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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The European Union relationship to the Africa, Caribbean and Pacific countries in terms of the Cotonou Agreements: will the economic partnership agreements aid regional integration.

Li, Jinxiang January 2005 (has links)
The main purpose of this paper was to explore the role economic partnership agreements play in regional integration. The whole paper was premised on identifying the nature of economic partnership agreements that is conceived as a free trade arrangement. Therefore the paper discussed the feasibility of the reciprocal principle between the European Union and ACP countries, and further indicated that there is no need to implement the principle of reciprocity at present. The paper also discovered that, due to the fact that unequal trade relations between the EU and the ACP countries still exist, the implementation of the EPAs is most likely to generate the complementary but non-competitive trade relations between the EU and the ACP countries. Such a situation could result in the ACP countries over-independence on the EU's market. ACP countries are not expecting to such integration. In addition the paper ascertains that the EPAs themselves could contain the intrinsic negative impacts such as discrimination against the third countries on regional integration.

Developing an appropriate model for regional cooperation in developing countries : the case of Southern African Development Community (SADC)

Ndlovu, Michael 11 1900 (has links)
An appropriate regional cooperation environment makes a vital contribution to the social and economic development of every country in the region. This research thesis focuses specifically on the growing lack of appropriate regional cooperation models in developing countries, and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) is used as a case study. The research highlights some key issues on the development of the appropriate regional cooperation models. The research information is obtained on the research areas through questionnaire surveys to respondents from South Africa, Tanzania, and Mauritius on the current regional cooperation model and the perceived ideal one. The conclusions drawn are that the regional cooperation models envisaged to be in use in the SADC differ significantly from the theory, which results in inappropriate focus on the requirements of the majority of the states. This is primarily due to the use of inappropriate regional cooperation models. The indications are that traditional market-type integration models, which are used as a “default model” without major adjustments, are inappropriate within the developing countries context, owing to the existence of a fundamental incongruence between the assumptions and requirements of such models and the needs and realities prevailing in Southern Africa. Southern Africa does not satisfy the foremost prerequisites of successful market integration. Despite the considerable advantages the models might have gained in other developed regions, they often fail to meet the requirements of the developing countries. In measuring the satisfaction regarding the current regional cooperation adhering to the requirements of the majority of states, it becomes obvious that the SADC population is generally not satisfied with the results regarding the current regional cooperation. In order to meet the requirements of the majority of states, SADC regional cooperation needs to focus on the appropriate regional cooperation. This requires an understanding and management of three classes of factors, which are environmental factors, capacity factors, and regional organisational factors. The three classes of factors together affect the participation rate of the states. / Business Leadership / DBL (Business Leadership)

Vliv ekonomických krizí na integraci Evropské unie / Influence of Economic Crisis on The Integration of European Union

Bartušková, Hana January 2011 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the changes in the European Union due to the economic crisis in 2008/2009. The thesis defines an integrational system of the European Union and the changes in the system that bring some changes to the economic integration of the European Union. The main research question is whether the economic crisis brings the deepening of the economic integration or some desintegration tendencies in the European Union. The main part is the analysis of the free movement of goods, services, people and capital on the single market in the European Union. With an accent on the analysis of the institutional integration in the European Union. The thesis looks into the connection between the instutional and real integration of the European Union and the economic situation in the member states.

The SADC free trade protocol as a vehicle for the Angolan post-war economic recovery

