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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Conservação da biodiversidade por empresas de capital aberto: uma análise através da metodologia LIFE / Biodiversity conservation by open capital companies: an analysis through the LIFE certification methodology

Ricardo Reale 29 July 2016 (has links)
A antropização dos ambientes naturais vem ocasionando efeitos adversos aos sistemas ecológicos, acelerando a perda da biodiversidade. Como resultado, as alterações climáticas tornaram-se mais frequentes e com maiores proporções de desastres. Por tanto, é imperativo que novas formas de exploração dos recursos naturais sejam incorporadas pelos diversos setores econômicos, diminuindo, minimizando e/ou mitigando os impactos negativos à biodiversidade e aos serviços ecossistêmicos. Este trabalho avaliou os relatórios socioambientais de todos os empreendimentos que permaneceram listados nos Índices de Sustentabilidade Empresarial da bolsa de valores de São Paulo entre 2005 e 2014, analisando se os empreendimentos reconhecidos como os detentores das melhores práticas sustentáveis contribuem, voluntariamente, para a conservação, recuperação e manutenção dos serviços ecossistêmicos nos biomas e regiões hidrográficas onde estão instalados. As coletas e as análises de dados foram realizadas através da metodologia da certificação LIFE (Lasting Initiative For Earth), que qualifica e quantifica os impactos ambientais negativos à biodiversidade ocasionados pelos processos produtivos de empreendimentos de qualquer porte ou setor. A metodologia LIFE também qualifica e quantifica as ações de conservação que os empreendimentos desenvolvem e, principalmente, indica quais são as ações conservacionistas que deverão ser desenvolvidas para minimizar e/ou mitigar, minimamente, os impactos ambientais ocasionados aos ecossistemas por meio dos processos produtivos. Das 11 empresas avaliadas, 10 não desenvolvem ações de conservação suficientes para mitigarem os impactos ambientais nos biomas e regiões hidrográficas a que pertencem, mesmo sendo sete delas diretamente dependentes dos serviços ecossistêmicos. Apenas a empresa E9, do setor florestal (Papel e Celulose), mitigou os impactos e reconheceu que as ações conservacionistas privilegiam e favorecem o desenvolvimento de suas atividades produtivas e na qualidade de seus produtos. Todas as demais empresas listadas no ISE, avaliadas neste estudo, demonstraram que não desenvolveram, voluntariamente, ações conservacionistas que minimizem e/ou mitiguem impactos ambientais à biodiversidade com o intuito de manterem e restaurarem os serviços ecológicos dos quais se beneficiam. Propõe-se, então, que a metodologia da certificação LIFE pode ser utilizada como um instrumento adicional de gestão ambiental, auxiliando empresas a fortalecerem seus posicionamentos de sustentabilidade frente à bolsa de valores paulista e aos demais stakeholders. / Anthropization of natural environments has caused adverse effects to ecological systems, accelerating the loss of biodiversity. As a result, climate change has become more frequent with bigger disaster proportions. Therefore, it is imperative that new forms of exploitation of natural resources are incorporated into the various economic sectors, reducing, minimizing and/or mitigating the negative impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services. This study evaluated the social environmental reports of all companies that remained listed in the Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE portfolio in Portuguese) of the São Paulo Stock Exchange between 2005 and 2014, analyzing whether the recognized enterprises as holders of the best sustainable practices contribute voluntarily to the conservation, recovery and maintenance of ecosystem services in the biomes and hydrographic regions where they are installed. The data collection and analysis were realized with LIFE Certification methodology (Lasting Initiative For Earth), which qualifies and quantifies the negative environmental impacts on biodiversity caused by the production processes of enterprises of any size or sector. The LIFE methodology also qualifies and quantifies conservation actions that enterprises develop and mainly indicates what the conservation actions that should be developed to minimize and/or mitigate, minimally, the environmental impacts caused to ecosystems by means of production processes. 11 companies from 10 analyzed do not develop sufficient conservation actions to mitigate the environmental impacts in the biomes and hydrographic regions to which they belong, even though seven of them directly dependent on ecosystem services. Just E9 company, forestry sector (Cellulose and Paper), mitigated the impacts and recognized that conservation actions emphasize and promote the development of productive activities and the quality of its products. All other companies listed on the ISE, evaluated in this study showed that no developed voluntarily conservation actions to minimize and/or mitigate environmental impacts to biodiversity in order to maintain and restore the ecological services that benefit. It is proposed therefore that the LIFE certification methodology can be used as an additional tool for environmental management, helping companies strengthen their positions facing the sustainability of the São Paulo stock exchange and other stakeholders.

