaren gekennzeichnet. Die Befunde zum Einfluss der EI auf sowohl Mannschafts- als auch individuelle Leistungsindikatoren weisen in unterschiedliche Richtungen. Dies erschwert die Ableitung eindeutiger Schlussfolgerungen und die Bewertung des konkreten Beitrags des Konzepts der EI für den Wettkampfsport. Die vorliegende Dissertation trägt dazu bei, dieses Forschungsdesiderat anzugehen und die empirische Evidenz im Bereich der sportpsychologischen Forschung zum Zusammenhang zwischen der EI und der sportlichen Leistung zu präzisieren. Ausgangspunkt ist die theoretische Auseinandersetzung über die Rolle von Emotionen im Wettkampfsport und der notwendigen Fähigkeiten, diesen zu begegnen. Dies führt zur eingehenden Auseinandersetzung mit dem Konstrukt der EI, der sich gegenüberstehenden theoretischen Perspektiven der EI und deren Methoden zur EI-Operationalisierung. Es werden allgemeine Forschungsbefunde zur EI und repräsentative Auszüge empirischer Studien in der Sportpsychologie zur EI im Sport und konkret zum Zusammenhang mit der sportlichen Leistung dargestellt.
Den Kern meiner kumulativen Dissertation bilden drei wissenschaftliche Studien (eine Metaanalyse und zwei empirische Querschnittsanalysen), von denen zwei in internationalen Zeitschriften mit Peer-Review-Verfahren veröffentlicht und eine eingereicht wurden. Das Ergebnis der quantitativen Metaanalyse, welches auf 22 Effektgrößen basiert, zeigt eine schwache, positive Verbindung zwischen dem Gesamtwert der EI und der sportlichen Leistung, was die Bedeutung der EI als möglichen Prädiktor für die sportliche Leistung im Wettkampfsport unterstreicht. Darüber hinaus empfiehlt die gemeinsame Analyse der eigenschafts- und fähigkeitsbasierten EI in einem quantitativen Querschnittsdesign (Studie 2) die Verwendung der Eigenschafts-EI, gemessen durch den „Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire“ (TEIQue), für die Vorhersage subjektiver Leistungsparameter im Wettkampfsport. Es wurde auch festgestellt, dass weder ein erhöhtes Niveau der eigenschaftsbasierten EI noch der fähigkeitsbasierten EI ausschließlich für Spitzensportler:innen charakteristisch ist. In der dritten Studie wurden in einem ersten Schritt emotionale Herausforderungen in verschiedenen Sportarten unter der Verwendung von Bewertungstheorien der Emotionen identifiziert und daraus ein Kategorisierungssystem für Sportarten theoretisch abgeleitet. Darauf aufbauend wurde in einer quantitativen Querschnittsanalyse nachgewiesen, dass nicht der Gesamtwert der eigenschaftsbasierten EI, sondern einzelnen Dimensionen – insbesondere die Dimension Selbstkontrolle, geeignet sind, zwischen Sportartengruppen zu differenzieren. Dies legt nahe, dass eine gezielte Fokussierung auf spezifische Aspekte der EI in Bezug auf bestimmte Sportgruppen sinnvoll sein kann.
Die Ergebnisse der Einzelstudien werden zum theoretischen Diskurs in Bezug gesetzt. Es erfolgt eine kritische Reflektion der methodischen Limitationen der einzelnen Studien, die im Hinblick auf die Wahl der Forschungsmethoden zur Beantwortung der Forschungsfrage aufgetreten sind. Gleichzeitig werden mögliche Lösungsansätze für empirische Forschungsprojekte vorgestellt. Abschließend werden die zukünftigen Forschungsansätze und Handlungsempfehlungen für die sportpsychologische Praxis präsentiert. / The field of sport psychology has explored the relation between Emotional Intelligence (EI) and athletic performance in competitive sports, characterized by a diverse range of conceptual EI models and heterogeneous use of EI inventories. Findings on the influence of EI on both team and individual performance indicators have yielded varied results, complicating the derivation of definitive conclusions and the assessment of the specific contribution of the EI concept to competitive sports.
