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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The transformation of education in South Africa since 1994 : a historical-educational survey and evaluation

Legodi, Mapula Rosina 11 1900 (has links)
This study entails a critical investigation into the issue and trends that shaped Black perspectives on education in South Africa in the period between 1652 and 1993. A theoretical-philosophical exposition is presented to establish the fundamental characteristics of education and therefore characteristics valid for every human being under any circumstances at any time. These characteristics were used to eventually appraise the issues and trends underlying the shaping of Black perspectives on education in South Africa. This study has revealed that the shaping of Black perspectives on education in South Africa goes hand in hand with the growing realization among Blacks that education is not merely a political issue but also deeply imbedded in the interconnectedness and/or differences between social realities such as the church, the school itself, teachers' associations, the news media et cetera. This should be accounted for by every citizen in a responsible way. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (History of Education)

Rektorer och grundskolereformer : Rektorers erfarenheter av reformarbete

Johansson, Elsie January 2011 (has links)
Many political reforms are currently implemented in the Swedish schools. The trend indicate that education in Sweden follows neo-liberal restructuring policy, that highlights assessment, marketization and surveillance in different aspects. According to the new curriculum LGR 11 the school head is the school's educational leader with responsibility for the school's results and development. The reforms put new demands on the school heads tasks, their responsibility and leadership. The aim of my research study is to investigate how the school heads experience andhandle this situation. I have chosen a phenomenological and hermeneutic perspective, that analyzes what the school heads direct their attention towards and how they experience meaning and context in their work with reforms. The analysis shows that the school heads have experiences about what the work with the reforms is about and that their own position and action in this work is very important. They have also imaginations about how they themselves and in collaboration with others in the organisation have to handle in this work in different ways so that the reforms can be implemented. In the reform process they even have a lot of dilemmas to handle in their local and concrete context, which is linked to the school's local conditions, history and tradition.

The transformation of education in South Africa since 1994 : a historical-educational survey and evaluation

Legodi, Mapula Rosina 11 1900 (has links)
This study entails a critical investigation into the issue and trends that shaped Black perspectives on education in South Africa in the period between 1652 and 1993. A theoretical-philosophical exposition is presented to establish the fundamental characteristics of education and therefore characteristics valid for every human being under any circumstances at any time. These characteristics were used to eventually appraise the issues and trends underlying the shaping of Black perspectives on education in South Africa. This study has revealed that the shaping of Black perspectives on education in South Africa goes hand in hand with the growing realization among Blacks that education is not merely a political issue but also deeply imbedded in the interconnectedness and/or differences between social realities such as the church, the school itself, teachers' associations, the news media et cetera. This should be accounted for by every citizen in a responsible way. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (History of Education)

The Perceptions of Texas Elementary Principals and Special Education Administrators Toward Their Expected and Actual Role Responsibilities in Implementing Specific Provisions of Public Law 94-142

Idiong, Ime J. (Ime Jacob) 08 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study was to determine if there are differences in the perceptions of elementary principals and special education administrators across selected variables toward their expected and actual, role responsibilities in implementing specific provisions of P.L. 94-142. Data were collected from elementary principals and special education administrators in Texas. As a measure of perceptions, the Special Education Responsibilities Questionnaire (SERQ) was completed by all elementary principals as it applied to their schools, and special education administrators as applied to their school districts. Data were analyzed using Chi-square test of independence, t-test for correlated samples, and one-way analysis of variance.

Analýza obsahu řízení pracovního výkonu pedagogických pracovníků ve školách zřízených podle § 16 odst. 9 školského zákona / Analysis of work performance management of teaching staff in the schools established under part 16 paragraph 9 of the Czech Education Act

Votavová, Renata January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is the analysis of the performance management of teachers in a school established in accordance with § 16 para. 9 of the Education Act. The theoretical part of the thesis specifies the concept of human resource management and defines the individual personnel activities as a tool for human resource management. It highlights from personal activities the function of performance management and describes it using the literature. It specifies in detail the phases of the cycle of the performance management process. The theoretical part contains the description of the process of performance management of teaching staff, defines the identification of the specific conditions in a school established by § 16 para. 9 of the Education Act, which may have an impact on the monitored personal activities. The analytical part of the thesis provides the results of research in primary schools established by § 16 para. 9 of the Education Act. The survey was conducted using explorative method in questionnaire and the type of the case study. The data collection in the case study was realized using individual semi-standardized interviews and the analysis of school documents and guidelines. It was found that for the determination of the performance management of teachers in a school established by § 16...

