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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fast Electron Transport Study for Inertial Confinement Fusion / Etude du transport d'électrons Rapides pour la fusion par confinement inertiel

Touati, Michaël 10 June 2015 (has links)
Un nouveau mod`ele r´eduit pour le transport de faisceaux d’´electrons relativistes dans des solide ou des plasma denses est propos´e. Il est bas´e sur la r´esolution des deux premiers moments angulaires de l’´equation cin´etique relativiste, compl´et´es par une relation de fermeture d´eduite du principe de maximisation de l’entropie angulaire de Minerbo. Le mod`ele prend en compte aussi bien les effets collectifs du transport avec les champs ´electromagn´etiques auto g´en´er´es que les effets collisionnels li´es au ralentissement des ´electrons par collision sur les plasmons, les ´electrons li´es et les ´electrons libres du milieu ainsi que leur diffusion angulaire par collisions sur les ´electrons et les ions. Le mod`ele permet une r´esolution num´erique rapide des ´equations du transport de faisceau d’´electrons rapides tout en d´ecrivant l’´evolution cin´etique de leur fonction de distribution. Malgr´e le fait de travailler avec les grandeurs angulaires moyennes, le mod`ele a ´et´e valid´e par comparaison avec des solutions analytiques d´eriv´ees dans un cas acad´emique de transport de faisceau mono ´energ´etique et collimat´e dans un plasma dense et chaud d’Hydrog`ene ainsi qu’avec une simulation PIC hybride dans un cas r´ealiste de transport d’´electrons acc´el´er´es par laser dans une cible solide. Le mod`ele est appliqu´e `a l’´etude de l’´emission de photons Kα lors d’exp´eriences laser-plasma ainsi qu’a` la g´en´eration d’ondes de choc. / A new hybrid reduced model for relativistic electron beam transport in solids and dense plasmas is presented. It is based on the two first angular moments of the relativistic kinetic equation completed with the Minerbo maximum angular entropy closure. It takes into account collective effects with the self-generated electromagnetic fields as well as collisional effects with the slowing down of the elec- trons in collisions with plasmons, bound and free electrons and their angular scattering on both ions and electrons. This model allows for fast computations of relativistic electron beam transport while describing the kinetic distribution function evolution. Despite the loss of information concerning the angular distribution of the electron beam, the model reproduces analytical estimates in the academic case of a collimated and monoenergetic electron beam propagating through a warm and dense Hydro- gen plasma and hybrid PIC simulation results in a realistic laser-generated electron beam transport in a solid target. The model is applied to the study of the emission of Kα photons in laser-solid experiments and to the generation of shock waves.

Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystals in InP-based Materials

Mulot, Mikaël January 2004 (has links)
Photonic crystals (PhCs) are structures periodic in thedielectric constant. They exhibit a photonic bandgap, i.e., arange of wavelengths for which light propagation is forbidden.Engineering of defects in the PhC lattice offers new ways toconfine and guide light. PhCs have been manufactured usingsemiconductors and other material technologies. This thesisfocuses on two-dimensional PhCs etched in InP-based materials.Only recently, such structures were identified as promisingcandidates for the realization of novel and advanced functionsfor optical communication applications. The primary focus was on fabrication and characterization ofPhC structures in the InP/GaInAsP/InP material system. Thedemands on fabrication are very high: holes as small as100-300nm in diameter have to be etched at least as deep as 2µm. Thus, different etch processes had to be explored andspecifically developed for InP. We have implemented an etchingprocess based on Ar/Cl2chemically assisted ion beam etching (CAIBE), thatrepresents the state of the art PhC etching in InP. Different building blocks were manufactured using thisprocess. A transmission loss of 10dB/mm for a PhC waveguide, areflection of 96.5% for a 4-row mirror and a record qualityfactor of 310 for a 1D cavity were achieved for this materialsystem. With an etch depth of 4.5 µm, optical loss wasfound to be close to the intrinsic limit. PhC-based opticalfilters were demonstrated using (a) a Fabry-Pérot cavityinserted in a PhC waveguide and (b) a contra-directionalcoupler. Lag effect in CAIBE was utilized positively to realizehigh quality PhC taper sections. Using a PhC taper, a couplingefficiency of 70% was demonstrated from a standard ridgewaveguide to a single line defect PhC waveguide. During the course of this work, InP membrane technology wasdeveloped and a Fabry-Pérot cavity with a quality factorof 3200 was demonstrated. Keywords:photonic crystals, photonic bandgap materials,indium phosphide, dry etching, chemically assisted ion beametching, reactive ion etching, electron beam lithography,photonic integrated circuits, optical waveguides, resonantcavities, optical filtering, finite difference time domain,plane wave expansion.

