Spelling suggestions: "subject:"empathy"" "subject:"cmpathy""
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Virtual Communities: The Impact of a Commercial Orientation on the Attitudes Towards Virtual CommunitiesLee, Min Y., Green, Kelly A., Kimy, Youn K. 01 January 2009 (has links)
Adopting the view that a virtual community is an influential social entity, this study provides a theoretical framework that identifies a linkage among the individual values of virtual community members, commercial orientation of virtual communities and attitudes towards the information provided by virtual communities. The present study suggests that individual values (i.e., purposive, self-discovery, social and entertainment) influence the selection of virtual communities. The community's commercial orientation (i.e., commercial or noncommercial), in turn, influences the individual attitudes towards the information provided by the communities. Credibility, relevance and empathy are the proposed attitudes that individuals may form towards the information provided in virtual communities. The proposed model provides valuable implications for marketers and business people who want to source virtual communities as viable marketing channels.
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Compassion fatigue : När empation tar slut för sjuksköterskorGustafsson Lidström, Hjalmar, Öhrn, Victoria January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: En genomgång av aktuellt kunskapsläge visar att sjuksköterskor har en risk att utveckla compassion fatiguepå grund av sitt empatiska engagemang gentemot patienterna. Compassion fatigueär då en person som konsekvens av sitt empatiska engagemang gentemot en patient blir emotionellt utmattad. Syfte:Syftet med denna studie är att belysa riskfaktorer för sjuksköterskor att drabbas av compassion fatiguesamt för att undvika detta tillstånd. Metod:En litteraturstudie gjordes med både kvalitativ och kvantitativ forskning. Resultatet analyserades och sammanfattades. Resultat:Resultatet visade att risken att drabbas var störst hos sjuksköterskor inom hemsjukvården, akutsjukvården, hospices sjuksköterskor och de sjuksköterskor som arbetade med kroniskt sjuka barn. Ett flertal strategier och åtgärder pekar på vikten att behålla en professionell distans till patienterna samt säga nej till arbete som ej tillhör ens specifika arbetsområde. Majoriteten av sjuksköterskorna delgav även support som en strategi för återhämtning, både från kollegor men även i form av kurator eller psykolog, speciellt vid traumatiska händelser. Slutsats: Compassion fatigueär ett problem både för sjukvården i stort och för den enskilda sjuksköterskan. Det påverkar både omvårdnaden, arbetssituationen och den enskilda sjuksköterskan negativt. Ett flertal faktorer spelar in i utvecklandet av compassion fatigue, detta gör även att det krävs ett brett urval av möjliga åtgärder för att förhindra det. / Background: A review of the field shows that nurses are at risk to develop compassion fatigueas a result of their empathic engagement with patients. Compassion fatigueis when a person as a consequence of their empathic engagement with patients suffers an emotional exhaustion. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to highlight risk factors in developing compassion fatigueand how to avoid this condition in the nursing profession. Method: A literature review with both qualitative and quantitative research. The result was then analysed and summarized. Result: The results showed that nurses in homecare, acute care, hospice and those working with chronically ill children were at the highest risk for Compassion fatigue.A number of strategies and preventive measures highlight the importance of having a professional distance to the patient as well as saying no to tasks that are not within the nurses specific profession. A majority of nurses stated support as a strategy for recovery, both from colleges as well as counselors or psychologists, especially after traumatic events. Conclusion: Compassion fatigue is a problem both for healthcare in general as well as for nurses themselves. It affects the patient care, the work situation and the nurse negatively. A number of factors contribute in the development of compassion fatigue, because of this a broad selection of possible preventive measures is required,
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Relationship of Years of Experience to Aggression, Empathy, and Alcohol Intake Among AttorneysFrantz, Ashley 01 January 2019 (has links)
Attorneys are at an increased risk of negative psychological and physical effects due to stressors in their careers. The purpose of this study was to identify if sex crime attorneys and homicide attorneys identify with significant psychological changes throughout their careers. The framework for this study was theoretical in nature and utilized the social cognitive processing theory. This quantitative study (N = 28) included the use of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test, the Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire, and the Multi-Dimensional Emotional Empathy Scale. A minimal significance was found correlating a decrease in aggression to years of experience as an attorney. There was no significance between alcohol intake, emotional empathy, and years of experience as an attorney. An insufficient number of participants may have affected any potential correlations. A correlation between career stressors and negative effects on a personal or professional degree would be cause for implementing techniques to improve professional and personal morale, limit life stressors, and improve overall health. Providing assistance to those who are at risk of negative behaviors due to their career would prevent future immediate and long-term treatments, increasing their quality of life.