Lopes Cristovao, Antonio Francisco 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Free trade is said to maximize welfare in a world organized by nation-states. To participate in the global economy more effectively most nation-states have implemented economic policies with the objective of freeing international trade. This movement has been facilitated by the process of globalization which has had unparalleled effects on the economic policies of countries worldwide. However, countries-have found it increasingly difficult to manage their economies at the multilateral level since the benefits of global free trade are not equally shared. This has led to an increase in Regional Integration Agreements (RIAs), which are seen as a tool for strategic growth and development while promoting free trade on a more restricted basis. In the last decades of the 20th century, the world has seen an increase in the number of RIAs particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa, However, empirical evidence has shown, contrary to what happened in Europe, that in Africa most attempts at economic integration have failed to promote meaningful economic growth and development. Notwithstanding that, the Southern African Development Community (SADC) has embraced economic integration as a strategy for growth in the region. Focusing on SADC and the Angolan economy as the main units of analysis, this study looks at the theory of economic integration to evaluate its validity for the African context and to find out how useful integration is in promoting economic growth and development in less developed countries. The study concludes that economic integration theory, which was developed within the context of European economies, is not relevant for African economies, which are different in character. Evidence indicates for instance, that in Africa the most important gains from economic integration are dynamic and not static, as the theory seems to suggest. Additionally, contrary to what happened in former attempts at forming RlAs in Africa, SADC has implemented a development integration approach aiming at industrialization. This is important, because according to the "Krugman-Venables model of regional relocation" the least developed countries can benefit from trade and investment from the most developed ones. The SADe Free Trade Protocol may be harmful for the Angolan economy in the short to medium term because of structural problems. However, it was found that if properly implemented it could playa major role in promoting growth and development in the longer term. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vrye handel, so word beweer, vermeerder welvaart in 'n wêreld wat deur nasie-state georganiseer word. Die ekonomiese beleid van nasie-state is daarop gemik om internasionale handel te dereguleer, ten einde hulle in staat te stelom meer effektief binne die globale ekonomie deel te neem. Hierdie proses is gefasiliteer deur die verskynsel van globalisering wat ongeëwenaarde gevolge vir alle state in die wêreld meegebring het. Nietemin, vind state dit in toenemende mate moeilik om hierdie proses op multilaterale vlak te bestuur, aangesien die voordele van internasionale handel nie in gelyke mate gedeel word nie. Dit het gely tot 'n toename in Streeksintegrasie-Ooreenkornste (SIO's ). Hierdie ooreenkomste word beskou as 'n ekonomiese groei en ontwikkeling-strategie, terwyl internasionale handelop 'n meer beperkte grondslag bevorder word. Tydens die laatse dekades van die twintigste eeu, het die aantal SIO's (veral in Sub-Sahara Afrika) toegeneem. In teenstelling met die ervaring van die Europese Unie, dui die feite aan dat pogings tot ekonomiese integrasie in Afrika nie daarin geslaag het om betekenisvolle ontwikkeling en ekonomiese groei te bevorder nie. Nietemin, het die Suider-Afrikaanse Ontwikkelingsgemeenskap (SAOG) handels-integrasie aanvaar as 'n strategie vir ekonomiese groei in die streek (met as instrument die SAOG Vryehandel-protokol). Met fokus op die SAOG en Angola as eenhede van analise, evalueer die studie die liberale teorie van ekonomiese integrasie, ten einde uitspraak te lewer oor die geldigheid daarvan binne die konteks van Afrika, Tweedens, word daar ook aandag geskenk aan die vraag of ekonomiese integrasie 'n optimale strategie is vir die bevordering van ekonomiese groei en ontwikkeling in minder-ontwikkelde lande. Die gevolgtrekking wat gemaak word is dat ekonomiese integrasie (soos ontwikkel binne die Wes-Europese konteks) nie relevant is vir die eiesoortige omstandighede van Afrikastate nie. Daar is, onder andere, bevind dat die belangrikste voordele van integrasie in Afrika dinamies is, en nie staties nie (soos die teorie van ekonomiese integrasie dit in die vooruitsig stel). Daarby, en teenstrydig met vorige pogings tot die vorming van SIO's in Afrika, het die SAOG 'n ontwikkelings integrasie benadering aanvaar. Hierdie benadering is gemik op eweredige industrialisering in die streek. Dit is 'n belangrike punt, want volgens die "Krugman-Venables model van streekshervestiging" kan die minder ontwikkelde state voordeel trek van handel met, en beleggings uit die meer ontwikkelde state in die streek. Laatstens, is daar bevind dat die SAOG Vryehandel-protokol in die kort tot medium termyn nadelige gevolge vir Angola sal meebring. Dit is as gevolg van strukturele probleme in die Angolese ekonomie. Nietemin, indien behoorlik geïmplementeer, kan dit 'n betekenisvolle rol speel in die bevordering van ekonomiese groei en ontwikkeling oor die lang termyn.

