Spelling suggestions: "subject:"embedded"" "subject:"imbedded""
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Development of an ISO 26262 ASIL D compliant verification systemCarlsson, Daniel January 2013 (has links)
In 2011 a new functional safety standard for electronic and electrical systems in vehicles waspublished, called ISO 26262. This standard concerns the whole lifecycle of the safety criticalelements used in cars, including the development process of such elements. As the correctnessof the tools used when developing such an element is critical to the safety of the element,the standard includes requirements concerning the software tools used in the development,including verification tools. These requirements mainly specify that a developer of a safetycritical element should provide proof of their confidence in the software tools they are using.One recommended way to gain this confidence is to use tools developed in accordance to a“relevant subset of [ISO 26262]”.This project aims to develop a verification system in accordance to ISO 26262, exploringhow and what specifications should be included in this “relevant subset” of ISO 26262 andto which extent these can be included in their current form. The work concludes with thedevelopment of a single safety element of the verification system, to give an demonstrationof the viability of such a system.
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Monitoring and modelling diurnal and seasonal odour and gas emission profiles for swine grower/finisher roomsSun, Gang 22 March 2006
To address odour and gas problems generated by livestock facilities, air dispersion models have been used to determine reasonable science-based setback distances between the livestock operations and the neighbouring residences. However, none of the existing models consider diurnal, seasonal and climate variations of odour and gas (ammonia, hydrogen sulphide, carbon dioxide) concentrations and emission rates (OGCER), which may result in great uncertainties in setback distance calculations. Thus, the purpose of this project was to monitor and model diurnal and seasonal OGCER from swine grower/finisher rooms. Specifically, this research was conducted to: 1) characterize diurnal OGCER between two different flooring systems (fully and partially slatted floorings) under three different weather conditions (August, October and February); 2) identify seasonal OGCER over a 12-month measuring period; and 3) develop mathematical models to predict the OGCER. <p>A two-factorial strip-block experiment was designed for measuring diurnal OGCER in two grower/finisher rooms. It was found that: 1) the diurnal OGCER in the fully slatted flooring system was 27.6 to 39.5% higher than that in the partially slatted flooring system; however, no significant differences in the diurnal OGCER were found between the two rooms, except for the NH3 concentrations in August, the NH3 and H2S concentrations and emissions in October, and odour concentrations and emissions in February (P > 0.05), and 2) significant diurnal variations in the OGCER (except for the odour concentrations and H2S emissions) have been observed in August (P < 0.05); only gas emissions showed significant fluctuation patterns in October (P < 0.05); no significant variations in the OGCER (except for the CO2 concentrations and emissions) were found in February (P > 0.05). <p>A repeated measurement method was used to monitor seasonal OGCER in four grower/finisher rooms over a period of 12 months. It was found that: 1) the seasonal OGCER from the fully slatted flooring system was 2.9 to 40.6% higher than that from the partially slatted flooring system; however, the seasonal OGCER (except for the NH3 concentrations in October, November and January; the CO2 concentrations in August and the CO2 emissions in December) between the two different floors for each measuring month did not differ significantly (P > 0.05); and 2) the seasonal OGCER was significantly affected by the sampling month (P < 0.05), and no specific seasonal pattern was observed. <p> The statistical models developed for each type of the flooring system determined the OGCER based on the room and ambient temperatures, the ventilation rates and the animal units. The predicted results showed good agreement with measured values for most of OGCER (r2: 0.67-0.95). In order to improve odour and gas prediction models, animal activity and dirtiness of pens should be further investigated.
