Spelling suggestions: "subject:"Eating attitudes"" "subject:"Eating atttitudes""
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Eating attitudes and depressive symptoms in a LGBTIQ sample in TurkeyGulec, Hayriye, Torun, Tayfun, Prado, Aneliana da Silva, Bauer, Stephanie, Rummel-Kluge, Christine, Kohls, Elisabeth 06 June 2024 (has links)
The current study investigated eating attitudes and depressive
symptoms in a sexual minority sample from Turkey who identify themselves
as LGBTIQ and explored the role of sexual minority stressors beyond
the potential predictors of eating attitudes and depressive symptoms in
this population.
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Imagem corporal, atitudes alimentares e estado nutricional de mulheres submetidas à cirurgia plástica estética / MOTA, D.C.L. Body Image, Eating Attitudes and Nutritional Status in Women Submitted to Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. 2016. 215f. Thesis (Doctoral) Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo - USP, Ribeirão Preto/SP, 2016.Mota, Diana Cândida Lacerda 02 December 2016 (has links)
O desejo em atingir padrões socioculturais de beleza estabelecidos atualmente, especialmente no sexo feminino, parece contribuir para um crescimento significativo da busca e realização de cirurgias plásticas estéticas (CPE) no Brasil. Mulheres que se submetem a tais procedimentos cirúrgicos podem ser menos precisas ao estimarem o próprio tamanho corporal, são mais insatisfeitas com a aparência física e podem apresentar em maior proporção, atitudes de risco para o desenvolvimento de transtornos alimentares quando comparadas aquelas que não buscam por cirurgias. Estes fatores, associados a um estado nutricional (EN) inadequado, são considerados de risco à saúde, especialmente nos períodos perioperatório de CPE. Diante da importância da avaliação da imagem corporal, atitudes alimentares e do estado nutricional (EN) em solicitantes de CPE, bem como da escassez de estudos nacionais sobre o tema, o objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar estas variáveis em 60 mulheres (grupo clínico G1), antes e aproximadamente seis meses após a realização dos seguintes procedimentos cirúrgicos estéticos: mastoplastia de aumento, lipoaspiração e abdominoplastia, em dois serviços de cirurgia plástica de Ribeirão Preto/SP. As variáveis também foram investigadas em 60 mulheres que não buscavam por CPE (grupo de comparação não equivalente G2), a fim de compará-las com as solicitantes de CPE no período pré-operatório. Foram utilizados: Questionário de Dados Sociodemográficos e de Condições Clínicas; Critério de Classificação Econômica Brasil (CCEB); Escala de Figuras de Silhuetas (EFS) feminina para adultos; Body Dysmorphic Disorder Examination (BDDE) e o Teste de Atitudes Alimentares (EAT-26). Para classificação do EN foram coletados dados de peso e estatura corporais para cálculo do Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC) e de composição corporal (porcentagem de gordura corpórea - % de GC), sendo que esta última avaliação foi realizada apenas no G1. Os dados foram analisados por meio de testes estatísticos apropriados à distribuição da amostra (p<0,05) e por meio de estatística descritiva. As médias de idade foram de 37,98 anos (±10,93) e 37,93 anos (±11,83) e para o G1 e G2 respectivamente (p=0,81). A maioria das avaliadas de ambos os grupos foi classificada com eutrofia (p=0,20), embora parcela importante estivesse acima do peso; o G1 ainda apresentou alta % de GC; não foi verificado efeito de intervenção para o EN pela avaliação do IMC (p=0,89) e % de GC (p=0,15) para o G1. A EFS apontou que a maior parte das avaliadas superestimou e estava insatisfeita com o tamanho corporal, além disso, a maioria gostaria de possuir uma silhueta menor em ambos os grupos (p>0,05); após a cirurgia as avaliadas do G1 apresentaram maior chance de estarem acuradas e satisfeitas com o próprio tamanho corporal em relação ao período pré-cirúrgico (p<0,05). Os dados do BDDE apontaram que as entrevistadas do G2 estavam mais satisfeitas com a aparência física quando comparadas ao G1 (p=0,04); já após a CPE, observou-se uma chance maior de as participantes do G1 estarem satisfeitas com a aparência em relação ao período anterior à cirurgia (p<0,01). O EAT-26 apontou que a maioria das avaliadas, de ambos os grupos, não apresentou atitudes de risco para o desenvolvimento de transtornos alimentares, embora parcela considerável das participantes do G1 (n=20) tenha apresentado o risco, sendo que destas, 100% estavam insatisfeitas com o tamanho corporal; não houve evidências de intervenção em relação ao risco para TA nos períodos pré e pós-operatório (p=0,85). Não foram encontradas associações entre as classificações obtidas pelos instrumentos (EFS; BDDE e EAT-26) e as demais variáveis sociodemográficas e econômicas analisadas (p>0,05); verificou-se ainda que as classificações obtidas foram independentes do número de cirurgias