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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

High-level synthesis of elasticity : from models to circuits

Jelodari Mamaghani, Mahdi January 2016 (has links)
The forward-looking design trend in Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) is Systems-on-Chip (SoC). SoC aims to integrate multiple computation, communication and storage components into a single chip and targets high performance systems by elimination of most on-chip communication costs. It is agreed that running SoC components under control of a single clock is not feasible and clock distribution has been revealed as a critical obstacle. Asynchronous techniques can be exploited to relax strict timing constraints of traditional design methodologies. A less radical solution is Globally Asynchronous Locally Synchronous (GALS) systems which offer potential advantages in this respect, as it preserves system modularity and concentrates on communication aspects. The problem with GALS design is the relative lack of familiarity of traditional designers with this approach. To deal with this, a methodology is proposed to allow designers implement GALS systems at a higher abstraction level which is independent of technology, protocol, data encoding or any other details of circuit design. With the recent advances in concurrent programming, Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) has gained popularity again. The CSP-based programming languages, like Go, have emerged to allow software designers to exploit the model toward implementing scalable softwares. CSP has a long history since 90's in the hardware domain, mainly utilised by the Asynchronous community. In this thesis, a novel high level synthesis framework is proposed, called eTeak, which enables the designers to implement GALS-like systems in a CSP-based language (Balsa) without concerning about the timing issues at system level. The proposed approach in this thesis takes advantage of synchronous elasticity to introduce a common timing discipline to the circuit which transforms it into a latency-insensitive system. A latency-insensitive system is able to tolerate dynamic changes in the computation and communication delays. This feature enables eTeak to raise the level of abstraction to the data-flow representation where functionality is separated from timing details. Therefore, it is possible for a designer to specify a large scale system by only concentrating on its functionality and postpone timing complexity to when synthesis takes place. Unlike many previous systems, the proposed design flow employs data-driven synthesis style to distribute controllers through the network which contributes to its modularity and enhanced concurrency. This facilitates partitioning into elastic blocks and is supposed to pave the road for further optimisations, such retiming and re-synthesis, using commercial EDA tools.

Idea Velké Francie ve světle transatlantických vztahů / Dream of Great France in Transatlantic Perspective

Paggio, Viktor January 2008 (has links)
This text focuses on the French self-peception in the modern world. French consider their concept of state and citizenship universal, as Americans do. But the two universalisms are built on a different basis in terms of religion, language and many other aspects. I analyze the clash of the two visions of the world and the French reactions to the American rise to power in the 20th century.

Projevy odontogeneze zevně od budoucí funkční dentice u experimentálního modelu / The signs of odontogenesis externally to the prospective functional dentition in the experimental model

Fábik, Jaroslav January 2017 (has links)
6 Abstract The development of the mouse tooth primordium is an important model for studying odontogenesis, as well as general organogenesis. The development of the mouse lower incisor is of remarkable interest. The epithelial anlage of the mouse lower incisor is interconnected with the vestibular anlage via the epithelial bridges. According to some authors, the epithelial bridges represent an area, where the transient rudimentary incisor germ appears. From a morphological point of view, the first sign of ongoing epithelial-mesenchymal interactions during early odontogenesis is the thickening of oral epithelium. From a molecular point of view, it is the expression of the Shh, Eda, Edar, Pitx2, Bmp2, Bmp4 and Dlx2 genes. Except for the transcription domain, representing the proper signalling centre of a developing prospective incisor, a transient transcription domain, localized anteriorly and superficially, appears in the odontogenic zone of the epithelium during early development. The anterior transcription domain originates in the area of epithelial bridges, and according to some authors, from an evolutionary point of view, it corresponds with the signalling centre of the rudimentary incisor germ. The aim of this diploma thesis was to compare the temporospatial dynamics of SHH and EDA protein expression in...

Arquitecturas inteligentes para gestión de sistemas ciberfísicos en ambientes IoT

