Spelling suggestions: "subject:"educationization -- 3research."" "subject:"educationization -- 1research.""
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Die erkenning van voorafleer as `n meganisme ter voorbereiding van ouer volwasse studente se sukses aan `n hoeronderwysinstellingLangeveldt, Faith 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of the current study was to determine how the recognition of prior learning (RPL) process at the University of the Western Cape prepares mature adult students to be successful. These mature adult students gain knowledge, skills and attitudes through an alternative manner, which is acknowledged by the University of the Western Cape (UWC). During the portfolio development course, these mature adults students are expected to reflect on their prior knowledge in order to identify, formulate and document their prior learning according to the specification of the institute. This process stimulates cognitive competencies, introduces them to the formal education discourse, and improves their academic language skills.
An interpretive research method was used to collect data. The qualitative data which was collected stems from a self-administered questionnaire, semi-structured individual interviews and also the textual data in the portfolios of the mature adult students who participated in this study. All interviews were recorded on a tape recorder with the consent of the respondents and were transcribed verbatim. Content analysis was used to analyse the data. The results and findings of the study indicate that a holistic approach is followed at UWC to develop the mature RPL students academically. All role players at UWC are involved including their top management. The implementation of RPL at the institute is a top priority where the mature adult students are given the opportunity to develop to their full potential. Support systems are also available to improve the academic performances of these adult students. The results indicated that these students are committed to their studies, are motivated to be successful at the higher education institute, and with the support of the mentors they progress academically. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie was om te bepaal hoe die erkenning van voorafleer (EVL)-proses by die Universiteit van Wes-Kaapland (UWK) die ouer volwasse student voorberei om suksesvol te wees. Hierdie volwassenes se kennis, vaardighede en houdings wat op 'n alternatiewe manier opgedoen is (hulle voorafleer) word deur die UWK erken. Die ouer volwassenes word deur middel van reflektering in die portefeulje-ontwikkelingskursus die geleentheid gebied om hulle voorafleer te identifiseer, te formuleer en te dokumenteer volgens die spesifikasies van die instelling. Algaande word hulle kognitiewe vaardighede gestimuleer, hulle maak kennis met die formele opvoedingsdiskoers, en verbeter hulle akademiese taalvaardighede.
'n Interpretatiewe navorsingsbenadering is gebruik om data in te samel. Die kwalitatiewe data wat ingesamel is, spruit voort uit 'n self-geadministreerde vraelys, semigestruktureerde individuele onderhoude, asook die tekstuele data in die portefeuljes van die volwasse studente wat aan die studie deelgeneem het. Alle onderhoude is met die toestemming van die respondente met 'n digitale opnemer opgeneem en woordeliks getranskribeer. Data-analisering het deur middel van inhoudsanalise plaasgevind. Die bevindinge van die studie dui daarop dat 'n holistiese benadering by die UWK gevolg word om die ouer EVL-studente akademies voor te berei. Alle rolspelers by die UWK word betrek, met inbegrip van hulle topbestuur. Die toepassing en implementering van EVL is 'n topprioriteit by die instelling waar ouer volwasse studente die geleentheid gebied word om tot hulle volle potensiaal te ontwikkel. Ondersteuningstelsels wat akademiese vooruitgang van volwasse ouer studente bevorder, is ook beskikbaar. Die studie het aangedui dat ouer volwasse studente is ook verbind tot hulle studies, is gemotiveer om sukses aan die hoëronderwysinstelling te behaal, en met behulp van die mentors toon hulle akademiese vordering.
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The role of the facilitator in implementing an adult basic education and training (ABET) programme in a rural area in the Southern CapeMalan, Sharon Brenda January 2000 (has links)
Thesis (MEd) -- Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: It is estimated that some 12,5 to 15 million adults in South Africa have had little or no
education. Since the first democratic elections in April 1994 the political, economical
and social context in South Africa is in the process of transformation. In order to cope
with this transformation phase, South Africa is creating structures where the culture of
every citizen, irrespective of class, race or gender is acknowledged and respected. One
of these structures is the provision of basic education to all South African adults who
have historically been deprived of education and training.
