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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tests de l'efficience faible à partir des ondelettes de Haar / Tests of weak form efficiency with Haar wavelet

Belsuz, Autran 24 November 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse proposée utilise les ondelettes de Haar à créer de nouveaux indicateurs techniques, d’en évaluer leurs performances afin de tester la validité de l’efficience faible des marchés financiers. L’approche choisie vise à mettre en œuvre les capacités des indicateurs techniques à capter la mémoire longue présente dans les indices boursiers américains et européens à travers l’estimation de la tendance par le processus de lissage. De plus, cette dernière est une composante importante dans les séries économiques et financières. En effet, elle a fait l’objet d’innombrables investigations tant en analyse technique, qu’en traitement du signal et dans la théorie des cycles économiques. Toutefois, sa présence n’entre pas en ligne de compte dans la théorie classique de la finance, car les principaux modèles utilisés se focalisent sur les variations des cours boursiers. À cet effet, la tendance constitue une source de non-stationnarité entraînant des difficultés majeures pour la modélisation économétrique ou financière. Exploiter cette tendance s’affranchit, dans ce cas, des hypothèses de non-stationnarité tendancielle ou de racine unitaire. En plus, à l’issue des résultats que nous avons obtenus à partir du modèle à changement de régime. Nous confirmons qu’il est possible d’exploiter la présence de mémoire longue dans les cours, et également de battre le marché en présence de coûts de transactions sur les marchés américains et européens. / This proposed thesis uses the Haar wavelets to create new technical indicators, to evaluate their performance in order to test the validity of the weak form of efficient market hypothesis. The chosen approach aims to implement the capabilities of technical indicators to capture the long memory present in the US and European stock indices through the estimation of the trend by the smoothing process. Moreover, the trend is an important component in the economic and financial series. Indeed, it has been the subject of innumerable investigations in technical analysis, in signal processing and in the theory business cycle theory. However, its presence is not taken into account in the classic theory of finance because the main models used focus on changes in stock prices. For this purpose, the trend constitutes a source of non-stationarity leading to major difficulties for econometric or financial modeling. Exploit trend is freed, in this case, from the hypotheses of tendancy or unit root. In addition, the issue of the results we obtained from the regime change model. We confirm that it is possible to exploit the presence of long memory in the series, and also to beat the market in the presence of transaction costs on the American and European markets.

L'effet "rendement du dividende" et son impact sur la valorisation des actifs financiers : une étude menée à partir de la stratégie Dow 10 appliquée au marché français

Akpa, Jacques 06 June 2011 (has links)
L'objectif principal de ce travail est de contribuer au débat initié par Roll (1977) et Basu (1977) depuis plus d‟une trentaine d‟années sur l‟invalidité du MEDAF à expliquer la formation des prix des actifs financiers. Cette étude se focalise plus particulièrement sur la capacité suggérée du ratio rendement du dividende à être un proxy de risque indépendant du bêta. Elle teste l‟aptitude d‟une stratégie value très populaire basée sur l‟effet « rendement du dividende » à réaliser des performances anormales. Les résultats montrent que les bonnes performances de la stratégie Dow 10 ne sont attribuables ni à sa capacité de sélectionner des titres performants ni à son aptitude à anticiper les mouvements du marché. De plus, mis en compétition avec la régression de Litzenberger et Ramaswamy (1979) et un modèle répliquant la méthodologie de Fama et French (1993), le modèle d‟évaluation des actifs financiers de Sharpe s‟impose comme le meilleur modèle de prévision des rentabilités. Afin de montrer que le coefficient bêta capture l‟effet « rendement du dividende », nous suggérons une nouvelle formulation du MEDAF. Nous proposons une décomposition du coefficient bêta en deux facteurs de risque : un risque systématique de base et un risque lié au facteur rendement du dividende. Globalement, l‟hypothèse de l‟efficience des marchés semble être vérifiée. En effet, l‟application de notre modèle améliore de 3% le pouvoir explicatif du MEDAF et les coefficients de notre régression sont significatifs au seuil de 1%. L‟effet « rendement du dividende » est un facteur de risque déjà capturé par le bêta de Sharpe. / The main objective of this work is to contribute to the debate initiated by Roll (1977) and Basu (1977) since more than thirty years on disability of the CAPM to explain the financial assets pricing. This study focuses specifically on the ability of the suggested ratio of dividend yield to be an independent risk proxy beta. It tests the ability of a value strategy based on the popular "dividend yield" effect to achieve abnormal performance. The results show that the good performances of the Dow 10 are not attributable to its ability to select stocks with high scores or his ability to anticipate market movements. Moreover, being in competition with the regression of Litzenberger and Ramaswamy (1979) and a model replicating the methodology Fama and French (1993), the Sharpe‟s asset pricing model stands out as the best model for forecasting returns. To show that the beta captures the dividend yield effect, we propose a new formulation of the CAPM. We propose a decomposition of beta into two risk factors: a systematic basis risk and a risk factor related to dividend yield. Overall, the efficient market hypothesis seems to be verified. Indeed, the application of our model improves the explanatory power of 3% of the CAPM and our regression coefficients are significant at 1%. The “dividend yield” effect is a risk factor already captured by the Sharpe‟s regression.