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The Experience of Forgiveness in Adults with Different Sacred Belief SystemsHeacock, Christy Jo 01 January 2017 (has links)
Forgiveness is the act of moving beyond shame, guilt, anger, or blame, and it has been linked to psychological well-being, prosocial behavior, and religion/spirituality (R/S). However, the research on why and how people forgive is inconsistent, as the concepts involved are complex and difficult to define and operationalize. The purpose of this interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) was to provide a better understanding of why and how people are cognitively and emotionally able to forgive and the role of R/S in that process. Goal orientation and cognitive restructuring theories were used as frameworks for understanding the forgiveness experience. First-person, semistructured interviews were conducted with 12 persons from 10 different sacred belief systems who had experienced forgiveness of a major transgression. Data were analyzed using the IPA process, and five themes emerged: what is forgiveness?; why forgive?; how to forgive; the relationship between self-forgiveness and forgiveness of others; and developing a forgiveness disposition. All participants described forgiveness as an effortful, transformative process. Their motivation to forgive was based on a learning goal orientation and benefits to personal well-being and relationships. Participants forgave through making supportive R/S and/or social connections, finding the courage to confront transgressions, and resolving issues with compassion and creativity. A model of forgiveness was proposed that researchers can apply to future research efforts, and that mental health providers, clergy, and other helping professionals can use with clients in therapeutic applications of healing from major transgressions.
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Emotional intelligence and empathy of nursing students in an immersive capstone clinical courseFinch, Michelle L 01 January 2016 (has links)
Background. Today’s baccalaureate nursing students need to be prepared to care for patients in an ever-changing, high acuity environment. Many programs offer a capstone immersive clinical experience. However, the benefits of this experience have not been fully explored, and the effect on patient care is unknown. Purpose. The purpose of the study was to determine if there was a change in levels of Emotional Intelligence (EI) and empathy in senior students who completed a capstone immersive clinical experience in the final semester of a baccalaureate nursing program. Theoretical Framework. The theoretical framework for this study was the Mayer and Salovey’s (1997) four-branch model of EI which evaluated EI and empathy of the senior nursing student. Methods. This quasi-experimental study was conducted at a baccalaureate degree program in the Mid-South. A convenience sample was utilized to examine the means of EI and empathy before and after a capstone immersive clinical experience. Results. Significance was found in students’ EI levels after the immersive experience. No significance was found in students’ empathy levels. Significance was not found in students’ EI or empathy with regards to gender and prior health care experience. In students with prior health care experience, empathy declined with increased exposure to clinical experience. Conclusions. EI and empathy along with caring and compassion need to be recognized as important concepts in nursing education. Implementation of EI and empathy in educational activities and evaluation of their effectiveness in nursing curricula will improve students’ preparedness as they complete their education and enter practice.
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Humane education : the effects of animals in the classroom on children's empathy in Japanese elementary schoolsMaruyama, Mika 01 January 2005 (has links)
Although humane education, promoting children's kindness toward animals, has been evaluated as a factor influencing children's kindness toward humans later in their life, the effect of a classroom pet hasn't been well studied. The current study investigated the influence of intensified daily interactions with living animals in the classroom on the development of empathy among Japanese children. Specifically, the study examined (a) the effect of introducing animals into the classroom on children's empathic behaviors and attitudes, and (b) the generalization of this animal-directed empathy to humans.
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Användning av skönlitteratur inom empati- och identitetsutveckling : En systematisk litteraturstudie om hur fiktion kan få unga elever att växa, vara och leva i världen / The use of fiction within empathy- and identity development : A systematic literature study on how fiction can enable young students to grow, be and live in the worldHorst, Martina, Nilsson, Louise January 2022 (has links)
Följande systematiska litteraturstudie presenterar förhållandet mellan skönlitteratur och empati- och identitetsutveckling. Studien framvisar vilka aspekter som kan vara betydelsefulla i arbete med skönlitteratur främst i lågstadiet men även i högre ålder. Genom att hjälpa elever utveckla empatiska färdigheter, med en förståelse för både sig själv och andra, har dessa individer möjlighet att bidra till ett framtida demokratiskt samhälle. Studien omfattar tolv publikationer: sex forskningsöversikter, två doktorsavhandlingar och fyra empiriska studier. Materialet har analyserats med hjälp av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med efterföljande kategorisering i olika scheman, vilka går att finna i studiens bilagor. Studiens resultat visar att det finns god grund för att skönlitteratur kan främja empati- och identitetsutveckling både genom tyst läsning och klassrumsdiskussioner där medvetna lärare har en viktig roll. Motsättningar som presenteras handlar bland annat om svårigheter att skilja på verklighet och fiktion samt att läsaren ställs inför etiska dilemman där empati och antipati står emot varandra. Slutsatsen landar ändå i att skönlitteratur kan användas i syfte till att främja den empatiska förmågan men att det krävs ett kritiskt förhållningssätt av både lärare och elever för det tänkta syftet.
