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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Material paradidático em educação ambiental para o 6º ano do ensino fundamental / Paradidactic material in environmental education for the 6th year of elementary

Köb-Nogueira, Elaine Luiza 22 September 2015 (has links)
Acompanha: Material paradidático em educação ambiental para o 6º ano do ensino fundamental / A Educação Ambiental (EA) foi reconhecida como transformadora e necessária para a formação de cidadãos críticos a atuantes na sociedade. Para tanto, leis e documentos regem sua inserção nos espaços formais de ensino, o que ainda ocorre de maneira bastante tímida por inúmeros fatores. Sendo uma das indicações necessárias, que a EA ocorra de maneira interdisciplinar, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo elaborar um material paradidático interdisciplinar de EA que aproxime a disciplina de Ciências do 6º ano do Ensino Fundamental II às demais disciplinas curriculares dessa mesma série. Dessa forma, buscou-se conhecer como ocorreu a implantação da Educação Ambiental em espaços de ensino formal; quais as orientações que documentos como os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais, as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais, as Diretrizes Curriculares do Estado do Paraná e o Plano Político Pedagógico da Escola Willy Janz possuem para a inserção da EA no ensino formal, bem como as potencialidades de aliar essa inserção aos conteúdos curriculares elencados no livro didático do 6º ano do Ensino Fundamental. Na revisão de literatura buscou-se conhecer sobre interdisciplinaridade, o uso de materiais didáticos diversos pelos professores e como as aulas podem ser organizadas em sequências didáticas para auxiliar o ensino interdisciplinar. Foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa cujo instrumento utilizado foi a análise documental. A partir dessa análise a autora reconheceu alguns elementos norteadores para a elaboração de um material paradidático de EA, a saber: (1) interdisciplinaridade; (2) valorização dos conhecimentos prévios e contexto dos educandos; (3) uso de estratégias e metodologias diversificadas de ensino; (4) formação cidadã dos educandos com base nos objetivos e princípios da EA, e (5) formação de conceitos, procedimentos, atitudes e valores. Assim, utilizando esses elementos norteadores, foram elaboradas cinco sequências didáticas de EA que aproximam os conhecimentos curriculares presentes no livro didático de Ciências às demais disciplinas da mesma série, compondo um material paradidático, produto final dessa dissertação. Duas das cinco sequências didáticas elaboradas foram aplicadas pela autora durante suas aulas e verificou-se que elas auxiliaram a preencher as lacunas existentes no livro didático a respeito das discussões pertinentes à EA. Assim, esse trabalho contribui com a inserção da EA em espaços formais de ensino e espera-se para o futuro que as sequências didáticas elaboradas possam ser ampliadas e adaptadas para outros níveis e contextos de ensino. / The Environmental Education (EE) has been recognized as a transformative and necessary for the formation of critical citizens active in society. To this end, laws and documents governing their inclusion in the formal teaching spaces, which still occurs in a very shy way by numerous factors. Being one of the necessary information, the EE takes place in an interdisciplinary way, this research had as its goal the elaboration of an interdisciplinary paradidactic material for EE that approaches the subject of Sciences in the 6th year of Elementary School to other curricular subjects contained in the same school year. For that, there was an effort to know how did the implantation of Environmental Education happen in formal teaching institutions; which were the orientations that documents such as the National Curricular Parameters, the National Curricular Directives, the Paraná State Curricular Directives and the Willy Janz School Political Pedagogical Plan possess for the insertion of EE in the formal teaching, as well as the potentialities of allying this insertion to the curricular contents contained in the didactic book of the 6th year of Elementary School. In the literature revision, there was an effort to know about interdisciplinarity, the use of diverse didactic materials by the teachers and how the classes could be organized in didactic sequences in order to supplement the interdisciplinary teaching. A qualitative survey was made in which the instrument utilized was the documental analysis. From this analysis the author acknowledged some of the guide elements for the development of a EE paradidactic material, as: (1) interdisciplinarity; (2) valorization of previous knowledge and educators context; (3) use of diversified teaching strategies and methods; (4) civil formation of the teachers based in the principles and objectives of EE, and (5) development of concepts, procedures, values and attitudes. Thus, by making use of these guide elements, were developed five EE didactic sequences that approximate the curricular knowledge present in the 6th year Sciences didactic book to the other subjects in the same school year, composing a paradidactic material, final product of this dissertation. Two of the five didactic sequences developed were applied by the author during its own classes and it was noted that they filled existent gaps contained in the didactic book with respect to discussions related to EE. Therefore, this work contributes to the insertion of EE in formal teaching institutions and it is expected in the future that these didactic sequences can be amplified and adapted to other contexts and levels of teaching.

