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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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許秀碧 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

行政機關國會聯絡人工作績效評估指標建構之研究 / Study of work performance-established indication for Congress contact staff of Administrative department.

戴智啟 Unknown Date (has links)
國民政府播遷來台後歷經各時期的演進,逐步建立了民主政治制度,在現行體制之下,行政機關必須向立法機關負責。行政機關依此架構成立國會連絡機構,目的是與國會建立良好互動關係,使行政機關施政政策及預算能夠獲得國會支持,順利推展。 事實上,國會連絡機構在民主國家中扮演著極為重要性的角色,由於其積極的介入國會事務,並參與實際的議事運作,成功地化解了許多行政及立法機關間對立與衝突,雖然行政與立法部門各有其憲法規定的權力,但是行政機關重視溝通及協調策略的運用,應是成敗的主要關鍵。 國會連絡工作繁瑣複雜,尤其是國會連絡人員素質的良窳,更關係到行政與立法的互動品質,為探就行政機關國會連絡人員在行政與立法部門之間,如何擔任一位稱職的國會連絡人員,以及從是國會連絡工作需要瞭解行政及立法部門的哪些事項?另外如何與立、監院互動(包括與立、監委員、助理、黨團及各委員會等互動、說明、溝通及談判)?以期建構出擔任國會連絡人員工作績效指標,提供行政機關評估國會連絡人工作績效指標的參考。 國會連絡人是行政機關推動法案、執行預算、協調政策、處理選民案件的重要窗口。由於國內並無相關績效評估研究可資參考,因此筆者採用專門處理不確定性、複雜性及爭議性較高的德菲法(Delphi)途徑,透過專家群意見形成共識,建構出國會連絡人工作績效指標,以提供行政機關評估從事國會連絡人員工作績效指標建構的一個重要參考依據。本研究試圖以初探性研究方式提供後續研究者進行量化或質化研究的基礎,以強化國會連絡人工作績效相關指標的信度與效度,對於行政機關與國會的正面互動將有極重要的助益。 / Afterward of central government of Republic of China moved to Taiwan, a democracy mechanism gradually established in terms of innovation of different time period. Progressively, under the current system, the administrative department must be responsible for the legislature. Therefore, administrative department set up a congress contact office (CCO) accordingly for bridging both parties in creation good relationship scenario enable to smoothly promote the budgetary and policy as well as important affairs of the state. In fact, the CCO performs an extremely important role as normal in democracy nations worldwide. For eliminating conflicts between administration and legislature, who are on behalf of power of constitution stipulates, CCO bring its aggressive activities to involve in the congress affairs and fully attend to real agenda operation. The main key to success and failure is administrative department always emphasizes in act of communication and coordination with legislature department. CCO taskforce is very minutes and complicated. Especially, the quality of CCO staffs. It is very important to interaction in between two parties. In order to become a well position in CCO for in between administration and legislature, the congress contact staffs shall recognize what activities are real necessary to understand in between administration and legislature department? Besides, how to interaction with Legislative Yuan and Justify Yuan includes how to interaction, explanation, communication and negotiation with members of Legislative Yuan, Justify Yuan, assistant, political parties and other committees are also in critical. After all it is a reference index for how to evaluate the staff performance and offer administrative department how access congress contact staffs’ performance. Congress contact staff is that the important window of administrative department for promoting the bill, utilize budget, coordinate the policy, and deal with voter's case. Because there are no reference to assess and study cases locally, so the author applies the Delphi method which always deal specially with the uncertainty, complexity and dispute higher morality issues. Form a common understanding by groups of suggestion of experts; and it can create a congress contact staff work performance indication, and also to offer the administrative department to assess the Congress contact staff’s performance and constructed an important reference accordingly. This research attempt to apply a pre-investigation way to offer the follower going for quantize or quality foundation study. In order to strengthen Congress contact staff work performance in liability and efficient of indication, it will have extremely important benefiting to Congress and administrative department with positive interaction.


