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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Klíčové ekonomiky bývalé Jugoslávie - Slovinsko a Chorvatsko / Core Economies of the Former Yugoslavia - Slovenia and Croatia

Juha, Jan January 2014 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the economic situation in Slovenia and Croatia. It focuses on a comprehensive comparison of both countries and does not leave out the historical assumptions. The thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and economic. At the outset it contains framework for the functioning of the former Yugoslavia and the so-called Yugoslav-type socialism. It also discusses the nature of the two countries in terms of geography and politics, including inclusion in the international legal system. The following chapters deal with the comparison of their own transition process and highlights the mistakes committed by the countries. Finally, the work also includes a comprehensive assessment of current economic situation in Slovenia and Croatia, addressing also symptomatic problems that plague both countries.

The Corporate Interest in Climate Change Issues: Analyzing Annual Reports in Asian Public Listed Companies Covering the Period 2000 - 2009

Mai, Qiuyue January 2011 (has links)
Unlimited demands of development and non-stopped destruction of surrounding environments cause many environmental problems. In this paper, Climate Change as one important issue has been studied against an Asian background. For the purpose of showing a clear trend of communicated corporate awareness in global Climate Change issues, in this report, seventy Asian companies have been studied. The results show a relatively low-level growth curve of communicated corporate Climate Change awareness by dissecting companies’ CEO Letters during years 2000 to 2009, followed by a comparison study with European results and five possible explanations in the discussion part. As the conclusion of this paper, an increased interest among Asian governments and companies during year 2000-2009 has been observed. However, there is still lack of knowledge on a general level compared with the European results. According to the five possible explanations, several possible future studies have also been recommended in the paper: 1) Comparison study under the same scope within Asia or other continents; 2) Case-study on specific interested companies; 3) On-going study on the future curve trend with the same target group.

Lietuvos ekonominės situacijos įtaka įmonių bankrotui / Influence of Lithuanian economic situation on the corporate bankruptcies

Adomonis, Andrius 22 June 2010 (has links)
Pagrindinis šio bakalaurinio darbo tikslas – išsiaiškinti kaip ekonominės situacijos pokyčiai šalyje turi įtakos įmonių bankrotų skaičiaus svyravimams. Darbo uždaviniai: išsiaiškinti kokia yra įmonių bankroto situacija Lietuvoje, nustatyti kokie ekonominiai rodikliai turi didžiausią įtaką įmonių bankroto skaičiaus svyravimui, suskaičiuoti kokią įtaką įmonių bankrotui turi reikšmingiausi ekonominiai rodikliai, pateikti pastabas, rekomendacijas ir pasiūlymus problemai spręsti. Atliekant tyrimą buvo naudojami du metodai: horizontalios analizės metodas ir tiesinės regresijos metodas. Analizuojant lyginami ekonominiai rodikliai laiko perspektyvoje. Regresinės analizės metu įvertinama, kurie ir kaip ekonominiai rodikliai labiausiai turi įtakos įmonių bankroto skaičiaus svyravimams. Atlikus tyrimą nustatyta, kad reikšmingiausi laikotarpiai Lietuvai tiriamuoju laikotarpiu yra 1999 metų pabaiga (kritimas dėl Rusijos federacijos krizės), 2002-2008 metai (kilimas, dėl stipriai augančios ekonomikos, įstojimo į ES), 2008 metų antras pusmetis (kritimas, dėl pasaulinės finansų krizės). Regresinės analizės metu nustatyta, kad reikšmingiausi ekonominiai rodikliai yra: įmonių pelningumas, mokumo koeficientas, vartotojų kainų indeksas, bankrutavusių įmonių turtas bankroto paskelbimo dieną, vidutinė mėnesinė alga, įsiskolinimo koeficientas, tiesioginiai mokesčiai. Didžiausią įtaką įmonių bankrotui turi vidutinės mėnesinės algos padidėjimas, o mažėjimui – įsiskolinimo koeficiento padidėjimas. / The main purpose of this thesis is to explore how changes in economic situation influence corporate bankruptcies in Lithuania. The thesis objectives are: to find out the situation of corporate bankruptcies, identify which economic indicators have a major impact on corporate bankruptcies, calculate the impact that the most meaningful economic indicators have on corporate bankruptcies. Propose notes, recommendations, and suggestions. These two methods have been used for the analysis: horizontal comparable analysis and linear regression model. Economic indicators from different time periods were compared during comparable analysis. Linear regression provided information which main economic indicators had a major impact on corporate bankruptcies and how those indicators influence corporate bankruptcies. The analysis showed that major fluctuations in Lithuanian economy were recorded in the year of 1999 (Russion crisis), year of 2002-2008 (major rise in the economy, the EU), second half of 2008 (world financial crisis). Linear regression analysis revealed that corporate profitability, solvency credit, CPI, assets of bankrupt corporates on the day they were bankrupt, average monthly salary, debt credit and direct taxes have major impact on corporate bankruptcies. The biggest influence to rising corporate bancktupcy is made by changes in average monthly salary and solvency credit.