Trade and Economic Relations between Russia and the EU

Mityukova, Ksenia January 2013 (has links)
The Master Thesis provides an analysis of the international relations between Russia and the European Union in economic and trade field. The first part of the Master Thesis introduces the European Union as an important integration system. This part also includes the analysis of the EU-Russia policy. In the second part of the Master Thesis there are explained the development of the bilateral trade and economic relations. Partnership of countries is described through the economic relation. Trade is the main form of economic cooperation between Russia and the EU. The estimation of the trade cooperation is performed with the help of data extracted from the Eurostat database, analysis of commodity structure and trend analysis. Relevance of the analysis is determined through the mutual interest in the development of economic cooperation between Russia and the EU. This Master Thesis presents the new practical moment of Russian accession to the WTO, which influenced the economic and trade bilateral cooperation. There are identified the main problems in bilateral relations and proposed the suggestions for its elimination. There is gathered the most relevant information and data in order to reflect the most reliable situation as of today. The last part of the research forecasts directions and prospects of...

The impact of economic integration on the economy of Namibia

Smith, Francois 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Theory states that if a country opens its markets to free trade that it facilitates the better utilization of resources for all the parties participating in the agreement resulting to a relative lowering of production cost, the increase in export earnings, larger markets to benefit from economies of scale and subsequent investment in production facilities will increase employment and general welfare. Namibia has three major free trade agreements or economic integration arrangements namely the Southem Africa Customs Union (SACU), the Cotonou agreement defining its export regime to the European Union and the South Africa European Union Trade Development and Co-operation Agreement defining its import regime via the Southem African Customs Union and the African Growth and Opportunities Act defining its relationship with the United States of America. These agreements are at varying levels of integration with the Southem African Customs Union in place already in 1920. Namibia uses taxes on international trade as a primary source of state income (28% to 32 %). As part of its membership to the SACU's Common External Pool revenue distribution, Namibia is compensated for not being able to charge import taxes on South African imports. South Africa has determined trade policy for SACU since its exception and used tariffs more as a form of protection of its own industries, rather than a source of state income. The lowering of tariffs on EU imports by means of the SA EU TDCA as well as WTO obligations will see the reduction of state income of Namibia of an estimated amount of N$ 480 million [Schade 20051. This will have dire consequence for the Namibian economy as the deficit of the state budget is already 4.7 % as compared to a norm of 3%. In this study the growth in export earnings as well as the investment response of the various free trade agreements have been analysed. Contrary to theory, economic integration has not led to the desired growth in export earnings as well as significant investment responses due to preferential access provided by these agreements. Significant growth in exports is limited to specific sectors, notably fish to the European Union and apparel to the USA. Investments were also limited to these sectors. Free trade and preferential access did not lead to the diversification of the Namibian economy and has on the contrary inflicted severe blows to the critical beef industry in the near past and over the long term has led to trade diversion towards South Africa as well as the European Union. Investments and increases in export earnings are too little to offset the reduction of state income by the liberalization of tariffs and will result in Namibia becoming more marginalised if it does not counter the situation by better trade policies that are to be formulated along with the other SACU members. These policies will take time to be concluded as of yet none of the institutions of SACU has become operational. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die teorie van vryhandel bepaal as 'n land sy mark oopmaak vir vryhandel dat dit sal lei tot die verbeterde benutting van hulpbronne vir al die partye tot 'n vryhandelsooreenskoms deur middel van die verlaging van produksiekoste, die verhoging van uitvoerinkomste, die vergroting van markte wat kan voordeel trek uit skaal van, ekonomieë asook die verhoging van gepaardgaande belegging wat werkskepping en die algemene welsyn sal verhoog. Namibie is deel van drie vryhandelsooreenkomste of ekonomiese integrasie samewerking naamlik die Suider Afrikaanse Doane Unie (SADU), die Cotonou verdrag wat sy uitvoer na die Europese Unie bepaal, die Suid Afrika Europese Unie Handel, Ontwikkeling en Samewerkingsooreenkoms (SA EU TOCA) wat sy invoere vanaf Suid Afrika via die SADU bepaal en die African Growth and Opportunffies Act wat sy uitvoere na die VSA bepaal. Hierdie ooreenkomste is op verskillende vlakke van ekonomiese integrasie met SADU wat alreeds sedert 1920 bestaan. Namibie gebruik belasting op intemasionale handel as 'n primere bron van staatsinkomste (28% tot 32 %). Namibia word as lid van SADU gekompenseer deur middel van die Gemeenskaplike Eksteme Inkomste Poel vir die gebrek om invoerbelasting op Suid Afrikaanse produkte te hef. Suid-Afrika het sedert die ontstaan van SADU die handelsbeleid daarvan bepaal en het tariewe gebruik om sy eie industrieë te beskerm in plaas van 'n bron van staatsinkomste. Die verlaging van tariewe deur middel van die SA EU TOCA asook verpligtinge van die Wereldhandelsorganisasie sal tot gevolg hê die vermindering van Namibiese staatsinkomste van N$ 480 miljoen, Dit sal geweldige negatiewe gevolge inhou vir Namibie wat alreeds met 'n tekort op die begroting van 4.7% sit in vergelyking met 'n aanvaarde norm van 3%. In hierdie werkstuk is die groei in uitvoerverdienste asook die beleggingsreaksie van die verskillende ooreenskomste ondersoek. Daar is gevind dat desnieteenstaande die teorie, ekonomiese integrasie nie gelei het tot die verlangde groei in uitvoere of beleggings nie. Uitsondenike groei in uitvoere is beperk tot spesifieke sektore naamlik vis na die Europese Unie en klerasie na die VSA. Beleggings is ook beperk tot hierdie sektore. Vryhandel en voorkeurtoegang het nie gelei tot die diversifikasie van Namibie se ekonomie nie en het dit op die keper beskou gelei tot kritiese terugslae op die kritiese beesvleisindustrie in die nabye verlede en het dit oor die langtermyn gelei tot die wegleiding van handel na Suid - Afrika en die Europese Unie. Beleggings en toename in uitvoer is te min om die vermindering van staatsinkomste deur middel van die liberalisering van handel teen te werk. Dit sal tot gevolg hê dat Namibia al meer gemarginaliseerd gaan raak indien dit nie die situasie kan teenwerk deur middel van beter handelsbeleid wat bepaal moet word deur onderhandeling met ander SADU lede nie. Hierdie beleidsrigtings sal lank neem voordat dit van krag sal kom aangesien nie een van die SADU instellings al in volle bedryf is nie.

