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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Värdet av ett matchresultat : En kvantitativ studie om hur matchresultat påverkar börsnoterade fotbollsklubbars aktiepris / More than a game : A quantitative study of how match results affect the stock price of publicly traded football clubs

Ramstedt, Felix, Tilk, Lukas January 2019 (has links)
Tidigare studier (Scholtens & Peenstra, 2009) inom detta forskningsområde har påvisat att sportsliga resultat har en inverkan på en börsnoterad fotbollsklubbs aktiepris. Motivet bakom de tidigare studierna var den enorma ekonomiska tillväxt som skett inom fotbollsbranschen. Med anledning av den ekonomiska tillväxt som skett mellan åren 2009 och 2018, anser författarna att det är av intresse i denna studie att återigen undersöka huruvida ett sportsligt resultat påverkar en börsnoterad fotbollsklubbs aktiekurs. Tio fotbollsklubbar från tio olika ligor och länder analyseras mellan åren 2014 och 2018. Denna studie behandlar således både fler fotbollsklubbar och fler länder än tidigare studier. Totalt analyseras 1669 matcher, där de tio fotbollsklubbarna har gemensamt att de deltagit i både ligaspel och Europaspel under den givna tidsperioden. Vidare tar studien även hänsyn till spelodds inför varje match i syfte att analysera resultaten utifrån förväntningar. Studien utgår från klassisk finansteori i form av den effektiva marknadshypotesen, samt teorier inom behavioral finance. Den effektiva marknadshypotesen utgår från att marknaden är effektiv och att investerare fattar rationella beslut, medan behavioral finance utgår från att individer tenderar att fatta känslostyrda och irrationella beslut. Prospect theory, som är en del av behavioral finance, redogör för hur individer tenderar att värdera förluster mer negativt än vad de värderar en förlust positivt. I denna uppsats ställs den klassiska finansteorin i kontrast mot den beteendeorienterade finansteorin. Tillsammans kompletterar de varandra, och bidrar med en djupare förståelse för hur investerare agerar på finansiella marknader. Studiens resultat visar, i linje med tidigare forskning, att ett sportsligt resultat har en statistiskt signifikant inverkan på en börsnoterad fotbollsklubbs aktiekurs. Resultatet visar även att samtliga förluster i Europaspel har en statistiskt signifikant större negativ inverkan på aktiekursen än vad samtliga förluster i ligaspel har. Vidare visar även resultatet att oväntade vinster har en statistiskt signifikant större positiv inverkan på aktiekursen än vad förväntade vinster har. I enlighet med prospect theory visar även resultatet att de som investerar i börsnoterade fotbollsklubbar tenderar att värdera en förlust mer negativt än vad de värderar en vinst positivt. Regressionsanalysen visar på ett relativt lågt förklaringsvärde mellan den beroende variabeln, abnormal return, och de oberoende variablerna, förväntningar, turneringar och börsvärde. Däremot finns ett statistiskt signifikant samband mellan den beroende variabeln, abnormal return, och de oberoende variablerna förväntningar och typ av turnering. Det finns inget statistiskt signifikant samband mellan den beroende variabeln och den oberoende variabeln, börsvärde. Efter att ha delat in fotbollsklubbarna baserat på högsta och lägsta börsvärde, visade sig börsvärdet hos de fem lägst värderade fotbollsklubbarna ha en statistiskt signifikant inverkan på den beroende variabeln, abnormal return. Vidare framkommer det att de fem lägst värderade fotbollsklubbarna har en högre idiosynkratisk volatilitet än de fem högst värderade fotbollsklubbarna i studien. / The purpose of this thesis is to examine the effect of football matches on stock-listed football clubs. With a sample containing over 1600 football matches stretching over a four-year period between 2014 and 2018, the authors examine the impact of national and European competitions on stock prices of ten publicly traded football clubs. The stock price reactions were examined the first trading day after the football matches were played. This gives an insight into the direct impact of match outcomes on the stock price, and how abnormal the return is in juxtaposition to the expected return. The results suggest that football matches have a statistically significant effect on a football clubs stock-price. Victory results in positive abnormal returns, whereas defeats, as well as draws, results in negative abnormal returns. The response is significantly stronger after defeats, as well as expected and unexpected defeats, in European competitions than defeats in national competitions. Unexpected victories result in stronger market reactions than expected victories. Furthermore, the stock price reaction is more volatile for the lower-valued football clubs.

