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臺灣地區解嚴後政黨體系發展之研究吳煬和, WU, YANG-HE Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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英國國會選舉制度與政黨體系之研究陳惠珍, CHEN, HUI-ZHEN Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論。闡逑本文寫作動機、方法與範圍。
第二章 民主、政黨與選舉。計分二節。從歷來民主理論,肯定政黨與選舉為實現民
主某些價值的 級制度,並論兩者間糾結關係。
第三章 英國選舉法與政黨競選適應。計分三節。從英國選舉法特色探討政黨適應方
第四章 單一選區複數決制與政黨多寡。計分三節。探討選舉方式與政黨數目及政治
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台灣政黨體系的變遷:1986-2008 / The changing process of Taiwan's party system:1986-2008莊天憐, Chuang, Tien Lien Unknown Date (has links)
在未來的發展趨勢上,研究發現,無論就政黨得票率、政黨支持度以及選舉制度的層面來看,國民黨似乎已經逐漸取回過半的優勢,民進黨則回到四成左右的基本盤。在沒有新議題或是新的政治社會分歧足以重新切割現有政黨體系之下,在目前雙首長制的憲政架構以及單一選區兩票制的國會選舉制度之下,我們預期政治菁英們的互動將朝向由國民黨代表泛藍勢力,民進黨代表泛綠勢力的兩黨政治體系逐步鞏固的方向前進。 / The main theme of this thesis focuses on the changing process of Taiwan’s party system, the factors which effecting the changing process of Taiwan’s party system, and the trend of Taiwan’s party system in the future. The author use social cleavage theory、political elite theory and institutional theory to explain the changing process of Taiwan’s party system. The author also uses two indexes including the vote-share of each party in every election, and the changing of voter’s party identification to observe the changing of Taiwan’s party system. This thesis tries to build a general model to explain the developing process of Taiwan’s party system and predict the future trend of Taiwan’s party system.
After observing the election outcomes of each party and the changing of voter’s party identification, this thesis points out four important time points of Taiwan’s party system changing. The first time point is the presence of DPP in 1986, the second time point is the presence of NP in 1993, the third time point is the presence of PFP in 2000 and the presence of TSU in 2001, the fourth time point is the changing of electoral rule of legislative election in 2008.
About the changing factor, in spite of the new party presence in each changing time point, the presence of DPP is due to the constitutional environment which the authoritarian regime transferred into democracy. The presence of NP、PFP and TSU are the outcome of the separation of political elites. The changing of party system in 2008 is mainly effected by electoral system, not only the new parties can’t survive, but the existing small parties also disappear.
About the stable factor, during the changing process of Taiwan’s party system, there’s always a clearly distinction between “blue” and ”green”. Underneath the main stream of the confrontation between “blue” and “green”, Taiwan’s party system has long been effected by the cleavage structure which mixed with ethnic origin、unification or independent with china and national identity. The pan-green group basically maintains about 30% of vote share, the pan-blue group has more than 40% of vote share, the remaining 20% more of vote share is the key point for the struggle of pan-green and pan-blue forces. The most important factor in this confrontation process is the social and issue cleavage mixed with ethnic origin、unification or independent with china and national identity. Meanwhile the political elites are consequently manipulating the cleavage structure in every election process, in order to find some spaces in the ideological spectrum to form new parties. In addition to the SNTV electoral system allows small parties to appear and survive. That’s the reason why Taiwan’s party system changes over time. But in 2008, the changing of electoral system has the decisive influence and turn Taiwan’s party system into the two-party system.
In the trend of future development, the research shows that, no matter in party’s vote share、party support rate or electoral system, KMT seems gradually having a leading advantage to get more than 50% of vote share. DPP has about 40% of vote share. If no more new issue or political-social cleavages to cut the existing party system, in the two-head executive constitutional structure and MMM electoral system, the interactions of political elites will tend to a consolidation of the two-party system which including a pan-blue force presented by KMT, and a pan-green force presented by DPP.