realizadas. A prevalência de insatisfação com o corpo e inadequação do estado nutricional, bem como a proporção considerável de atitudes alimentares de risco observados no presente estudo, reforçam a necessidade da avaliação e seleção mais criteriosa destes pacientes antes de se submeterem à CPE. Este cuidado torna mais viável a adoção de medidas de prevenção e intervenção precoces mais efetivas em relação à saúde física e mental dos pacientes, garantido ainda resultados cirúrgicos mais satisfatórios, além de favorecer a diminuição dos gastos dos sistemas de saúde evitando possíveis desgastes emocionais e judiciais para as partes envolvidas. / The desire in achieving the currently established sociocultural patterns of beauty, especially among females, seems to contribute to a significant growth in pursuing and performing aesthetic plastic surgeries (APS) in Brazil. Women submitted to such surgical procedures can be less precise in estimating their own body size, they are more unpleased with their physical appearance and can more widely present risk attitudes for the development of eating disorders when compared to those who do not seek surgery. These factors associated with an inadequate nutritional status (NS) are considered a risk to health, especially during perioperative periods of APS. Given the importance of evaluating body image, eating attitudes and nutritional status in solicitants of APS, as well as the lack of national studies on the subject, the present study aims at investigating these variables in 60 women (experiment group G1), before and approximately six months after going through the following aesthetic surgical procedures: augmented mastopexy, liposuction and abdominoplasty, in two services of plastic surgery in Ribeirão Preto/SP. The variables have also been investigated in 60 women who did not seek APS (non-equivalent comparison group G2), so as to be compared to those who sought APS during the pre-operative period. The following items have been used in this study: Sociodemographic Data and Clinical Features Questionnaire; Brazilian Economic Classification Criteria (BECC); Figure Rating Scale (FRS) for female adults; Body Dysmorphic Disorder Examination (BDDE) and the Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26). In order to classify the NS it had been collected data on weight and body stature to calculate Body Mass Index (BMI) and body composition (body fat percentage - % of CG), considering the latter evaluation being carried out only with the G1, which have been analyzed through statistical tests appropriate to sample distribution (p<0,05) and through descriptive statistics. The average age of participants were 37,98 (±10,93) for the G1 and 37,93 years (±11,83) for the G2 (p=0,81). Most evaluated women from both groups have been classified as eutrophic (p=0,20), although a great number were overweight; moreover, the G1 presented increased percentage of CG; it has not been verified intervention effect for G1 through BMI evaluation (p=0,89) and % of CG for the G1. FRS showed that most of the evaluated women super estimated and were unpleased with their body size, besides most of them wished to have a narrower silhouette in both groups (p>0,05); after surgery, women from the G1 presented more chances of being accurate and pleased with their own body size concerning the pre-operative period (p<0,05). BDDE pointed out that those interviewed women from the G2 were more pleased with their physical appearance when compared to the G1 (p=0,04); yet after APS it have been observed that the G1 had more chances of being pleased with their appearance in relation to the period before the surgery (p<0,01). EAT-26 pointed out that most women from both groups have not presented risk attitudes for the development of eating disorders, although a considerate number of participants on the G1 (n=20) have presented risk, among those 100% were unpleased with their body size; there have not been evidences of intervention in regard to ED in the pre and post-operative periods (p=0,85). There have not been found associations between the obtained classifications through the instruments (FRS; BDDE and EAT-26) and other economic and sociodemographic variables analyzed (p>0,05); it has also been verified that the obtained classifications were due regardless the number of surgeries performed. The prevalence of dissatisfaction with the body and inadequate nutritional status, as well as the considerate proportion of risk eating attitude observed in the present study emphasize the need of more discerning evaluation and selection of these patients before being submitted to APS. Such care makes it more viable the adoption of effective early prevention and intervention measures regarding patient´s physical and mental health, guaranteeing more satisfactory surgical results, besides favoring a decrease in the health system expenses while avoiding possible emotional and judicial wear out for those involved.