Aktielikviditet på Stockholmsbörsen och NGM - prissätts likviditet i aktiehandeln? / Stock liquidity on the Stockholm Stock Exchange and NGM - Does liquidity affect the pricing of common stocks?

Olofsson, Niklas, Törnqvist, Alice January 2019 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan aktiers likviditet och avkastning. Metod: Vår studie består av en kvantitativ metod där vi med hjälp av databasen Eikon från Thomson Reuters samlat in finansiella data. Vi har sedan med hjälp av Excel sammanställt och gjort beräkningar och slutligen gjort korrelationstester i statistikprogrammet SPSS. Resultat och slutsats: Studien skiljer sig från tidigare forskningsresultat då ingen signifikant likviditetspremie kan fastställas vid årlig ombalansering av portföljerna. När portföljerna behåller samma aktier under hela tidsperioden (6 år) finner vi däremot att den minst likvida portföljen genererar betydligt högre avkastning jämfört med den mest likvida portföljen. Bidrag: Studiens teoretiska bidrag stärker tidigare forskningsresultat om att beta inte är ett komplett riskmått vad gäller illikvida aktier. Ingen likviditetspremie uppkommer då innehavsperioden är ett år men då vår innehavsperiod istället är sex år finner vi stora skillnader mellan vår minst respektive mest likvida portfölj. Studiens praktiska bidrag riktar sig till investerare och företagsledare. Investerare kan vid längre tidsperioder nyttja LM12 som en investeringsstrategi för att skapa en överavkastning och företagsledare kan undersöka nyttan med att öka likviditeten i företagets aktier för att sänka företagets WACC och därmed öka värdet på företaget.  Förslag till vidare forskning: För att studera aktielikviditeten vidare skulle andra innehavsperioder (längre än ett år) för portföljerna kunna undersökas. Att undersöka längre tidsperioder för studien hade också varit intressant för att undersöka hur likviditetspremien varierar över tid. / Aim: The aim is to examine if there is a relationship between the liquidity and return of common stocks.  Method: This study consists of quantitative research method in which we have collected financial data using the Eikon database from Thomson Reuters. We then compiled and made calculations using Excel and finally made correlation tests in the statistics program SPSS. Result and conclusion: The results from this study differs from previous research results since no significant liquidity premium could be determined while using annual rebalancing of the portfolios. When the portfolios held the same stocks for the entire period (6 years), we found that the least liquid portfolio generated significantly higher returns compared to the most liquid portfolio.  Contribution of the thesis: The study's theoretical contribution strengthens previous research results in that beta is not a complete risk measure in terms of illiquid shares. No liquidity premium arises when the holding period is one year, but when our holding period is instead six years, we find great differences between our least and most liquid portfolio. The practical contribution of the study is aimed at investors and business leaders. Investors can use LM12 as an investment strategy to create an excess return during long holding periods, and business leaders can examine the benefits of increasing the liquidity of the company's common stock to lower the company's WACC and hence increase the value of the company. Suggestion for future research: In order to study the liquidity premium further, other holding periods (longer than one year) for the portfolios could be investigated. Investigating longer time periods for the study would also be interesting to investigate how the liquidity premium varies over time.

