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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise das deformações dos aterros que compõem a obra do Arco Metropolitano do Rio de Janeiro. / Analysis of deformation of embankments that compose the Arco Metropolitano from Rio de Janeiro.

Danielle Batista Dias de Araújo 10 February 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O presente trabalho tem como objetivo a análise numérica do comportamento dos aterros instrumentados que compõem a obra do Arco Metropolitano do Rio de Janeiro. Os resultados da instrumentação de campo serão retroanalisados, juntamente com dados disponíveis na literatura, buscando-se a definição de parâmetros confiáveis, representativos do comportamento da argila compressível da região em estudo. O Arco Metropolitano do Rio de Janeiro é uma rodovia projetada que servirá como ligação entre as principais rodovias que cortam o município do Rio de Janeiro. Devido a presença de grandes espessuras de solo compressível em alguns trechos da região, cortados pelo traçado da rodovia, instrumentos de monitoramento, como placas de recalque e inclinômetros, foram utilizados para avaliar os deslocamentos verticais e horizontais dos aterros durante o processo construtivo. Para este trabalho foram selecionados trechos de aterros representativos, devido à magnitude dos recalques, qualidade do resultado da instrumentação e diferentes métodos construtivos. A partir da análise dos parâmetros de projeto e dos parâmetros encontrados na literatura, procede-se à simulação numérica do processo construtivo dos aterros selecionados com o programa PLAXIS, de elementos finitos, através de modelagem bidimensional. Os resultados numéricos são confrontados com a instrumentação de campo (placas de recalque e inclinômetros) e com os resultados de previsões teóricas (teoria de adensamento unidimensional). Os resultados comprovaram que a modelagem numérica mostrou-se uma ferramenta adequada para a previsão dos recalques totais, tempos de adensamento e ganho de resistência ao longo do tempo. A retroanálise do comportamento de aterros sobre solos moles permite a reavaliação das premissas de projeto, uma vez que as limitações das teorias de análise e a dificuldade na seleção de parâmetros, muitas vezes acarretam em estimativas de recalque incoerentes com as observações de campo. / This study aims to numerical analysis of the behavior of instrumented embankments that compose the the Arco Metropolitano from Rio de Janeiro. The field instrumentation results will be retroanalysed, together with data available in the literature, seeking the definition of reliable parameters, representative of the behavior of compressible clay in the area of study. The Arco Metropolitano of Rio de Janeiro is a highway designed to link the main highways that cross the city of Rio de Janeiro. Due to the presence of large compressible soil thickness in some parts of the region, cut by the route of the highway, monitoring instruments, such as settlement plates and inclinometers, were used to evaluate the vertical and horizontal displacements of the landfill during the construction process. Representative landfills stretches were selected for this study due to the magnitude of settlements, quality of the result of instrumentation and different construction methods. By the analysis of the parameters from this project and the parameters found in the literature, it proceeds to the numerical simulation of the construction process of landfills selected with the PLAXIS software, of finite elements, through two-dimensional modeling. The numerical results are compared with field instrumentation (provided by settlement plates and inclinometer) and the results of theoretical predictions (one-dimensional consolidation theory). Results showed that the numerical modeling proved to be a suitable tool for the prediction of total settlements, thickening times and gaining strength over time. The back analysis of soft soils on landfill behavior allows the reassessment of project assumptions, once the limitations of the analysis of theories and the difficulty in the selection of parameters often results in estimates of repression inconsistent with the field observations.