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政黨體系與民主鞏固:台灣與南韓的比較分析 / Party System and Democratic Consolidation: Comparative Analysis of Taiwan and South Korea楊以彬, Yang, I Pin Unknown Date (has links)
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印尼民主轉型下的戈爾卡黨何景榮 Unknown Date (has links)
蘇哈托(Soeharto)執政時期的印尼執政黨—戈爾卡(Golongan Karya;GOLKAR)為蘇哈托在一九六四年,合併了一百多個民間組織之後所產生的,其主要成員為公務員、國營企業員工、技術官僚、軍方將領與政府部會首長。藉由政治上的恩侍主義,加上政治資源、資訊與資金上的壟斷,戈爾卡總能在歷次大選中順利勝出。
然而蘇哈托所領導的威權政體,於一九九八年五月以垮台收場;一年半之後,印尼舉行了四十多年以來首次公平且自由的民主選舉。原本執政的戈爾卡黨在面臨這種巨變之後,有什麼樣的因應措施?是否能以反對黨的身分,重新適應民主時代的角色?對此,本文從戈爾卡的創立,「新秩序」(Orde Baru)政權時期的戈爾卡運作,一直到蘇哈托垮台、戈爾卡開始以民主政黨的身分參與政治活動的過程,進行了一連串討論,並且希望從歷史的脈絡當中,驗證印尼戈爾卡黨在新秩序時代,乃是印尼執政菁英手中的選舉機器,負責替蘇哈托塑造出統治上的正當性。而戈爾卡本身並不強的威權屬性,一旦到了印尼步入民主化的過程時,反而有助於該黨在民主時代當中的生存與轉型。
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印度政黨體系發展過程之研究曾國祥, ZENG, GUO-XIANG Unknown Date (has links)
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政黨體系重組與憲政體制發展-台灣個案研究(1986-2008) / Party System Realignment and Constitutional Development-Taiwan Case Study(1986-2008)何振盛, Ho, Jengsheng(Thomas) Unknown Date (has links)
本文首先批判國內學界在解釋台灣政黨體系變遷時,不假思索地沿襲美國政黨重組的理論,實際在方法論上犯下「生態謬誤」的明顯誤植。為了改正理論誤植的現象並滿足上述的研究目的,本文除了引進學者Morgan Pederson的「選舉浮動性」(electoral volatility)的計算公式,重新檢視台灣歷年的選舉資料,並以德爾菲法(Delphi Method)與深度訪談法所獲取的第一手資料來支持論文的觀點。本文研究發現指出,台灣在解嚴之後並沒有發生美國學界定義下的「政黨重組」,原因在於「政黨重組」與選民「政黨認同」的轉移有關,而台灣除民進黨選民的政黨認同較穩定外,其它政黨選民之認同穩定性均不高,從選舉浮動性的數值越來越大,可以看出台灣選民在任兩次選舉之間改變對不同政黨的投票支持非常頻繁,而其中以泛藍選民的情況最為明顯。因此,既然尚未形成長期穩定的政黨認同,也就無所謂政黨認同的「轉移」可言。本文並以「自主性」與「系統化」兩項指標檢視台灣政黨與政黨體系制度化的程度,研究發現台灣主要政黨呈現「個人化」的低度制度化現象以及政黨結盟的高度不確定性,間接得以論證台灣尚未形成「政黨重組」的現象。
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民主之進程:台灣與墨西哥發展經驗之比較研究蔡東杰 Unknown Date (has links)
在本篇論文中,我們希望藉由對民主概念的整理,利用「國際政治經濟學」的觀察視野,並透過「現代化理論」與「新制度主義」研究途徑間的互相補充,針對台灣與墨西哥這兩個國家的長遠歷史進行綜合與深入的剖析;一方面設法獲致其政治發展的真實面貌,同時也期盼對區域研究以及民主化理論做出一定的貢獻。 / In the 1980s, after the coming of a strong current of democratization called "the Third Wave", scholars who study about the Third World began to transfer their main focus from the economic level to the process of political development and the interactions of economic liberalization and political democratization. Especially to some counties in Eastern Asia and Latin America ( such as Taiwan and Mexico ), their achievements of reform have become more and more eye-catching.