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The Factors Making First- Year University Students Vulnerable To Pathological Eating AttitudesMance, Oyku 01 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of the present study was to find out variables that make first year university students vulnerable to eating disorders. Pathological eating attitudes&rsquo / association with height and weight, family meal patterns, perceived social support, family values and socio-demographic variables were assessed. 299 first year university students from the Department of Basic English at Middle East Technical University participated in the study. Five assessment devices- Demographic data form, the Eating Attitude Test (EAT&ndash / 40), Family Eating Attitude and Behavior Subscales, the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, and the Traditional Family Values Questionnaire were administered. ANOVAs were conducted to assess differences on eating attitudes between participants in terms of gender, with whom they lived, perceived family type, socio economic status, body mass index and weight satisfaction. Stepwise multiple regressions were conducted to appraise to what extent perceived social support, family meal patterns, traditional family values and demographic variables predicted eating attitudes of first year students. The participants who perceived their family as traditional reported more pathological eating attitudes in dieting, preoccupation with food, social pressure on weight factor. Regression analyses for female participants revealed that dieting, parents occupation, body mass index (current / desired) perceived social support- family, relationships with family and kin, and perceived family income were associated with pathological eating attitudes. Regression analyses for males revealed that dieting, father occupation, desired body mass index and relationships with family and kin were associated with pathological eating attitudes. These findings were discussed with reference to relevant literature. Future research topics were suggested and therapeutic implications of the study were discussed.
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Jaunuolių maitinimosi ir kasdieninio fizinio aktyvumo įpročių sąsajos su pasitenkinimu savo kūnu / The connection between youth’ eating, physical activity habits and satisfaction with their bodiesMastauskienė, Asta 15 January 2009 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti jaunuolių maitinimosi ir fizinio aktyvumo įpročių sąsajas su pasitenkinimu savo kūnu.
Tyrime dalyvavo 196 Alytaus miesto ir rajono jaunuoliai nuo 16 iki 24 metų, iš jų 49% iš kaimo mokyklų ir 51% iš miesto mokymo įstaigų. Tyrime dalyvavo 94 vaikinai (48%) ir 102 merginos (52%). Tyrime buvo naudotos metodikos:
Sutrikusiam valgymo elgesiui nustatyti buvo naudojamas Valgymo elgesio klausimynas (Eating Attitude Test - 26 (EAT-26), Garner, Garfinkel, 1979).
Dietos laikymosi klausimynas (H. J. Lane et.al., 2004).
Kūno formos klausimynu (Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ), Cooper, Taylor, Cooper, Fairburn, 1986).
Paveikslai skirti nustatyti nepasitenkinimą savo kūno vaizdu (pagal S. Grogan knygą „Body Image. Understanding body dissatisfaction in men, women and children“, 2008).
Fizinio aktyvumo klausimynas pagal PSO (Global School – based Student Health Survey (GSHS Questionnaire), 2007).
Mitybos režimo klausimynas buvo sudarytas tyrimo autorės, remiantis PSO mitybos režimo apibūdinimais ir pateikiamais klausimynais.
Mitybos klausimynas (Elena Galvydienė, 2007).
Kūno masės indeksas.
Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad vaikinai yra labiau patenkinti savo kūno vaizdu nei merginos. Taip pat didesnės kūno masės merginos yra labiau nepatenkintos savo kūnu nei mažesnės kūno masės merginos. Mažesnės kūno masės vaikinai nori sustambėti, o didesnės – tapti lieknesniais. Merginų didesnis dietos laikymasis yra susijęs su nepasitenkinimu savo kūnu. Vaikinų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the study was to assess the connection between youth satisfaction in body image, eating attitudes, physical activity. The subjects of the study were 196 young people (16 – 24 years old) (49 per cent from village schools and 51 per cent from town). The subjects were 94 men (48 per cent) and 102 women (52 per cent). These methods were used for investigation: Eating Attitude Test - 26 (EAT-26), Garner, Garfinkel (1979). Diet questionnaire (H. J. Lane et.al., 2004). Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ), Cooper, Taylor, Cooper, Fairburn (1986). Images from S. Grogan book “Body Image. Understanding body dissatisfaction in men, women and children“ (2008). Physical activity questionnaire (Global School – based Student Health Survey (GSHS Questionnaire) (2007). Eating schedule questionnaire by the author. Eating questionnaire (Elena Galvydienė, 2007). Body mass index. The results of the study showed that guys are more satisfied with their body than girls. Girls with bigger body mass index are more dissatisfied with their body than giros with less body mass index. Less body mass index boys want to become more massive and bigger mass index – slimmer.
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Understanding the Impact of Family Body Criticism on Thin-Ideal Internalization and Eating Attitudes in Asian American WomenNishimura, Kristin 01 January 2018 (has links)
Navigating body image in Asian American communities is often complicated by direct comments and criticism from family members about one’s own appearance or weight. The purpose of the proposed study is to investigate the impact of family body criticism on internalization of the thin-ideal and eating attitudes in Asian American women. Specifically, the proposed study aimed to provide evidence for a potential mediator, perfectionism, between family body criticism and eating attitudes and also family body criticism and thin-ideal internalization. Using a correlational design, an online self-report questionnaire measuring four variables will be given to a sample of Asian American college students. It is predicted that ratings of family body criticism will be positively correlated with internalization of the thin-ideal, and negatively correlated with positive eating attitudes. It is further predicted that perfectionism will mediate the relationship between family body criticism and thin-ideal internalization, such that family body criticism will be positively related to perfectionism and perfectionism will be positively related to internalization of the thin-ideal. Lastly, it is predicted that perfectionism will mediate the relationship between family body criticism and positive eating attitudes, such that family body criticism will be positively related to perfectionism and perfectionism will be negatively related to positive eating attitudes. This research may hold significant implications for the inclusion of Asian American families in the treatment process of eating disorders and brings awareness to the heightened experiences of family body criticism for Asian Americans.
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Imagem corporal, atitudes alimentares e estado nutricional de mulheres submetidas à cirurgia plástica estética / MOTA, D.C.L. Body Image, Eating Attitudes and Nutritional Status in Women Submitted to Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. 2016. 215f. Thesis (Doctoral) Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo - USP, Ribeirão Preto/SP, 2016.Diana Cândida Lacerda Mota 02 December 2016 (has links)
