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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La gestion disputée d'un mal public impur : économie politique des ordures / Contested management of an impure public good : political economy of waste

Cavé, Jérémie 21 February 2013 (has links)
Sur la base d'investigations empiriques dans deux villes ordinaires de pays émergents –Vitória au Brésil et Coimbatore en Inde- nous expliquons pourquoi la gestion des déchets municipaux au Sud ne peut pas exclure les acteurs dits « informels » sous peine d'aboutir à des fiascos. Ce constat est désormais unanimement reconnu, sans qu'en soient pour autant explicitées les raisons. Nous partons de l'observation empirique de conflits d'appropriation, qui apparaissent lors de l'introduction de schémas municipaux de collecte sélective et transcendent la dichotomie entre gros opérateurs privés et petits wastepickers. Ces heurts nous amènent à formuler la question centrale suivante : à qui appartiennent les déchets, res derelictae, objets précisément définis par leur abandon ? C'est ici que réside l'apport de notre recherche : en confrontant la théorie économique à une approche d'aménagement urbain, nous démontrons que le gisement de déchets urbains correspond à un bien (ou un ‘mal') public impur : rival, mais non excluable. Cette caractéristique est due autant aux ruptures de charge du service d'évacuation, qu'à la valeur marchande d'un nombre croissant de matériaux -à condition qu'ils soient captés à la source. Enfin, en abordant la question à une échelle plus macro, nous affirmons que le négoce local de revente des déchets secs est directement influencé par les cours des matières premières vierges, ou secondaires (lorsque de tels marchés existent). Cette prégnance de l'économie globale sur un service urbain local permet de repérer des stratégies émergentes d'extraction minière urbaine qui aboutissent à poser avec une acuité renouvelée la question de la légitimité des appropriations / Grounded on empirical investigations in two ordinary cities of emerging countries – Vitória in Brazil and Coimbatore in India – we argue that solid waste management in Southern cities cannot be conceived excluding the so-called “informal” actors at the risk of fiasco. Such an assessment is nowadays broadly acknowledged, yet its reasons are not always made explicit. We start from the empirical observation of appropriation conflicts, which arise with the introduction of municipal selective collection schemes and which transcend the “Big private operator versus small wastepickers” dichotomy. These clashes lead us to formulate the following central question: to whom do solid wastes –this res derelictae- belong to, taking into account that their very definition lies in abandonment. That is what our research aims at: confronting economic theory to an urban planning approach we show that the urban solid waste deposit corresponds to an impure public good (or evil!), a blurred object characterized by rivalry and non-exclusion. This is particularly due to transhipments in the evacuation service, as well as to the commodity value of a growing number of items – on condition that they should be recovered at source. Finally, taking a zoom-out in order to apprehend this issue through a global lens, we argue that the local dry waste sales business is directly determined by raw material prices fluctuations. The global economy impact on a local urban service leads us to acknowledge urban mining strategies which renew the appropriations' legitimacy question

Impact of financial market development on holdings of US assets and Equity carve-outs and macroeconomic activity

Compaore, Ravigsida Dorcas 06 August 2013 (has links)
The first part of this dissertation examines the impact of financial development on different countries holdings of U.S securities. The difference between the US weight in the global market capitalization and the US weight in developed and developing countries is tested through a panel data analysis. We find that most countries tend to overweight their US debt portfolio which is strongly related to their financial market development. When holdings of US debts and equity are low, financial market development is high; in developing countries, holding less US equity in their portfolio causes country to get better financial development. In developed countries there is no causation effect; a simple negative relation between financial development and countries holding of US securities is observed and countries tend to hold relatively less US securities through years. The second part of this dissertation examines whether economic conditions, affect carve-outs frequency and returns. This paper investigates the effect of expansion and recession, and industry sectors on carve out issued in the US over 1982 to 2009. We find that the number of carve-outs is higher in expansion than recession. However, the cumulative abnormal returns are higher during recession which is explained by the higher adverse selection during this period. Further, we find that the difference of abnormal returns between expansion and recession is significant and we also observe that high-tech or non-high-tech industries that undertake carve-out have positive higher abnormal return during recession. Therefore, within a same industry sector, carve-out abnormal returns are impacted by the economy cycle. However difference of abnormal returns between industry sector, high-tech and non-high-tech industries, is not significant.