In spite of the different backgrounds of historical development, social structure and geographical position, Taiwan and Mexico have owned many points of similarity, for example, the party system, political norms, developing approach, process of democratization, and so on. Except for providing the analogy between above two countries, such similarities also constitute the foundation of my comparative studies.
In this dissertation, I tried to view the matter of democratization with the approach of international political economy and neo-institutionalism. On one side, I will analyze the long history of Taiwan and Mexico deeply; and on the other hand, I hope simultaneously to make a contribution to the area study and democratization theory.
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塔信政權與泰國政治變遷 / Thaksin's regime and political change in Thailand張靜尹, Chang, Chin Yin Unknown Date (has links)
本文擬探討塔信政權與泰國政治變遷的關係,從兩方面來分析泰國政黨政治體系的改變,一是從制度面討論1997年憲法的選舉制度對泰國政黨政治的衝擊與影響。二是從憲法的實踐和非制度化因素,分析塔信政權之興起與終結,來觀察泰國政治變遷的過程與意義。塔信政權是在1997年憲法下所運作的產物,最後卻被長達15年不見的軍事政變所終結。本文深入剖析塔信政權執政過程,探討為何會發生軍事政變的原因,以及分析這(場政變)對泰國民主產生什麼樣的意義與影響。 / This study examines the relationship between Thaksin's regime and political change in Thailand. It analyzes the change of the Thai party system from two respects. First, it discusses the impact which the new electoral system of the 1997constitution had on the Thai party politics. Second, it analyzes the rise and the fall of Thaksin’s regime from the constitution practice and the non-institutional factors in order to observe the process and the implication of political change in Thailand. Thaksin’s regime is the result of 1997 constitution. However, it was ended by a military coup which had not happened for 15 years. We discuss deeply the history of Thaksin’s regime, why the military coup took place to close this regime, and the influence of this military coup on Thai democracy.
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混合制國會選舉制度對台灣政黨體系影響之初探:兼論日本之經驗 / A preliminary study on the impact of the mixed Electoral System on Taiwan's Party System and A Discussion of Japan's Experience.呂璨戎, Lu, Tsan Jung Unknown Date (has links)
任一國家選舉制度之變革,往往都會對其政黨體系、甚至政治運作造成相當程度之影響。因此本研究將針對此次選舉所採取的新選制,從理論、制度及實際各層面,參照日本選制改革與施行之經驗,進行新選制對我國政黨體系影響之初探。 / The overall election of legislator in our country has been reelected regularly since 1992, and it has been adopting primarily the “Single Non-Transferable Vote with Multimember-District system” (SNTV-MMD), a special electoral system. Until the seventh amending of the Constitution transformed into the “Mixed-Member Majoritarian” (MMM) in 2005, which has implemented in the seventh session of legislators’ election for the first time in January 12, 2008.
Owing to both of the positions of Taiwan and Japan are very important in the East Asia, and also are the models of the development of democracy in the area. They have similar political and economic developing situation, so they are usually compared to each other by the academic community. Besides the similar economic development pattern, in the political side, both of the two countries began to evoluting from “predominant-party system”. Above all, the two countries reformed the electoral system of congress in 1994 and in 2005. They also adopted the “MMM” instead of the “SNTV-MMD” coincidentally.
Changes of the electoral system in any country will impact on party system even political arrangement in a considerable degree. Therefore, I’ll focus on the new system of this election from the different sides of theory, institution, and reality in this research. According to the reformation of the electoral system of Japan and the practical experiences, doing a preliminary study of how the impact of the new electoral system on Taiwan’s party system.
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