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有線電視國會頻道與選民政治知識之關聯性研究-以民國八十二年台北縣長選舉為例 / Cable Television Use , and Political Knowledge宋學維, Jethro Song Unknown Date (has links)
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中、美國會同意權之研究 / The Comparative Study on Confirmation Power between R.O.C &羅敏強, Lo, Minn Chiang Unknown Date (has links)
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中國實施新會計準則對新股上市價格影響之研究 / The Effect of China Accounting Standards on the Price of Initial Public Offerings楊子霆, Yang, Tzu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本論文探討2007年中國大陸實施以IFRS為基礎的中國會計準則後,是否因為會計準則要求更多資訊的公開,影響新上市公司股票發行折價的幅度。由於中國大陸資本市場有獨特的機制環境,本研究更進一步探討,中國大陸新上市公司在中國會計準則實施後,新上市公司股票發行折價的幅度,是否會因為各省份機制環境背景有不同的影響。實證結果發現,實施中國會計準則後,新股折價的幅度的確顯著降低,新股上市的蜜月期也會因為準則實施後,資訊不對稱的情形降低,有明顯的縮減。亦發現若中國大陸地方機制環境較進步且發達,該地區市場化的程度愈高,新股折價的幅度會也會因資訊更加公開而降低。 / In 2007, China passed the IFRS-based Chinese Accounting Standards (therefore IFRS-based CAS) to converge with IFRS. This paper examines the effect of implementation of IFRS-based CAS on IPO uncerpricing. In addition, there are different institutional features of transition economy from other countries. This paper also examines the effect of the interaction between implementation of IFRS-based CAS and institutional features of transition economy on IPO uncerpricing. The empirical results show that post-2005 IPOs in China are significantly less underpriced, and IPO honeymoon periods have similar outcomes. Furthermore, the results also show that the magnitude of underpricing will be decreased in those provinces with higher degrees of marketization.
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政治抗議策略之分析施逸銘, SHI,YI-MING Unknown Date (has links)
政治是對價值做權威性分配的過程, 既是分配, 必有所得不均的感受, 異議隨之而起
, 因而, 抗議行動與人類生活歷史一樣長久。
根據學者對以往的抗議行動的研究, 發現一團體所采何種行動乃是團體內部資源及外
在環境因素的函數, 基於此種對集體行動的基本理解, 本論文嘗試以成本一利益分析
在此模型中, 由於目前的政治參與過程是在外部成本與決策成本兩因素影響下的產物
, 所以一抗議行動的邏輯即是提高被抗議者的外部成本以迫使抗議訴求被納入決策過
程中, 以此邏輯, 論文依序討論影響抗議團體動員能力的因素、領導、目標、組織、
團結度、政治機會結構。在對抗議行動的邏輯釐清之后, 以此模式來檢證國內政治抗
議行動–“國會全面改選”。希望能了解此議題興起的背景, 對政治團體及政治環境
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國際會計準則與美國會計準則制定之比較--環境因素分析陳枝凌, CHEN, ZHI-LING Unknown Date (has links)
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國會聯絡推動策略之研究:新公共服務研究途徑 / A Study for Impetus of Strategy by Congressional Liaison:New Public Service Approach方志雄 Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本研究呼籲應建立新公共服務之國會聯絡工作、掌握化解法案及預算案之負面因素,並對機關首長、業務單位、國會聯絡人及議事運作等方面,提出順暢國會聯絡之具體建議;期能拋磚引玉,與行政機關國會聯絡先進相互討論,並提供新進人員之參考運用。 / The Legislative Yuan is composed of legislators, and according to the stipulations of constitution the legislature will deliberate the bills submitted to it by the executive branch. In order to facilitate mutual interaction, speed up review of relevant drafts, deliberation of appropriation bill, congressional liaison personnel is established at the executive branch and they will be responsible for the facilitation and coordination of the above-mentioned issues so as to complete the operation of policy legitimation. Since the business of every department varies and trends of development at the congress fluctuate, it has led to further difficulty for congressional liaison. Therefore, it is the crux of this study as what resolution can be achieved to enhance the efficiency of policy legitimation as well as facilitate the accumulation and pass-over of liaison work in the congress.
In year 2000, Robert Denhardt and Janet Denhardt put forth the concept of the new public service, and then it happened to be the time of the first rotation of political party in our country. Nonetheless, under the context of ideology that commands all, tensed relationship between parties, unfavorable interaction between the legislative and the executive branch it is wondered that if such core values as trust, cooperation, public interest, service, and sharing proposed by the new public service can be exploited to improve the interactive relationship between the legislative and executive as well as to facilitate congressional liaison work and impetus of strategy. It is, indeed, a task that deserves much investigation, and it is why this study has attempted to cut into the investigation from the aspect of the new public service, and hope to construe substantial impetus strategy for congressional liaison work.
