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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zur notwendigen Förderung interkultureller Kompetenz an deutschen Hochschulen in den Bereichen der Musik

Jank, Birgit January 2009 (has links)
Inhalt: 1. Öffnung der Hochschulen für einen kulturellen Dialog 2. Förderung einer interkulturellen Kompetenz in allen Bereichen des Studiums 3. Forschung zu interkulturellen Fragestellungen initiieren 4. Sprachfähigkeit fördern

Perspektiven einer Interkulturellen Musikpädagogik

Rodríguez-Quiles y García, José A., Jank, Birgit January 2009 (has links)
Die Auseinandersetzung mit Fragen transkultureller Lernprozesse in der musikpädagogischen Forschung sowie die Vermittlung von Methoden interkulturellen Lernens in der Schule und der Musiklehrerausbildung spielen am Lehrstuhl Musikpädagogik und Musikdidaktik an der Universität Potsdam eine wichtige Rolle. Birgit Jank formuliert einige mögliche Strategien zur Bildung kultureller Identitäten sowie methodische Wege zum interkulturellen Lernen und weitet diese Betrachtungen auf das Feld zeitgeschichtlicher Dimensionen im Kontext einer Aufarbeitung der DDR-Musikerziehung und auf die Jüdische Musik als Gegenstand einer interkulturell gedachten Musikpädagogik aus. Wichtige Impulse haben diese Forschungen und Lehrangebote durch die mehrjährige Arbeit des Humboldt-Stipendiaten Herrn José A. Rodriguez-Quiles y Garcia am Lehrstuhl erhalten. Komparative Betrachtungen zur spanischen Musikpädagogik werden von ihm entwickelt, die den Modellfall Flamenco einschließen und ein eigenes Konzept von interkulturellen Lehrveranstaltungen hervorgebracht haben. Darüber hinaus kommen mit Tiago de Oliveira Pinto und Bernd Clausen Wissenschaftler zu Wort, die an der Universität Potsdam gelehrt oder sich wissenschaftlich in der Musikpädagogik qualifiziert haben. Diese Aufsätze werfen ein breites Spektrum interkulturellen Lernens auf, das vom Karneval der Kulturen in Berlin bis hin zu einer kritischen Auseinandersetzung mit dem Begriff der Kulturellen Vielfalt reicht.

Theologische Ausbildungsstätten und ihr Beitrag zur Persönlichkeitsentwicklung ihrer Studierenden im Blick auf Mission: eine exemplarische Konzeptentwicklung am Beispiel des Theologischen Seminars der Liebenzeller Mission = Theological Seminaries and their contribution to the personality development of their students in respect to mission: an exemplary development of a concept for theTheological Seminary of the Liebenzell Mission

Eisinger, Thomas 30 November 2007 (has links)
Text in German / Based on the "Cycle of mission praxis" developed by Karecki the present study develops a model for personality development for institutions of theological training. This model presents a conceptual framework which these institutions can use to develop a concept for the personality development of their students. The model serves as methodological basis for the development of character traits which qualify a prospective full-time Christian worker for his/her ministry in the kingdom of God. In a second step the model will be applied to the specific context of the Theological Seminary of the Liebenzell Mission (ThSLM). This requires a context-analysis which grapples with the societal developments during the last decades in Germany with a special emphasis on the developments in German evangelicalism. The analysis also deals with the ThSLM. And it focuses on the individual student with his/her development and potential. The theological reflection develops framework principles of a biblically oriented anthropology, points out the pastoral theological demands of potential employers, and relates these insights to Clinton's discoveries regarding leadership development. The next chapter deals with the theme of identification. The question of motivation is central for a concept like this. This applies also to the expectation with regard to the motivation and views of lecturers who teach in a school which is committed to a triadic view of education. These investigations lead to the development, definition and description of spiritual and social quality markers which are expected from future fulltime ministers in mission work and which are therefore part of the curriculum of the ThSLM. The development of the concept is rounded off by the explication of concrete steps for its implementation. These steps show how an institution can assist students in the development of these quality markers. The present study develops a model and applies this model by means of an example. The model answers to the call which repeatedly appears in missiological debates for a comprehensive, holistic development of spiritual leaders. The study points out which steps institutions for theological training can undertake to contribute to this goal in the early phase of ministry preparation. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology)

Die Bedeutung der Schriftmeditation für junge Erwachsene freikirchlichen Hintergrunds : eine qualitative Fallstudie / The significance of Scripture meditation for young adults with a free church background : a qualitative case study

Kissner, Klemens 06 1900 (has links)
Text in German / No abstract / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

Novomediální vzdělávání na středních waldorfských školách / New media education at secondary waldorf schools

Sladkovská, Alena January 2012 (has links)
The thesis deals with the history and the present of waldorf schools founded by Rudolf Steiner. Also describes media literacy with an emphasis on new media. It covers the way how the new media education is embedded in the Czech educational system. As a particular example served curriculum of the school subject Information and communication technology of the waldorf secondary school in Prague. The thesis also describes the way of media education in Germany. In the second part of this thesis can be found an evaluation of the questionnaire made in secondary waldorf schools in Prague and Semily which had to learn the status quo of (new) media literacy of the students and their relationship with modern technologies. The end of the thesis deals with the suggestion of improvement of the tuition based on the German model.