The Efficient Market Hypothesis, the Financial Instability Hypothesis, and Speculative Bubbles

Sherman, John January 2014 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Harold Petersen / According to the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH), speculative bubbles do not exist and are impossible. We disagree. If prices are the only observable component of an asset’s value, and they themselves are an aggregated consensus of perceived value, then what about the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) is testable? Rather than assume that prices always reflect value (i.e. perfect market efficiency), we maintain that markets are efficient to the extent that one can be confident that tomorrow’s prices will not diverge dramatically or arbitrarily from today’s prices, absent significant new information. Speculative bubbles are not materializing every day, every month, or even every year. But they do have the potential and indeed a tendency to occur from time to time. If markets are efficient, what explains all the trading? Rather than assume rational expectations and a homogenous investor class, we assume four investor classes that diverge in their perception of value (i.e. in their expectation of future returns) and thus trade with each other. Using insights from Hyman Minsky’s Financial Instability Hypothesis (FIH), we develop a theoretical framework for how a speculative bubble might materialize within a modern capitalist economy with securities markets’ that follow a random walk. Obviously, there is no “bubble” variable. We use Tobin’s Q, the ratio of the price of an asset to its replacement cost, and Shiller’s cyclically adjusted P/E ratio as proxy variables for bubbles. We find statistically significant, negative relationships between both of these proxy variables and our dependent variable, Ten Year Cumulative Returns, thereby providing evidence against the EMH and suggesting the possibility of speculative bubbles. / Thesis (BA) — Boston College, 2014. / Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Economics Honors Program. / Discipline: Economics.

Uma investigação da reação dos retornos das ações às divulgações de resultados de empresas de capital aberto, no Brasil e no México / An investigation on stock returns reaction to public companies results annoucements in Brazil and Mexico

Riscifina, Vanessa Bernardi Ortolan 28 February 2007 (has links)
Esse estudo visa testar a eficiência informacional dos mercados acionários brasileiro e mexicano, através do desenvolvimento de um estudo de eventos. Para viabilização do estudo, o mercado brasileiro será representado pela BOVESPA - Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo e o mercado mexicano pela BMV - Bolsa Mexicana de Valores. Especificamente, esses mercados serão representados pelas ações de empresas que participaram da composição das carteiras teóricas dos Índices IBOVESPA e IpyC (Índice de Precios y Cotizaciones) durante todo o período compreendido entre Janeiro de 2001 e Janeiro de 2006. Foram analisadas as reações dos retornos das ações nesses mercados nos dias próximos às datas das divulgações de resultados trimestrais pelas empresas em busca de evidências de ineficiências. Os resultados encontrados mostraram indícios de eficiência informacional quando as empresas foram consideradas individualmente e indícios de ineficiência informacional quando considerada carteira toda. / This study aims to test the informational efficiency of the Brazilian and Mexican stock markets, through the development of an event study. For this purpose, BOVESPA, the Sao Paulo Stock Exchange will represent the Brazilian stock market while the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV) will represent the Mexican stock market. Specifically, these markets will be represented by the company stocks that participated of the composition of their stock market indexes, IBOVESPA (BOVESPA Index) and IPyC (Mexican Stock Exchange Index), during the period of January 2001 through January 2006. Stock prices were analyzed for the days around the quarterly results release dates, searching for inefficiency evidence in these markets. The results show signs of information-efficiency when considering each company and information inefficiency when considering the market portfolio.

Uma avaliação estatística da análise gráfica no mercado de ações brasileiro à luz da teoria dos mercados eficientes e das finanças comportamentais / An statistical evaluation of the technical analysis in the Brazilian stock market in the light of the efficient market hypothesis and the behavioral finance

