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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Role regionálních politických stran na španělské politické scéně v období 1993-2010 / The role of regional political parties in the Spanish political scene in the period 1993-2010

Fusková, Iva January 2011 (has links)
Diploma thesis "The role of regional political parties within the Spanish political scene in the period of 1993-2010" presents an analysis of the role of Spanish regional political parties, which play within the national political scene since 1993. The preliminary chapter of this thesis provides a brief description of the contemporary Spanish political system, the regional organization of Spain and the Spanish electoral system, which has considerable influence especially on the party system. I consider this general introduction relevant and important for a better understanding of the whole issue. The next section is devoted to the Spanish party system, its development, the typology and the main national political parties. Here I come to the conclusion that due to the specific configuration of the electoral system in Spain happens relatively complicated interpenetration of the national party system with the regional party systems. The final and the most important chapter deals with the regional political parties, which after 1993 came to the Spanish parliament, and especially about those that have influence on the government formation and the government policy. At the beginning of this chapter I define the regional political party, the regionalist and the nationalist political party and I try to...

Vývoj stranického systému v České republice a Polsku po roce 1989 - vliv volebního systému (komparace) / The Progress of Parties Systems in Czech Republic and Poland after 1989 - the Influence of Election System

Demjanenko, Richard January 2014 (has links)
The dilemma of parties systems in Czech Republic and Poland is connected indirectly with my work which was concerned in the transitions of these post-communists countries. The rise and development of these two parties systems was strongly inspired by the results of both transitions in these countries. I will concerned with deeper comparison of both parties systems, especially in the consolidated period of democracy.

Vývoj stranického systému v České republice a Polsku po roce 1989 - vliv volebního systému (komparace) / The Progress of Parties Systems in Czech Republic and Poland after 1989 - the Influence of Election System

Demjanenko, Richard January 2014 (has links)
The dilemma of parties systems in Czech Republic and Poland is connected indirectly with my work which was concerned in the transitions of these post-communists countries. The rise and development of these two parties systems was strongly inspired by the results of both transitions in these countries. I will concerned with deeper comparison of both parties systems, especially in the consolidated period of democracy.

混合制國會選舉制度對台灣政黨體系影響之初探:兼論日本之經驗 / A preliminary study on the impact of the mixed Electoral System on Taiwan's Party System and A Discussion of Japan's Experience.

呂璨戎, Lu, Tsan Jung Unknown Date (has links)
我國立法委員選舉自1992年全面定期改選以來,一直是採用以「複數選區單記非讓渡投票制」為主的特殊選舉制度,直到2005年第七次修憲始變革為「並立式混合制」,並已於2008年1月12日第七屆立委選舉中首度實施。 由於台灣與日本均位居東亞關鍵位置,並同為該區民主發展之典範,類似的政經發展脈絡,於是經常成為學界探討比較的對象。除了近似的經濟發展模式外,於政治層面上,兩國亦皆由「一黨獨大」的政體開始演變。尤其,兩國更先後於1994年及2005年修改國會選舉制度,且不約而同從「複數選區單記非讓渡投票制」改採「並立式混合制」。 任一國家選舉制度之變革,往往都會對其政黨體系、甚至政治運作造成相當程度之影響。因此本研究將針對此次選舉所採取的新選制,從理論、制度及實際各層面,參照日本選制改革與施行之經驗,進行新選制對我國政黨體系影響之初探。 / The overall election of legislator in our country has been reelected regularly since 1992, and it has been adopting primarily the “Single Non-Transferable Vote with Multimember-District system” (SNTV-MMD), a special electoral system. Until the seventh amending of the Constitution transformed into the “Mixed-Member Majoritarian” (MMM) in 2005, which has implemented in the seventh session of legislators’ election for the first time in January 12, 2008. Owing to both of the positions of Taiwan and Japan are very important in the East Asia, and also are the models of the development of democracy in the area. They have similar political and economic developing situation, so they are usually compared to each other by the academic community. Besides the similar economic development pattern, in the political side, both of the two countries began to evoluting from “predominant-party system”. Above all, the two countries reformed the electoral system of congress in 1994 and in 2005. They also adopted the “MMM” instead of the “SNTV-MMD” coincidentally. Changes of the electoral system in any country will impact on party system even political arrangement in a considerable degree. Therefore, I’ll focus on the new system of this election from the different sides of theory, institution, and reality in this research. According to the reformation of the electoral system of Japan and the practical experiences, doing a preliminary study of how the impact of the new electoral system on Taiwan’s party system.

