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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An assessment of employee perceptions of the rewards associated with the lean Six Sigma programme at a selected company

Sesane, Tshavhuyo. January 2012 (has links)
M.Tech. Business Administration. Business School. / In their attempt to continuously improve their operations, Sasol Mining has since 1998 embarked on several different improvement initiatives including Operation Excellence with the improvement Lean Six Sigma in 2008. The main reason for choosing Lean Six Sigma was that the latter is a general, standard, well-documented improvement methodology, which is not dependent on any specific consultancy group to ensure successful and sustainable implementation. For sustainable Lean Six Sigma programme implementation, Sasol Mining has to ensure that human resources skills development and motivation enabling systems such as training and reward systems are in place. This research focuses on the assessment of the extent to which Operation Excellence employees perceive that there are benefits associated with their participation in the Lean Six Sigma programme during 2010 at Sasol Mining. In particular, how these perceptions could be effectively used by management as a basis for creating the environment where people are content and motivated to perform their best. The research investigates employee perceptions of various levels of Lean Six Sigma training within the context of categories of rewards most frequently associated with Lean Six Sigma; extrinsic, intrinsic, organisational and social rewards.

Work-related needs among Hong Kong commercial employees

Lui Young, Kam-ling, Margaret., 雷楊金鈴. January 1985 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Management Studies / Master / Master of Philosophy

Determinants of employee-organization linkage behaviours: a longitudinal case study of tellers in Hongkong Bank

Koo, Leung-chee., 顧良智. January 1994 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Management Studies / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy

The role of situational strength in organizational attraction: an interactionist approach

Burrus, Carla Jean 13 January 2014 (has links)
Organizational environment (broadly conceptualized) has been shown to have an important influence on job choice (Chapman, Uggerslev, Carroll, Piasentin & Jones, 2005). Controversy exists, however, regarding how to operationalize organizational environment in a way that is both useful and parsimonious. Consistent with the perspective that situational strength meets these criteria (Meyer & Dalal, 2009), the present study found that participants were attracted to hypothetical organizations that were strong with respect to clarity, consistency, and consequences, but weak with respect to constraints. Further, individual differences in various psychological needs were shown to influence the strength of the relationship between situational strength and organizational attraction; for example, those with a high need for achievement were particularly attracted to organizations that were high with respect to consequences. These results not only contribute to the job choice literature, but also suggest that situational strength is more than just a moderator of personality-outcome relationships – it is an important psychological construct in and of itself, with its own nomological network that is worthy of continued research attention.

Visuomenės sveikatos centro darbuotojų motyvacija organizacinės kaitos sąlygomis / The employees’ motivation at public health centre under the conditions of organizational change

Nagrockytė, Kristina 21 June 2010 (has links)
Šiuo metu vykstančios nuolatinės permainos, įvairios reorganizacijos visuomenės sveikatos apsaugos srityje skatina įvertinti visuomenės sveikatos centrų (toliau – VSC) darbuotojų motyvaciją organizacinės kaitos sąlygomis, nes išsamesnių tyrimų šia tema nėra. Darbo tikslas – įvertinti visuomenės sveikatos centro darbuotojų motyvaciją organizacinės kaitos sąlygomis. Uždaviniai: išanalizuoti VSC organizacinės kaitos aspektus bei motyvavimo organizacijoje ypatumus įtakojančius darbuotojų veiklą; išsiaiškinti VSC darbuotojų motyvacijos priklausomybę nuo amžiaus ir užimamų pareigų; palyginti Šiaulių VSC bei skyrių darbuotojų motyvaciją lemiančius veiksnius organizacinės kaitos sąlygomis. Tyrimo metodika. 2009 m. spalio – lapkričio mėn. buvo atliktas empirinis tyrimas panaudojant apklausą raštu. Apklausti 84 Šiaulių VSC ir skyrių darbuotojai. Anketinės apklausos duomenys apdoroti ir analizuojami naudojant statistinį duomenų analizės paketą SPSS 15.0 for Windows, Microsoft Excel bei Microsoft Word XP 2003 programas. Kiekybinių požymių priklausomumo, homogeniškumo bei proporcijų lygybių vertinimui naudotas x² kriterijus. Rezultatai. Organizacinę kaitą Šiaulių VSC labiausiai įtakoja socialiniai – ekonominiai pokyčiai šalyje (86,9 proc.). Vadovai pokyčius stengiasi aptarti su savo institucijos nariais (85,7 proc.). Svarbiausiais motyvacijos veiksniais respondentai išskyrė atlyginimo dydį (98,8 proc.), šiltus ir draugiškus santykius tarp bendradarbių (95,2 proc.). Nustatyta, kad... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The constant transformations and various reorganizations that have been recently taking part in the field of public health protection urges to evaluate the employees’ motivation at public health centers (further as PHC) under the conditions of organizational change, since there is a lack of the detailed research on this topic. The aim of research is to evaluate the employees’ motivation at public health center under the conditions of organizational change. The objectives are as follows: to analyze the aspects of organizational change at PHC and the peculiarities of motivating in organization that influence the employees’ performance; to identify the dependency of PHC employees’ motivation on the criteria of age and the official position they take in that organization; to compare the employees motivation influencing factors at Šiauliai PHC and subdivisions under the conditions of organizational change. The methods of research. The empirical research by employing the written survey was carried out in 2009, from October till November. 84 employees at Šiauliai PHC and subdivisions were surveyed. The data of questionnaire survey were processed and analyzed by means of statistical package for social sciences SPSS 15.0 for Windows, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word XP 2003 software. x² criterion was used for evaluating the dependency, homogeneity and proportion equality of the quantitative variables. Results. The organizational change at Šiauliai PHC has been mostly influenced... [to full text]