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Characterization of SecA N-Terminus for Membrane Binding and ActivityFloyd, Jeanetta Holley 30 November 2007 (has links)
SecA is an essential component for the translocation of proteins across bacterial membranes. Though SecA is known to function in the membrane the mechanism for this process remains unclear. In this study we identify two specific regions of SecA that may be important for N-terminal membrane interactions. Molecular modeling of SecA from the E. coli and B. subtilus crystal structures, previously determined, revealed that the first 30 amino acids of SecA consists of a helix of amino acids 1-11 connected by a linker (amino acids 12-16) to an amphipathic helix of amino acids 17-30. The first helix is dispensable for SecA activity; however, deletions in the second N-terminal helix, at amino acids 21-25, result in decrease of SecA activity and a deletion of 26 amino acids no longer complements E. coli ts mutant BL21.19. We show that the deletions of N-terminal amino acids that result in the decrease of SecA activity are correlated to the loss of SecA membrane binding and integration in these deletion mutants. In this study we also test the accuracy of a new membrane protein prediction software PSSM_SVM. This program predicted an embedded membrane (EM) region at SecA amino acids 110-118. The predicted sequence represents an unusual prediction for an EM region as most membrane integral regions consist of 15-30 amino acids. Molecular modeling indicated that the region 110-118 is a part of a helix composed of amino acids 107-121 in E. coli SecA, and is indicative of a membrane embedded domain. Site-directed mutagenesis was carried out with several conserved residues, which included L110, L114, and L118 to determine if substitutions at these positions would affect SecA activity. Our data shows that most SecA mutants (including some predicted to be inactive) are active in vivo; however, L110E and L114R mutations rendered the mutated SecA non-functional. All together this study shows that the N-terminal limit of SecA resides at amino acid 26 and that amino acids 21-25 may form a N-terminal membrane binding determinate. Moreover, the predicted EM region may indeed correspond to a functional embedded membrane region for SecA.
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Exécution d'applications stockées dans la mémoire non-adressable d'une carte à puceCogniaux, Geoffroy 13 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
La dernière génération de cartes à puce permet le téléchargement d'applications après leur mise en circulation. Outre les problèmes que cela implique, cette capacité d'extension applicative reste encore aujourd'hui bridée par un espace de stockage adressable restreint. La thèse défendue dans ce mémoire est qu'il est possible d'exécuter efficacement des applications stockées dans la mémoire non-adressable des cartes à puce, disponible en plus grande quantité, et ce, malgré ses temps de latences très longs, donc peu favorables a priori à l'exécution de code. Notre travail consiste d'abord à étudier les forces et faiblesse de la principale réponse proposée par l'état de l'art qu'est un cache. Cependant, dans notre contexte, il ne peut être implémenté qu'en logiciel, avec alors une latence supplémentaire. De plus, ce cache doit respecter les contraintes mémoires des cartes à puce et doit donc avoir une empreinte mémoire faible. Nous montrons comment et pourquoi ces deux contraintes réduisent fortement les performances d'un cache, qui devient alors une réponse insuffisante pour la résolution de notre challenge. Nous appliquons notre démonstration aux caches de code natif, puis de code et méta-données Java et JavaCard2. Forts de ces constats, nous proposons puis validons une solution reposant sur une pré-interprétation de code, dont le but est à la fois de détecter précocement les données manquantes en cache pour les charger à l'avance et en parallèle, mais aussi grouper des accès au cache et réduire ainsi l'impact de son temps de latence logiciel, démontré comme son principal coût. Le tout produit alors une solution efficace, passant l'échelle des cartes à puce.
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Hardware accelerators for embedded fingerprint-based personal recognition systemsFons Lluís, Mariano 29 May 2012 (has links)
The development of automatic biometrics-based personal recognition systems is a reality in the current technological age. Not only those operations demanding stringent security levels but also many daily use consumer applications request the existence of computational platforms in charge of recognizing the identity of one individual based on the analysis of his/her physiological and/or behavioural characteristics. The state of the art points out two main open problems in the implementation of such applications: on the one hand, the needed reliability improvement in terms of recognition accuracy, overall security and real-time performances; and on the other hand, the cost reduction of those physical platforms in charge of the processing. This work aims at finding the proper system architecture able to address those limitations of current personal recognition applications. Embedded system solutions based on hardware-software co-design techniques and programmable (and run-time reconfigurable) logic devices under FPGAs or SOPCs is proven to be an efficient alternative to those existing multiprocessor systems