Ekonomická analýza fotbalového klubu z ČFL / The economic analysis of football club in Czech football league

Drtina, Josef January 2010 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis is to evaluate economic situation of football club, which plays Czech football league (third higher football league in Czech Republic). The club is FK Spartak MAS Sezimovo Ústí in the legal form of joint stock company and civil association. The evaluation of economic situation is based on analysis of sport product at first, then there are applied methods and tools of financial analysis. These instruments make it possible to comprehensively assess the financial health of the company. The biggest benefit I see in this paper in describing and analyzing the economic situation of the football club playing the third-highest football competition in Czech Republic, because until now I did not find any study that deal with this issue.

Crime and the Economy: Economic Effects on the Crime Rates of Youngstown, Ohio

Beraduce, Janet 22 November 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Mediální trh v České republice v kontextu současného hospodářského vývoje / Media Market in the Czech Republic in the Context of Contemporary Economic Development

Machková, Marta January 2011 (has links)
The work focuses on mapping the current situation in the media market in the Czech Republic. It examines in particular the impact of current economic situation in the media organizations. Media behave in the marketplace as commercial enterprises (except public Czech Television and Czech Radio - for comparison are also included in the work), their main objective is to generate profit. Media organizations derive revenue primarily from advertising specified, are therefore dependent on the financial system as a whole. If advertisers due to unfavorable economic situation restricts the publication of advertisements in the media, media organizations will automatically drop revenues, resulting in running the organization. The work investigates how the specific effects of the decline in economic activity in media organizations. For an overall analysis of the main characters in particular those such as revenue from principal activities of the organization, the total profit or changes in staffing. The work describes in detail the operations in 2008 and 2009 for companies Borgis, Economia, Ringier, Barrandov TV Studio, První zpravodajská, Lagardere Active ČR, Mafra, CET 21, Česká televize (Czech Television) and Český rozhlas (Czech Radio). The analysis is complemented by theoretical texts, which approximates the...

Vyrų socialinės-ekonominės padėties sąsajos su subjektyvia fizine sveikata ir psichologine gerove / Men of the social ecinomic situation interface with the subjective physical health and psychological well – being

Senkuvienė, Lina 15 January 2009 (has links)
Kadangi manoma, jog dauguma vyrų mūsų visuomenėje turi geresnius socialinius-ekonominius rodiklius (geresnes pareigas darbe, daugiau uždirba), todėl daroma prielaida, jog jų subjektyvi fizinė sveikata ir psichologinė gerovė turėtų būti geresnė nei moterų. Tad šiame darbe mes norėsime patikrinti šiuos socialinius-ekonominius ryšius su subjektyvia fizine sveikata ir psichologine gerove vyrų imtyje. Šio darbo tikslas - įvertinti vyrų socialinės-ekonominės padėties bei subjektyvios fizinės sveikatos ir psichologinės gerovės skirtumus sociodemografinių duomenų atžvilgiu (išsilavinimo, šeimyninės padėties, darbo stažo) bei nustatyti socialinės-ekonominės padėties sąsajas su subjektyvia fizine sveikata ir psichologine gerove. Tyrime dalyvavo 132 vyrai, dirbantys trejose skirtingo dydžio Marijampolės miesto autotransporto įmonėse, teikiančiose transporto paslaugas. Socialinė-ekonominė vyrų padėtis šiame darbe buvo matuojama socialinės-ekonominės padėties indeksu (12 klausimų, sudarytų darbo autorės, 2007). Vyrų subjektyviai suvokiama sveikata matuota subjektyvios sveikatos indeksu (12 klausimų, parengtų darbo autorės, 2007). Vyrų psichologinė gerovė buvo matuota Carol Ryff psichologinės gerovės skale (Ryff Scales of Psychological Well-Being, 1989 m.), susidedančia iš eilės teiginių, atspindinčių 6 psichologinės gerovės sritis: autonomiškumą, aplinkos valdymą, asmenybės augimą, teigiamą ryšį su kitais, tikslą gyvenime ir savęs priėmimą. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, vyrai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Whereas it is considered that most of the men in our society have improved the social – economic indicators ( better obligation at work, bigger earnings ), therefore it is assumed that their subjective physical health and psychological well – being should be better then women. So into this paper we want to check these social – economic ties to its subjective physical health and psychological well – being of men sample. The aim of this work - to assess the social economic men situation and the subjective physical health and welfare differences between the sociodemographical both (education, marital status, seniority) and to identify the social - economic links with subjective physical health and psychological well-being. The study included 132 men working in three different sizes Marijampolė city truck companies providing transport services. Socio - economic situation of men in this work was measured in the social - economic situation index (12 questions, made of the author of the work, 2007). Men subjectively perceived health measured subjective health index (12 questions prepared by the author, 2007). Men's psychological well-being was measured of Carol Ryff psychological well-being scale (Ryff Scale of Psychological Well - Being, 1989), a series of statements that reflect the psychological welfare of 6 areas: autonomy, environmental masteryt, personal growth, positive relationship with others, purpose in life and self-acceptance. The results of the study showed that the... [to full text]

Reducing economic vulnerability in Mexico. Natural disasters, foreign trade and agriculture.

