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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vattenkraft i svenska vattendrag : Vattenvårdens betydelse för biodiversitet i svenska vattendrag / Hydropower in Swedish Streams : The Importance of Water Management for the Biological Diversity in Swedish Rivers

Ekeberg, Vendela January 2022 (has links)
Svenska vattendrag har sedan länge utnyttjats och exploaterats för mänskliga behov och vattenkraftsförsörjningen utvecklades snabbt under 1900 talet. Med tiden upptäcktes dock de negativa ekologiska konsekvenser som vattenkraften hade för livet i och kring vattendragen. Trots detta anses vattenkraften idag vara en betydelsefull energikälla då den är förnybar och enkelt kan lagras. På grund av nya riktlinjer från Vattendirektivet samt målsättningar inom miljökvalitetsmålen ”Levande sjöar och vattendrag” samt ”Ett rikt växt- och djurliv”, ska svensk vattenkraft förses med nya miljövillkor som bland annat syftar till att förbättra ekologisk status i svenska vattendrag. Undersökningen ämnar jämföra vilka särskilt betydande faktorer (för ett vattendrags ekologiska status och biodiversitet) som används i tillståndsprövningen av små vattenkraftverk i samband med förändrade miljövillkor. Genom att utföra en litteraturstudie i ämnesområdet, undersöka pågående vattenvårdsprojekt, samt jämföra två olika domstolsbeslut gällande förändrade miljövillkor i små vattenkraftverk, har undersökningen kommit fram till att de mest betydande faktorer som används i tillståndsprövningen är konnektivitet och heterogenitet i vattendragets strömbild. / Swedish streams have long been utilized and exploited for human needs and the hydropower supply developed rapidly during the 20th century. Over time, however, the negative ecological consequences that hydropower had for life in and around streams were discovered. Despite this, hydropower is today considered a significant energy source as it is renewable and can be easily stored. Due to new guidelines from the Water Framework Directive and objectives within the Swedish environmental quality objectives "Flourishing Lakes and Streams" and "A Rich Diversity of Plant and Animal Life", Swedish hydropower will be provided with new environmental conditions, which among other things aim to improve ecological status in Swedish streams. The study intends to compare which particularly significant factors (for the ecological status and biodiversity of a watercourse) are used in the permit testing of small hydropower plants in connection with changed environmental conditions. By conducting a literature study in the subject area, examining ongoing water management projects, and comparing two different court decisions regarding changed environmental conditions in small hydropower plants, the study has concluded that the factors used primarily in permit testing are connectivity and heterogeneity in the draft current.

Riparian vegetation patterns according to hydrogeomorphological factors at different spatial and temporal scales in Mediterranean rivers