Analyse par éléments finis stochastiques de la fiabilité des barrages en remblai vis-à-vis du risque de glissement / Reliability evaluation of earth dams sliding mechanism by stochastic finite element method

Mouyeaux, Anthony 31 January 2017 (has links)
Les ouvrages hydrauliques – barrages et digues – sont des ouvrages de génie civil à risque. Leur rupture engendre des conséquences humaines et matérielles souvent dramatiques. Parmi eux, les barrages en remblai représentent une part importante du parc de barrages au niveau national comme mondial, auxquels s’ajoutent d’importants linéaires de digues en remblai fluviales et maritimes. La sécurité structurale de ces ouvrages est traditionnellement évaluée par des méthodes déterministes ou semi-probabilistes aux états-limites. Cependant, la réglementation française en matière d’ouvrages hydrauliques a récemment évolué en préconisant pour les grands barrages la réalisation d’études de dangers (EDD) basées sur les méthodes d’analyse de risques et impliquant l’utilisation de démarches probabilistes. Dans ce cadre, l’objectif principal de la thèse est de développer une démarche probabiliste pour l’évaluation de la fiabilité structurale des ouvrages hydrauliques en remblai vis-à-vis du mécanisme de glissement, qui constitue l’état-limite conditionnant la géométrie de ces ouvrages. Le développement d’une telle démarche nécessite de traiter trois questions scientifiques principales : · l’élaboration d’un modèle hydromécanique pour l’évaluation déterministe de la stabilité de l’ouvrage vis-à-vis du mécanisme de glissement ; · la modélisation probabiliste de la variabilité spatiale des propriétés mécaniques et hydrauliques des matériaux constituant le remblai ; · le couplage mécano-fiabiliste intégrant les modèles de variabilité spatiale au modèle hydromécanique. De nombreux travaux de recherche ont été réalisés sur ces questions et sont disponibles dans la littérature scientifique. Cependant, ils ne traitent qu’une partie des aspects de la problématique globale d’évaluation de la fiabilité et l’absence de recherches intégratrices est à déplorer. Notre travail, propose une démarche méthodologique complète intégrant l’ensemble des questions scientifiques, en mettant en oeuvre des démarches de modélisation hydraulique et mécanique s’appuyant sur des données réelles disponibles sur un barrage en remblai. La démarche générale développée est appliquée à un barrage bien documenté servant de cas d’étude. Le modèle hydromécanique utilise la méthode des éléments finis et est développé avec le code élément finis Cast3M ouvert et compatible avec un usage en recherche scientifique. Le modèle développé permet le calcul du facteur de sécurité de l’ouvrage par la méthode de réduction de paramètres en intégrant un champ de pressions interstitielles calculé en régime transitoire. La variabilité spatiale des paramètres des matériaux du remblai est modélisée à partir d’une analyse géostatistique des mesures de contrôle de compactage sous forme de champs aléatoires qui sont intégrés au modèle éléments finis. Un couplage mécano-fiabiliste entre le code de calcul Cast3M et le logiciel de fiabilité OpenTURNS permet au final de propager les incertitudes et d’évaluer la fiabilité de l’ouvrage. / Hydraulic works – dams and dikes – are risky civil engineering structures. Dramatic consequences in terms of human and material losses may be induced by their failure. Embankment dams represent an important part of the whole dams in France and the majority of dams worldwide, without considering the important lengths of fluvial and coastal dikes. The structural safety of such structures is traditionally evaluated with limit-state deterministic or semi-probabilistic methods. Nevertheless, French regulations regarding hydraulic works has recently evolved and now impose for all large dams the realization of risk assessment studies based on probabilistic approach. In this purpose, the principal objective of this thesis work is to develop a probabilistic approach to evaluate earth dam reliability concerning the sliding mechanism, which is one of the designing limit-state of such structures. Three scientific issues have to be treated for developing such approach: · elaboration of an hydro-mechanical model for the dam deterministic evaluation towards sliding mechanism; · probabilistic modeling of hydraulic and mechanical soil properties spatial variability; · mechanical-reliability coupling with integration of the spatial variability representations in the hydro-mechanical model. Some research studies already exist on these issues. However these works concern generally only a part of the general issue: the lack of global work is to be deplored. Our work proposes a global methodologic approach taking into account the whole scientific issues and applying hydraulic and mechanical modeling approaches based on real data available in the earth dam. The developed approach is then applied on a dam case study. Hydro-mechanical model uses finite element method and is developed with the user-free code Cast3M which is compatible for a research use. This code allows the safety factor calculation through the strength reduction technique with integration of the pore pressures field estimated in transient condition. The spatial variability of embankment properties is represented with random fields based on a geostatistical analysis of construction controls data. These random fields are then integrated into the finite element model. A coupling between the physical finite element code Cast3M and the reliability software OpenTURNS finally allows assessing the uncertainties propagation and the reliability evaluation of the studied dam.

