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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

E-portfolio as an alternative assessment approach enhancing self-directed learning in an Open Distance Learning environment

Nkalane, Patience Kelebogile 11 1900 (has links)
Assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning in higher education. The use of technology in higher education, particularly in the ODL environment, has brought some changes on how we teach and assess students. The traditional assessment practices needed to be reviewed and reconfigured to meet the requirements of the 21st century assessment practices. The purpose of this doctoral study was to design a framework to guide the assessment of an E-portfolio as an alternative assessment approach in an ODL context. The integrated theoretical framework of the learning theories (behaviourism, cognitive and constructivist) and the ODL theories (connectivist, online collaborative and self-directed) underpinned the study. This integrated framework explored lecturer and student experiences in the use of Eportfolio, as an alternative assessment to enhance self-directed learning. In striving to get in-depth insight into this study, the pragmatism paradigm, which calls for the mixed methods research design, was employed for the collection and analysis of data. The sample was drawn from a cohort of six participants and fifty-six respondents in the three colleges of the university. This sequential exploratory mixed methods design employed semi-structured interviews, document analysis for qualitative data collection while a Likert scale of an online questionnaire was used to collect quantitative data. The findings of this research indicated that the E-portfolio can be of greater use as an alternative assessment approach and was able to empower students with higher order thinking skills, critical thinking skills and self-directed learning equipping them with the 21st century skills. Several challenges were experienced during the implementation of the E-portfolio, which included lack of digital literacies and technical assistance, nonsynchronisation of the learning management system for hosting E-portfolio (myUnisa), UNISA’s policies which do not include E-portfolio assessment processes and procedures. In conclusion, the literature study, the findings of the empirical research and the recommendation of this study formed the basis for designing the framework to guide the assessment of an E-portfolio as an alternative assessment strategy for an ODL context. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / Ph. D. (Curriculum Studies)

The transformation of the higher education institutions in the post-apartheid era : the South African Research Chairs initiative as an indicator

Nkhumeleni, Cebisa 10 1900 (has links)
The study investigated whether the South African Research Chairs and the research programmes of the Department of Science and Technology and the National Research Foundation Programme (DST/NRF programmes), have made an effective contribution towards the acceleration of transformation in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in South Africa. The study argues that the implementation of the Higher Education (HE) policies by HEIs and the South African Research Chairs are seriously undermined by legacies of colonialism and apartheid. It is further contended that unless more funds are made available to black students to study full-time, the pillars of democracy of social justice, redress and equality remain meaningless ideological slogans. Guided by the insights provided by literature review on CDA, the study focuses more on the top-down relations of dominance (policy) that fuels continuing racial discrimination in higher education institutions, which the 2008 Final Report of the Ministerial Higher Education Committee isolated for criticism. The study posits that the thematic structural unifier, which links all the pieces of the multiplicity of the competing ideas and voices and threads through the whole study, is the endless probing and unravelling of the cultural and historical factors that continue to undermine the higher education transformation agenda. The findings of this study suggest that the policy implementation of the HE transformation agenda continues to be constrained by mismatch between policy objectives and implementation results. The findings also indicate that although the research-driven performance of South African Research Chairs has progressively improved each year and student support and research outputs increased between the 2008/09 and 2009/10 financial years, the direct impact of the SARChI programme can only be determined when performance is measured against the South African Research Chair Holders‟ baseline performance. The data also suggest that despite access to educational services at HEIs improving, the existence of various forms of discriminatory 15 practices, are still employed, a major challenge attributed to the “great man” leadership styles adopted by many university‟s vice chancellors and councils. This evaluation study utilises a small-scale purposive sample composed of three experts, with unstructured in-depth face-to-face interviews conducted with the experts. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Philosophy of Education)

A social cognitive perspective on student learning engagement in blended learning programmes in private higher education / Sosiaal-kognitiewe perspektief van studente se leerbetrokkenheid by gemengdeleerprogramme in private hoër onderwys / Umqondo womphakathi kwimfundo yokuxoxisana nabafundi kwizinhlelo ezihlanganisiwe zokufunda emazikweni aphakeme angasese/azimelea

