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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Factors which influence the academic achievement of senior secondary pupils in the rural Eastern Cape

Zangqa, Sharleen Nomonde 11 1900 (has links)
This research was conducted to confirm and identify possible and intrinsic factors which may influence the academic achievement of senior secondary pupils in the rural Eastem Cape. The literature study indicates that factors such as parental involvement, motivation, the role of teachers and peers as well as learners' attribution of meaning, involvement, and experience have a direct influence on academic achievement. To confmn the influence of the above factors, the researcher conducted a structured interview with ten respondents, consisting of four pupils, their parents and two teachers. Questions to parents investigated their relationship with theii·children in terms of discipline, motivation as well as involvement in their education. Questions to pupils investigated their relationship with their parents, teachers, peers and self. Learners' level of self-actualization in terms of attribution of meaning, involvement, experience and self-concept was also examined. The research revealed that most of the parents are not adequately involved in their children s education, and the fmdings confirmed this as an extrinsic factor that influenced the learners achievement. The findings also indicated that teachers have somewhat lost sight of their role in promoting learners' potential, contributing to the high failure rate in the Eastern Cape rural schools. The fmdings further confirmed that the learners level of self­ actualization, in terms of attribution of meaning, involvement and experience influences academic achievement. Based on the findings, recommendations were made to improve the situation of education in the rural Eastern Cape. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

A responsive curriculum adaptation for foundation phase learners with a mild intellectual disability in a disadvantaged village in Mpumalanga Province

Msipha, Zenzile 11 1900 (has links)
Many learners failed at school and were often causing over identification of learners with a mild intellectual disability. A national intervention, the Foundations for Learning was regarded as a national curriculum adaptation that addressed many learning needs. The aim of the study was to investigate the responsiveness of the Foundations for Learning in meeting the mathematics educational needs of Foundation Phase learners with a mild intellectual disability who lived in a disadvantaged village in Mpumalanga Province. A survey involving 39 teachers was conducted in the village and data was collected using a questionnaire. The main findings were that the national curriculum adaptation was significantly responsive and promoted mathematics achievement of some of the learners with a mild intellectual disability. The recommendations included that teacher informal identification of learners with a mild intellectual disability needed to be followed by formal assessment by psychologists and support from the District Based Support Team. / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)

Learning experiences of inner city early childhood development managers who participated in an ECD forum: a social work perspective

McLean, Barbara Anne 05 1900 (has links)
Early childhood development is one of the critical services to support the development of young children from conception to age six. Children raised in vulnerable inner cities, with limited access to quality, well-resourced ECD services, are at risk of perpetuating cycles of disadvantage and exclusion. Even though ECD centres exist in abundance in the inner city of Durban, eThekwini Municipality, KwaZulu-Natal, managers of ECD centres face challenges such as meeting rigorous registration norms and standards, a lack of finances, resources, trained staff and socio-economic factors which affect the wellbeing of children. Using a qualitative approach, this study communicates the role played by the Inner City ECD Forum in the learning experiences of seven ECD managers through their participation in inter-sectoral stakeholder interventions and capacity building trainings. It further outlines the benefits of networking and collective support. Based on the findings, recommendations for practice, policy and further research are made. / School of Social Sciences / M.A. (Social Work)

Lecturers’ experiences in the implementation of the National Certificate (Vocational) Engineering curriculum in a selected Technical Vocational Education and Training college