Duque Gómez, Henry 27 October 2020 (has links)
La necesidad de diseñar e implementar arquitecturas inteligentes impone grandes retos que exceden las capacidades del software desarrollado hasta el momento, pues no existen arquitecturas inteligentes que se adapten a los cambios del escenario físico y tomen decisiones en tiempo real. Esto significa que uno de los retos críticos en el problema planteado está en el campo de la ingeniería y arquitectura software, que tienen que estar dispuestos a entender la interactividad de cambios en las variables del entorno físico, lo cual implica que el enfoque dado a dichas arquitecturas debe redirigirse al diseño e implementación de un nuevo paradigma de inteligencia en los ecosistemas en los que actúan la ingeniería y la arquitectura. Para atacar las necesidades de inteligencia expuestas anteriormente, proponemos una arquitectura como marco de referencia inteligente, diseñada en torno a la exposición de servicios y microservicios dirigidos por eventos con la capacidad funcional de procesar eventos complejos, los cuales pueden ser configurados, parametrizados y direccionados, diseñando patrones que adquieren inteligencia. Estos patrones son diseñados e implementados de acuerdo con un análisis previo de las rutinas de comportamiento de objetos o personas en un escenario dado. La inteligencia radica en la forma de inferir nuevos eventos más complejos, con mayor significado semántico y ontológico, a partir de la suma de eventos simples. Esto nos permite implementar patrones de comportamiento relevantes detectados por dispositivos sensores (cámaras de videovigilancia, sensores visuales, sensores de detección de señales, de proximidad, etc.) instalados en escenarios físicos. El diseño de arquitectura propuesto está orientado al aprendizaje de los patrones, de tal forma que a partir de este aprendizaje, analice la serie de eventos y derive conclusiones de ellos, dependiendo si en los eventos analizados existen situaciones catalogadas como inusuales o de interés. Todo lo anterior le permite al sistema reaccionar y someter la información a un procesamiento en línea y mejorar en la toma decisiones. En nuestro caso, también proveemos inteligencia desde el software, dado que la inteligencia diseñada a través de los patrones es recursiva en la suma de capacidades de los diferentes comportamientos que puede adquirir un evento expuesto a través de un microservicio. En el cual, la inteligencia se debe al engranaje conjunto de los componentes en un ecosistema dado en el que actúe el microservicio (sistemas ciberfísicos, la nube, redes neuronales, inteligencia artificial, robótica, etc.). Además, la inteligencia radica en la forma como los servicios compiten por los recursos de información subyacentes en los dispositivos sensores y por las necesidades de competencia por la infraestructura del ambiente IoT y la nube.

Fault Modeling and Fault Type Distinguishing Test Methods for Digital Microfluidics Chips

Sun, Xinyu January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

NF-kappaB transmits Eda A1/EdaR signalling to activate Shh and cyclin D1 expression, and controls post-initiation hair placode down growth.

Schmidt-Ullrich, R., Tobin, Desmond J., Lenhard, D., Schneider, P, Paus, R., Scheidereit, C. January 2000 (has links)
No / A novel function of NF-KB in the development of most ectodermal appendages, including two types of murine pelage hair follicles, was detected in a mouse model with suppressed NF-KB activity (CI¿B¿¿N). However, the developmental processes regulated by NF-¿B in hair follicles has remained unknown. Furthermore, the similarity between the phenotypes of CI¿BA¿N mice and mice deficient in Eda A1 (tabby) or its receptor EdaR (downless) raised the issue of whether in vivo NF-KB regulates or is regulated by these novel TNF family members. We now demonstrate that epidermal NF-KB activity is first observed in placodes of primary guard hair follicles at day E14.5, and that in vivo NF-KB signalling is activated downstream of Eda A1 and EdaR. Importantly, ectopic signals which activate NF-KB can also stimulate guard hair placode formation, suggesting a crucial role for NF-KB in placode development. In downless and CI¿B¿¿N mice, placodes start to develop, but rapidly abort in the absence of EdaR/NF-KB signalling. We show that NF-KB activation is essential for induction of Shh and cyclin D1 expression and subsequent placode down growth. However, cyclin D1 induction appears to be indirectly regulated by NF-KB, probably via Shh and Wnt. The strongly decreased number of hair follicles observed in CI¿B¿¿N mice compared with tabby mice, indicates that additional signals, such as TROY, must regulate NF-KB activity in specific hair follicle subtypes.

Simulating and modeling the effects of laser fault injection on integrated circuits / Simulation et modélisation des effets de l'injection de fautes laser sur les circuits intégrés

