Spelling suggestions: "subject:"early diagnosis"" "subject:"early biagnosis""
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Povezanost vremena nastanka multiple skleroze sa karakteristikama kliničke slike, toka bolesti, nalazima nuklearne magnetne rezonance i likvora / The correlation of time beginning Multiple sclerosis with clinical features, disease course, magnetic resonance imaging features,and presence oligoclonal band in cerebrospinal fluidSuknjaja Vesna 21 September 2016 (has links)
<p>UVOD: Početak multiple skleroze (MS) u dečijem uzrastu je dijagnostički i terapijski izazov. I ako rani početak MS-a uglavnom ukazuje na dobru kratkoročnu prognozu, neka deca razviju tešku onesposobljenost, fizičku ili kognitivnu, a više od 50% obolelih uđe u sekundarno progresivnu formu bolesti pre 30. godine života. Rana dijagnoza je neophodna za uvođenje imunomodulatorne terapije, kojom se obezbeđuje dobra dugoročna prognoza. CILJ: Analiza parametara koji bi omogućili ranu dijagnozu multiple skleroza sa ranim početkom u odnosu na simptome, sprovedene dijagnostičke procedure i tok bolesti. Sagledavanje inicijalnih kliničkih manifestacija multiple skleroze, prisustva ologoklonaliteta, nalaza MRI endokranijuma i njihovih osobenosti u dečijoj populaciji uz komparaciju sa inicijalnim kliničkim manifestacijama kod pacijenata obolelih od multiple skleroze u odraslom dobu. MATERIJALI METODE: Ova retrospektivno/ prospektivna studija obuhvata pacijente lečene na Klinici za neurologiju KCV u Novom Sadu u periodu od dvanaest godina, od januara 2003. godine do januara 2015. godine sa znacima i simptomima inicijalne demijelinacione bolesti CNS. Od ove kohorte izdvojeno je dve grupe pacijenata; prva grupa pacijenata kod kojih je bolest nastala pre 18. godine života, i druga grupa uzrasta od 20-55 godina. Pacijenti su epidemiološki obrađeni prema godinama početka bolesti, polu, porodičnoj istoriji, simptomima na početku bolesti (inicijalni simptom), toku bolesti- pojavi drugog relapsa i vremena do pojave drugog relapsa, nalazu MRI, nalazu evociranih potencijala i prisustvo oligoklonalnih traka u likvoru. Tokom praćenja beleži se vreme do drugog relapsa i tip relapsa. Tražila se korelacija između kliničkih i dijagnostičkih rezultata sa brzinom pojave drugog relapsa. Za testiranje razlika između grupa korišćen je Pirsonov hi-kvadrat test, a za testiranje jačine povezanosti korišćeno je Kramerovo V. Neparametrijski podaci su obrađivani Men-Vitni U testom. REZULTATI: Od ukupnog broja ispitanika, u grupi pacijenata sa ranim početkom MS-a odnos ženskog i muškog pola je bio 1,3:1, a u grupi pacijenata sa uobičajenim početkom MS-a 2,2:1. Iz dobijenih rezultata vidimo da ima manje nego što je očekivano pacijenata rođenih u mesecima decembru 4,6% i januaru (5,9%), a više nego što je očekivanu u mesecima martu (11,3%) i julu (10,6%), što nije statistički značajno (p=0,726). Prema manifestaciji bolesti kod dece 17,6% ima polisimptomatski početak, a kod odraslih 37,6% ima polisimptomatski početak.Polisimptomatski početak statistički je značajno više zastupljen kod odraslih pacijenata (p=0,020).Poremećaj piramidnog sistema (P=0,010) i senzorne smetnje (P=0,006) su zastupljeniji kao inicijalni stimptom u grupi odraslih.Nisu nađene statistički značajne razlike u zastupljenosti optičkog neuritisa (p=0,366 ili p>0,05) i ataksije /stablarne simptomatologije (p= 0,791) u ove dve grupe. Najčešći inicijalni simptom kod dece, gotovo u istoj razmeri su optički neuritis (35,3%) i ataksija (35,3%). U grupi odraslih pacijenata senzorne smetnje (41,6%) su najčešći inicijalni simptom, odmah za njim sledi piramidna simptomatologija (37,6%). Prema nalazu broja lezija na MRI pregledu, u grupi ispitanika sa ranim početkom MS-a više su zastupljeni oni sa manje od 4 lezije, nego što je to slučaj u grupi odraslih. Odnos broja pacijenata sa 4-10 i preko 10 lezija simetričan je u obe grupe. Korelacija između doba početka MS-a i broja lezija viđenih na MRI je statistički značajna i neznatna (P=0,06). Nije nađena statistička značajnost u prisustvu lezija u korpusu kalozumu između ove dve grupe pacijenata ( P=0,920). Primenom Fišerovog dvostranog egzaktnog testa koji je u ovom slučaju statistički značajan (p=0,034), možemo reći da se grupa sa ranim početkom MS-a i ona sa uobičajenim početkom statistički značajno razlikuju, tumefaktivne lezije su prisutnije kod ispitanika