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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hushålls- och företagskunders potential till laststyrning i Umeå Energis elnät : En förstudie till projektet Elnätstariffer. / The potential for demand response by households and corporate customers at Umeå Energi Elnät

Janols, Malin January 2016 (has links)
The electric power grid is facing immense changes, the production of intermittent electricity is increasing at the same time as a big part of todays base load (mostly nuclear power) as well as the power reserve is in the process of being phased out. Due to these changes it is deemed that a larger amount of demand response will be needed in the near future. In order to accomplish this some sort of stimulus is required. Due to this accompanied by new indications from the regulatory authority Energimarknadsinspektionen Umeå Energi Elnät (UEEN) have started a process where they wish to investigate the consequences of abandoning their current pricing method in favor of a peak demand charge tariff. This new pricing method will increase the costumers ability to affect their electricity bill in addition to providing a higher degree of stimulus for demand response. This report is a part of that investigation and aims to quantify the costumers potential as well as the expected willingness for demand response och load shifting in adherence to the potential change in pricing methods. Accordingly. the question formulation for this thesis is as follows: What is the potential for load shifting, and a decreased power demand, due to a behavoiral change by the means of online measuring for households and business costumers in their testgroups respectively? What is the potential for load shifting, and a decreased power demand, by the means of enabling technology such as batteries, load limiting equipment, storage water heater etc.? How large is the economic stimulus for the costumers of UEEN to achieve load shifting by changing their behaviour or invest in enabling technology? A selection of costumers in four different neighbourhoods (a total of 793 costumers) were chosen, and measured data regaring their peak power demand and their monthly electricity consumption were used in the calculations of this thesis. Based on this data and a literature study conclusions regaring the costumers demand response and load shifting potential were drawn.  Out if the 793 costumers included in this study the absolute majority (771 costumers) currently have a fuse corresponding to 16-25 A which is why only the results for these costumers is presented below. According to a theoretical assessment almost all of the costumers included in this study have a possibility to shift a fairly big part of their load. However, according to the literature study, it is reasonable to expect a load shift corresponding to 2-5 % of the costumers peak demand due to behavioural changes as a consequense of online measuring accompanied by a peak demand charge tariff. This would coincide with a load shift of 0,1-0,45 kW per household during the winter season, which, for the majority of costumers, can be translated into an annual saving of 0-200 SEK/household.  With regards to the expected load shift by the means of enabling technology batteries is not considered to, due to its unprofibility, be a solution that constumers can be expected to invest in in the nearby future. The potential load shift as a result of regulating electricity based heating systems however, is considered to be significantly larger and is deemed to amount to 2-5 kW depending on the heating system and its as well as the builidings built-in heat storage capacity. Based on this, some assumptions regarding the constumers heating systems and their current power demand the potential costumer savings is evaluated to 300-750 SEK per year.

Smarta gränssnitt för flexibel effektanvändning : - Stäng av ugnen, jag måste ladda bilen!

Nilsson, Gunvor January 2018 (has links)
Inom en snar framtid kommer allt fler villaägare välja att skaffa elbil. Därigenom kommer det lokala elnätet att utsättas för stora utmaningar i form av oregelbunden belastning och potentiell överlast. Studien undersöker om man med mjukvara kan underlätta och få till stånd en effektstyrning av energi i lokalnätet, såväl som i den egna villan. Med hjälp av befintliga rapporter,webbfrågor och intervjuer kartläggs olika berörda aktörers inställning till, och beredskap för, attfördela last. En testbädd för att ta fram förslag till styrning på olika nivåer med fokus på villor, lokalnät och elbilar med laddplats har tagits fram. Testappar med olika grad av information och olika möjlighet till påverkan har knutits därtill.  En slutsats av arbetet är att effektstyrning måste ske och i ökande omfattning. I steg 1 kan det räcka att flytta användningen några timmar från eftermiddag till natt. Framöver när en stor andel fordon blir eldrivna behöver elnätsbolagen mer aktivt få styra sina elnätskunders effektuttag i tiden.

