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印尼民主轉型下的戈爾卡黨何景榮 Unknown Date (has links)
蘇哈托(Soeharto)執政時期的印尼執政黨—戈爾卡(Golongan Karya;GOLKAR)為蘇哈托在一九六四年,合併了一百多個民間組織之後所產生的,其主要成員為公務員、國營企業員工、技術官僚、軍方將領與政府部會首長。藉由政治上的恩侍主義,加上政治資源、資訊與資金上的壟斷,戈爾卡總能在歷次大選中順利勝出。
然而蘇哈托所領導的威權政體,於一九九八年五月以垮台收場;一年半之後,印尼舉行了四十多年以來首次公平且自由的民主選舉。原本執政的戈爾卡黨在面臨這種巨變之後,有什麼樣的因應措施?是否能以反對黨的身分,重新適應民主時代的角色?對此,本文從戈爾卡的創立,「新秩序」(Orde Baru)政權時期的戈爾卡運作,一直到蘇哈托垮台、戈爾卡開始以民主政黨的身分參與政治活動的過程,進行了一連串討論,並且希望從歷史的脈絡當中,驗證印尼戈爾卡黨在新秩序時代,乃是印尼執政菁英手中的選舉機器,負責替蘇哈托塑造出統治上的正當性。而戈爾卡本身並不強的威權屬性,一旦到了印尼步入民主化的過程時,反而有助於該黨在民主時代當中的生存與轉型。
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團結工聯與波蘭民主化之研究 / A Study of Solidarity and Democratization in Poland林倩宇 Unknown Date (has links)
波蘭反對運動之所以興起,主要是受到波蘭歷史、政治、經濟和社會因素之影響,反對力量不斷從錯誤中學習,進而化整為零匯合形成團結工聯。團結工聯成立後受到戒嚴之影響,試圖透過結構重建,對抗波共之壓迫,以集體抵抗政權之模式存活下來。圓桌會議是波蘭民主化的轉捩點,波共政權與團結工聯雙方終達成共識,共同尋求和平之解決方案,透過協商而非對抗達成約定轉型。透過圓桌會議協議之一系列民主選舉,團結工聯以壓倒性勝利擊敗波共和其傀儡政黨,組成東歐第一個非共政府,之後更贏得總統選舉順利執政,迫使非民主政權垮台,促成波蘭之約定轉型。綜上所述,團結工聯透過各種行動形塑波蘭政治,與波蘭民主化發展各階段息息相關,在波蘭民主化過程中確實具有舉足輕重之地位 / Solidarity, the result nurtured by series of opposition movements in decades, is the first independent trade union in Poland. It not only shook Polish society, but also promoted democratic transition in Poland. This study regards Poland as an iconic case of democratic transition in Eastern Europe. The main approach is based on dynamic model of democratic transition, combing structure approach and actor-oriented approach to explain Polish democratic transition pathways and analyze how citizen protests influenced government decisions. To support the theory, I will follow the historical context of Solidarity through its rise to power, corresponding to each stage of democratization development in Poland, and further discuss the significant events, as roundtable talk and free elections.
The rise of the opposition movements in Poland is greatly influenced by historical, political, economic and social factors. The oppositional trends, who learnt from past mistakes, later converged to form Solidarity. Shortly after establishment, Solidarity attempted to survive under the imposition of martial law by reconstructing into the form of exercising collective resistance against the authority. In Poland’s democratization, Roundtable talk is a turning point, where Communist Government and Solidarity reached a consensus, agreeing on achieving pacted transition through negotiation rather than confrontation. Solidarity beat communist government and pro-communist parties with overwhelming votes of a series of democratic elections. Solidarity formed the first non-communist government in Eastern Europe, won the presidential election and induced the collapse of the non-democratic regime. To sum up, Solidarity indeed shapes Polish politics through various actions and has a pivotal position in the process of democratization in Poland.