Développement de l'imagerie des systèmes racinaires dans les ouvrages hydrauliques en remblai par tomographie électrique et acoustique / Development of root system imaging in earth dikes by electrical and acoustical tomography

Mary, Benjamin 16 December 2015 (has links)
La végétation arborée sur les digues ou les barrages en remblai est un facteur de fragilité pouvant favoriser l'apparition de mécanismes de détérioration par érosion. Définir la structure géométrique des systèmes racinaires ainsi que la nature des sols dans lesquels ils croissent, à partir de méthodes géophysiques non destructives, est nécessaire afin d'appréhender les conséquences de leur développement sur la sécurité d'un ouvrage hydraulique. Des expériences en laboratoire ont d'abord permis de déterminer les propriétés acoustiques et électriques intrinsèques d'échantillons racinaires menant à l'identification de signatures indispensables à la discrimination de l'anomalie liée à la racine sur le terrain. Le montage de supports expérimentaux adaptés nous a conduits à progressivement étudier des paramètres d'influences en conditions contrôlées. Des essais en conditions semi-contrôlées sur un dispositif d'arbres plantés dans un sol homogène ont permis d'évaluer la pertinence des différentes méthodologies d'acquisition, tels que l'utilisation de la polarisation provoquée en tomographie de résistivité complexe ou encore la géométrie des capteurs pour la tomographie acoustique. Des traitements innovants tels que l'analyse en ondelettes sont associés afin d'exploiter la richesse des enregistrements. Les résultats obtenus ont été validés par le relevé des positions réelles des racines. Enfin, des campagnes d'auscultation sur un ouvrage réel ont été réalisées et ont permis de mettre en évidence une variabilité spatiale du corps de digue associée à la présence d'arbres. Une méthodologie adaptée au diagnostic géophysique de la végétation sur les ouvrages a été mise en place. / Woody vegetation from earth dikes or dams is a fragility factor which can promote mechanisms of degradation such as erosion. An accurate assessment of root system structure, from geophysical non-destructive methods, of root position into the embankment (depth, extension), and a good knowledge of soil conditions are critical in order to anticipate the consequences of vegetation development for the hydraulic structure’s safety. Laboratory experiments allowed determining intrinsic acoustical and electrical root properties leading to identify relevant signatures and discriminate anomalies related to roots in the field. The establishment of adapted experimental devices led us progressively to assess different parameters (roots mass, water content. . . ) under controlled conditions. Experiments in semi-controlled conditions with trees planted into a homogenous soil, were conducted to assess the relevance of different methodologies, such as the use of temporal induced polarization in complex resistivity tomography or the geometry of sensors for acoustical tomography. Innovative data processing such as wavelet analysis were used to valorize the rich database. The results were validated by the determination of actual root position.Finally, field investigations into an embankment have been performed to highlight a spatial variability of dike structures associated with trees presence. A methodology adapted to the geophysical diagnostic of vegetation roots in embankments was developed.

Modélisation du comportement cyclique des ouvrages en terre intégrant des techniques de régularisation / Cyclic behaviour modeling of geotechnical structures including regularization methods

