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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Programa de formação docente: qualificando ações de gestão

Toni, Magda De 21 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2016-07-14T15:47:23Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Magda De Toni_.pdf: 792870 bytes, checksum: da3001c6d66fb31b561e6e3eea111040 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-14T15:47:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Magda De Toni_.pdf: 792870 bytes, checksum: da3001c6d66fb31b561e6e3eea111040 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-21 / Nenhuma / Este estudo decorreu de uma pesquisa sobre docência universitária realizada em uma instituição de ensino privada localizada na Serra Gaúcha, no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Envolveu cursos que formam Administradores, Gestores de Recursos Humanos e Processos Gerenciais. O desafio de trabalhar com docentes do ensino superior, na sua grande maioria, profissionais liberais, demonstra a importância da problematização, ao mesmo tempo, da provocação de reflexões críticas sobre as práticas educacionais. Logo, os Programas de Formação Docente necessitam contemplar as necessidades docentes, e também, que sejam provocadores de reflexão, desestabilizadores do posto, provocadores de uma cultura docente reflexiva/colaborativa. A partir desse pressuposto, o objetivo desse trabalho de pesquisa foi construir estratégias de gestão que visassem o desenvolvimento profissional, pessoal e coletivo da equipe de docentes que coordeno, buscando significar a aprendizagem dos alunos e qualificando dessa forma, minha prática enquanto gestora educacional e dos docentes. Para isso, procurou-se conhecer melhor o grupo de docentes com os quais atuo, identificar as necessidades de qualificação deste corpo docente para o aperfeiçoamento de sua prática educativa, construir e implementar estratégias de ensino-aprendizagem que problematizassem mitos e verdades já estabelecidos, além de estabelecer pressupostos teórico-metodológicos que sustentassem as práticas de gestão e docência cooperativas. A abordagem investigativa foi predominantemente qualitativa e como instrumentos de coleta de dados utilizou-se questionários, encontros de formação, grupos dialogais formados por docentes dos três cursos pesquisados. Para compreender o objeto de estudo, foi preciso tomar como pano de fundo a formação docente. Também foram fundamentais os estudos sobre gestão educacional e competências. Os aportes de Zeichner e Schön, discutidos por Nóvoa (1995), Campos e Pessoa (1998), Geraldi e Messias (1998), além de Freire (1998), Rios (2011), Lück (2006 e Broilo (2015) contribuíram significativamente para a compreensão teórica dos achados. Os resultados demonstraram que os professores, nas suas trajetórias, enfrentam a complexidade da prática educativa e constroem, cada um deles, o seu modo de ser professor no próprio exercício dessa prática; durante os encontros de formação propostos me deparei com profissionais satisfeitos com os encontros, como oportunidade de qualificar suas práticas, entusiasmados em dar continuidade aos mesmos e que experimentavam em suas aulas muitas das metodologias e reflexões vividas na formação. Além disso, percebeu-se que a experiência profissional constitui-se em fonte de aprendizagem sobre o trabalho docente, assim como auxílio para o enfrentamento das dificuldades surgidas no dia a dia, o que evidencia que a formação continuada é valorizada pelos participantes deste estudo. Foi possível, identificar, também, que as instituições precisam investir em setores pedagógicos para dar apoio aos docentes, bem como aos próprios coordenadores de curso, que muitas vezes assumem a incumbência de levar adiante essa formação, sem necessariamente estarem preparados para isso. / This study is the result of a research about Higher Education teaching, made in a private institution, located on the mountains region of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. It involved courses which qualify business administrators, Human Resources and Managerial Processes managers. The challenge of working with university professors, most of them, liberal professionals, demonstrates the importance of problematization, as well as, a provocation towards critical reflections about educational practices. Thus, Teaching Education Programs need to contemplate teaching necessities and also should provoke reflections, desestabilize positions, leading to a reflexive/collaborative teaching culture. From this assumption, the objective of this research study was to build managerial strategies that aimed to the professional, personal and the group’s development of the team I coordinate, searching for giving students’ learning significance and qualifying my practice as an educational manager. Having this goal, there was a concern with getting to know the group of professors who I work with, identify their qualification necessities to their educative practice improvement, build and implement teaching-learning strategies that problematized myths and truths yet established, also establish theoretical-methodological assumptions which supported cooperative teaching and managerial practices. The investigated approach was predominately qualitative and as data collecting, quizzes, educational formation meetings and dialogic groups composed of professors of the three researched courses have been used. In order to understand the object of study, it was necessary to take teaching education as a backdrop. Also, studies about educational management and competencies were fundamental. The reading of Zeichner and Schön, discussed by Nóvoa (1995), Campos and Pessoa (1998), Geraldi and Messias (1998), besides Freire (1998), Rios (2011), Lück (2006) and Broilo (2015) contributed significantly to the theoretical comprehension of the findings. The results demonstrated that professors, in their professional path, face the complexity of educational practice and build, each one of them, their own way to be a professor in their practical routine. During the teaching education meetings, I came across professionals satisfied with the meetings, as an opportunity for their practice qualification, enthusiastic about having a continuity of those meetings, since they used to try to apply many of the methodologies and reflections experienced in the teaching education program in their lessons. Besides, it was perceived that the professional experience became a source of learning about teaching work, as well as a support to a confrontation of difficulties emerged on daily basis, what enhances the fact that continuing education is considered valuable for participants of this study. It was also possible to identify that institutions need to invest in pedagogical sectors to give support for professors, as well as for the courses’ coordinators, who, many times, take over the duty of keeping up with teaching education program, even though they are not necessarily prepared for that.