A democracia Cabo-verdiana e os pequenos partidos políticos / Cape Verde democracy and small political parties

Rodrigues, Anildo Lopes 24 February 2015 (has links)
A presente dissertação busca entender as razões do insucesso dos pequenos partidos políticos em Cabo Verde e o seu fraco desempenho eleitoral ao longo da história política cabo verdiana. O modelo do financiamento público tem sido apontado como a causa principal deste resultado. Questionamos essa explicação, buscando mostrar que a razão que está por trás do insucesso dos pequenos partidos não se deve unicamente à dificuldade de acesso ao financiamento público, mas também a outras variáveis, nem todas elas institucionais. Através da análise dos dados do Afrobarómetro é possível inferir que os pequenos partidos não têm apoio da população. As pessoas não transferem as suas preferências numa terceira força partidária, favorecendo assim os dois grandes partidos, fomentando ainda mais o bipartidarismo. / This work seeks to understand the reasons for the failure of small political parties in Cape Verde and its weak electoral performance throughout the political history Cape Verdean . Public funding model has been suggested as the main cause of this result. We question this explanation, seeking to show that the reason behind the failure of small parties is not due solely to the difficulty of access to public funding, but also to other variables, not all of them institutional. By analyzing the Afrobarometer data we can infer that the small parties have no popular support. People do not transfer their preferences in a third party force, favoring the two major parties, encouraging even more bipartisanship.

Elektronické volby v podmínkách VŠE Praha a ČR / Electronic voting at the University of Economics, Prague and in the Czech Republic

Kaltoun, Jan January 2010 (has links)
The focus of this paper is research of electronic voting topics applied to conditions of University of Economics, Prague and the Czech Republic. It therefore consists of not only theoretical research but also of applied work. First goal of this paper was to provide information base both about (especially electronic) voting and significant electronic voting projects realized throughout the world. Consequent second goal was analysis and design of electronic voting solution for chosen elections type at the University of Economics, Prague and proposal of possible process changes in chosen type of elections in the Czech republic should electronic voting be implemented. In it's first part the paper gathers, summarizes and presents information about (especially electronic) voting and chosen electronic voting implementations. The second part then describes chosen types of elections at the University of Economics, Prague and in the Czech Republic and analyzes their processes. In former case the analysis is followed by proposition and evaluation of possible electronic voting implementation variants of chosen elections type and detailed elaboration of the most suitable one. In latter case the paper goes on to describe possible process changes that could arise should electronic voting be implemented for chosen elections type in the Czech Republic. Author's contribution lies in fulfilling the goals of this thesis and performing the necessary activities leading to them. Following the (electronic) voting research the author has provides the reader with information base needed to quickly orientate tehmselves in the field of electronic voting. The author then leverages this information to research and process-analyze chosen types of elections at the University of Economics, Prague and in the Czech Republic, propose changes in mapped processes needed for eventual electronic voting implementation, present alternatives of electronic voting implementation of chosen elections type at the University of Economics, Prague and elaborate on the chosen most suitable one.

選舉制度與競選策略的研究-一個空間理論的分析 / Electoral Systems and Campaign Strategies - A Spatial Analysis

許超俊, Sheu, Chau Jiunn Unknown Date (has links)
本文主旨在以空間理論的方法,探討選舉制度與競選策略的關係。即是以形式化的演繹方法,討論候選人或政黨在不同的選舉制度下,各種策略的選擇會導致何種結果,從而推論出候選人或政黨所應採行的最適策略。全文共有五章,分別略述如下:   第一章導論,第一節介紹研究的動機與目的,第二節介紹研究的範圍與方法。   第二章則是選舉制度,競選策略與空間理論基本模型的說明。   第三章討論單一選區制下候選人的競選策略,包括多數決的二人爭一席模式,相對多數決的多人爭一席模式,與絕對多數決二段投票制。   第四章討論非單一選區制下的政黨競選策略,包括頓特最高平均數法名單比例代表制,單記可讓渡投票制,與單記非讓渡投票制。   第五章結論,第一節總節主要的研究結果,第二節則提出研究的限制與對未來研究的建議。