Foucault, Alexandre 21 June 2010 (has links)
L'objectif technique majeur de cette thèse se rapporte au développement d'un outilde simulation numérique fiable et robuste adapté à la maîtrise et la connaissance dufonctionnement mécanique des ouvrages géotechniques. Cet outil de simulation doitnotamment permettre une maîtrise des scénarii les plus pénalisants pour leur tenue,notamment sous l'aléa sismique.La qualité des résultats d'un tel outil dans le cadre de la méthode des éléments finisest fonction du modèle de comportement utilisé, de la qualité de l'intégration dumodèle et de sa résolution numérique. Dans le cadre de ce travail, le modèleélastoplastique de comportement cyclique des sols de l'ECP (dit de Hujeux) a étéintroduit dans Code_Aster selon un schéma d'intégration implicite, permettant ainsiune représentation fine et précise des phénomènes mis en jeu durant l'aléasismique. Ce modèle possède également l'avantage d'être adapté au comportementde différents types de sols dans le cadre des milieux poreux sous l'hypothèse despetites déformations. Après validation sur des chemins de chargement variés, lemodèle est à présent utilisé pour la simulation de la construction par couches, de lamise en eau et de la tenue sismique de barrages en terre.Le caractère non standard et adoucissant de ce modèle conduit à mettre en oeuvredes techniques de régularisation pour résoudre le problème de dépendancepathologique des résultats aux maillages lors de l'apparition de modes de ruinelocalisée. Le modèle de second gradient de dilatation est utilisé en complément aumodèle de comportement de Hujeux pour contrôler la largeur des bandes delocalisation apparaissant sur les structures étudiées. La prise en compte d'unecinématique enrichie permet de rendre objectives aux maillages les réponses desstructures durant leur phase d'adoucissement mais n'instaure pas l'unicité dessolutions aux problèmes posés suite aux instabilités. Dans le cadre d'essaisbiaxiaux drainés sur des matériaux dilatants exprimés au sein des milieux dusecond gradient de dilatation, il est apparu une dépendance de la largeur desbandes de cisaillement à l'état de contraintes initial en plus des propriétés desmatériaux.A partir d'un exemple analytique d'une bande de matériau cisaillée, cettedépendance a pu être exprimée, comparée et maîtrisée en fonction des paramètresde régularisation par rapport aux résultats des simulations numériques. L'extensionde cette approche à un cas de stabilité de pente sous chargement d'une fondationsuperficielle a ensuite été entrepris. La dépendance des largeurs de bandes à l'étatde contraintes initial est apparue comme un élément clé de la maîtrise du couplageentre le modèle de second gradient de dilatation et les modèles de type Cam-Clay / The main technical objective of this PhD thesis deals with the development of a soilbehavior numerical tool. It should be robust, efficient and adapted to model themechanical behavior of geotechnical structures (e.g. embankment dam) under theworst loading scenarii such earthquakes.In the finite element method, the quality results is directly linked to the soilconstitutive model, the integration scheme and the numerical resolution. In this PhDThesis, the ECP elastoplastic soil model is introduced in Code_Aster through animplicit scheme. An implicit scheme ensures to respect the theoretical formulation ofthe model. The ECP constitutive model is one of the models available in theliterature to represent the behaviour of different kinds of soils under cyclic loadingsand it is used since the 80's by hydraulic engineers at EDF. It is expressed in termsof effective stresses and infinitesimal strains. The developments are validated forlaboratory tests in a large scale of loading paths. On the other hand, the study of asand embankment was performed and compared to the results obtained with thefinite element software GEFDyn developed at ECP.The ECP model is based on a non-associated flow rule and it is able to reproduce asoftening behavior. When shear bands occur in the structure, these properties leadto a pathological sensitivity of the results depending on the mesh size. Therefore, aregularization technique has to be used to circumvent this problem and to obtainobjective results with respect to the mesh. The second gradient of dilation model isthus chosen to be coupled to the ECP model and in this way, to ensure a spatiotemporalindependence of results. However, this mesh independence still evolves ina potential domain of solutions, when instability occurs. The simulations of drainedbiaxial tests on laboratory samples show a dependence of shear bands thickness inregard to the initial stress state and material properties.An analytical problem of a dilatant shear band is used to extract the key factors.These theoretical solutions are compared and validated to numerical responses,which are in good accordance. A bearing capacity problem was also solved todemonstrate the potential of the method. The conclusion of this work establishes themain role of initial stress state over the shear band thickness in the context of thesecond gradient of dilation model and the models based on Cam-Clay approach.