Präparation und Charakterisierung von TMR-Nanosäulen / Preparation and characterisation of TMR-Nanopillars

Höwler, Marcel 27 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Nanostrukturierung von magnetischen Schichtsystemen mit Tunnelmagnetowiderstandseffekt (TMR-Effekt), welche in der Form von Nanosäulen in magnetoresistiven Speichern (MRAM) eingesetzt werden. Solche Nanosäulen können zukünftig ebenfalls als Nanoemitter von Mikrowellensignalen eine Rolle spielen. Dabei wird von der Auswahl eines geeigneten TMR-Schichtsystems mit einer MgO-Tunnelbarriere über die Präparation der Nanosäulen mit Seitenisolierung bis hin zum Aufbringen der elektrischen Zuleitungen eine komplette Prozesskette entwickelt und optimiert. Die Strukturen werden mittels optischer Lithographie und Elektronenstrahllithographie definiert, die anschließende Strukturübertragung erfolgt durch Ionenstrahlätzen (teilweise reaktiv) sowie durch Lift-off. Rückmeldung über Erfolg oder Probleme bei der Strukturierung geben Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie (teilweise mit Zielpräparation per Ionenfeinstrahl, FIB), Rasterelektronenmikroskopie sowie die Lichtmikroskopie. Es können so TMR-Nanosäulen mit minimalen Abmessungen von bis zu 69 nm x 71 nm hergestellt werden, von denen Nanosäulen mit Abmessungen von 65 nm x 87 nm grundlegend magneto-elektrisch charakterisiert worden sind. Dies umfasst die Bestimmung des TMR-Effektes und des Widerstandes der Tunnelbarriere (RA-Produkt). Weiterhin wurde das Verhalten der magnetischen Schichten bei größeren Magnetfeldern bis +-200mT sowie das Umschaltverhalten der magnetisch freien Schicht bei verändertem Winkel zwischen magnetischer Vorzugsachse des TMR-Elementes und dem äußeren Magnetfeld untersucht. Der Nachweis des Spin-Transfer-Torque Effektes an den präparierten TMR-Nanosäulen ist im Rahmen dieser Arbeit nicht gelungen, was mit dem zu hohen elektrischen Widerstand der verwendeten Tunnelbarriere erklärt werden kann. Mit dünneren Barrieren konnte der Widerstand gesenkt werden, allerdings führt ein Stromfluss durch diese Barrieren schnell zur Degradation der Barrieren. Weiterführende Arbeiten sollten das Ziel haben, niederohmige und gleichzeitig elektrisch belastbare Tunnelbarrieren in einem entsprechenden TMR-Schichtsystem abzuscheiden. Eine erste Auswahl an Ansatzpunkten dafür aus der Literatur wird im Ausblick gegeben. / This thesis deals with the fabrication of nanopillars with tunnel magnetoresistance effect (TMR-effect), which are used in magnetoresistive memory (MRAM) and may be used as nanooscillators for future near field communication devices. Starting with the selection of a suitable TMR-layer stack with MgO-tunnel barrier, the whole process chain covering the fabrication of the nanopillars, sidewall isolation and preparation of the supply lines on top is developed and optimised. The structures are defined by optical and electron beam lithography, the subsequent patterning is done by ion beam etching (partially reactive) and lift-off. Techniques providing feedback on the nanofabrication are transmission electron microscopy (partially with target preparation by focused ion beam, FIB), scanning electron microscopy and optical microscopy. In this way nanopillars with minimal dimensions reaching 69 nm x 71 nm could be fabricated, of which nanopillars with a size of 65 nm x 87 nm were characterized fundamentally with respect to their magnetic and electric properties. This covers the determination of the TMR-effect and the resistance of the tunnel barrier (RA-product). In addition, the behaviour of the magnetic layers under higher magnetic fields (up to +-200mT) and the switching behaviour of the free layer at different angles between the easy axis of the TMR-element and the external magnetic field were investigated. The spin transfer torque effect could not be detected in the fabricated nanopillars due to the high electrical resistance of the tunnel barriers which were used. The resistance could be lowered by using thinner barriers, but this led to a quick degradation of the barrier when a current was applied. Continuative work should focus on the preparation of tunnel barriers in an appropriate TMR-stack being low resistive and electrically robust at the same time. A first selection of concepts and ideas from the literature for this task is given in the outlook.