sa ranim početkom MS-a. Pozitivni oligoklonali su zastupljeniji u grupi odraslih pacijenata ( P= 0,018). U našoj grupi ispitanika kada smo pratili vreme pojave drugog pogoršanja, najkraće godinu dana, u grupi dece 11 pacijenata (21,6%) nije imalo pogoršanje , dok je 40 pacijenata imalo pogoršanje (78,4%),. Medijana kod grupe dece za pojavu drugog šuba bolesti je 12 meseci. U grupi odraslih 22 pacijenta ( 21,8%) nije imalo drugi relaps tokom perioda praćenja, dok je njih 79 (78,2%) imalo drugi relaps. Prosečno vreme u grupi odraslih pacijenata do drugog relapsa je 9 meseci. U grupi dece ne postoje značajne razlike u odnosu broja lezija viđenih na inicijalnom MRI pregledu i vremenu pojave drugog relapsa ( p=0,884) Kod odraslih postoji značajna razlika u vremenu relapsa između grupe sa manje od 4 lezije i grupe sa 4-10 lezija (p=0,09).Korelirali smo pacijente sa pozitivnim i negativnim ologoklonalnim trakama u likvoru u obe grupe sa vremenom nastanka prvog pogoršanja, pri toj korelaciji nije dobijena statistički značajna razlika ni u grupi dece ( P= 0,598) ni u grupi odraslih (P=0,133). Kod ispitanika sa ranim početkom češća je pozitivna porodična anamneza, u vidu prisustva MS i drugih imunoloških bolesti( P =0,042). ZAKLJUČAK: Polisimptomatski početak je češći kod odraslih, pozitivne oliogoklonalne trake su ređe pozitivne kod dece, kod dece je najčešći inicijalni simptom optički neuritis a kod odraslih senzitivne i motorne smetnje. Manje od 4 lezije se češće javljaju kod dece na inicijalnom MRI pregledu, što je najverovatnije povezano sa vremenom stvarnog početka bolesti i njenom kliničkom manifestacijom. Kod pacijenta sa ranim početkom MS-a duži je period do drugog pogoršanja. U grupi dece ne postoje statistički značajne razlike u odnosu broja lezija viđenih na inicijalnom MRI pregledu i vremenu pojave drugog relapsa. Kod odraslih postoji značajna razlika u vremenu relapsa između grupe sa manje od 4 lezije i grupe sa 4-10 lezija. Inicijalne manifestacije MS-a u dečijem uzrastu ne razlikuje se u mnogome od MS-a kod odraslih po karakteristikama i toku bolesti.</p> / <p>INTRODUCTION: Тhe onset of multiple sclerosis (MS) in childhood poses diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. Althougth the onset of MS in childhood typically predicts a fevoruable short/term prognosis, some children are severy disabled. Etiher physically or cognitively, and more then 50% are predicted to enter the secondary-progressive phase of the disease by the age of 30 years. Immunomodulatory therapies for MS and their safe application in children can improve long-therm prognosis. AIM: We saught to identifay clinical and diagnostic features in children wich inplicate to early diagnosis of MS in children. We aimd to determine the clinical features, cerebro spinal fluid, magnetic resonance imagin (MRI) features of children and their comparation with adult MS patients. METHODS: In this retrospective/prospective study we present data from 152 patients with clinical isolated syndrom (CIS) for the first time, which are obtained throught Clinic of Neurology , Clinical Centre of Vojvodina, Novi Sad from January 2003 to January 2015g. Patients were divided into two grups - in first group patients 51 with early onset of disease before 18 years, and second group patients with adult onset desease (20-55 year). Patients wer observed for a minimum one year. The common presenting symptoms, gender, MRI finding, oligoclonal band (OCB) and Visual evoked potential findings, corse of disease, family history were compared between the two groups and with thime of second relaps. To test the difference between groups was used Chi-square Pearson product moment test, and to test the strength of connection used is a Kramer V. Population data are processed Men-Whitney U test. RESULTS: Of the total number of respondents, in the Group of patients with early beginning MS the ratio of women and men was 1.3:1, and in the group of adult MS patients 2, 2:1. From the results we can see that fewer than expected has patients born in the months December ( 4.6%) and January (5.9%), and higher than expected in a March (11.3%) and July (10.6%), which is not statistically significant (p = 0,726). According to the manifestation of disease in children 17.6% has a polifocal onset, and in adults 37.6% has a polifocal onset. Polifocal beginning is significantly over