Fronteiras, fluxos e mosaicos em paisagens sob mudanças : um caminho metodológico para identificar unidades de planejamento e serviços ecossistêmicos / Boundaries, flows and mosaics in changing landscapes : a methodological way to identify management units and ecosystem services

Bertolo, Lídia Sanches, 1983- 25 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Rozely Ferreira dos Santos / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-25T11:46:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Bertolo_LidiaSanches_D.pdf: 15899313 bytes, checksum: 529f26aa4c2fa3b74ef7e13c475273c2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Em planejamentos ambientais as decisões sobre o futuro da paisagem dependem da compreensão de como os processos voltados ora para a preservação ora para a degradação da Natureza se deram ao longo do tempo e, conseqüentemente, como definir estratégias que conduzam à conservação ambiental. Dessa forma, necessita-se avaliar os saldos da conservação da Natureza e dos serviços ecossistêmicos dirigidos ao bem-estar humano, medidos ao longo da história em cada fração da paisagem. Porém, a literatura científica vem reforçando as deficiências metodológicas na obtenção e interpretação de tais resultados, principalmente em paisagens muito heterogêneas, onde a trama de interações apresenta-se complexa, tanto dentro de cada elemento em seu eixo vertical como entre os elementos em seu eixo horizontal. Nessa direção, avaliamos diferentes caminhos metodológicos que pudessem estrategicamente identificar unidades de planejamento que representem a heterogeneidade através das interações e fluxos bidimensionais da paisagem. Também foi realizado um pequeno ensaio sobre o valor potencial de serviços ecossistêmicos nas unidades de planejamento estabelecidas sob a abordagem de avaliação em dois eixos da paisagem. Para tanto foram construídos modelos de estrutura metodológica a partir de ferramentas estatísticas em sistemas de informação geográfica (SIG) que permitissem aplicar conceitos sobre fronteiras, mosaicos, fluxos, variabilidade e vulnerabilidade do meio natural. Os modelos foram aplicados em paisagem costeira (Ilha de São Sebastião, SP), sob um gradiente de mudanças ao longo de 50 anos. Os modelos baseados em mosaico permitiram mostrar a diversidade de interações de fronteiras entre elementos da paisagem ao longo do tempo que não seriam explicitas por modelos usuais de sobreposição. A avaliação das relações bidimensionais dos atributos da paisagem mostrou-se eficiente principalmente por expressar a heterogeneidade do interior e da borda das unidades de planejamento, além de informar sobre a variabilidade e a vulnerabilidade do meio físico. As unidades de planejamento evidenciaram um efetivo gradiente de serviços ecossistêmicos em relação a heterogeneidade e a predominância de tipos de usos, sugerindo a ocorrência de tradeoff entre essas variáveis. Apesar dos modelos apresentarem-se como um avanço no conhecimento de unidades pela heterogeneidade, eles não se mostraram de fácil aplicação e compreensão por agentes sociais, exigindo experiência técnica e considerável disponibilidade de tempo para aplicação dos métodos estatísticos / Abstract: In environmental planning, the decisions about landscape future depend on understanding how landscape processes occur over the time, sometimes facing the Nature preservation other times its degradation. Consequently, it is important to define strategies that will lead to environmental conservation.Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the nature conservation balance and ecosystem services addressed to human well-being, measured along the history in each landscape portion. However, the scientific literature has been highlighting the methodological deficiencies in obtaining and interpreting such results, particularly in very heterogeneous landscapes, where exist complex interactions, within each element on its vertical axis and between the elements on its horizontal axis. In this way, we evaluate different methodological approaches which, strategically, identify management units that represent the heterogeneity through the two-dimensional interactions and landscape flows. In addition, we present a short essay about the potential value of ecosystem services in management units established under the two landscape axes assessment approach. We developed a methodological model that uses statistics tools and geographic information systems (GIS) taking into account the concepts of borders, mosaics, flows, variability and vulnerability of the natural environment. We applied the models in the coastal landscape of Ilha de São Sebastião-SP, under 50 years changing gradient. The models based on mosaic data showed the boundaries interactions diversity among landscape elements over time that would not be identified by usual overlap models. The two-dimensional evaluation of landscape attributes relationships has been successful mainly expressing the interior and the edge of the planning units heterogeneity, also providing information on the variability and vulnerability of the physical environment. The management units showed an effective gradient of ecosystem services related to heterogeneity and types of uses prevalence, suggesting a tradeoff among these variables. Despite the models present an advance in understanding units by heterogeneity, they were not easy to apply and understand by social agents, requiring considerable technical expertise and time availability for the implementation of statistical methods / Doutorado / Recursos Hidricos, Energeticos e Ambientais / Doutora em Engenharia Civil

