Spelling suggestions: "subject:"electronics anda electrical engineering"" "subject:"electronics anda electrical ingineering""
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Srautinių komandų taikymas videookulografijoje / The use of stream commands in videooculographyRimkus, Donatas 09 June 2005 (has links)
There were adapted the stream commands (SSE2) for videooculography measuring methods of eyes movements in this activity (an analysis by straight lines and an analysis by a circle). By their assistance the time of detection methods of eye pupil centre coordinates was accelerated. The algorithm of eye pupil centre detection was presented in which there were used the methods of analysis by straight lines and analysis by circles. There were presented stream commands (SSE2) and the methods of their use. After investigetion it was determined that the time of eye pupil centre coordinates by assistance of stream commands has been accelerated.
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Aukštrakių nuotekų valymo įrenginių elektros vartojimo efektyvumo tyrimas / Investigation of electricity consumption efficiency of sewage refinement equipment in Aukštrakiai / Исследование эфективности потребляемой электроэнергии в водоочистителъных сооруженияхStulpinas, Saulius 16 August 2007 (has links)
Energetikos inžinerijos magistro darbo tema yra aktuali kraštui integruojantis į vakarus ir tokios pastangos atitinka Europos Sąjungos (ES) direktyvų reikalavimus didinti energetikos efektyvumą jos vartojimo sferoje, Lietuvos energijos taupymo įstatymą, miesto savivaldybės nuostatas taupyti lėšas ir kiek įmanoma mažiau didinti nuotekų šalinimo paslaugos kainą. Elektros energijos vartojimo efektyvumo tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti energijos taupymo galimybes nuotekų valymo įrenginiuose. Darbe apžvelgiamas visas nuotekų valymo technologinis procesas. Atlikta elektros energijos vartojimo analizė. Išmatuotos agregatų techninės charakteristikos bei paskaičiuotos jų technologinės normos. Pateikti pasiūlymai elektrinio šildymo normavimui pritaikant dienolaipsnių metodą. Orapūčių darbo efektyvumui didinti pasiūlyta jų reguliavimą vykdyti pagal ištirpusio deguonies kiekį. / This master thesis of Energetic Engineering refers to the problems relevant to the Lithuanian Republic integration westwards and its efforts to meet the requirements of European Union directives of increasing the effectiveness of energetics in the sphere of its consumption as well as Lithuanian Law on Energy and to follow the regulations of municipalities regarding economizing financial means, making efforts to reduce the price growth of the sewage treatment service. The aim of the research of the electricity consumption effectiveness is to define the ways of energy saving in the sewage disposal devices. During this research the whole technological process of sewage disposal has been examined and the analysis of electricity consumption has been done. The technical characteristics of the units have been measured and their technological standards have been estimated as well. The suggestions for standard-setting of electrical heating applying the daydegree method have been made in the research. It has been proposed to increase the effectiveness of air blower operating through regulating the quantity of melted oxygen. / Тема исследования актуалъна стране интегрируяс в западную Европу. Задача исследования эфективности потребляемой электроэнергии - установитъ возможности економии электроэнергии в водоочистителъных сооружениях.