Trembleau, Mathieu, Hiodo, Gustavo January 2007 (has links)
<p>This study deals with one of the efficient market hypothesis’ anomaly. The research aims at proving the</p><p>existence of a size anomaly by answering the question: can you outperform the market by investing in</p><p>small and mid caps? It is in fact a questioning of the well-know efficient market hypothesis (EMH). We</p><p>investigate the size effect in the situation of a passive strategy with different indices (Russell Indices and</p><p>S&P Indices) from 1995 to 2005.</p><p>The introduction gives to the reader the background he needs to understand the methodology and the</p><p>approach of the issue by the authors. Key concepts are defined such as EMH, passive strategy.</p><p>The second part exposes the methodology the authors choose and the methodology of exploited indices.</p><p>The research consist on measuring the risk adjusting excess returns by comparing the market index</p><p>return (S&P 500 or Russell 3000) and the Small and Mid Caps indices (S&P Small Cap 600, S&P Mid</p><p>Cap 400, Russell Mid Cap and Russell 2000) over the period. Indeed the methodology of indices is</p><p>exposing in details to understand in which extent the study can be influence by the construction of</p><p>indices.</p><p>Then in part 3 the authors describe theories that are possible explanations for the size effect. Then it is</p><p>understandable that the size anomaly is the result of a set of factors that generate abnormal returns.</p><p>These theories help the authors to come up with a model that gives an overview of the research.</p><p>After having explained their research method and reveal their empirical findings. The authors</p><p>demonstrate that excess returns can be earned by investing in small and mid caps indices even after</p><p>controlling for risk. The risk adjusting excess returns their findings can potentially be explained by the</p><p>other factors depicted in the theoretical part. E/P ratios, Trading Costs, January effect, Overreaction are</p><p>possible reasons to explain the size anomaly. They also find an instability and/or reversal of the size</p><p>effect consistent with one of the theories. However the authors find data with non statistic significance,</p><p>so I accept the null hypothesis that the excess returns of small and mid caps indices are equal to zero.</p><p>The paper ends with a discussion about the limitations of the study and possible further researches. The</p><p>authors conclude that even if the existence of a size effect is obvious for some years and horizons of</p><p>investment, the passive strategy appears to be an unsuited method to take advantage of the small effect</p><p>since the results reject the null hypothesis. The authors clarify the fact that before investing in small and</p><p>mid caps, one has to be aware of all the factors that can influence his investment (beside risk) because</p><p>the size effect is a set of factors.</p><p>Key words: Efficient Market Hypothesis, Abnormal returns, Size effect (anomaly), Passive strategy,</p><p>Market Index, S&P indices, Russell indices</p>

Equity issue announcement vs. the stock price : En eventstudie om hur ett tillkännagivande av en nyemission påverkar aktiekursen / Equity issue announcement vs. the stock price : An event study of how an announcement of an upcoming equity issue affects the stock price

