Spelling suggestions: "subject:"educationization -- 3research."" "subject:"educationization -- 1research.""
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Strategie vir die bestuur van finansies in Christelike Afrikaanse privaatskole in NamibiëVan Wyk, Adriaan Jacobus 30 November 2003 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Private schooling is a very controversial topic. Those in favour of it focus on the fundamental rights of the individual in freedom of choice, association, religion and culture. On the other hand private schools are often regarded by the media and the man on the street as an expensive option whereby èlite is promoted.
Private education, being an expensive option, is also a problem for the managers of private schools, who have to deal with the dilemma of insuffisient funds. This forms the background against which this study was undertaken. Since no official data base regarding Christian Afrikaans Private schools in Namibia existed, data had to be gathered by means of a questionnaire. This data formed the base for a second questionnaire regarding financial management and the role of the school principal in this regard. The second questionnaire was used in personal interviews with two principals from two private schools. Although the financing of private schools was looked into, the emphasis was on the principal acting as executive and financial manager. An attmept was made to suggest a financial strategy which could be used by a principal in school management. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Onderwysbestuur)
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Adulthood as an existential-ethical continuum in andragogic perspective and its implications for educationRobb, William McCall 01 1900 (has links)
This philosophical, anthropological study within a fundamental agogic perspective, employed an existential phenomenological approach to find out what adulthood is, fundamentally. Adulthood as being-ethical, is a more adequate description than chronological, biological, psychological and sociological descriptions of adulthood. Finding out what being-ethical is, required investigating what it means to be human. Only humans exist, and must participate effectively in agogic-dialogic relationships to alleviate existential yearning and experience dignifiedness. A code of effective agogy is presented. This code is the basis for a universal, fundamental code of ethics which transcends
particular moral codes and professional codes of ethics. The words "ethicals", "ethicalness" and "ethicality" are employed to name, respectively, individual requirements in the code; acting according to the code; and the inescapable interrelatedness of experiencing dignifiedness and adhering to ethicals. Detailed explanations are given of what it means to respond fundamentally ethically. Adultness, humanness and ethicalness are different perceptions of the same continuum. All humans, whether aware of it or not, have an unattainable ideal of perfect humanness, to which they must perennially progress in order to experience dignifiedness, and
humanness entails perennially becoming more human. Since no human can become perfectly human, the ideal of perfect humanness can be called "God". This means that the code of humanness is also the code of Godliness and the word "spiritual" is used to distinguish fundamental God from religious Gods. Spiritual responsibility is the interrelatedness of being-questioning and being-questioned.
Ultimately, a person's humanness is assessed against the ideal of perfect humanness, by his or her own spiritual conscience. Humanity is the interrelatedness of the realities of existentiality, agogicality, ethicality, and spirituality and humanness is the inseparability
of the continua of existentialness, ethicalness, agogicalness and spiritualness. A detailed existential-ethical description of education is given. The thesis ends with a post-scientific view of what essentially agogic orientated (educative) teaching is, and four
recommendations are offered to enhance the effectiveness of agogy in teaching and learning institutions. Despite an extensive and radical study, it is acknowledged that the mystery that is humanity, can never be totally revealed. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Philosophy of Education)
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Etická výchova pro starší školní věk a výzkum v okrese Tábor / Ethics Education for Older School Age and Research in District TáborSAMCOVÁ, Věra January 2012 (has links)
This work is focused on ethics education for pupils of older school age. The first part is theoretical, the basic definitions are presented here. Older school age is described from a view of evolutionary psychology and also changes typical for this age are mentioned. The work deals with the position of the ethics education for older school age in the curricula of the Czech Republic and it presents different views on this topic. The practical part concerns the research of the ethics education for older school age in district of Tábor. The final section provides commentary of the results of the research survey among teachers of the ethics education for older school age and it analyses the obtainech infomation.