Educação e linguagem : em busca do conceito de enunciação em referenciais curriculares de língua portuguesa

Zanette, Carla Roberta Sasset 18 December 2015 (has links)
A partir de pressupostos teóricos de Émile Benveniste, esta pesquisa investiga o conceito de enunciação e os que o constituem (eu-tu-aqui-agora), no documento intitulado Referenciais da Educação da Rede Municipal de Caxias do Sul, Caderno 2 - Planos de Estudo de Língua Portuguesa, mais especificamente, no que diz respeito aos objetivos gerais e às habilidades dos 7° e 9° anos. De cunho essencialmente bibliográfico, esta investigação fundamenta-se em referenciais teóricos de Saussure e Benveniste, entre outros autores que tratam de educação, epistemologia, processos de ensino e aprendizagem e de questões relacionadas à língua materna. A análise efetiva do conceito de enunciação é realizada com base em um material teórico delimitado a partir de um itinerário de leitura. Esse material é composto por seis textos das obras benvenistianas Problemas de Lingüística Geral I e II: Natureza do signo linguístico (1939), A Natureza dos pronomes (1956) e Da subjetividade na linguagem (1958); A linguagem e experiência humana (1965), A forma e o sentido na linguagem (1966/1967) e O aparelho formal da enunciação (1970). Com base nos resultados apresentados neste estudo, entendo que a organização do material analisado, seja pelos objetivos gerais, seja pelas habilidades, concretiza o conceito de enunciação e os que o compõem, evidenciando o ensino de língua materna, sob uma perspectiva enunciativa, que considera o efetivo uso da língua, nas mais diferentes situações interlocutivas. / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, CAPES. / This research investigates the concept of enunciation, from Émile Benveniste’s theoretical perspective, and those that constitute it (I-you-here-now) in the document entitled Referenciais da Educação da Rede Municipal de Caxias do Sul (Education Framework for the Municipal Schools in Caxias do Sul). The research focuses more specifically on the general goals and skills of the 7th and 9th school years found in the number 2 Study Plan booklet for the Portuguese Language. The study is essentially bibliographic and is based on Saussure’s and Benveniste’s views as well as on other researchers whose works are related to education, epistemology, the teaching and learning processes and to issues on the mother tongue. The effective analysis of the enunciation concept is carried out based on a theoretical material framed according to a reading program. This material consists of six essays found in the two volumes of Problems in General Linguistics by Benveniste: the nature of the linguistic sign (1939), the nature of pronouns (1956) and subjectivity in language (1958); language and human experience (1965), form and meaning in language (1966/1967) and the formal apparatus of enunciation (1970). Based on the results presented in this study, I understand that the planning of the analyzed material, considering both the general goals and the skills, materializes the concept of enunciation and those that constitute it. The results show that the teaching of the mother tongue is based on an enunciative perspective, which considers the effective use of language in many different situations of interlocution.