Efterfrågeflexibilitet av elenergi i svenska småhus : V2H-teknik och byggnadens värmetröghet

Jonsson Lindström, Tim January 2022 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to investigate the opportunities and limitations that utilizations of Vehicle tohome (V2H) and a buildings thermal inertia has in detached houses with respect to demand flexibility.In the transition phase of energy sources there has to be a compensation to the use of fossil energy tofulfill the energy demand. Along with transition there’s a growing need for smarter way of usingelectricity as the consequences otherwise are likely capacity shortages and increase electricity prices.Results from recent research suggest that private household could contribute to even out the powerpeaks by using household appliances based on demand for electricity. Results from earlier surveyresearches has shown that demand flexibility comes with challenges of household comfort andeconomic incentive. With annual data of electricity use from an area of detached houses, provided by Karlstads EnergiAB, a model has been created in MATLAB and Simulink to simulate scenarios of utilizations of V2Hand thermal inertia of a building. The purpose of the model is to provide answer to the goals of thestudy; proportions of moved electricity when using V2H, proportions of moved electricity whenutilize the building thermal inertia and the economic consequences of them both. The results shows that it is possible to move up to 5000 kWh/year in the V2H model and up to 2800kWh/year in the heating model without a theoretical impact on the comfort. Furthermore, the cost forbought electricity can be reduced up to 11 % in simulations from data of 2017 and up to 20 % fromdata of 2021, which corresponds to 700 and 3000 Swedish crowns (SEK) respectively. As for theheating model the reduced costs of simulations of 2017 were up to 17 % and 34 % in 2021, whichcorresponds to 500 and 2000 SEK respectively. Results from this study suggest that it is possible to move electricity from occasions with high to lowdemand and simultaneously reduce the electricity costs. The results are limited to the assumptionsthat the construction of all houses are identical and has the same heating systems along with a fixedtime of the day when the car is connected to the home. The accuracy of the results could be increasedwith complementary information of these assumptions. An omitted question in this study was whetherdifferent strategies for utilizing the varying electricity price affect the result, which is proposed forfuture research.

Förbrukningsreduktion : Ett alternativ till gasturbiner som snabb aktiv störningsreserv? / Consumption reduction : An alternative solution to gas turbines as a secondary reserve?

Alterbeck, Jonas January 2014 (has links)
The gas turbines in the Swedish secondary reserve are reaching the end of their technical lifetime, hence alternative solutions need to be considered. One of the solutions thought to have the greatest potential is the use of so called consumptionreduction. By entering contracts with large consumers, agreements are made to reduce consumption in the event of major disturbances in the power system and thus being used as a secondary reserve. This thesis investigates the feasibility of consumption reduction as part of the secondary reserve. This has been achieved by developing a requirement specification for the disturbance reserve and by studying the technical and economic potential for consumption reduction among a range of consumers.The technical potential for consumption reduction that fulfils the requirements for participating in the secondary reserve are on average 750 MW in SE 3 and 98 MW in SE 4. The result of this study shows that consumption reduction could work as a supplement to the gas turbines, but could not entirely replace the current solution. Furthermore, replacing the gas turbines would cause loss of features such as black start and automatic frequency regulation. Nevertheless, consumption reduction is considered as a workable solution for the disturbance reserve that is both cheaper and more environmentally friendly. Before launching consumption reduction as a reserve, a market model has to be developed, taking the findings of this thesis into account: high electricity prices have negative effect on availability and that low liquidity on the market causes short endurance.

Efterfrågeflexibilitet inom massa- och pappersindustrin genom strategisk styrning av energisystem : Vilka faktorer påverkar möjligheterna till kostnadseffektiviserad styrning av interna energiprocesser och inköp av el i energiintensiv industri? / Demand response in the pulp and paper industry through strategic management of energy system : What factors affect the potential for cost-effective management of internal energy processes and electricity purchases in energy-intensive industries?