“Positive action through positive reinforcement”: An example of performance-based music education in contrast to a reflection-based music lesson

Lenord, Christiane 23 July 2019 (has links)
This article deals with the differences of a performance-based approach of music education in the USA and a reflection-based approach in Germany. The lessons represent very different ways to reach students through music. The students respond either more enthusiastic or more rational, but always positively.

How lessons are structured

Lehmann-Wermser, Andreas 23 July 2019 (has links)
This chapter demonstrates how distinct positions in “Didactics” structure lessons in general, even down to structures in interaction. Another focus lies in the role of assessment in a comparison between the Lower-Saxony- and the Scottland-Lesson. It can be shown that the role of assessment that is proposed by the school administration influences classroom action, again down to structures of interaction.

Porovnání výuky tělesné výchovy na českých a zahraničních školách v Praze / Comparison of Physical Education teaching at foreign schools in Prague

Hamáčková, Barbora January 2018 (has links)
Name of thesis: Comparison of Physical Education teaching at Czech and foreign schools in Prague Author: Barbora Hamáčková Tutor: PhDr, PaedDr. Ladislav Kašpar, Ph.D. Department: Department of Physical education and sport Aim: This dissertation is aimed at Physical Education learning at foreign schools placed in Prague. This is the comparison of contrasting education systems. A literature review has been undertaken to compare the diferences between the Physical Education programs at each institution. The study analyses the evolution of Physical Education in The Czech Republic and abroad. Methodology: The main method used in this thesis was quantitative analysis which consisted of a semi-structured in-depth interview. These interviews conducted with the heads of the physical education at the selected schools. Three international schools and two czech schools were involved in the study. Data collection for the purposes of this diploma thesis took place from January to April 2018 in personal meetings. Schools were contacted with an offical letter via email. The choice of schools was based on an analysis of publicly available documents from the Ministry of Education. Key words: Physical Education, excercise, education, curriculum, foreign schools, Deutsche Schule Prague, Lycée francais de Prague, Park...

Persistent Inefficiency in the Higher Education Sector: Evidence from Germany

Gralka, Sabine 04 October 2016 (has links)
Evaluations of the Higher Education Sector are receiving increased attention, due to the rising expenditures and the absence of efficiency enhancing market pressure. To what extent universities are able to eliminate inefficiency is a question that has only partially been answered. This paper argues that heterogeneity among universities as well as persistent inefficiency hinder the institutions to achieve full efficiency - at least in the short run. Two standard and one novel specification of the Stochastic Frontier Analysis are applied to a new, comprehensive set of panel data to show how the standard efficiency evaluation changes when both aspects are taken into account. It is the first time that the idea of persistent inefficiency is considered in the analysis of the German Higher Education Sector. The comparison reveals that the disregard of heterogeneity distorts the estimation results towards lower efficiency values. The newly introduced specification improves the accuracy of the heterogeneity assumption and exposes that inefficiency tends to be long term and persistent rather than short term and residual. This implies that increasing efficiency requires a comprehensive change of the university structure.

The Duality of the Hitler Youth: Ideological Indoctrination and Premilitary Education

Miller, Aaron Michael 12 1900 (has links)
This thesis examines the National Socialists' ultimate designs for Germany's youth, conveniently organized within the Hitlerjugend. Prevailing scholarship portrays the Hitler Youth as a place for ideological indoctrination and activities akin to the modern Boy Scouts. Furthermore, it often implies that the Hitler Youth was paramilitary but always lacks support for this claim. These claims are not incorrect, but in regard to the paramilitary nature of the organization, they do not delve nearly deeply enough. The National Socialists ultimately desired to consolidate their control over the nation and to prepare the nation for a future war. Therefore, they needed to simultaneously indoctrinate German youth, securing the future existence of National Socialism but also ensuring that German youth carry out their orders and defend Germany, and train the youth in premilitary skills, deliberately attempting to increase the quality of the Wehrmacht and furnish it with a massive, trained reserve in case of war. This paper relies on published training manuals, translated propaganda, memoirs of former Hitler Youth members and secondary literature to examine the form and extent of the ideological indoctrination and premilitary training--which included the general Hitler Youth, special Hitler Youth subdivisions, military preparedness camps akin to boot camp, and elaborate war games which tested the youths' military knowledge. This thesis clearly demonstrates that the National Socialists desired to train the youth in skills that assisted them later in the Wehrmacht and reveals the process implemented by the National Socialists to instill these abilities in Germany's impressionable youth.

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