Educação ambiental e iniciação científica no ensino fundamental

Carminatti, Anarisa Fátima 22 February 2017 (has links)
O desenvolvimento de habilidades científicas é o principal objetivo da Alfabetização Científica e Tecnológica (ACT), a qual tem sido atualmente alvo de interesse de inúmeros pesquisadores que tenta tanto elucidar os mecanismos de concretização da ACT junto aos estudantes, quanto avaliar os indicadores desse processo verificando os avanços construídos pelos mesmos. A Alfabetização Científica busca a compreensão da estrutura básica de funcionamento das ciências, o que engloba a aquisição de vocabulário básico de conceitos científicos, uma compreensão da natureza dos métodos científicos e uma compreensão do impacto da ciência e da tecnologia sobre os indivíduos e sobre a sociedade. Neste estudo objetivou-se avaliar a efetividade da Educação Ambiental para o desenvolvimento de habilidades científicas em estudantes dos anos finais do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola pública, localizada na Microbacia do Arroio Pena Branca no Município de Caxias do Sul, RS, Brasil, utilizando como tema motivador os recursos hídricos. Trata-se de pesquisa participante com dados predominantemente qualitativos, utilizando-se como estratégias para coleta de dados o questionário e o grupo focal, além da observação direta da pesquisadora. O método de aprendizagem ativa utilizado com os participantes foi o Ensino pela Pesquisa e, no aporte teórico de conceitos necessários aos mesmos, foi realizada consulta a especialistas. As atividades envolveram conscientização quanto aos impactos ambientais e fundamentação teórica sobre os recursos hídricos, coleta de amostras e análise da qualidade da água de arroio com determinação do Índice de Qualidade da Água, reconhecimento e identificação de macroinvertebrados aquáticos coletados no arroio e utilizados como bioindicadores, realização de analogias entre ecossistema natural e ecossistema artificial, socialização dos conhecimentos construídos e construção de um jogo pedagógico. O estudo aponta para a efetividade da Educação Ambiental no desenvolvimento de habilidades científicas, sendo que compreendendo os efeitos da ação antrópica no ambiente natural, os participantes puderam refletir sobre possíveis mudanças e métodos que podem ser utilizados para a preservação e conservação dos recursos naturais e em particular a água. O envolvimento dos estudantes de Ensino Fundamental nas atividades de pesquisa demonstrou-se uma importante ferramenta para a compreensão das metodologias científicas e sua aplicabilidade em atividades de Educação Ambiental, bem como para a formação profissional futura. / The development of scientific skills is the main goal of the Scientific and Technological Literacy (LST), which has been currently target of interest of many researchers who try to elucidate the mechanisms of implementation with the students, and to evaluate the indicators of this process checking the advances built by them. Scientific Literacy seeks the understanding of the basic operating structure of science, which encompasses the acquisition of basic vocabulary of scientific concepts, an understanding of the nature of scientific methods, and an understanding of the impact of science and technology on individuals and society. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of environmental education to the development of scientific skills in students of the final years of primary school of a public school, located on the watershed called Arroio Pena Branca in the city of Caxias do Sul, in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, which uses the water resources as a motivating theme. The chosen methodology is a participant research with predominantly qualitative data, using as strategies for data collection the questionnaire and the focus group, besides the direct observation of the researcher.The active learning method used with participants was teaching by research and, theoretical concepts required contribution, was made queries the specialists and specialities. The activities involved awareness of environmental impacts and theoretical foundation on water, specimen collection and analysis of water quality of the stream with determination of the Index of Water Quality, the recognition and identification of aquatic macroinvertebrates collected in the watershed and used as bioindicators, the realization of analogies between natural and artificial ecosystem, the socialization of knowledge, and the construction of an educational game. The study points to the effectiveness of environmental education in the development of scientific skills. The understanding of the effects of human action in the natural environment made the participants to be able to reflect on possible changes and methods that can be used for the preservation and conservation of natural resources, particularly related to water. The Elementary school students’ involvement in research activities proved to be an important tool for the understanding of scientific methodologies and their applicability in environmental education activities, as well as to vocational training.

Formação de educadores ambientais e potência de ação: um estudo de caso. / Formation of environmental educators and the potential of action: a study case.

Cláudia Coelho Santos 31 January 2003 (has links)
Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de contribuir para a produção de conhecimentos que visem a constituição, consolidação e promoção de processos educacionais voltados à potencializar os sujeitos para uma ação comprometida com a sustentabilidade socioambiental. Assim, utilizando elementos da pesquisa qualitativa e procedimentos do estudo de caso, buscou-se identificar, no Curso de Especialização em Educação para Sociedades Sustentáveis, desenvolvido pela Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia, campus de Jequié, os elementos que poderiam estimular mudanças de atitude e valores no sentido da transformação social, refletindo no incremento da potência dos sujeitos envolvidos. A pesquisa apresenta aspectos que devem ser contemplados em um programa de Educação Ambiental. Processos pautados na autonomia dos educandos, no diálogo entre os envolvidos e na prática reflexiva, podem contribuir para a formação de educadores críticos, competentes tecnicamente e comprometidos ética e politicamente com as questões ambientais. / This study was carried out aiming contributing for the production of knowledge viewing constitution, consolidation, and promotion of educational processes related to powering the subjects for an action committed with the social and environmental sustainability. Thus, in the Specialization Course on Education for Sustainable Societies developed by State University of Southeast Bahia, campus Jequié, and by using the elements of a qualitative research and proceedings of this study case, the identification of elements that could promote changes of values and attitudes toward the social transformation through increasing the power of the subjects involved. The research shows points that must be presented in Environmental Education programs. Processes based on the autonomy of the students, on the dialog between the involved ones and the reflexive practice can contribute for the formation of critical, technically competent, and committed educators ethically and politically active toward the social-environmental matters.