This dissertation addresses this research gap by contributing to a more precise understanding of the empirical evidence in the domain of sport psychological research on the relationship between EI and athletic performance. The investigation commences with a theoretical examination of the role of emotions in competitive sports and the requisite skills to navigate them. This leads to a thorough exploration of the EI construct, the opposing theoretical perspectives of EI, and their methods of operationalization. General research findings on EI, along with representative excerpts from empirical studies in sport psychology on EI in sports, particularly in relation to athletic performance, are presented.
The core of this cumulative dissertation comprises three scientific studies, a meta-analysis, and two empirical cross-sectional analyses, with two studies published in international peer-reviewed journals and one submitted. The results of the quantitative meta-analysis, based on 22 effect sizes, reveal a moderate, positive association between the overall score of EI and athletic performance, underscoring the significance of EI as a potential predictor for athletic performance. Additionally, the joint analysis of trait-based and ability-based EI in a quantitative cross-sectional design (Study 2) recommends the use of trait-based EI, measured by the "Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire" (TEIQue), for predicting subjective performance parameters in competitive sports. It was also observed that an elevated level of either trait-based EI or ability-based EI is not exclusive to elite athletes.
In the third study, emotional challenges in various sports were initially identified using appraisal theories of emotions, leading to the theoretical derivation of a categorization system for sports. Subsequently, a quantitative cross-sectional analysis demonstrated that it is not the overall score of trait-based EI but individual dimensions—particularly the dimension of self-control—that are suitable for differentiating between sports groups. This suggests that a targeted focus on specific aspects of EI concerning certain sports groups may be meaningful.
The results of individual studies are contextualized within the theoretical discourse, followed by a critical reflection on the methodological limitations of each study in terms of the choice of research methods to answer the research question. Simultaneously, potential solutions for empirical research projects are presented. Finally, future research avenues and recommendations for sport psychological practice are discussed.
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Emotional Abilities: What do different measures predict?Hertel, Janine 03 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Die Arbeit gliedert sich in fünf Teile. An ein Überblickskapitel, in welchem aktuelle Modelle und Verfahren zur Erfassung Emotionaler Intelligenz vorgestellt werden, schließen sich drei empirische Studien (englischsprachig) an. In diesen werden Zusammenhänge von Fähigkeitstests und Selbstberichtverfahren zur Erfassung emotionaler Fähigkeiten in Bezug auf sozial relevante Faktoren wie Lebenszufriedenheit, Konfliktlösefähigkeiten und Freundschaft untersucht. Darüber hinaus wird geprüft, inwieweit sich Patienten verschiedener Störungsbilder von einer psychisch gesunden Kontrollgruppe als auch untereinander in ihren gezeigten emotionalen Fähigkeiten unterscheiden. Die Arbeit endet mit einer Integration der Ergebnisse dieser drei Studien. Insbesondere wird dabei auf die Probleme aktueller Verfahren zur Erfassung Emotionaler Intelligenz mittels Selbstbericht und Fähigkeitstest eingegangen. Aufgrund der konzeptionellen Nähe von Sozialer Intelligenz und Emotionaler Intelligenz werden mögliche Integrationspunkte dieser beiden Forschungsfelder benannt. Ebenso werden mögliche alternative Erfassungsmethoden aufgezeigt. / This dissertation is devided into five parts. An introductory chapter explains actual self-report questionnaires and ability tests to assess emotional intelligence. The following three chapters present empirical data looking at relations between self-report measures and ability tests and important variables of social functioning like life satisfaction, conflict-management abilities, and friendship. Moreover, in another study we looked at differences between and within inpatients with different kinds of mental disorders and a clinically healthy control group. The final chapter integrates findings and conclusions focusing on the problems assessing emotional intelligence with self-report questionnaires and ability tests. As social intelligence and emotional intelligence are conceptionally related possible areas of collaborative work are discussed. Furthermore, alternative ways of assessing emotional abilities are highlighted.