The changing political situation in South Africa has inevitably influenced the concept
of what literacy is for and how it should be taught. This inevitably affects the role
performance of facilitators (educators of adults) at grass roots level. Recent policy
developments place heavy demands on facilitators without adequately considering the
necessary inputs needed to cope with these demands. The purpose of this study is
therefore to make a meaningful contribution to the understanding of the challenging
and important role of the facilitator in ABET.
A qualitative approach which provided a clear description of the roles facilitators are
currently performing in a rural area in the Southern Cape was chosen. This revealed
the factors having an impact on the role performances of a facilitator.
This study revealed the following:
• In keeping with international trends the teacher's role in adult basic education in
South Africa has been redefined as that of a facilitator of learning.
• The attitudes adopted by the literacy organization can directly influence the
teaching approach adopted by facilitators during classroom practice.
• Facilitators need to exhibit flexibility when using different teaching styles during
classroom practice.
• Training objectives should encompass the different learning and teaching styles of
In order to enable facilitators to perform their multiple roles in ABET the preparation
and continuing support of facilitators at grass roots level is crucial, especially if ABET
is to make a meaningful contribution towards solving the adult literacy problems as
experienced in South Africa and to prevent littering the South African landscape with
the debris of failed projects / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Na raming het ongeveer 12,5 tot 15 miljoen volwassenes in Suid-Afrika min of geen
onderwysonderrig gehad nie. Sedert die eerste demokratiese verkiesing in April 1994,
is die politieke, ekonomiese. en sosiale konteks in Suid-Afrika in 'n proses van
transformasie. Ten einde hierdie transformasiefase te bowe te kom, is Suid-Afrika
besig om strukture te skep waarin die kultuur van elke burger ongeag klas, ras of
geslag, erken en gerespekteer word. Een van hierdie strukture is die voorsiening van
basiese onderwys aan alle Suid-Afrikaanse volwassenes wat histories onderwys en
opleiding ontbeer het.
Die veranderende Suid-Afrikaanse politieke situasie het 'n uitwerking gehad op die
begrip van die doel van geletterdheid en hoe dit onderrig moet word. Hierdie
werklikheid het onvermydelik weer 'n uitwerking op die rolvervulling van
fasiliteerders ( onderwysers v1r volwassenes) op grondvlak. Onlangse
beleidsontwikkeling stel hoe eise aan fasiliteerders, sonder voldoende oorweging van
die noodsaaklike insette wat fasiliteerders moet lewer ten einde aan hierdie eise te
voldoen. Die doel van hierdie studie is dus om 'n sinvolle hydrae te lewer om die
uitdagende en belangrike rol van die fasiliteerder in volwasse basiese onderwys
(VBO) te verstaan.
'n K walitatiewe benadering is verkies wat 'n dui de like beskrywing gee van die rolle
wat fasiliteerders tans in 'n landelike gebied van die Suid-Kaap vervul en wat die
faktore weerspieel wat 'n uitwerking op die rolvervulling van 'n fasiliteerder het.
Die studie het die volgende tendense aan die lig gebring:
• In ooreenstemming met intemasionale neigings, is die rol van die onderwyser in
volwasse basiese onderwys in Suid-Afrika herdefinieer as 'nfasiliteerder van die
• Die gesindhede wat deur die geletterdheidsorganisasie aanvaar word, kan die
onderrigbenadering van die fasiliteerder in die klaskamer direk be"invloed.
• Fasiliteerders moet buigsaamheid aan die dag le by die gebruik van verskillende
onderrigstyle in die klaskamer.