A organização do ensino e a formação do pensamento estético-artístico na teoria histórico-cultural / The organization of teaching and the formation of aesthetic-artistic thinking in the cultural-historical theory

Nascimento, Carolina Picchetti 17 June 2010 (has links)
Compreender o processo de organização do ensino para o desenvolvimento do pensamento teórico constituiu-se no objetivo central desta pesquisa. Com base nos estudos da teoria histórico-cultural entendemos ser possível e necessário organizar o ensino de modo que o mesmo seja maximamente favorável ao desenvolvimento do pensamento teórico dos educandos. Considerando que o pensamento teórico em geral forma-se a partir de um objeto concreto, procuramos investigar o processo de organização do ensino para a formação do pensamento teórico a partir de uma manifestação particular desse tipo de pensamento: o pensamento teórico no campo da arte ou o pensamento estético-artístico. Procuramos demonstrar ao longo do trabalho a possibilidade de vincular esse tipo de pensamento ao ensino da educação física, disciplina que tem como objetivo organizar a apropriação dos significados das atividades da cultura corporal, dentre eles o estético-artístico. Organizamos a presente pesquisa como uma investigação bibliográfico-conceitual (em que analisamos o papel da arte no processo de formação humana; a atividade de estudo e a formação do pensamento teórico; o processo de organização do ensino e alguns princípios didáticos presentes na teoria histórico-cultural) e uma investigação didático-experimental (em que criamos as condições para a análise do processo de organização do ensino para a formação do pensamento teórico). Nosso experimento didático, instrumento investigativo para a análise do trabalho pedagógico, foi constituído pela elaboração, e posterior realização com estudantes do 4º ano do ensino fundamental I, de uma unidade didática sobre o circo. A partir da explicitação da unidade fundamental do circo (a composição de cenas) e das suas abstrações conceituais (os elementos de criação das cenas), organizamos o ensino buscando garantir que os estudantes tivessem momentos diretos de trabalho com os conceitos, isto é, que agissem mediados pelos conceitos. Assim, a exposição das sínteses conceituais para os estudantes, o planejamento orientado da criação das cenas e a análise das cenas criadas mediadas pelos conceitos teóricos permitiram que os educandos trabalhassem com o modo geral de ação do artista circense, ou seja, o modo como o artista abstrai os elementos da realidade e os sintetiza em uma nova realidade ou no seu objeto artístico. Avaliamos que esse percurso de aprendizagem e essa forma de organização do ensino possibilitam ao sujeito a apropriação de instrumentos para abstrair os elementos essenciais de uma dada realidade artística, bem como para criar conscientemente seu próprio objeto artístico, o que lhe permite uma maior aproximação da arte, um maior conhecimento desse tipo de atividade humano-genérica. Por fim, a pesquisa nos indica para uma real possibilidade de construção de um modo geral de ação docente ou uma base teórico-metodológica para a organização do ensino referenciada na teoria histórico-cultural. / Understanding the organization of teaching for the development of theoretical thinking constitutes the main goal of this research. Based on the cultural-historical theory we assume that it is possible and even necessary to organize teaching in order to contribute to students theoretical thinking development. Considering that theoretical thinking always develops from a concrete object, in our research we sought to investigate the teaching organization process for the formation of theoretical thinking from a particular point of view: the aesthetic-artistic thinking, which is the theoretical thinking present in art. Throughout this work we have tried to demonstrate the possibility of linking this type of thinking to physical education a school subject that aims to organize the appropriation of the meanings of body culture activities, and among those meanings is the aesthetic-artistic. We organized this present research as a conceptual-bibliographical investigation (in which we analyzed the role of art in human development; the studying activity and the formation of theoretical thinking; the process of organizing teaching and some didactic principles present in cultural-historical theory) and as a didactic-experimental investigation (in which we created the conditions to analyze the process of organizing teaching for the development of theoretical thinking). Our teaching experiment, which is an investigative instrument to analyze pedagogical work, was formed by the