Sociocultural and sociomaterial mediation of children’s connectedness-with-nature: a case study of Hobbiton

Ward-Smith, Chesney Fenella January 2018 (has links)
An increasingly large body of literature sees disconnection from nature as central to the convergent social-ecological crisis, rooted in anthropocentric ontologies. This study explored the potential for embodied, sociomaterial nature-based activities to engender shifts in children’s perceptions of, and sense of connectedness with, nature. Equally it explored how children’s socio-cultural-historical value positionings (SCHVP) mediated their perceptions of, and connectedness with, nature. The nature-based activities, spread over five-day camps, were located at Hobbiton-on-Hogsback, a centre that has existed for decades to provide experiential learning and graded exposure to natural spaces, aiming to increase environmental knowledge and nature-connection. The experiences of two groups of children from wide-ranging socioeconomic and socio-cultural backgrounds in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa were explored using interpretive case study methodology. Through semi-structured interviews and focus groups with selected children (aged 10-14) and the Hobbiton staff members who worked with them, as well as participant observation, data were collected and analysed thematically. This study was guided by a layered theoretical framework that included Deep Ecology as an under-labourer, and Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) as a substantive, analytical framework. Interactions between participants’ SCHVP and the sociomateriality of the nature- based activities were analysed in relation to the children’s nature-perceptions and sense of Connectedness-With-Nature. The findings highlight both the importance of the children’s SCHVP and the sociomateriality of the nature-based activities in mediating their prior perceptions of, and connectedness with nature. The nature-based activities acted as a primary stimulus for developing environmental empathy, awareness and pro-environmental intentions. In essence, Hobbiton acted as a primary ‘seed planter’ towards greater feelings of Connectedness-With-Nature. However, recommendations are put forward for more decolonised, ethics-oriented and sociomaterial design of Hobbiton’s nature-based activities, with an emphasis on integrating children’s SCHVP into the pedagogical-design process in relation to the sociomaterial elements of the nature-based activities. Emically integrating the children’s multiplicities of knowing, doing, valuing and being into the pedagogical-design process could contribute to the decolonisation of nature-based experiences in such contexts cultural, socio and political diversity.

An evaluation of the postgraduate diploma in Enterprise Management at Rhodes University

Earle, Nicola Lynne January 2012 (has links)
This research is concerned with the development of entrepreneurship at higher education institutions (HEI). Entrepreneurship is very important in every country as there is a direct correlation between entrepreneurship development and economic growth (Hegarty, 2006). Entrepreneurship education is essential as it assists students who want to start up their own businesses by giving them the relevant skills and knowledge to have a successful business. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the Postgraduate Diploma in Enterprise Management (PDEM) within the Management Department at Rhodes University, Grahamstown. A qualitative approach was implemented which used an adapted version of the Context, Input, Process and Product Model (Stuffelbean, Mckee and Mckee, 2003). Data was collected in the form of interviews and focus group interviews. There were six lecturer interviews, one course coordinator interview and five past student interviews. There were two focus group interviews that took place; this was done so to gather data from seven current PDEM students. The data collected was then analysed through the use of qualitative data analysis techniques. These were sensing themes, constant comparison, recursiveness, inductive and deductive thinking and interpretation to generate meaning (Ruona 2005, cited in Swanson and Holton, 2005). The Management Department aims to equip students to think realistically in terms of starting their own business and to enhance the students’ knowledge and skills so that they are better able to find employment in the corporate and government sectors. The PDEM aims to be an action-learning course and to create an entrepreneurial environment which will encourage students to start up their own businesses. The role of the lecturers and the course coordinator is important as they need to ensure that there is a continuous transfer of knowledge to the students. Students are not expected to be specialists within each subject; however they need to have a basic grounding in order to run a business. Students felt that the Alpha Project was important and useful as it improved their confidence about starting a new business. An issue that was raised about the Alpha Project was that the separation of students into the Alpha Project groups was not executed well. The course was perceived to be disorganised however the students tended to enjoy it and felt that the Management Department was supportive of their businesses.