于明遠, YU, MING-YUAN Unknown Date (has links)
二十世紀,行權獨強的今日,如何才能結合民意與專家,有效的監督行政權的行使從 而貫徹民主的原則﹖美國國會助理制度的發展提供一鮮明的範例。 檢視目前台灣的「國會助理,以立法院為例早在民國四十一年通過的立法院各委員會 組織法中即規定「各委員會設置專門委員一人負責法案之研究及草擬事項」是為我國 會助理設置之伊始。在私人助理方面,六十九年中央民意代表增額選舉後,即有不少 的增額、國代、立、監委以私人秘書的名義聘雇助理來經營選區及處理國會內之有關 事務。但是皆囿於種種原因未能完全發揮其應有功能,因此,參酌美國的情形正足以 借鏡。 本文共分七章約七萬字。(一)導論:說明研究動機目的、方法與範圍。(二)美國 國會助理的建制概況:敘述國會助理的設置方式、沿革及助理的特徵。(三)美國國 會助理的組織、活動與影響:分析各種不同的組織方式及助理的工作範圍、限制與影 響。最後評估整個制度。(四)我國國會助理的建制:分析我國是否需要國會助理以 及助理設置過程中的有關爭議。(五)為我國國會助理運作狀況:以六十九年增額國 代、監委及七十二年增額立委為研究樣本檢視國代、立、監委私人助理運作的情形。 (六)中美國會助理制度之比較。(七)結論:綜合上述,提出我國助理制度未來發 展的可行方向。

從萬年國會到全面改選-台灣民主化過程的一個面向 / From years congress to comprehensive re-election-one aspect of the democratization process in Taiwan

張世賢, Chang, Shih Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
中華民國政府遷臺後,國民大會與立、監兩院這三個中央民意機構在臺灣重新運作。1948年在中國選出的中央民代,面臨任期陸續屆滿的問題,國民黨政府不打算進行中央民代改選,反而就中央民代任期問題聲請大法官釋憲。大法官會議作成釋字三十一號解釋,政府因故無法舉行第二屆立監委選舉時,第一屆立監委繼續行使職權。國民大會因來台國代人數不足,為能夠在1954年順利召開會議,蔣介石總統批准行政院決議,使得第一屆國代任期適用憲法二十八條第二項之規定,至次屆國民大會開會之日為止。三個中央民意機關不改選,由中國選出的中央民代無法適時反映臺灣民意,萬年國會體制形成。 國代在第一屆第一次國民大會時,曾以修憲程序制定臨時條款凍結部分憲法。之後,臨時條款在臺灣繼續適用,政府藉由增修臨時條款擴權,萬年國會體制加上臨時條款,兩者交互關係阻礙臺灣民主的發展。 萬年國會體制形成後,在野勢力例如省議會、雷震及殷海光等人都提出強烈批判,要求國會改選,維持民主政治。國民黨政府為維持代表中國的法統,消極回應在野勢力的訴求。但1970、80年代,中華民國政府失去聯合國席位,與美國斷交,國內又發生美麗島事件。國內外發生許多大事,動搖國民黨在臺灣統治的正當性,政府遂經由臨時條款舉行中央民代增額選舉,替萬年國會進行修補。 1986年,黨外勢力組成民進黨,向國民黨爭取更多的民主。民進黨在國會裡頭進行體制內改革,在街頭舉行遊行抗議,藉由民意的力量,要求國民黨政府進行國會改革。蔣經國總統晚年通過政治革新案,李登輝繼任總統後繼續推動國會改革,而國民黨以豐富的政治資源主導國會改革的方向。 在朝野雙方既競爭又合作之下,第二屆國代在1991年底選出,第二屆立委在1992年底選出,第二屆監委在1993年,經修憲後,改由總統提名,國民大會同意後產生。自此,萬年國會體制全數瓦解,國會全面改選。而經由修憲後,臨時條款廢除,憲法增修條文取代憲法。臺灣民主發展進入新的里程碑。


王月玫 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

從現階段台日國會交流探討台灣的國會外交 / To Explore The Congressional Diplomacy of Taiwan through The Exchanges of Congress between Taiwan and Japan at Current Stage