Grujicic, Dragana, Biderman, Johanna January 2009 (has links)
<p>Marknadens reaktion när ett företag informerar och annonserar om en eventuell nyemission sägs vara oförutsägbar. Enligt tidigare forskning pressas aktiekursen i de flesta fallen nedåt vid en nyemission. Under det senaste året har en del nyemissioner utförts i synnerhet på grund av den globala lågkonjunkturen då många företag haft för lite kapitalbas. Vad gäller företag på Stockholmsbörsen som valt att nyemittera aktier har även här de flesta fått se sin aktiekurs rasa.<strong><em></em></strong></p><p>Författarna till denna uppsats avser att studera hur marknaden reagerar på ett offentligt tillkännagivande av en kommande nyemission. Det undersöks även om det förefaller någon skillnad mellan tillkännagivanden av nyemissioner genomförda innan eller under lågkonjunkturen och skillnader branscher emellan.<strong><em></em></strong></p><p>Då vi ville se hur denna händelse påverkar ett företags aktiekurser valde vi att göra en eventstudie. En eventstudie ger oss möjligheten att mäta effekten av en specifik händelse. Datainsamlingen har endast bestått av sekundärdata som vetenskapliga artiklar, litteratur, tidigare forskning samt elektroniska databaser så som Avanza och OMX. Vi valde att ta med alla de företag som under tidsperioden 2005-01-01 till 2009-04-01 annonserat om en nyemission och som i dagsläget fortfarande är noterade på OMX, Stockholmsbörsen.<strong><em></em></strong></p><p>I studien ingick 21 tillkännagivanden varav hela 13 stycken, ca 62 % av dem, resulterade i en negativ kursreaktion och avkastning. Fyra av åtta tillkännagivanden om nyemission som offentliggjordes innan lågkonjunkturen uppvisade en nedåtgående kursreaktion på annonseringsdagen och därmed en negativ abnormal avkastning. Denna trend fortsätter att hålla i sig då även nio av 13 tillkännagivanden under lågkonjunkturen, visade på en negativ abnormal avkastning.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p> / <p>The market reaction when a company provides information about a possible equity issue is said to be unpredictable. According to previous research the stock price, in most cases, is pushed downward in case of an equity issue. Over the past year some equity issues has been implemented particular because of the global recession. This because many companies experience too small funds. As for companies on the Stockholm Stock Exchange that have chosen to do an equity issue most of them had also experienced a decline in the stock price.<strong><em></em></strong></p><p>The authors of this essay intend to study how the market reacts to a public announcement of an upcoming equity issue. They would also like to know if there is any differences between the announcements of an equity issue that's been done before or during the recession and if there is any differences between industries.<strong><em></em></strong></p><p>Thus we wanted to see how equity issues affect a company's stock price, we have chosen to do an event study. An event study enables us to measure the effect of a specific event. The data that we been using has only consisted of secondary data as scientific articles, literature, previous research and electronic databases such as Avanza and OMX. For our study we have chosen to include all of the companies that during the period 2005-01-01 to 2009-04-01 announced about an upcoming equity issue and are still listed at the OMX, on the Stockholm Stock Exchange.<strong><em></em></strong></p><p>The study included 21 public notices of which entirely 13 of them, about 62 %, resulted in a negative rate reaction and return. Four of the eight notices about an equity issue, which was announced before the recession, resulted in a declining rate reaction on the day of the announcement and also had a negative abnormal return. This trend continues thus nine of 13 notices, which announced an equity issue during the recession, also showed a negative abnormal return.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p>

Can money be made on Mondays? : An empirical investigation of the efficiency on the OMXS30

Jakobsson, Catrin, Henriksson, Ola January 2010 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate if abnormal patterns concerning the rates of return during specific weekdays and months are observable for the companies in the OMXS30 during the period 2003-2010. A special focus will be put on the Monday effect anomaly. Background: Investors have a tendency to search for investment opportunities. If errors exist in the pricing of stocks it indicates that anomalies are present and that the stock market is inefficient. Investors then have the possibility to utilize the anomalies in order to receive above average returns. Method: This study is using data of stock prices from Nasdaq OMX in the period of 2003-2010. The strength and existence of the Swedish stock market efficiency is measured through autocorrelation-, chi-square- and regression tests. Average monthly stock returns are calculated on daily-, monthly-, and yearly basis. The returns are compared in order to examine if day-of-the-week and turn-of-the-year anomalies exist. Conclusion: No Monday effect is found in 2003-2010. However, positive Thursday- and positive Friday effects are detected. A negative turn-of-the-year effect as well as a positive April effect is found. The investment opportunities that could be utilized in 2003-2010 due to the specific anomalies in the period do not necessarily imply that the same anomalies can be expected on the OMXS30 in the future.