Identificação de serviços ecossistêmicos de campos naturais no Bioma Pampa e valoração do estoque de carbono do solo utilizando a metodologia TESSA / Ecosystem Services Identification in Natural grasslands of the Pampa Biome and Valuation of soil carbon stock using the TESSA methodology

Schossler, Daniela Schmidt 03 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Gabriela Lopes (gmachadolopesufpel@gmail.com) on 2017-03-07T16:24:31Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertação FINAL 3.pdf: 3130600 bytes, checksum: cc7a0deac92b5c66e5e7a17046de48cd (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2017-03-09T20:34:54Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação FINAL 3.pdf: 3130600 bytes, checksum: cc7a0deac92b5c66e5e7a17046de48cd (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-09T20:34:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação FINAL 3.pdf: 3130600 bytes, checksum: cc7a0deac92b5c66e5e7a17046de48cd (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-03 / Os serviços ecossistêmicos (SEs) são considerados os benefícios que as pessoas recebem da natureza como qualidade da água e provisão de alimentos. A valoração como forma de subsídio ao pagamento por estes serviços pode auxiliar na mitigação dos fatores de degradação de um dos ecossistemas campestres mais importantes do mundo, os campos naturais do Pampa. O objetivo deste trabalho é adaptar à realidade deste bioma a metodologia TESSA (Toolkit for Ecossistem Service – Site-based Assessment) que é um conjunto de ferramentas que avalia e monitora os SEs com baixo investimento. O estudo foi realizado em duas propriedades certificadas pela Alianza del Pastizal no município de Lavras do Sul, RS, Brasil, sendo uma denominada de Conservada (CO) e a outra Em Recuperação (ER). A pesquisa quantitativa foi feita através da coleta de amostras de biodiversidade, massa de forragem e de solo, deformadas e indeformadas, nas profundidades de 0 - 5cm, 5 - 10cm e 10 -20 cm, em três transectas em toposequência (topo, encosta e baixada). A pesquisa qualitativa sobre os principais SEs e suas importâncias foi aplicada em pesquisadores da Embrapa Pecuária Sul e produtores do Sindicato Rural de Lavras do Sul na forma de workshops. Todos os dados foram submetidos a análise de componentes principais (ACP) e os dados de Estoque de Carbono e Valoração Econômica foram determinados por uma análise de duas vias seguida de pós teste de Bonferroni (p<0,05). Os testes de ACP foram feitos com as médias de cada toposequência com os resultados de cobertura absoluta das espécies encontradas, solo descoberto, altura, massa de forragem, carbono orgânico, densidade do solo, Ph, H+Al, alumínio, cálcio, magnésio, fósforo, potássio e Índice de Shannon e Pielou. Os resultados geraram 5 componentes principais, na qual o componente principal 1 explicou 99,6 % dos resultados, com os índices de massa de forragem e altura da pastagem, mostrando a correlação direta da conservação dos serviços ecossistêmicos com o histórico de uso destas áreas. Os resultados qualitativos mostraram que dentre os principais SEs percebidos pelos produtores e pesquisadores estão ambiente nativo, qualidade da água, qualidade da carne, modo de vida e beleza cênica, com exceção do carbono que foi citado apenas pelos pesquisadores. Como principais ameaças à conservação da biodiversidade estão sucessão familiar, infraestrutura, reforma agrária, ações do governo e a presença de espécies invasoras. No teor de COS na camada de 20 cm do solo foi encontrada diferença significativa tanto entre as duas propriedades como entre as toposequências. Os resultados transformados em dólares no mercado voluntário possibilitaram chegar à valores médios de U$ 359,32.ha-1 (74,85 ton.ha-1 CO2 equivalente x U$4,8) para CO e U$ 250,38.ha-1 para o ER. O mercado de carbono é voluntário, portanto seu valor poderá ser “qualquer valor acordado”, mas sua utilidade está em demonstrar as diferenças entre as áreas estudadas. A diferença de valores entre as duas propriedades é de U$108,94. As políticas públicas devem ser norteadas a partir das