Lapin koulutushistoria - Kirkollinen alkuopetus, kansa-, perus- ja oppikoulut, osa 1

Lassila, J. (Juhani) 27 August 2001 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this research is to examine the history of elementary schools held by the Church as well as the history of primary schools, comprehensive schools and secondary schools in various municipalities in Lapland up to the end of school year 1998-99. This is a basic research. The examination proceeds from the founding of the first educational institution of each school type. The first itinerant catechists of Finland began teaching in Utsjoki in 1751. The first primary school was founded in Rovaniemi in 1870. Lapland changed over to comprehensive school system in 1972. The Tornio Pedagogium was granted founding permit in 1630. The schools held by the Church were either permanent or itinerant. The importance of permanent schools was insignificant in Lapland. Itinerant school system consisted of two categories; catechist schools and itinerant schools. Their educational aims were uniform. Catechists received their salary from the state whereas itinerant schools were maintained mainly by parishes. Catechist schools were founded only in the parishes of Northern and Eastern Lapland. In other parishes instruction was given by itinerant schools. Even in the beginning of the 1920's the amount of school-aged children in Lapland was higher in itinerant schools than in primary ones. The last catechist school was closed in Inari in 1954. The history of the primary school and comprehensive school can be divided into four periods. The starting point was the year 1866 when the Regulation on Primary Schools was issued. This first period came to an end in 1898 when each municipality of Lapland became obliged to divide its area into school districts. The Regulation on Primary Schools didn't oblige rural municipalities to found schools but made it possible for them. In school year 1897-98 only 24 schools gave instruction in Lapland. The obligation to form school districts brought schools even to the biggest villages in peripheral areas. In school year 1920-21 there were 96 schools in Lapland. The Compulsory Education Act was issued in 1921. The inhabitants of Lapland were active and hence in the autumn 1929 there were already 205 primary schools. The years subsequent to the war meant rapid progress in society with the result that more than 160 new primary schools were founded in Lapland. In school year 1957-58 the amount of schools was at its highest, 425. The fourth period in the history of the primary school and comprehensive school comprises the school years 1958-99. At that time the Primary Schools Act and Comprehensive Schools Act were in force. In the 1960's Finland and first of all Lapland were met by a severe crisis. Until now the increase of population had been strong. Now, however, it began to decrease. The inhabitants of peripheral areas began migrating to towns, Southern Finland and Sweden. In 1974-75 the amount of lower levels of the comprehensive school was no more than 313. The situation improved to some extent for 15 years due to the measures taken by the state. Consequently, in 1989-90 there were still 281 schools. In the 1990's Finland was shaken up by depression. In Lapland, then, unemployment increased, which resulted in migration. In autumn 1998 there were 200 lower levels of the comprehensive school. The only secondary school in Lapland was for a long time in Tornio. The next secondary school was founded in the town of Kemi in 1897. In autumn 1939 there were three educational institutions in Lapland enabling the students to continue their studies at university. After the war, especially in the 1960's, plenty of secondary schools were founded in Lapland. / Tiivistelmä Tavoitteenani on selvittää Lapin kirkollisten alkuopetuskoulujen sekä kansa-, perus- ja oppikoulujen historiaa kuntakohtaisesti lukuvuoden 1998-99 loppuun saakka. Kyseessä on perustutkimus. Tarkastelu alkaa kunkin koulumuodon ensimmäisen oppilaitoksen käynnistymisestä. Vuoden 1750 tienoilla aloittivat Utsjoella Suomen ensimmäiset kiertävät katekeetat opetustyönsä. Ensimmäinen kansakoulu avattiin Rovaniemellä 1870. Lappi siirtyi peruskoulujärjestelmään 1972. Tornion pedagogio sai perustamisluvan 1630. Kirkolliset koulut olivat kiinteitä tai kiertäviä. Kiinteiden koulujen merkitys Lapissa oli vähäinen. Kiertävät koulut ryhmitellään katekeetta- ja kiertokouluiksi. Niiden opetustavoitteet olivat yhteneväiset. Katekeettojen palkat maksoi valtio. Kiertokoulujen toiminnan rahoittivat lähinnä seurakunnat. Katekeettakouluja perustettiin vain Pohjois- ja Itä-Lapin seurakuntiin. Muissa seurakunnissa opetuksesta vastasivat kiertokoulut. Lapin kiertävissä kouluissa oli vielä 1920-luvun alussa enemmän kouluikäisiä kuin kansakouluissa. Viimeinen katekeettakoulu suljettiin Inarissa 1954. Kansa- ja peruskoulujen toiminta-aika jakaantuu luontevasti neljään jaksoon. Lähtöpiste on kansakouluasetuksen syntymävuosi 1866, ja ensimmäinen etappi päättyy 1898 piirijakoasetuksen antamiseen. Kansakouluasetus ei määrännyt maalaiskuntia perustamaan kansakouluja, mutta teki sen mahdolliseksi. Lukuvuonna 1897-98 oli Lapissa vain 24 koulua. Piirijakoasetus toi kouluja myös suurimpiin sivukyliin. Lukuvuonna 1920-21 kouluja oli 96. Oppivelvollisuuslaki annettiin 1921. Lapin asukkaat olivat aktiivisia, ja syksyllä 1929 kansakouluja oli jo 205. Väkevästi elettyinä sodanjälkeisinä vuosina Lapissa käynnistettiin vielä yli 160 uutta kansakoulua. Lukuvuonna 1957-58 kouluja oli ennätysmäärä 425. Neljäs tarkastelukausi käsittää lukuvuodet 1958-99, jolloin kansa- ja peruskoululait olivat voimassa. Suomea ja ennenkaikkea Lappia kohtasi 1960-luvulla suuri murros. Väestön voimakas kasvu pysähtyi kääntyen laskuun. Muuttoliike suuntautui maatalouskylistä kaupunkeihin, Etelä-Suomeen ja Ruotsiin. Ala-asteita oli 1974-75 enää 313. Valtion toimenpitein tilanne tasoittui 15 vuodeksi, ja kouluja oli 1989-90 vielä 281. Lama ravisteli 1990-luvulla Suomea. Lapissakin työttömyys kasvoi aiheuttaen poismuuttoaallon. Syksyllä 1998 ala-asteita oli 200. Torniossa oli pitkään Lapin ainoa oppikoulu. Kemistä tuli oppikoulukaupunki 1897. Syksyllä 1939 oli Lapissa kolme yliopistoon johtavaa oppilaitosta. Sodan jälkeen, erityisesti 1960-luvulla, perustettiin Lappiin runsaasti oppikouluja.