Garófano Gómez, Virginia 03 June 2013 (has links)
Los corredores riparios en ambientes semiáridos mediterráneos son ecosistemas de gran biodiversidad y complejidad. En ellos confluyen una gran variedad de perturbaciones naturales capaces de crear un mosaico espacial y temporal con pocos paralelos en otros ecosistemas. Sin embargo, a pesar de su valor, los ecosistemas riparios están amenazados debido a los altos niveles de intervención humana. La construcción de presas (y la consecuente manipulación del caudal) está considerada como la perturbación humana más importante que se cierne sobre ellos. Esta tesis ha tenido como objetivo analizar el ecosistema ripario, abarcando diferentes escalas espaciales y temporales, y centrándose en los factores que influyen en la distribución, estructura, composición, calidad y dinámica de su vegetación, tanto en tramos naturales como hidrológicamente alterados de ríos mediterráneos, concretamente de la Demarcación Hidrográfica del Júcar (Este de España). Para lograr este objetivo, se han hecho los siguientes aportes a la investigación: A) Determinar los patrones de distribución de especies leñosas riparias en el gradiente transversal de la ribera y definir grupos de especies con respuesta similar a las condiciones físicas del hábitat; B) Comparar la respuesta de dichas especies en tramos naturales y alterados hidrológicamente; C) Definir curvas de respuesta y gremios hidrológicos de especies en tramos con régimen natural; D) Establecer los principales factores que determinan la calidad del hábitat ripario y fluvial y los patrones longitudinales de la composición florística, así como de las características del hábitat fluvial en un segmento hidrológicamente alterado; E) Describir los cambios espacio-temporales en la estructura y complejidad de la vegetación, y los cambios temporales en el régimen de caudales del corredor ripario de un tramo hidrológicamente alterado. Los objetivos anteriores fueron abordados con diferentes metodologías que implicaron la combinación de diversas fuentes de información y un esfuerzo importante en la toma de datos en varios lugares de estudio de los ríos Cabriel, Mijares y Serpis. Para cumplir con los objetivos A y B, se llevaron a cabo un muestreo de suelos y un muestreo georreferenciado de vegetación a través de transectos transversales al cauce en dos tramos naturales y tres regulados. Los datos fueron analizados con estadística robusta y multivariante. Para cumplir el objetivo C, el muestreo georreferenciado anterior (junto con un muestreo dendrocronológico) fue acoplado con un modelo hidráulico en los dos tramos naturales, con el fin de obtener la serie temporal de cotas del agua a la que habían estado expuestas cada una de las plantas durante su vida. La respuesta de las especies y su posible agregación en gremios hidrológicos fue comparada mediante estadística robusta en relación a la duración de la inundación, duración de la inundación durante el período de crecimiento, duración continua de la inundación, frecuencia de inundación y elevación de la planta respecto al caudal base. Para lograr el objetivo D, toda la sección regulada del río Serpis (desde la presa Beniarrés - hasta la desembocadura; 40 km) se dividió en segmentos. En cada uno de ellos se llevó a cabo un inventario de flora y se aplicaron índices hidromorfológicos. Los segmentos fueron agrupados de acuerdo a su composición florística y características del hábitat fluvial utilizando diferentes técnicas de estadística multivariante. Finalmente se discutieron los factores principales que controlan los patrones espaciales de la composición florística, las características del hábitat fluvial, la calidad del hábitat ribereño y la heterogeneidad del hábitat fluvial. Para alcanzar el objetivo E, se combinaron series históricas de caudales y su manipulación humana con imágenes aéreas históricas (reveladoras de cambios en la cubierta vegetal) y observaciones de campo de la distribución de edades de la vegetación y morfología del corredor ripario del río Mijares en los últimos 60 años. De esta información, se extrajeron métricas del paisaje e índices hidrológicos para identificar y resumir los cambios espacio-temporales en la estructura de la ribera y en el régimen de caudales. El estudio a escala transversal nos ayudó a comprender en cada uno de los tramos la zonación de las especies leñosas riparias en función de la morfología y características del suelo, revelando que la alteración del caudal puede influir en la modificación de los patrones posicionales de las especies. Se definieron tres gremios hidrológicos: ¿altamente tolerante a la inundación¿, ¿tolerante intermedio¿ y ¿de transición entre ripario y terrestre¿. El estudio a escala longitudinal sugirió que la respuesta de la vegetación a un cambio hidrológico es altamente dependiente de la geomorfología local. Se constató que los factores principales que determinan los patrones hidromorfológicos y florísticos son un régimen de caudales artificial y altamente variable (identificado en los segmentos con peor calidad del hábitat ripario y fluvial), la presencia de estructuras laterales en el cauce y las características geomorfológicas. Como efectos importantes de la regulación del caudal a largo plazo, el estudio a escala espacio-temporal reveló un aumento en la cobertura y densidad de la vegetación leñosa, una deriva en la composición de especies y una disminución en las áreas de sedimento desnudo (esencial para el reclutamiento de las especies riparias pioneras), junto con una reducción sincrónica en la complejidad de la ribera. Estos cambios estarían relacionados con la disminución de la magnitud y variabilidad de los caudales en las últimas seis décadas. Solo una mejor comprensión de los procesos ecohidrológicos y de las implicaciones de la alteración hidrológica sobre los ecosistemas riparios mediterráneos podrá apoyar la integración eficaz de estos sistemas en las decisiones de gestión del agua. / Garófano Gómez, V. (2013). Riparian vegetation patterns according to hydrogeomorphological factors at different spatial and temporal scales in Mediterranean rivers [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/29395