Sibisi, Patricia Ningi 02 September 2020 (has links)
Abstract is in English, Zulu and Afrikaans / South Africa is facing a challenge regarding the shortage of South African (SA) engineers. The National Certificate (Vocational) (NC(V)) was introduced by Department of Education (DoE) in 2007 to address this challenge. However, there has been a cry and dissatisfaction from the government, industry, community and other stakeholders that NC(V) engineering curriculum is not addressing the shortage of engineers. SA has one engineer per 2 600 people compared to international norms, where one engineer serves 40 people. It has been ten years since the introduction of NC(V) curriculum, SA should not be in this state of importing engineers if the NC(V) engineering is achieving the goals of National Development Plan 2030. Since lecturers are the implementers of the NC(V) engineering curriculum, it was necessary to investigate their experiences in search for improvement of the curriculum and to find out the challenges facing lecturers which are hindering the success of this curriculum. Lecturers, Senior Lecturers and a Head of Department (HoD) as the primary implementers of the engineering curriculum were involved in the study as participants. There were 15 participants for this study who are lecturing in one selected college but at two different campuses which is why the qualitative research approach was employed, making use of a multiple case study. They took part in semi-structured individual interviews and shared their experiences with the researcher. Their experiences revealed that lecturers are experiencing challenges with the implementation of NC(V) engineering curriculum. Their main challenge was the minimum requirement, which is a Grade 9 pass. Their concern was that no matter what they try, a learner who has not mastered Mathematics up to Grade 12 will struggle with engineering subjects. Emanating from this challenge, low attendance rate, low pass rate, low throughput rate and high drop-out rate is experienced by participants every year. One of the aims of the Transformative Learning Theory (used as one of the theories in the theoretical framework) is to allow lecturers to identify challenges and design improvement plans on their own. This study has indicated that Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges have challenges that are hindering teaching and learning. It was evident that some lecturers believe that government officials should resolve such challenges. However, on engaging with different lecturers they realised that they have the capacity to address classroom-based challenges. If this can be the case in every college, teaching and learning will improve because that will mean lecturers are focusing on teaching and learning and taking ownership of their subjects and students. The governance challenges, such as reviewing the NC(V) curriculum yearly, provide subject specific training to upskill lecturers and implementing Work Integrated Learning (WIL) in the professional development of lecturers were recommended to be addressed by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET). / INingizimu Afrika ibhekene nenselelo mayelana nokusweleka konjiniyela. Uhlelo lwemfundo iNational Certificate (Vocational) (NC(V)) lwethulwa wuMnyango wezeMfundo ngonyaka ka 2007 ukuze uxazulule le nkinga. Yize-kunjalo kuye kwaba khona ukungagculiseki ngasohlangothini lukahulumeni, lwezimboni, lomphakathi kanye nakwezinye izinhlaka ezidlala indima yenkinga yokuntuleka konjiniyela. INingizimu Afrika (SA) inonjiniyela oyedwa kubantu abayi 2 600 uma iqhathaniswa nezinga lomhlaba lokuthi unjiniyela oyedwa kufanele ibhekane nabantu abayi 40. Sekudlule iminyaka eyishumi selokhu kwethulwa lezi zinhlelo, ngakho-ke, iSA akufanele izithole isesimeni sokudinga onjiniyela abavela ngaphandle uma ngabe izinhlelo ezikhona ziyanceda ekufinyeleleni izimpokophelo zoHlelo lwezokuThuthukisa iZwe National Development Plan 2030. Njengoba abafundisi bangabaqhubi bezinhlelo zobunjiniyela, phecelezi NC(V), nokho sasikhona isidingo sokuphenya lokho abahlangabezana nakho ukuze kuthuthukiswe izinhlelo futhi kuvunjululwe izinselele ezibhekene nabafundisi, okuyizinselele ezikhinyabeza impumelelo yalezi zinhlelo. Abafundisi, abafundisi abaphezulu kanye neziNhloko zoMnyango Head of Department (HoD) njengabaqhubi bokuqala bezinhlelo bebebambe iqhaza kulolu cwaningo. Abadlalindima abayi 15 bebefundisa kwikholeji ekhethiwe, kodwa emagatsheni amabili ehlukene, lokho okwenza isizathu kusetshenziswe uhlelo locwaningo oluzinze kwizingxoxo, ngokusebenzisa