Green, Shawn Lourens 09 November 2020 (has links)
Abstract in English, Afrikaans and Xhosa / Blended learning is referenced as the “best of both worlds” (Snart, 2010:xvi), which integrates Face-to-Face instruction with online learning. With interest in incorporating blended learning within the higher education curricula expanding, many private higher education institutions seek to understand how they can use educational technology effectively in blended learning to enhance undergraduate students’ learning engagement. This study investigated the nature and extent of private higher education students’ learning engagement in blended learning programmes within a private higher education provider. Through the lens of Bandura's (2000:121, 2009:180) Social Cognitive Theory, the study investigated private higher education students’ learning engagement in blended learning during the completion of their qualification and how it impacted teaching and learning. A descriptive quantitative research design was adopted, coupled with a positivist paradigm of inquiry. Utilising a cross-sectional survey it acquired descriptive data from a sample population of 567 respondents who answered the study’s research questions. The study found that student orientation programmes are associated with students’ perceived self-efficacy, subsequently affecting their engagement in blended learning programmes directly, and through the impact on outcome expectations, goals and socio-structural impediments. Additionally, socio-structural facilitators impacted outcome expectations and student engagement. The study’s results established a new framework, namely Social Cognitive Student Engagement in Blended Learning. / Gemengde leer word dikwels die “beste van twee wêrelde” genoem (Snart, 2010:xvi) aangesien onderrig nie alleen van aangesig tot aangesig nie, maar ook aanlyn geskied. Gesien die stygende belangstelling in die inskakeling van gemengde leer by hoëronderwysleerplanne, ondersoek talle private hoëronderwysinstellings maniere om opvoedkundige tegnologie in gemengde leer te gebruik om voorgraadse studente se leerbetrokkenheid te verbeter. In hierdie studie is ondersoek ingestel na die aard en omvang van studente se leerbetrokkenheid in die gemengdeleerprogramme wat by ʼn private verskaffer van hoër onderwys aangebied word. Hierdie studie het deur die lens van Bandura se sosiaal-kognitiewe teorie (2000:121, 2009:180) gekyk na studente se leerbetrokkenheid by gemengde leer in die verwerwing van ʼn kwalifikasie, en die uitwerking daarvan op onderrig en leer. Die navorsingsontwerp was deskriptief-kwantitatief en die ondersoekparadigma positivisties. Aan die hand van ʼn dwarssnitopname is beskrywende data by ʼn steekproefbevolking van 567 respondente ingewin. In die studie is bevind dat oriënteringsprogramme op studente se siening van hul eie selfwerksaamheid gemik is, hulle betrokkenheid by gemengdeleerprogramme verbeter, en daardeur hul uitkomsverwagtings, mikpunte en die mate waarin hulle sosiaal-strukturele struikelblokke oorkom, bepaal. Afgesien hiervan het sosiaal-strukturele fasiliteerders ʼn gunstige uitwerking op studente se uitkomsverwagtings en betrokkenheid gehad. ʼn Raamwerk is opgestel, naamlik die Sosiaal-Kognitiewe Betrokkenheid van Studente by Gemengde Leer. / Uhlelo lwemfundo ehlanganisiwe lubizwa, phecelezi nge “best of both worlds” (Snart, 2010:xvi), ukuhlanganisa umyalelo okhishwa ngendlela yokubhekana kwabantu ubuso nobuso kanye nohlelo lokufunda nge-inthanethi. Njengoba uthando lokufaka phakathi uhlelo lokufunda oluhlanganisiwe ngaphakathi kohlelo lwemfundo emazikweni aphakeme lya ngokuya lukhula nje, amaziko emfundo ephakeme amaningi angasese afuna ukuzwisisa ukuthi ngabe angabusebenzisa kanjani ngempumelelo ubuchwepheshe bethekinoloji bezemfundoi ohlelweni lwezokufunda oluhlanganisiwe ukuze kuqiniswe uhlelo lokufunda ngokuxoxisana nabafundi abasafundela iziqu zesigaba sokuqala. Lolu cwaningo luye lwaphenya ubunjalo kanye nezinga lokufunda kwabafundi ngokuxoxisana ezinhlelweni zokufunda okuhlanganisiwe ngaphakathi kweziko langasese lemfundo ephakeme. Ngokusebenzisa iso lomqondo wokufunda kaBandura (Bandura's social cognitive theory (2000:121, 2009:180), ucwaningo luye lwaphenya uhlelo lokufunda ngokuxoxisana nabafundi ohlelweni lokufunda ngokuhlanganyela ngesikhathi bephothula iziqu zabo kanye nangendlela lolu hlelo lunomthelela ngayo kwezokufundisa nokufunda. Idizayini yocwaningo oluchazayo olwencike kumanani luye lwamukelwa, ngokuthi luhambisane nohlelo lwe-positivist paradigm of inquiry. Ngokusebenzisa isaveyi i-cross-sectional survey, idatha echazayo yaqoqwa kwisampuli yenani lonke labaphenduli abayi-567. Ucwaningo luye lwathola ukuthi izinhlelo zokwamukela abafundi zihlobene nemiqondo yabafundi (students’ perceived self-efficacy), bese kulandelise ngokuthinta ngqo ukuxoxisana kwabo kwizinhlelo zokufunda ezihlanganisiwe. Ukwengeza, abahlanganisi besakhiwo somphakathi babe nomthelela phezu kwemiphumela elindelwe kanye nokuxoxisana nomfundi. Kuye kwasungulwa isakhiwo esisha, sona yilesi esilandelayo, phecelezi, Social Cognitive Student Engagement in Blended Learning. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