This study would employ qualitative research methods as in-depth interview and participant-as-observation to collect precious opinions from several legislators, senior congress’ assistant, senior session staff, and senior congressional liaison head and personnel. Then, content analysis method is used to conduct information analysis, and it is found that ideas as trust, cooperation, public interest, service, and sharing proposed by the new public service can enhancing the interaction and mutual trust among heads of executive branch, congressional liaison personnel, legislator, congress’ assistant as well as coalesce the consensus to render service to the mass. Therefore, the objective to jointly furnish policy legitimation can be done under the pretext to maintain and preserve public interest.
At length, this study calls upon the establishment of congressional liaison work for the new public service so as to master and resolve those negative factors for legislation draft and budget bill, and put forth substantial suggestions that can help smoothen congressional liaison with regard to department head, business branch, congressional liaison personnel, and session operation. It would hope that it can turn itself as pioneer in this regard to solicit further opinions and advices so as conduct mutual discussions with those seniors, and the results of which can be cited as reference for novice of the congressional liaison.
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剖析柯林頓總統對中共的人權政策(1993~1996)王嘉徽, Wang Jia Hui Unknown Date (has links)
冷戰結束後,柯林頓(Bill Clinton, 1993~)成為美國第一任冷戰後時期由美國民選的總統。他是繼卡特總統後,同樣具濃厚道德色彩的另一位民主黨總統。面對新國際局勢的丕變,意識型態的對抗受到解放,人權議題躍升國際台面,柯林頓所領導的美國政府對人權的促進似有發展的機會。而冷戰後美國外交政策中人權的焦點也由前蘇聯轉移到中共身上,尤其是中共本身長期以來不良的人權記錄及六四天安門事件的發生,自然吸引國際間及美國對人權關切的目光。
本文的研究將以1993~1996年柯林頓總統的第一任期為研究時間,以羅斯諾(James N. Rosenau)的外交決策分析研究途徑為依據(他認為研究一國的外交政策可以依照輸入、決策和輸出三個過程來持續不斷的進行,並將影響外交政策的因素分為四個層次,即體系的因素、社會的因素、政府的因素和個別的因素)。希望藉由著重在對各項影響外交政策的因素(包括國際大環境、美國國內的立國精神、民主黨政府的外交決策特質、國會態度、利益團體以及柯林頓總統本人的認知對人權政策的影響)的分析探討,能夠對其第一任總統任期期間對中共人權政策的決策及變化做一完整的瞭解。而研究的結果顯示:
一、 柯林頓對中共的人權政策係美國整體外交政策的一部份,而美國柯林頓時期的整體外交政策,其政策的產生導源於國際人權保障的此一潮流、國內對民主價值及人權維護的立國精神以及柯林頓本人的認知。
二、 柯林頓總統在1993年宣佈以有條件給予最惠國待遇來迫使中共在人權上做出實質進展的此一政策,被證明效果有限,更甚者引起兩國間關係的緊張。而美國基於與中共龐大貿易利益以及戰略因素的考量,被迫不得不於1994年宣佈最惠國待遇的問題與中共的人權做政策上的脫鉤。可見人權議題並非是單純的理想性陳義即可處理,其中並參雜諸多複雜的因素。
三、 鑑於上述政策的失敗,柯林頓總統宣佈改以全面性的交往來與中共發展良性的互動關係,雖然在此一政策的初期尚未能見得中共人權的確有大幅度的改善,但歷經多年的發展,這樣的政策被證明的確是較有功效的,中共已於1998年年加入「公民及政治權利盟約」與「經濟、社會、文化權利盟約」兩項人權公約,顯示出其願意接受國際規範的意圖。因此,美國對中共的人權政策若欲收宏觀,正面的良性接觸與溝通被證明將會比情緒性的反擊較有功效。
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機與目的**************.** 1
第二節 研究方法***************.**** 3
第三節 研究組織與架構************.**** 5
第四節 研究範圍與限制************.**** 6
第二章 國際環境與人權議題
第一節 冷戰後時期的國際環境***********.** 7
第二節 人權議題在冷戰結束前後時期所扮演的角色**..** 15
第三節 不同世界對人權概念的不同看法******.*.** 31
第四節 小結******************.**.* 48
第三章 美國國內環境與人權精神
第一節 人權與美國立國精神***********.*.** 51
第二節 民主黨政府外交政策的決策特質*******.*.* 59
第三節 國會在人權議題中所扮演的角色********..* 67
第四節 利益團體與人權議題************..** 77
第五節 小結*****************.**.** 94
第四章 柯林頓總統對人權的認知以及對中共的人權政策
第一節 柯林頓總統以及外交決策人士對人權的看法**.*.* 98
第二節 中共的人權理念及人權記錄********.***105
第三節 柯林頓總統在大選前後對中共的人權政策****.*119
第四節 小結*******************.**131
第五章 柯林頓總統對中共人權政策的實踐及轉變之分析
第一節 經濟制裁與人權外交政策*********.***133
第二節 中共享有最惠國待遇的演變********.***138
第三節 柯林頓總統對中共最惠國待遇立場的轉變及分析*.*149
第四節 小結******************.***172
第六章 結論**********************.***175
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國會助理選民服務工作內容及工作成就感之研究 / The study of voter services content and the sense of achievement for congressional assistant in the Legislative Yuan林麗真, Lin, Li Jen Unknown Date (has links)
一、助理工作、內容複雜多樣:在國會辦公室中,大都設有負責行政庶務,負責 質詢議題、問政資料蒐集與整理,掌管選民服務及辦公室主任等各樣助理。
關鍵字:國會助理,工作內容,工作成就感 / Abstract
