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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

UNDERVISNING UTOMHUS? : -förskolans förhållningssätt till utomhusundervisning!

Nordling, Ingrid, Wallberg, Ella January 2023 (has links)
Studien tar sin utgångpunkt i hur förskolans utomhusundervisning planeras och verkställs, och bildar kunskap om hur förskolans undervisning anpassas i de syften som finns i utomhusvistelsen. I studien visar informanternas beskrivningar att den dagliga utevistelsen på förskolegården innehåller en liten del av undervisning som är riktad mot specifika läroplansmål. Istället fokuserar förskollärarna på att barnen ska bli mer självständiga, välja aktiviteter och interagera med varandra samt utforska världen och sina egna förmågor. Motorik och hälsa anses vara viktigt på förskolegården, och den fria leken uppmuntras. Undervisning som sker utomhus och riktas mot förskolans läroplansmål bedrivs oftast utanför förskolegården och sker inte dagligen. Den spontana undervisningen tar mer plats innanför staketet.

Biological Security Education Handbook: The Power of Team-Based Learning.

Novossiolova, Tatyana 01 1900 (has links)
yes / Introduction Combining Contents with Strategy: A Case for Team-Based Learning. The term "biosecurity‟ has been used in many different contexts for many different purposes. The present Handbook uses the concept of "biosecurity‟ (or biological security) to mean successful minimising of the risks that the biological sciences will be deliberately or accidentally misused in a way which causes harm for humans, animals, plants or the environment, including through awareness and understanding of the risks. Biosecurity thus involves a complex and rapidly evolving set of issues that concern a broad range of stakeholders: policy makers, legislators, industry, academia, the security community, science educators, life science students and practitioners, and the general public.1 Addressing those issues requires continuous cooperation among all concerned parties, that is, biosecurity awareness is a responsibility incumbent upon all. The need for fostering awareness of biological security among those engaged in the life sciences has been widely acknowledged in various fora and, as a result, over the past few years a number of important initiatives have been carried out, designed to further education about the broader social, ethical, security and legal implications of cutting-edge biotechnology.2 The chief objective of the present Handbook is to complement those efforts by combining teaching material in biological security with an active learning training approach – Team-Based Learning (TBL) – to empower educators, students and practitioners as they begin to engage with biological security. The Handbook seeks to supplement the Guide "Preventing Biological Threats: What You Can Do‟ by providing its users with tips and insights into how to implement its content in different educational settings. Part 5 of the Guide introduces the reader to the value of active learning in the context of biosecurity education and training. Chapter 20 in particular details the implementation of the TBL format at an interactive biosecurity seminar and the results achieved by the seminar participants. Consequently, the Handbook aims to: i. Highlight the strengths of the TBL format in teaching biological security. ii. Provide practical guidance on how to organise, run, and facilitate TBL biosecurity seminars. iii. Offer sample sets of exercises based on the individual chapters of the Guide. iv. Explain how each set of exercises can be used for achieving specific learning objectives. Each chapter of the Handbook introduces the reader to a key concept discussed in the respective chapter of the Guide and elaborates on the specific learning objectives, which the TBL exercises are aimed at. Each set comprises Individual and Team Readiness Assurance Test questions, and Application Exercises in the form of multiple-choice problem-solving tasks and practical scenarios (see below). A growing body of evidence suggests that the use of active learning approaches to teaching and training can significantly enhance the effectiveness of education programmes.3 Part of the reason behind this trend is the fact that active learning strategies aid the learner in „unlocking‟ their existing knowledge and linking new subject matter to their established conceptual framework.4 In other words, through case studies, scenarios, problem-solving games, role plays, and simulations – to name few examples of active learning methods – learners are prompted to think critically, reflect and develop understanding of unfamiliar concepts. Active learning approaches allow fostering a learner-centred environment where the learner rather than the instructor is at the centre of the activities taking place in the classroom.5 The Handbook focuses on a specific format of active learning instruction – Team Based Learning (TBL). This is a special form of collaborative learning which uses a specific sequence of individual work, group work, and immediate feedback to create a motivational framework, whereby the focus is shifted from conveying concepts by the instructor to the application of concepts by student teams.6 TBL is an easy-to-replicate, user-friendly approach, that can be applied in many different educational settings at various stages of instruction, and for different purposes. It enables the instructor to cover new material in a way that engages learners as active participants, allowing them to take ownership of their own learning, and develop reflection and self-evaluation skills.