preparation and subsequent implementation, with students in 4th year of elementary school, of a didactic unit about the circus. From the explicitness of the fundamental unity of circus (to compose the scenes) and its conceptual abstractions (the elements that create the scenes), we organized teaching seeking to ensure that students had moments of direct work with the concepts, that is, that they could act mediated by them. Thus, exposure of students to conceptual overviews, the guided planning of the scenes making and the analysis of the created scenes mediated by theoretical concepts allowed the students to work with the general way of action of the circus artist, which is how the artist abstracts the elements of reality and summarizes them in a new reality or in his artistic object. We assess that this learning course and this form of organizing teaching enable the subject to appropriate instruments, both to abstract the essential elements of a given artistic reality, as to consciously create its own artistic object, which allows a closer approximation of art, a greater knowledge of this type of human-generic activity. Finally, the research points us to a real possibility of constructing a general mode of teaching action or a theoretical and methodological basis for the organization of teaching, referenced in the cultural- historical theory.

Évaluation d’une démarche en orthographe grammaticale basée sur l’identification des classes de mots à l’intérieur des approches intégrée et spécifique au 2e cycle du primaire

Brassard, Geneviève 02 1900 (has links)
SOMMAIRE Les élèves du primaire éprouvent de la difficulté à transférer, dans leurs productions écrites, les notions d’orthographe grammaticale enseignées en classe de français. La présente recherche souhaite vérifier si l’enseignement de l’identification des classes de mots par la méthode inductive jumelée aux approches spécifique ou intégrée permettrait aux élèves de repérer plus efficacement les déterminants, les noms, les adjectifs et les verbes dans leurs propres productions écrites et, par la suite, d’effectuer correctement les accords grammaticaux. La cueillette de données s’effectue à l’aide de six productions écrites rédigées en autant de semaines par les élèves de trois groupes-classes de la 2e année du 2e cycle du primaire. Les résultats des groupes expérimentaux (un expérimentant l’approche intégrée et l’autre, l’approche spécifique) sont comparés à ceux obtenus par un groupe de contrôle. À la fin de l’expérimentation, les résultats se sont maintenus, entre le prétest et le post-test, en ce qui concerne l’identification des déterminants, des noms et des adjectifs pour les trois groupes. Ils ont cependant diminué pour ce qui est de l’identification des verbes. En ce qui concerne les accords grammaticaux, tous les groupes ont amélioré leurs accords déterminant-nom, le groupe contrôle a présenté de meilleurs résultats pour l’accord de l’adjectif et seul le groupe expérimentant l’approche spécifique a réussi à maintenir ses résultats concernant l’accord du verbe, alors que les deux autres groupes ont obtenu des résultats plus faibles à la fin de l’expérimentation. / SUMMARY The students at the elementary level of education demonstrate a great level of difficulty when transferring grammatical concepts taught previously in their French classes. This research wishes to verify if teaching students to identify the classes of words using the inductive method combined with specific approaches or integrated methods would increase the students’ facility to locate determinants, nouns, adjectives and verbs in their own written productions in order to correctly carry out the grammatical agreements. The data is gathered from six written productions written during several weeks by three groups of students in their second year of cycle two. The results of the experimental groups (one trying out the integrated approach and the other, the specific approach) are compared with those obtained from a control group. At the end of the experiment, the results were maintained, between the pretest and the post-test, with regards to the identification of the determinants, the nouns and the adjectives for the three groups. However, the results decreased in regards to the identification of the verbs. With regards to the grammatical agreements, all the groups improved their agreements determinant-name. Moreover, the control groups had better results in the agreement of the adjective. Also, only the group trying out the specific approach succeeded in maintaining its results regarding the agreement of the verb, whereas the two other groups obtained weaker results at the end of the experimentation.