Since 2007 the Seventh Legislative Yuan elections, Taiwan’s Congressional electoral system officially has changed to a "single-constituency, two-ballot" electoral system. The Legislative Yuan is the only Congress in Republic of China and Legislative assistants have become the main communication bridge/door between voters and legislators, and also have become the go between for legislators and their voters. However, with the increase in the number of cases, this is a relative topic worthy for us to explore, eg, What is the extent of services for voters? How do the legislative assistants successfully manage and deal with the voters’ cases, and also get a sense of accomplishment from the work?
Selective sampling was chosen for this study, using qualitative, semi-structured, in-depth interviews, 12 legislators assistants and directors were interviewed. They were mainly or partly in charge of services for voters, and worked for the regional office of legislators (the late seventh and early eighth) of Regional Office in Legislative Yuan.
The main purpose of this study was to explore and understand the content voter services work and the sense of accomplishment brought by the work of legislative/congress assistants.
The results of data analysis with in-depth interviews of legislative assistants and legislators offices directors are followed.
First, the content of assistant work is complex and diverse: Usually in most congress offices, there are several assistants, who are specifically in charge for different parts of work, such as administrative assistant; assistant - who is responsible for questions topics; assistant - who would work on data collection and sorting of politics; and office director - who administrates the legislator office and voter services.
Second, there are many different ways to be a legislative assistant: such as sending resume through Bulletin board in Legislative Yuan or Job’s online website; or joining the campaign group for the legislator and for delivering votes for the legislator and so on.
Third, Job evaluation; there are advantages and shortcomings from legislative assistant work: the advantage of this work is, people can give full play to their political ideas and aspirations; they can earn accumulated experience of dealing with people, and enhance interpersonal skills; but the shortcoming is lack of opportunities for promotion and pay raise.
Forth, voter service cases from the multiple places: voters service cases usually are received from several different places, such as the constituencies services department or have been referred from headquarters or from the caucus; also, voters can leave a message or send a petition on legislator’s Facebook, web page, or e-mail.
Fifth, Voter service is related to the next election/campaign of legislator:
In the case of single-constituency, two-ballot " electoral system, the outcome of the relationship between voters service and ballot is closely connected; each ballot influences a present legislator on his/her success for the next campaign and chances of being the next legislator.
Sixth, Voter service needs work with enthusiasm and patience:
Mostly voters will request for the voters service when they are facing real difficulty. Therefore, it needs more patience when a legislative assistant is working on these cases, and also need to show their enthusiasm and passion for the people.
Seventh, some of cases are urgent: some (voter service) cases must be dealt with urgently, the pressure comes from different factors, such as, limited time; hot-pursuit of the petitioner; the anxious mood of the voters; and personal pressure.
Eighth, assistant job comes with benefit:
Being a legislative assistant can learn the manner of dealing with people and situations, Self-improvement and accumulate a variety of interpersonal skills such as collect a network of good friends. Also, a legislative experience can lead to self-enrichment.