O desejo em atingir padrões socioculturais de beleza estabelecidos atualmente, especialmente no sexo feminino, parece contribuir para um crescimento significativo da busca e realização de cirurgias plásticas estéticas (CPE) no Brasil. Mulheres que se submetem a tais procedimentos cirúrgicos podem ser menos precisas ao estimarem o próprio tamanho corporal, são mais insatisfeitas com a aparência física e podem apresentar em maior proporção, atitudes de risco para o desenvolvimento de transtornos alimentares quando comparadas aquelas que não buscam por cirurgias. Estes fatores, associados a um estado nutricional (EN) inadequado, são considerados de risco à saúde, especialmente nos períodos perioperatório de CPE. Diante da importância da avaliação da imagem corporal, atitudes alimentares e do estado nutricional (EN) em solicitantes de CPE, bem como da escassez de estudos nacionais sobre o tema, o objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar estas variáveis em 60 mulheres (grupo clínico G1), antes e aproximadamente seis meses após a realização dos seguintes procedimentos cirúrgicos estéticos: mastoplastia de aumento, lipoaspiração e abdominoplastia, em dois serviços de cirurgia plástica de Ribeirão Preto/SP. As variáveis também foram investigadas em 60 mulheres que não buscavam por CPE (grupo de comparação não equivalente G2), a fim de compará-las com as solicitantes de CPE no período pré-operatório. Foram utilizados: Questionário de Dados Sociodemográficos e de Condições Clínicas; Critério de Classificação Econômica Brasil (CCEB); Escala de Figuras de Silhuetas (EFS) feminina para adultos; Body Dysmorphic Disorder Examination (BDDE) e o Teste de Atitudes Alimentares (EAT-26). Para classificação do EN foram coletados dados de peso e estatura corporais para cálculo do Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC) e de composição corporal (porcentagem de gordura corpórea - % de GC), sendo que esta última avaliação foi realizada apenas no G1. Os dados foram analisados por meio de testes estatísticos apropriados à distribuição da amostra (p<0,05) e por meio de estatística descritiva. As médias de idade foram de 37,98 anos (±10,93) e 37,93 anos (±11,83) e para o G1 e G2 respectivamente (p=0,81). A maioria das avaliadas de ambos os grupos foi classificada com eutrofia (p=0,20), embora parcela importante estivesse acima do peso; o G1 ainda apresentou alta % de GC; não foi verificado efeito de intervenção para o EN pela avaliação do IMC (p=0,89) e % de GC (p=0,15) para o G1. A EFS apontou que a maior parte das avaliadas superestimou e estava insatisfeita com o tamanho corporal, além disso, a maioria gostaria de possuir uma silhueta menor em ambos os grupos (p>0,05); após a cirurgia as avaliadas do G1 apresentaram maior chance de estarem acuradas e satisfeitas com o próprio tamanho corporal em relação ao período pré-cirúrgico (p<0,05). Os dados do BDDE apontaram que as entrevistadas do G2 estavam mais satisfeitas com a aparência física quando comparadas ao G1 (p=0,04); já após a CPE, observou-se uma chance maior de as participantes do G1 estarem satisfeitas com a aparência em relação ao período anterior à cirurgia (p<0,01). O EAT-26 apontou que a maioria das avaliadas, de ambos os grupos, não apresentou atitudes de risco para o desenvolvimento de transtornos alimentares, embora parcela considerável das participantes do G1 (n=20) tenha apresentado o risco, sendo que destas, 100% estavam insatisfeitas com o tamanho corporal; não houve evidências de intervenção em relação ao risco para TA nos períodos pré e pós-operatório (p=0,85). Não foram encontradas associações entre as classificações obtidas pelos instrumentos (EFS; BDDE e EAT-26) e as demais variáveis sociodemográficas e econômicas analisadas (p>0,05); verificou-se ainda que as classificações obtidas foram independentes do número de cirurgias realizadas. A prevalência de insatisfação com o corpo e inadequação do estado nutricional, bem como a proporção considerável de atitudes alimentares de risco observados no presente estudo, reforçam a necessidade da avaliação e seleção mais criteriosa destes pacientes antes de se submeterem à CPE. Este cuidado torna mais viável a adoção de medidas de prevenção e intervenção precoces mais efetivas em relação à saúde física e mental dos pacientes, garantido ainda resultados cirúrgicos mais satisfatórios, além de favorecer a diminuição dos gastos dos sistemas de saúde evitando possíveis desgastes emocionais e judiciais para as partes envolvidas. / The desire in achieving the currently established