Análise da volatilidade dos mercados de renda fixa e renda variável de países emergentes e desenvolvidos no período de 2000 a 2011 / Analysis of volatility of fixed income market and stock market of emerging and developed countries in the period 2000-2011

Rossetti, Nara 15 August 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho analisou as volatilidades dos mercados de renda fixa e variável de onze países, sendo eles: Brasil, Rússia, Índia, China, África do Sul (neste país apenas renda fixa), Argentina, Chile, México, Estados Unidos, Alemanha e Japão no período de janeiro de 2000 a dezembro de 2011. Os indicadores utilizados para representar cada mercado foram os índices dos mercados de ações e as taxas de juros interbancárias. Para tanto, o estudo se utilizou de modelos de heterocedasticidade condicional auto-regressiva: ARCH, GARCH, EGARCH, TGARCH e PGARCH, verificando quais destes processos eram mais eficientes para modelagem da volatilidade dos mercados dos países da amostra. Esta pesquisa também verificou qual dos modelos (ARIMA ou modelos GARCH e suas extensões) conseguiria prever melhor as séries de tempo analisadas. Além disso, por meio dos índices de correlação, covariância e causalidade Granger, foram comparados os retornos e a volatilidade do mercado de ações entre os países BRIC, entre os países latinos americanos e entre os países desenvolvidos e o Brasil. Os resultados sugerem que a volatilidade, tanto do mercado de renda fixa quanto do mercado de renda variável, é mais bem modelada por processos GARCH assimétricos (EGARCH e TGARCH), demonstrando efeitos de alavancagem nas séries estudadas. Quanto aos modelos de previsão, os modelos ARIMA, também para os dois mercados, mostrou-se mais eficiente que os modelos GARCH e suas extensões. Além disso, as volatilidades dos mercados de ações entre os países analisados parecem ser mais correlacionadas e possuir maior causalidade Granger do que os retornos destes países. Entre os dois mercados, renda fixa e variável dentro de cada país, as correlações dos retornos e da volatilidade são muito baixas, em algumas vezes negativa, e há pouca relação de causalidade Granger. / This study analyzed the volatility of fixed income and stocks markets for eleven countries, namely: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa (just fixed income), Argentina, Chile, Mexico, United States, Germany and Japan from January 2000 to December 2011, using interbank interest rate as a fixed income market indicator and stock index to each country, as a stock market indicator. Therefore, the study used models of autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity: ARCH, GARCH, EGARCH, TGARCH e PGARCH to verify which of these processes were more effective for in volatility modeling in each country. This research also found that the models (ARIMA or GARCH models and their extensions) could be used as the best forecast models. Moreover, by means of correlation coefficients, covariance and Granger causality, were used to compare the returns and volatility of the stock market among the BRIC countries, among the Latin American countries and between developed countries and Brazil. The results suggest that the volatility of both the fixed income market as the stock market is best modeled by processes asymmetric GARCH (EGARCH and TGARCH) demonstrating leverage effects in the time series. Regarding prediction ARIMA models was more efficient for both markets than GARCH models and extensions. In addition, the volatility of stock markets across countries analyzed seem to be more correlated and have higher Granger causality than returns these countries. Between the two markets, for each country, the correlations of returns and volatility are very low, if not positive, and there is low Granger causality.