represented in adult MS patients (p = 0,020). Motor disorder (P = 0,010) and sensory disabilities (P = 0.006) are more present as the initial manifestation illness in the adult. They not found statistically significant differences in the representation of optic neuritis (p = 0,366 or p > 0.05) and ataxia (p = 0.791) in these two groups. The most common initial symptom in children, almost in the same scale are the optical neuritis (35.3%) and ataxia 6 (35.3%). In a group of adult patients sensory disturbances (41.6%) are the most common initial symptom, right behind him follows a motor disturbens (37.6%). According to the number of lesions on the MRI exam, in a group of subjects with early MS more are they less than four lesions, than is the case in the group adults. The ratio of the number of patients with 4-10 and over 10 symmetrical lesions in both groups. Correlation between the time of the beginning of the MS and the number of lesions seen on MRI is statistically significant and insignificant (P = 0.06). There was no statistical significance in the presence of lesions in the corpus callosum indicates between these two groups of patients (P = 0,920). Application of Fisher the exact test case that is in this case a statistically significant (p = 0.034). We can say that the group with the early start of MS and the one with the usual beginning of significantly different, tumefactiv lesions are present in patients with early onset MS, Positive oligoclonal bands are more present in a group with adult MS patients (P = 0.018). In our group of respondents when we track time appear another relapse, minimum one year, 11 children (21,6%) had no deterioration, while the 40 children had worsening (78,4%). The median at groups of children for the appearance of second relapse is 12 months. In the adult these 22 (21,8%) had another relapse for tracking period, while 79 (78.2%) had another relapse. The average amount of time in the adult patients relapse to another is 9 months. In a group of children there are no statistically significant differences in the relative number of lesions seen on the initial MRI examination and time show up another relapse (p = 0,884). In adults there is a significant difference in relapse time between groups with fewer than four lesions and groups with 4-10 lesions (p = 0.09). Pressures are patients with positive and negative ologoclonal bands in the cerebrospinal fluid in both groups with the time of occurrence of the first downturn, when the correlation is not get statistically significant difference in the children (P = 0.598) or in a group of adults (P = 0,133). In patients with early starting stacks is a negative family history, and often the presence of MS and other immunological diseases (P = 0,042). CONCULSIONS: Polisifocal beginning is more common in adults, positive oliogoklonalne bands are less positive in children, with children being the most common initial symptom is optic neuritis, in adult sensitive and motor disturbances. Tumefactiv lesions are present in patients with early onset MS. Less than four lesions are more common in children on the initial MRI examination, which is probably connected with the time of the real onset of the disease and its clinical manifestation n the group of children there are no statistically significant differences in relation to the number of lesions seen on MRI at the initial examination and the timing of another relapse. For adults there is a significant difference in time of relapse between the groups with less than 4 lesions and groups with 4-10 lesions. Children onset MS does not significantly differ from that it has been typically seen in adults in terms of major clinical manifestations and course of disease.</p>
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Méthodologie de l'utilisation des biomarqueurs quantitatifs longitudinaux pour l'aide à la décision en médecine : application aux PSA dans le cancer de la prostate / Methodology for the use of longitudinal quantitative biomarkers in medical decision makingSubtil, Fabien 04 June 2010 (has links)