sociocultural patterns of beauty, especially among females, seems to contribute to a significant growth in pursuing and performing aesthetic plastic surgeries (APS) in Brazil. Women submitted to such surgical procedures can be less precise in estimating their own body size, they are more unpleased with their physical appearance and can more widely present risk attitudes for the development of eating disorders when compared to those who do not seek surgery. These factors associated with an inadequate nutritional status (NS) are considered a risk to health, especially during perioperative periods of APS. Given the importance of evaluating body image, eating attitudes and nutritional status in solicitants of APS, as well as the lack of national studies on the subject, the present study aims at investigating these variables in 60 women (experiment group G1), before and approximately six months after going through the following aesthetic surgical procedures: augmented mastopexy, liposuction and abdominoplasty, in two services of plastic surgery in Ribeirão Preto/SP. The variables have also been investigated in 60 women who did not seek APS (non-equivalent comparison group G2), so as to be compared to those who sought APS during the pre-operative period. The following items have been used in this study: Sociodemographic Data and Clinical Features Questionnaire; Brazilian Economic Classification Criteria (BECC); Figure Rating Scale (FRS) for female adults; Body Dysmorphic Disorder Examination (BDDE) and the Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26). In order to classify the NS it had been collected data on weight and body stature to calculate Body Mass Index (BMI) and body composition (body fat percentage - % of CG), considering the latter evaluation being carried out only with the G1, which have been analyzed through statistical tests appropriate to sample distribution (p<0,05) and through descriptive statistics. The average age of participants were 37,98 (±10,93) for the G1 and 37,93 years (±11,83) for the G2 (p=0,81). Most evaluated women from both groups have been classified as eutrophic (p=0,20), although a great number were overweight; moreover, the G1 presented increased percentage of CG; it has not been verified intervention effect for G1 through BMI evaluation (p=0,89) and % of CG for the G1. FRS showed that most of the evaluated women super estimated and were unpleased with their body size, besides most of them wished to have a narrower silhouette in both groups (p>0,05); after surgery, women from the G1 presented more chances of being accurate and pleased with their own body size concerning the pre-operative period (p<0,05). BDDE pointed out that those interviewed women from the G2 were more pleased with their physical appearance when compared to the G1 (p=0,04); yet after APS it have been observed that the G1 had more chances of being pleased with their appearance in relation to the period before the surgery (p<0,01). EAT-26 pointed out that most women from both groups have not presented risk attitudes for the development of eating disorders, although a considerate number of participants on the G1 (n=20) have presented risk, among those 100% were unpleased with their body size; there have not been evidences of intervention in regard to ED in the pre and post-operative periods (p=0,85). There have not been found associations between the obtained classifications through the instruments (FRS; BDDE and EAT-26) and other economic and sociodemographic variables analyzed (p>0,05); it has also been verified that the obtained classifications were due regardless the number of surgeries performed. The prevalence of dissatisfaction with the body and inadequate nutritional status, as well as the considerate proportion of risk eating attitude observed in the present study emphasize the need of more discerning evaluation and selection of these patients before being submitted to APS. Such care makes it more viable the adoption of effective early prevention and intervention measures regarding patient´s physical and mental health, guaranteeing more satisfactory surgical results, besides favoring a decrease in the health system expenses while avoiding possible emotional and judicial wear out for those involved.