簡瑞隆, Chien, Jui-Long Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要是從現階段台日國會交流,探討台灣的國會外交。由於台灣外交受到中國全方位無理的打壓,國際社會的處境十分艱難。因此在許多無邦交國家,傳統外交工作及駐外單位與外國行政機關的接洽聯繫經常受到限制,然而經由國會交流管道,卻往往可以達到一定的成效。另外就邦交國而言,由於國會代表民意,國會議員間的互訪、交流、聯繫也更能加強雙邊互動。選定日本為研究個案的原因,主要是日本為內閣制國家,國會外交的影響較為直接,且近期台日交流有重大發展,如美日安保諮商「二加二會談」首度納入台海問題、日本支持台灣成為WHA觀察員、台灣觀光客赴日免簽證等;另外,台日雙方國會議員往來密切,且有運作成熟之跨黨派國會聯誼組織,進行有系統的交流,如台日交流聯誼會、日華議員懇談會等。 本研究係採用深度訪談法,選擇的訪談對象為參與外交事務的國會議員、立法院行政人員、外交部官員、日本國會議員,以及國際關係學者。經由訪談分析,所獲致的研究成果有:一、了解台灣目前國會外交現況、困境以及未來可能的發展策略。二、評估國會外交的功能,並探討其運作方式對台灣外交與其他方面之影響。三、借重台日國會交流經驗,提供政府國會外交政策建議,藉以協助台灣突破目前所面臨的外交困境。 / It is mainly to explore the implications of congressional diplomacy of Taiwan in this study, by reviewing the exchanges of the Congress between Taiwan and Japan at current stage. Undoubtedly, China is doing its best to keep Taiwan out of the diplomatic arena at all levels in the world, so as to worsen the situation of national identity of Taiwan in the international community. Under such circumstances, the restrictions are constantly imposed upon the routine works and contacts for the Taiwan Representative Offices abroad with government authorities or agencies in the undiplomatic countries. As for the congress represents the general public will in the democratic countries, it is surely helpful for the interactions of bilateral relations among congressmen of Taiwan and other countries through visits, exchanges and contacts. Furthermore, it is achieved in the goal of the promotion on the substantial relations with other countries. Japan is a cabinet-oriented country, its members of the Cabinet come from the Congress. It therefore produces direct influence on diplomacy of congress. Besides, there are some enormous breakthroughs on the exchanges between Taiwan and Japan at current stage, such as: the Taiwan issue has been put on the agenda of ”2 plus 2” US-Japan security consultation meeting for the first time, Japan supports Taiwan as an observer in the WHA, free visa entry treatment for Taiwanese tourists, and so on. Based on this, it is primary to take the exchanges of the Congresses between Taiwan and Japan as the subject of this study. Moreover, there are maturely operating and multiparty members’ amity groups conducted in both country’s congress, which are keeping close contacts, such as Taiwan-Japan Exchanges Amity Group, Sino-Japanese Diet Members Conference. It is going to be reviewed on this part in the study. The method of in-depth interview will be exercising in the research. The selected interviewees are ranging from those legislators who are actively participating in foreign affairs, senior administrators of the Legislative Yuan, officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japanese Congressmen and heavy-weighted scholars who are familiar with international relations. Through the analysis of interviews, it will be expected to produce some outcomes in this study, such as following: 1. To realize the situation, hardship and future possible development strategy of the congressional diplomacy of Taiwan at current stage. 2. To evaluate the achievement of the congressional diplomacy of Taiwan, and to explore what influence its operation will be on Taiwan’s diplomacy and other aspects. 3. To advise the Government about the feasible policy of the congressional diplomacy and assist in breaking through hardship of Taiwan’s diplomacy right at the moment by borrowing the experiences of the exchanges of the Congress between Taiwan and Japan.

師徒制對於行政機關國會聯絡人養成影響之研究 / A Study of the Mentorship within the Training and Development of Congressional Liaison Officers

陳鏞鴻 Unknown Date (has links)
過去台灣對於國會聯絡人的研究,多屬於國會聯絡人所發揮的功能及扮演的角色或是相關工作績效評估方面,缺乏針對國會聯絡人養成過程的討論,在我國的憲政體制所造成的權力分立下,為了使行政與立法間溝通聯繫順暢並降低互動過程中的衝突,行政機關的國會聯絡人扮演了關鍵性的角色,故在挑選國會聯絡人及對新進國會聯絡人養成訓練上,各機關皆相當重視,而師徒制運用於行政機關國會聯絡人養成上的現象相當普遍,值得從師徒制所產生的影響進行深入研究。 本研究是以深度訪談法為主,並輔以文獻分析法及參與觀察法的質性研究,透過立意抽樣方式,選擇8個行政機關共16位資淺、資深之國會聯絡人員為研究對象進行研究。 針對訪談內容、觀察現象並相關文獻歸納與分析研究的結果,本研究提出主要結論有三點,首先,從歸納訪談的結果來看,行政機關在新進的國會聯絡人組織養成過程中,透過資深同仁擔任師父角色的經驗傳授,徒弟有了遵循準則,且師父好的行為表現轉移徒弟身上,國會聯絡工作易上手,但是徒弟必須有積極進取的態度及不能一昧承襲缺點,食古不化,才能順利完成任務;其次,師徒在互相教導與學習過程中,因為滿足雙方的需求而效果良好,在工作上有好的績效表現,容易獲得升遷機會與好名聲,就算有一天互換角色後,也會傳承教導與學習的風氣,但若未達師徒間特質及能力要求,教導與學習效果降低,會對自己與組織造成負面影響;最後,在樂於知識分享的組織文化下,組織成員無法透過言語表達的默會知識得以透過「做中學」方式傳遞,共同為組織良好績效努力,組織也要避免成員有自利主義,若知識藏私不願意分享,將危害到整個組織。 / There are many studies on the issue of- “Congressional Liaison.”-Previous studies have focused on their function, liaison’s roles or performance, there are lacking of congressional liaison’s training and mentoring. Due to the separation of powers, legislature and executive are independent but strongly associated with each other. Thus, congressional liaison is a crucial bridge to maintain communication and tackle the conflicts between parliament and agencies. Governmental agencies requires establishing functioning congressional liaison’s mentor relationship, but how the knowledge and insight of congressional liaison works be trained and passing on within the agencies is an interesting question waiting to be answered . This study utilized in-depth interview, literature review and participant observation to do the research. By purposive sampling, author chose 16 junior and senior congressional liaisons from 8 executive agencies as interviewers. This study concludes following three observations. First, executive agencies tend to establish a mentorship for new members to get familiar with their job. Interviews show that if following the instructions and mentor’s standard, protégé is easier to be trained into a good liaison officer. Moreover, protégé will have more positive attitudes and be more flexible to accomplish the missions. Secondly, through mentoring protégés, mentors can perform better and are likely to get the reputation and promotion. When protégés become mentors, they are more liable to proceed with mentorship. On the contrary, if the mentors are not able to do the mentoring job well, not only the learning efficiency will be low, but the malfunctioning relationship have organizational consequences. However, during the process of coaching and learning, mentors and protégés can be beneficial from each other. Lastly, because of the knowledge sharing and organizational culture, members could implement the concept of “learn by doing” to deliver the tacit knowledge. Also, organization should avoid members from being too egoism, once they are unwilling to share or interchanging the experiences, it is might be harmful to the organizations.