• Opleidingsdoelwitte moet die verskillende leer- en onderrigstyle van fasiliteerders
Ten einde fasiliteerders in staat te stel om hulle veelvuldige rolle in volwasse basiese
onderwys te vervul, is die voorbereiding en deurlopende ondersteuning van fasiliteerders op grondvlak deurslaggewend, veral indien volwasse basiese onderwys
en opleiding 'n sinvolle hydrae wil maak tot die oplossing van volwassenes se
geletterdheidsprobleme soos dit tans in Suid-Afrika ondervind word en as dit wil
verhoed dat die Suid-Afrikaanse landskap met die opdrifsels van mislukte projekte
besaai word. / National Research Foundation (NFR)
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Folkbildningsforskning som fält : från framväxt till konsolidering / Liberal Adult Education Research as a Field : from Emergence to ConsolidationLundin, Anna January 2008 (has links)
This thesis is treating how Swedish liberal adult education research (folkbildningsforskning) has emerged and consolidated. The concepts of doxa, consecration, capital and field of Pierre Bourdieu are used to reconstruct liberal adult education research as a social field. The empirical material consists of texts and documents, structured chronologically between the years of 1954-2007. Central questions are: In which way can liberal adult education research be reconstructed as a field? How does it emerge? Which are the central values (doxa) that hold the field together and going, and where are the boundaries of the field? Who are the central agents of the field? How do they achieve recognition, and on which grounds? Which are the arenas that work as concecrating instances? The study indicates that the area establishes common concepts and references. A gradual expansion occurs. This involves increased opportunities, but also involves competition. Four different phases can be reconstructed as central: the emergence (1954-1979), the expansion (1980-1989), the institutionalisation (1990-1999) and the consolidation (2000-2007). Research summaries as well as organizations of special interests are contributing to the glow of the area. A number of strong positions are established as are a number of pretenders. These relate, in different ways, to the area and to broader perspectives and settings. The area is successfully handling and employing different kinds of challenges and opportunities. This is considered a sign of relative strength of the reconstructed field of liberal adult education research. / Avhandlingen handlar om hur svensk forskning om folkbildning vuxit fram och konsoliderats. Med hjälp av Pierre Bourdieus begrepp doxa, konsekration, kapital och fält rekonstrueras folkbildningsforskning som ett fält. Det empiriska materialet består av texter och dokument. Detta struktureras längs en tidsaxel, mellan 1954-2007. Centrala frågor är: Hur kan folkbildningsforskningen som fält rekonstrueras? Hur sker dess framväxt? Vilka är de centrala värden (doxa) som håller samman och bär upp fältet och var går dess gränser? Vilka är agenterna på fältet? Hur når de erkännande och på vilka grunder sker det? Vilka är de arenor som fungerar som instanser för erkännande?Studien visar att området etablerar gemensamma begrepp och referenser. En successiv expansion sker. Detta innebär ökade möjligheter, men också större konkurrens. Fyra olika skeden kan rekonstrueras som centrala: framväxten(1954-1979), expansionen (1980-1989), institutionaliseringen (1990-1999) och konsolideringen(2000-2007). Kunskapsöversikter, liksom intresseorganisationer, bidrar till områdets formering. Ett antal starka positioner uppstår, liksom pretenderande grupper. Dessa knyter, på olika sätt, an till området, men också till bredare perspektiv och kontexter. Att området förmår hantera, och införliva, utmaningar av olika slag, tyder på en relativ styrka.
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Seeing Crucibles: Legitimizing Spiritual Development in the Middle Grades Through Critical HistoriographyLingley, Audrey 04 June 2013 (has links)
Advocates of middle grades reform in the United States argue that curriculum and instruction, as well as leadership, organization, and community relationships, should be informed by knowledge of the developmental characteristics of 10 to 15 year-olds within physical, social, emotional, psychological, cognitive, and moral domains. Noticeably absent from their conception of human development are spiritual developmental characteristics of young adolescents.
This interdisciplinary research was a critical constructivist (Kincheloe, 2008) inquiry of the following question: What is the educational relevance of spiritual development in middle grades education? To study this question, critical historiographical research methods (Villaverde, Kincheloe, & Helyar, 2006) were used to interrogate the academic discourses of three fields related to the research question: (a) the middle grades concept; (b) spirituality as a developmental domain; and (c) holistic education. Foundational texts from these fields served as sources of data. I present the result of the data analyses as narratives on the paradigms that influenced the (hi)stories of these three academic fields. These narratives were analyzed for common epistemological and ontological perspectives.