ameaças percebidas. O teor de C org dos campos naturais nas propriedades analisadas está atrelado ao histórico e manejo pecuário adotado. Os dados indicam que estes ecossistemas com boas práticas de manejo contêm estoques importantes de COS e, portanto, sua conservação é relevante para a mitigação das mudanças climáticas. Sugere-se, neste trabalho, que os valores para projetos de pagamento pelos serviços ecossistêmicos prestados por estes produtores pecuários seja ou pela diferença do Estoque de Carbono ou pela diferença entre o custo de oportunidade do arrendamento da terra, de U$ 140, comparado com alternativas produtivas de maior rentabilidade. / The ecosystem services are considered the benefits which the people got from nature. The evaluation of this services can aid in the mitigation of the factors of degradation from one of grasslands ecosystems more important of the world, the natural fields of Pampa. This work aims to adapt this biome into the reality to the methodology TESSA (Toolkit for Ecossistem Service – Site-based Assessment) a set of tools that acess and monitor ES, with low investment. For this purpose were chosen two certificated farms by Alianza del Pastizal in Lavras do Sul city, RS, Brazil. The amount was done through of samples of biodiverty, forage mass and soil, unshaped and shaped,in the depth of 0 - 5cm, 5 - 10cm e 10 -20 cm in two farms, called of Preserved (P) and in Recovering (R). They were chosen three transects on toposequence (top, encost and low), open trenches and collected. The qualitative research was done with researches from Embrapa Pecuária Sul and livestocks farmers from the Rural Sindicate of Lavras do Sul I the way of workshops were day pointed the main ES and graduated the importance. All data were subimited to Analysis of the Main Components (AMC) and the data of carbon stock and Economic Evaluation were determinated by an analysis of two ways followed by posttest of Bonferroni (p<0,05). The test of AMC with average from each toposequence with the results of absolute covering of each species found, uncovered soil, hight, forage mass, organic carbon, soil density, Ph, H + Al, aluminum, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and Shannon and Pielou index had as result the main component 1 that explained 99,6% of the results, with the forage mass index and hight of grassland, showing the direct correlation of conservation of environmental services with the good practices of management in this ecosystem. The qualitative results showed that among the main ES noticed by farmers and researches are native environment, water quality, meet quality, way of life and the beauty of landscape, except the carbon, that wasn’t mentioned by farmers. As main threats to the conservation of biodiversity are the familiar succession, infrastructure, land reform, governmental actions and presence of invader species. The carbon organic amount in the layer of 20cm of soil was found significate difference either between the two farms or between the topo sequences. The results turned in to dollars in the volunteer market made possible to get to the average values of U$ 359,00 to the preserved grasslands and U$ 250,00. The carbon market is volunteer, therefore its value might be “any dealt value” but its utility is in demonstrate the differences between two farms studied. The difference of values between two farms is of U$ 108,00. The public policies must be led since from the threats noticed. The amount of organic carbon of natural grasslands in the farms analyzed is engaged to the historical and management livestock adopted. The data indicate that these ecosystems with good livestock management have good important stocks, therefore its conservation is relevant to the mitigation of climate changes. It is suggested in this paper that the values for the ecosystem service payment projects provided by these livestock farmers are or the Carbon Stock (U$ 108,00) of the difference or the difference between the opportunity cost of the land lease, from U$ 140, compared with production of more profitable alternatives.