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Sklandytuvo atakos ir slydimo kampų matavimo metodų tyrimas / Research of measurements of glider’s attack and slip angleLapinskas, Vytautas 15 June 2011 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe atliekamas sklandytuvo atakos ir slydimo kampo matavimo metodų tyrimas. Pirmoje darbo dalyje apžvelgiami atakos kampo matuokliai: virvutė, pritvirtinta ant stiklinio gaubto, atakos – slydimo kampo matuoklis su vėjarodžiu ir Pitoto vamzdelio tipo daviklis. Davikliai palyginami, aprašomi jų privalumai ir trūkumai lyginant su kitais davikliais. Antroje dalyje aprašomi alfa ir beta kampų matavimo metodai: matavimas vamzdelio tipo davikliu ir metodas, kai nenaudojami specialūs atakos, slydimo kampo davikliai. Toliau apžvelgiami veiksniai, turintys įtakos matavimo tikslumui. Pateikiamos kelių vamzdelio tipo daviklių kalibravimo kreivės. Paskutinėje dalyje programa Matlab kuriamas matematinis-dinaminis sklandytuvo modelis. Modeliu, pagal nustatytas sąlygas, skaičiuojami atakos ir slydimo kampai, analizuojami grafikai. / The thesis made the glider’s attack and slip angle measurement methods for the investigation. The first part gives an overview of measuring devices of angle of attack and slip angle: The side string, attached to the side of the canopy, vane mounted AOA sensor, Pitot-tube type sensor. The sensors are compared, describes their advantages and disadvantages compared with other sensors. The second part describes the alpha and beta angle measurement methods: measurement with the tube-type sensor, and the method without using the specific attack, slip angle sensors. The following gives an overview of factors affecting the measurement accuracy. Several tube-type sensor calibration curves are presented. The last part of thesis presents development of mathematical – dynamic model of the glider using Matlab software. The model calculates the angle of attack and slip using set conditions of flight.
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Kogeneracinės jėgainės elektrotechninė dalis / Combined heat and power plant electrotechnical partDembinskas, Donatas 04 August 2011 (has links)
Kogeneracija – techniškai pažangus šilumos ir elektros energijos gamybos būdas. Elektros energija gaunama iš generatoriaus, o šilumos energija gaunama variklio aušinimo metu. Kadangi Lietuvoje elektros ir šilumos gamyba iš atsinaujinančių energijos šaltinių yra labai aktualu, darbo tikslas: suprojektuoti kogeneracinės jėainės vidaus elektros tinklą, parinkti kogeneratorių. / Cogeneration technologically advanced of heat and electricity production. It is particularly relevant for Lithuania, because there exists a strong need for heat production, the restructuring of heat and electricity networks, is changing its legal framework, the development of market relations. Undergraduate work is designed combined heat and power plant. Cogeneration plant will be used for alternative fuel: biogas which derived from the landfill. However, in order to improve the efficiency of cogeneration landfill gas is mixed with natural gas in certain proportion. Combined heat and power plant is designed according to the Republic of Lithuania laws and regulations. Heat comes from cogeneration emissions into the atmosphere in summer. It was found that in order to increase the heat recovery efficiency, not only in winter but in summer, for example to be equipped with heated vegetable production complexes.
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Koordinuotų žvilgsnio šuolinių judesių parametrai esant antriniams taikiniams (trikdžiams) / Parameters of coordinated saccadic movements in presence of non-targets (distracters)Butvilas, Valdas 04 August 2011 (has links)
Šiame tyrime buvo tiriama trikdžio įtaka sakadiniams akių judesiams. Eksperimentų serijoje, tiriamieji sekė taikinį, kai kartu su taikiniu atsirasdavo ir trikdis. Trikdis atsirasdavo arčiau taikinio per vidurį kelio arba arčiau fiksacijos taško. Visi trikdžiai buvo ant trajektorijos nuo fiksacijos iki taikinio. Taip pat trikdžių atsiradimo laikas skirdavosi. Siekiamieji akių judesiai buvo paveikti trikdžių. Rezultatai parodė kad trikdis labiau įtakoja horizontalius akies judesius ir kad akių judesiai buvo labiau paveikti kai trikdis buvo per vidurį trajektorijos iki taikinio. / In this research distracter influence for saccadic eye movements was studied. In a series of experiments, participants reached to targets in the presence of visual distracters that were either adjacent to the target or either adjacent to the fixation point. Distracters were located through the reach path. The distracters were presented at different times too. The reaching eye movements were affected by the presence of the distracters The results showed that the distracters affects more horizontal eye movements. And the eyes movements are more affected when distracters were in a middle of path to the target.