An ecological assessment of the Holsloot River, Western Cape, South Africa

Le Roux, Anso 25 July 2013 (has links)
Human related activities have influenced the rivers of the southern Western Cape since as early as the 1700’s. As there is no detailed information available on ecological status of the Holsloot River, a tributary of the Breede River, this study aimed to gain insight into the effect of impacts associated with human activities on the habitat integrity of this river. The study intended to understand how seasonal changes, catchment characteristics and events are reflected in the ecological status of habitats along the river by applying bio-monitoring and river health measurements at selected sites in the upper, middle and lower reaches of the Holsloot River and compare the results to that of an undisturbed reference site. Results obtained in this study are compared with data gathered in 2008/2009 to determine if the ecological status of the river had changed in the period between the two sampling times. The study included assessment of the ecological status of the river based on standard bio-monitoring protocol (SASS5, IHI, IHAS and VEGRAI) as well as in situ water quality analysis (pH, dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity and total dissolved solids). The construction of the instream Stettynskloof Dam changed the configuration of the riparian zone and river channel in the upper catchment area. Agricultural- and other human related activities, with consequent water abstraction, non-point-source pollution, loss of riparian vegetation, as well as dense stands of alien invader plants influence flow patterns and affects river ecology, especially in the dry summer months. Providing sufficient stream flow and adequate water levels, human related activities can create a larger variety of habitat types available that can support larger biodiversity and higher productivity. The level of inundation and stream flow, influenced by water abstraction as well as irrigation return-flow from extensive drainage systems especially in the dry months, contribute to the loss of biodiversity in the middle and lower reaches of the river. Where the upper reaches of the river are largely natural with few modifications, the habitat integrity deteriorates in the middle reaches so much so that ecosystem functioning are collectively impaired in lower reaches due to human related impacts. Sensitive macro-invertebrates found at lower seriously impacted parts of the river however, were in all probability washed down from lower impacted upstream habitats and may expectedly be able to again occupy habitats downstream if water quality and habitat availability improves. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Science)

Limnological characteristics and zooplankton community structure of Mediterranean coastal lagoons undergoing restoration