Monetary union in Africa : using trade patterns to create interim country groupings

Mather, Sandra 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The ultimate goal of the African Union is full political and economic integration, which includes a monetary union with a common currency for all member states of the African Union. This monetary integration is proposed to take place in two stages: firstly, through five regions, and secondly, through complete integration. This report examines current trade data for member states of the African Union using k means duster analysis to group countries according to trade patterns. Analysis was performed for the actual US dollar value of trade, as well as considering only the presence or absence of trade. There are limitations to the data collected: firstly, they are annual data, which masks fluctuations in trade due to economic conditions or political developments. Secondly, they are subject to missing or under-reported values. The focus of this research report was to consider trade figures for the first time, and the limitations were considered acceptable in view of the aim of achieving a first approximation of results. When considering all solutions, there are overlaps between clusters, but no definite patterns emerge that are common to all analyses. Considering the F and Euclidean distances of all solutions, the best appears to be that for clusters derived from analysing trade figures between Africa and its trading partners outside Africa. Further analysis of this solution failed to demonstrate viable clusters. The final conclusion to be made from this analysis is that k means clustering of trade figures for member states of the African Union does not generate viable clusters that could be used as steps towards full monetary integration in Africa. Given this conclusion it is recommended that the stepwise progression towards full monetary integration be considered by utilising existing economic arrangements, i.e. by using the five Regional Economic Communities proposed by the African Union. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die uiteindelike doel van die Afrika-unie is volledige politieke en ekonomiese integrasie, wat 'n monetere unie met 'n gemeenskaplike geldeenheid vir al die lidstate van die Afrika-unie insluit. Hierdie monetere integrasie word in twee stadiums beoog: eers deur vyf streke, en daarna deur volledige integrasie. Hierdie verslag ondersoek die huidige handelsdata vir lidstate van die Afrika-unie deur k gemiddelde trosanalise te gebruik om lande volgens handelspatrone te groepeer. 'n Analise is ook gedoen van die werklike VS-dollarwaarde van handel, en deur die aanwesigheid of afwesigheid van handel in aanmerking te neem. Daar is beperkings op die data wat ingesamel is: eerstens is dit jaarlikse data, wat skommelings in handel as gevolg van ekonomiese toestande of politieke ontwikkelings verberg. Tweedens is hulle onderworpe aan ontbrekende of ondergerapporteerde waardes. Die fokus van hierdie navorsingsverslag was dus om handelsyfers vir die eerste keer te oorweeg, en die beperkings is aanvaarbaar beskou in die lig van die doel om 'n eerste benadering van resultate te verkry. Wanneer aile oplossings oorweeg word, is daar oorvleueling tussen trosse, maar geen definitiewe patrone ontstaan wat vir alle analises geld nie. Wanneer die F- en Euklidiese afstande van alle oplossings oorweeg word, lyk dit asof die beste die trosse is wat verkry is uit die analise van handelsyfers tussen Afrika en sy handelsvennote buite Afrika. Verdere analise van hierdie oplossing het nie lewensvatbare trosse aangedui nie. Die finale gevolgtrekking wat uit hierdie analise gemaak kan word, is dat k gemidderde trosvorming van handelsyfers vir lidstate van die Afrika-unie nie lewensvatbare trosse genereer wat gebruik kan word as stappe in die rigting van volledige monetere integrasie in Afrika nie. Met die oog op hierdie gevolgtrekking word daar aanbeveel dat die stapsgewyse vordering na volledige monetere integrasie oorweeg moet word deur bestaande ekonomiese reelings te gebruik, d.w.s. deur die vyf Streeksekonomiese Gemeenskappe te gebruik wat deur die Afrika-unie voorgestel is.