The emergence of democratic educational and experiential educational philosophies in the practice of outdoor education.

Carrier, Allison Mary, January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--University of Toronto, 2004. / Adviser: John Portelli.

Proficiência motora e desempenho motor numa habilidade motora aprendida em crianças normais e com dificuldades de aprendizagem-análise comparativa no desempenho motor em diferentes tarefas motoras e em dois grupos educativos distintos

Silva, Carlos Manuel Mesquita da January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

O referencial teórico de Paulo Freire no ensino de ciências e na educação CTS: um estudo bibliométrico e epistemológico

Lopes, Gabriela Zauith Leite 11 December 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:35:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 5720.pdf: 2358278 bytes, checksum: 22e9886c935d6e54b02099e6391154e3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-12-11 / The Science Teaching, spurred by the development of science and technology as well as the field of education, seeks paradigms that go beyond positivist approaches and linear knowledge production. Perceptions of the social dimensions of science and technology have led to this PhD study to realize a proposal within the dialogic Science Teaching and STS Education (Science, Technology and Society). Perceptions of the social dimensions of science and technology have led to this PhD study to realize a proposal within the dialogic Science Teaching and STS Education. The aim of this study is to verify the ownership of the theoretical framework of Paulo Freire in Science Teaching and Education CTS, represented by the scientific production of theses and dissertations and courses offered by the graduate. Represented by the research questions: How do I set the presence of referential Freire in STS Education and Teaching STS represented by the scientific production of theses and dissertations and the disciplines offered in graduate? What are the epistemological bases underpinning the theses in the field of Education and Higher Education STS adopted the theoretical Freire? The methodological procedures used include bibliometric research and epistemological analysis, with the construction of four matrices analysis, which reach the theoretical, epistemological, ontological and gnosiological of the studies analyzed. In bibliometric survey data collection was made on Bank CAPES thesis and Notebook Indicators Capes. To search for theses and dissertations search terms used were combinations of "STS Education" "Teaching STS" and "Science Education Paulo Freire. The data were processed in VantagePoint software and Excel ®. We analyzed 43 studies that used the theoretical perspective of Paulo Freire, 34 masters and nine doctoral. In Notebooks Indicators Capes data were collected from 57 subjects of 22 educational institutions in search of references related to Paulo Freire. Bibliometric analysis results indicate that the theses and dissertations are concentrated in the area of Education and Science and Mathematics at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Universidade de Brasília and São Paulo University. To relate data from the Bank of Theses and Notebooks Indicators analyzed data from UFSC, UNB and USP with the literature of the subjects of their graduate programs, identifying literature Paulo Freire used: Pedagogy of the Oppressed and Pedagogy Autonomy. The epistemological analysis was performed by analysis of three matrices: 1) matrix ownership Freire's theoretical framework, 2) matrix paradigmatic STS , and 3) analysis matrix epistemological framework Freire. Results of the research show that the epistemological bases underpinning the theses in the field of STS Education and Science Education adopted the theoretical Freire point to changes that include critical-dialectical approaches. Work on Science Education seeks to revise the linear and positivist paradigm to which they are subjected. And work in STS Education /Science Teaching clarifies their limitations