Badosa i Salvador, Anna 06 March 2007 (has links)
Entre 1999 i 2003 es va desenvolupar un projecte Life de restauració a la maresma de La Pletera, afectada per un pla urbanització, i a la llacuna del Ter Vell, amb un elevat grau d'eutròfia (aiguamolls del Baix Ter, NE Península Ibèrica). L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és establir el funcionament d'ambdós ecosistemes, analitzar-ne la problemàtica ambiental i avaluar els efectes de la restauració. A la maresma de la Pletera, es va analitzar el paper de la hidrologia en la composició i dinàmica dels nutrients i del zooplàncton en cinc llacunes, tres de les quals havien estat creades dins el projecte de restauració com a nous refugis per una espècie de peix amenaçada (Aphanius iberus). La hidrologia es va caracteritzar per un llarg període de confinament sense entrades d'aigua, interromput de manera irregular per inundacions puntuals. La dinàmica del nitrogen inorgànic es va relacionar amb les entrades d'aigua, mentre que la del fòsfor, del nitrogen total i de la matèria orgànica es va relacionar amb els processos d'acumulació i reciclatge intern durant el confinament. El zooplàncton es va analitzar mitjançant la combinació d'aproximacions taxonòmiques i de mides. L'estructura de mides de la comunitat es va veure més afectada per les interaccions tròfiques (depredació i competència) mentre que l'estructura taxonòmica va ser més sensible a factors abiòtics (nutrients). El ràpid creixement de la població A. iberus en les noves llacunes va suggerir que aquestes havien proporcionat l'hàbitat adequat per a l'espècie, almenys a curt termini. Les actuacions de restauració a la llacuna del Ter Vell es van centrar en la millora de la qualitat de l'aigua mitjançant (1) la construcció d'uns aiguamolls per depurar l'aigua d'entrada i (2) el dragat del sediment en diversos punts. Simultàniament a la restauració, però de forma independent, la gestió agrícola de l'aigua va reduir dràsticament el cabal d'entrada d'aigua dolça a la llacuna, provocant un canvi en el règim hídric. Es van analitzar els efectes a curt termini d'aquest canvi sobre la limnologia i el zooplàncton de la llacuna. Abans del canvi, la hidrologia era artificial ja que s'havia prolongat l'entrada d'aigua dolça d'acord amb la demanda agrícola, i per tant la llacuna presentava una elevada taxa de renovació de l'aigua i majors concentracions de nutrients. Després del canvi, la hidrologia va dependre més del clima, es van reduir les entrades d'aigua i es va allargar el període de confinament. La composició y dinàmica dels nutrients va tendir a assemblar-se a l'observada a les llacunes de la maresma, mentre que la comunitat del zooplàncton no ho va fer. L'estat ecològic de la llacuna va millorar després del canvi en el règim hídric. / Between 1999 and 2003, a restoration Life project was developed in La Pletera salt marshes, affected by an urbanisation plan, and in the Ter Vell lagoon, a highly eutrophic lagoon (Baix Ter Wetlands, NE Iberian Peninsula). The aim of this thesis is to establish the natural functioning of both ecosystems, analyze their environmental problematic and also to evaluate the effects of the restoration measures.In La Pletera salt marshes, the role of the hydrological regime in the nutrient and zooplankton composition and dynamics was analysed in five brackish lagoons. Three of them were created in the framework of the restoration project as new refuges for an endangered fish species (A. iberus). The hydrology was determined by a prolonged period of confinement without water inputs, irregularly interrupted by sudden flooding events. While the dynamics of inorganic nitrogen depended on the water inputs variability, dynamics of phosphorus, total nitrogen and organic matter was related more to the cumulative mechanisms and internal recycling during the confinement periods. The zooplankton community structure was analysed by means of the combination of taxon- and size-based approaches. Whereas the community size structure was more affected by trophic interactions (predation and competition), the taxonomic structure appeared to be more sensitive to abiotic factors (nutrients). The fast growth of the size population of A. iberus in the new lagoons suggested that they had provided a suitable refuge for this species, at least in the short-term.Restoration actions in the Ter Vell lagoon were focused on the improvement of the water quality by means of (1) wetlands construction to reduce nutrient inputs and (2) sediment dredging. Simultaneously, but independent of the restoration activities, water management in agriculture drastically reduced the freshwater inflow to the lagoon and, therefore, changed the hydrological regime. The short-term effects of this hydrological change on the limnological characteristics and the zooplankton of the lagoon were analysed. Before the change, the hydrology was artificial since the freshwater flooding period was prolonged due to the high agricultural demand. As a result, the lagoon showed a high water turnover rate and high nutrient concentrations. After the change, hydrology was climate-dependent, with scarce water inputs and prolonged confinement periods. Then, the nutrient composition and dynamics tended to be more similar to those observed in the salt marsh lagoons. However, zooplankton did not tend to resemble to that of the salt marsh lagoons. The ecological status of the Ter Vell lagoon was improved after the hydrological change.