Ljungberg, Hugo, Gustaf, Thelander January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Möjligheter och utmaningar för demand response i byggnader : En utvärdering av effektbesparingar kontra påverkan på inomhusklimatet i kontorsbyggnader / Possibilities and challenges for buildings to contribute with demand response

Ersson, Lisbet January 2021 (has links)
This thesis examines the possibilities and limitations of connectingoffice buildings to demand response (DR) programs, with emphasis on the effect it has on indoor climate. Heating, ventilation and airconditioning (AC) systems was used as sources to scale power, and thereby contribute with power to capacity markets related to the electrical grid. By simulations performed in MatLab, as well as livetests in one of Vasakronan’s buildings, this work contributes with knowledge of DR in office buildings in the Swedish environment, which to date have been lacking in literature. All systems considered in thisreport has potential to contribute with power to DR programs. Heating and AC systems has greater power saving potential than the ventilation system. However, ventilation also holds potential as a source of power savings and is applicable to a larger portion of the building stock.Indoor air carbon dioxide level is affected to varying degrees depending on the extent of power reduction, where a reduction up to 90 % of ventilation is possible without exceeding approved limits. Reduction of ventilation caused the highest rise in carbon dioxide levels during mid- day and especially during the winter. Flexibility is key for the control system, especially when considering future climate challenges andtrends. DR strategies should include control of all systems both during the active DR time but also when returning to normal activity to reduce the risk of compensation from other systems.

Ökad efterfrågeflexibilitet och elhandel : modeller och tillämpningar för analys av ekonomiska konsekvenser

Mogos, Musie January 2015 (has links)
As the introduction of renewable energy sources increase in the power market, the need for effective use of electricity by consumers gains importance. The Swedishpower market is characterized by demand inelasticity. Thus, resulting in a system where supply follows demand. Increased demand response in electricity markets is essential in order to cope with future challenges. Electricity retailers can encourage an increased demand response by offering contracts to their customers such as “Realtime pricing” and “Fixed price with the right to return”. Under these contracts consumers are exposed to the hourly prices of electricity, thus benefitting by shifting the load to hours when the price is low. Electricity retailers benefits theoretically by risk eliminations. The aim of this paper is to quantify the economic consequences of increased demand response, for electricity retailers by offering the two contracts.This is done in two parts; firstly a simulation model of demand response is developed based on spot prices and different levels of price elasticity, secondly the results from the simulations are used in a model for calculations regarding an electricity retailers’ economy. The results show that an electricity retailers’ profit increases with increased demand response, greater response results in greater profits. Using low,medium and high demand response results in a profit increase of 34 %, 38 % and 55 % respectively. / Marknadsbaserade styrmedel i bostadssektorn

Elbilens påverkan på elnätet vid hemmaladdning och tekniker för effekttoppsreduktion : En fallstudie på två av Sala-Heby Energis lågspänningsnät

Eriksson, Pontus January 2018 (has links)
In order to reach climate goals regarding the reduction ofcarbon dioxide in the environment, the decarbonisation of the transport sector plays a crucial role. Along with this revolution, electric vehicles will most likely be a candidate to replace market shares from gasoline and diesel. The deployment of electric cars is now starting to increase, by over 2 millions electrical vehicles running on the streets world wide in year 2016, which is more than the double compared to previous year. This master thesis examines home charging and its impact on the distribution grid of two types, one in a smaller urban area and one in a rural area in the Swedish city Sala. Different integration levels of electric vehicles are examined regarding voltage drop, relative loading of conductors and transformers, and the voltage symmetry with charging only on one phase. The simulations are made in the NIS-based system dpPower based on charging data from Grahn et.al.(2013), and the study of powerpeaks is made in Matlab with the use of consumption data from customers. The results show that the transfomer is the only limitation in the grid of the urban area, which fails at an integration level of 50 percent at 11 kW of charging. Compared to the grid in the rural area which reacts more strongly of home charging. In this case it is most likely to fail at 30 percents integration at 3,7 kW of charging. Also a greater accuracy has to be taken into account here regarding the placing of one phase-chargers at different phases. This in order to not exceed the 2 percent limit of voltage symmetry. With the aim to reduce power peaks, the grid seems to benefit from high demand response and local battery storage, which reduce the power peaks to an extent that could be comparable to reducing the integration level of electric vehicles from 50 to 30 percent.