Körper, Haut und Hülle: Ausdrucksformen von Körper und Leib in der Performancekunst – eine phänomenologische Einzelfallstudie im Kunstunterricht der Sekundarstufe II

Lübke, Christin 29 June 2021 (has links)
Körperlich Handeln, bis Kunst entsteht. Was in der Aussage des Schülers Moris anklingt, soll mit der Fokussierung auf Ausdrucksformen von Körper und Leib in der Performancekunst im Zuge dieser Arbeit differenziert betrachtet werden. Der erzählende Einblick aus einer Unterrichtssequenz, in welcher sich Lernende der Jahrgangsstufe 12 mit Performancekunst zum Thema „Körper, Haut und Hülle“ auseinandersetzen, veranschaulicht somit eröffnend den Gegenstandsbereich der vorliegenden phänomenologisch orientierten Einzelfallstudie: sich bewegende, explorierende, aufeinander reagierende Lernende, die performativ agieren und mit Körper und Leib mehrsinnlich wahrnehmend-denkend in der Welt verankert sind. Performances verhandeln die flüchtigen, schwer greifbaren und sich in Veränderung befindenden Momente künstlerischer Gestaltung.

Communication in Learner-Centered Classrooms : An explorative study of the communication patterns in two classrooms / Kommunikation i elevcentrerad klassrum : En explorativ studie av kommunikationsmönster i två klassrum

Haliti, Donjeta January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of the present study was to explore teachers’ orchestration of the class communication during teaching and to show whether the communication can be explained by frame factors. This study is a multiple case study of two physics teachers – one public and one private school teacher - using observational and interview data to illustrate and analyze their communication/talk process in the classroom. Implications are drawn for the way that they develop dialogue, which is further explored in regards to identified frame factors. Data collection was complemented with field notes and audio-recordings. The observations served for identifying the communication process. Interviews were used to develop the understanding of the teacher’s background and their beliefs on teaching for further strengthening the evidence for the findings. Transcripts were developed for detailed qualitative analysis of selected episodes of their communicative approaches.Concepts and theories on the importance of the communication process for reflective thinking and a learner-centered classroom along with the frame factors theory aid the construction of the research and are linked to the findings.The study provides insight on the frequency of elicitation of dialogic communication encouraging of reflective thought occurring at recurrent rate by the private school teacher during lecturing. The findings showed that frame factors steering the two teacher’s elicitation of communication were the curriculum, the teachers’ educational opportunities, external support and their ideologies. Findings suggest that reverting the teachers discourse fully towards an environment of dialogic communication encouraging of reflective thought - an aim of the Kosovo Curriculums - require additional sustenance and a profounder inquiry of the influence of teachers ideologies and how it can be diminished. Furthermore, an assessment of the curriculums implementation in classrooms and its limiting aspect of providing dialogically organized instruction is necessary along with assessment of the trainings offered to teachers.

Současné přístupy k vzdělávání učitelů anglického jazyka v reflexi studentských praxí / Current Approaches to English Teacher Education as Reflected in Trainees' Teaching Practice

Holý, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
This work deals with the English language teacher training approaches administered at the Department of English Language and Literature of the Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague. The work seeks answers to which aspects of teacher competence are developed by each of the approaches. As almost half of the trainees involved in the research had a previous teaching experience, the role of teaching experience on the development of teaching skills is also examined. Teacher trainees' written reflections on their teaching practice are analyzed using a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. The results are related to current trends in teacher education.

Espaços institucionais para formação docente nos cursos de pós-graduação: análise do Programa de Aperfeiçoamento de Ensino da Universidade de São Paulo / Institutional spaces for formation of the university teacher: An analysis of the Improvement Teaching Program from University of São Paulo.

