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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The wounds of post-socialism : the political economy of mortality and survival in deindustrialising towns in Hungary

Scheiring, Gabor January 2019 (has links)
Background: In this dissertation I examine the political economy of the post-socialist mortality crisis as experienced in deindustrialising towns in Hungary. I develop and apply a relational political economy of health framework, putting emphasis on the economic institutions of post-socialist dependent capitalism in Hungary, as embedded in the semi-periphery of the global economy, their gendered implications and their cultural construction. Methods: I follow a mixed-method strategy combining quantitative and qualitative analyses. I rely on a novel dataset comprising data on settlement, enterprise, and individual levels. 260 companies and 52 towns were analysed in two waves. I group towns into severely and moderately deindustrialised categories (1989-1995); as well as into dominant state, domestic private and foreign ownership dominated categories (1995-2004). Population surveys in these towns collected data on the vital status and other characteristics of survey respondents' relatives. I assess the relationship between deindustrialisation, dominant ownership and the mortality of individuals by random intercept multilevel discrete-time survival modelling. I also investigate the health implications of the lived experience of economic transformation in four towns with diverging privatisation and deindustrialisation histories through a qualitative thematic analysis of 82 in-depth semi-structured interviews. Findings: Severe deindustrialisation is associated with a significantly larger odds of mortality for men between 1989 and 1995 (OR=1.12; 95%CI=1.00-1.26; p=0.042). On the other hand, prolonged state ownership is related to a significantly lower odds of dying among women, compared to towns dominated by domestic private ownership (OR=0.74; 95%CI=0.62-0.90; p=0.002) or towns dominated by foreign investment (OR=0.79; 95%CI=0.65-0.96; p=0.019) between 1995 and 2004. The multi-sited semi-structured qualitative interviews revealed that companies are central institutions in the cognitive maps of workers and that the fates of these companies affected the health of workers in multiple ways, whereas state involvement was perceived as a cushioning mechanism. Interpretation: Severe deindustrialisation was a crucial factor behind the post-socialist mortality crisis for men, whilst prolonged state ownership was associated with the protection of life chances for women. The indirect economic benefits of foreign investment do not translate automatically into better health. Rapid economic transformations threaten health; they should be avoided where possible, but if this is not possible, strong safety nets should be in place.

Entre communisme et capitalisme Essais sur l’évolution des inégalités de revenus et de patrimoines en Europe de l’Est 1890-2015 (République Tchèque, Pologne, Bulgarie, Croatie, Slovénie, Russie) / Between communism and capitalism Essays on the evolution of income and heritage inequalities in Eastern Europe 1890-2015 (Czech Republic, Poland, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovenia, Russia)

Novokmet, Filip 11 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l'évolution des inégalités de revenus et de patrimoine dans les anciens pays communistes d'Europe de l'Est depuis le XIXe siècle jusqu'à nos jours. Elle s'articule autour de chapitres explorant l'évolution historique des inégalités dans six pays différents: la République tchèque, la Pologne, la Bulgarie, la Croatie, la Slovénie et la Russie. Cette thèse s'appuie sur la construction d'une nouvelles base de données permettant de mener une analyse détaillée des dynamiques d'inégalités dans une perspective historique et internationale. / This dissertation studies the evolution of income and wealth inequality in former communist countries in Eastern Europe from the nineteenth century up to the present. It brings together chapters that explore the historical inequality trends in six different countries: the Czech Republic, Poland, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovenia and Russia. We construct novel datasets that allow detailed analysis of inequality trends, providing at the same time broad historical and international perspective.

Think-tanks and Their Role in the New EU Member States: Czech and Slovak Experience

Pitoňáková, Lívia January 2007 (has links)
V práci jsou analyzovány kořeny, vývoj, současné postavení, hrozby a výzvy think-tanků v České a Slovenské republice. Srovnání s jejich tradicí ve Spojených státech zkoumá přenositelnost amerického "modelu" think-tanků do střední a východní Evropy. Tento přenos je značně omezený a krátkodobě nerealizovatelný vzhledem k rozdílným legislativním podmínkám a nerozvinuté filantropii. Zvláštní pozornost je věnována motivům k vytváření regionálních i mezinárodních sítí think-tanků. Práce vychází jednak z dosavadní literatury na toto téma, jednak z dotazníkového šetření.

Forging the Bubikopf nation: a feminist political-economic analysis of Ženski list, interwar Croatia's women's magazine, for the construction of an alternative vision of modernity