A volatilidade da taxa de câmbio nos países emergentes : uma análise para a economia brasileira

Blumm, Carla Luisa January 2011 (has links)
As décadas de 1990 e 2000 foram marcadas por uma série de crises cambiais e financeiras no mundo, atingindo tanto os países emergentes quantos os países desenvolvidos, causando desajustes estruturais, financeiros e reais, nesses países. Identificar as crises cambiais e financeiras é mais complexo no mundo real do que na teoria, uma vez que os regimes cambiais em geral são flexíveis, mas administrados pelas autoridades monetárias, e as taxa de juros, em um contexto de livre mobilidade de capitais, são bastante voláteis. O objetivo do trabalho é centrar a atenção na condução da política cambial por parte das autoridades monetárias, em especial às dos países emergentes, como estratégia de estabilização dos preços e, marginalmente, de crescimento econômico, levando-se em consideração que uma taxa de câmbio de desequilíbrio tende não somente a afetar a dinâmica de preços e a trajetória de crescimento da atividade econômica, mas, também, a protagonizar desequilíbrios de balanço de pagamentos e, por conseguinte, crises cambiais. Diante deste contexto, procura-se verificar a relação de causalidade entre a volatilidade da taxa de câmbio e algumas variáveis macroeconômicas selecionadas, com o propósito de tentar encontrar elementos comuns que permitam entender os motivos que determinam o surgimento de crises cambiais nos países, independente do regime cambial vigente. Para tanto, torna-se necessário uma análise, através tanto da revisão bibliográfica quanto da estatística-descritiva, do funcionamento do mercado de câmbio, dos modelos de crises cambiais e dos desdobramentos das crises que afetaram os países emergentes, nas décadas de 1990 e 2000. Por fim, analisar os movimentos das variáveis macroeconômicas selecionadas e sua relação com o mercado de câmbio nos permite entender, ou verificar, quais fatores, com ou sem relação direta com os fundamentos macroeconômicos, influenciam a dinâmica econômica e a ocorrência de crises cambiais. / The decades of 1990 and 2000 were marked by a series of exchange rate and financial crises in the world, affecting both emerging and developed countries, and causing structural, financial, and real maladjustments in such countries. Identifying the exchange rate and financial crises is more complex in the real world than it is in theory, since exchange rate regimes in general are flexible, but administered by monetary authorities. In addition, the interest rates, in a context of free capital mobility, are quite volatile. The objective of this paper is to focus the attention on the conduct of the exchange rate policy by the monetary authorities, particularly those in emerging countries, as a strategy for the stabilization of prices and, to a smaller extent, of economic growth, taking into consideration that an imbalanced exchange rate tends not only to affect the price dynamics and the growth path of economic activity, but also to bring about disequilibria in balance of payments, and, as a consequence, exchange rate crises. In light of this context, it seeks to check whether there is a causal link between the volatility of the exchange rate and some selected macroeconomic variables, with a view to seeking common elements that enable an understanding of the reasons that determine the emergence of exchange rate crises in the countries, regardless of the existing exchange rate regime. To this end, it is necessary to carry out analysis, both through bibliographic review and descriptive statistics, of the functioning of the exchange market, of the currency crisis models, and of the outcomes of the crises that affected emerging countries in the decades of 1990 and 2000. Finally, analyzing the movements of the selected macroeconomic variables and their relation to the exchange market enables us to understand, or verify, which factors – either directly related to the macroeconomic fundamentals or not – influence the economic dynamics and the occurrence of exchange rate crises.

A volatilidade da taxa de câmbio nos países emergentes : uma análise para a economia brasileira