An approach to a creative pedagogy to improve the learner-content relation in Tertiary ICT education in South Africa.

Van Eck, Rene 12 1900 (has links)
M. Tech. (Department of Information and Communication Technology, Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences), Vaal University of Technology. / The work-integrated learning (WIL) concept was introduced to enhance the employability of students completing their IT qualification at universities of Technology (UoTs) in South Africa. Employability is defined as a combination of characteristics that make a person a useful and thereby desirable employee. WIL is defined as a component of a curriculum to improve the value of student learning by integrating academic training and practical workplace exposure. However, a large cohort of students registered for the IT qualification at UoTs do not find company placement for WIL, resulting in these students having to complete this final qualifying module of their qualification by undertaking a group project on campus. The group project entails developing a software system for a client. The overall sentiment expressed by employers, lecturers and students in this study is that students who remain on campus for the group project are not as well-prepared as those who find placement at a company for their in-service training. This study aimed to develop and propose an approach to a creative pedagogy in the form of a simulated working environment on campus within a tertiary educational setting to contribute towards enhancing the learner-content relation of WIL students, in order to improve the employability of students by providing the on-campus project students with an equal opportunity to those going into industry for their in-service training. The philosophy adopted for this research is interpretivism, with the Vaal University of Technology as the case of the research. The investigation adopted a mixed-method approach where respondents were requested to complete questionnaires focusing on their perceptions of on-campus group work vs. in-service training at companies for the WIL component of the IT qualification. Five respondent groups were identified for participation in the study, namely: i) In-service training students, i.e. WIL students who found placement in a company; ii) Project students, i.e. WIL students who remained on campus to do a group project; iii) Graduates, i.e. students who already completed WIL and graduated; iv) Employers of WIL students who found placement at a company; and v) Lecturers involved in WIL training on campus. The responses of the various respondent groups were analysed qualitatively and quantitatively. Comparisons of the perceptions of the respective groups were made to explore the possibility of a viable solution to the on-campus group work challenges that were identified. Based on reviewing recent literature, analysing the data collected from the completed to questionnaires by different role players, and adapting and the institutional strategy framework for WIL developed by Jacobs in 2015, an approach to a creative pedagogy in the form of a virtual company on campus for WIL students is presented to provide students who cannot find placement in industry for their in-service training with an equal experience to the in-service training company students. The proposed pedagogical approach incorporates the five standards defined by Tharp in 2018 as requirements for an effective and successful curriculum in the development of the actual virtual company. These include: contextualisation, challenging activities, joint productive activity, intellectual conversation and language development. The proposed approach adopts a three-layered approach to a creative pedagogy, with the aim of improving the employability of on-campus WIL students. The first layer lays the basis for implementing a virtual company on campus and includes aspects such as the objective for a simulated working environment on campus, employer preferences, and the skills set students should possess for employers to offer them a placement in their company for in-service training. The second layer focuses on the details that should be in place for a virtual company to be successfully implemented. This practical layer in the implementation of the virtual company focuses on infrastructure, Finance, HR, legislative approval, and appropriate assessments. The third layer only follows when the second layer has been put into place. This layer deals with how academic content can be included in the proposed pedagogical approach. The study also revealed that in addition to adopting the concept of a virtual company on campus for WIL students, a substantial focus should be on soft skills training. The exit level outcomes (ELOs) related to a simulated working environment for the WIL module of the IT are specified in the HEQF (Higher Education Qualifications Framework) document as set out by the South African Qualifications Authority.