Neal, Jack A. 2009 May 1900 (has links)
The effects of electron beam (e-beam) irradiation and sanitizers in the reduction of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella counts and attachment prevention on spinach was studied. Survival of these pathogens in spinach was observed at multiple times and temperatures. Inoculated spinach was examined by confocal microscopy to determine attachment sites and internalization of these pathogens. To determine the effectiveness of sanitizers in reducing pathogen numbers, inoculated spinach was treated with L-lactic acid, peroxyacetic acid, calcium hypochlorite, ozone, and chlorine dioxide. Inoculated spinach was exposed to e-beam irradiation and tested for counts of both pathogens immediately after irradiation treatment to determine bacterial reduction, and at 2 day intervals over 8 days to determine effects of ionizing irradiation on pathogen survival. Respiration rates were measured on spinach exposed to e-beam. The effectiveness of e-beam irradiation on the microbiological and sensory characteristics of spinach was studied. For spinach samples stored at 4�C and 10�C for 8 days, E. coli O157:H7 survived and grew significantly in samples stored at 21�C for 24 h. Confocal microscopy images provided valuable information on the attachment sites and internalization of the pathogens on spinach. The greatest reduction by a chemical sanitizer was 55�C L-lactic acid with a 2.7 log CFU/g reduction for E. coli O157:H7 and 2.3 log CFU/g reduction for Salmonella. Each dose of e-beam irradiation significantly reduced populations of both pathogens. Respiration rates of spinach increased as irradiation treatment doses increased. Total aerobic plate counts were reduced by 2.6 and 3.2 log CFU/g at 0.7 and 1.4 kGy, respectively. Lactic acid bacteria were reduced at both doses but grew slowly over the 35 day period. Yeasts and molds were not reduced in samples exposed to 0.7 kGy whereas 1.4 kGy had significantly reduced counts. Gas compositions for samples receiving 0.7 and 1.4 kGy were significantly different than controls. Irradiation did not affect the objective color or basic taste, aromatic or mouthfeel attributes of spinach. These results suggest that low dose e-beam irradiation may be a viable tool for reducing microbial populations or eliminating E. coli O157:H7 and Salmonella from spinach with minimal product damage.