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A forma??o de professores surdos de Libras: a centralidade de ambientes bil?ngues em sua forma??o / Deaf teacher formation of Libras: the centrality of bilingual environmentsGianini, Eleny 29 March 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-03-29 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The study object of this thesis intertwines the history of deaf education in the last 30 years in
three schools for the deaf in the cities of Campina Grande, Gado Bravo and Aroeiras, Paraiba,
the life stories of six deaf teachers of brasilian sign language (Libras) that have formed and
works in these educational institutions for the deaf and our own journey, as a teacher and
researcher. The study was conducted on the theoretical-methodological principles of
(auto)biographical research in education and socio-historical studies on the social formation
of the human. The corpus used for analysis was consisted of six narrative interviews
conducted in sign language and transcribed into portuguese, documents and personal files and
institutional. The analysis allowed us to define three hinge moments of this story: the creation
of the first school for the deaf, within the framework of oralism (1980 - 1991), the passage
into the Total Communication (1991 - 1995) and, finally, the introduction of Bilingualism
(1995 to today). The analyzes show that the trajectories of teacher formation of the research
participants reflect the history of the three schools which have costituted bilingual social
spaces of paramount importance to the subjects and the deaf community as a group of
linguistic and cultural minority. The evolution of this trajectory has allowed to demarcate
between the two generations of research participants. The generation of heirs of oralism,
which had delayed access to the Libras and lived an education referenced in oralism, whose
reminiscences of childhood and adolescence are strongly marked by suffering for the lack of
communication, which hinders their social and professional career until today. And the
generation of the sons of bilingualism, the youngest in age, who had childhood access to
Libras and education within the framework of bilingualism, whose reminiscences are not
marked by suffering and have a positive vision of the future. With respect to your teacher
formation, three figures stand out as a teacher. The teacher's improvised, closer to the first
generation of teachers who were called to teach without proper training. The figure of the
teacher craftsman, which corresponds to the image that most of them have of yourself now,
understanding that their knowledge are based on the exchange between peers. And finally the
figure of the real teacher, which stands on the horizon of expectations as future graduates in
Letters |Libras. The narratives allowed to realize that the evolution between these figures is
based on the contributions of the other: hearing teachers of EDAC and the Federal University
of Campina Grande and deaf teachers of the two generations who learn from each other. The
analyzes and reflections allowed to defend the thesis of the centrality of bilingual
environments for the establishment of the deaf person as a citizen with full rights, based on
the voice of the deaf, muted by the history of education, conducted by listeners / O objeto de estudo desta tese entrecruza a hist?ria da educa??o de surdos, nos ?ltimos 30
anos, em tr?s escolas para surdos nos munic?pios de Campina Grande, Gado Bravo e Aroeiras,
na Para?ba, as hist?rias de vida de seis docentes surdos de L?ngua Brasileira de Sinais
(Libras), que se formaram e atuam nessas institui??es de ensino para surdos e o nosso pr?prio
percurso, como formadora e pesquisadora. O trabalho foi desenvolvido no marco te?ricometodol?gico
da pesquisa (auto)biogr?fica em Educa??o e dos estudos s?cio-hist?ricos sobre
a forma??o social do humano. O corpus utilizado para a an?lise constou de seis entrevistas
narrativas, realizadas em l?ngua de sinais e transcritas para o portugu?s, de documentos e
arquivos pessoais e institucionais. A an?lise nos possibilitou delimitar tr?s momentos
charneiras dessa hist?ria: o da cria??o da primeira escola para surdos, no marco do Oralismo
(1980 1991), o da passagem para a Comunica??o Total (1991 1995) e, finalmente, o da
introdu??o do Bilinguismo (1995 aos dias de hoje). As an?lises revelam que as trajet?rias de
forma??o docente dos participantes da pesquisa refletem a hist?ria das tr?s escolas que
constitu?ram espa?os sociais bil?ngues de suma import?ncia para os sujeitos e a comunidade
surda enquanto grupo social de minoria lingu?stica e cultural. A evolu??o dessa trajet?ria
permitiu demarcar duas gera??es entre os participantes da pesquisa. A gera??o dos herdeiros
do oralismo, que tiveram acesso tardio a Libras e que viveram uma educa??o referenciada no
Oralismo, cujas reminisc?ncias da inf?ncia e da adolesc?ncia est?o fortemente marcadas por
sofrimento pela falta de comunica??o, o que dificulta sua trajet?ria social e profissional at?