and seeks complementarity with the pedagogical thinking of Paulo Freire. Built in a humanistic and critical, the subject of knowledge is central, built and socio-historically mediated world. This study aims to add knowledge to the studies Freirean of Science Teaching and STS Education, in the sense that their results contribute to the expansion of critical mass on the need for theoretical research in Science Teaching in STS perspective. / O Ensino de Ciências, incitado pelo desenvolvimento da ciência e da tecnologia, assim como o campo da educação, buscam por paradigmas que superem abordagens técnicolineares e positivistas da produção do conhecimento. Percepções das dimensões sociais da ciência e da tecnologia levaram ao presente estudo de doutorado ao perceber uma proposta dialógica dentro do Ensino de Ciências e da Educação CTS (Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade). O objetivo do presente estudo é verificar a apropriação do referencial teórico de Paulo Freire no Ensino de Ciências e na Educação CTS, representada pela produção científica de teses e dissertações e pelas disciplinas ofertadas na pós-graduação. Representadas pelas questões de pesquisa: como se configura a presença do referencial freireano na Educação CTS e no Ensino CTS representada pela produção científica de teses e dissertações e pelas disciplinas ofertadas na pós-graduação? Quais são as bases epistemológicas que fundamentam as dissertações e teses no campo da Educação CTS e do Ensino CTS que adotaram o referencial teórico freireano? Os procedimentos metodológicos utilizados abrangem a pesquisa bibliométrica e a análise epistemológica, com a construção de quatro matrizes de análises, as quais atingem os aspectos teóricos, epistemológicos, ontológicos e gnosiológicos dos trabalhos analisados. Na pesquisa bibliométrica a coleta de dados foi feita no Banco de Teses da CAPES e no Caderno de Indicadores da Capes. Para busca em teses e dissertações os termos de busca utilizados foram combinações de Educação CTS ; Ensino CTS e Ensino de Ciências Paulo Freire . Os dados foram processados nos softwares VantagePoint® e Excel. Foram analisados 43 trabalhos que se utilizaram da perspectiva teórica de Paulo Freire, sendo 34 de mestrado e 9 de doutorado. Nos Cadernos de Indicadores da Capes foram coletados dados de 57 disciplinas de 22 instituições de ensino, em busca de referências relacionadas a Paulo Freire. Resultados da análise bibliométrica apontam que as teses e dissertações estão concentradas na área de Educação e Ensino de Ciências e Matemática, na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Universidade de Brasília e Universidade de São Paulo. Para relacionar dados do Banco de Teses e dos Cadernos de Indicadores analisou-se dos dados da UFSC, UNB e USP com a bibliografia das disciplinas de seus programas de pós-graduação, identificando a literatura de Paulo Freire mais usada: Pedagogia do Oprimido e Pedagogia da Autonomia. A análise epistemológica foi realizada por meio de três matrizes de análises: 1) matriz de apropriação teórica do referencial freireano; 2) matriz paradigmática CTS; e 3) matriz de análise epistemológica do referencial freireano. Resultados da pesquisa apontam que as bases epistemológicas que fundamentam as dissertações e teses no campo da Educação CTS e do Ensino CTS que adotaram o referencial teórico freireano apontam para mudanças que contemplem abordagens crítico-dialéticas. Os trabalhos de Ensino de Ciências buscam rever o paradigma linear e positivista a que estão submetidos. E os trabalhos em Educação/Ensino CTS esclarecem suas limitações e buscam uma complementaridade com o pensamento pedagógico de Paulo Freire. Construído de forma humanista e crítica, o sujeito do conhecimento é central, construído sócio-historicamente e mediado pelo mundo. O presente estudo pretende somar conhecimento para os estudos freireanos do Ensino de Ciências e da Educação CTS, no sentido que seus resultados contribuam com a ampliação da massa crítica relativa à necessidade de fundamentação teórica das pesquisas em educação científica.