Cantano, Márcia Mendes Ruiz 20 October 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa apresenta o tema da formação de professores para atuar no ensino superior. Estudos apontam que o professor universitário no Brasil não tem recebido a devida formação para a docência pelas universidades ficando sua ação aquém da complexidade exigida para o ensino na Educação Superior. Na Universidade de São Paulo, a formação para a docência ocorre pela via do Programa de Aperfeiçoamento de Ensino (PAE-USP), no qual os pós-graduandos cumprem duas etapas: a preparação pedagógica e o estágio supervisionado em docência. O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar o Programa de Aperfeiçoamento do Ensino da Universidade de São Paulo como espaço institucional de formação de professores para o ensino superior, a partir da perspectiva dos seus egressos, que hoje atuam como docentes em instituições de ensino superior públicas brasileiras. O referencial teórico tem como base estudos sobre a universidade contemporânea, o cenário atual da formação de professores universitários, a docência universitária na perspectiva da complexidade, dos saberes da docência e do desenvolvimento profissional docente. A metodologia utilizada é de abordagem qualitativa, sendo utilizados como instrumentos de coleta de dados questionários e entrevistas semiestruturadas. Participaram da pesquisa 14 docentes de IES públicas brasileiras, que realizaram o Programa PAE na Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas de Ribeirão Preto da USP entre 2005 e 2013. A análise dos dados foi realizada por meio da Análise de Conteúdo Análise Temática, utilizando-se de duas categorias criadas a priori: saberes da docência e desenvolvimento profissional. Os resultados apontam que o Programa PAE, na perspectiva dos seus participantes, possui mais significado na medida em que o estagiário tem maior contato com a prática docente. Os participantes reiteram a importância de espaços e programas para a formação docente para o Ensino Superior, inicial e continuada. / This research presents the theme of teacher training to work in higher education. Studies point out that the university professor in Brazil has not received the necessary training for teaching by the universities and their action falls short of the complexity required for teaching in Higher Education. At the University of São Paulo, training for teaching takes place through the Program for the Improvement of Teaching (PAE-USP), in which postgraduates fulfill two complementary stages: pedagogical preparation and supervised teaching. The objective of this work is to investigate the Program for the Improvement of Teaching at the University of São Paulo as an institutional space for teacher education for higher education, from the perspective of its alumni, who now act as teachers in Brazilian public higher education institutions. The theoretical framework is based on studies on the contemporary university, the current scenario of university teacher training, university teaching in the perspective of complexity, teaching knowledge and professional teacher development. The methodology used is a qualitative approach, being used as instruments of data collection questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. A total of 14 subjects, teachers of Brazilian public HEIs, who participated in the PAE Program at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Ribeirão Preto, USP, between 2005 and 2013, participated in the study. Data analysis was performed through Content Analysis - Thematic Analysis, Two categories created a priori. The results indicate that the PAE Program, from the perspective of its participants, has more meaning in that the trainee has more contact with the teaching practice. The participants reiterate the importance of spaces and programs for teacher education for Higher Education.

Geografia e educação infantil: os croquis de localização - um estudo de caso / Geography and infant education teaching: the geographic sketches - a case study

Nobrega, Maria Luiza Sardinha de 27 August 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho trata das questões relativas ao ensino na Educação Infantil através da investigação das contribuições que os croquis de localização oferecem ao processo formativo das crianças pequenas. Busca nas teorias sócio-históricas os fundamentos para compreender a importância da mediação no aprendizado das crianças, defendendo que os croquis são importantes instrumentos no processo ensino-aprendizagem. Recorre à Geografia para compreender os conceitos essenciais, lugar e paisagem, representações e linguagem gráfica, discutindo a espacialização das crianças como processo que exige sistematização e planejamento. O Estudo identifica nas práticas pedagógicas a possibilidade de garantir os fundamentos para uma formação que aprimore as práticas socioespaciais na perspectiva de construção e fortalecimento da cidadania ativa. A Educação Infantil é compreendida na dimensão do direito, assegurado a toda criança. A ação educativa capaz de tratar das questões relativas ao Conhecimento de Mundo que se deve assegurar às crianças deve estar fundamentada na Ciência, no conhecimento filosófico, na Arte e na Ética. / This work deals with questions related to the infant education teaching through the investigation of the contributions that the sketches of the localization offer to the formative process of small children. It searches on social historic theories the basis to understand the importance of the mediation on childrens apprenticeship, defending that sketches are important tools on the teaching-apprenticeship process. It recurs to the geography to comprehend the essential concepts, place and landscape, representations and graphic language, discussing the spaciousness of the children as a process that demands systematization and planning. The Study identifies in the pedagogic practices the possibility to guarantee the principles for a formation that improves the social-spatial practices on the perspective of the construction and enforcement of the active citizenship. The infant education is understood on the dimension of the law, assured to all children. The educative action able to treat these matters related to the world knowledge that must be assured to children, it must be based upon science, on philosophic knowledge, on art and ethic.