Trembleau, Mathieu, Hiodo, Gustavo January 2007 (has links)
This study deals with one of the efficient market hypothesis’ anomaly. The research aims at proving the existence of a size anomaly by answering the question: can you outperform the market by investing in small and mid caps? It is in fact a questioning of the well-know efficient market hypothesis (EMH). We investigate the size effect in the situation of a passive strategy with different indices (Russell Indices and S&amp;P Indices) from 1995 to 2005. The introduction gives to the reader the background he needs to understand the methodology and the approach of the issue by the authors. Key concepts are defined such as EMH, passive strategy. The second part exposes the methodology the authors choose and the methodology of exploited indices. The research consist on measuring the risk adjusting excess returns by comparing the market index return (S&amp;P 500 or Russell 3000) and the Small and Mid Caps indices (S&amp;P Small Cap 600, S&amp;P Mid Cap 400, Russell Mid Cap and Russell 2000) over the period. Indeed the methodology of indices is exposing in details to understand in which extent the study can be influence by the construction of indices. Then in part 3 the authors describe theories that are possible explanations for the size effect. Then it is understandable that the size anomaly is the result of a set of factors that generate abnormal returns. These theories help the authors to come up with a model that gives an overview of the research. After having explained their research method and reveal their empirical findings. The authors demonstrate that excess returns can be earned by investing in small and mid caps indices even after controlling for risk. The risk adjusting excess returns their findings can potentially be explained by the other factors depicted in the theoretical part. E/P ratios, Trading Costs, January effect, Overreaction are possible reasons to explain the size anomaly. They also find an instability and/or reversal of the size effect consistent with one of the theories. However the authors find data with non statistic significance, so I accept the null hypothesis that the excess returns of small and mid caps indices are equal to zero. The paper ends with a discussion about the limitations of the study and possible further researches. The authors conclude that even if the existence of a size effect is obvious for some years and horizons of investment, the passive strategy appears to be an unsuited method to take advantage of the small effect since the results reject the null hypothesis. The authors clarify the fact that before investing in small and mid caps, one has to be aware of all the factors that can influence his investment (beside risk) because the size effect is a set of factors. Key words: Efficient Market Hypothesis, Abnormal returns, Size effect (anomaly), Passive strategy, Market Index, S&amp;P indices, Russell indices

Equity issue announcement vs. the stock price : En eventstudie om hur ett tillkännagivande av en nyemission påverkar aktiekursen / Equity issue announcement vs. the stock price : An event study of how an announcement of an upcoming equity issue affects the stock price

Grujicic, Dragana, Biderman, Johanna January 2009 (has links)
Marknadens reaktion när ett företag informerar och annonserar om en eventuell nyemission sägs vara oförutsägbar. Enligt tidigare forskning pressas aktiekursen i de flesta fallen nedåt vid en nyemission. Under det senaste året har en del nyemissioner utförts i synnerhet på grund av den globala lågkonjunkturen då många företag haft för lite kapitalbas. Vad gäller företag på Stockholmsbörsen som valt att nyemittera aktier har även här de flesta fått se sin aktiekurs rasa. Författarna till denna uppsats avser att studera hur marknaden reagerar på ett offentligt tillkännagivande av en kommande nyemission. Det undersöks även om det förefaller någon skillnad mellan tillkännagivanden av nyemissioner genomförda innan eller under lågkonjunkturen och skillnader branscher emellan. Då vi ville se hur denna händelse påverkar ett företags aktiekurser valde vi att göra en eventstudie. En eventstudie ger oss möjligheten att mäta effekten av en specifik händelse. Datainsamlingen har endast bestått av sekundärdata som vetenskapliga artiklar, litteratur, tidigare forskning samt elektroniska databaser så som Avanza och OMX. Vi valde att ta med alla de företag som under tidsperioden 2005-01-01 till 2009-04-01 annonserat om en nyemission och som i dagsläget fortfarande är noterade på OMX, Stockholmsbörsen. I studien ingick 21 tillkännagivanden varav hela 13 stycken, ca 62 % av dem, resulterade i en negativ kursreaktion och avkastning. Fyra av åtta tillkännagivanden om nyemission som offentliggjordes innan lågkonjunkturen uppvisade en nedåtgående kursreaktion på annonseringsdagen och därmed en negativ abnormal avkastning. Denna trend fortsätter att hålla i sig då även nio av 13 tillkännagivanden under lågkonjunkturen, visade på en negativ abnormal avkastning. / The market reaction when a company provides information about a possible equity issue is said to be unpredictable. According to previous research the stock price, in most cases, is pushed downward in case of an equity issue. Over the past year some equity issues has been implemented particular because of the global recession. This because many companies experience too small funds. As for companies on the Stockholm Stock Exchange that have chosen to do an equity issue most of them had also experienced a decline in the stock price. The authors of this essay intend to study how the market reacts to a public announcement of an upcoming equity issue. They would also like to know if there is any differences between the announcements of an equity issue that's been done before or during the recession and if there is any differences between industries. Thus we wanted to see how equity issues affect a company's stock price, we have chosen to do an event study. An event study enables us to measure the effect of a specific event. The data that we been using has only consisted of secondary data as scientific articles, literature, previous research and electronic databases such as Avanza and OMX. For our study we have chosen to include all of the companies that during the period 2005-01-01 to 2009-04-01 announced about an upcoming equity issue and are still listed at the OMX, on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. The study included 21 public notices of which entirely 13 of them, about 62 %, resulted in a negative rate reaction and return. Four of the eight notices about an equity issue, which was announced before the recession, resulted in a declining rate reaction on the day of the announcement and also had a negative abnormal return. This trend continues thus nine of 13 notices, which announced an equity issue during the recession, also showed a negative abnormal return.