Amongst the paradigms of the three fields, three meta-paradigms are shared: Ecological Epistemology, Holistic Ontology, and Positivist Ontology. In addition, a discursive interrelationship within each field, a dynamic of paradox, was found between the three meta-paradigms. These results offer encouragement for the relevance of spiritual development as part of the middle grades concept, as they suggest that integration of knowledge of adolescent spiritual development is theoretically supported by commitments to caring relationships in schools and constructivist learning theory. The results also suggest a paradigm revolution (Kuhn, 1996) that might allow for a new discourse of possibility (Giroux, 1981) for spirituality in education. This dissertation research could serve as a basis for further research that focuses on how to integrate knowledge of adolescent spiritual development in public schools in the United States.
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Comparing the Cognitive Demand of Traditional and Reform Algebra 1 TextbooksPark, Allison M. 01 May 2011 (has links)
Research has shown that students achieved higher standardized test scores in mathematics and gained more positive attitudes towards mathematics after learning from reform curricula. Because these studies involve actual students and teachers, there are classroom variables that are involved in these findings (Silver and Stein, 1996; Stein et al., 1996). To understand how much these curricula by themselves contribute to higher test scores, I have studied the cognitive demand of tasks in two traditional and two reform curricula. This work required the creation of a scale to categorize tasks based on their level of cognitive demand. This scale relates to those by Stein, Schoenfeld, and Bloom. Based on this task analysis, I have found that more tasks in the reform curricula require higher cognitive demand than tasks in the traditional curricula. These findings confirm other results that posing tasks with higher cognitive demand to students can lead to higher student achievement.
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Estudi dels processos emocionals en nens i nenes amb dificultats d'aprenentatge i la seva relació amb els processos cognitius basats en la Teoria PASS de la Intel·ligènciaAlabau i Bofill, Judith 03 September 2003 (has links)
A lo largo de estos años de existencia del grupo de investigación se han ido desarrollando un volumen de casos donde se comenzó a evidenciar un hecho: niños y adolescentes llegaban derivados a la consulta por problemas de aprendizaje, pero éstos no siempre respondían a que tuvieran unos procesos cognitivos por debajo de la media. Por tanto, no se explicaba su bajo rendimiento escolar. Ante estos casos nos planteamos como intervenir en esta realidad educativa. Indagando descubrimos que la mayoría de estos también tenían problemas a nivel emocional. La pregunta inmediata que nos hicimos fue: podemos llegar a pensar que quizás los procesos emocionales influyen directamente en los procesos cognitivos? El estado emocional influye directamente en los procesos cognitivos?Los procesos cognitivos y emocionales son un todo inseparable? Estas dudas son las que me llevaron a proponer esta investigación: ver la relación que puede haber entre los procesos cognitivos y los procesos emocionales, evidentemente, siempre centrados desde el Modelo Humanista- Estratégico (modelo del grupo de investigación): a nivel cognitivo, Teoría PASS de la Inteligencia; a nivel emocional, la Teoría del Procesamiento Cerebral de las Emociones.Se plantea la tesis estructurada en dos partes: Parte teórica: explicación de la Unidad de Neuropsicopedagogía del Hospital Dr. Trueta de Girona (UNPP) donde se realiza la investigación, revisión teórica de procesamiento cognitivo, procesamiento emocional y su relación mutua. 2.- Parte práctica: objetivos, metodología, resultados, análisis- discusión, implicaciones educativas y conclusiones. El objetivo general es establecer una relación entre el procesamiento cognitivo y emocional a partir de la relación de los procesos cognitivos PASS con problemas emocionales en niños y niñas de entre 5 y 16 años. Para conseguirlo se pretende: 1. Establecer la relación entre procesamiento PASS y los efectos de la intervención emocional según el Modelo Humanista - Estratégico; 2. Analizar la relación entre procesamientos cognitivos PASS y los efectos de la intervención cognitiva según la Teoría PASS de la Inteligencia; 3.Comprobar si los procesos PASS varían en el transcurso de más de seis meses sin ningún tipo de intervención ni emocional ni cognitiva, 4. Comprobar si los resultados obtenidos en los tres primeros objetivos se diferencian entre ellos para determinar el componente emocional en los procesos cognitivos PASS, y 5. Establecer orientaciones prácticas para la intervención psicopedagògica considerando la relación