Vujnović, Marina 01 January 2008 (has links)
This thesis is an examination of enski list, arguably the first magazine published exclusively for women between the wars in Croatia, and Yugoslavia. To fully understand the place, meaning and the impact of this magazine on everyday lives of its readers, with the study of the content I also include examination of the role of its editor and the first Croatian woman journalist Marija Jurić Zagorka. Finally, this thesis examines readers' responses to the content, their opinions, interactions between the readers and the editor, as well as interactions between the readers themselves for the overall assessment of the significance of enski list in the history of popular women's press in Croatia, and Yugoslavia. This thesis is a historical project which uses two theoretical approaches to study of media: feminist political economic approach, and the feminist critique of the public sphere. By combining these two theoretical standpoints I illuminated some of the ways in which media participate in everyday lives of people, specifically marginalized groups, in this case women. Situating the study within the historical context of the interwar Yugoslavia, and interwar Europe was important for understanding of this project, and its research questions. In this study I used multiple methods: (a) textual; (b) historical and biographical and, (c) audience study. In the larger part of this study which is a narrative discourse analysis of the content of enski list, I was also inspired by the interpretive ethnography of texts. I connected ethnography to feminist theory and political economy, to circumstances of gendered everyday practices and to circumstances of media culture production, all within the specific historical context. In this study I found that women in the changing socio-political and economic context expressed their relation to capitalism and modernity in different ways, sometimes exerting their critiques and the refusal of the existing patriarchal structures and sometimes seeking inclusion within the structures, with the intent to practice primarily gender equality by direct participation. Finally, the analysis of enski list has told an important story of the place of media, and the women's press in particular, in initiating, carrying, and challenging traditional and emerging discourses in the hope that they would contribute to the ways in which society can be imagined differently.

The Normative Power of the EU in the Framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy : A Case Study on Ukraine

Mojsiejuk, Aleksander January 2009 (has links)
<p>Through the use of political conditionality, the EU has exercised what many have chosen to call an international normative power. The fast democratisation process of the central European countries that joined the EU in 2004 has often been attributed to the force of EU’s normative power. Here, the core of the political conditionality was found in a promised future membership – acting as a reward in exchange for democratic reforms. The new European Neighbourhood Policy however, initiated briefly after the 2004 enlargement, gave rise to new prerequisites to the Unions new neighbours and this time enlargement fatigue prevailed in the EU policy. This case study examines and assesses the ability of the EU to exercise its normative power on Ukraine through the new conditions set up by the European Neighbourhood Policy, were a membership perspective neither is promised nor ruled out. The result show that the effective conditions for the conditionality are favourable and that a good progress on the areas of democracy, rule of law and human rights has been achieved. Although difficult to prove, I argue that this progress most probably is partly due to EU’s normative power on Ukraine.</p>

Recht in der Transformation

January 2002 (has links)
Die jüngsten Veränderungen in den Gesellschaften Mittel- und Osteuropas wurden bisher vor allem unter den Stichworten „Demokratisierung“ und „Marktwirtschaft“ debattiert. Aber wie wurde der Umbruch in Politik und Wirtschaft rechtlich verankert? Welche Probleme entstehen, wenn westliche Normen wie die Vorschriften der EU nach Osteuropa übertragen werden und welche Rolle spielt das Recht beim Aufbau der Wirtschaft? Dieser Band versucht Antworten zu geben, indem er theoretische Fragestellungen mit empirischen Fallstudien aus Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa sowie Zentralasien verbindet.

Netzwerke für Demokratie statt Achsen mit Autokraten / For a new start of the German Ostpolitik

Franzke, Jochen January 2005 (has links)
The German Ostpolitik of the Red-Green government between 1998 and 2005 focused particularly on the autocratic Russia. It mostly ignored the other – democratic – states in Central and Eastern Europe. Since this policy failed to improve the stability in the region, a policy change is necessary. Regional stability can only be based on the equal cooperation of democratic states. Germany should therefore intensify her support for the democratic forces in the region and integrate her policy into a common Ostpolitik within the EU.

Mitbestimmung im Investitionswettbewerb / Participation in competition for investments

Rehder, Britta January 2005 (has links)
This article explores the impact of the internationalised economy on work relationships between German companies and their subsidiaries in Eastern and Central Europe. <br>The author refers to empirical research findings in the field of social sciences that shed light on the interest groups’ scope of participation in international competition for investments.

Gender mainstreaming in Estonia

Kuhl, Mara January 2008 (has links)
Content: 1 The Development of the Estonian Gender Policy Machinery 1.1 Initiation of Institutionalisation as a Result of International Commitments 1.2 Institutional Measures Facilitating EU Membership 1.3 Assessment of the Gender Equality Machinery 2 Conditions for Gender Mainstreaming in Estonia 2.1 Social Conditions 2.2 Administrative Conditions 3 Gender Mainstreaming Activities in the Estonian Public Administration 3.1 The Legal Foundations 3.2 Inter-ministerial Cooperation 3.3 Gender Mainstreaming Training 3.4 Knowledge Basis 3.5 Lack of Standards for data and Statistics 3.6 Non-adminsitrative Liaisons 4 Conclusion

Polen regiert Europa

January 2011 (has links)
Am 1. Juli übernimmt Polen die EU-Ratspräsidentschaft. Es ist eine Chance, sich als europapolitischer Akteur zu profilieren. Im Thema werden Prioritäten und Herausforderungen der polnischen Ratspräsidentschaft - das künftige EU-Budget, die Östliche Partnerschaft und die Beziehungen zu Russland - klar benannt und analysiert. Japan nach der Atomkatastrophe, die panarabische Revolution und die Lage in Israel sind weitere Schwerpunkte dieser Ausgabe.

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