Lorsqu'un biomarqueur est mesuré de façon répétée au cours du suivi de patients, il est d'abord nécessaire d'établir un critère, issu du profil d'évolution longitudinal du marqueur, afin de détecter la survenue d'un événement, ou d'en prédire la gravité. Nous avons développé une méthode de modélisation robuste de données longitudinales, afin de calculer les différents critères pour les patients, et d'en comparer les performances diagnostiques ou pronostiques. Dans un second temps, il faut déterminer un seuil de ce critère quantitatif au dessus ou en dessous duquel le test diagnostique est considéré comme positif. Une méthode Bayésienne d'estimation de ce seuil et de son intervalle de crédibilité a été développée. Ce travail a été appliqué au diagnostic de persistance locale de cellules cancéreuses après traitement par ultrasons d'un cancer de la prostate. Ce diagnostic est effectué à partir des mesures répétées d'antigène spécifique de la prostate (PSA), dont le nadir a été retenu, avec différents seuils, comme meilleur critère diagnostique. Ceci permet de n'effectuer des biopsies que lorsqu'il y a de fortes chances qu'elles soient positives. / For the early diagnosis or prognosis of an event in presence of repeated measurements of a biomarker over time, it is necessary to define a criterion, stemming from the longitudinal profiles of that marker. A method was developed for a robust modelling of marker measurements, to calculate the various criteria for the patients, and compare their diagnostic or prognostic accuracies. Using the continuous criterion as a diagnostic test requires the specification of a threshold. A Bayesian method was developed to estimate this threshold and its credible interval. This method was applied to the diagnosis of local prostate cancer persistence after an ultrasound treatment. The diagnosis relies on serial measurements of prostate specific antigen (PSA), whose nadir (along with several thresholds) was found to be the best diagnostic criterion. This allows to trigger biopsy only when this biopsy is likely to be positive.
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Detecção do vírus dengue pela técnica de aglutinação do látex modelo experimental.Luppino, Plinio Luis 04 June 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-06-04 / Dengue is the arthropod-borne transmitted viral disease of highest worldwide prevalence in mortality and morbidity. The proportion is pandemic ranging 1.6 million of infected patients yearly. Clinical presentation associated to epidemiological factors such as dengue prevalence in the patient s origin have been the only mean for early diagnosis. Laboratorial diagnosis, the conclusive, requires several days when there is viral isolation. Serological methods depend on high level of specific antibodies, and molecular methods are not available for the majority of laboratories of diagnosis and routine. The purpose of this study was to develop an agglutination method using latex to detect dengue virus, using biological samples of mice infected with dengue 1 Mochizuki strain by intracerebral via, and anti-dengue 1 specific antibodies from immunized mice. According to the results, this method was feasible for the dengue viruses diagnosis in positive samples of experimental animals. It provides further approaches for rapid detection of dengue in susceptible populations during the first days of the disease. / A dengue é a doença viral, transmitida por artrópode, de maior prevalência mundial em morbidade e mortalidade. Alcança proporções pandêmicas, estimando-se em 1,6 milhões de doentes anualmente. Manifestações clínicas características, associadas a fatores epidemiológicos, como prevalência da dengue na região de origem do paciente, têm sido os únicos instrumentos de diagnóstico precoce. O diagnóstico laboratorial, que é definitivo, demanda vários dias, quando realizado o isolamento viral. Métodos sorológicos dependem de níveis elevados de anticorpos específicos e os métodos moleculares não estão disponíveis para a maioria dos laboratórios de diagnóstico e rotina. Este estudo teve como objetivo desenvolver método de aglutinação do látex para a detecção do vírus dengue, utilizando amostras biológicas de camundongos infectados por via intracerebral com dengue 1, cepa Mochizuki e anticorpos específicos anti-dengue 1, obtidos de camundongos imunizados. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram a viabilidade deste método para diagnóstico do vírus Dengue em amostras positivas de animais de experimentação, abrindo novas perspectivas para o diagnóstico precoce da dengue na população susceptível, durante os primeiros dias de sintomas.