Lapin koulutushistoria - Kirkollinen alkuopetus, kansa-, perus- ja oppikoulut, osa 2

Lassila, J. (Juhani) 27 August 2001 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this research is to examine the history of elementary schools held by the Church as well as the history of primary schools, comprehensive schools and secondary schools in various municipalities in Lapland up to the end of school year 1998-99. This is a basic research. The examination proceeds from the founding of the first educational institution of each school type. The first itinerant catechists of Finland began teaching in Utsjoki in 1751. The first primary school was founded in Rovaniemi in 1870. Lapland changed over to comprehensive school system in 1972. The Tornio Pedagogium was granted founding permit in 1630. The schools held by the Church were either permanent or itinerant. The importance of permanent schools was insignificant in Lapland. Itinerant school system consisted of two categories; catechist schools and itinerant schools. Their educational aims were uniform. Catechists received their salary from the state whereas itinerant schools were maintained mainly by parishes. Catechist schools were founded only in the parishes of Northern and Eastern Lapland. In other parishes instruction was given by itinerant schools. Even in the beginning of the 1920's the amount of school-aged children in Lapland was higher in itinerant schools than in primary ones. The last catechist school was closed in Inari in 1954. The history of the primary school and comprehensive school can be divided into four periods. The starting point was the year 1866 when the Regulation on Primary Schools was issued. This first period came to an end in 1898 when each municipality of Lapland became obliged to divide its area into school districts. The Regulation on Primary Schools didn't oblige rural municipalities to found schools but made it possible for them. In school year 1897-98 only 24 schools gave instruction in Lapland. The obligation to form school districts brought schools even to the biggest villages in peripheral areas. In school year 1920-21 there were 96 schools in Lapland. The Compulsory Education Act was issued in 1921. The inhabitants of Lapland were active and hence in the autumn 1929 there were already 205 primary schools. The years subsequent to the war meant rapid progress in society with the result that more than 160 new primary schools were founded in Lapland. In school year 1957-58 the amount of schools was at its highest, 425. The fourth period in the history of the primary school and comprehensive school comprises the school years 1958-99. At that time the Primary Schools Act and Comprehensive Schools Act were in force. In the 1960's Finland and first of all Lapland were met by a severe crisis. Until now the increase of population had been strong. Now, however, it began to decrease. The inhabitants of peripheral areas began migrating to towns, Southern Finland and Sweden. In 1974-75 the amount of lower levels of the comprehensive school was no more than 313. The situation improved to some extent for 15 years due to the measures taken by the state. Consequently, in 