台灣政黨體系的變遷:1986-2008 / The changing process of Taiwan's party system:1986-2008

莊天憐, Chuang, Tien Lien Unknown Date (has links)
本文討論焦點在於台灣政黨體系的變遷過程,影響台灣政黨體系變遷的因素,以及台灣政黨體系未來的可能走向。分別使用社會分歧理論、政治菁英理論以及制度論來解釋台灣政黨體系的變遷過程,並由各政黨在選舉結果的消長與選民政黨認同的變化兩個指標來觀察我國政黨體系的變遷。試圖建構一個通用的模式來解釋我國政黨體系發展的過程,以預期台灣政黨體系發展的未來走向。 經過全面觀察各政黨選舉結果的消長,以及選民政黨認同的變動情形之後,本文發現台灣政黨體系的變遷,主要發生在四個重要的時間點,第一個時間點是1986年民進黨的成立,第二個時間點是1993年新黨的成立,第三個時間點是2000年親民黨的成立與2001年台聯的成立,第四個時間點則是立委選制改變後的2008年立委選舉。 在變動的因素方面,雖然每一個變遷的時間點都有新政黨的出現,但是民進黨的出現是整個憲政環境由威權時期轉成民主化的結果,而新黨、親民黨與台聯則都是政治菁英之間的分裂。2008年主要是選舉制度的影響,不但新成立的政黨無法生存,連原有的小黨也都消失無蹤。 在穩定不變的因素方面,在台灣的政黨體系整個變遷的過程裡面,藍綠的區分一直都存在著。在藍綠對抗的主軸之下,台灣的政黨體系受到省籍、統獨立場以及國家認同等因素混合在內的分歧結構的長期影響,泛綠基本上掌握三成左右的基本盤,泛藍則是有四成出頭的支持度,中間還有二成多搖擺不定的部分,這個部分就是藍綠角逐的關鍵所在。這個藍綠對抗中第一個最重要的因素就是混雜了統獨立場、國家認同與省籍在內的社會與議題分歧,其次是政治菁英在歷次選舉過程中不斷地去操作這個分歧結構,藉此找到新政黨在意識型態光譜上的定位點,再加上SNTV選制容許小黨有生存空間,因此台灣的政黨體系隨之產生變遷。最後到了2008年,選舉制度的變革發揮了決定性的影響,使得我國的政黨體系確立為兩黨制。 在未來的發展趨勢上,研究發現,無論就政黨得票率、政黨支持度以及選舉制度的層面來看,國民黨似乎已經逐漸取回過半的優勢,民進黨則回到四成左右的基本盤。在沒有新議題或是新的政治社會分歧足以重新切割現有政黨體系之下,在目前雙首長制的憲政架構以及單一選區兩票制的國會選舉制度之下,我們預期政治菁英們的互動將朝向由國民黨代表泛藍勢力,民進黨代表泛綠勢力的兩黨政治體系逐步鞏固的方向前進。 / The main theme of this thesis focuses on the changing process of Taiwan’s party system, the factors which effecting the changing process of Taiwan’s party system, and the trend of Taiwan’s party system in the future. The author use social cleavage theory、political elite theory and institutional theory to explain the changing process of Taiwan’s party system. The author also uses two indexes including the vote-share of each party in every election, and the changing of voter’s party identification to observe the changing of Taiwan’s party system. This thesis tries to build a general model to explain the developing process of Taiwan’s party system and predict the future trend of Taiwan’s party system. After observing the election outcomes of each party and the changing of voter’s party identification, this thesis points out four important time points of Taiwan’s party system changing. The first time point is the presence of DPP in 1986, the second time point is the presence of NP in 1993, the third time point is the presence of PFP in 2000 and the presence of TSU in 2001, the fourth time point is the changing of electoral rule of legislative election in 2008. About the changing factor, in spite of the new party presence in each changing time point, the presence of DPP is due to the constitutional environment which the authoritarian regime transferred into democracy. The presence of NP、PFP and TSU are the outcome of the separation of political elites. The changing of party system in 2008 is mainly effected by electoral system, not only the new parties can’t survive, but the existing small parties also disappear. About the stable factor, during the changing process of Taiwan’s party system, there’s always a clearly distinction between “blue” and ”green”. Underneath the main stream of the confrontation between “blue” and “green”, Taiwan’s party system has long been effected by the cleavage structure which mixed with ethnic origin、unification or independent with china and national identity. The pan-green group basically maintains about 30% of vote share, the pan-blue group has more than 40% of vote share, the remaining 20% more of vote share is the key point for the struggle of pan-green and pan-blue forces. The most important factor in this confrontation process is the social and issue cleavage mixed with ethnic origin、unification or independent with china and national identity. Meanwhile the political elites are consequently manipulating the cleavage structure in every election process, in order to find some spaces in the ideological spectrum to form new parties. In addition to the SNTV electoral system allows small parties to appear and survive. That’s the reason why Taiwan’s party system changes over time. But in 2008, the changing of electoral system has the decisive influence and turn Taiwan’s party system into the two-party system. In the trend of future development, the research shows that, no matter in party’s vote share、party support rate or electoral system, KMT seems gradually having a leading advantage to get more than 50% of vote share. DPP has about 40% of vote share. If no more new issue or political-social cleavages to cut the existing party system, in the two-head executive constitutional structure and MMM electoral system, the interactions of political elites will tend to a consolidation of the two-party system which including a pan-blue force presented by KMT, and a pan-green force presented by DPP.