Investeringslogik kring energilager i en svensk kontext : En studie av måttet Levelised Cost of Storage

Swenman, Marie, Sahlén, Klara January 2017 (has links)
Sweden is heading towards a larger portion of renewable, weather dependent energy sources as a part of climate policy. To integrate such energy sources there is an increasing demand of flexibility in the Swedish electricity system. This further indicates a need to understand the rationality behind investments in flexibility resources, such as energy storage and demand response. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the measurement Levelised Cost of Storage (LCOS) is reflecting the way Swedish actors reason about investments in flexibility resources. By qualitative interviews with actors and calculations of LCOS in seven different use cases the investment logic related to energy storage is analysed in a Swedish context. By doing so this study aims to form a basis of how to encourage an effective utilization of the values that flexibility resources can provide. Investments in energy storage and demand response technology are in studied use cases driven by soft values as goodwill, knowledge and comfort. Possible economic savings are often the rational argument for an investment, however, a greater benefit accrue to network operators, technology suppliers, and most of all, the electricity system. Regulations regarding network operators’ required rate of return, ownership and bid requirements on the Swedish power regulation market are currently not promoting a transformation to a completely renewable energy system, in which flexibility resources are seen as presumptions. Soft values and system values are difficult to quantify, which aggravates an understanding of the investment rationality regarding energy storage and demand response in a Swedish context. Several actors pointed out power, primary to energy, as the deficient resource, which increases the problem to assess when investments will occur by using LCOS methodology.

Laststyrning av eluppvärmning och varmvattenberedning : En studie av potentialen för hushåll att bidra till en sänkt abonnerad effekt mot överliggande elnät / Load control of electrical space and water heating : A study of the potential in detached houses to contribute to a lower subscripted power of the overhead grid

Ahlm, Niklas January 2021 (has links)
This study has explored the potential for lowering the subscripted power of 25 MW for one of the connection points between the local power grid and its overhead power grid for a local grid owner. The potential for doing so through hard, direct load control of electrical domestic heating and domestic water heating for detached houses with a fuse size of 16-25 A is evaluated for 12 different scenarios. The scenarios are found by combining a customer participation of 25, 50, 75 and 100 percent with a maximum allowed duration for load control of two, three and four hours respectively. A function describing the need for electrical power for domestic heating as dependent of the outdoor temperature is developed and combined with a model that is used for simulating hot water usage and a model that describes the power demand of a domestic water heater. Furthermore, a control function is incorporated to ensure that households are not subjected to load control for a longer period than allowed and that all households bear the same burden in this respect.  The results show that a power of 1,0-4,1 MWh/h can be redistributed, but that the potential is heavily limited by the returning load that occurs. Due to the long duration of the critical peaks that are being redistributed, up to 5-10 hours, returning load occurs even though load control has not yet been finalized. The returning load leads to a bigger amount of power having to be redistributed and therefore limits the potential for the new subscripted power that can be achieved. Furthermore, the maximum aggregated power for the investigated year amounts to 25,9 MW. Still, a new subscripted power of 21,8–24,9 MW is theoretically deemed to be achievable. The most likely outcome however is thought to be a lowering of the subscripted power to at least 23,4–24,4 MW, having taken the composition of type of heating systems as well as the most likely customer participation into account.

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