A DOCÊNCIA EM ADMINISTRAÇÃO E ALGUMAS CONTRIBUIÇÕES DE PROJETOS EDUCATIVOS / Teaching in management and some educational project contribuitions

GODOI, ELAINE CRISTINA FRANCO DE 09 September 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Noeme Timbo (noeme.timbo@metodista.br) on 2016-08-25T20:15:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ElaineGodoi.pdf: 4500184 bytes, checksum: 1956be33df5d88e0098a442b1422c98c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-25T20:15:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ElaineGodoi.pdf: 4500184 bytes, checksum: 1956be33df5d88e0098a442b1422c98c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-09-09 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This MSc dissertation presents two projects which indicate possibilities to build new knowledge with viable and significant practices for Business Administration college students. The aim is to foster a discussion about the role of teachers and the teachers’ training in higher education with quality, through the studies at a Faculty in the Eastern Zone of the City of São Paulo. This paper indicates that the graduating in Business Administration can go beyond the technical contents and be humanized with the application of innovative teaching resources. The analysis of the projects enabled to conclude that the distinctive educational actions, inspired in Freire pedagogical theory, reported as a way of facing the difficulties of the teaching-learning relations. Within the application of the referred projects the possible difficulties of learning were converted in opportunities and nowadays are contributions for the educational quality. / Esta dissertação apresenta dois projetos que apontam possibilidades de se construir novos conhecimentos com práticas viáveis e significativas para os alunos de Administração de Empresas do ensino superior. O objetivo é fomentar a discussão sobre o papel do docente e a formação dos professores no ensino superior com qualidade, através dos estudos em uma Faculdade da Zona Leste da cidade de São Paulo. Este trabalho aponta que o bacharelado em Administração pode ir para além de meros conteúdos técnicos a serem humanizados a partir da utilização de recursos didáticos inovadores. A análise dos projetos permite concluir que ações educativas diferenciadas, inspiradas na teoria freiriana, apresentaram-se como forma de enfrentamento às dificuldades nas relações entre ensino e aprendizagem. Com a aplicação dos referidos projetos, as possíveis dificuldades de aprendizagem foram transformadas em oportunidades, e hoje são contribuições à qualidade educativa.

Integrace žáků se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami v alternativních školách / Integration of pupils with special educational needs in alternative schools

PÁTKOVÁ, Hana January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the integration of pupils with special educational needs into alternative schools, points out the pros and cons for their education. In the theoretical part are explained in more detail the concepts related to specific learning disorder ADHD and mental retardation. There is characterized by the integration and inclusion of children with this disability and their cooperation with educational assistant. In the end of the given principles of the Waldorf, here is a comprehensive overview of the philosophy, education of pupils at the Waldorf schools. The practical part focuses on the specifics of the educational process at the Waldorf School and the inclusion of children with special educational needs into teaching. In qualitative research, the case study of integrated children and analyzed their professional documentation. Interested observing and working with them is documented their previous education and assessed the appropriateness of including these children to alternative schools.

The role of emotional knowledge in learning to teach : a framework for student teachers and their mentors on school placements