Currency Future Efficiency : Do Currency Futures Predict Future Spot Exchange Rates?

Mattsson, Henrik, Vikström, Jonas January 2011 (has links)
This paper has tested the efficiency, weak form according to EMH, of the currency future market. The efficiency test has been incorporated in the research question since the market has to be efficient in order for the future to work as predictor of the future spot rate - Can currency futures be used as a tool for predicting futures spot exchange rate? The two sub questions are - Is the prediction power of currency futures stable over time and is the prediction power of currency futures similar for different currencies?   The main theory in the research is the Efficient Market Hypothesis and the Random Walk Hypothesis. The research was conducted with a positivistic philosophy in conjunction with a realistic approach. Since the research question has been deducted from the theoretical framework the research has a deductive approach, a quantitative technique was adapted when the data at hand was mainly future and spot rate data.   Data on 13 currencies ranging from 2005 to 2010 was used. The prices were available in weekly intervals for all currencies except for the Brazilian real, Swiss frank and the Mexican peso. The statistical test that was used is the Augmented Dickey-Fuller test and the Phillips-Ouliaris cointegration test. The test was conducted on the whole timeframe. After that, the data was divided into three sub periods to show if the efficiency where different in the period before the crises (2005-2007), during the crises (2008-2009) and after the crises (2010). The test has also been done on annual and quarterly data to show if the length of the time period tested has an effect on efficiency. The PO test has been conducted on all data and the ADF test has been conducted on the whole timeframe and the sub periods.   The results show that, ten of the currencies which we had weakly data, the future is a good predictor of the future spot exchange rate. This is true when the tests are done on an interval of one year and more. For the three currencies that we had monthly data, the results showed cointegration on the whole timeframe. When shorter time periods were tested the currencies that consisted of monthly data showed no cointegration sooner than the weakly data. When test is done on quarterly data, only one test is cointegrated. It cannot concluded that, the future was not a good predictor for the future spot exchange rate during this time, merely that this particular test might be the true one and that the tests where not able to capture it. Several reasons for this are presented in the analysis chapter, where the statistical tests and their design are mentioned among other reasons.

Can money be made on Mondays? : An empirical investigation of the efficiency on the OMXS30

Jakobsson, Catrin, Henriksson, Ola January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Purpose: </strong>The purpose of this thesis is to investigate if abnormal patterns concerning the rates of return during specific weekdays and months are observable for the companies in the OMXS30 during the period 2003-2010. A special focus will be put on the Monday effect anomaly.</p><p><strong>Background: </strong>Investors have a tendency to search for investment opportunities. If errors exist in the pricing of stocks it indicates that anomalies are present and that the stock market is inefficient. Investors then have the possibility to utilize the anomalies in order to receive above average returns.<strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Method: </strong>This study is using data of stock prices from Nasdaq OMX in the period of 2003-2010. The strength and existence of the Swedish stock market efficiency is measured through autocorrelation-, chi-square- and regression tests.<strong> </strong>Average monthly stock returns are calculated on daily-, monthly-, and yearly basis. The returns are compared in order to examine if day-of-the-week and turn-of-the-year anomalies exist.</p><p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>No Monday effect is found in 2003-2010. However, positive Thursday- and positive Friday effects are detected. A negative turn-of-the-year effect as well as a positive April effect is found. The investment opportunities that could be utilized in 2003-2010 due to the specific anomalies in the period do not necessarily imply that the same anomalies can be expected on the OMXS30 in the future.</p>