izinhlobonhlobo zocwaningo lotho. Kwenziwe izinhlolovo ezimbaxambili zocwaningo kanti abadlalindima bavezele umcwaningi ulwazi lwabo. Baye baveza ukuthi behlangabezene nezingqinamba uma besebenzisa izinhlelo zobunjiniyela NC(V). Inselele enkulu abahlangabezene nayo kuye kwaba yisidingo sokuphumelela uGreyidi 9. Inkinga enkulu yabo ukuthi bethi bezama ngamandla kulokho abakwenzayo, umfundi owehluleke esifundweni seMethamethiki ukufikela kuGreyidi 12 uzohlangabezana nobunzima ukuze aphumelele ezifundweni zobunjiniyela. Okubhebhethekiswa yile nselele, yizinga eliphansi labafundi abahambela lesi sifundo, izinga eliphansi labafundi abaphumelelayo kanye nezinga eliphezulu labafundi abayeka ukufunda njalo nje ngonyaka. Enye yezinhloso zethiyori yemfundo eguqulayo (used as one of the theories in the theoretical framework) ukuvumela abafundisi ukuba bakwazi ukubona izinselele futhi badizayine izinhlelo zokuzithuthukisa ngokwabo. Lolu cwaningo luye lwaveza ukuthi amakholeji. Phecelezi Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges ahlangabezene nezinselele eziphazamisa uhlelo lokufunda nokufundisa. Kuye kwacaca ukuthi abanye abafundisi babekholelwa ekutheni abasebenzi bakahulumeni kufanele baxazulule izinselele ezinjengazo lezi. Yize-kunjalo, ngemuva kokuxoxisana nabafundisi abahlukahlukene, baye bazwisisa ukuthi banamandla okuqeda izinselele ezisemagunjini okufunda. Uma ngabe lokhu kuyenzeka ngempela kuwo wonke amakholeji, ngakho-ke uhlelo lokufunda nokufundisa luzothuthuka ngoba lokho kuzochaza ukuthi abafundisi bagxile ohlelweni lokufunda nokufundisa kanti ngokunjalo baba yibo abalawula izifundo kanye nabafundi babo. Izinselele zokuphatha, ezinjengokubuyekezwa kohlelo lwemfundo, phecelezi NC(V) njalo nje ngonyaka, lunikeza ukuqeqeshwa okuthile okuthuthukisa abafundisi. Ukulandela uhlelo lwemfundo oluhlangene nomsebenzi olumayelana nokuthuthukiswa ngokomsebenzi wabafundisi kuyinto enconywe ukuba ilungiswe uMnyango weMfundo ePhakeme kanye nokuQeqeshwa (Department of Higher Education and Training). / ʼn Tekort aan ambagslui staar Suid-Afrika in die gesig. Om hierdie rede het die Departement van Onderwys in 2007 die Nasionale Sertifikaat (Beroepsgerig) (NS(B)) ingestel. Tot die ontevredenheid van die regering, die bedryf, die gemeenskap en ander belanghebbendes vul hierdie kurrikulum nie die tekort aan nie. In Suid-Afrika is daar een ambagspersoon vir elke 2 600 mense teenoor die internasionale norm van een ambagspersoon per 40 mense. Hierdie kurrikulum is meer as tien jaar gelede ingestel en SA moet tans ambagslui invoer. Die oogmerke van die Nasionale Ontwikkelingsplan 2030 word dus nie verwesenlik nie. Aangesien dosente die NS(B) kurrikulum vir werktuigkundiges implementeer, moes hulle belewenisse ondersoek en hulle probleme bepaal word om die kurrikulum te verbeter. Dosente, senior dosente en departementshoofde, as die implementeerders van hierdie kurrikulum, het aan die studie deelgeneem. Die 15 deelnemers is verbonde aan een kollege wat twee kampusse het. Daarom is ʼn kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering gevolg en ʼn veelvuldige gevallestudie gebruik. ʼn Halfgestruktureerde onderhoud is met elke deelnemer gevoer. Uit die onderhoude blyk dat dosente moeite met die implementering van die NS(B) kurrikulum ondervind. Die grootste struikelblok is die minimumvereiste van Graad 9. Al doen hulle ook wat, ʼn leerder wat nie Graad 12-wiskunde geslaag het nie, sal tegniese vakke nie kan bemeester nie. Afgesien hiervan is die bywonings- en slaagsyfer sowel as die omset jaar na jaar laag en die uitsaksyfer hoog. Die transformatiewe leerteorie is deel van die teoretiese raamwerk. Die oogmerk hiervan is dat dosente self probleme aantoon en met verbeteringsplanne kom. In hierdie studie is bevind dat kolleges vir tegniese beroepsgerigte onderwys en opleiding (TBOO) met probleme te kampe het wat onderrig en leer belemmer. Sommige dosente is van mening dat staatsamptenare hierdie probleme moet oplos. Ná gesprekke het talle dosente egter besef dat hulle oor die vermoë beskik om self hulle klaskamerprobleme op te los. As dit van alle kolleges waar is, sal onderrig en leer verbeter omdat dosente hulle op onderrig en leer sal toespits en vir hulle vakke en studente verantwoordelik sal wees. Vakopleiding word gegee om aan bestuursprobleme, soos die jaarlikse hersiening van die NS(B)-leerplan, die hoof te bied. Daar word aanbeveel dat die Departement van Hoër Onderwys en Opleiding toesien dat werkgeïntegreerde leer deel uitmaak van dosente se professionele ontwikkeling. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