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Prevalência de alterações auditivas em recém-nascidos em hospital escola / Prevalence of hearing impairment in newborns in the hospital schoolGUIMARÃES, Valeriana de Castro 14 April 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-04-14 / Thesis presented in the form of scientific article and with the demonstration of three articles. In the first manuscript, published to the journal Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, Vol. 15, number 2, 2010, pages 559 to 562, entitled Hearing evaluation in newborn and its ethical implications, a bibliographic review of articles published in national magazines in Brazil were realized and had as purpose to examine the literature production that investigates the use of otoacoustic emissions test performed in newborns in hospitals, emphasizing the adoption of that article to the of Research Ethics Committee.The second accept to the journal Distúrbios da Comunicação PUC-SP has as title Maternal feelings and expectations concerning the result of the Neonatal hearing screening. It is a descriptive study on qualitative approach, and it had as objective investigate the maternal feelings and expectations expressed by the newborn mothers concerning the result of the Neonatal hearing screening. The data had been collected by means of individual interview with the newborn mothers and the following parameters had been analyzed: suspicion on the hearing of the son, knowledge about the deafness and expectations about the result. The third article, object of this thesis, submitted to the journal Ciência & Saúde Coletiva entitled as Prevalence of auditory changes in newborns in a teaching hospital, had as purpose estimate the prevalence of auditory changes in newborns in a teaching hospital. Prospective cross-sectional study that evaluated 226 newborns, born in a public hospital, and they had hearing screening after discharge from May, 2008 to May, 2009. The prevalence of auditory changes in this population was 0,9%. The current study offers relevant epidemiological data, providing preliminary results for future deployment and development of a neonatal hearing screening program. Considering the importance that demands the moment, the family deserves special attention of the health professionals involved in the process, before a deafness diagnosis. / Tese apresentada na modalidade artigo científico com a demonstração de três artigos. No primeiro manuscrito, publicado na Revista Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, Vol. 15, Núm. 2 de 2010, pp. 559 a 562, intitulado Avaliação auditiva no recém-nascido e suas implicações éticas realizou-se uma revisão bibliográfica de artigos nacionais publicados em revistas brasileiras, e teve por finalidade examinar a produção bibliográfica que investigou o uso do teste das emissões otoacústicas em recém-nascidos realizado em hospitais, dando ênfase à aprovação do referido artigo junto ao Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa. O segundo aceito pela Revista Distúrbios da Comunicação PUC-SP tem como título Sentimentos e expectativas maternos em relação ao resultado da triagem auditiva neonatal. Trata-se de estudo descritivo em abordagem qualitativa, com objetivo de descrever os sentimentos e expectativas expressas pelas mães de recém-nascidos em relação ao resultado da triagem auditiva neonatal. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de entrevista individual com as mães dos recém-nascidos, sendo analisados os seguintes parâmetros: dúvidas sobre a audição do filho, conhecimento sobre a surdez, e expectativas frente ao resultado do teste. O terceiro artigo, objeto desta tese, submetido à Revista Ciência & Saúde Coletiva intitulado Prevalência de alterações auditivas em recém-nascidos em hospital escola teve por objetivo estimar a prevalência de alterações auditivas em recém-nascidos em um hospital escola. Estudo transversal prospectivo que avaliou 226 recém-nascidos, nascidos em um hospital público, entre maio de 2008 a maio de 2009. A prevalência de alterações auditivas na população estudada foi de 0,9%. O estudo oferece dados epidemiológicos relevantes, fornecendo resultados preliminares para futura implantação e desenvolvimento de um programa de triagem auditiva neonatal. Considerando a importância que exige o momento, a família merece atenção especial dos profissionais de saúde envolvidos no processo, diante do diagnóstico de surdez.
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Magnetnorezonantna dijagnostika akutnog pankreatitisa / Magnetoresonant diagnosis of pancreatitis acutaGvozdenović Katarina 25 October 2017 (has links)