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Tiesinio asinchroninio variklio valdymo būdų modeliavimas / Modeling of Control Modes of Linear Induction MotorGeglis, Andžej 20 June 2005 (has links)
The analysis of the feature and application of linear induction motors at work have been performed; mathematical models of linear motors have been studied; mathematical description of induction machine have been presented; coordinate transform have been studied; dynamic equations in moving and move-less systems of axes of linear induction motor have been presented; the analysis of the classification of induction drives control modes have been performed. Four models of the frequency-regulated electric drives with linear induction motors have been studied: when the motor is supplied from variable frequency mains supply, when the motor is supplied from frequency converter, when frequency is changed by program, when frequency is changed in close-loop by vector control system. The characteristics of those models have been compared and performed. The received results are summarized in the conclusions.
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Automatizuotų skaitmerninių sistemų mažiems pokyčiams įvertinti tyrimas / Investigation of digital automatic systems for evaluation of small changesKvedaras, Rokas 05 February 2006 (has links)
1. The method for automatic digital balancing of Wheatstone resistance bridge was developed and investigated using DAC R-2R matrix for evaluation of resistance small changes. Balancing method enables reducing of external influence impact to evaluation results and avoids most disadvantages that are common to classic systems based on unbalanced Wheatstone bridge. The parameters of connecting wires and channel switches are not impacting evaluation results in the system developed. Advantages of the system developed are proven by experiments. System developed allows low cost implementation of systems for evaluation of resistance small changes.
2. Possibilities for simplification of circuit for resistance small changes evaluation by using digital signal processing means are proven. It is established that by using known and the proposed methods for improvement of reliability of evaluation results resolution of the evaluation is 12–14 bits (0,024 % - 0,006 % accuracy). It is established that it is necessary to use digital signal processing methods for achieving such resolution.
3. New structures of resistance small change evaluation systems ensuring resolutions of 212 and 28 intended for laboratory investigations and monitoring of constructions are proposed. Experimental model of system with resolution of 28 was made and investigated. Methods of reducing noises in long cables were established during experiment. In general it was proven that the model is suitable for monitoring tasks... [to full text]
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Radiolokatoriaus antenų kryptinių diagramų matavimo sistemų tyrimas / RLS antennas radiation pattern measuring systems researchOgintas, Andrius 29 June 2007 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe, analitinėje dalyje, pateikta žinomi radiolokatorių antenų elektromagnetinio spinduliavimo kryptinių diagramų matavimo būdai bei svarbiausios matavimo sistemos dalies – imtuvo projektavimo teorija. Eksperimentinėje magistro darbo dalyje panagrinėti būsimi kryptinių diagramų nustatymo būdai, vienas iš jų - panaudojant elektromagnetinių bangų išsibarstymą ore. Pagal žinomus duomenis apie šį efektą sudaryta nauja alternatyvi sistema, kuri leidžia pagreitinti, sumažinti laiko bei materialines sąnaudas atliekant periodinius kryptinių diagramų matavimus ir pateiktos bendros išvados ir rekomendacijos. Darbą sudaro 7 dalys: įvadas, pagrindinės radiolokacinių sistemų techninės charakteristikos, elektroninė matavimo technika, RLS kryptinių diagramų matavimo būdai, bendros išvados ir rekomendacijos, literatūros sąrašas, priedai. / Already known Antennas Radiation Pattern Measuring Systems and theoretical Knowledge, that will help design most important part (Receiver) of measuring system, are presented In my Analysis Part of Master Work. In Experimental part there are new, that still aren’t in practical measuring used, Antennas Radiation Pattern Measuring Systems investigated. One of them is using electromagnetic Wave Scattering from Particles in the Air. Regarding all available Data’s about that effect I made System that allows us to decrease Antenna’s radiation pattern measuring time and expenses. Also made and presented some Advantages, Recommendations and Conclusions. In Master Work is 7 Parts: Introduction, Basic Radiolocation Systems technical Characteristics, Measuring Technique, Radiolocation Systems Antennas radiation patterns Measuring Methods, Conclusions, References, Supplement.