The Aardvark as an ecological engineer in the Eastern Karoo: dig patterns and emergent processes

Martin, Stephanie Ann, Landman, Marietjie January 2017 (has links)
Species which play particularly important roles in ecosystem patterns and processes are recognised as keystone species or ecosystem engineers. The conservation of these species is critical for the maintenance of the ecological role they play in ecosystem function. The aardvark, Orycteropus afer, is known to play a role in biopedturbation through digging for refuges and for prey, and as a consequence of these digging activities is expected to serve the role of an ecosystem engineer and keystone species. This study aimed to describe and quantify the ecological patterns and processes driven by the aardvark through their digging activities, within the eastern Karoo, and thereby evaluate the significance of aardvarks as ecosystem engineers and keystone species in a semi-arid environment. The landscape pattern (dig abundance and distribution) and soil displacement of aardvark forage and refuge digs in a semi-arid Karoo landscape, as well as the ecological processes (generating fertile, seed retention hotspots) driven by aardvark forage digs was measured. Refuge digs occurred in the highest densities in areas characterised by a specific suite of soil, vegetation and elevation features, while forage digs occurred in high abundance in most habitats measured, and were likely driven by prey availability. Forage digs served as litter and seed retention hotspots, with accelerated decomposition rates of litter as a function of increased soil moisture in digs. The functional processes (i.e. resource capture, shelter for plants and animals, germination sites, soil aeration, organic turnover, mineralization rates, fertile soil displacement and transport) driven by aardvark digs are not restricted to refuge digs. Forage digs occurred in most habitats measured and their functional role is unique and perhaps greater across the landscape in comparison to refuge digs. The aardvark has a disproportionate effect in ecosystems, in terms of its refuge and forage digs relative to its abundance and therefore its role as a keystone species and ecosystem engineer is confirmed. Conservation and protection of this species is therefore essential to maintain its important role in ecosystem function.

Operationalizing the telecoupling framework for migratory species using the spatial subsidies approach to examine ecosystem services provided by Mexican free-tailed bats

López-Hoffman, Laura, Diffendorfer, Jay, Wiederholt, Ruscena, Bagstad, Kenneth J., Thogmartin, Wayne E., McCracken, Gary, Medellin, Rodrigo L., Russell, Amy, Semmens, Darius J. January 2017 (has links)
Drivers of environmental change in one location can have profound effects on ecosystem services and human well-being in distant locations, often across international borders. The telecoupling provides a conceptual framework for describing these interactions-for example, locations can be defined as sending areas (sources of flows of ecosystem services, energy, or information) or receiving areas (recipients of flows). However, the ability to quantify feedbacks between ecosystem change in one area and societal benefits in other areas requires analytical approaches. We use spatial subsidies-an approach developed to measure the degree to which a migratory species' ability to provide services in one location depends on habitat in another location-as an example of how telecoupling can be operationalized. Using the cotton pest control and ecotourism services of Mexican free-tailed bats as an example, we determined that of the 16 states in the United States and Mexico where the species resides, three states (Texas, New Mexico, and Colorado) are receiving areas, while the rest of the states are sending areas. In addition, the magnitude of spatial subsidy can be used as an indicator of the degree to which different locations are telecoupled to other locations. In this example, the Mexican free-tailed bat ecosystem services to cotton production and ecotourism in Texas and New Mexico are heavily dependent on winter habitat in four states in central and southern Mexico. In sum, spatial subsidies can be used to operationalize the telecoupling conceptual framework by identifying sending and receiving areas, and by indicating the degree to which locations are telecoupled to other locations.