Typologie et qualité biologique du réseau hydrographique de Wallonie basées sur les assemblages des macroinvertébrés / Typology and biological quality of the hydrographic network of Wallonia (Belgium) based on macroinvertebrate assemblages

Vanden Bossche, Jean-Pierre 12 September 2005 (has links)
<p align="justify"><i>Typologie des cours d’eau en Wallonie et caractérisation par la faune invertébrée</i><br>Vingt-cinq types de cours d’eau ont été définis en Wallonie d’après les termes de la Directive Cadre pour l’Eau en tenant compte des facteurs obligatoires et optionnels rassemblés sous trois critères :la taille (du « ruisseau » à la « très grande rivière »), la pente (faible, moyenne et forte), et cinq régions naturelles (la région limoneuse, le Condroz, la Famenne, l’Ardenne et la Lorraine belge, résumant les facteurs obligatoires altitude, latitude, longitude et géologie). Une approche par analyses multivariées appliquées à un grand nombre d’échantillons (listes taxonomiques) a permis de définir de façon plus précise certains types de rivières et de distinguer sept groupes typologiques montrant des assemblages faunistiques similaires.</p><p><p align="justify"><i>Conditions de référence types et définition de l’état écologique des rivières en Wallonie à l’aide de métriques biocénotiques basées sur les invertébrés</i><br> Les listes faunistiques et les valeurs métriques de l’IBGN (Indice biologique global normalisé) issues du réseau d’évaluation de la qualité biologique en Wallonie ont été utilisées pour discriminer les types de rivières et pour définir les sites de référence, les conditions de référence et les limites des classes des états écologiques. Au sud du sillon Sambre et Meuse, impliquant quatre groupes typologiques de rivières, les valeurs de référence et la définition des états écologiques ont été basées et calculées sur un réseau de référence de sites de très bon état. Les « valeurs de conditions de référence » ont été définies par les médianes des métriques des sites de « très bon état ». Lorsque aucun site de très bon état n’était disponible, c’est-à-dire pour les groupes typologiques au nord du sillon Sambre et Meuse et pour la Meuse et la Sambre, les conditions de référence (ou le « potentiel écologique maximal ») et les limites de classes ont été basées sur des coefficients appliqués aux sites de « bon état » et sur jugement d’expert.</p><p><p align="justify"><i>Exercice pilote d’inter-étalonnage</i><br> Cinquante échantillons ont été sélectionnés parmi les rivières du type d’inter-étalonnage européen R-C3 (petite taille, altitude moyenne, substrat siliceux) en Wallonie (correspondant aux « ruisseaux ardennais ») dans toute la gamme de qualités écologiques, du « très bon » au « mauvais » état. Chaque métrique de l’indice « Intercalibration Common Metrics » (ICM) a été comparée (par régression linéaire et polynomiale) aux valeurs de l’IBGN. La plus forte corrélation a été établie avec l’indice synthétique de l’ICM dont le R² très élevé (0,95) permet un inter-étalonnage précis et fiable. A un EQR (Equivalent Quality Ratio) de l’IBGN = 1 correspond un indice ICM très proche (= 1,004). En conséquence, la métrique « cote de l’IBGN » est proposée comme métrique pour l’évaluation de l’état écologique de la faune invertébrée en Wallonie.</p><p><p align="justify"><i>Espèces exotiques et invasives</i><br>L’ouverture récente du canal à grand gabarit Main – Danube en 1992 et la navigation qui en résulte a permis à plusieurs espèces de macroinvertébrés ponto-caspiennes d’envahir successivement les bassins du Rhin et de la Meuse. De 1998 à 2000, le réseau de mesure a enregistré quatre nouvelles espèces exotiques dans la Meuse en Belgique :une polychète (<i>Hypania invalida</i>) et trois crustacés (<i>Hemimysis anomala, Dikerogammarus villosus, D. haemobaphes</i>). Peu avant, en 1995, le bivalve asiatique <i>Corbicula fluminea</i> et l’amphipode nord-américain <i>Crangonyx pseudogracilis</i> ont également été enregistrés pour la première fois. La dynamique des invasions a été étudiée et discutée.