Penteado, Marco Antonio de Barros 27 August 2003 (has links)
Partindo dos conceitos estabelecidos pela Hipótese dos Mercados Eficientes (HME), a qual questiona a validade da Análise Gráfica, e considerando as críticas feitas à HME pelos defensores das assim chamadas Finanças Comportamentais, e outros, este estudo procurou detectar a existência de uma relação entre os sinais gráficos observados no dia-a-dia do mercado de ações brasileiro e as tendências que lhes sucedem, durante um período de 8 anos, para um número de papéis. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho evidenciam a existência de tal relação, sugerindo a validade da utilização da Análise Gráfica como instrumento para a previsão de preços no mercado de ações brasileiro, no período considerado. / Based on the principles established by the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH), which argues that the Technical Analysis is of no value in order to predict future prices of securities, and considering the criticism to the EMH by the advocates of the so called Behavioral Finance, and others, this work tried to detect the existence of a relationship between the graphic signals observed day by day in the Brazilian stock market and the trends which happen after these signals, within a period of 8 years, for a number of securities. The results obtained from this study offer evidence of the existence of such relationship, suggesting the validity of the Technical Analysis as an instrument to predict security prices in the Brazilian stock market within that period.

Dynamic efficiency, price volatility and margin policy: evidence from Hong Kong stock market and Hang Seng Index futures market.

January 1994 (has links)
Wong Hau Man, Ben. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1994. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 85-89). / Abstract / Acknowledgment / Chapter Chapter 1. --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter Chapter 2. --- Introduction to the Hang Seng Index Futures Market --- p.9 / Chapter Chapter 3. --- Dynamic Efficiency --- p.17 / Chapter 3.1 --- The Potential Lead/Lag Relationship between the Stock Index Futures price and the Stock Index --- p.18 / Chapter 3.2 --- Empirical Evidence of the Lead/Lag Relationship -the US experience --- p.20 / Chapter 3.3 --- Granger and Engle's Error-Correction Model --- p.21 / Chapter 3.4 --- Error-Correction Model for the Hang Seng Index Futures Price and Hang Seng Index --- p.25 / Chapter 3.5 --- Simultaneous Error-Correction Model --- p.30 / Chapter Chapter 4. --- Price Volatility --- p.38 / Chapter 4.1 --- Why Volatility Matters --- p.38 / Chapter 4.2a --- Theoretical Foundation of the relationship between Futures Trading and Cash Market Volatility --- p.39 / Chapter 4.2b --- Empirical Evidence of Futures Trading and Cash Market Volatility - the US experience --- p.40 / Chapter 4.3 --- The Schwert Estimation Method --- p.42 / Chapter 4.4 --- Hang Seng Index Volatility and Cash Market Trading Volume --- p.47 / Chapter 4.5 --- Hang Seng Index Volatility and Futures Trading Activities --- p.48 / Chapter 4.6 --- Hang Seng Index Volatility and Contract Life Cycle --- p.50 / Chapter Chapter 5. --- Margin Policy --- p.56 / Chapter 5.1 --- The Economic Role of Futures Margin --- p.57 / Chapter 5.2a --- Theoretical Foundation of the relationship between Margin Requirement and Futures Volatility --- p.58 / Chapter 5.2b --- Empirical Evidence of Margin Requirement and Price Volatility --- p.59 / Chapter 5.3 --- HSI Futures Margin Requirement and Probability of Exhaustion --- p.61 / Chapter 5.4 --- HSI Futures Margin Requirement and HSI Futures Volatility --- p.64 / Chapter 5.4a --- Event-Study Approach --- p.64 / Chapter 5.4b --- Alternative Method --- p.66 / Chapter 5.5 --- HSI Futures Leverage and Price Volatility --- p.70 / Chapter Chapter 6. --- Conclusions --- p.81 / REFERENCES --- p.85 / APPENDIX 1. - Data Description --- p.90 / APPENDIX 2. - FIGURES --- p.92 / Chapter - --- Figure 1. Trend of HSI from May 86 to Dec93 --- p.93 / Chapter - --- Figure 2. Trend of HSI Futures Price from May 86 to Dec93 --- p.94 / Chapter - --- Figure 3. Volatility of HSI from May 86 to Dec93 --- p.95 / Chapter - --- Figure 4. HSI Futures Margin and Futures Volatility (Futures volatility is measured in daily change in contracts value) --- p.96

Market effects of changes in the composition of the Hang Seng Index.