An investigation of how the Namibian Environmental Education Course has shaped and informed the practice of non-formal environmental educators in Namibia

Namutenya, Martina January 2010 (has links)
Before Namibia's independence in 1990 educational programmes and curricula gave little attention to environmental education which was detrimental to the development of environmental literacy in Namibia. The post independence education reform process paid special attention to the inclusion of environmental education in all spheres of learning. Furthermore, Namibia became a signatory to various environmental conventions thereby raising awareness about the environment and the potential challenges to a sustainable future. The initiatives of various environmental education projects since independence have responded to the growing concern of environmental education programmes, resulting in the establishment of the Namibian Environmental Education Course (NEEC). To date few studies have been conducted examining the relevance of EE programmes in relation to the professional practice of EE providers in the non-formal sector. This study focuses on the work done by two environmental education providers and four assistant environmental education tutors in Rundu, in North-Eastern Namibia. The study adopted a qualitative approach to investigate how the NEEC has shaped and informed the practice of EE providers in the non-formal sector and also how the NEEC has responded to the Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) programme. The study employed three data collection instruments: interviews, field observations and document analysis. The findings indicated that despite the input of the NEEC programme which provided an understanding and knowledge of environmental problems to the EE providers, there are issues that continue to hamper the effective practice of these providers. The study revealed that the NEEC programme, while within the structure of ESD, does not give explicit guidelines for identifying Namibia's environmental challenges and clear strategies of how to respond to these challenges. The findings of the study have provided valuable insights into aspects of an EE programme that need to be addressed to support EE providers in responding to key environmental challenges in their regions and contribute to the decade of Education for Sustainable Development.

Investigating the inclusion of environmental learning in the Life Science Grade 10 curriculum : a case study of three Namibian schools

Joseph, Cecilia Namuhuya January 2015 (has links)
This study was carried out to investigate how Grade 10 Life Science teachers in three schools in the Omusati region of Namibia are including Environmental Learning (EL) in terms of the curriculum policy. A qualitative approach was used to generate data through document analysis, interviews and classroom observations to investigate the application of the policy of including environmental learning in classroom curriculum practice. The research was primarily directed towards examining constraints and enabling factors in the context of the three schools that participated in the study. The study revealed that teaching strategies for the inclusion of environmental learning were not widely evident, suggesting disparities between the policy of enabling environmental education through the inclusion of environmental learning across the curriculum. It was notable that teacher knowledge and interest in environmental education influence how they include environmental learning and that assessment practices narrow the scope of environmental learning in ways that do not include critical thinking and problem solving skills. The study concludes that despite diverse constraints inhibiting inclusion, the evidence suggests that the inclusion of environmental learning in Namibia’s Life Science curriculum can enable environmental education. The above main findings are used to make recommendations toward strengthening environmental content knowledge of teachers and to improve assessment practices. It was also noted that some of the environmental learning constraints could be transformed into enablers with more teacher support and by making a better link between environmental learning theories and practices. This will involve a redirection of the curriculum documents as well as the provision of other learning support materials to support environmental learning. The study has enabled me to conclude that what is happening should be encouraged so that it continues and is strengthened although the implementation of environmental learning is not as clear as the policy had mapped out.