Camponogara Viera, Raphael 02 October 2018 (has links)
Les injections de fautes laser induisent des fautes transitoires dans les circuits intégrés en générant localement des courants transitoires qui inversent temporairement les sorties des portes illuminées. L'injection de fautes laser peut être anticipée ou étudiée en utilisant des outils de simulation à différents niveaux d'abstraction: physique, électrique ou logique. Au niveau électrique, le modèle classique d'injection de fautes laser repose sur l'ajout de sources de courant aux différents nœuds sensibles des transistors MOS. Cependant, ce modèle ne prend pas en compte les grands composants de courant transitoire également induits entre le VDD et le GND des circuits intégrés conçus avec des technologies CMOS avancées. Ces courants de court-circuit provoquent un significatif IR drop qui contribue au processus d'injection de faute. Cette thèse décrit notre recherche sur l'évaluation de cette contribution. Il montre par des simulations et des expériences que lors de campagnes d'injection de fautes laser, le IR drop induite par laser est toujours présente lorsque l'on considère des circuits conçus dans des technologies submicroniques profondes. Il introduit un modèle de faute électrique amélioré prenant en compte le IR drop induite par laser. Il propose également une méthodologie qui utilise des outils CAD standard pour permettre l'utilisation du modèle électrique amélioré pour simuler des fautes induits par laser au niveau électrique dans des circuits à grande échelle. Sur la base de simulations et de résultats expérimentaux supplémentaires, nous avons constaté que, selon les caractéristiques de l'impulsion laser, le nombre de fautes injectées peut être sous-estimé par un facteur aussi grand que 3 si le IR drop induite par laser est ignorée. Cela pourrait conduire à des estimations incorrectes du seuil d'injection des fautes, ce qui est particulièrement pertinent pour la conception de techniques de contre-mesures pour les systèmes intégrés sécurisés. De plus, les résultats expérimentaux et de simulation montrent que même si l'injection de fautes laser est une technique d'injection de fautes très locale et précise, les IR drops induites ont un effet global se propageant à travers le réseau d'alimentation. Cela donne des preuves expérimentales que l'effet de l'illumination laser n'est pas aussi local que d'habitude. / Laser fault injections induce transient faults into ICs by locally generating transient currents that temporarily flip the outputs of the illuminated gates. Laser fault injection can be anticipated or studied by using simulation tools at different abstraction levels: physical, electrical or logical. At the electrical level, the classical laser-fault injection model is based on the addition of current sources to the various sensitive nodes of MOS transistors. However, this model does not take into account the large transient current components also induced between the VDD and GND of ICs designed with advanced CMOS technologies. These short-circuit currents provoke a significant IR drop that contribute to the fault injection process. This thesis describes our research on the assessment of this contribution. It shows by simulation and experiments that during laser fault injection campaigns, laser-induced IR drop is always present when considering circuits designed in deep submicron technologies. It introduces an enhanced electrical fault model taking the laser-induced IR-drop into account. It also proposes a methodology that uses standard CAD tools to allow the use of the enhanced electrical model to simulate laser-induced faults at the electrical level in large-scale circuits. On the basis of further simulations and experimental results, we found that, depending on the laser pulse characteristics, the number of injected faults may be underestimated by a factor as large as 3 if the laser-induced IR-drop is ignored. This could lead to incorrect estimations of the fault injection threshold, which is especially relevant to the design of countermeasure techniques for secure integrated systems. Furthermore, experimental and simulation results show that even though laser fault injection is a very local and accurate fault injection technique, the induced IR drops have a global effect spreading through the supply network. This gives experimental evidence that the effect of laser illumination is not as local as usually considered.

Pinzuordnungs-Algorithmen zur Optimierung der Verdrahtbarkeit beim hierarchischen Layoutentwurf / Pin Assignment Algorithms for Improved Routability in Hierarchical Layout Synthesis