Blumm, Carla Luisa January 2011 (has links)
As décadas de 1990 e 2000 foram marcadas por uma série de crises cambiais e financeiras no mundo, atingindo tanto os países emergentes quantos os países desenvolvidos, causando desajustes estruturais, financeiros e reais, nesses países. Identificar as crises cambiais e financeiras é mais complexo no mundo real do que na teoria, uma vez que os regimes cambiais em geral são flexíveis, mas administrados pelas autoridades monetárias, e as taxa de juros, em um contexto de livre mobilidade de capitais, são bastante voláteis. O objetivo do trabalho é centrar a atenção na condução da política cambial por parte das autoridades monetárias, em especial às dos países emergentes, como estratégia de estabilização dos preços e, marginalmente, de crescimento econômico, levando-se em consideração que uma taxa de câmbio de desequilíbrio tende não somente a afetar a dinâmica de preços e a trajetória de crescimento da atividade econômica, mas, também, a protagonizar desequilíbrios de balanço de pagamentos e, por conseguinte, crises cambiais. Diante deste contexto, procura-se verificar a relação de causalidade entre a volatilidade da taxa de câmbio e algumas variáveis macroeconômicas selecionadas, com o propósito de tentar encontrar elementos comuns que permitam entender os motivos que determinam o surgimento de crises cambiais nos países, independente do regime cambial vigente. Para tanto, torna-se necessário uma análise, através tanto da revisão bibliográfica quanto da estatística-descritiva, do funcionamento do mercado de câmbio, dos modelos de crises cambiais e dos desdobramentos das crises que afetaram os países emergentes, nas décadas de 1990 e 2000. Por fim, analisar os movimentos das variáveis macroeconômicas selecionadas e sua relação com o mercado de câmbio nos permite entender, ou verificar, quais fatores, com ou sem relação direta com os fundamentos macroeconômicos, influenciam a dinâmica econômica e a ocorrência de crises cambiais. / The decades of 1990 and 2000 were marked by a series of exchange rate and financial crises in the world, affecting both emerging and developed countries, and causing structural, financial, and real maladjustments in such countries. Identifying the exchange rate and financial crises is more complex in the real world than it is in theory, since exchange rate regimes in general are flexible, but administered by monetary authorities. In addition, the interest rates, in a context of free capital mobility, are quite volatile. The objective of this paper is to focus the attention on the conduct of the exchange rate policy by the monetary authorities, particularly those in emerging countries, as a strategy for the stabilization of prices and, to a smaller extent, of economic growth, taking into consideration that an imbalanced exchange rate tends not only to affect the price dynamics and the growth path of economic activity, but also to bring about disequilibria in balance of payments, and, as a consequence, exchange rate crises. In light of this context, it seeks to check whether there is a causal link between the volatility of the exchange rate and some selected macroeconomic variables, with a view to seeking common elements that enable an understanding of the reasons that determine the emergence of exchange rate crises in the countries, regardless of the existing exchange rate regime. To this end, it is necessary to carry out analysis, both through bibliographic review and descriptive statistics, of the functioning of the exchange market, of the currency crisis models, and of the outcomes of the crises that affected emerging countries in the decades of 1990 and 2000. Finally, analyzing the movements of the selected macroeconomic variables and their relation to the exchange market enables us to understand, or verify, which factors – either directly related to the macroeconomic fundamentals or not – influence the economic dynamics and the occurrence of exchange rate crises.

Análise da volatilidade dos mercados de renda fixa e renda variável de países emergentes e desenvolvidos no período de 2000 a 2011 / Analysis of volatility of fixed income market and stock market of emerging and developed countries in the period 2000-2011