Small Businesses and how they connect to the Sustainable City : A list of actions for the transformation to a sustainable Paris

Pessot, Olivier January 2011 (has links)
The City relies on Nature‟s products and services for its wellbeing and its very existence. Smallbusinesses, the socio-economic fabric of the City, are mostly mainstream and not engaged insustainability. From their point of view, how do they connect to the Sustainable City?In one of the most competitive areas of central Paris, mainstream businesses and also frontrunners, thelatter already engaged in sustainability, were interviewed as a pilot to further explore transformationinto the Sustainable City. All were asked to reflect on their experience in managing change. They werethen encouraged to propose actions in face of the challenges of sustainability and the sustainable city,and react on a vision of the Sustainable City for Paris and its larger region. They expressed barriers tochallenges and to the vision proposed. And they also proposed ideas, expressed desires, opportunitiesand overall bridges for sustainability to be practically implemented. The findings presented theenterprises‟ interpretation of the concepts of trust and innovation. Reflecting on how the results couldcontribute to a transformation into a Sustainable City resulted in a practical list of actions. This pilotstudy showed a potential for sustainable development to emerge throughout the City through its mostimpactful yet promising actors, the small businesses.In order to contribute in building bridges between City and Nature, the exploration is inspired bysocial ecological research, looking for ways to harmonize the various elements and actors to transformcities into sustainable ones. The framework is mostly based on a business-inspired research design anda construct from the European Union Sustainable City challenges, resilience theory approaches and theFrench national strategy for sustainable development.

The ecology of Sabellaria spinulosa reefs

Pearce, Bryony January 2017 (has links)
Reef habitats built by the tubiculous polychaete Sabellaria spinulosa have been identified as a habitat with significant conservation importance, based on their historic decline across Europe and the assumption that, like many other biogenic reef systems, S. spinulosa reefs enhance biodiversity. Despite the high conservation status of this habitat very little work has been undertaken to explore the role that S. spinulosa reefs play in marine ecosystems, or their sensitivity to anthropogenic disturbance. Observations of the reproductive ecology and population dynamics of the reef building organism indicate that S. spinulosa exhibit life-history traits typically associated with r-strategists, indicating that this species is likely to have the ability to recover quickly following most anthropogenic disturbance events. A series of surveys on S. spinulosa reefs identified at the Thanet Offshore Wind Farm site, where the extent of the reef habitat was found to have increased between the pre-construction and post construction survey despite extensive cable laying and turbine installation, corroborates these findings. Detailed investigations into the macrofauna associated with S. spinulosa reefs in the eastern English Channel revealed that S. spinulosa reefs support macrofaunal communities that are comparable to those associated with adjacent muddy sandy gravel and gravelly muddy sand in terms of species composition, taxonomic breadth and beta-diversity. A consistent enhancement in species richness, abundance and biomass was identified in samples collected from S. spinulosa reefs when compared with adjacent sedimentary deposits, as well as a corresponding reduction in the equitability of species, indicating that some macrofauna are able to exist in higher densities within this habitat. The increase in macrofaunal biomass associated with S. spinulosa reefs was found to influence the diet of demersal fish species, with some species feeding on the reef organism itself while others feed on species found in high densities on the reefs. The high abundance of juvenile flatfish associated with this habitat also suggests that S. spinulosa reefs may provide an important nursery habitat.

Who benefits and who loses? : Evaluating the impacts of community-based marine protected areas on ecosystem services and human wellbeing