Teachers’ experiences in implementing inclusive education in primary schools in Johannesburg East district, Gauteng Province

Ngulani, Gugulethu 04 June 2021 (has links)
Abstract in English and Nyanja / According to the Department of Education White Paper 6 of 2001, all learners have the right to learn at any school of their choice without being discriminated because of their barriers to learning. The aim of this study was to investigate teachers’ experiences in implementing inclusive education in primary schools in Johannesburg East district, Gauteng Province. The study sought to establish the teachers’ experiences in the implementation of inclusive education in primary schools. The researcher used qualitative method to conduct the study to get in-depth information on the teachers’ experiences in the implementation of inclusive education in primary schools. Five level 1 teachers and five Heads of Departments (HODs) were purposively sampled for the study in five different schools in the Johannesburg East district, Gauteng. Data were collected through in-depth interviews as this allowed participants to elaborate on their responses. Participants were also observed in their respective classrooms. Data was analysed to identify recurring themes. It emerged from the study that many teachers have not been adequately trained on implementing inclusive education in primary school classrooms; many schools do not have adequate resources and there is very little support from the relevant stakeholders. The study makes recommendations for the Department of Basic Education (DBE) to workshop teachers more often on inclusive education, to supply more resources in schools and for relevant stakeholders to support teachers at schools. / U ya nga ha Nḓivhadzamulayotibe ya Muhasho wa Pfunzo ya vhu 6 ya 2001, vhagudiswa vhoṱhe vha na pfanelo ya u guda kha tshikolo tshiṅwe na tshiṅwe tshine vha funa vha sa khethululwi nga nṱhani ha zwithivhela ngudo zwavho. Ndivho ya ngudo iyi ho vha u sengulusa tshenzhelo dza vhadededzi kha u shumisa pfunzonyangaredzi zwikolo zwa phuraimari kha tshiṱiriki tsha Vhubvaḓuvha ha Johannesburg, Vundu ḽa Gauteng. Muṱoḓisisi o shumisa ngona yo khwaḽithethivi u ita ṱhoḓisiso u itela u wana mafhungo a vhudzivha nga ha tshenzhelo dza vhadededzi kha tshumiso ya pfunzonyangaredzi kha zwikolo zwa phuraimari. Vhadededzi vhaṱanu vha ḽevele 1 na ṱhoho dza muhasho (dzi HOD) ṱhanu vho nanguludzwa u ya nga vhukoni u itela ngudo kha zwikolo zwiṱanu zwo fhambanaho kha tshiṱiriki tsha Vhubvaḓuvha ha Johannesburg, Gauteng. Data yo kuvhanganyiwa nga kha inthaviwu dzo ṱanḓavhuwaho, saizwi zwi tshi tendela vhadzheneleli u ṱanḓavhudza phindulo dzavho. Vhadzheneleli vho lavheleswa hafhu kiḽasini dzavho dzo fhambanaho. Data yo saukanywa u itela u vhona thero dzi dovhololaho. Ho wanala u bva kha ngudo uri vhunzhi ha vhadededzi a vho ngo gudiswa zwavhuḓi kha kushumisele kwa pfunzonyangaredzi kiḽasini dza tshikolo tsha phuraimari; vhunzhi ha zwikolo a zwi na zwishumiswa zwo linganaho, nahone hu na thikhedzo ṱhukhu u bva kha vhadzhiamukovhe vho teaho. Ngudo dzo themendela Muhasho wa Pfunzo ya Mutheo (DBE) uri u pfumbudze vhadededzi tshifhinga tshoṱhe kha pfunzonyangaredzi, u ṋekedza zwishumiswa zwinzhi na u wana thikhedzo u bva kha vhadededzi na vhadzhiamukovhe vho teaho. / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)

An investigation of the use of life skills as an intervention strategy in the fight against HIV/AIDS at Senakangwedi senior secondary school in Botshabelo