According to the analysis and research of data and interviews in this study, this study provides the following suggestions for congress assistants, relative departments and legislators:
1. For legislative/congress assistants: As a legislative/congress assistant, they need to improve their literacy of law; he/she needs to show the high enthusiasm during the voter service; understanding of complex legislative assistant work, and self-improvement; due to the lack of opportunities for promotion, congress/legislative assistants need to enhance their own professional competence if they want to change the job in the future; increase the skills of communication, it’s relative to the results of work; for those, who wants to be a politician, they should take note of the process during their experience as an assistant; properly using all the resources as an assistant, and create a big network of contacts.
2. For other departments: a congressional aides /legislative assistant’s work term is based on legislator’s tenure. It’s basically only 4 years period of employment. Therefore, they need to strengthen their job’s security, and also vigorously improve their salary and benefits.
3. For legislators: The outcome of the relationship between voters service and assistant is closely connected, it influences the present legislator’s next campaign. Therefore, they should be careful who they choose to hire an assistant.
Key words: congress/legislative assistants, the content of assistant work, sense of accomplishment from the work
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我國文建會國會聯絡機制之研究 / A Study for Congressional Liaison Mechanism of the Council for Cultural Affairs劉惠美, Liu,Huei-Mei Unknown Date (has links)
五、好的國會聯絡人有助於國會運作,聯絡人必須具備的特質包括專業與熱誠、溝通與協調能力、熟悉政治運作與技巧、良好的國會人脈、長官授權與肯定。 / The aftermath of the 2000 Presidential election left the ROC fragmented among several political parties. The increasing political conflict between the Executive Yuan and the Legislative Yuan has aggravated the administration process of government policies. The legislative elections in year 2004 created an even difficult situation when the Pan-Blue Coalition has gained the absolute majority over the Pan-Green Coalition, resulting in much of govenment-sponsored bills being deadlocked. Executive divisions are faced with increasingly complicated political environment, which requires greater manpower and resources to reconcile with the legislative branch. This situation, occurring when legislative branch overpowers or when inter-branch relations hampered, then calls for a strengthening of congressional liaison functions.
In contemporary democratic systems, the congressional liaison is an important strategic intermediary between executive and legislative branches. A successful practice of the liaison function is expected to improve the communications and collaborations and to mitigate potential conflicts between executive and legislative branches. Congressional liaisons become the keys to the success of the function. The purpose of this study is thus to investigate the role of congressional liaison at the Council for Cultural Affairs (CCA) in inter-branch politics.
Major conclusions of this thesis are summarized as follows:
1.In a divided party government, strategic operations of congressional liaison provide great contributions to the interactions between executive and legislative branches.
2.Strengthened public relations with the congress improves the administrative efficiency and helps achieving policy goals of executive divisions.
3.Service-type tasks have become the major load of congressional liaison offices at the CCA and have shown to suffer the greatest complications.
4.The congressional liaison office, being on the front line of executive-legislative branch relations, is responsible for information delivery, opinion exchanges and reconciliation of issues with the legislative institution.
5.A competent congressional liaison will successfully assist the congressional operations and is expected to have the following characteristics: being professional and enthusiastic, having great communication and coordination skills, being familiar with political operations, having extensive connections in congress, and being authorized and endorsed by superiors.
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利益團體遊說策略模式--台灣經驗研究 / Lobbying Strategy Models for Taiwan Interest Groups蔣念祖, Chiang,Nien-Tsu Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞:利益團體、遊說、倡議、國會運作、策略、SWOT / The Congress operation functions as the driving force for a country to progress towards democracy. The operational performance of the Congress depends upon powerful supervision by the general public. Sometimes the interest groups may fall into the “fruitlessness” dilemma in the event that they run into a blind spot, or even when they fail to hit the nail on the head. In turn, they can hardly win support from government officers or congressmen. They will come forward to defend the executive or legislative performance.
Through literature review, this research designs a model and applies it to analyze the performance of 20 interest groups in Taiwan selected between 1993 and 2005. In particular, this model analyzes the pros and cons of different strategies employed by these interest groups. In addition, this model also uses the SWOT analysis developed from strategic management to generalize the behavior patterns of selected interest groups.
This research finds out that the external environment and the nature of issues are also important factors affecting the lobbying results. If an interest group focuses only on the lobbying strategies but ignores the external environment or relative strength between the subject and others, it may generalize rigid lobbying strategies.
Therefore, the success of lobbying depends on an interest group’s assessment of external environment and relative strength before operation, as well as the lobbying strategies and adjustments during operation.
Key words: Interest groups, Lobby, Advocacy, Congressional operation, strategies, SWOT
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