de procesos emocionales, cognitivos y aprendizaje.Para poder llevar a cabo esta investigación, la metodologia utilizada es: una metodologia cuantitativa ya que se realiza una investigación experimental enmarcada como un diseño mixto 3x2 con el primer factor ínter sujeto y el segundo factor intra sujeto. Y por otra parte, una metodologia cualitativa. ya que en la primera muestra se realiza una intervención psicopedagógica en base emocional a cuarenta casos de la UNPP, y en la segunda muestra se realiza una intervención psicopedagògica en base cognitiva a treinta casos de la UNPP.Los resultados comparativos nos corraboran afirmativamente la hipotesis y objetivos, facilitando realizar un analisis-discusión muy interesante aportando las implicaciones educativas que acarrean, y por consiguiente llegando a las conclusiones. De entre éstas destacamos principalmente:1. La intervención emocional es eficaz para mejorar el rendimiento cognitivo, si tenemos en cuenta que a pesar que no se ha realizado intervención cognitiva se ha producido una mejora en el rendimiento escolar.2. La intervención cognitiva PASS es eficaz para la mejora del rendimiento cognitivo y la desaparación de las dificultades de aprendizaje cuando el origen de estas es cognitivo. 3. En las diferencias en planificación se observa que se ha producido un incremento mayor y sustancial en el grupo que ha recibido intervención emocional. 4. Y por consiguiente, podemos decir que la emoción se interrelaciona con la cognición a través del procesamiento cognitivo de planificación. / Since the existence of the group of investigation, many children and teenagers have been developing apprenticeship problems. This event was not a consequence of cognitive processes in every case, for this reason, the low scholarship efficiency was hard to explain. Confronting this situation, we discovered that the most of them had emotional problems also. The every next question that appeared was: Does the emotional situation affect cognitive problems directly? Do cognitive processes and emotional situations go together? This questions are the things that motivated this investigation, looking for the relationship that could appear between these situations, utilizing a theory model: Model Humanista- Estratégico (Pérez, Timoneda 2001). The thesis is structured in two separated parts: the theoric part, which explains the Unit of neuropsicopedagogy (UNPP) from the Hospital Dr. Trueta de Girona (Spain), where the investigation was developed. The practice part analyzes the objectives, methodology, outcomes, educative implications and conclusions.The principal aim to determine the real relationship between people's cognitive process (based on the PASS Theory) and the emotional process (based on Humanist-Strategic Model) in children with emotional problems and learning difficulties (age: 5 to 16). That's why we had to:1.Establish the relationship between PASS processes and effects of emotional intervention done (based on Humanist - Strategic Model)2.Analyse the relationship between PASS processes and effects of cognitive intervention done (based on PREP - PASS Theory)3. Verify PASS processes change without any type of intervention done during six months. 4.Prove if the results in the three first objectives discriminate among them in order to determine the emotional component assessing the PASS cognitive processes. 5. Establish practice orientations for pedagogic intervention considering the relationship between emotional process, cognitive process, and learning. To be able to develop this investigation the method to be utilize is: a quantitative methodology which performs an experimental investigation, mix design 3x2 with a first factor inter subject and a second factor intra subject. And other hand, a qualitative methodology: The emotional intervention carried out in forty cases in UNPP and the cognitive intervention carried out in thirty cases in UNPP.The comparative outcomes do verify the hypothesis and the objectives. In consequence an analyses - discussion is developed, that the contributes to the education. The most important conclusions to emphasize are :1. The emotional intervention is efficient to improve cognitive efficiency when the origin of learning difficulties are emotional.2. The cognitive intervention based on PASS is efficient to improve cognitive ability. Moreover, thanks to the cognitive intervention the learning difficulties disappear when their origin are cognitive.3. In the planning differences you can see that a higher increase has been produced in the group that has received emotional intervention. In the control group no change has been produced. 4. And finally, we want to point out the most important conclusion: the emotion is related to the cognition through the planning process. That's why, it's impossible to separate cognition from emotion. Both of them have a strong relation.