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轉型、鞏固與深化 ── 台灣民主化的分析張孝評, Chang,Hsiao-Ping Unknown Date (has links)
當代世界面臨最深遠、也最鼓舞人心的影響之一便是民主化浪潮;探究民主化問題亦是政治學中的一個熱門研究領域。根據美國紐約「自由之家」( Freedom House )的統計調查( 2002 ~ 2003年 ),全球「選舉的民主」( electoral democracy )國家總共有121個,「自由的民主」(liberal democracy )國家計有89個。這樣的數字相較於2000 ~ 2001年與2001 ~2002年的統計──「選舉的民主」120、121個、「自由的民主」85、86個,我們發現:雖然「選舉的民主」國家幾乎維持不變,「自由的民主」國家略幅提升,但是「第三波」民主化的潮流似乎已經接近尾聲。由此可知,新興民主國家當前最重要的課題乃是如何鞏固、深化並提升民主的品質。
二十世紀末最後十年乃是台灣蛻變成長的時代,從國會全面改選到總統直接民選,不但奠定民主政治的形式,更發動了民主轉型肇始的列車。二十一世紀來臨的前夕,台灣首次完成政黨輪替的政權和平移轉,不但樹立民主轉型的典範,更締造了民主政權變遷的新頁。為了保證台灣民主化成果能夠順利地運作生存,尚須徹底通過「雙翻轉測驗」( two- turnover test )的試鍊,並推展更重要的民主鞏固與深化,以期待開創出更高品質與先進的民主內涵。
故本論文旨在以台灣民主化個案經驗為基礎,透過民主化理論、民主轉型模式、民主鞏固概念的檢視、適用與反思,做一個深度的分析與探討,以期對於台灣民主鞏固相關的研究和未來民主深化的發展能有所助益與啟發。 / One of the most far-reaching and inspiring influences in today's world is the wave of Democratization. Exploring Democratization and solving the problems often resulting from it are also popular issues in academia. According to the statistics of Freedom House: the number of “electoral democracy” nations is 121; “liberal democracy ”nations is 89, compared to the previous data, nevertheless, the number of “electoral democracy ”nations did not change; the number of “liberal democracy” nations is increasing slightly. In short, the “ The Third Wave ” is coming to an end, and the most important challenge ahead is consolidating the achievements of Democratization.
The last 10 years of the 20th century have been an age of growth and transformation in Taiwanese politics. Regular Parliamentary elections and the direct election of the President have each been accomplished, thereby laying the basis of Democratic Politics, while also initiating a series of important Democratic Transitions. At the beginning of the 21st century, therefore, Taiwan's accomplishment of the first peaceful ruling power rotation has not only given momentum to the process of Democratic Transition but also heralds a new era in Taiwanese political power. Now, provided that Taiwan can pass the two-turnover test thoroughly, while also developing and deepening its Democratic Consolidation, the results achieved by Taiwan’s Democratic Transition will be ensured.
The main purpose of this article is to analyze and explore Taiwan’s Democratization closely based on the case-study of Taiwan’s democratization and utilizing those theories concerning Democratization, models of democratic transition and reviewing, applying and reflecting concepts of democratic consolidation in the hope of making contributions to the further relevant studies of Taiwan's Democratic Consolidation and future Deepening Democracy.
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政府大陸政策之主導因素分析:「國家中心」與「社會中心」的論證研究 / Analysis of the leading factors of government's Mainland policies -- research on "state-centered" and "society-centered"洪儷珊, Horng, Li an Unknown Date (has links)
兩岸關係迥異於世上其他分裂國家,自成一特殊格局,學界對兩岸關係及政府大陸政策之研究亦相當的多,本文的研究目的主要在探尋政府大陸政策之主導因素,是否隨著台灣的民主化進程及政黨輪替,而由「國家中心」轉為「社會中心」,亦即大陸政策反映何者的偏好與利益。依據本文的研究結果發現,民主進程初期的大陸政策,不論是高政治性議題或低政治性議題,其主導因素均屬「國家中心」;至民主進程後期,高政治性議題大陸政策之主導因素兼具「國家中心」與「社會中心」,而低政治性議題大陸政策之主導因素則屬「社會中心」。由此觀之,民主轉型改變了國家與社會的互動關係,也因為民主化的發展,致使國家逐漸開放與社會階層溝通,社會因素因此獲得參與政策決策過程的管道,使社會利益更易於轉化成國家政策。顯然,我政府大陸政策已非全由國家所主導,亦包含社會因素的介入。 / The cross-Strait relations is completely different from those of other divided nations, numerous researches have been made focusing on the cross-Strait relations and Taiwan’s Mainland policies. According, the main object of this research is to explore if the leading factors of the Mainland polices should be transferred from “state-centered” to “society-centered” under the process of democratization and turnover of the political party, that is the Mainland policies reflect whose preference and interest afterall. According to the research results, we can find that in the initiate stage of democratic progress, no matter for Mainland policies of high politics or low politics, the leading factors are “state-centered”. However, in the later stage of democratic progress, the leading factors for the Mainland policies of high politics are both “state-centered” and “society-centered”, and the leading factors for the Mainland policies of low politics are “society-centered”. Therefore, it can be seen that democracy transformation has changed the interaction of state and society, and because of the development of democratization, the state gradually open up to communicate with social classes, so the social factors obtained the channels to participate in the process of policy-making. That is to say the social interests are easier to transfer to the national policies. Obviously, not all the Mainland polices are dominated by state; they also include social factors.