based on HPCs, GPUs or PC platforms in the development of that kind of high-performance applications at low cost / El desenvolupament de sistemes automàtics de reconeixement personal basats en tècniques biomètriques esdevé una realitat en l’era tecnològica actual. No només aquelles operacions que exigeixen un elevat nivell de seguretat sinó també moltes aplicacions quotidianes demanen l’existència de plataformes computacionals encarregades de reconèixer la identitat d’un individu a partir de l’anàlisi de les seves característiques fisiològiques i/o comportamentals. L’estat de l’art de la tècnica identifica dues limitacions importants en la implementació d’aquest tipus d’aplicacions: per una banda, és necessària la millora de la fiabilitat d’aquests sistemes en termes de precisió en el procés de reconeixement personal, seguretat i execució en temps real; i per altra banda, és necessari reduir notablement el cost dels sistemes electrònics encarregats del processat biomètric. Aquest treball té per objectiu la cerca de l’arquitectura adequada a nivell de sistema que permeti fer front a les limitacions de les aplicacions de reconeixement personal actuals. Es demostra que la proposta de sistemes empotrats basats en tècniques de codisseny hardware-software i dispositius lògics programables (i reconfigurables en temps d’execució) sobre FPGAs o SOPCs resulta ser una alternativa eficient en front d’aquells sistemes multiprocessadors existents basats en HPCs, GPUs o plataformes PC per al desenvolupament d’aquests tipus d’aplicacions que requereixen un alt nivell de prestacions a baix cost. / El desarrollo de sistemas automáticos de reconocimiento personal basados en técnicas biométricas se ha convertido en una realidad en la era tecnológica actual. No tan solo aquellas operaciones que requieren un alto nivel de seguridad sino también muchas otras aplicaciones cotidianas exigen la existencia de plataformas computacionales encargadas de verificar la identidad de un individuo a partir del análisis de sus características fisiológicas y/o comportamentales. El estado del arte de la técnica identifica dos limitaciones importantes en la implementación de este tipo de aplicaciones: por un lado, es necesario mejorar la fiabilidad que presentan estos sistemas en términos de precisión en el proceso de reconocimiento personal, seguridad y ejecución en tiempo real; y por otro lado, es necesario reducir notablemente el coste de los sistemas electrónicos encargados de dicho procesado biométrico. Este trabajo tiene por objetivo la búsqueda de aquella arquitectura adecuada a nivel de sistema que permita hacer frente a las limitaciones de los sistemas de reconocimiento personal actuales. Se demuestra que la propuesta basada en sistemas embebidos implementados mediante técnicas de codiseño hardware-software y dispositivos lógicos programables (y reconfigurables en tiempo de ejecución) sobre FPGAs o SOPCs resulta ser una alternativa eficiente frente a aquellos sistemas multiprocesador actuales basados en HPCs, GPUs o plataformas PC en el ámbito del desarrollo de aplicaciones que demandan un alto nivel de prestaciones a bajo coste
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Acceleration and Integration of Sound Decoding in FPGA / Accelerering och integrering av ljudavkodning i FPGAHolmér, Johan, Eriksson, Jesper January 2011 (has links)
The task has been to develop a network media renderer on an embedded linux system running on a Spartan 6 FPGA. One of the challenges have been to make the best use of the limited FPGA area. MP3 have been the prioritised format. To achieve fast MP3 decoding a MicroBlaze soft processor have been configured for speed with concern to the small area availabe. Also the software MP3 decoding process have been accelerated with hardware. MP3 files with full quality (320 kbit/s) can be decoded with real time requirements. A sound interface hardware have been designed to handle the decoded sound samples and convert them to the S/PDIF standard interface. Also UPnP commands have been implemented with the MP3 player software to complete the renderer’s network functionality.
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Indoor Navigation Using Accelerometer and Magnetometer / Inomhusnavigering med hjälp av accelerometer och magnetometerSäll, Joel, Merkel, Johnny January 2011 (has links)
This project will create a navigation system based on dead reckoning using anaccelerometer and a magnetometer. There have previously been several studiesmade on navigation with accelerometers, magnetometers (electronic compass) andgyros. With these three components it is possible to do positioning and differentkinds of movement analyses. There are several methods for detection of movementand calculation of position. To achieve greater accuracy in these applications,gyros are often used. Compared to magnetometers and accelerometer gyrosconsumes a lot of power. In an embedded system with limited power suppliesfrom a battery this may be unacceptable. In this project a positioning system without a gyro have been developedand evaluated. Is this possible to do, and what accuracy is possible to achieve arequestions asked.Algorithms have been developed and tested in MATLAB. The project is based ona device called a BeeBadge, part of the project will be to transfer the developedalgorithms from MATLAB to C-code. Optimizations of the code will be performeddue to the constraints in the memory and speed of the microcontroller on theBeeBadge.