An Overview of State-of-the-art Hydraulic Conductivity Measurements in Coarse Grained Materials / En översikt över toppmoderna mätmetoder för hydraulisk konduktivitet i grovkorniga material

Andrén, Jakob January 2021 (has links)
Embankment dams are made from soil materials of varying sizes and widely used all over the world.When constructing these, knowing the hydraulic conductivity (K) of the soil materials is a keyparameter in order to construct safe embankment dams. A knowledge gap regarding K measurementsin coarse grained soils has been identified. This thesis aims to provide a theoretical overview ofpresent day state-of-the-art methods for measuring hydraulic conductivity and the controllingcharacteristics for K. Coarse grained soils refers to a soil with the coarsest grain fraction being > 20mm and/or have a K > 10-4m/s.   It was found that the fixed wall permeameter is the most suitable laboratory method. In the field, itis possible to estimate K using tracer methods, these however show more potential for leakagepathway detection. Common for all K measurement methods are the controlling characteristics of K,grain size distribution, pore geometry, degree of compaction, particle movement and flow regime.These need to be considered when testing to produce useful measurements. If the relationshipbetween flow velocity and hydraulic head is non-linear, Darcy's law is not valid for calculating K. / Fyllnadsdammar är uppbyggda av jord och sprängsten av olika storlekar och finns över hela världen.Att känna till den hydrauliska konduktiviteten (K) av de olika lagren är viktigt för att kunna byggadessa på ett säkert och hållbart sätt. Det har identifierats en bristande kunskap angående K mätningar igrovkorniga jord- och stenmaterial. Målet med denna uppsats är att presentera en teoretisk översikt avden senaste kunskapen inom K mätningar i grovkorniga jord- och stenmaterial och vilka egenskapersom avgör ett materials K. Grovkorniga jord- och stenmaterial syftar till material där den grövstakornstorleken är > 20 mm och/eller har ett K > 10-4m/s.   För laboratorie mätningar är en permeameter med en solid vägg den mest lämpliga metoden. Förfältmätningar är det möjligt att mäta K med hjälp av spårämnen, men dessa har mer potential för attupptäcka läckage vägar i fyllnadsdammar. De faktorer som avgör ett materials K ärkornstorleksfördelningen, geometrin av porerna, graden av kompaktering, partikelrörelse ochflödestyp. För att producera mätningar som är användbara behöver dessa faktorer kontrolleras. Omsambandet mellan hydrauliskt huvud och flödeshastighet är icke linjärt kan K inte beräknas genomDarcy´s lag.

Studie přečerpávací vodní elektrárny / Feasibility study of the pumped storage power station

Školník, Martin January 2018 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with the feasibility study of the pumped-storage hydropower plant. Design is divided at three parts – upper water-reservoir with water intake, penstock with cabel tunnel and mechanical room with four Francis reversible turbine. Study contains engineering report, hydraulic calculations, photodocumentation and drawing documentation.

Polyfunkční dům na nábřeží v Přerově / Multifunctional Building on the Embankment in Přerov

Čechák, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on multifunctional building on the embankment in Přerov. The building has four aboveground floors. Multifunctional building is situated on the bank of the Bečva river with the view over the historic city centre of Přerov. Main mass of surrounding block is formed by Sokolovna built in functionalist style. Intention is to connect old block with new multifunctional building in minimalistic style. First floor will have three shopping units and technical facilities. Second and third floors will be used for living and administration. Living and administration parts will be separated in the layout of the building. Fourth floor will be used for living.