Hidalgo, Kenia Ribeiro da Silva 02 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by admin tede (tede@pucgoias.edu.br) on 2016-11-03T18:10:33Z No. of bitstreams: 1 KÊNIA RIBEIRO DA SILVA HIDALGO.pdf: 2671528 bytes, checksum: d57477623b7c65ee491c5228ba3d36ff (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-11-03T18:10:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 KÊNIA RIBEIRO DA SILVA HIDALGO.pdf: 2671528 bytes, checksum: d57477623b7c65ee491c5228ba3d36ff (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-09-02 / The research had as object the conceptions and pedagogical practices of elementary school teachers about culture and its role in the teaching-learning process in the classroom. We attempted to clarify the following questions: what do elementary school teachers understand about culture? What conception of culture do they express in this understanding? Which relations teachers establish between culture and learning in the teaching process? In theoretical foundation were used Raymond Williams concepts about culture, Pérez Gómez related to culture and school, and authors of cultural-historical theory and Vygotsky, Davydov, Leontiev, Hedegaard and Chaiklin, about learning, cultural mediation and human development . We conducted a qualitative research through literature and field research. The field research took place in two Elementary Schools of the public schools in the city of Goiânia, with the participation of teachers and managers. Data collection was through interviews and observations of classes and the school context. The data were submitted to qualitative analysis and categorization. The results show that the teachers surveyed expressed an understanding of culture that disregards the concrete conditions of their production and do not understand this concept in its complexity. Most teachers consider the link between school scientific culture and the socio-cultural context of the students, however, their teaching practices are still fragmented, decontextualized and improvised, with regard to this relationship. / A pesquisa teve como objeto as concepções e as práticas pedagógicas de professores do ensino fundamental acerca da cultura e de seu papel no processo de ensino-aprendizagem em sala de aula. Buscou-se esclarecer as seguintes questões: o que os professores do ensino fundamental compreendem como cultura? Que concepção de cultura expressam nessa compreensão? Que relações esses professores estabelecem entre cultura e aprendizagem no processo de ensino? Na fundamentação teórica foram utilizados conceitos de Raymond Williams acerca da cultura, de Pérez Gómez referente à cultura e escola, e de autores da teoria histórico-cultural como Vigotsky, Davydov, Leontiev, Hedegaard e Chaiklin, acerca da aprendizagem, mediação cultural e desenvolvimento humano. Realizou-se uma investigação qualitativa por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica e pesquisa de campo. A pesquisa de campo ocorreu em duas escolas Ensino Fundamental II da rede pública municipal de ensino da cidade de Goiânia, tendo como participantes professores e gestores. A coleta dos dados foi por meio de entrevistas e observações das aulas e do contexto escolar. Os dados foram submetidos à análise qualitativa e categorização. Os resultados mostram que os professores pesquisados expressaram uma compreensão de cultura que desconsidera as condições concretas de sua produção e não compreendem esse conceito em sua complexidade. A maioria dos professores considera importante a articulação entre a cultura escolar e o contexto sociocultural dos alunos, entretanto, suas práticas pedagógicas ainda são fragmentadas, descontextualizadas e improvisadas, no que se refere a essa relação.

O uso da tecnologia de simulação na prática docente do ensino superior / The use of simulation technology in teaching practice in higher education

Khalil, Renato Fares 28 November 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Rosina Valeria Lanzellotti Mattiussi Teixeira (rosina.teixeira@unisantos.br) on 2015-04-23T18:32:30Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Renato F. Khalil.pdf: 685577 bytes, checksum: 718fb8b0066f735a69f3b9e954746e99 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-23T18:32:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Renato F. Khalil.pdf: 685577 bytes, checksum: 718fb8b0066f735a69f3b9e954746e99 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-11-28 / Universidade Católica de Santos - Católica de Santos / Under the assumption that participation, integration and student engagement are fundamental to the learning process, this work present the research results that studied the use of simulation software in teaching practice. The research, a qualitative approach, was performed with higher education teachers and aimed to know what they think about the use of simulation software in the classroom. Among the theoretical foundations of the research are studies of Moran (2012) about technology as a pedagogical tool, also Pimenta and Anastasiou (2002), Pimenta and Ghedin (2002), which studied about higher education and teaching practice. For data collection Focus Group techniques were used, whose data were collected in meetings with the research¿ participants, focusing on the teachers¿ reflections about the possibilities and challenges of using simulation technologies in the learning process. The results indicated that the use of simulation as a pedagogical tool in the current context is quite positive and necessary, since it provides the teacher and the student look at reality from a different perspective. Also showed the possibilities and the difficulties of using this technology, mostly due to many teachers do not have training for the construction and use of the software in the classroom. This research allowed to understand that the use of simulation can contribute to build a dynamic class that can promote meaningful learning and motivate the student to construct new knowledge through reflection, research and collaboration. The conclusions signaled it is an innovative learning tool, and it is necessary the institutional support for training teachers so they can engage in these practices. / Partindo do pressuposto de que a participação, a integração e o envolvimento do aluno são fundamentais no processo de aprendizagem, o presente trabalho traz resultados da pesquisa que estudou a utilização de softwares de simulação na prática docente. A pesquisa, de abordagem qualitativa, foi realizada com professores do ensino superior e teve por objetivo conhecer o que os sujeitos pensam sobre a utilização de software de simulação nas aulas. Entre os fundamentos teóricos da pesquisa estão os estudos de Moran (2012) sobre as tecnologias como recurso pedagógico, além de Pimenta e Anastasiou (2002), Pimenta e Ghedin (2002), que trataram do ensino superior e da prática docente. Para a coleta dos dados foram utilizadas técnicas de Grupo Focal, cujos dados foram colhidos em reuniões realizadas com os participantes da pesquisa, tendo como foco as reflexões dos professores sobre as possibilidades e os desafios da utilização da tecnologia de simulação no processo de aprendizagem. Os resultados indicaram que o uso da simulação como ferramenta pedagógica no contexto atual é bastante positivo e necessário, visto que proporciona ao professor e ao aluno olhar a realidade sob outra perspectiva. Mostraram, também, as possibilidades e as dificuldades na utilização dessa tecnologia, principalmente pelo fato de muitos professores não terem formação para a construção e a utilização do software nas aulas. A pesquisa possibilitou compreender que o uso da simulação poderá contribuir para a construção de uma aula dinâmica que possa promover um aprendizado significativo, além de motivar o aluno à construção de novos conhecimentos por meio da reflexão, da pesquisa e da colaboração. As conclusões sinalizaram se trata de uma ferramenta de aprendizagem inovadora, e que é necessário o apoio institucional para a formação de docentes que possam envolver-se nessas práticas.