<p>Akutni pankreatitis predstavlja zbirni pojam dinamičkih, lokalnih i sistemskih patofizioloških procesa nastalih iznenadnim prodorom aktivnih litičkih pankreasnih enzima u žlezdani parenhim. Cilj istraživanja je da se Utvrditi senzitivnost difuzione sekvence magnetne rezonance (DWI) radi utvrđivanja morfoloških promena parenhima kod akutnog pankreatitisa. Poređenje difuzione mape i difuzionog koeficijenta kod pacijenata sa akutnim pankreatitisom i kod pacijenata sa morfološki urednim parenhimom pankreasa na magnetnoj rezonanci. Utvrditi da li postoje statistički značajne razlike difuzionog koeficijenta kod pacijenata sa akutnim pankreatitisom u odnosu na pol. Utvrditi da li postoje statistički značajne razlike difuzionog koeficijenta kod pacijenata sa akutnim pankreatitisom u odnosu na godine. Odrediti prelomnu tačku difuzionog koeficijenta kod pacijenata sa akutnim pankreatitisom. Studija je bila prospektivnog karaktera i obuhvatilo je 30 ispitanika sa morfološki urednim parenhimom pankreasa i 30 sa dijagnozom akutnog pankreatitisa unutar 72 sata od početka simptoma. Svi pacijenti su pregledani magnetnom rezonancom u Centru za radiologiju, Kliničkog Centra Vojvodine. Rezultati ukazuju da postoje razlike difuzionog koeficijenta kod pacijenata sa akutnim pankreatitisom i kontrolne grupe. Takođe smo dokazali da difuzioni koeficijent zavisi od pola i starosti i utvrdili smo prelomnu tačku difuzije za rano dijagnostikovanje akutnog pankreatitisa.</p> / <p>Acute pancreatitis is defined as cumulative term of dynamic local and general pathophysiological processes caused by sudden penetration of active lithic pancreatic enzymes in the glandular parenchyma. Goal of this research is to note the changes (sensitivity) in values of diffusion weighted images (DWI) in acute pancreatitis and to determine morphological changes in glandular parenchyma of pancreas. Comparation of DWI between patients with acute pancreatitis and patients with normal pancreatic parenchyma based on magnetic resonance (MRI). We also want to determine whether there were statistically significant differences of DWI in patients with acute pancreatitis in relation to sex and age. One of our goals also was to determine breakpoint of DWI as a sure sign of acute pancreatitis. This was prospective study and included 30 patients with morphologically healthy parenchyma of the pancreas (control group) and 30 with the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis – in first 72 hours of the onset of symptoms. All patients were examined on MRI in department of Radiology of Clinical Center of Vojvodina. Our results indicate that was a big difference of DWI between patients with acute pancreatitis and control group. We prove that DWI depends on the sex and age. 1,77x10-6mm/s2 was breakpoint which indicates acute pancreatitis.</p>
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Inzidenz von Zweittumoren bei Patienten mit zuvor kurativ behandeltem Tumor im Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Bereich - eine prospektive Analyse / Incidence of secondary malignant tumors in patients with curatively treated head and neck cancer - a prospective analysisWolff, Cornelia Ruth Marie 22 May 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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DeNoPa Kassel: Die prospektive Langzeit-Follow-up-Studie zu Biomarkern und nicht-motorischen Symptomen bei Morbus Parkinson - Pilotstudie baseline / DeNoPa Kassel: The prospective long-term follow-up study on biomarkers and non-motor symptoms for Parkinson's disease - pilot study baselineWerner, Stefanie 11 December 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Sinais sugestivos de transtorno déficit de atenção e hiperatividade de crianças com histórico de nascimento prematuro extremo e baixo pesoPretti, Liziane Cristina 20 February 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-02-20 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / Children born premature and extreme birth weight are more likely to have cognitive, neuropathological and behavioral changes such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Early identification of ADHD is important because it is known that the effects caused by this disorder in school and personal lives may pass into adulthood, and the social and educational impact can cause those students requiring specialized educational assistance. In this sense, the present study aimed at identifying early signs suggestive of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children at 3 years of age with a history of extreme preterm birth and low birth weight. The sample comprised 29 children with a history of extreme prematurity and low birth weight with 3 years old now, enrolled in municipal schools. Participants were first characterized with the CCEB (Economic Classification Criterion Brazil) to homogenize the sample. After, were evaluated with the SDQ questionnaire version Pa 3/4 years (for the parents) and version Pr 3/4 years (for teachers). We also used the Denver II screening test in order to evaluate the overall development of these children and relate to behavioral findings. From the statistical correlation - Pearson Correlation - the data we found that there was a significant correlation between the variables IG with hyperactivity subscale, indicated by SDQ Pa (R= -,465*), correlation between IG and birth weight with the hyperactivity subscale, indicated by SDQ Pr ( R= -,528**; R= -,429*, respectivamente). All these correlations were significantly negative which confirms findings in the literature, that is, the lower gestational age and birth weight, the greater are the chances of having behavioral problems suggestive of ADHD. It was also verified that parents and teachers rated similarly children's development. It is concluded that