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Die Finanzierungsmethodik im englischen Universitätssektor / Eine verfahrensanalytische Untersuchung ihrer Implikationen und Folgen / The Funding Method in the English University Sector: a procedure-analytical investigation of its implications and effectsOrr, Dominic James 24 July 2001 (has links) (PDF)
In der vorliegenden Publikation wird die Entstehung der leistungsbezogenen Hochschulfinanzierung im englischen Universitätssektor untersucht. Leistungsbezogene Hochschulfinanzierung wird in vielen Ländern als geeigneter Lösungsansatz für das Problem der gerechten Verteilung von staatlichen Finanzmitteln an individuelle Hochschulen diskutiert. Das englische Beispiel zeigt sich als sehr lehrreich für die Diskussion um die Umsetzung und die Konsequenzen eines solchen Lösungsansatzes. Der größte Teil der staatlichen Finanzmittel wurde den Universitäten seit Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts als globale Zuweisung zugeteilt. Die Entscheidung über die Höhe der Summe dieses Geldes wurde ursprünglich von einem nicht-amtlichen Organ, dessen Mitglieder mehrheitlich Akademiker waren, bestimmt. Veränderungen der Mitgliedschaft und Verfahren dieses Organs und dessen Nachfolger-Organe haben wesentliche indirekte Implikationen und direkte Folgen für die Universitäten in England hervorgebracht. Die Verfahren zur Bewertung der Qualität der Leistung einer Universität sowie zur Verteilung von Finanzmitteln entsprechend dieser Leistung stellen das Instrumentarium für einen neuen steuernden Einfluss des Staates dar. Da die Höhe der staatlichen Finanzmittel für die Universitäten indessen seit Anfang der 80er Jahre stark abgenommen hat, müssen die Universitäten sich gleichzeitig erfolgreich auf dem Markt behaupten können. Die Universitäten müssen also innerhalb eines gestalterischen Raumes agieren, der zwischen Markt und Staat -- als die wesentlichen Einflussgrößen -- aufgespannt ist. Das Grundverhältnis zwischen dem Staat und den Universitäten zeigt sich entsprechend als höchst komplex. Dabei müssen die Universitäten eine Managementkompetenz entwickeln, die eine Maximierung an Finanzierung verspricht, während sie gleichzeitig die Grundaufgaben der Lehre und Forschung vor allzu negativen Konsequenzen dieser Wirtschaftsorientierung bewahren soll. Die Publikation belegt anhand einer Fallstudie, dass nicht alle Universitäten hierzu in der Lage sind und, dass die Implikationen und Folgen des sogenannten "Finanzierungsregimes" für deren Aufgabenerfüllung nachteilig sein können. Es wird deutlich, dass die konkreten Verfahren der Hochschulfinanzierung und, hier insbesondere, leistungsbezogene Ansätze nicht allein als technische Lösungen betrachtet werden können, sondern sie sollen nur im Zusammenhang mit einer Vorstellung von der idealen Universität gesehen werden, denn diese Verfahren beeinflussen die Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten einer Universität in direkter und indirekter Weise. / This publication investigates the emergence of performance-based funding in the English university sector. Performance-based funding of higher education institutions is discussed in many countries as an appropriate solution to the problem of distributing public funding to individual universities in a fair manner. The English example proves to be very instructive to the discussion with regards to the implementation, and then the implications, of such a proposal. From the beginning of the 20th century, the majority of public funding was distributed as a lump sum to individual universities in England. Decisions on the amount of funding were originally determined by a non-governmental body, whose members were mainly academics. Changes to this membership and to the procedures of this body have had a number of indirect implications for and direct effects on universities in England. Procedures for assessing the qualitative performance of universities, together with procedures which distribute funding according to this assessment provide the instruments of a new steering-influence utilised by the State, a new form of Public Management. As the amount of public state funding for universities has been reduced drastically since the beginning of the 1980's, universities have had to strive concurrently for funds on the open market. Universities are thus being forced to act within an area defined by the market and the State - the two strongest influences on the university sector. The fundamental relationship between the State and its universities has accordingly become highly complex. Universities, for their part, must develop management competencies, which promise a maximisation of funding, whilst at the same time aiming to protect a university's vital tasks of teaching and research from the more negative consequences of business-orientation. In a concluding case study, some evidence is provided which shows that not all universities are in a position to do this and that the implications and effects of the so-called "funding regime" are disadvantageous, in such cases, for their fulfilment of this entrepreneurial challenge. It becomes clear that the concrete procedures for funding higher education institutions and, in particular, performance-based models cannot been seen solely as technical solutions, but must instead be seen in combination with an idea of the ideal university, since these procedures influence the strategic options of a university both directly and indirectly.
