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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


林佩琪, Beckey Lin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的是探討在學與就業青年職業自我認定發展上的差異,及他們在面對職業問題時,所感受到的壓力知覺、因應策略及其與身心適應之關係。   本研究以北部地區693位大專學生(男351,女342)及516位就業青年(男233,女283)為受試對象,研究工具包括(1)職業自我認定量表,(2)壓力認知評估及因應量表,(3)身心適應問題量表。研究中主要使用的統計方法為:卡方考驗分析、因素分析、變異數分析、相關分析、區別分析等。   研究結果如下:   1.在學與就業青年在職業自我認定發展程度上有顯著差異,其中尚在尋求的在學青年人數百分比大於就業青年,提早成熟及認定失敗的在學青年人數百分比是低於就業青年,而認定成功的人數百分比沒有達顯著差異。並且職業自我認定發展程度上沒有性別上的差異,在年級及年齡上亦沒有顯著差異。   2.在學青年在職業的抉擇上,所知覺的壓力大於就業青年,感覺能控制的程度低於就業青年,而感受到的影響持續度大於就業青年。   3.四種職業自我認定類型,在職業抉擇上所感受到的壓力知覺及影響持續度上沒有差異,但在控制程度上,認定成功者感覺能控制的程度高於其它三種認定發展類型的人。   4.在學青年在面對職業的選擇與決定時,使用「問題解決」的策略多於就業青年,而在「消極面對」、「情緒壓抑逃避」、「訴諸天命」策略的使用上沒有顯著差異。   5.認定成功者使用「解決問題」策略多於其它三種認定發展類型者,但在「消極面對」、「情緒壓抑逃避」的策略使用上低於其它三種認定發展類型者。另外,尚在尋求者在「消極面對」策略的使用上低於認定失敗者,但與提早成熟者沒有差異。提早成熟者在「訴諸天命」策略使用上則多於其它三種認定發展類型者。   6.在學青年在生理及心理的適應上差於就業青年。另外,在職業認定類型方面,提早成熟者的生理適應差於認定成功者,而在心理適應則是皆差於其它三種認定類型者。   7.在學與就業青年之職業壓力認知評估、因應策略及其與身心適應間有存在相關。   8.在學與就業青年的認定成功者在面對職業壓力時,較常使用「解決問題」策略,而較少使用負向策略,感覺較能控制,影響持續度較短,生理及心理的適應尚可。而尚在尋求者在職業的壓力知覺、因應策略及其身心適應上為趨中。   9.在學青年的提早成熟者在職業壓力的控制程度及因應策略使用上為趨中,但在影響持續度上感覺較久,也較常使用「訴諸天命」策略,其生理適應也較差。就業青年的提早成熟者則較常使用負向因應策略,較少使用「解決問題」策略,感覺職業壓力是較不能由自己控制,但影響持續度感覺較短,其心理適應較差。   10.在學與就業青年的認定失敗者在面對職業壓力時較常使用負向因應策略,而較少使用「解決問題」策略,並且覺得其職業壓力是較不能由自己控制,但其影響持績度是感覺較短暫,其身心適應,在學青年是生理適應佳,就業青年是心理適應狀況尚可。

Rosa Montero y la memoria colectiva de España : Importancia de la memoria colectiva en “La loca de la casa” / Rosa Montero and Spain's Collective Memory : The Importance of Collective Memory in "La loca de la casa"

Alvarez Neminuschiy, Antonio January 2010 (has links)
<p>En este trabajo nos proponemos analizar tres diferentes versiones de una misma historia que le sucede al alter ego de la escritora y periodista española Rosa Montero a mediados de los años setenta. La historia, en sus tres versiones, es contada por este alter ego en la novela <em>La loca de la casa </em>(2003). Nuestro objetivo es demostrar la importancia que la memoria colectiva de España ha tenido para la memoria individual del narrador personaje. Los hechos que le suceden a este alter ego de Montero no habrían tenido lugar si en la España de los años setenta del pasado siglo no hubiesen ocurrido ciertos acontecimientos que los españoles de la generación de la escritora recuerdan muy bien, y que hoy forman parte de la memoria colectiva de la nación. Con la ayuda de este estudio veremos cómo la autora juega con la historia de su vida, mostrándonos que las cosas no siempre son lo que aparentan en el mundo de la literatura. También vamos a analizar el papel de algunos de los personajes secundarios del libro, de gran importancia para el análisis. Hay que subrayar que hemos optado por centrarnos en las partes más autobiográficas de la novela, ya que estas son las que más tienen que ver con la memoria y la imaginación. En este análisis penetramos el mundo de la memoria y la literatura y, al mismo tiempo, el del olvido.</p>

Decisions as Performatives

Murray, Dylan 21 April 2010 (has links)
Decisions are performatives - or at least, they share important features with performative utterances that can elucidate our theory of what type of thought they are, and what they do. Namely, decisions have an analogous force to that of performatives, where the force of a propositional attitude or utterance is constituted by (i) its point, or purpose, which is mainly a matter of its direction-of-fit, and (ii) its felicity conditions. The force of both decisions and performatives is to bring into being the states of affairs represented in their intentional contents, merely in virtue of the decision or performative’s occurrence and the satisfaction of the felicity conditions they presuppose. The first chapter of the thesis explicates this general framework, and the second and third attempt to show some of the work it can do for a theory of decisions.