Nara Rossetti 15 August 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho analisou as volatilidades dos mercados de renda fixa e variável de onze países, sendo eles: Brasil, Rússia, Índia, China, África do Sul (neste país apenas renda fixa), Argentina, Chile, México, Estados Unidos, Alemanha e Japão no período de janeiro de 2000 a dezembro de 2011. Os indicadores utilizados para representar cada mercado foram os índices dos mercados de ações e as taxas de juros interbancárias. Para tanto, o estudo se utilizou de modelos de heterocedasticidade condicional auto-regressiva: ARCH, GARCH, EGARCH, TGARCH e PGARCH, verificando quais destes processos eram mais eficientes para modelagem da volatilidade dos mercados dos países da amostra. Esta pesquisa também verificou qual dos modelos (ARIMA ou modelos GARCH e suas extensões) conseguiria prever melhor as séries de tempo analisadas. Além disso, por meio dos índices de correlação, covariância e causalidade Granger, foram comparados os retornos e a volatilidade do mercado de ações entre os países BRIC, entre os países latinos americanos e entre os países desenvolvidos e o Brasil. Os resultados sugerem que a volatilidade, tanto do mercado de renda fixa quanto do mercado de renda variável, é mais bem modelada por processos GARCH assimétricos (EGARCH e TGARCH), demonstrando efeitos de alavancagem nas séries estudadas. Quanto aos modelos de previsão, os modelos ARIMA, também para os dois mercados, mostrou-se mais eficiente que os modelos GARCH e suas extensões. Além disso, as volatilidades dos mercados de ações entre os países analisados parecem ser mais correlacionadas e possuir maior causalidade Granger do que os retornos destes países. Entre os dois mercados, renda fixa e variável dentro de cada país, as correlações dos retornos e da volatilidade são muito baixas, em algumas vezes negativa, e há pouca relação de causalidade Granger. / This study analyzed the volatility of fixed income and stocks markets for eleven countries, namely: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa (just fixed income), Argentina, Chile, Mexico, United States, Germany and Japan from January 2000 to December 2011, using interbank interest rate as a fixed income market indicator and stock index to each country, as a stock market indicator. Therefore, the study used models of autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity: ARCH, GARCH, EGARCH, TGARCH e PGARCH to verify which of these processes were more effective for in volatility modeling in each country. This research also found that the models (ARIMA or GARCH models and their extensions) could be used as the best forecast models. Moreover, by means of correlation coefficients, covariance and Granger causality, were used to compare the returns and volatility of the stock market among the BRIC countries, among the Latin American countries and between developed countries and Brazil. The results suggest that the volatility of both the fixed income market as the stock market is best modeled by processes asymmetric GARCH (EGARCH and TGARCH) demonstrating leverage effects in the time series. Regarding prediction ARIMA models was more efficient for both markets than GARCH models and extensions. In addition, the volatility of stock markets across countries analyzed seem to be more correlated and have higher Granger causality than returns these countries. Between the two markets, for each country, the correlations of returns and volatility are very low, if not positive, and there is low Granger causality.

A volatilidade da taxa de câmbio nos países emergentes : uma análise para a economia brasileira

Blumm, Carla Luisa January 2011 (has links)
As décadas de 1990 e 2000 foram marcadas por uma série de crises cambiais e financeiras no mundo, atingindo tanto os países emergentes quantos os países desenvolvidos, causando desajustes estruturais, financeiros e reais, nesses países. Identificar as crises cambiais e financeiras é mais complexo no mundo real do que na teoria, uma vez que os regimes cambiais em geral são flexíveis, mas administrados pelas autoridades monetárias, e as taxa de juros, em um contexto de livre mobilidade de capitais, são bastante voláteis. O objetivo do trabalho é centrar a atenção na condução da política cambial por parte das autoridades monetárias, em especial às dos países emergentes, como estratégia de estabilização dos preços e, marginalmente, de crescimento econômico, levando-se em consideração que uma taxa de câmbio de desequilíbrio tende não somente a afetar a dinâmica de preços e a trajetória de crescimento da atividade econômica, mas, também, a protagonizar desequilíbrios de balanço de pagamentos e, por conseguinte, crises cambiais. Diante deste contexto, procura-se verificar a relação de causalidade entre a volatilidade da taxa de câmbio e algumas variáveis macroeconômicas selecionadas, com o propósito de tentar encontrar elementos comuns que permitam entender os motivos que determinam o surgimento de crises cambiais nos países, independente do regime cambial vigente. Para tanto, torna-se necessário uma análise, através tanto da revisão bibliográfica quanto da estatística-descritiva, do funcionamento do mercado de câmbio, dos modelos de crises cambiais e dos desdobramentos das crises que afetaram os países emergentes, nas décadas de 1990 e 2000. Por fim, analisar os movimentos das variáveis macroeconômicas selecionadas e sua relação com o mercado de câmbio nos permite entender, ou verificar, quais fatores, com ou sem relação direta com os fundamentos macroeconômicos, influenciam a dinâmica econômica e a ocorrência de crises cambiais. / The decades of 1990 and 2000 were marked by a series of exchange rate and financial crises in the world, affecting both emerging and developed countries, and causing structural, financial, and real maladjustments in such countries. Identifying the exchange rate and financial crises is more complex in the real world than it is in theory, since exchange rate regimes in general are flexible, but administered by monetary authorities. In addition, the interest rates, in a context of free capital mobility, are quite volatile. The objective of this paper is to focus the attention on the conduct of the exchange rate policy by the monetary authorities, particularly those in emerging countries, as a strategy for the stabilization of prices and, to a smaller extent, of economic growth, taking into consideration that an imbalanced exchange rate tends not only to affect the price dynamics and the growth path of economic activity, but also to bring about disequilibria in balance of payments, and, as a consequence, exchange rate crises. In light of this context, it seeks to check whether there is a causal link between the volatility of the exchange rate and some selected macroeconomic variables, with a view to seeking common elements that enable an understanding of the reasons that determine the emergence of exchange rate crises in the countries, regardless of the existing exchange rate regime. To this end, it is necessary to carry out analysis, both through bibliographic review and descriptive statistics, of the functioning of the exchange market, of the currency crisis models, and of the outcomes of the crises that affected emerging countries in the decades of 1990 and 2000. Finally, analyzing the movements of the selected macroeconomic variables and their relation to the exchange market enables us to understand, or verify, which factors – either directly related to the macroeconomic fundamentals or not – influence the economic dynamics and the occurrence of exchange rate crises.