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民主轉型過程中政策參與者互動關係之研究 / A Research for Policy Actors Interactional Relation in a Process of the Transition to Demacracy.李玉崑, Li, Yu Kun Unknown Date (has links)
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俄羅斯與台灣轉型正義之比較研究 / A Comparative Study on the Transitional Justice of Russia and Taiwan江子揚, Chiang, Tzu Yang Unknown Date (has links)
檢視20 世紀下半葉,諸多威權政體相繼歷經民主轉型過程,對前朝政權系統
實踐作為層面則受到國家認同與族群分立等情境所制約。 / The purpose of this study is to analyze the creation and development of
"transitional justice" behavior patterns through new institutionalism approach,
and to compare the similar and different features that “transitional justice”
practiced in Russia and Taiwan through comparative politics approach.
Recalling the second half of the 20th century, many authoritarian regimes
have been through the process of democratic transition, the regime of former
victims of systematic human rights of battle sins of the perpetrators and how to
dispose of those battered, often for this and other challenges in transition
countries; "transitional justice "that refers to the new democracies of the
challenges faced by the various measures taken. The relevant authority of the
past sins of the response, now, internationally, the nations that begun the
transitional justice mechanism, great majority, through the prosecution channel,
the amnesia channel and the truth commissions channel to proceed.
This author argues in this study that, after democratic transition, the
factor of transitional justice in Russia is to deepen and maintain the democratic
system, guarding against the possible of authoritarian of restoration, and to
choose the ”disremembering” channel. The practice is restricted by collective
amnesia and indifferent of politics; the factor of transitional justice in Taiwan is
to deepen and maintain the democratic system, guarding against the possible of
authoritarian of restoration, and to choose a channel similar to the "truth
commissions ". The practice is restricted by some situations like national
identity and ethnic division.
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補助金制度下的台灣派系政治穩定與變遷--新制度理論分析觀點吳怡銘, Wu, I-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
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從民主轉型到民主鞏固:蒙古與台灣之比較分析 / Democratic Transition and Consolidation: Mongolia and Taiwan額爾登巴雅爾, Erdenebayar Munkhuu Unknown Date (has links)
綜言之,本研究所論有關政治菁英的互動與公民社會回顧如何影響選舉制度與憲政制度的設計,由於蒙古和台灣的經驗來看,大抵可了解政治菁英的改革動機與社會運動的壓力,是特定選舉制度與憲政制度被建立的重要關鍵。 / In this dissertation, the theory of transition and mass mobilization trying to explore different factors between Mongolia and Taiwan in the period of democratic transition and its impact on the electoral system and constitutional system. The electoral system will be further divided into presidential and parliamentary, to understand the interaction of political elites, the social movements, and their influence on the electoral and constitutional systems. Then, this dissertation will focus on the factors of democratic consolidation, affecting Mongolia and Taiwan to develop into a different constitutional system, the political elite reform motivation and how the political context promoted the premier-presidentialism in Mongolia, and how Taiwan acquired the president-parliamentarism. Moreover, to understand whether social movements played a certain degree of influence on the political elites, or whether they enhanced or hindered the constitutional reform is also one of the priorities of this investigation research.
The dissertation also pointed out the ruling elite under the pressure of democratic reform, when they began negotiations with the opposition movement elites, they had greater discretion. The interaction among the political elite was an important force to promote political reform, and the following Mongolia public protest social movement created the conditions to reach consensus among these elites, which led to constitutional reforms or the reform of electoral systems. On the constitutional system, in addition to the existing constitutional legacy of the political culture, the different preferences among the political elites, but also affect the development of the two countries constitutional system. In Mongolia, institutional legacy made constitutional system tend to presidentialism, however most of the political elites prefer a more decentralized parliamentary system, in political consultations finally led to the implementation of semi-presidentialism. In Taiwan, the interaction with the conservative and the reformist political elite contributed to the impact of semi-presidentialism, however, there are indirect effects on the relevance of social movements either.
The period of democratic consolidation in Taiwan and Mongolia was dominated by the political elites on constitutional system, the interaction among the political elites mainly affected the establishment of the constitutional system. The DPP won the presidency and the KMT the parliamentary majority, and the interaction of these political elites tend to shape Taiwan’s president-parliamentarism. In Mongolia, the Democratic Party political elite, with parliamentary majority, and the opposition MPRP political elite interaction evolved to premier-presidentialism. Although civil society had no direct impact on the constitutional system establishment, however, the development of civil society in Taiwan and Mongolia played an important role to consolidate the nascent democratic institutions.
In conclusion, from Mongolian and Taiwan experience, we can understand that the motivation for the reforms of the political elite and the social movement pressure are the key for a particular electoral and constitutional system to be established.
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