Modise, Motalenyane Alfred January 2012 (has links)
Thesis (M. Ed. Educational management) -- Central University of technology, Free State, 2012 / The purpose of the study was to investigate Life Skills as an intervention strategy in the fight against HIV/AIDS among the teenagers at Senakangwedi Senior Secondary School in Botshabelo, Free State. Life Skills as an intervention strategy were implemented in one secondary school in Free State Province in Motheo District. A cohort of 30 learners and 10 educators from secondary schools in Botshabelo, Free State Province participated in the study. The respondents comprised of 10 learners from Grade 10, 10 from grade 11 and 10 learners from Grade 12 as well as ten educators. Learners were between the ages of 15 and 20 years. Between these ages their cognitive development allows them to be more aware of Life Skills as an intervention strategy to combat HIV/AIDS at school. Thus, it was easy for them to verbalise Life Skills as an intervention strategy to fight HIV/AIDS. Due to their ages, their operational thinking allowed them to develop hypotheses about the possible outcomes of problems and to evaluate these outcomes comparatively. Educators were controlled by the level of their education, being respondents with a diploma or university degree. Comparatively learners who are 18 years of age were themselves concerned as they were heads of households. To arrive at the reported findings the study used the qualitative research approach methodology. This qualitative approach enabled the researcher to access information relating to the learners’ and educators' perceptions about HIV/AIDS. A life history approach was adopted in conducting the interviews to obtain a holistic understanding of participants’ life events in relation to their home environment. The interview guide covered such dimensions as family background and schooling. In the interviewing process, the researcher used the techniques of crystallisation and confrontation to enhance the clarity and trustworthiness of the narratives. In cases of ambiguity, the researcher asked the respondents for detailed and concrete examples and, in case of inconsistence, for further clarification and re-interpretation. The interview data were later transcribed for data analysis. The grounded theory approach was adopted to analyse the interview data, through which the categories of learner’s perceived motivations emerged naturally from their narratives. The evolving process comprised the following steps: (1) careful and repeated reading of transcriptions; (2) open content coding to signify any units of meaningful narratives in the passages. Ethical approval to conduct the study was sought and obtained from participating respondents and institutions. The results showed that most learners in the sample are orphans as result of AIDS and that many households are now headed by teenagers who have had to take on parental responsibilities. The results showed that Life Skills reduce teenage pregnancy and absenteeism at school. According to the results, life skills changed the behaviour of the learners and their attitude towards HIV/AIDS and therefore, learners should be educated about HIV/AIDS, teenage pregnancy and its prevention, as a strategy to reduce HIV/AIDS in schools. Life Skills is fundamental in empowering learners to live meaningful lives in a society that demands rapid transformation that enhances the community. The pandemic undermines the efforts of poverty reduction, part of the manifesto of the African National Congress (ANC) led Government; which aims at improving economic growth. In addition, the study revealed that learners feel free to talk to one another and that coaching by a Life Skills educator, assists in ensuring that HIV/AIDS-related topics are discussed with ease. The results showed that most learners agree that Life skills empower them with a sound and helpful background to prevent HIV/AIDS. Furthermore, learners admitted that the Life Skills programme effectively empowered them with the necessary knowledge to make informed decisions regarding sexuality. From the study a few valuable lessons were learned by the learners’ as an awareness of the pandemic and its consequences for their lives.

Impediments to parental involvement in the governance of selected primary schools in the Bloemfontein area

Morolong, Itumeleng Percival January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M. Tech)(Education) -- Central university of Technology, Free State, 2007 / The aim of the study is to determine the impediments to parental involvement in the governance of selected primary schools in the Bloemfontein area. It also examines the impact of the principals’ attitudes as perceived by the parents towards their involvement in the governance of the school; the means of communication between the school and parents; whether co-operation between the principal and parents affects school governance; and whether familiarity with parents’ roles as stipulated in the South African Schools Act affects their participation in school governance. The literature was consulted on the segregated education of the previously disadvantaged people under apartheid. The transition from apartheid to education under the new political dispensation, as set out in the South African Schools Act 84 of 1996 also received attention. The study further addresses the issue of parents’ reluctance to participate in school governance and the views of teachers and parents on their roles in school governance. Ministerial investigation into the effectiveness of school governing bodies is presented and an international perspective on school governing bodies is also provided. A quantitative method using survey research method was employed in this study and a questionnaire was used to collect data. The aim was to elicit responses from the parents in as far as impediments to parental involvement in the governance of schools is concerned. It was revealed, however, that despite the parents’ reluctance to take part in school governance, principals’ attitudes were found to have a positive effect on parental participation in school governance. Methods of communication between the school and the parents were found to be effective, though a suggestion is made for improvement. Parents were found to be willing to co-operate with one another for the betterment of the school. Furthermore, parents were found to be familiar with the roles of members of the school governing body, irrespective of whether they are members of the school governing body or not.