Česká pirátská strana v lokální politice

PEKAŘ, Martin January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the Czech Pirate Party participation on the Czech political scene. It focuses on the formation of the party and its programme, achievements in the past elections and the preparations for the upcoming elections. It analyses the 2014 municipal council election, which happened to be the most successful election for the Czech Pirate Party in terms of elected representatives. It defines the municipal authorities in accordance with the relevant law. It focuses on the principle of the local election, its system, electoral method and the rules for the candidate parties. It introduces local coalition typology and also analyses the type of coalition in selected municipalities. It introduces the Czech Pirate Party 2014 municipal council election programme and party's candidate lists in selected municipalities. It analyses thoroughly the fulfilment of their campaign promises and the methods used for the realization of the Pirate politics. It compares Czech Pirate Party's coalition and opposition behaviour.

A democracia Cabo-verdiana e os pequenos partidos políticos / Cape Verde democracy and small political parties

Anildo Lopes Rodrigues 24 February 2015 (has links)
A presente dissertação busca entender as razões do insucesso dos pequenos partidos políticos em Cabo Verde e o seu fraco desempenho eleitoral ao longo da história política cabo verdiana. O modelo do financiamento público tem sido apontado como a causa principal deste resultado. Questionamos essa explicação, buscando mostrar que a razão que está por trás do insucesso dos pequenos partidos não se deve unicamente à dificuldade de acesso ao financiamento público, mas também a outras variáveis, nem todas elas institucionais. Através da análise dos dados do Afrobarómetro é possível inferir que os pequenos partidos não têm apoio da população. As pessoas não transferem as suas preferências numa terceira força partidária, favorecendo assim os dois grandes partidos, fomentando ainda mais o bipartidarismo. / This work seeks to understand the reasons for the failure of small political parties in Cape Verde and its weak electoral performance throughout the political history Cape Verdean . Public funding model has been suggested as the main cause of this result. We question this explanation, seeking to show that the reason behind the failure of small parties is not due solely to the difficulty of access to public funding, but also to other variables, not all of them institutional. By analyzing the Afrobarometer data we can infer that the small parties have no popular support. People do not transfer their preferences in a third party force, favoring the two major parties, encouraging even more bipartisanship.

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