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Exploring Antecedents to Work Engagement and Psychological Well-Being within a Canadian Provincial MinistryEllis, Kris 01 January 2015 (has links)
A gap exists in organizational development strategies on why some individuals remain disengaged with their work. This study addressed whether a combination of specific contextual factors could support individuals, teams, and leaders to demonstrate the attitudes and behaviors consistent with work engagement. The theoretical frameworks of social constructivism, the conceptual framework of symbolic interactionism, and a hermeneutic inquiry approach were used to address how individual psychological traits/abilities of employees support work engagement. Nineteen employees of a Canadian provincial government ministry completed an engagement survey, MSCEIT, MBTI, and SDI assessments. They also participated in focus groups. Survey results showed high engagement scores. Focus group themes, derived from the Modified Stevick-Colaizzi-Keen method centered on perceptions of personal choice, passive resignation, and trust. Spearman's correlation results indicated a moderate, nonsignificant association between the MSCEIT, MBTI, SDI scores, and work engagement. Study results suggested 5 factors necessary for individuals to sustain engagement: the ability to balance a focus on others and impressions with a focus on ideas and concrete data, the ability to perceive and manage emotions, motivational values consistent with a concern for others, and leader and organizational support. Results from this study are expected to increase possible social change efforts focused on developing highly engaged teams that demonstrate a positive, fulfilling work-related state characterized by high energy levels, mental resilience, dedication, and involvement in work.
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Emotional Abilities: What do different measures predict?Hertel, Janine 26 October 2007 (has links)
Die Arbeit gliedert sich in fünf Teile. An ein Überblickskapitel, in welchem aktuelle Modelle und Verfahren zur Erfassung Emotionaler Intelligenz vorgestellt werden, schließen sich drei empirische Studien (englischsprachig) an. In diesen werden Zusammenhänge von Fähigkeitstests und Selbstberichtverfahren zur Erfassung emotionaler Fähigkeiten in Bezug auf sozial relevante Faktoren wie Lebenszufriedenheit, Konfliktlösefähigkeiten und Freundschaft untersucht. Darüber hinaus wird geprüft, inwieweit sich Patienten verschiedener Störungsbilder von einer psychisch gesunden Kontrollgruppe als auch untereinander in ihren gezeigten emotionalen Fähigkeiten unterscheiden. Die Arbeit endet mit einer Integration der Ergebnisse dieser drei Studien. Insbesondere wird dabei auf die Probleme aktueller Verfahren zur Erfassung Emotionaler Intelligenz mittels Selbstbericht und Fähigkeitstest eingegangen. Aufgrund der konzeptionellen Nähe von Sozialer Intelligenz und Emotionaler Intelligenz werden mögliche Integrationspunkte dieser beiden Forschungsfelder benannt. Ebenso werden mögliche alternative Erfassungsmethoden aufgezeigt. / This dissertation is devided into five parts. An introductory chapter explains actual self-report questionnaires and ability tests to assess emotional intelligence. The following three chapters present empirical data looking at relations between self-report measures and ability tests and important variables of social functioning like life satisfaction, conflict-management abilities, and friendship. Moreover, in another study we looked at differences between and within inpatients with different kinds of mental disorders and a clinically healthy control group. The final chapter integrates findings and conclusions focusing on the problems assessing emotional intelligence with self-report questionnaires and ability tests. As social intelligence and emotional intelligence are conceptionally related possible areas of collaborative work are discussed. Furthermore, alternative ways of assessing emotional abilities are highlighted.
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Defining the boundaries between trait emotional intelligence and ability emotional intelligence : an assessment of the relationship between emotional intelligence and cognitive thinking styles within the occupational environmentMurphy, Angela 11 1900 (has links)
Emotional intelligence has attracted a considerable amount of attention over the past few years specifically with regard to the nature of the underlying construct and the reliability and validity of the psychometric tools used to measure the construct. The present study explored the reliability and validity of a trait measure of EI in relation to an ability measure in order to determine whether the tools can be considered as measuring conceptually valid constructs within an occupational environment. The study also examined the overlap with a trait measure of cognitive thinking styles to determine the potential for separating the trait and ability EI into two unique and distinguishable constructs. Participants included 308 employees from four different workforces within a diverse South African consulting firm. The results of the study identified a number of psychometric concerns regarding the structural fidelity of the instruments as well as concerns about the cultural bias evident in both measurement instruments. Evidence for the discriminant and incremental validity of the two instruments was, however, provided and recommendations are made for the reconceptualisation of trait EI as an emotional competence and ability EI as an emotional intelligence. / Psychology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Psychology)
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