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Folkbildningsforskning som fält : från framväxt till konsolideringLundin, Anna January 2008 (has links)
<p>This thesis is treating how Swedish liberal adult education research (folkbildningsforskning) has emerged and consolidated. The concepts of doxa, consecration, capital and field of Pierre Bourdieu are used to reconstruct liberal adult education research as a social field. The empirical material consists of texts and documents, structured chronologically between the years of 1954-2007. Central questions are: In which way can liberal adult education research be reconstructed as a field? How does it emerge? Which are the central values (doxa) that hold the field together and going, and where are the boundaries of the field? Who are the central agents of the field? How do they achieve recognition, and on which grounds? Which are the arenas that work as concecrating instances? The study indicates that the area establishes common concepts and references. A gradual expansion occurs. This involves increased opportunities, but also involves competition. Four different phases can be reconstructed as central: the emergence (1954-1979), the expansion (1980-1989), the institutionalisation (1990-1999) and the consolidation (2000-2007). Research summaries as well as organizations of special interests are contributing to the glow of the area. A number of strong positions are established as are a number of pretenders. These relate, in different ways, to the area and to broader perspectives and settings. The area is successfully handling and employing different kinds of challenges and opportunities. This is considered a sign of relative strength of the reconstructed field of liberal adult education research.</p> / <p>Avhandlingen handlar om hur svensk forskning om folkbildning vuxit fram och konsoliderats. Med hjälp av Pierre Bourdieus begrepp doxa, konsekration, kapital och fält rekonstrueras folkbildningsforskning som ett fält. Det empiriska materialet består av texter och dokument. Detta struktureras längs en tidsaxel, mellan 1954-2007. Centrala frågor är: Hur kan folkbildningsforskningen som fält rekonstrueras? Hur sker dess framväxt? Vilka är de centrala värden (doxa) som håller samman och bär upp fältet och var går dess gränser? Vilka är agenterna på fältet? Hur når de erkännande och på vilka grunder sker det? Vilka är de arenor som fungerar som instanser för erkännande?Studien visar att området etablerar gemensamma begrepp och referenser. En successiv expansion sker. Detta innebär ökade möjligheter, men också större konkurrens. Fyra olika skeden kan rekonstrueras som centrala: framväxten(1954-1979), expansionen (1980-1989), institutionaliseringen (1990-1999) och konsolideringen(2000-2007). Kunskapsöversikter, liksom intresseorganisationer, bidrar till områdets formering. Ett antal starka positioner uppstår, liksom pretenderande grupper. Dessa knyter, på olika sätt, an till området, men också till bredare perspektiv och kontexter. Att området förmår hantera, och införliva, utmaningar av olika slag, tyder på en relativ styrka.</p>
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On the Road to a Software Profession : Students’ Experiences of Concepts and ThresholdsBoustedt, Jonas January 2010 (has links)
Research has shown that there are gaps in knowledge between newly hired and experienced professionals and that some of these gaps are related to concepts, such as the concepts of object orientation. This problem, and the fact that most computer science majors want to work in the software industry, leads to questions regarding why these gaps exist and how students can be better prepared for their future careers. Against this background, this thesis addresses two theme-based perspectives that focus on students' views of concepts in Computer Science. The first theme-based perspective investigated the existence of potential Threshold Concepts in Computer Science. Such concepts should be troublesome, transformative, irreversible, and integrative. Qualitative methods have been mainly used and empirical data have been collected through semi-structured interviews, concept maps, and written stories. The results identified two Threshold Concepts, suggested several more, and then described the ways in which these concepts have transformed students. The second theme-based perspective took a phenomenographic approach to find the variation in how students understand concepts related to the software profession. Data were collected via semi-structured interviews. In one study the interviews were held in connection with role-playing where students took on the role of a newly hired programmer. The results show a variety of ways to experience the addressed phenomena in the student collective, ranging from superficial views that often have a practical nature to more sophisticated understandings that reflect a holistic approach, including a professional point of view. Educators can use the results to emphasize concepts that are important from students' perspectives. The phenomenographic outcome spaces can help teachers to reflect upon their own ways of seeing contrasted with student conceptions. I have indicated how variation theory can be applied to open more sophisticated ways of seeing, which in this context stresses the professional aspects to help students prepare for becoming professional software developers.