Optimization of mechanical properties and manufacturing techniques to enable shape-memory polymer processing

Voit, Walter Everett 20 November 2009 (has links)
This research investigates the synthesis and manufacture of shape-memory polymer (SMP) systems for use in biomedical and commodity applications. The research centers on improving the mechanical properties of thermoset acrylate copolymers with memory properties at reasonable cost through various design and manufacturing techniques: high-strain polymer synthesis and radiation crosslinking. The research assesses combinations of linear monomers and a low density of crosslinker to characterize new functional materials and optimize emerging mechanical properties such as the glass transition temperature (Tg) and rubbery modulus (ER). Exploring materials with large recoverable strains, a model copolymer of photo-polymerized methyl acrylate (MA), isobornyl acrylate and crosslinker bisphenol A ethoxylate dimethacrylate was shown to strain above 800%, twice the previously published value for SMPs, and recover fully. In the quest to maximize fully recoverable strains, a new hybrid molecule nicknamed Xini, which serves as both an initiator and a crosslinker, was also theorized, synthesized, polymerized into SMP networks and characterized. In the past, thermoset SMPs were made into complex shapes using expensive top-down techniques. A block of polymer was made and custom machining was required to craft complex parts. This prohibited devices in cost-competitive commodity application spaces. This research has proposed and validated a new method for accurately tuning the thermomechanical properties of network acrylates with shape-memory properties: Mnemosynation, eponymously named for the Greek goddess of memory. This novel manufacturing process imparts long term 'memory' on an otherwise amorphous thermoplastic material utilizing radiation-induced covalent crosslinking, and can be likened to Vulcanization, which imparts strength on natural rubber utilizing sulfur crosslinks. Adjustment of ER in the range from below 1 MPa to above 13 MPa has been demonstrated. ER was tailored by varying both radiation dose between 5 and 300 kGy and crosslinker concentration between 1.00 and 25.0 wt%. Tg manipulation was demonstrated between 23 ˚C and 70 ˚C. Mnemosynation combines advances in radiation grafting and acrylic SMP synthesis to enable both traditional plastics processing (blow molding, injection molding, etc.) and control of thermoset shape-memory properties. Combining advances in both high strain polymer synthesis and radiation crosslinking, a new paradigm in SMP composites manufacture-namely, that materials can be designed to enhance strain capacity at moderate stress, rather than maximum strength-was established. Various fibers with very different mechanical properties were impregnated with SMPs and thermo-mechanically assessed to develop an understanding of the technical parameters necessary to craft self-adjusting, multi-actuated, SMP-fiber composite orthopedic casts. This exploration syncs with the overarching aim of the research, which is to understand the fundamental scientific drivers necessary to enable new devices mass-manufactured from acrylate copolymers and optimize their emerging mechanical properties.

Untersuchung von Dünnschichtsystemen mittels Elektronenstrahl-Mikroanalyse / Characterization of Thin Layer Systems by Electron Probe Micro Analysis

Gorfu, Paulos 18 March 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Erweiterung der für dicke Proben schon mit Erfolg eingesetzten Werkstoffanalytischen Methode Elektronenstrahl-Mikroanalyse (ESMA) mittels Peak/Untergrund-Verhältnissen auf die Analyse von dünnen Schichten (unter 1 μm) zur qualitative und quantitativen Elementanalyse sowie zur Ermittlung von Schichtdicken. Weiterhin wird auf der Basis von einer ESMA-Methode für zwei dünne Schichten auf einem Substrat wird ein Modell zur Ermittlung des Phasenwachstumskoeffizienten für eine intermetallische Phase die sich bei der Diffusion zwischen einer dünnen Schicht und einem Substrat bildet, mittels ESMA-Messungen bei gleichzeitiger Erwärmung der Probe dargestellt. / The paper deals with the application of the materials analysis method EPMA by peak-to-background ratios, which is currently being used for the analysis of thick samples successfully, to thin layers (less than 1 μm) for the quantitative element analysis as well as for thickness prediction. In addition a model has been established on the Basis of an EPMA method for two films on a substrate for deriving the phase growth coefficient of an inter-metallic phase which grows during the diffusion between a thin layer and a substrate from EPMA measurements while simultaneously heating the sample.

Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystals in InP-based Materials

Mulot, Mikaël January 2004 (has links)
<p>Photonic crystals (PhCs) are structures periodic in thedielectric constant. They exhibit a photonic bandgap, i.e., arange of wavelengths for which light propagation is forbidden.Engineering of defects in the PhC lattice offers new ways toconfine and guide light. PhCs have been manufactured usingsemiconductors and other material technologies. This thesisfocuses on two-dimensional PhCs etched in InP-based materials.Only recently, such structures were identified as promisingcandidates for the realization of novel and advanced functionsfor optical communication applications.</p><p>The primary focus was on fabrication and characterization ofPhC structures in the InP/GaInAsP/InP material system. Thedemands on fabrication are very high: holes as small as100-300nm in diameter have to be etched at least as deep as 2µm. Thus, different etch processes had to be explored andspecifically developed for InP. We have implemented an etchingprocess based on Ar/Cl<sub>2</sub>chemically assisted ion beam etching (CAIBE), thatrepresents the state of the art PhC etching in InP.</p><p>Different building blocks were manufactured using thisprocess. A transmission loss of 10dB/mm for a PhC waveguide, areflection of 96.5% for a 4-row mirror and a record qualityfactor of 310 for a 1D cavity were achieved for this materialsystem. With an etch depth of 4.5 µm, optical loss wasfound to be close to the intrinsic limit. PhC-based opticalfilters were demonstrated using (a) a Fabry-Pérot cavityinserted in a PhC waveguide and (b) a contra-directionalcoupler. Lag effect in CAIBE was utilized positively to realizehigh quality PhC taper sections. Using a PhC taper, a couplingefficiency of 70% was demonstrated from a standard ridgewaveguide to a single line defect PhC waveguide.</p><p>During the course of this work, InP membrane technology wasdeveloped and a Fabry-Pérot cavity with a quality factorof 3200 was demonstrated.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>photonic crystals, photonic bandgap materials,indium phosphide, dry etching, chemically assisted ion beametching, reactive ion etching, electron beam lithography,photonic integrated circuits, optical waveguides, resonantcavities, optical filtering, finite difference time domain,plane wave expansion.</p>

Electron beam dynamics with and without Compton back scattering

Drebot, Illya 07 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis introduce my work on transverse and longitudinal non linear dynamics of an electron beam in ThomX, a novel X-ray source based on Compton backscattering. In this work I implemented in simulation code theoretical models to calculate transverse and longitudinal non linear dynamics under Compton back scattering. The processes studied include collective effect such as longitudinal space charge, resistive wall and coherent synchrotron radiation, intra beam scattering. I also implemented a longitudinal feedback algorithm and studied the effect of the feedback's delay in the simulation to explore its effects on beam dynamics. This code allows to perform a full 6D simulation of the beam dynamics in a ring under Compton back scattering taking into account the feedback stabilisation for the 400 000 turns (~ 20 ms) of one injection cycle. One important feature is that this simulation code can be run on a computer farm. Using this code I investigated the electrons dynamics in ThomX and the flux of scattered Compton photons. I analysed the relative contribution of each physical phenomena to the overall beam dynamics and how to mitigate their disruptive effect. As part of my work on longitudinal phase feedback I also measured and analysed properties of the ELETTRA RF cavity to be used on ThomX.

An EGSnrc Monte Carlo investigation of backscattered electrons from internal shielding in clinical electron beams

de Vries, Rowen January 2014 (has links)
The ability to accurately predict dose from electron backscatter created by internal lead shielding utilized during various superficial electron beam treatments (EBT), such as lip carcinoma, is required to avoid the possibility of an overdose. Methods for predicting this dose include the use of empirical equations or physically measuring the electron backscatter factor (EBF) and upstream electron backscatter intensity (EBI). The EBF and upstream EBI are defined as the ratio of dose at, or upstream, from the shielding interface with and without the shielding present respectively. The accuracy of these equations for the local treatment machines was recognised as an area that required verification; in addition the ability of XiO's electron Monte Carlo (eMC) treatment planning algorithm to handle lead interfaces was examined. A Monte Carlo simulation using the EGSnrc package of a Siemens Artiste Linac was developed for 6, 9, 12, and 15 MeV electron energies and was verified against physical measurements to within an accuracy of 2 % and 2 mm. Electron backscatter dose distributions were predicated using the MC model, Gafchromic film, and XiO eMC, which when compared showed that XiO's eMC could not accurately calculate dose at the lead interface. Several MC simulations of lead interfaces at different depths, corresponding to energies of 0.2-14 MeV at the interfaces, were used to validate the accuracy of the equations, with the results concluding that the equation could not accurately predict EBF and EBI values, especially at low energies. From this data, an equation was derived to allow estimation of the EBF and upstream EBI, which agreed to within 1.3 % for the EBF values and can predict the upstream EBI to a clinically acceptable level for all energies.