January 1998 (has links)
by Chiu Mei-Yee, Pamela, Pong Kwok-Hung, Patrick. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1998. / Includes bibliographical references (leaf 52). / ABSTRACT --- p.ii / TABLE OF CONTENT --- p.iii / LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS --- p.iv / LIST OF TABLES --- p.v / ACKNOWLEGEMENTS --- p.vi / Chapter / Chapter I. --- INTRODUCTION --- p.1 / Chapter II. --- OBJECTIVES --- p.3 / Chapter III. --- LITERATURE REVIEW --- p.4 / Chapter IV. --- THE SAMPLE --- p.9 / Chapter V. --- METHODOLOGY --- p.14 / The Market Model --- p.15 / Methods to Estimate the Excess Returns --- p.16 / Chapter VI. --- RESULTS AND ANALYSIS --- p.19 / Price Effects on Inclusion in HSI --- p.19 / Price Effects on Exclusion from HSI --- p.33 / Comparison between Inclusion and Exclusion --- p.41 / Chapter VII. --- IMPLICATIONS --- p.42 / Chapter VIII. --- CONCLUSION --- p.45 / APPENDIX --- p.47 / BIBLIOGRAPHY --- p.52

O mercado acionário brasileiro é eficiente?

Schumann, Fernando 27 February 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Maicon Juliano Schmidt (maicons) on 2015-07-06T14:43:40Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Fernando Schumann.pdf: 3125506 bytes, checksum: 2619389913d90e6922ec60563241a56a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-06T14:43:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fernando Schumann.pdf: 3125506 bytes, checksum: 2619389913d90e6922ec60563241a56a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-27 / Nenhuma / A eficiência ou não dos mercados é um assunto que permanece polemizado por diversos acadêmicos e profissionais do mercado, na medida em que alguns sugerem sua eficiência, e outros se mostram contrários a essa ideia. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho é o de verificar se os mercados acionários brasileiros podem ser considerados eficientes, na forma fraca, bem como investigar a possiblidade de existência de anomalias de mercado conhecidas como "efeito segunda-feira" e "efeito sell in may and go away". Com a finalidade de verificar a eficiência de mercado, utilizamos os testes de raiz unitária Dickey-Fuller Aumentado (ADF) e Phillips-Perron (PP). Para a constatação de presença do efeito segunda-feira, empregamos dois procedimentos, quais sejam: estimação dos coeficientes de regressão com o uso de variáveis dummies e teste de Wald, para averiguar uma possível igualdade estatística dos coeficientes; e teste F da Anova e teste de Kruskal-Wallis, para verificação de igualdade de médias e medianas, respectivamente. No que concerne à apuração do efeito sell in may and go away, foram utilizados apenas os testes F da Anova e teste de Kruskal-Wallis. Os resultados apresentados sugerem a eficiência do mercado na forma fraca, bem como a não identificação do efeito segunda-feira. No entanto, foi constatada a presença do efeito sell in may and go away para os ativos CSNA3 e USIM5, de acordo com a metodologia proposta, ou seja, uma sazonalidade favorável nos meses de novembro a abril para os respectivos ativos, o que, em suma, contraria a Hipótese de Mercados Eficientes (HME). / The efficiency of the markets or not is a matter that remains polemic by several academics and market professionals, in the sense that some studies suggest its effectiveness, and others show themselves against this idea. In this context, the aim of this work is to verify whether the Brazilian stock markets may be considered efficient in the weak form, as well as investigate the possibility of existence of market anomalies known as “Monday Effect” and “Sell in may and go away Effect”. In order to verify the market efficiency, we used Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) and Phillips-Perron (PP) unit root tests. For the observation of Monday effect presence, we employed two procedures, namely: estimation of the regression coefficients using dummy variables and Wald test to investigate a possible statistical equality of the coefficients; and Anova F test and Kruskal-Wallis test to check for equality of means and medians, respectively. Regarding the calculation of Sell in may and go away effect, it was used only Anova F and Kruskal-Wallis tests. The results suggest the market efficiency in the weak form, as well as the no identification of Monday effect. However, it was found the presence of Sell in may and go away effect for the assets CSNA3 and USIM5, according to the methodology proposed, that is, a favorable seasonality in the months from November to April for the respective assets which, in short, contradicts the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH).