The contingent effect of state participation on the dissolution of international joint ventures: A resource dependence approach

Mohr, A., Wang, Chengang, Fastoso, Fernando 05 1900 (has links)
Yes / We adopt a resource dependence approach to explain the effect of state participation on the dissolution of international joint ventures (IJVs). While resource dependence theory has been used to explain the formation of IJVs, we propose an extension of the theory to explain their dissolution. We do so by highlighting the match between foreign firms’ resource needs (resource hierarchy) and the resource provision roles of state-controlled versus private local partners (resource profiles). We further argue that the effect of state participation on the dissolution of IJVs is moderated by foreign firms’ host country experience and IJV age. We test our hypotheses by using data on 623 IJVs in China. Our results show that state participation reduces the risk of IJV dissolution and that the strength of this effect differs depending on the type of state-controlled actor that is involved in an IJV. We also find that host country experience and IJV age moderate the effect of state participation on IJV dissolution. These findings enhance our understanding of IJV dissolution and contribute to the development of resource dependence theory.

La diversité des modèles socio-économiques d’émergence technologique / The diversity of socio-economic models of technological emergence

Reslinger, Coralie 02 July 2013 (has links)
L'émergence défie la hiérarchie économique mondiale. C'est particulièrement la capacité des pays émergents à s'imposer sur des segments à forte valeur ajoutée de la chaîne globale de valeur qui renouvelle les enjeux de l'économie du développement. Nous optons de ce fait pour une lecture technologique de l'émergence. L'émergence par la technologie s'est appuyée sur des systèmes institutionnels divers. Nous cherchons dans cette thèse à caractériser la diversité des modèles socio-économiques de remontée technologique des pays émergents. En adaptant le cadre des systèmes sociaux de production et d'innovation (SSIP) de Amable, Barré et Boyer (1997) aux spécificités de ces pays, nous analysons les arrangements institutionnels observables dans 27 pays émergents en 2005 (science et technologie, éducation, insertion internationale, marchés des biens, du travail et financier) et mettons au jour la diversité des modèles d'émergence. Cinq architectures institutionnelles sont révélées : les SSIP cocktail, dirigiste, dé-centralisé, mené par la finance et libéralisé. Les complémentarités institutionnelles variables les soutenant expliquent qu'aucune homogénéisation ne se soit produite malgré les forces de la mondialisation. Il n'existe ainsi pas de structure optimale à mettre en place pour s'engager dans l'émergence. Au contraire nous montrons que, puisque ces cinq modèles créent des avantages comparatifs institutionnels divers, les stratégies de remontée technologique privilégiées doivent être adaptées. De cette façon, les facteurs de croissance majeurs à soutenir sont dépendants non pas de la distance à la frontière mais de l'architecture institutionnelle nationale. / Emerging countries challenge the world economic hierarchy. It is above all their capabilities to upgrade within the global value chain which offers new insights and poses new questions to development economists. For this reason, we choose to study emergence into the technological prism.Different institutional systems have sustained technological emergence. In this thesis, we want to characterize the diversity of socio-economic models of technological upgrading in emerging countries. By adapting the Social Systems of Innovation and Production (SSIP) framework of Amable, Barré & Boyer (1997) for the study of 27 emerging countries in 2005, we analyse their institutional arrangements through six key domains (science and technology, education, international insertion, products, labour and financial markets) in order to observe the diversity of emerging models. We reveal the existence of five institutional architectures: cocktail, directed, de-centralised, finance-led and liberalised models. There is no world homogenisation even in an intense globalisation period because various institutional complementarities sustain these models. No optimal structure has to be adopted to enter into emergence. On the contrary, we show that, as institutional comparative advantages differ among this five emerging models, technological upgrading strategies have to be suitable. In this way, growth enhancing factors depend on national institutional architecture rather than on proximity to world technological frontier.