Learner support in the provision of distance teaching programmes for under qualified teachers

Segoe, Bobo Aaron 09 1900 (has links)
Presently all over the world, there is a great concern among teachers, parents, organisations, community leaders and higher education lecturers about the problems that beset teaching and learning particularly in the teaching programmes, for example, for under-qualified teachers studying at a distance. Most distance education (DE) programmes are concerned with education of adults and it seems fairly obvious that the research plans should be informed by the theories and research about learning in higher education institutions. In terms of teacher education, such studies could, inter alia, focus on teacher development, curriculum planning, learner support programmes, communication and evaluation of DE. DE itself refers to a field of education that focuses on teaching methods and technology with the aim of delivering teaching, often on an individual basis, to learners who are not physically present in a traditional educational setting such as a classroom. Distance learning is becoming an increasingly popular way of studying, and most universities now provide courses using this mode of teaching and learning. Today’s learners, though, are demanding high quality, consumer-focused and flexible courses and learning resources, and active learner support. This means that providers of DE need to reconsider key issues about learner support systems, to ensure that this is delivered appropriately and effectively. This study focuses on learner support in DE education for under-qualified teachers. The concept, learner support, can be traced far back to Vygotsky’s concept of the zone of proximal development, which refers to a learners’ optimal developmental potential if assistance that is timely and appropriate is provided by another person (Vygotsky, 1978). The appeal of the concept of the zone of proximal development lies in the fact that it directs attention to the need for maximum support in the learning process, and does so in a way that emphasises that good teaching is necessarily responsive to the state of understanding achieved by particular learners. Learner support systems may include the resources that the learner can access in order to engage in the learning process, for example, libraries or the resources that relate to the mediation of the communication process such as the media or technology. This study acknowledges that there are different kinds of learner support structures, but argues that there are critical or main components of support services which are registration support, learner support services, contact sessions, technological support and feedback strategies. Therefore, this study focuses on the role played by these five learner support structures as used in the programmes of DE under-qualified teachers at The University of South Africa (UNISA). Supported by empirical data, this study seeks to argue that instructional designers and tutors in the programmes of under-qualified teachers studying through DE need to ensure quality learning support as learning environments are increasingly designed according to the principles of resource-based and independent learning. In a sustainable learning environment, support must be designed according to principles that ensure that learners progress from teacher-directed activity to self-regulated activity. The challenge to deliver a high-quality learner support system, and for tutors and administrators to assume a central educational role in developing effective distance learning environments, the need for teaching and research is increasingly emphasised in research literature. Finally, it is hoped that this piece of work will help to promote more discussion and debate about the use of learner support programmes in DE institutions in particular, and in teaching and learning in general. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Didactics)

Towards meaningful teaching and learning at the University of the North

White, Christopher William 11 1900 (has links)
In order to understand the dynamics of change taking place in universities in South Africa today and their impact on teaching and learning, specifically at the University of the North, an understanding of the changing nature of relationships in education is essential. Teaching and learning must not be seen in isolation, but in the context of a universal paradigm shift manifest in all walks of life. The relationship between teacher and learner too has fundamentally changed. In today's 'opensystems' paradigm, relationships have become temporary, horizontalized, other-directed and complex in nature. It is in the light of these realities that meaningful teaching and learning must take place. In the context of today's rapidly changing environment, dominated by technocracy and characterised by alienation and misunderstanding, the need for knowledge and leadership, in and through the University of the North, is crucial. This, in turn, can only be achieved if the University becomes accessible and accountable to the community. The process of transforming anachronistic, closed and authoritarian structures on campus towards openness and accountability has been fraught with conflict and opportunism. The University of the North developed from a once universal contradiction, having been created as a political necessity, towards becoming an educational necessity. This process has witnessed attempts at reformation, open rebellion and the quest for total transformation. The search for meaningful alternatives, as mirrored by the broader struggle in society against the contradictions of apartheid policy, has impacted on all walks of life at the University. Teaching and learning became highly politicised, characterised by open conflict and alienation, resulting in destruction of the culture of learning. The present process of transformation on campus, involving all stakeholders, has led to many achievements in the search for new relationships and new meanings. It is essential that the University belong to the community. Standing on the edge of chaos, the University needs to set an example in leadership, in accessibility, relevance, and in the promotion of Africanisation as a didactic principle through dialogue, openness and the sharing of knowledge through practical action at the grass roots level. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Didactics)

Staff development for innovative teaching and learning at the University of South Africa