Pugh, Eamonn Victor January 2017 (has links)
Emotional aspects of teaching impact on classroom relationships, as well as on teacher burnout and resilience. The research reported here contributes towards understanding emotional knowledge in initial teacher education. Using particularly Boyatzis and Goleman’s ideas of emotional competence, a four-quadrant framework was constructed, showing emotional knowledge as categories of self- and social awareness and self- and relationship management. This framework was tested in an inquiry to support student teachers during their work-based learning in classrooms. The research aimed to find the meanings attached to emotional knowledge by these student teachers and their school placement mentors. One hundred and nineteen student teachers following a primary postgraduate programme provided an opportunity sample of participants. After introduction to the framework, eighty-four completed an online survey, self-reporting both their emotional knowledge and their confidence in making those self-reports. Eleven agreed to provide written reflections during school placements, to participate in a focus group and be interviewed. Their mentors supplemented this with interviews and their written end-of-placement reports on the student teachers. In a mainly qualitative and interpretivist approach using thematic analysis, responses were coded using ATLAS.ti software and triangulated across data sets. This built a picture of how emotional knowledge was understood. The research found that student teachers used emotional knowledge in managing behaviour and building trusting and respectful relationships with mentors and pupils while participants experienced it as a developmental part of reflective practice. The findings were used alongside the ideas of dealing with emotions by transforming teacher knowledge and Zembylas’ concept of emotional ecologies, thereby developing a new theoretical framework for emotional knowledge. The main recommendation - that teacher educators prepare student teachers to explicitly recognise emotions and use emotional knowledge – has relevance to any work that involves dealing with emotions. The thesis also points towards empirical research into the re-theorised model.

Visitas ao setor de radiologia hospitalar como um recurso potencialmente significativo para o ensino de radiações ionizantes

Bortoli, Leomar de 22 June 2017 (has links)
Considerando que a escola deve formar indivíduos preparados para o exercício da cidadania, ela precisa apresentar os conteúdos, definidos no cronograma escolar, de uma forma mais aproximada ao cotidiano do aluno. O objetivo deste trabalho é a proposição de uma sequência didática para preparar e orientar estudantes do ensino médio à visita técnica em setor de radiologia hospitalar como um recurso potencialmente significativo para o ensino de radiações ionizantes, e ampliar a qualidade na formação do estudante de ensino médio, a partir da vivência de experiências que locais distintos da tradicional sala de aula oferecem. A visita técnica é um recurso didático-pedagógico que obtém ótimos resultados educacionais, pois os estudantes podem observar os conceitos analisados em sala num ambiente real, tornando o processo mais motivador e significativo para a aprendizagem, fazendo com que se amplie ao estudante o conceito de integração, de reflexão e ação, teoria e prática. A sistematização das várias etapas do trabalho, tanto em nível da prática pedagógica, como da investigação teórica, baseou-se na estratégia das unidades de ensino potencialmente significativas (UEPS). Com a expectativa de apoiar outros professores que tenham interesse em trabalhar o tema radiações ionizantes, ao final foi gerado como produto da presente dissertação uma sequência didática em oito aulas, que envolvem a preparação prévia da visita técnica ao setor de radiologia hospitalar, a visita em si, e a abordagem posterior para consolidação dos conteúdos. Para a análise dos resultados foram utilizados métodos qualitativos, como a construção de mapas conceituais, dramatização e construção de maquetes. / Submitted by Ana Guimarães Pereira (agpereir@ucs.br) on 2017-09-04T16:42:17Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Leomar de Bortoli.pdf: 2798584 bytes, checksum: eb697f1145e5e332808a5b38436b48ed (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-04T16:42:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Leomar de Bortoli.pdf: 2798584 bytes, checksum: eb697f1145e5e332808a5b38436b48ed (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-09-04 / Whereas the school must train individuals prepared for the exercise of citizenship, it must display the contents more closely related to the daily life of the student. The objective of this work is to propose a didactic sequence to prepare and guide high school students to technical visit in a hospital radiology department as a potentially significant resource for the teaching of ionizing radiation, and increase the quality of training high school student from the life experiences that different sites of traditional classroom offer. The technical visit is a didactic-pedagogic resource that get great educational results, as students can observe the concepts discussed in class in a real environment, making it a more motivating and meaningful process for learning, causing it to expand the student the concept of integration, reflection and action, theory and practice as well. The systematization of the various stages of the work, both in terms of pedagogical practice and theoretical research, was based on the strategy of potentially significant teaching units. With the expectation of supporting other teachers who are interested in working the issue ionizing radiation, at the end it was generated as a product of this dissertation a didactic sequence in eight classes, which involve the prior preparation of the technical visit to the hospital radiology department, the visit itself, and further approach to consolidation of the contents. For the analysis of the results were used qualitative methods, such as the construction of concept maps, role play and building models.

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