1989-90 there were still 281 schools. In the 1990's Finland was shaken up by depression. In Lapland, then, unemployment increased, which resulted in migration. In autumn 1998 there were 200 lower levels of the comprehensive school. The only secondary school in Lapland was for a long time in Tornio. The next secondary school was founded in the town of Kemi in 1897. In autumn 1939 there were three educational institutions in Lapland enabling the students to continue their studies at university. After the war, especially in the 1960's, plenty of secondary schools were founded in Lapland. / Tiivistelmä Tavoitteenani on selvittää Lapin kirkollisten alkuopetuskoulujen sekä kansa-, perus- ja oppikoulujen historiaa kuntakohtaisesti lukuvuoden 1998-99 loppuun saakka. Kyseessä on perustutkimus. Tarkastelu alkaa kunkin koulumuodon ensimmäisen oppilaitoksen käynnistymisestä. Vuoden 1750 tienoilla aloittivat Utsjoella Suomen ensimmäiset kiertävät katekeetat opetustyönsä. Ensimmäinen kansakoulu avattiin Rovaniemellä 1870. Lappi siirtyi peruskoulujärjestelmään 1972. Tornion pedagogio sai perustamisluvan 1630. Kirkolliset koulut olivat kiinteitä tai kiertäviä. Kiinteiden koulujen merkitys Lapissa oli vähäinen. Kiertävät koulut ryhmitellään katekeetta- ja kiertokouluiksi. Niiden opetustavoitteet olivat yhteneväiset. Katekeettojen palkat maksoi valtio. Kiertokoulujen toiminnan rahoittivat lähinnä seurakunnat. Katekeettakouluja perustettiin vain Pohjois- ja Itä-Lapin seurakuntiin. Muissa seurakunnissa opetuksesta vastasivat kiertokoulut. Lapin kiertävissä kouluissa oli vielä 1920-luvun alussa enemmän kouluikäisiä kuin kansakouluissa. Viimeinen katekeettakoulu suljettiin Inarissa 1954. Kansa- ja peruskoulujen toiminta-aika jakaantuu luontevasti neljään jaksoon. Lähtöpiste on kansakouluasetuksen syntymävuosi 1866, ja ensimmäinen etappi päättyy 1898 piirijakoasetuksen antamiseen. Kansakouluasetus ei määrännyt maalaiskuntia perustamaan kansakouluja, mutta teki sen mahdolliseksi. Lukuvuonna 1897-98 oli Lapissa vain 24 koulua. Piirijakoasetus toi kouluja myös suurimpiin sivukyliin. Lukuvuonna 1920-21 kouluja oli 96. Oppivelvollisuuslaki annettiin 1921. Lapin asukkaat olivat aktiivisia, ja syksyllä 1929 kansakouluja oli jo 205. Väkevästi elettyinä sodanjälkeisinä vuosina Lapissa käynnistettiin vielä yli 160 uutta kansakoulua. Lukuvuonna 1957-58 kouluja oli ennätysmäärä 425. Neljäs tarkastelukausi käsittää lukuvuodet 1958-99, jolloin kansa- ja peruskoululait olivat voimassa. Suomea ja ennenkaikkea Lappia kohtasi 1960-luvulla suuri murros. Väestön voimakas kasvu pysähtyi kääntyen laskuun. Muuttoliike suuntautui maatalouskylistä kaupunkeihin, Etelä-Suomeen ja Ruotsiin. Ala-asteita oli 1974-75 enää 313. Valtion toimenpitein tilanne tasoittui 15 vuodeksi, ja kouluja oli 1989-90 vielä 281. Lama ravisteli 1990-luvulla Suomea. Lapissakin työttömyys kasvoi aiheuttaen poismuuttoaallon. Syksyllä 1998 ala-asteita oli 200. Torniossa oli pitkään Lapin ainoa oppikoulu. Kemistä tuli oppikoulukaupunki 1897. Syksyllä 1939 oli Lapissa kolme yliopistoon johtavaa oppilaitosta. Sodan jälkeen, erityisesti 1960-luvulla, perustettiin Lappiin runsaasti oppikouluja.