Analýza rytmů a proměna místa: Náplavka Rašínovo nábřeží / Rhythmanalysis and the changes of the place: Rašín riverside embankment

Kravka, Jan January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with the analysis of rhythms (Lefebvre 2004) at Prague's Rašín Embankment (náplavka Rašínova nábřeží). This thesis would also focus on the observation of the spatiotemporal changes of this place in a long term. I carried out qualitative interviews with actors who co-create the rhythms of this place with their managerial and entrepreneurial activities and added them to long-term continual visits and sensory perception of the place, along with the study of specialized historical publications. The analysis of the rhythms based on long-term participant observation was followed by an interpretation of what they actually tell us about everyday social reality of this place at specific times and how this space is produced by those rhythms. In this thesis I also used related concepts like chronotope (Crang, 2001; Osman, Mulíček, Seidenglanz, 2010, 2015) and chronopolis (Osman, Mulíček, Seidenglanz 2011, 2017). This thesis shows that nowadays the eurhythmia of this place is created by non- disruptive movement of local visitors such as walkers, runners and cyclists along the embankment, by regularly organized farmers' market and other events as well as by the flow of the Vltava river and its rhythms, by all means of transport on the local roads, bridges and the Vltava river. From the...

Platsspecifik volym, koldioxidekvivalens och kostnad för skumglas, lättklinker och cellplast : En komparativ fallstudie utifrån dimensioneringskrav av en vägbank i Nättraby, Luleå och Norrköping / Site-specific volume, carbon dioxide equivalence and cost of foam glass, cellular plastic, and expanded clay aggregate : A comparative case study based on dimensioning requirements of an embankment in Nattraby, Lulea and Norrkoping