Meister, Tilo 12 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Sie entwickeln Entwurfssysteme für elektronische Baugruppen? Dann gehören für Sie die mit der Pinzuordnung verbundenen Optimierungskriterien - die Verdrahtbarkeit im Elektronikentwurf - zum Berufsalltag. Um die Verdrahtbarkeit unter verschiedenen Gesichtspunkten zu verbessern, werden in diesem Buch neu entwickelte Algorithmen vorgestellt. Sie ermöglichen erstmals die automatisierte Pinzuordnung für eine große Anzahl von Bauelementen in hochkomplexen Schaltungen. Alle Aspekte müssen in kürzester Zeit exakt erfasst, eingeschätzt und im Entwurfsprozess zu einem optimalen Ergebnis geführt werden. Die beschriebenen Methoden reduzieren den Entwicklungsaufwand für elektronische Systeme auf ein Minimum und ermöglichen intelligente Lösungen auf der Höhe der Zeit. Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt die Optimierung der Pinzuordnung und die dafür notwendige Verdrahtbarkeitsvorhersage im hierarchischen Layoutentwurf. Dabei werden bekannte Methoden der Verdrahtbarkeitsvorhersage aus allen Schritten des Layoutentwurfs zusammengetragen, gegenübergestellt und auf ihre Eignung für die Pinzuordnung untersucht. Dies führt schließlich zur Entwicklung einer Vorhersagemethode, die speziell an die Anforderungen der Pinzuordnung angepasst ist. Die Pinzuordnung komplexer elektronischer Geräte ist bisher ein vorwiegend manueller Prozess. Es existieren also bereits Erfahrungen, welche jedoch weder formalisiert noch allgemein verfügbar sind. In den vorliegenden Untersuchungen werden Methoden der Pinzuordnung algorithmisch formuliert und damit einer Automatisierung zugeführt. Besondere Merkmale der Algorithmen sind ihre Einsetzbarkeit bereits während der Planung des Layouts, ihre Eignung für den hierarchisch gegliederten Layoutentwurf sowie ihre Fähigkeit, die Randbedingungen differenzieller Paare zu berücksichtigen. Die beiden untersuchten Aspekte der Pinzuordnung, Verdrahtbarkeitsvorhersage und Zuordnungsalgorithmen, werden schließlich zusammengeführt, indem die neue entwickelte Verdrahtbarkeitsbewertung zum Vergleichen und Auswählen der formulierten Zuordnungsalgorithmen zum Einsatz kommt. / This work deals with the optimization of pin assignments for which an accurate routability prediction is a prerequisite. Therefore, this contribution introduces methods for routability prediction. The optimization of pin assignments, for which these methods are needed, is done after initial placement and before routing. Known methods of routability prediction are compiled, compared, and analyzed for their usability as part of the pin assignment step. These investigations lead to the development of a routability prediction method, which is adapted to the specific requirements of pin assignment. So far pin assignment of complex electronic devices has been a predominantly manual process. Hence, practical experience exists, yet, it had not been transferred to an algorithmic formulation. This contribution develops pin assignment methods in order to automate and improve pin assignment. Distinctive characteristics of the thereby developed algorithms are their usability during layout planning, their capability to integrate into a hierarchical design flow, and the consideration of differential pairs. Both aspects, routability prediction and assignment algorithms, are finally brought together by using the newly developed routability prediction to evaluate and select the assignment algorithms.

Quadratic Optical Nonlinearity And Geometry Of 1:1 Electron Donor Acceptor Complexes In Solution