L'intégration du développement durable dans les projets de quartier : le cas de la ville d'Hanoï / Integration of sustainable development into neighborhood projects : the case of Hanoi city

Bui, To Uyen 05 July 2012 (has links)
L’évolution de l’aménagement urbain s’oriente actuellement vers la démarche du développement durable. C’est à travers les projets à l’échelle locale – les quartiers durables –que sont initiées et appliquées les politiques des collectivités en la matière. Le nombre croissant et la diversité de ces opérations reflètent toutefois un manque d’études sur l’approche et le processus d’élaboration propre à cette échelle du quartier ainsi que la question de l’adaptation de la démarche dans chaque contexte urbain. A partir de ce constat, nous avons défini le sujet central de notre recherche comme le croisement et l’intégration de la notion de la durabilité dans la complexité des contextes locaux.Notre approche s’appuie sur un regard transversal et croisé des thématiques interdisciplinaires du développement durable en insérant les questionnements propres à la conduite des projets architecturaux et urbains. Notre principal objectif est de contribuer à une base de réflexion synthétique pour l’aide à la décision et la programmation des projets de quartiers, avec le cas d’étude de la ville d’Hanoï. Nous mettons en place une approche systémique sous forme de grilles d’analyse multicritères génériques pour l’évaluation des projets de quartiers durables. Nous proposons des recommandations et des préconisations par une analyse croisée des expériences européennes du domaine, en vue d’une démarche opérationnelle de l’élaboration des quartiers durables. Il s’agit d’un travail de référence permettant d’actualiser et d’enrichir les connaissances sur les dispositifs architecturaux et urbains durables adaptés aux contextes des villes des pays émergents comme le Vietnam. / The evolution of urban development is moving towards the sustainable development approach. It is through projects at the local scale - sustainable neighborhoods - that community policies on this matter are initiated and implemented. The increasing number and diversity of these operations reflect however a lack of studies on the approach and the development process specific to the scale of neighborhood, as well as the question of adaptation of the approach to each urban context. Based on this observation, we defined the central subject of our research as the crossing and integration of the concept of sustainability in the complexity of local contexts.Our approach is based on a transverse and crossed look on interdisciplinary themes of sustainable development, by crossing questions specific to architectural and urban projects management. Our main objective is to contribute to a synthetic base of reflection for decision-support for district planning, based on the case study of Hanoi City.We implement a systemic approach in the form of generic multi-criteria analysis grids for the evaluation of sustainable neighborhoods projects. We propose recommendations by a crossed analysis of European experiences in the field, in view of an operational approach to the development of sustainable neighborhoods. This is a reference work allowing updating and deepening knowledge on architectural and urban sustainable features, adapted to the contexts of cities in emerging countries like Vietnam.

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