</p><p><p align="justify">L’<i>état biologique actuel</i> (2000-2002) des masses d’eaux de surface en Wallonie et l’évolution des états biologiques sur une décennie (1990-2002) figurent dans l’étude et sont discutés. Une amélioration globale de la qualité de 6 % est enregistrée pour cette période. L’amélioration de la qualité se manifeste principalement pour les états « mauvais » et « médiocre » s’élevant à l’état « moyen ».</p><p><p><b>Abstract</b><p><p><p align="justify"><i>River typology in Wallonia and invertebrate fauna characterization</i><br>Twenty-five river-types in Wallonia were defined according to the Water Framework Directive taking into account obligatory and optional factors gathered in three criteria: the size (from “brook” to “very large river”), the slope (gentle, medium and strong) and five natural regions (Loess, Condroz, Famenne, Arden and Jurassic summarising the obligatory altitude, latitude, longitude and geology factors). A multivariate approach applied to a large amount of samples (i.e. taxa lists) led to give a more accurate definition of some river-types and to discriminate seven river-type groups exhibiting similar faunal assemblages.</p><p><p align="justify"><i>Type-specific reference conditions and ecological status definition of rivers in Wallonia using invertebrate biocenotic metrics</i><br> Faunal lists and IBGN (i.e. "Standardized Global Biological Index IBGN") metric values, evolving from the biological quality assessment network in Wallonia, were used to discriminate the river types and to define the reference sites, the reference conditions and the status class limits. South of the axis made by the Sambre & Meuse Rivers, involving four river-type groups, reference values and ecological status definition were based and calculated on a reference network of sites of high status. The "reference condition values” were defined as the median values of the metrics in all “high status” sites. Where no site of high status was available, i.e. in the others river-type groups north of the same axis and in the Rivers Sambre and Meuse themselves, reference conditions (or maximum ecological potential) and class limits were based on coefficients applied to “good status” sites and on expert judgement.</p><p><p align="justify"><i>Intercalibration pilot exercise</i><br> Fifty samples were selected from R-C3 rivers (i.e. small, mid-altitude, siliceous) in Wallonia (corresponding to the “Arden’s brooks”) showing the widest range of ecological quality from high to bad status. Each Intercalibration Common Metric (ICM) was compared (linear and polynomial regression) to IBGN scores. The highest correlation was found with the synthetic ICM index, whose high R² (0.95) allows accurate and reliable intercalibration. To IBGN EQR (i.e. Equivalent Quality Ratio) = 1 corresponds a very close ICM index value (= 1.004). Consequently, the metric IBGN score is being proposed to act as the metric for the assessment of the invertebrate fauna ecological status in Wallonia, Belgium.</p><p><p align="justify"><i>Exotic and invasive species</i><br> The recent opening of the canal Danube – Main in 1992 and the subsequent navigation allowed several Ponto-Caspian macroinvertebrate species to invade successively the Rhine and the River Meuse basins. From 1998 to 2000, the monitoring network recorded four new alien species in the River Meuse in Belgium: one Polychaeta (<i>Hypania invalida</i>) and three Crustacea (<i>Hemimysis anomala, Dikerogammarus villosus, D. haemobaphes</i>). Earlier, in 1995, the Asian Bivalvia <i>Corbicula fluminea</i> and the North American Amphipod <i>Crangonyx pseudogracilis</i> were also recorded for the first time. The invasions’ dynamics were studied and discussed.</p><p><p align="justify"><i>Present biological status</i> (2000-2002) of surface water-bodies in Wallonia and biological status evolution over a one-decade period (1990-2002) is included and discussed in the study. A global quality improvement of 6 % is recorded for the period. Quality improvement concerns mainly the “bad” and “poor” status raising up to “moderate” status.</p><p><p> / Doctorat en sciences, Spécialisation biologie animale / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