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Sjuksköterskors erfarenhet av emotionell bearbetning efter svåra möten inom prehospital vård / Nurses' experience of emotional processing after difficult meetings in prehospital careKlinga, Julia, Hassan, Sadia January 2021 (has links)
Background: Prehospital care is performed by the health care staff outside of hospital settings. In prehospital care, patient situations can be life-threatening, acute or non-urgent with limited time for assessments of the patient. Patients in prehospital care may be more vulnerable than in other care situations, as their private lives are more exposed. To achieve an empathic encounter with the patient it is important to maintain the professionalism during theinteraction with a patient. This contributes to a more equal care. Aim: The purpose was to describe nurses' experience of emotional processing after difficult encounters in prehospital care. Method: This literature study used the databases CINAHL and PubMed to retrieve relevant articles. A thematic analysis was performed of 10 original articles which corresponded to thepurpose of the study. Result: The two main themes identified were the significance of the environment and the importance of collaboration. Further, four sub-themes were identified: emotional impact, emotional processing, communication, and cooperation. Conclusion: The emotional impact on nurses that arises during the prehospital work shift can be more easily processed if the opportunity for good communication, feedback and empathy is conveyed or met. / Bakgrund: Prehospital vård är den vård som sker utanför sjukhuset och utförs av hälso-och sjukvårdens personal. Inom prehospital vård kan patientsituationer vara livshotande, akuta och icke brådskande där en patientbedömning snabbt behöver utföras av sjuksköterskan som anlänt till platsen. Patienter inom prehospital vård kan vara utsatta och mer sårbara än i andra vårdenheter, eftersom deras privata liv är mer blottad. Ett empatisk bemötande är viktigt för sjuksköterskor att behålla för att uppnå en professionell roll vid varje patientmöte. Det bidrartill en mer jämlik omvårdnadskvalitet. Syftet: Syftet var att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenhet av emotionell bearbetning efter svåra möten inom prehospital vård. Metod: Denna litteraturstudie har använt databas CINAHL och PubMed för att hitta relevanta artiklar. Därefter utfördes en tematisk innehållsanalys för att besvara studiens syfte. Resultat: Resultatet är sammanställt av 10 originalartiklar. De två huvudtema somidentifierades var vårdmiljöns betydelse, betydelsen av samverkan och fyra subtema, emotionell påverkan, emotionell bearbetning, kommunikation och samarbete. Slutsatsen: Emotionell påverkan hos sjuksköterskor som uppstår under arbetspasset kanlättare bearbetas om möjligheten till god kommunikation, feedback och empati förmedlas eller tillgodoses.
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Autism och Theory of Mind : Interventionsutövandets Betydelse för Personer med Autism / Autism and Theory of Mind : The Importance of Applied Interventions for People with AutismPedersen, Daniela January 2021 (has links)
Autismspektrumtillstånd (AST), är ett spektrum av funktionsvariationer som visar sig i sociala-, emotionella- samt empatiska interaktioner. AST-personers tolkning samt brist i inkännandet av andra personer bidrar till sociala-, empatiska-, samt emotionella problem. Resultat presenterade från kognitiv neurovetenskap studier visar positiv korrelation för förmågan att mentalisera, även känt som Theory of Mind (ToM), och hjärnregionen mediala prefrontala hjärnbarken (mPFC) som modererar, det vill säga styr sociala beteenden, exekutiva funktioner (handlingsförmågan) samt tolkningen av andra människors mentala tillstånd. Prefrontala hjärnregioner samt limbiska systemet visar på positiv korrelation till empatiska-, emotionella- samt sociala förmågor. Huvudfråga för denna systematiska översikt var hur personer med AST påverkas socialt, empatiskt samt emotionellt i interventionsutövandet av ToM och sociala förmågor. Fem studier fokuserade på AST-personer (vuxna, unga vuxna eller barn) och deras förmågor inom sociala-, empatiska- samt emotionella områden. Olika interventionsprogram (ToM och sociala förmågor) och mätningsinstrument bidrog till resultat gällande AST-deltagares potentiella utveckling. Slutresultaten visade på varierat utfall gällande vilka interventionsprogram som bidrog till ökad social-, empatisk- eller emotionell förståelse, vilket slutligen demonstrerade att mer empirisk data anses nödvändig inom AST-forskningen.
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Visual processing and social cognition in schizophrenia: Relationships among eye movements, biological motion perception, and empathy. / 統合失調症の視覚処理と社会認知―眼球運動、biological motion知覚、共感の関連性からMatsumoto, Yukiko 25 January 2016 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(医学) / 乙第12979号 / 論医博第2105号 / 新制||医||1012(附属図書館) / 32449 / (主査)教授 髙橋 良輔, 教授 佐藤 俊哉, 教授 渡邉 大 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DFAM
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