hoje e a gera??o dos filhos do bilinguismo, os mais novos em idade, que tiveram acesso a
Libras na inf?ncia e ? escolaridade nos marcos do bilinguismo, cujas reminisc?ncias n?o est?o
marcadas pelo sofrimento e t?m uma vis?o positiva do futuro. No que concerne ? sua
forma??o docente, destacam-se tr?s figuras de professor. A do professor improvisado, mais
pr?xima dos docentes da primeira gera??o que foram chamados a ensinar sem a devida
forma??o. A figura do professor artes?o, que corresponde ? imagem que a maioria deles tem
de si mesmo atualmente, entendendo que seus saberes fundamentam-se na troca entre pares e,
finalmente, a figura do professor de verdade, que se coloca em seu horizonte de expectativas
como futuros graduados em Letras/Libras. As narrativas permitiram perceber que a evolu??o
entre essas figuras est? alicer?ada nas contribui??es do outro: professores ouvintes da EDAC
e da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande e professores surdos das duas gera??es que
aprendem mutuamente. As an?lises e reflex?es permitiram defender a tese da centralidade de
ambientes bil?ngues para a constitui??o da pessoa surda como cidad?o de plenos direitos,
com base na voz dos surdos, silenciados pela hist?ria da educa??o, conduzida por ouvintes
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Le discours scientifique sur l'éducation au Zaïre: essai d'analyse de sa genèse et de sa fonctionKisangani, Endanda-Siyisiwa January 1987 (has links)
Doctorat en sciences psychologiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Problématique de l'affirmation de la baisse du niveau scientifique et de la relation entre connaissances déclaratives et résolution de problèmes: les représentations spontanées de la démarche scientifique chez les élèves. Etude de cas dans l'enseignement de la biologie au SénégalThiaw, Mame January 2000 (has links)
Doctorat en sciences psychologiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Exploring the dual nature of engineering education : Opportunities and challenges in integrating the academic and professional aspects in the curriculumEdström, Kristina January 2017 (has links)
Engineering education is both academic, emphasising theory in a range of subjects, and professional, preparing students for engineering practice. Ideally, these aspects are also in a meaningful relationship in the curriculum, but the dual nature ideal is simultaneously a source of tensions. This theme is explored in the context of engineering education development, represented by the CDIO (Conceive, Design, Implement, Operate) approach. Cases on programme and course level illustrate how the dual nature ideal is pursued in the integrated curriculum. CDIO is also compared with PBL (problem/project-based learning), and opportunities to further emphasise research in the CDIO community are explored. Two critical accounts suggest widening the perspective from curriculum development per se, to the organisational conditions. First, the views of Carl Richard Söderberg (1895-1979) are compared with CDIO, showing considerable similarities in ideals, arguments, and strategies. This leads to a critique of the swinging pendulum metaphor. Then, experiences of unsustainable change leads to a model called organisational gravity, explaining the stability of programmes and implying two change strategies, with different availability, risks, resource demands, and sustainability of results. Refuting a rationalist view on organisation, an institutional logics perspective is used to analyse the tensions within engineering education. It is suggested that the logics of the academic profession dominates over the logics of the engineering profession, hence favouring “teaching theory” over “teaching professionals”. The integrated curriculum strategy is contingent on educators’ ability to unite theoretical and professional aspects in courses, and on the collegial capacity for coordination. Finally, the CDIO initiative is conceptualised as a field-level driver of institutional innovation, identifying some strategies for legitimacy. / <p>QC 20171108</p>
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Good-Gooder-Goodest / Isikhumba SikaxamMajola, Fundile Lawrence January 2014 (has links)
My stories are set in the townships, and move with the vigorous rhythms and jagged structures of township life. Some of them are written in English and others in isiXhosa. Some of the dialogue is township slang, a mixture of languages; and pure isiXhosa. The stories follow no particular pattern and are arranged according to any form of chronology, and different voices, at times as a man/boy and in others as a girl. The characters are not related each story perfectly stands for itself. Some of the stories hark back to the days of apartheid and are seen through the eyes of a child confused by the humiliations of his elders. / Amabali am asekelwe ezilokishini yaye ahambelana neemeko ezimaxongo zokuphila zasezilokishini apho yaye amanye asukela kwixesha lengcinezelo yesizwe esimnyama. Imiba echatshazelwa kula mabali iquka intlupheko, intiyo kwakunye nokuphilisana koluntu ezilokishini, phantsi kwezo meko. Amabali la ndizame ukuwenza alandele indlela yokubalisa yhenkwenkwana enguSkhumba, ethi ibone iqwalasele iimeko zokuphila zabantu bohlanga lwayo. Ingqokelela esisiqendu sokuqala yona ibhalwe ze yangeniswa ngesiNgesi. / This thesis is presented in two parts: English and isiXhosa.
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Road to redemptionSingh, Anirood January 2014 (has links)
Lurching from day-today in the months before South Africa becomes a republic, booze-befuddled Indian private investigator Rohit Biswas does not ponder how he can secure his daughter's future after he became a widower and lost his job as police detective when he killed a man who fatally stabbed his wife. Salvation appears when a rich client hires the PI to find evidence proving his son did not rape and murder a white socialite. Fighting against seeming impossible odds in colonial-apartheid Durban and a sanctions-busting conspiracy, Biswas secures his client's acquittal. In the process he defies karma and redeems himself.
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Kaffirmeid and other storiesMadingwane, June January 2014 (has links)
These stories are about people’s experiences in relationships and how they overcome and resolve problems with their partners. Some explore myths and unexplained occurrences that raise many questions.
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