An ecological assessment of the Holsloot River, Western Cape, South Africa

Le Roux, Anso 02 1900 (has links)
Human related activities have influenced the rivers of the southern Western Cape since as early as the 1700’s. As there is no detailed information available on ecological status of the Holsloot River, a tributary of the Breede River, this study aimed to gain insight into the effect of impacts associated with human activities on the habitat integrity of this river. The study intended to understand how seasonal changes, catchment characteristics and events are reflected in the ecological status of habitats along the river by applying bio-monitoring and river health measurements at selected sites in the upper, middle and lower reaches of the Holsloot River and compare the results to that of an undisturbed reference site. Results obtained in this study are compared with data gathered in 2008/2009 to determine if the ecological status of the river had changed in the period between the two sampling times. The study included assessment of the ecological status of the river based on standard bio-monitoring protocol (SASS5, IHI, IHAS and VEGRAI) as well as in situ water quality analysis (pH, dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity and total dissolved solids). The construction of the instream Stettynskloof Dam changed the configuration of the riparian zone and river channel in the upper catchment area. Agricultural- and other human related activities, with consequent water abstraction, non-point-source pollution, loss of riparian vegetation, as well as dense stands of alien invader plants influence flow patterns and affects river ecology, especially in the dry summer months. Providing sufficient stream flow and adequate water levels, human related activities can create a larger variety of habitat types available that can support larger biodiversity and higher productivity. The level of inundation and stream flow, influenced by water abstraction as well as irrigation return-flow from extensive drainage systems especially in the dry months, contribute to the loss of biodiversity in the middle and lower reaches of the river. Where the upper reaches of the river are largely natural with few modifications, the habitat integrity deteriorates in the middle reaches so much so that ecosystem functioning are collectively impaired in lower reaches due to human related impacts. Sensitive macro-invertebrates found at lower seriously impacted parts of the river however, were in all probability washed down from lower impacted upstream habitats and may expectedly be able to again occupy habitats downstream if water quality and habitat availability improves. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Science)

An evaluation of the ecological impacts of sand mining on the Mokolo River in Lephalale, South Africa

Maeko, Mokgadi Precious 11 1900 (has links)
This study aimed to evaluate the ecological impacts of sand mining on the Mokolo River, in Lephalale. The study focused on the water quality, macroinvertebrates and physical disturbances as indicators in order to determine the ecological im-pacts of sand mining on the Mokolo River. The water quality variables, which this study entailed, were related to sand mining and other sources of pollution such as coal mining, power station industries, agriculture and wastewater treatment works on the Mokolo River. The water quality results for pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total alkalinity (CaCO3), sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), potassium (K), chloride (Cl), fluoride (F), sulphate (SO4) and nitrate (NO3-N) were not over the limits, however turbidity, total coliforms and E. coli were over the limits as per the Target Water Quality Guideline (TWQG). The River Health Programme (RHP) was done at upstream, sand mining and downstream areas in the Mokolo River using the South African Scoring System Version 5 (SASS5). The ecological status at the upstream and downstream areas changed from class C (March 2018) to class B (November 2018), indicating that the ecological status improved in those areas of the Mokolo River. However, at the sand mining area the ecological status has not improved and it was seriously modified due to the physical disturbance as a result of sand mining. Ecological impacts, such as the removal of marginal and riparian vegetation, erosion, disturbed riverbed, undercutting and collapse of riverbanks, loss of adjacent land, river deepened, river widened, water pools, in stream sand stockpiles and river diversions, were determined at the sand mining area. No physical disturbances at the upstream and downstream areas were determined. The findings of this study indicate that the ecological impacts of change in water quality at the upstream and downstream areas was due to high turbidity, Total coli-forms and E. coli. The absence of sensitive macroinvertebrates and loss of ma-croinvertebrates and the physical disturbances within the Mokolo River was be-cause of sand mining. The study indicates that sand mining has negative impacts on the water quality, water quantity, macroinvertebrates and physical characteris-tics of the Mokolo River. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Science)

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