Avaliação da eficiência de mercado para o setor privado brasileiro de educação: estudo de evento

Corrêa, Érica Posch de Carvalho 03 June 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T18:39:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Erica Posch de Carvalho Correa.pdf: 6417504 bytes, checksum: 5567a0a340ea2edd2f3b9f337749ba6b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-06-03 / This study aims at evaluating the hypothesis of market efficiency for the private education sector in Brazil. This analysis is based on an evaluation of the return that stocks have over the disclosures of material facts and quarterly results, using the hypothesis of semi-strong informational efficiency of the market, developed by Fama (1970). From historical data of stock prices of four companies listed on the Bovespa Index, it is possible to assess whether this market meets the specific market efficiency requirements of the theory, or on the other hand, it has inefficiencies that market players could use to obtain abnormal returns. We evaluated acquisitions and releases of quarterly results, in order to have an overview of corporate information. The conclusion is that one cannot reject the efficient market hypothesis, as the market reacted to new information published, and the reaction was absorbed by the price of assets, after the event window / Este trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar a hipótese de eficiência de mercado para o setor de educação privada brasileiro. Esta análise está fundamentada na avaliação do retorno que as ações tiveram durante as divulgações de fatos relevantes e resultados trimestrais, utilizando a hipótese semi-forte de eficiência informacional do mercado, elaborada por Fama (1970). A partir de dados históricos do preço das ações de quatro companhias listadas na BOVESPA, é possível avaliar se este mercado em específico atende aos requisitos de eficiência da teoria, ou se, por outro lado, possui ineficiências que os agentes de mercado poderiam se utilizar para obter retornos anormais. Foram avaliadas divulgações de aquisições e de resultados trimestrais, de modo que se tenha um panorama geral de informações das empresas. A conclusão é que não se pode rejeitar a hipótese de mercado eficiente, uma vez que o mercado reagiu às novas informações publicadas, e a reação foi absorvida pelo preço dos ativos, após a janela do evento

Mispricing of earnings components: empirical evidence from China. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Digital dissertation consortium / ProQuest dissertations and theses

January 2003 (has links)
This study investigates whether earnings components are correctly priced by the Chinese investors. Under the Chinese GAAP, total earnings can be easily decomposed into core earnings and non-core earnings. Core earnings are more persistent than non-core earnings and cash flows from operations are more persistent than accruals, as expected. However, the market underestimates (overestimates) the value implications of current core (non-core) earnings for future earnings. Furthermore, the market overprices (underprices) accruals (cash flows from operations). Therefore, future returns adjusted for risk factors identified in this study are predictable by the information contained in the components of current earnings. Both the portfolio tests and regression analysis generate economically significant abnormal returns that are robust to sensitivity checks. Further analysis suggests that there is no significant difference in the extent of mispricing across firms with different characteristics such as transaction costs, arbitrage risks, investor sophistication, or firm size. This could be due to the measurement errors in the proxy variables for these characteristics. / Wu Donghui. / "July 2003." / Advisers: In-Mu Haw; James Xie. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 64-07, Section: A, page: 2551. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2003. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 121-130). / Available also through the Internet via Current research @ Chinese University of Hong Kong under title: Mispricings of earnings components empirical evidence from China. / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest dissertations and theses, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest Information and Learning Company, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / School code: 1307.

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