Investigation Of Personal Qualities Contributing To Psyhological Resilience Among Earthquake Survivors: A Model Testing Study

Karairmak, Ozlem 01 May 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This study is designed to investigate the relationships among affective and cognitive personal qualities leading to psychological resilience among natural disaster survivors. The main assumption of this study is that positive personal qualities might be associated with better psychological adjustment. The study aimed at testing a hypothesized theoretical model accounting for resilience with regard to personal qualities. The sample for this study was composed of individuals who were exposed to earthquakes that occurred in 1999 in Marmara region of Western Turkey. The study hypothesized that the dispositional cognitive and affective constructs (hope, optimism, life satisfaction, self esteem and positive affect) play vital roles in pathways to psychological resilience. Initially hypothesized model based on cognitive-behavioral theoretical foundations was proposed and tested. The cognitive behavior approach holds the idea that thoughts are the determinants of functional and dysfunctional emotions and behaviors. In the model, global self esteem serve as an underlying mechanism that helps to human operate well on the environment. The positive influence of global self esteem can be observed in cognitive process and affective domain in individuals. Simultaneously a person develops an optimistic worldview based on the global self esteem. Self esteem leads a person to construe positive cognitive constructs influencing the general world of view positively and utilize those cognitive. Since thinking patterns influence the affective side of the person, if the person utilizes positive cognitive constructs while interpreting life events, he or she is likely to experience more positive feelings and to be satisfied with life at the same time The hypothesized model was trimmed. Dispositional hope (pathways and agentic thinking), optimism, positive affect, life satisfaction and self-esteem were regarded as independent latent variables while three factors of psychological resilience were valued as the latent dependent variables. Finally, a structural model was suggested to account for the pathways leading to resilience among the Turkish disaster survivors. According to the model, self esteem, dispositional hope and optimism have indirect effect on resilience components via positive affect and life satisfaction. For purposes, the Ego Resilience Scale was adapted into Turkish. Exploratory factor analysis yielded three-factor solution for Turkish disaster survivors and the resilience factors were labeled as Personal Strengths Relating Recovery / Positive Self-Appraisals and Openness to New Experience. The results revealed that the Ego Resiliency Scale is a validated and reliable measure of psychological resilience among Turkish disaster survivors.

Statut et légitimité du Moi pur dans la phénoménologie husserlienne

Hardy, Jean-Sébastien January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Processes of Organizational Justice : Insights into the perception and enactment of justice

Eib, Constanze January 2015 (has links)
Well-being at work is of major public interest, and justice at the workplace can be a key factor contributing to employees and managers feeling well. Research has found direct relationships between organizational justice perceptions and work and health outcomes. With research on the justice–health link still emerging, this thesis examines the moderating and mediating processes for the effects of justice perceptions on work outcomes and especially health outcomes. As little is known about those who enact justice, the antecedents and consequences of justice enactment are also studied. In Study I, the relationships between organizational justice and work and health outcomes were in focus, as the moderating role of job characteristics was investigated utilizing the demand–control(–support) model. Organizational justice and job characteristics were associated with work and health outcomes within and across time. The multiplicative effects showed that the organizational justice effects were stronger when perceived job demands were high, job control was low or social support was low. Study II examined the processes through which justice perceptions translate into health outcomes. Building on the allostatic load model, mental preoccupation with work was found to be a relevant mediator of the justice–health relationship, with locus of control moderating the mediated relationships. Study III focused on the actor perspective. Investigating predictions based on the deontic model of justice and ego-depletion theory, moral regard and justice self-efficacy predicted justice enactment positively, and justice enactment had positive effects on feeling professionally recognized but also negative health consequences for the actors themselves. This thesis contributes to advancing the emergent justice–health research stream by providing insights into the processes underlying these aspects, and by incorporating this stream into the actor perspective. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Submitted.</p>

Musées et musées-mémoriaux urbains consacrés à la Shoah : mémoires douloureuses et ancrages géographiques. Les cas de Berlin, Budapest, Jérusalem, Los Angeles, Montréal, New York, Paris, Washington.