Isabirye, Anthony Kiryagana 02 1900 (has links)
The evolution of technologies used for learning in open distance learning (ODL) has compelled academics to upgrade their teaching skills and competencies in order to teach in an ever-changing environment. While the earlier ODL generations were characterised by the use of written, printed texts, radio, television, print media and postal services, the current generations are characterised by the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to enhance teaching and learning. This study explored the experiences of academics who participated in the staff development courses for innovative teaching and learning at the University of South Africa. To explore the experiences, a qualitative research design of a phenomenological genre was adopted. Using interviews, data was collected from six purposively selected academics and analysed following Giorgi’s phenomenological methods. The academics’ experiences and concerns provided some insight into their development needs and how they would have liked to have been developed for innovative teaching. It emerged that staff development provided valuable knowledge, skills and competencies, enabling and promoting innovative forms of e-teaching and learning. These experiences and concerns were synthesised into a staff development framework consisting of four phases: Orientation; Learning; Acquisition of skills and Competencies; and Performance indicating that effective staff development requires that participants are initially orientated to the training programme before exposure to authentic learning activities. Through this exposure they acquire the vital online teaching skills and competencies thereby enhancing their performance as online teachers. The staff development framework indicated further that for effective staff development to take place, the different phases should not only be supported by university management but also by an evaluation mechanism to establish whether the objectives in each phase have been achieved. It also emerged that time played an important role in staff development, as the duration of each phase and the development intervention as a whole affects how well academics are able to acquire and perfect their teaching skills. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

The role of social media as an information source in the decision making of students when selecting a university

Fourie, Letitia Engela 05 1900 (has links)
Social media is an important part of the everyday lives of young and old alike. Consumers today turn to online sources more and more to help them make decisions. They ask for advice online on purchases they want to make and read extensive reviews that help them to make a purchase decision. With a broad literature review conducted, it was noted that in the past traditional media was mainly used by students as information sources in their decision-making process. The purpose of this study was to determine what role social media as an information source has in the decision making of students when selecting a university. Data was collected from University of South Africa students by means of an online questionnaire. The sample was selected using probability sampling in the form of simple random sampling. The results of this study indicated that students use social media as an information source to some extent when making a decision about a university. Social media was found to be a credible source of information albeit it only has a slight influence on their decision-making process. Students are present online and use social media mostly on their cell phones for entertainment purposes. Universities should take note of the role that social media plays in the lives of students. It can enable them to better market their institutions to potential students. / Business Management / MCOM (Business Management)

Alternative assessment for effective open distance education

Oliver, Erna 09 1900 (has links)
The knowledge-driven, network society is founded upon technology. Educators need to implement technology effectively into the three main pillars of education, namely teaching, learning and assessment. This would assist students to become independent, confident and motivated life-long, self-directed learners that can use technology effectively in an educational environment. It would also ensure that graduates are able to become change agents, transferring their knowledge, skills and values to others in their communities. Alternative assessment methods that are technology driven could enable both educators and students to become more effective in a network society. This study advocates the use of alternative assessment methods by using technology driven assessment tools for possible replacement of traditional, paper based and "one size fits all" assessment methods within the subject field of Theology. Document analysis was used in a broad sense to evaluate technology-based multimedia documents. Ten documents were identified and evaluated as possible alternatives for traditional assessment methods. Inter-rater reliability ensured that the investigation provided constant estimates and results. The SECTIONS model used for this evaluation provided opportunities to include criteria important for higher education, the use of technology and subject relevant information to ensure that the evaluation was done with a specific purpose and scope in mind; to find technology-based tools that can substitute traditional assessment tools in order to enhance effective education to students. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Open and Distance Learning)

Motivators, contributors and inhibitors in adult higher education in the University of the Western Cape

Viljoen, Karin 01 1900 (has links)
Lifelong learning for adults has almost become compulsory for the maintenance of employability. In the South African context, The National Plan for Higher Education advocated an increase of adult learners entering higher education to facilitate lifelong learning. This study will focus on adult learners returning to institutions of higher education on a full-time basis. The study will determine factors that motivate adults to enter the learning environment, and it will identify inhibitors and contributors during their studies. A qualitative research design has been employed. Analysis of data collected by open-ended questionnaires and in-depth interviews indicated that the motivation to return to higher education was mainly personal and career driven. Students reported on situational, dispositional, and institutional inhibitors they experienced and had to overcome. Contributors identified included various support systems. Recommendations are made in view of the results of the empirical study to assist institutions of higher education in South Africa to meet the unique needs of the adult learner. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Adult Education)

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