Muradi, Las, Edje, Jacob January 2021 (has links)
I denna studie har en geoteknisk undersökning utförts för att utvärdera lättfyllnadsmaterialen skumglas, cellplast och lättklinker utifrån dimensioneringskrav som lättfyllnadsmaterial i en vägbank. Målet är att analysera dessa material och komma fram till vilket material som är mest optimal med avseende på volym, kostnader och miljöpåverkan i ett platsspecifikt område i Sverige. De områden som har undersökts är Nättraby, Norrköping och Luleå. En fallstudie har genomförts där ett verkligt projekt i Nättraby var utgångspunkt för dimensionering av vägbanken. Följande frågeställningar har behandlats: Hur stor volym av lättfyllnadsmaterialen krävs för att uppfylla dimensioneringskraven beroende på jordprofil? Hur stor blir den platsspecifika materialkostnaden för lättfyllnadsmaterialen? Hur stor blir den platsspecifika miljöpåverkan mätt i koldioxidekvivalenter för vartdera material? Studien började med en litteraturstudie där Malmö Universitets sökmotor Libsearch, databaserna DiVA och Sundahus användes vid litteratursökningen. Dimensionering av vägbanken har sedan utförts med sättningoch stabilitetsberäkningar. Vid dimensionering av sättningar genomfördes handberäkningar. Programvaran SLOPE/W användes vid stabilitetsanalyser och vid framtagning av lättfyllnadsmaterialens volym. Lättfyllnadsmaterialens miljöpåverkan har mätts i koldioxidekvivalenter och har erhållits från EPD:er. Kostnaderna för lättfyllnadsmaterialen är standardiserade priser och är givna av extern handledare Mamdouh Mohamad. Teorin som grundar beräkningsmetodiken är etablerade standarder. Dimensioneringskraven utgår från Trafikverkets tekniska krav för geokonstruktioner. För att uppnå dimensioneringskraven med en minimal marginal tillämpades optimeringsåtgärder där underbyggnadens höjd sänktes eller/och en nedgrävning i jordprofilen tillämpades med ett intervall på 0,25 m.  Resultaten visar att skumglas har en volym mellan 90,653 – 95,340 m3, cellplast mellan 80,903– 85,840 m3 och lättklinker mellan 108,540 – 121,240 m3 för samtliga fall. För de tre områdena har skumglas en kostnad mellan 90 653 – 95 340 kr, cellplast mellan 52 586,95 – 55 796 kr och slutligen lättklinker mellan 75 978 – 84 868 kr. Koldioxidekvivalenter som skumglas bidrar till ligger mellan 704,74 - 741,17 CO2e, lättklinker mellan 6 537,91 - 7 302,89 CO2e och cellplast mellan 5 257,08 - 5 577,88 CO2e för alla fall. I fall 1 (Nättraby) visar lättklinker och skumglas bäst resultat med avseende på dimensionering. Lättklinker är optimalast i fall 2 (Norrköping) och i fall 3 (Luleå) visar det sig att lättklinker och cellplast är mest gynnsammast utifrån dimensioneringsaspekten. Spänningstillskotten och jordens hållfasthetsparametrar påverkar jordprofilernas sättningskänslighet. De odränerade och dränerade skjuvhållfasthetsegenskaperna i jordarna påverkar de odränerade och dränerade säkerhetsfaktorerna. Lättfyllnadsmaterialens volym bestäms baserat på den höjd som krävs för att uppfylla dimensioneringskraven. På så sätt varierar kostnader och koldioxidekvivalenter för lättfyllnadsmaterialen beroende på volym. Ur en dimensionerande synvinkel har lättfyllnadsmaterialen varierande resultat beroende på jordprofil och optimeringsåtgärd. Cellplast är det mest optimala materialet beträffande volym och kostnad i samtliga fall. Skumglas är det mest gynnsamma materialet utifrån miljöpåverkan i allmänhet. I denna studie är cellplast eller skumglas det mest optimala lättfyllnadsmaterialetmed avseende på volym, kostnad och miljöpåverkan. / In this study, a geotechnical investigation has been carried out to evaluate lightweight filling materials such as foam glass, cellular plastic, and expanded clay aggregate based on dimensioning requirements as lightweight filling material in an embankment. The goal is to analyze these materials and to conclude which material is most optimal regarding volume, costs, and environmental impact in a specific region in Sweden. The regions that have been investigated are Nattraby, Norrkoping, and Lulea. A case study has been carried out were a real project in Nattraby was the starting point for dimensioning the embankment. The following issues have been addressed: How large a volume of lightweight filling materials is required to meet the dimensioning requirements depending on the soil profile? How much will the sitespecific lightweight filling materials cost? How large is the site-specific environmental impact measured in carbon dioxide equivalents for each lightweight filling material? The study has been carried out through a literature study. When dimensioning settlements, manual calculations were performed. The SLOPE/W software was used in stability analyzes and in the production of the volume of lightweight filling materials. The environmental impact of lightweight filling materials has been measured in carbon dioxide equivalents and has been obtained from EPDs. The results show that foam glass has a volume between 90,653 - 95,340 m3, cellular plastic between 80,903 - 85,840 m3, and lightweight clay aggregate between 108,540 - 121,240 m3 for all cases. For the three areas, foam glass has a cost between SEK 90,653 - 95,340, cellular plastic between SEK 52,586.95 - 55,796, and lastly lightweight clay aggregate between SEK 75,978 - 84,868. Carbon dioxide equivalents that foam glass contributes to are between 704.74 - 741.17 CO2e, lightweight clay aggregate between 6 537.91 - 7 302.89 CO2e, and cellular plastic between 5 257.08 - 5 577.88 CO2e for all cases. In case 1 (Nattraby), lightweight clay aggregate and foam glass show the best results regarding dimensioning. Lightweight clay aggregate is most optimal in case 2 (Norrkoping) and in case 3 (Lulea) it turns out that lightweight clay aggregate and cellular plastic are most favorable from the dimensioning aspect. From a dimensioning point of view, the lightweight filling materials have varying results depending on the soil profile and optimization measure. Cellular plastic is the most optimal material in terms of volume and costs in all cases. Foam glass is the most favorable material based on environmental impact in general. In this study, cellular plastic or foam glass is the most optimal lightweight filling material in terms of volume, cost and environmental impact.

Load transfer mechanisms and seismic stability of embankments subjected to basal subsidence / 基礎地盤沈下を受けた盛土の荷重伝達メカニズムおよび動的安定性 / # ja-Kana

Nguyen, Tan 25 September 2018 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第21357号 / 工博第4516号 / 新制||工||1703(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科都市社会工学専攻 / (主査)教授 大津 宏康, 准教授 PIPATPONGSA Thirapong, 教授 三村 衛 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DGAM

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