李世堅, LI, SHI-JIAN Unknown Date (has links)
本論文計壹冊,全文約八萬字,共計分六章十六節,茲扼要說明內容如下: 第一章共分三節,第一節陳明預算之機危及其在美議會政治中之地位,第二節敘述美 國國會在該國預算歷史中曾經扮演過的角色,第三節則說明研究目的(嘗試以政治學 競賽理論之觀點動態分析美國國會預算審議過程)以與預算研究之內容分析相互發明 )及研究方法(文獻及過程探討)。 第二章共分三節,其主要內容係將美國聯邦政府預算程序分「編製與提出」「審議」 及「執行與審計」三階段分別加以敘述,以期會面了解美國聯邦政府預算程度之全貌 。 第三章共分四節,分別說明國會與行政部門在互動過程的中的聯繫點,彼此之期望與 認知及所採取的策略,另外再對預算過程中之「計算力學」加以分析。 第四章則將焦點置於國會內部,分別說明參、眾議院在預算審議過程中之互動情形, 以作為採用競賽理論分析審議過程之基礎,本章共分三節。 第五章計分二節,主要內容在於競賽理論之觀點探討國會預算審議過程參與者如何採 取所謂「理性的行動計畫」,以求在該過程中使自己達成「收益最大,損失最小」的 效果。 第六章為結論,首先陳明國會在預算審議過程中為達成控制支出所面臨之困境,再以 「美國國會預算審議過程乃一非零和競賽場合,充滿著政治妥協的色彩」為結論。


施能傑, SHI, NENG-JIE Unknown Date (has links)
政策執行的功能是將政策內容轉化為實際行動,達成政策目標。學者由諸多因素建構 有效政策執行之模型,然由國會監督角度出發者極少,本文乃透過對美國經驗的研究 ,論述國會監督與政策執行間之關係。 全文共分七章,約八萬餘言。 第一章為研究動機與全文架構。第二、三兩章分論政策執行的理論建構,及國會監督 的沿革,基礎及技術。 第四章探討國會監督對政策執行的影響,並以美國對華軍售為個案說明;第五章則就 國會對政策執行監督的困難論述。 第六章藉著本文架構,觀察我國國會對政策執行監督之實狀。第七章為結論,提示我 國反省與可能因應之道。


陳惠珍, CHEN, HUI-ZHEN Unknown Date (has links)
本論文共一冊,計分五章,約六萬字,內容如后: 第一章 緒論。闡逑本文寫作動機、方法與範圍。 第二章 民主、政黨與選舉。計分二節。從歷來民主理論,肯定政黨與選舉為實現民 主某些價值的 級制度,並論兩者間糾結關係。 第三章 英國選舉法與政黨競選適應。計分三節。從英國選舉法特色探討政黨適應方 向。 第四章 單一選區複數決制與政黨多寡。計分三節。探討選舉方式與政黨數目及政治 穩定間之關係。

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