children with a history of preterm birth and low birth weight have signs suggestive of ADHD at 3 years of age, and that the performance of screening for early detection of these signals facilitates therapeutic intervention and can thereby reduce the performance impact academic school with a history of extreme preterm birth and low birth weight. / Crianças nascidas prematuras extremas e com baixo peso, igual ou inferior a 2500g, estão mais propensas a apresentarem alterações cognitivas e neuropatológicas, bem como alterações comportamentais, tais como o Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH). A identificação precoce do TDAH é importante, pois sabe-se que as repercussões causadas por este transtorno na vida escolar e pessoal podem repercutir até a vida adulta, e o impacto social e educacional pode fazer com que esses alunos necessitem de assistência educacional especializada. Neste sentido, o presente estudo teve por objetivo geral identificar sinais precoces sugestivos do Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH), em crianças aos 3 anos de idade com histórico de nascimento prematuro extremo e baixo peso ao nascer. A amostra foi composta por 29 crianças com histórico de prematuridade extrema e baixo peso ao nascer com 3 anos de idade atual, matriculadas na rede municipal de ensino. Os participantes foram caracterizados primeiramente com o CCEB (Critério de Classificação Econômica Brasil), a fim de homogeneizar a amostra. Após foram avaliado com o questionário SDQ versão Pa3/4anos (destinado a pais) e versão Pr3/4 anos (destinado a professores). Foi utilizado também, o teste de triagem Denver II, no intuito de avaliar o desenvolvimento global destas crianças e relacionar com os achados comportamentais. A partir da análise estatística correlacional Correlação de Pearson - dos dados foi possível verificar que houve uma correlação significativa entre as variáveis IG com a subescala hiperatividade, indicados pelo SDQ Pa (R= -,465*), correlação entre IG e peso ao nascer com a subescala hiperatividade, indicados pelo SDQ Pr ( R= -,528**; R= - ,429*, respectivamente). Todas essas correlações se apresentaram significativamente negativa o que corrobora com os achados da literatura, isto é, quanto menor a IG e peso ao nascer, maiores são as chances de apresentarem problemas comportamentais sugestivos de TDAH. Foi possível verificar também, que pais e professores avaliaram de forma semelhante o desenvolvimento das crianças. Conclui-se assim, que crianças com histórico de nascimento prematuro e baixo peso apresentam sinais sugestivos de TDAH aos 3 anos de idade, e que a realização de triagem para detectar precocemente estes sinais facilita a intervenção terapêutica e pode com isso reduzir o impacto no desempenho acadêmico de escolares com histórico de nascimento prematuro extremo e baixo peso.
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Percepção de professores sobre o autismo em alunos pré-escolares e a rede social institucional. / Perception of teachers about autism in preschool studebts and the institutional social networkCouto, Cirleine Costa 11 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Miriam Lucas (miriam.lucas@unioeste.br) on 2017-12-13T18:00:38Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-08-11 / The early diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder – ASD – is a fundamental condition to obtain
better results in therapeutic interventions. The synergic articulation between education and
health professionals is an effective strategy for hosting suspected cases and immediate referral
to specialized care services in the area. Given this scenario, this research aimed to know the
perception of the teachers of Early Childhood Education on the TEA and the institutional
support network built from the suspect cases. It was assumed that the teachers' understanding
of autism could still be insufficient, and that the institutional social network linked to the
Municipal Infant Education Centers – CMEIs – to support children with suspected ASD in Foz
do Iguaçu was not well constituted. The development of research has taken place through the
qualitative approach. The field of research consisted of 10 CMEIs of the northern region of the
city, place of greater concentration of school units. One teacher from each CMEI was selected,
totaling 10 participants. The inclusion criteria were teachers with more than 3 years of teaching
experience and acting at levels above that of the nursery. The data collection was done through
semi-structured interviews and the construction of the minimum map of the institutional social
network, carried out with the teachers, between September and December 2016. For the
treatment and analysis of the data, the analysis was used content, thematic modality.
Institutional social network maps were interpreted in the light of the criteria described by Walter
Ude, of the principle of integrality in care and the Psychosocial Attention Networks
recommended by the Ministry of Health for individuals with ASD in Brazil. From the analysis
of participants' speeches, we observed that teachers have knowledge about the main
characteristics of ASD, despite the need to clarify the wide phenotypic variety of the disorder.