Value Vs Growth : A study of portfolio returns on the Stockholm Stock Exchange / Värde kontra Tillväxt : En studie av portföljavkastning på Stockholmsbörsen baserad på P/B- och P/E talen

Carlström, Anders, Karlström, Rikard, Sellgren, Jakob January 2006 (has links)
<p>Research Questions:</p><p>• Will a portfolio based on value stocks, on a risk-adjusted basis, outperform a portfolio based on growth stocks on the Stockholm Stock Exchange?</p><p>• Is the superior strategy able to generate abnormal risk adjusted returns by beating the OMXS in-dex?</p><p>Purpose:</p><p>The purpose is to investigate if an investor by purchasing a portfolio based on value stocks will outperform a portfolio based on growth stocks. Furthermore the authors aim to examine if the superior portfolio can beat the OMXS index and create abnormal returns on the Stockholm Stock Exchange.</p><p>Method:</p><p>The quantitative research method is used when gathering information. To deter-mine which stocks to include each year between 1993 to 2005 the price-to-book ratio (P/B) is used. Based on this multiple the sample is divided into two extreme groups of low and high P/B companies. These two groups are further divided according to their price-to-earning ratios (P/E). This creates four portfolios, which symbolizes value and growth stocks. Each portfolio’s return is recorded annually during the 12 year period. The returns are risk-adjusted in order to find the superior portfolio. This portfolio is then compared with the OMXS index for the same period to find out whether it has created an abnormal return.</p><p>Conclusion:</p><p>The superior and most extreme value portfolio, consisting of stocks with low P/B and low P/E ratios generated a cumulative risk-adjusted return of 1908% between 1993-2005 and beat the most extreme growth portfolio consisting of high P/Bs and high P/Es which generated a negative cumulative return. The superior portfolio was also able to beat the OMXS index during the years of 1993-2005, generating an abnormal risk-adjusted return of 7.77 times that of the OMXS index.</p> / <p>Frågeställningar:</p><p>• Kommer en portfölj baserad på värdeaktier, på en riskjusterad basis att slå en portfölj baserad på tillväxtaktier på Stockholmsbörsen?</p><p>• Kan den vinnande strategin skapa en riskjusterad överavkastning över OMXS index?</p><p>Syfte:</p><p>Syftet är att undersöka om en investerare, genom att köpa en portfölj baserad på värdeaktier, kan slå en portfölj baserad på tillväxtaktier. Vidare har författarna som mål att undersöka om den vinnande portföljen kan slå OMXS-index och skapa överavkastning på den svenska aktiemarknaden.</p><p>Metod:</p><p>Informationsinsamlingen till uppsatsen har en kvantitativ ansatts som grund. För att avgöra vilka aktier som ska inkluderas i undersökningen mellan åren 1993 till 2005 har författarna använt sig av nyckeltalet aktiekurs över eget kapital (P/B-tal). Med det här nyckeltalet till grund har urvalet delats upp i två extremgrupper, lågt och högt P/B. Dessa två grupper delades upp ytterligare efter dess aktiekurs över vinst (P/E-tal). Detta skapar fyra portföljer som symboliserar värde- och tillväxtaktier. Avkastning på portföljerna mäts årli-gen under 12 år och sedan riskjusteras för att hitta den mest lönsamma portföljen. Denna portfölj jämförs sedan med OMXS-index för samma period för att se om portföljen har skapat överavkastning.</p><p>Slutsats:</p><p>Den bästa och mest extrema värdeaktieportföljen som bestod av lågt P/B och lågt P/E skapade en kumulativ riskjusterad avkastning på 1908% och slog den mest extrema tillväxtportföljen som genererade en negativ kumulativ avkastning. Den bästa portföljen slog också OMXS-index under åren 1993 till 2005 och skapade en riskjusterad överavkast-ning på 7.77 gånger OMXS.</p>

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