Managing a private higher education institution within the current higher regulatory context in South Africa

Ellis, Maria Elizabeth 01 1900 (has links)
The South Africa higher education environment has been regulated through the enactment of policies promulgated by the governments of the day since the establishment of South African higher education. Even in the early days, the higher education sector comprised both public and private higher education institutions. Since South Africa’s democratic election in 1994, the higher education environment has been altered by the current government by means of policy enactment. Limited research has been conducted on the impact of the current regulatory context on the management of a private higher education institution. Therefore, the focus of this study was to determine how a private higher education institution within the current higher regulatory context in South Africa is managed. A qualitative research methodology was used to study the phenomenon. For this purpose, a case study, an accredited and registered private higher education institution was identified and individual interviews conducted with its six managers. The study adhered to ethical principles and techniques to enhance the validity/trustworthiness of the findings. The study found that the current regulatory enactment that was initiated under the new democratic government elected in 1994 had far-reaching implications for the private higher education sector. As a consequence, management structures, policies and procedures, quality assurance processes and procedures and management functions were altered. However, some of the regulatory criteria still have an impact on the management functions as private providers still struggle for full recognition by the government. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Education Management)

Právní povaha kurikulárních dokumentů vzdělávacího systému ČR / --The legal nature of the curriculum documents of the Czech Republic's educational system

Švec, Jaroslav January 2021 (has links)
The legal nature of the curriculum documents of the Czech Republic's educational system ABSTRACT This thesis treats the selected set of curriculum documents within the Czech legal framework laid down by the Act No. 561/2004 Collection of Law, on Pre-school, Basic, Secondary, Tertiary Professional and Other Education (the Education Act), as amended. The focus aims towards the Framework Educational Programmes (FEP) and School Educational Programmes (SEP), for which the relevant FEPs were issued. The National Educational Programme according to the Education Act as amended effective until 30. September 2020 is also taken into consideration on a theoretical level. In the times of expecting considerable state-level curriculum documents contents changes, and consequent changes on the school level, this thesis aims to analyse substantial legal aspects of each type of curriculum documents and their mutual effects and to assess, whether the current legal framework reflects their presumed use and meaning appropriately. With that goal, the key notions are defined first though and a brief insight into the curriculum historical development is provided. The thesis identifies an insufficiency within the valid legislation as the legal forms the curriculum documents should take are not laid down and consequently examines...

Digitální repozitáře na vysokých školách v České republice / Digital repositories at universities in the Czech Republic

Zlatohlávková, Růžena January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to present, analyse, compare and evaluate the current state of digital repositories at universities in the Czech Republic that use a software application for their digital repository. A theoretical part, which introduces the reader into the issue of compilation and operating of digital repositories in the Czech academic context, precedes the practical reserach. The crucial chapter of the practical part are the results of the actual analysis. The results of a supplementary survey of universities that do not run a digital repository with usage of software application and choose a different way of storage and access to their grey literature draw on the results of this analysis. The conclusion of the entire thesis is the outline of future development of the investigated issue and the perspective of further progress of the Czech academic milieu.

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