The impact of the teacher's experiences with the TEA in the classroom was a recurring theme
in the speeches. In the analysis of the minimum network maps, it was observed that the main
support of the schools in hosting the suspected cases of ASD was the direction or coordination
of the SMEs, families and professionals of the "Building Citizenship Program". It was
considered that, despite the need for further clarification, teachers are currently able to identify
students with suspicious signs of ASD in the classroom, and can be included in the Psychosocial
Attention Network as autism tracing agents. It was also pointed out that the institutional social
network supporting the school in Foz do Iguaçu is still precarious, and therefore needs to be
reformulated and strengthened. / O diagnóstico precoce do Transtorno do Espectro do Autismo – TEA – é condição fundamental
para que sejam obtidos melhores resultados nas intervenções terapêuticas. A articulação
sinérgica entre profissionais da Educação e da Saúde se constitui em uma estratégia eficaz para
acolhimento dos casos suspeitos e imediato encaminhamento para serviços de atenção
especializados na área. Diante deste cenário, esta pesquisa objetivou conhecer a percepção dos
professores da Educação Infantil sobre o TEA e a rede de apoio institucional construída a partir
dos casos suspeitos. Partiu-se do pressuposto que a compreensão dos professores sobre o
autismo ainda pudesse ser insuficiente, e que a rede social institucional vinculada aos Centros
Municipais de Educação Infantil – CMEIs – para o suporte às crianças com suspeita de TEA
em Foz do Iguaçu não estivesse bem constituída. O desenvolvimento da investigação se deu
por meio da abordagem qualitativa. O campo de pesquisa constituiu-se de 10 CMEIs da região
norte da cidade, local de maior concentração de unidades escolares. Foi selecionado 1 professor
de cada CMEI, totalizando 10 participantes. Os critérios de inclusão foram professores com
mais de 3 anos de experiência docente e com atuação em níveis acima ao do berçário. A coleta
de dados se deu por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas e a construção do mapa mínimo da
rede social institucional, realizados com os professores, entre os meses de setembro e dezembro
de 2016. Para o tratamento e análise dos dados, utilizou-se a análise de conteúdo, modalidade
temática. Os mapas de rede social institucional foram interpretados à luz dos critérios descritos
por Walter Ude, do princípio da integralidade no cuidado e das Redes de Atenção Psicossocial
preconizadas pelo Ministério da Saúde para indivíduos com TEA, no Brasil. A partir da análise
dos discursos dos participantes, observamos que os professores possuem conhecimento sobre
as principais características do TEA, apesar da necessidade de esclarecimento sobre a ampla
variedade fenotípica do transtorno. O impacto das experiências do professor com o TEA na sala
de aula foi um tema recorrente nas falas. Na análise dos mapas mínimos de rede, observou-se
que os principais apoios das escolas no acolhimento dos casos suspeitos de TEA foram a direção
ou coordenação dos CMEIs, as famílias e os profissionais do “Programa Construindo a
Cidadania”. Considerou-se que, apesar da necessidade de mais esclarecimentos, os professores
atualmente têm condições de identificar alunos com sinais suspeitos de TEA em sala de aula,
podendo ser inseridos na Rede de Atenção Psicossocial como agentes de rastreamento do
autismo. Destacou-se, também, que a rede social institucional de suporte à escola em Foz do
Iguaçu ainda é precária, necessitando, portanto, ser reformulada e potencializada.
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Avaliaçăo de sinais precoces em transtornos do espectro autista, por meio da observação de vídeosBreistchwerdt, Jael Cristina Barros 08 June 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:40:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2010-06-08 / Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa / The aim of this study was to evaluate early signs of Autism Spectrum Disorders, using retrospective video analysis. The participants were eight children later diagnosed with ASD and eight children with typical development. Home videos of the participants were collected from families, at the ages 12, 24 and 36 months. Videos were edited and then analysed by two ASD specialists. The behaviors: Eye Contact; Facial Expression; Play behavior/ Imitation; Communication; Joint Attention and Repetitive Behaviors, were analysed. The results suggest that early signs such as, deficits in Communication, Play behavior, Imitation and Repetitive behaviors, can be detected in infants at 24 months. Most importantly, findings indicate that deficit in Joint Attention was the most discriminating sign of children with ASD, as early as 12 months. / O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar sinais precoces dos Transtornos do Espectro Autista, por meio da observação de vídeos. Os participantes foram oito crianças diagnosticadas com TEA e oito crianças com desenvolvimento típico, nas idades 12, 24 e 36 meses. Os comportamentos: Contato Visual; Expressão Facial/Sorriso Social; Brincadeiras/Imitação; Comunicação; Atenção Compartilhada; Comportamentos Estereotipados, foram analisados e classificados por dois especialistas. Os resultados sugerem que sinais como disfunções na Brincadeira/Imitação, Comunicação e Comportamentos Estereotipados podem ser detectados a partir de 24 meses de idade. Déficits na Atenção Compartilhada foi o sinal que mais discriminou as crianças com TEA das crianças com desenvolvimento típico, já aos 12 meses de idade.
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