Ghosh, Sampa 01 June 2008 (has links)
The knowledge of geometry of molecular complexes formed via molecular association in solution through weak interactions is always important to understand the origin of stability and function of an array of molecules, supramolecular assemblies, and macromolecular networks. Simple 1:1 molecular complexes are very useful in this regard as they provide a model to understand both the nature of these interactions and their structural implications. Several weak noncovalent forces from long range (van der Waal’s, electrostatic, induction, dispersion) to short range (charge transfer) govern the geometry, that is, relative orientation of the two molecules in such a complex. On one hand, we find 1:1 electron donor acceptor (EDA) complexes such as naphthalene-tetracyanobenzene, hexamethylbenzene-chloranil etc. which stack parallel or in slipped parallel geometry in their crystals. On the other, benzene dimer has been found to stabilize in T shaped geometry in all its three physical states. In this thesis, I focus on 1:1 EDA complexes in solution. A good volume of literature is available which deals with the optical studies on the formation of such complexes. It has been suggested that the nature of the intermolecular interactions stabilizing these complexes in the gas phase or in their crystals is modified by the presence of solvent-solute interactions in solution thus bringing in difference in the solution geometry. However, the existing experimental techniques, both optical and magnetic, are unable to determine the exact geometries of 1:1 EDA complexes in solution. This opens an opportunity to probe their geometry in solution. The quadratic nonlinearity or first hyperpolarizability (β) of a molecule is a measure of the change in dipole moment (or polarization) in the second order of the applied electrical field and thus has a purely electronic origin. It is a tensorial property and can be resolved in components along the three dimensions. The number of β components and the nonlinear optical anisotropies in a typical donor-acceptor type dipolar molecule, defined as (equation) (where1, 2, 3 axes define the molecular frame, 1 being the direction along the principal axis of symmetry and pointing from the acceptor toward the donor), are determined by the symmetry /structure of the molecule. It has been shown theoretically that the 1:1 EDA complexes possess large hyperpolarizabilities. In the case of pNA dimers calculation revealed that the geometry of the dimer and its symmetry is important for obtaining the correct estimate of β from its tensorial components. Therefore, it should be possible to use the values of tensorial β components to construct the unknown geometry of such complexes. Experimentally macroscopic depolarization ratios (D and D′) in the laboratory fixed frame (XYZ, X being the direction of polarization and Z the direction of propagation of the incident light), are measured from the polarization resolved intensities of second harmonic scattering from molecules in solution using the hyper-Rayleigh scattering technique. The depolarization ratios are correlated to the anisotropy parameters, u and v through a co-ordinate transformation. In this thesis I, have first, characterized the quadratic nonlinear optical property of a variety of 1:1 electron donor acceptor complexes and used the values of u and v obtained from depolarized hyper-Rayleigh scattering to deduce their geometry in solution. Chapter 1 provides an introduction to the 1:1 electron donor acceptor complexes, their relevance to chemistry and biology. It also contains an introduction to nonlinear optical processes in molecules. The objective of the present work and scope of the investigation carried out in this thesis is presented in this chapter. Chapter 2 describes the details of the experimental polarization resolved HRS technique. The geometrical model adopted for the analysis of the HRS data has also been introduced and the method of analysis has been described in detail in this chapter. Chapter 3 presents the measurement of β values of two series of 1:1 EDA complexes of variously substituted methylbenzenes donors with tetrachloro-p-benzoquinone (CHL) and dicyanodichloro-p-benzoquinone (DDQ) acceptors at 1064 nm. In agreement with recent theoretical results we find large first hyperpolarizabilities for these complexes. The β values are greater than that of the typical push-pull molecule p-nitroaniline (pNA). We also find that in general β decreases with decrease in the donor strength. Chapter 4 presents the β values for the two series of EDA complexes of CHL and DDQ acceptors at 1907 nm. The values of β are less in magnitude at 1907 nm than that at 1064 nm which is due to the dispersion effect in β. In Chapter 5 and 6, it is described how depolarized hyper-Rayleigh scattering can be utilized to probe geometries of 1:1 complexes in solution. Chapter 5 concentrates mainly on 1:1 EDA complexes of CHL and DDQ and TCNB (tetracyanobenzene), while chapter 6 contains examples of other 1:1 molecular complexes where the noncovalent interactions are much weaker, such as in benzene-naphthalene, benzene-methoxybenzene, benzene-hexafluorobenzene and benzene-chlorobenzene pairs. We find the geometry of 1:1 EDA complexes in solution in terms of tilt angle (θ) and twist angle (ϕ) between the donor and acceptor pairs. The angle θ varies from 29°-47° for different pairs of EDA complexes, while ϕ varies within 34° and 38°. We find that the geometry of 1:1 EDA complexes in solution is different (twisted and tilted cofacial and twisted ‘V’) from those in the crystalline or gaseous states (cofacial), if known. We find that both benzene-naphthalene and benzene-chlorobenzene pairs assume twisted ‘T’ shape geometry with θ = 82° and 85°, respectively, and φ = 38°, while benzene-hexafluorobenzene assumes a twisted ‘V’ shape. A strong solvent effect is seen in the geometry of the benzene- methoxybenzene complex. The tilt angle is 55° when chloroform is used as a solvent and it is 82° without chloroform. Chapter 7 is the concluding chapter where the main work done in this thesis is summarized and future directions are presented.

Exploring Analog and Digital Design Using the Open-Source Electric VLSI Design System

Aluru, Gunasekhar 05 1900 (has links)
The design of VLSI electronic circuits can be achieved at many different abstraction levels starting from system behavior to the most detailed, physical layout level. As the number of transistors in VLSI circuits is increasing, the complexity of the design is also increasing, and it is now beyond human ability to manage. Hence CAD (Computer Aided design) or EDA (Electronic Design Automation) tools are involved in the design. EDA or CAD tools automate the design, verification and testing of these VLSI circuits. In today’s market, there are many EDA tools available. However, they are very expensive and require high-performance platforms. One of the key challenges today is to select appropriate CAD or EDA tools which are open-source for academic purposes. This thesis provides a detailed examination of an open-source EDA tool called Electric VLSI Design system. An excellent and efficient CAD tool useful for students and teachers to implement ideas by modifying the source code, Electric fulfills these requirements. This thesis' primary objective is to explain the Electric software features and architecture and to provide various digital and analog designs that are implemented by this software for educational purposes. Since the choice of an EDA tool is based on the efficiency and functions that it can provide, this thesis explains all the analysis and synthesis tools that electric provides and how efficient they are. Hence, this thesis is of benefit for students and teachers that choose Electric as their open-source EDA tool for educational purposes.

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