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Utvärdering av simulatorer och emulatorer för inbyggda system / Evaluation of simulators and emulators for embedded computersGustavsson, Henrik January 2011 (has links)
Uppdragsgivaren Saab Electronic Defence Systems i Jönköping erbjuder ett flertal produkter främst inom avioniksystem. För att kunna utvärdera och kontrollera produktens design i ett tidigt skede så kan en simulering av systemets beteende och att felsöka så tidigt som möjligt vara ett möjligt alternativ. En systemsimulering kan innebära att mjukvaruutveckling och felsökning kan påbörjas långt innan hårdvaruprototypen är tillgänglig, med samma storlek och komplexitet som systemet. Andra fördelar med simulering är att det går enklare att fastställa orsaken till systemkrasch, hitta de längsta exekveringstiderna och göra felinjiceringar. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att testa och utvärdera hur simulatorer och emulatorer är som utvecklings- och testverktyg. Rapporten innehåller en marknadsundersökning där tio stycken emulatorer och simulatorer hittades. Av dessa valdes två stycken ut, Wind River Simics och Imperas OVPSim. Tester utfördes för användarvänlighet, debugging, samt jämförande tester mellan riktig hårdvara och simulerad miljö. Resultatet visar att simulatorer kan hjälpa till vid produktutveckling, men att de ännu inte är så optimala för att utvärdera hårdvara i. Detta för att avvikelser kan förekomma i exekveringstider mellan riktig och simulerad hårdvaruarkitektur. / This thesis has been carried out in cooperation with Saab Electronic Defence Systems in Jönköping which has a wide range of products, mainly for Avionic applications. In order to evaluate and verify their design it is often required to simulate behaviour and debug as early as possible. System simulation can enable software development and debug to commence long before a hardware prototype is available and also scale with the size and complexity of the system. Another benefit of simulation is to more easily determine root causes to system crashes, establish worst case execution time cases and making fault injection. Therefore this thesis will focus on evaluating simulators and emulators, as development- and testing tools. This report contains a marketing research, where ten emulators and simulators were found. Of these, two simulators were chosen for further investigation; WindRiver Simics and Imperas OVPSim. The evaluations considered both usability and debugging features as well as comparative tests between real hardware and the simulated environment. The results show that simulators can help in product development, but they are not yet optimal for evaluating hardware. This is because deviations may occur in execution times between real and simulated hardware architectures.
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Bryggarsalen : Underlag för kommande marknadsföringsinsatserAndersson, Louise, Westerlund, Marie January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to identify the points-of-difference that should form the basis for Bryggarsalen’s future marketing efforts. Bryggarsalen is a newly established conference business in Stockholm. To be able to identify these points-of-difference, Bryggarsalen’s marketing problems have been studied from the resource-based view, claiming that the source of sustained competitive advantage derive from a firm’s unique bundle of resources. The study proceeded from the assumption that organizational embedded knowledge is a strategic resource that automatically is a source of sustained competitive advantage. In marketing terms we claim that this resource can be considered as a source for finding points-of-difference. However to be considered as points-of-difference, the organizational embedded knowledge must also be seen as valuable to target customer group. Therefore, this study starts by mapping Bryggarsalen’s and its parent company Studiefrämjandet’s organizational embedded knowledge. After that, the identified organizational embedded knowledge is matched with target customer needs. The method used to identify the organizational embedded knowledge is inspired by the technique for causal mapping. To identify target customer needs we have made a trend analysis of the Swedish conference market. Based on our findings following elements in Bryggarsalen’s access to organizational embedded knowledge can be considered as points-of-difference: Studiefrämjandet’s embedded knowledge regarding effective and interactive learning (folkbildningen); Studiefrämjandet’s embedded knowledge regarding keeping courses attractive; Martin Orchidéen’s embedded knowledge regarding cooking and UIf Cronheim’s embedded knowledge regarding event logistics.
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Det trådlösa stetoskopet : kardiovaskulär data över GPRS / The wireless stethoscope : cardiovascular data over GPRSAsplund, Tobias, Hellerfelt, Rikard January 2004 (has links)
Inom området för telemedicin efterfrågas praktiska sätt för läkare att snabbt och tillförlitligt kunna ställa preliminära diagnoser. Genom att använda GPRS kan stetoskopljud överföras över långa avstånd. På så vis kan en patient bli undersökt utan att behöva träffa sin läkare. Den här rapporten förklarar arbetet med att konstruera ett trådlöst stetoskop som använder sig av GPRS. In the area of telemedicine practical methods are wantedfor a doctor to quickly and reliably be able to set a preliminary diagnose. By using GPRS stethoscope sound can be sent over long distances. In that way a patient can be examined without having to meet his or her doctor. This report explains the work of constructing a wireless stethoscope using GPRS.
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