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Wish to be thinner : Development and Prediction of Disturbed Eating: A Longitudinal Study of Swedish Girls and Young WomenWesterberg Jacobson, Josefin January 2010 (has links)
The overall aim of this thesis was to examine the development and prediction of disturbed eating attitudes in girls aged 7–20 years. The four studies are part of a seven-year longitudinal project including 1279 girls in several age groups (7, 9, 11, 13, 15 years at inclusion) and their parents. Study I showed that among girls aged 11 and 13 years, in addition to a positive relation between disturbed eating attitudes and age, eating attitudes, higher BMI than peers, a less healthy relation to family, and fathers’ eating attitudes, predicted disturbed eating attitudes two years later. Study II demonstrated that girls aged 9–15 years, who wished to be thinner dieted more often, thought that they would be more popular if they were thinner, were skipping meals more often and had a higher BMI, over five years, compared with the girls without such a wish. Study III demonstrated an increasing trend in the wish to be thinner and dieting attempts between the ages of 9 and 18 years. Motives for wishing to be thinner were, e.g., “to feel better about yourself” and “to correspond to the societal ideal”. A majority of the girls adopted healthy weight control practices, but unhealthy and extreme methods were also used. In Study IV, among girls aged 9 and 13 years, a wish to be thinner, fathers’ eating attitudes and mothers’ perfectionism contributed most to the prediction of disturbed eating attitudes seven years later. Protective factors were low BMI and more healthy eating attitudes moderated by high self-esteem, and low-to-medium degree of perfectionism. In conclusion a wish to be thinner, higher BMI than peers, girls’ and fathers’ disturbed eating attitudes, mothers’ perfectionism and a less healthy relation to family predict the development of disturbed eating attitudes in girls. Low BMI and more healthy eating attitudes especially influenced by high self-esteem, and a low-to-medium degree of perfectionism protect against it. The “thin-ideal” is internalized early in girls and it is important to take a critical stand against the thinness ideal in our society, especially in families, and schools. / The IDA-Project
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Stravovací návyka, kouření, a konzumace alkoholu ve vztahu k sebehodnocení dnešní mládeže / Eating habits, smoking and alkohol consumption in relation to self-esteem of present-day zouny peopleFENDRYCHOVÁ, Jaroslava January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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A Qualitative Study of Women’s Attitudes and Experiences Regarding Body Image and Disordered Eating BehaviorsKirtley, Natalie Ann 01 March 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The current research study is responding to recent findings wherein, Fischer et al. (2013) report a risk rate based on EAT-26 scores in the range of 9.2% to 10.8% at BYU in comparison to the 15% they found reported in the literature using samples from other college campuses. Risk rates based on BSQ scores were reported in the 27.2% to 31.1% range, which was on par with a risk rate of 28.7% reported at a comparable university (Fischer et al., 2013). Fischer et al. (2013) conclude that while body shape concerns were estimated to be equal to or lower than reports at other universities, the level of eating disorder risk was not what would have been expected based on the estimates of other universities of the correlations normally found between EAT-26 and BSQ scores. This qualitative study investigated the experiences of 14 women who were identified as exhibiting high body shape dissatisfaction as determined by the Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) and did endorse having disordered eating attitudes or habits as determined by the Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26). The In-depth interviews and data analysis were conducted using an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis method and aimed at exploring the experiences of these women and what they believe keeps them healthy. Seven themes emerged from the data: Control, Social, Spiritual, Priorities, Exposure to Information, Avoidance, and Food Relationship. The first four themes were further conceptualized as having both a positive, or protective, impact and a negative, or counterproductive, impact on the participants. These four themes contributed to the participants overall Self-concept. The latter three themes, although likely having the same dual potential conceptualization were less compatible with an overall model despite being themes that were emphasized in the transcripts. The theme Control was further conceptualized to depict how the positive/protective impact functioned through a perception of choice and empowerment and how the negative/counterproductive impact functioned through a perception of no choice and disempowerment. Each of these possibilities yielded two potential outcomes for the participants, (a) enforce desired behaviors; or (b) do not enforce desired behaviors. What appears to be most protective against allowing body dissatisfaction to lead to disordered eating attitudes and behaviors is having a sense of self that is accepted by both oneself and by others. Ultimately, the results are a first step in the exploration of protective factors for women with a risk of developing an eating disorder. The results provide potential implications for future research and hint at potential clinical uses, both of which are discussed.
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Eating Disorder Risk in Subgroups of College Freshman WomenGochnour, Karen E. 20 July 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The intent of this study was to identify subgroups within the college population having a heightened risk for eating disorders. The information for this analysis was retrieved from an existing data set. The two variables that were compared were self selection of college major at the initial collection during freshman year. The sample size of 1,924 was used to see if subgroups of college majors had a heightened risk. Twenty groups composed of similar majors were studied. The majors of Dance, Dietetics, Physical Education, and Communications had heightened risk according to analysis percentage of each group in the clinical range on the Eating Attitudes Test-40 (EAT-40), EAT-40 mean, and/or EAT-40 median. Results indicate that Dance, Dietetic, Physical Education, and Communications would merit additional resources to prevent eating disorders at the college level.
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