Communicative learning programmes for the English first additional language senior phase classrooms in the Free State province

Thobedi, Motsamai Alfred January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.d.) - Central University of Technology, Free State, 2006 / The research investigates the use of the Communicative Learning Programmes in the English First Additional Language (EFAL) Senior phase classrooms in the Free State province. During the turn of the twentieth century, syllabi were tools that were designed and provided by the Department of Education to the schools. Recent changes in education in South Africa now expect educators to design these learning programmes. The Revised National Curriculum Statement (RNCS) details steps that educators can follow in order to design the learning programmes for their learning areas. Outcomes-Based Education encompasses the eight learning areas in the Senior phase, namely Languages, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Economic and Management Sciences, Social Science, Technology, Life Orientation, and Arts and Culture. The learning area that this study focuses on is Languages. EFAL is one of the languages that form the learning area of Languages. EFAL comprises six learning outcomes that have to be interpreted by the educators and achieved by the learners by linking teaching and learning with the accompanying assessment standards. Through the use of the communicative approach and co-operative strategies during group work, this study adds to the body of knowledge communicative learning programmes that Senior phase EFAL educators can use to assist and complement their current strategies.

The effect of single sex schooling on girls' achievement in Physical Science

Carter, Tracey-Ann 30 June 2005 (has links)
This study investigated whether girls achieve better results in Physical Science in single sex environments or in co-educational classes. Thirteen independent South African schools where children were of similar socio-economic background were considered. Grade 12 Matriculation Physical Science examination results for 1999 to 2003 were analysed using Bonferroni (Dunn) t-Tests and Scheffe's Tests. Questionnaires were completed by a small number of students in order to compare their attitudes towards Physical Science and examined qualitatively. There were significant differences found by the administration of the Bonferroni (Dunn) t-Tests and Scheffe's Tests in 2000, 2001 and 2002 to indicate that girls in single sex schools achieved better results in Science than the co-educational schools. However, in 1999 and 2003 there was no significant difference in the results achieved, and so there may be other factors that are more important predictors of achievement than whether the schools are mixed or single sex. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Natural Science Teaching)

The production of Mode 2 knowledge in higher education in South Africa

Musson, Doreen 08 1900 (has links)
The study explores, through a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, the existence of Mode 2 knowledge and programmes in the South African higher education sector. It begins by theorising about knowledge and takes as a point of departure the propositions about theory-building which state that to explain social phenomena, a system of ideas is required, the conceptual tools of which are able to explain the essential dynamics of such phenomena. It goes on to describe a crisis in a system of ideas that, together with valid critiques, demands to be re-examined as well as the potential for advancing alternative lines of thought. A critical reading and understanding of existing theories leads me to believe that independently, they are all inadequate to explain the relationship between knowledge production and South African higher education in an era of globalisation. This includes the all-encompassing framework of neo-Marxism, the excessive consumerism of academic capitalism, the equation of the worker with modern technology in post-industrialism and the`lax relativity', complacent and, indiscriminate celebration of diversity in post-modernism. By combining the `culturally sensitive' critical post-modernism of William Tierney and George Subotzky with the concept of `late capitalism' as proposed by Frederic Jameson, it is possible to establish a relationship between globalisation and South African higher education on the one hand, and between its' policy and knowledge production on the other. Against the features of the newly proffered theoretical framework of `critical postmodernism in late capitalism', the study examines the new higher education policy and legislation and ensuing discourse, with particular reference to the Gibbons thesis. It then explores, by using an empirical investigation, the extent to which Mode 2 knowledge production exists in South African higher education. This is done through a selected programme from a former technikon in that demonstrates the key assumptions and perceptions about Mode 2 as held by lecturing staff and as embedded in the structure, design and content of the programme. With the results obtained the study finally makes recommendations for the establishment of a paradigm-shift and for new practices in knowledge production in higher education in South Africa. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Comparative Education)

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