Mobilising processes of abstraction, experiential learning and representation of traditional ecological knowledge in participatory monitoring of mangroves and fisheries : an approach towards enhancing social learning processes on the eastern coast of Tanzania

Sabai, Daniel January 2014 (has links)
This study addresses a core problem that was uncovered in records from coastal management monitoring initiatives on the eastern coast of Tanzania associated with the application and use of coastal monitoring indicators developed by external development partners for the coastal zone. These records suggest that local communities, who are key actors in participatory monitoring of coastal and marine resources, face many challenges associated with adapting and applying the said frameworks of indicators and monitoring plans. These indicators tend to be scientifically abstracted and methodologically reified; given prevailing contextual and socio‐cultural realities amongst them. The research project addresses the following key research question: How can processes of abstraction, conceptualisation, and representation of TEK contribute to the development of coastal management indicators that are less reified, more contextually and culturally congruent, and which may potentially be used by resource users in the wider social learning process of detecting trends, threats, changes and conditions of mangrove and fisheries resources? In response to the contextual problem and the research question, the study employs processes of abstraction and experiential learning techniques to unlock knowledge that local communities have, as an input for underlabouring existing scientific indicators on the Eastern coast of Tanzania. The research is constituted as critical realist case study research, involving two communities on the eastern coast of Tanzania, namely the Moa and the Boma communities (in Mkinga coastal district). Overall, the study involved 37 participants in a series of interviews, focus group discussions, and experiential learning processes using visualised data, and an experiential learning intervention workshop, and follow‐ups over a period of 3 years. The study worked with mangroves and fisheries to provide focus to the case study research and to allow for in‐depth engagement with the assumptions and processes associated with indicators development and use. Through the above mentioned data generation processes, critical realist analysis, and experiential learning processes involving abstraction and representation of traditional ecological knowledge held by mangrove restorers and fishers in the study areas, the study uncovers possible challenges of adapting and applying scientific indicators in participatory monitoring of a mangrove ecosystem. Using ampliative modes of inference for data analysis (induction, abduction and retroduction) and a critical realist scientific explanatory framework known as DRRREI(C) (Resolution, Re‐description, Retrodiction, Elimination, Identification, & Correction) the study suggests a new approach that may lead to the development of a framework of indicators that are less reified, more congruent to users (coastal communities), and likely to attract a wider context‐based social learning which favours epistemological access between scientific institutions (universities inclusive), and local communities. It attempts to establish an interface between knowledge that scientific institutions produce and the potential knowledge that exists in local contexts (traditional ecological knowledge), and seeks to widen and improve knowledge sharing and experiential learning practices that may potentially benefit coastal and marine resources in the study area. As mentioned above, the knowledge and abstraction processes related to the indicators development focussed on the mangrove ecosystem and associated fisheries, as engaged in the two participating communities in the eastern coast of Tanzania. The specific findings are therefore limited by the case boundaries, but the methodological process could be replicated and used elsewhere. The study’s contributions are theoretical and methodological, but also social and practice‐centred. The study brings into view the need to consider the contextual relevance of adapted knowledge, the capacity or ability of beneficiaries to adapt and apply scientific models, frameworks or tools, and the potential of local knowledge as an input for enhancing or improving monitoring of mangroves and mangrove‐based fisheries. Finally, the study comes up with a framework of indicators which is regarded by the coastal communities involved in the study as being less reified, more contextually and culturally congruent, and which may potentially be used in detecting environmental trends, threats, changes and conditions of mangrove and fisheries resources, and attract wider social learning processes.

South Korean Teachers' Beliefs about Diversity: the Impact on Practice of Multicultural Education

Yeo, Marie 26 July 2016 (has links)
Teachers in South Korean schools have begun to pay attention to the importance of multicultural education as Korea transforms into a multicultural society from a historically mono culture society. Because of Koreans' pride in the homogeneity of their race, language, and culture, multiculturalism is an idea that is hard for many to accept. Education needs to play a key role in fostering and retaining the value of diversity. Studies suggest that teachers' positive beliefs about diversity play a significant role to develop their multicultural competence and eventually to practice better multicultural education. The problem is little evidence exists in the literature about Korean teachers' beliefs about diversity. The purpose of this study was to examine South Korean teachers' beliefs about diversity, the factors that influence those beliefs, and the impact of those beliefs on their practice of multicultural education teaching. I used a mixed methods research approach which included surveys among a group of elementary teachers in South Korea and interviews with six teachers to examine their beliefs about diversity in more depth. Results indicated that for teachers in this study: (a) intercultural experiences positively influenced Korean teachers' beliefs about diversity; and (b) teachers' beliefs about diversity had a significant impact on their practice of multicultural teaching. Based on the findings, I suggest that teacher education programs provide meaningful intercultural experiences and support teachers to develop positive beliefs about diversity, and eventually, to practice better multicultural education in South Korea.

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