Paraschiv, Mihai 01 January 2016 (has links)
A common finding in the international trade literature is that economic integration leads to export diversification. By documenting a positive link between joining the European Economic and Monetary Union and bilateral export concentration, the leading essay shows that this is not always the case. Using a panel data approach, I find that exports between the Eurozone members are on average more concentrated than those among countries which do not share the euro. Central to this outcome is that some economic integration agreements, such as the European Economic and Monetary Union, may lead to a drop in not only trade but horizontal FDI costs as well. Theoretically, the results can be explained by the substitutability between exporting and horizontal FDI within a two-sector, two-firm type model which allows for sectoral trade cost heterogeneity. Since the early 1970s, a series of international environmental agreements (IEAs) were signed, ratified, and enforced throughout the developed and developing nations. Regarding IEAs as potential barriers to trade, the second essay seeks to quantify their impact on industry-level exports by using a gravity regression approach. I proceed by classifying industries into dirty and clean based on their average emission intensities and find that the ratification of IEAs is associated with a significant reduction in export flows. The decrease is more pronounced for industries which are classified as dirty or for those which are characterized by high emission intensities per unit of output. Additionally, climate change IEAs bring about a compositional shift towards cleaner exports. Lastly, climate change and acid rain IEAs are found to engender leakage effects. No such evidence is recovered for ozone depletion accords. The third essay adds to the literature on the Kyoto protocol and the carbon content of bilateral trade. It does so by analyzing the effect of ratifying the Kyoto protocol on exports, the carbon dioxide (CO2) intensity of exports, and the CO2 emissions embodied in exports within a novel dataset of 149 countries. For parties that took on binding emission caps, the ratification of Kyoto protocol leads to (i) lower CO2 emissions embodied in exports, (ii) lower CO2 emission intensities, but (iii) higher overall exports. For the same group of countries, a year-by-year analysis underlines a permanent decline in both the CO2 emission intensity and the CO2 content of their exports. Furthermore, the analysis also points out to a short-run decline in exports. In the long run, however, exports are estimated to recover. Also, the commitment type or whether a party was designated as a transition economy at the time of ratification are found to shape the above three outcomes.

Future of Thai Electronic Component Industry under ACFTA

Boonumpaichaikul, Tossapon, Mongkoltada, Unnada January 2010 (has links)
<p>Explore factors that influence investors interested in investing in the electronic components sector in Thailand, with a focus on the consequences of Thailand‟s membership in the ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement.</p>

西非經濟共同體的整合: 永續發展計畫 / Economic Integration of West African Nations: A Synthesis For Sustainable Development

Goodridge, Reginald B., Jr. Unknown Date (has links)
Though rich in natural resources and wealth generating potential, West African nations are currently marred by war, political instability, and economic uncertainty. While many factors have contributed to this, there are solutions to alleviate the plight of West African people. As post-colonial West Africa struggles to organize its individual economies, human resources and infrastructure to adequately manage natural resources; I explore regional economic integration of nations, the role of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in its regional functions, and postulate a synthesis for sustainable development, growth and stability through the promotion of a healthy and robust economy.

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