Mahajan, Shauna January 2014 (has links)
Coral reef ecosystems are some of the most biologically diverse systems in the world, and provide a number of ecosystem services that humans depend on for their wellbeing. Marine protected areas (MPAs) are a social-ecological intervention that while conserving these ecosystems, also have significant impacts on the communities that depend on them for their wellbeing. Community-based MPAs are growing in popularity with the assumption that by putting communities at the forefront of their planning and management, more participation will occur, ensuring positive social and ecological impacts. This study, through mixed qualitative and quantitative methods, examines two community-based MPAs in coastal Kenya (called tengefus) to understand how each tengefu was incepted, and how resource users perceive the impacts of the tengefu on ecosystem services and human wellbeing. Participation in and donor support for the tengefu were found to influence how resource users perceived impacts. Individuals who were more engaged in the project or held some type of leadership position perceived more positive impacts on ecosystem services and human wellbeing compared to those not involved. In the two cases, tangible benefits (e.g. fisheries spillover and ecotourism) from the marine enclosure itself are too few to benefit the community as a whole. For tengefus to be social successes, more attention should be given to engaging all resource-dependent community members in their planning, implementation and management, and to understanding the multifaceted role of donor funding in supporting these initiatives.

Contribution à une théorie de la conception des agro-écosystèmes : Fonds écologique et inconnu commun / Contribution to a design theory of agro-ecosystems : Ecological fund and common unknown

Berthet, Elsa 23 September 2013 (has links)
L'agriculture fait face à une crise environnementale qui rend nécessaire la prise en compte du fonctionnement des « écosystèmes ». Mais ce concept de l'écologie donne peu de prise à l'action dans le secteur agricole. Les champs de littérature sur les « biens communs » et sur les « services écosystémiques », qui traitent de la gestion des écosystèmes, ont été abondamment développés et relayés par les politiques publiques. La thèse montre qu'ils cristallisent souvent les conflits entre les objectifs agricoles et les préoccupations écologiques sans pour autant permettre l'exploration de nouveaux systèmes agricoles.Notre thèse en sciences de gestion met en évidence qu'un nouvel enjeu pour la recherche scientifique est d'apprendre à piloter les régulations écologiques au sein des agro-écosystèmes de manière à rendre l'agriculture durable. Elle cherche à définir les modalités d'une démarche de conception des agro-écosystèmes : peuvent-ils faire l'objet de démarches de conception innovantes ? Quelles sont les méthodes pour les concevoir ? Et quels sont les modes de gouvernance appropriés ?L'analyse historique des raisonnements scientifiques en agronomie et en écologie met en évidence les raisons qui rendent difficiles aujourd'hui la conception des agro-écosystèmes, malgré les connaissances de plus en plus fines sur les régulations écologiques. La thèse modélise une classe d'objets particuliers, les « fonds écologiques », que les scientifiques introduisent pour aborder les agro-écosystèmes en s'affranchissant des seuls schémas connus. Elle montre l'intérêt de ne pas considérer les fonds écologiques comme des biens communs mais comme des « inconnus communs ». Le modèle proposé, testé sur un archétype de la production intensive en région céréalière, permet d'élaborer une méthode de conception collective et innovante des agro-écosystèmes. / Agriculture is facing an environmental crisis that makes it necessary to take into account the “ecosystem” functioning. But this concept of ecology is difficult to handle in the agricultural sector. Fields of literature on the "commons" and the "ecosystem services", which deal with the management of ecosystems, have been extensively developed and relayed by public policy. The thesis shows that they often freeze the conflict between agricultural objectives and environmental concerns without allowing the exploration of new farming systems.Our thesis in management science highlights the fact that a new challenge for scientific research is to learn to manage environmental regulations within agro-ecosystems in order to make agriculture sustainable. It aims to define a design approach of agro-ecosystems: can innovative design be applied to them? What are the methods to design agro-ecosystems? And what are the appropriate modes of governance?The historical analysis of scientific reasoning in agronomy and ecology highlights the reasons why the design of agro-ecosystems remains so difficult, despite finer knowledge on environmental regulations. The thesis models a particular class of objects, the “ecological fund” that scientists introduced to deal with agro-ecosystems while escaping the already known patterns. It shows the importance of considering the ecological funds not as common goods but as "common unknowns”. The proposed model, tested on an archetype of an intensive cereal production area, makes it possible to develop a method of collective and innovative design of agro-ecosystems.

Konkretisierung und Management von Gemeinwohlleistungen öffentlicher Forstbetriebe / Management of public welfare services in public forest enterprises

Over, Elisabeth Ingeborg 05 April 2018 (has links)
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