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政黨體系重組與憲政體制發展-台灣個案研究(1986-2008) / Party System Realignment and Constitutional Development-Taiwan Case Study(1986-2008)何振盛, Ho, Jengsheng(Thomas) Unknown Date (has links)
本文首先批判國內學界在解釋台灣政黨體系變遷時,不假思索地沿襲美國政黨重組的理論,實際在方法論上犯下「生態謬誤」的明顯誤植。為了改正理論誤植的現象並滿足上述的研究目的,本文除了引進學者Morgan Pederson的「選舉浮動性」(electoral volatility)的計算公式,重新檢視台灣歷年的選舉資料,並以德爾菲法(Delphi Method)與深度訪談法所獲取的第一手資料來支持論文的觀點。本文研究發現指出,台灣在解嚴之後並沒有發生美國學界定義下的「政黨重組」,原因在於「政黨重組」與選民「政黨認同」的轉移有關,而台灣除民進黨選民的政黨認同較穩定外,其它政黨選民之認同穩定性均不高,從選舉浮動性的數值越來越大,可以看出台灣選民在任兩次選舉之間改變對不同政黨的投票支持非常頻繁,而其中以泛藍選民的情況最為明顯。因此,既然尚未形成長期穩定的政黨認同,也就無所謂政黨認同的「轉移」可言。本文並以「自主性」與「系統化」兩項指標檢視台灣政黨與政黨體系制度化的程度,研究發現台灣主要政黨呈現「個人化」的低度制度化現象以及政黨結盟的高度不確定性,間接得以論證台灣尚未形成「政黨重組」的現象。
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聯合內閣理論:內閣制下的多黨競爭 / Cabinet coalition theory陳坤森 Unknown Date (has links)
在方法論上,本論文擷取新制度主義(neo-institutionalism)的研究取徑。在總體制度層面上,主要是採取「法制的和比較的研究途徑」(legalistic- institutional and comparative approach)。本文探究聯合內閣形成之前的制度安排,包括憲政體制和選舉制度之安排,前者界定行政部門和立法部門的互動關係,而後者為政黨競爭的遊戲規則設下法制規範,兩者都間接地影響一個國家政局的穩定性;另外,社會結構的制度因素,尤其是階級、種族、語言、宗教和地域等分歧面向所形成的團體對立,各以政黨為其利益的代言人,進而影響聯合內閣的形成。所以,在從事聯合內閣的比較研究時,實有必要對各國的政府結構、社會結構和選舉制度先行瞭解,以掌握靜態法制面的成因。
本論文還進行動態的統計數據,針對「有效政黨數目」與其他變項(如「不成比例性」、「議題面向數目」、「內閣存活率」、「內閣型態發生率」等)進行統計的迴歸分析,以找出兩種變項之間的相關性。另外,本文在針對特定主題時(例如選舉制度改革前後的變化時),採取「小數量比較法」(small-N comparison)的研究策略,例如第五章第四節就是專門以紐西蘭、義大利和日本三國為個案比較的小單位,分析這三個國家在選舉制度改革前後,在平均有效政黨數目、不成比例性以及內閣型態發生頻率上的變化。
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台灣憲政體制的變遷軌跡(1991-2006)-歷史制度論的分析蘇子喬 Unknown Date (has links)
在描繪了我國憲政體制自一九九○年代初至今的變遷軌跡之後,本文亦以法國第五共和的憲政運作為觀察參考的依據,探討我國當前憲政運作無法順利換軌的制度因素, 並對我國未來憲政體制的變遷路徑進行初步預測。
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從民主轉型到民主鞏固:蒙古與台灣之比較分析 / Democratic Transition and Consolidation: Mongolia and Taiwan額爾登巴雅爾, Erdenebayar Munkhuu Unknown Date (has links)
綜言之,本研究所論有關政治菁英的互動與公民社會回顧如何影響選舉制度與憲政制度的設計,由於蒙古和台灣的經驗來看,大抵可了解政治菁英的改革動機與社會運動的壓力,是特定選舉制度與憲政制度被建立的重要關鍵。 / In this dissertation, the theory of transition and mass mobilization trying to explore different factors between Mongolia and Taiwan in the period of democratic transition and its impact on the electoral system and constitutional system. The electoral system will be further divided into presidential and parliamentary, to understand the interaction of political elites, the social movements, and their influence on the electoral and constitutional systems. Then, this dissertation will focus on the factors of democratic consolidation, affecting Mongolia and Taiwan to develop into a different constitutional system, the political elite reform motivation and how the political context promoted the premier-presidentialism in Mongolia, and how Taiwan acquired the president-parliamentarism. Moreover, to understand whether social movements played a certain degree of influence on the political elites, or whether they enhanced or hindered the constitutional reform is also one of the priorities of this investigation research.
The dissertation also pointed out the ruling elite under the pressure of democratic reform, when they began negotiations with the opposition movement elites, they had greater discretion. The interaction among the political elite was an important force to promote political reform, and the following Mongolia public protest social movement created the conditions to reach consensus among these elites, which led to constitutional reforms or the reform of electoral systems. On the constitutional system, in addition to the existing constitutional legacy of the political culture, the different preferences among the political elites, but also affect the development of the two countries constitutional system. In Mongolia, institutional legacy made constitutional system tend to presidentialism, however most of the political elites prefer a more decentralized parliamentary system, in political consultations finally led to the implementation of semi-presidentialism. In Taiwan, the interaction with the conservative and the reformist political elite contributed to the impact of semi-presidentialism, however, there are indirect effects on the relevance of social movements either.
The period of democratic consolidation in Taiwan and Mongolia was dominated by the political elites on constitutional system, the interaction among the political elites mainly affected the establishment of the constitutional system. The DPP won the presidency and the KMT the parliamentary majority, and the interaction of these political elites tend to shape Taiwan’s president-parliamentarism. In Mongolia, the Democratic Party political elite, with parliamentary majority, and the opposition MPRP political elite interaction evolved to premier-presidentialism. Although civil society had no direct impact on the constitutional system establishment, however, the development of civil society in Taiwan and Mongolia played an important role to consolidate the nascent democratic institutions.
In conclusion, from Mongolian and Taiwan experience, we can understand that the motivation for the reforms of the political elite and the social movement pressure are the key for a particular electoral and constitutional system to be established.
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