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Investigating the dual influences of theory and practice on the design and implementation of a learning programmeJackelman, Susan Iona January 2012 (has links)
It is widely recognized that educational research and theory should be motivated by the desire to continually improve the practice of teaching. However, bridging the divide between theoretical research outcomes and the practical constraints of classroom-based teaching has proved somewhat challenging. The involvement of teachers as the 'bridge-builders' between theory and practice could provide an effective mechanism for achieving this integration. The purpose of this study is thus to investigate whether the involvement of teachers in developing and implementing a theory-based teaching module would improve teaching practice in the classroom. A teaching module was collaboratively developed by a group of teachers for Grade 9 linear functions using: the principles of mathematical proficiency postulated by Kilpatrick, Swafford and Findell, (2001); the teaching phases formulated by van Hiele (1986); and the cognitive classification of classroom activities developed by Stein and Smith (1998). This module was then taught to six Grade 9 classes by four teachers in one school in the Eastern Cape, South Africa over a period of 5 weeks. The effectiveness of the module, and its application in the classroom, was assessed in terms of: (i) the extent to which theory could be used to inform the design and development of teaching materials; (ii) the efficacy of this teaching material in promoting teaching for mathematical proficiency; and (iii) the effects of extraneous influences on the usefulness of the module in teaching for mathematical proficiency. While the theoretical framework provided a sound basis for developing the teaching module, it was found that collaboratively transforming this theory into a teaching module for practical use in the classroom is certainly possible, but it requires considerable time and effort that practising teachers do not have. Developing the depth of understanding required for mathematical proficiency also takes time - a commodity often in short supply as teachers grapple with the demands of the curriculum. Teaching for mathematical proficiency is a layered process. It starts with thinking about an idea (like a graph) that is developed out of a related concept that then has a set of characteristic algorithms and actions which are learnt and performed in sequence. Building understanding in this way ends with a student being able to visualize and conceive the graph as a structure that can be described as if it were an object (encapsulating all the previous concepts belonging to similar graphs in one idea). This development of understanding is important for mathematical proficiency but is not necessarily easy. When teaching with the module, it was necessary to create an extra opportunity for students to use procedural knowledge and repetition in order to provide enough examples to help them see the link: between linear number patterns and linear graphs. Extraneous influences on teaching for mathematical proficiency were grouped into two categories - endogenous and exogenous influences. Endogenous influences were teacher related and included the attitudes, decisions and disposition of the teacher. Exogenous influences were more contextual (and in effect out of the control of the teacher) and included teaching time available, curriculum, external assessments etc. Both of these influences were seen to affect teaching for mathematical proficiency, either promoting or inhibiting it. This research affirmed the central role that teachers play in teaching for mathematical proficiency. It is considered critical that research actively involve teachers in the evolution of mathematical theory. The development of an enabling environment (including institutional support, time, capacity, resources, skills and tools) for teachers will further enhance their capacity to teach for mathematical proficiency.
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