Espaços institucionais para formação docente nos cursos de pós-graduação: análise do Programa de Aperfeiçoamento de Ensino da Universidade de São Paulo / Institutional spaces for formation of the university teacher: An analysis of the Improvement Teaching Program from University of São Paulo.

Márcia Mendes Ruiz Cantano 20 October 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa apresenta o tema da formação de professores para atuar no ensino superior. Estudos apontam que o professor universitário no Brasil não tem recebido a devida formação para a docência pelas universidades ficando sua ação aquém da complexidade exigida para o ensino na Educação Superior. Na Universidade de São Paulo, a formação para a docência ocorre pela via do Programa de Aperfeiçoamento de Ensino (PAE-USP), no qual os pós-graduandos cumprem duas etapas: a preparação pedagógica e o estágio supervisionado em docência. O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar o Programa de Aperfeiçoamento do Ensino da Universidade de São Paulo como espaço institucional de formação de professores para o ensino superior, a partir da perspectiva dos seus egressos, que hoje atuam como docentes em instituições de ensino superior públicas brasileiras. O referencial teórico tem como base estudos sobre a universidade contemporânea, o cenário atual da formação de professores universitários, a docência universitária na perspectiva da complexidade, dos saberes da docência e do desenvolvimento profissional docente. A metodologia utilizada é de abordagem qualitativa, sendo utilizados como instrumentos de coleta de dados questionários e entrevistas semiestruturadas. Participaram da pesquisa 14 docentes de IES públicas brasileiras, que realizaram o Programa PAE na Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas de Ribeirão Preto da USP entre 2005 e 2013. A análise dos dados foi realizada por meio da Análise de Conteúdo Análise Temática, utilizando-se de duas categorias criadas a priori: saberes da docência e desenvolvimento profissional. Os resultados apontam que o Programa PAE, na perspectiva dos seus participantes, possui mais significado na medida em que o estagiário tem maior contato com a prática docente. Os participantes reiteram a importância de espaços e programas para a formação docente para o Ensino Superior, inicial e continuada. / This research presents the theme of teacher training to work in higher education. Studies point out that the university professor in Brazil has not received the necessary training for teaching by the universities and their action falls short of the complexity required for teaching in Higher Education. At the University of São Paulo, training for teaching takes place through the Program for the Improvement of Teaching (PAE-USP), in which postgraduates fulfill two complementary stages: pedagogical preparation and supervised teaching. The objective of this work is to investigate the Program for the Improvement of Teaching at the University of São Paulo as an institutional space for teacher education for higher education, from the perspective of its alumni, who now act as teachers in Brazilian public higher education institutions. The theoretical framework is based on studies on the contemporary university, the current scenario of university teacher training, university teaching in the perspective of complexity, teaching knowledge and professional teacher development. The methodology used is a qualitative approach, being used as instruments of data collection questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. A total of 14 subjects, teachers of Brazilian public HEIs, who participated in the PAE Program at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Ribeirão Preto, USP, between 2005 and 2013, participated in the study. Data analysis was performed through Content Analysis - Thematic Analysis, Two categories created a priori. The results indicate that the PAE Program, from the perspective of its participants, has more meaning in that the trainee has more contact with the teaching practice. The participants reiterate the importance of spaces and programs for teacher education for Higher Education.

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