Ladungsbrüten mit Raumtemperatur - Elektronenstrahlionenquellen

Thorn, Alexandra 28 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Als Ladungsbrüten wird die Umwandlung niedrig geladener Ionen, welche über ein breites Spektrum von Elementen bis hin zu exotischen, radioaktiven Spezies erzeugt werden können, in hochgeladene Ionen bezeichnet, was beispielsweise für deren effiziente Nachbeschleunigung oder kern- und atomphysikalische Präzisionsmessungen von Bedeutung ist. In dieser Arbeit wird gezeigt, dass es möglich ist, kompakte, bei Raumtemperatur betriebene Elektronenstrahlionenquellen des Dresden EBIS/T - Typs als Ladungsbrüter zu verwenden. Anhand von Simulationen zum Ioneneinfang sowie Experimenten zur Ioneninjektion und -reextraktion wurden die Ionenquellen Dresden EBIT und EBIS-A als Ladungsbrüter charakterisiert. Eigenschaften der Quellen, welche von besonderem Interesse für das Ladungsbrüten sind, wurden untersucht. Hierzu zählen Elektronenstromdichte, Ionisationsfaktor, Akzeptanz sowie Einfangsbeziehungsweise Brütungseffizienz. An einer Dresden EBIS-A wurden weiterhin die Emittanzen des injizierten und reextrahierten Strahls bestimmt. Neben den Untersuchungen zum Ladungsbrüten selbst wurde dieses als experimentelle Technik für die Bestimmung von Elektronenstoß - Ionisationsquerschnitten der Goldionen Au38+ bis Au46+ bei einer Elektronenenergie von 11,5 keV verwendet. Ein Vergleich der Messwerte mit semiempirisch sowie theoretisch berechneten Daten ergab, dass für die Ionisation der 4d - und 4p - Elektronen von Gold in diesem Energiebereich neben der direkten Stoßionisation auch die Autoionisation nach Elektronenstoß - Anregung in die Betrachtung einbezogen werden muss, um eine gute Übereinstimmung von Theorie und Experiment zu erreichen. / The conversion of low charged ions, which can be produced from a broad spectrum of elements up to exotic, radioactive species, to highly charged ions is called charge breeding, which is an important experimental technique for, e.g., efficient post - acceleration or high - precision nuclear and atomic physics experiments. This work demonstrates the feasibility of charge breeding with compact, room - temperature operated electron beam ion sources of the Dresden EBIS/T type. The sources Dresden EBIT and EBIS-A were characterized as charge breeders by simulations of ion capture as well as ion injection and re-extraction experiments. Properties which are critical for charge breeding, such as electron beam density, ionization factor, acceptance, as well as injection and breeding efficiency, were investigated. Further on, in case of the EBIS-A, emittance studies of the injected as well as re-extracted beam were carried out. In addition to the measurements concentrating on charge breeding itself, this experimental technique was used to measure electron impaction ionization cross sections of gold ions from Au38+ up to Au46+ at an electron energy of 11.5 keV. Comparing the measured values to semi - empirical as well as theoretical calculations, it was found that for the ionization of the 4d and 4p electrons of gold ions in this energy region not only direct electron impact ionization but also excitation - autoionization processes have to be considered in order to achieve a good agreement of theory and experiment.

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