Saldaña-Zorrilla, Sergio Omar 10 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The increasing frequency and economic losses from natural disasters within the framework of decreasing agricultural prices and trade liberalization is becoming crucial in increasing poverty in the Mexican rural economy. During the past two decades, the governmental withdrawal from supporting the agricultural sector with investments in physical, financial and logistic instruments continues to stress agricultural livelihoods, as current private mechanisms have not replaced them effectively. It has contributed to making the agricultural sector particularly vulnerable to a number of hazards as it has weakened economic agents' response and impeded assets accumulation. This dissertation identifies economic vulnerability to natural and economic hazards in order to assess public and private coping capacity, and provides a conceptual framework and economic theory that supports the overall approach and employed methodologies. It is based on quantitative and qualitative research methods, and makes use of econometric analysis and stakeholders' views aimed at finding feasible solutions. Further, this dissertation offers a spatial model that can support policy-decision-making for the creation of differential investments in productive infrastructure, as well as financial instruments to reduce current vulnerability and poverty throughout the national territory. During the past two decades, over 80% of total economic losses from weather-related disasters occurred in the agricultural sector. In the same period, mean weighted agricultural prices have decreased over 50% in real terms, and since 1996 a trade deficit has persisted in this sector. Currently, the insufficient credit access, low coverage of crop insurance, as well as the near lack of investments to expand irrigation and further productive infrastructure is sharpening the vulnerability of rural livelihoods. These facts explain why this sector produces only 4% of the GDP despite employing over 20% of the national workforce. These facts undermine farmers' expectations of future incomes within the community, stimulating rural-urban out migration, which usually cannot be absorbed by the urban economy in sight of the modest industrial dynamism of the recent years. This leads to the enlargement of the informal sector in large cities and migratory flows to abroad, among others. (author's abstract)

Konflikt mezi ochranou biodiverzity a socioekonomickým rozvojem v Národním parku Šumava / Conflict within biodiversity and socioeconomical development in National parks - case study from the National park Bohemian Forest

KULÍŠEK, Pavel January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with the conflicts between nature conservation and the socioeconomic situation of municipalities in the model territory of Bohemian Forest National Park. This territory is made up of six municipalities that have their entire cadastral territory in the Bohemian Forest National Park. These are the municipalities of Prášily, Srní, Modrava, Horská Kvilda, Kvilda and Stožec. A questionnaire survey was carried out to solve this topic, a media analysis was carried out and a SWOT analysis of the opponents and supporters of nature conservation was made. The results showed that the inhabitants of Bohemian Forest NP are not socio-economically disadvantaged compared to the inhabitants of municipalities that do not belong in the national park. The inhabitants of the area are social and nature-related. Residents of the park also have good knowledge of nature conservation and appreciate it. The most important topics in the media analysis were the construction on the territory of the municipalities, the legislative changes and the issues of the bark beetle. Most of the resources come from media of national importance and the rest are classified as regional. The SWOT analysis shows that nature conservationists should focus more on passing on the results of expert studies towards the public. Opponents of nature conservation have interests in the Bohemian Forest region. Based on the results of the work, measures were put in place to alleviate conflicts between nature conservation and the socio-economic development of municipalities.

VARIATION I VALDELTAGANDE : - En statistisk undersökning av moderniseringens subnationella effekter på det svenska valdeltagandet

Elfving, Johan, Rosén, Elin January 2017 (has links)
This essay sets out to bring further knowledge within the field of political participation on an aggregated level in Sweden. The theoretical access point for this study is the modernization theory provided by Lipset (1959). This theory will be investigated to see if variables within this theory have an effect on the Swedish voter turn-out. Furthermore this study aims to investigate if the contexts of the economical situations have an effect on modernization. The main questions of this essay is: (1) what effects do modernization have on voter turn-out in Swedish municipals? (2) Regarding the economic cycles, what influence does the effects of modernization have on voter turn-out? The method used in this essay is a qauntative analysis in the form of a bivariate and a multiple regression analysis. The empirical material in this study includes statistics from different public agencies. The analysis aims to investigate three election years, 1994, 2006 and 2014. The empirical study shows that socioeconomic pre-conditions, such as average income level, and urbanization have a positive and strong effect on the Swedish voter turn-out on an aggregated level. This shows that modernization theory is not relevant in full, it rather shows that certain parts of the original theory is relevant today. The effects modernization have on voter turn-out is also a lot stronger when the economic context is an economic boom. When the economy goes down the effect goes down with it.

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