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Vamzdyne skraidančių bepiločių aparatų akustinės regos sistemos kūrimas ir tyrimas / Acoustics vision system‘s of unmanned air vehicle (UAV), flying in pipeline, development and researchNazaras, Paulius 29 June 2007 (has links)
Darbe analizuojama akustinės regos sistema (ARS) skirta specializuotiems bepiločiams skraidantiems aparatams (BSA) apribotoje erdvėje. Aprašyti esami ir kuriami bepiločiai skraidantys aparatai. Parinkus atitinkamus elementus sudaryta tokios ARS elektrinė principinė schema. Pateiktas valdymo algoritmas. / In this graduate work acoustics vision system of unmanned air vehicle (UAV) is projected. It fit to control UAV in the limit space (pipeline). The operating algorithm of the effect of control system is created and this system construction is analyzed. In the closing part of this graduate work conclusions are formulated and the content of the sources is given. The graphical part of this work covers tables of element’s, control system functional schemes and principal electrical schemes of aforesaid control system.
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Elektros pavaros su tiesiaeigiu asinchroniniu varikliu tyrimas / Research of Electric Drive with Linear Induction MotorŠveistys, Valdas 30 September 2008 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjama elektros pavaros su tiesiaeigiu asinchroniniu varikliu konstrukciniai ypatumai, savybės, mechaninės charakteristikos bei kokybės rodikliai. Programiniu paketu MathCAD 2001 Professional yra sudarytas matematinis tiesiaeigio asinchroninio variklio modelis. Tyrimas atliekamas eksperimentiniu būdu, keičiant TAV parametrus (Reynoldso skaičių, neferomagnetinį sluoksnį, oro tarpą, induktoriaus plotį, variklio apvijų skaičių ir pan.), gaunamos tam tikram modeliui būdingos mechaninės charakteristikos.
Magistro darbe pateikiama bendra elektros pavarų su tiesiaeigiais asinchroniniais varikliais apžvalga ir jų savybių analizė.
Tiriamoji dalis apima apibendrinto tiesiaeigio asinchroninio variklio matematinio modelio sudarymą ir mechaninių charakteristikų tyrimą programiniu paketu MathCAD 2001 Professional. Programa skaičiavimo rezultatus pateikia grafiniu pavidalu. Gauti rezultatai yra analizuojami ir apibendrinami. Išnagrinėjus teorinius ir praktinius tiesiaeigio asinchroninio variklio darbo režimų aspektus, pateikiamos išvados ir pasiūlymai.
Tyrimo rezultatai gali būti panaudoti elektros pavarų su tiesiaeigiais asinchroniniais varikliais racionaliam ir optimaliam realizavimui greitaeigių elektros pavarų technologinėse sistemose.
Darbą sudaro 7 dalys, įvadas, literatūros elektros pavaros su tiesiaeigiu asinchroniniu varikliu klausimais apžvalga, tyrimo tikslas ir uždaviniai, skaičiuojamoji dalis, tyrimo rezultatų apibendrinimas, išvados ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In master thesis researching high-speed electric drive with Linear Induction Motor (LIM) design peculiarities, internals and indexes of quality. Using program MathCAD 2001 Professional was created mathematical model of Linear Induction Motor. By changing Linear Induction Motor parameters (Reynolds's number, SE thickness, air gap, inductor width, number of coils and etc) getting for the defined model appropriate mechanicals characteristics. In master thesis the view of electric drive with Linear Induction Motor has been reviewed and their features analyzed. In the investigation part involves the creation of Linear Induction Motor mathematical model and investigation of mechanicals characteristics on program pack MathCAD 2001 Professional. The program displays results in graphical form. The results are analyzed and generalized. After analyzing theoretical and practical LIM motor aspects of operations, conclusions and suggestions are formed. The results of research can be used for rational and optimal realization of LIM in various technological systems. Structure: introduction, literature electrical drive with LIM questions review, research purpose and tasks, calculation part, summary of research results, conclusions and suggestions, references.
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