Chevalier, Dominique 20 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail, correspondant à l'un des trois volumes de mon Habilitation à Diriger des recherches soutenue le 20 novembre 2012 à l'Université Paris1-Sorbonne, expose les différentes étapes de mon itinéraire scientifique. Il permet de porter un regard réflexif sur les travaux antérieurs et de proposer de nouvelles thématiques pour les années à venir.

Modèle d'agent fondé sur les affordances : application à la simulation de trafic routier

KSONTINI, Feirouz 13 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Les travaux conduits dans le cadre de cette thèse ont pour but d'étendre le champ de validité des simulations de trafic en milieu urbain et péri-urbain, avec notamment une meilleure prise en compte du contexte de conduite, de l'hétérogénéité des véhicules (deux-roues motorisés, véhicule léger, poids lourd, etc.) et des comportements des conducteurs en termes d'occupation de l'espace au sol. Le but est de produire en simulation des comportements observés en situation réelle tels que les phénomènes de faufilement (deux-roues, véhicules d'urgence, cas des intersections). Nous abordons, la simulation du trafic routier en considérant une approche comportementale fondée sur les systèmes multi-agents. Des travaux précédents ont proposé des solutions non génériques, notamment pour le cas particulier des deux-roues motorisés. Nous proposons un nouveau modèle d'agent permettant de mieux prendre en compte le contexte de conduite et les comportements des conducteurs en termes d'occupation de l'espace. Nous dotons l'agent d'une représentation ego-centrée de l'environnement fondée sur le concept d'affordance. Nous utilisons ainsi les affordances pour identifier les actions possibles, en termes d'occupation de l'espace, offertes par l'environnement. Nous les utilisons en- suite pour construire une représentation ego-centrée de la situation. Le modèle d'agent proposé a été implémenté avec Archisim. Cette implémentation a permis de reproduire une situation de trafic réelle et de comparer les données simulées avec celles recueillies sur le terrain. Différentes expérimentations ont été menées afin d'évaluer la qualité de la solution proposée.

Human transformation: disruption of the hegemony of consciousness

Montgomery, Philip Kenneth 07 December 2007 (has links)
Abstract This dissertation is a narrative unraveling of a process of human transformation that interrupts the psyche’s propensity for creating the conditions for suffering. The self privileging of ego consciousness is posited as the origin of suffering. Temporary relief from suffering is accomplished by bringing forward the content of the unconscious. The condition that allows the content of the unconscious to come forward is disrupting the boundary separating consciousness and the unconscious. This boundary is established when reprehensible content regarding the self is repressed by an ego consciousness that thereby privileges itself. Disruption of the boundary separating ego consciousness and the unconscious allows for reintroduction of the previously repressed content to consciousness. As the boundary fails and ego consciousness is dethroned, unforeseen yet yearned for knowledge becomes available to consciousness thereby initiating the possibility for transformation and hence the momentary release from suffering. Implicit in this research are assumptions of self-motivation and self-organization that configure a theory of autopoiesis or self-making. Observed and observer selves are continually reshaped through continuous interaction in the psychosocial and physical environment. In this study this interaction is made visible through autobiographical narratives in which participant selves each demonstrate and share the insight of observer and observed. This narrative interaction is the simultaneous accomplishment and display of the process of human transformation. This transformation is always only momentary. It is a single moment in the ongoing expansion and contraction of the human psyche. Each transformative event reduces the potential for being irretrievably caught in continuous suffering. Each temporary release from suffering is a waypoint on the pathway of self-realization. The transformative process as presented in this study goes beyond existing accounts of consciousness change found in the annals of psychological methodologies, although Jungian terminologies are borrowed to describe loosely shared conceptual constructs. The aim in employing autobiographical narrative is to portray this elusive process as it is experienced including all its subtleties and nuances.

The Pièce de Résistance of Leadership Networks : A study of network member attitudes

Ottosson, Fabian, Albertsson Engman, Linus January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to clarify and document the member perspective of leadership networks in terms of how members’ attitudes toward, and underlying reasons for participating in, leadership networks can be explained. This purpose was fulfilled by asking and answering the questions of how member attitudes toward, and underlying reasons for participating in, leadership networks can be explained. The study was conducted via a pre-research study of one network organization as well as interviews with two other network organizations. In total, the study investigated three network organizations, including 19 respondents, 13 for the survey and six for the interviews. It was concluded in both the pre-research as well as the main research, that expectations from the members’ perspective had a tendency toward organizational outcomes in the pre-consumption phase, and that the expectations on the network were mainly focused on individual outcomes in the post-consumption phase. The study also demonstrates that there are factors outside of the study’s analytical framework, such as the network position, the ego network structure and the whole network structure, that affect the network outcomes, and thus potentially the explanation for the members’ attitudes toward, and underlying reasons for participating in, leadership networks.

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