Darbuotojų motyvacijos pokyčiai ekonominės krizės sąlygomis / The changes in employee motivation under the circumstances of the financial crisis

Prenskaja, Irena 03 July 2012 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe įvertinti „Valstybinės teismo psichiatrijos tarnybos prie Sveikatos apsaugos ministerijos“ darbuotojų motyvacijos pokyčiai ekonominės krizės sąlygomis, iškeltos darbuotojų motyvacijos problemos sunkmečiu bei pateikti siūlymai kaip šias problemas spręsti. Teorinėje darbo dalyje pateikiamos motyvacijos, poreikių, motyvų, darbo motyvacijos ir motyvavimo sampratos; pagrindžiama motyvacijos svarba ir nauda, viešojo sektoriaus darbuotojų motyvacijos praktinė reikšmė; atskleidžiama ekonominės krizės įtaka darbuotojų motyvacijai ir analizuojami darbuotojus motyvuojantys veiksniai sunkmečiu, taip pat aprašomos bei vertinamos darbuotojų motyvavimo sistemos, modeliai. Empirinėje dalyje aprašoma tyrimo metodologija, „Valstybinėje teismo psichiatrijos tarnyboje prie Sveikatos apsaugos ministerijos“ atlikto tyrimo analizė, pateikiamas tyrimo apibendrinimas ir modeliuojamas minėtos tarnybos darbuotojų motyvavimo modelis ekonominės krizės sąlygomis. Apibendrinus gautus rezultatus konstatuojama, jog ekonominės krizės sąlygomis vyksta darbuotojų motyvacijos pokyčiai, tačiau „Valstybinėje teismo psichiatrijos tarnyboje prie Sveikatos apsaugos ministerijos“ pasikeitusiems personalo poreikiams nėra skiriamas pakankamas dėmesys, nėra sukurta pagrįsta ir efektyvi darbuotojų motyvavimo sistema, todėl siūlomas minėtos tarnybos darbuotojų motyvavimo modelis, atitinkantis darbuotojų poreikius ekonominės krizės sąlygomis. / In this Final Master Thesis, the changes in employee motivation of "State Psychiatry Department of the Ministry of Health" in the aftermath of economical crisis had been evaluated, and also the solutions to these problems had been suggested. The theoretical part provides the motivation needs, motives, work motivation and the concept of motivation, justifies the importance and benefits of motivating public sector employees and it's practical significance; reveals the impact of economic crisis on employee motivation and staff motivating, changes of motivate factors in difficult times are analyzed, as well as a description and assessment of staff motivation system, models. In the second part, the research methodology and analysis, performed in "State Psychiatry Department of the Ministry of Health" are described; a summary of the study and simulation of the service employees' motivation model during the economic crisis is presented. The third section includes summarizing the findings stated that when the economic crisis is going on, employee motivation changes, however, the „State Forensic Psychiatry Department of the Ministry of Health" does not give sufficient attention to the changed personnel needs, does not create an effective motivation system based on employees. The service model of employee motivation, corresponding to the needs of workers during economic crisis is presented.

La motivation des enseignants au secondaire /

Proulx, Caroline. January 1996 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to examine francophone high school teachers' motivation and to test the Job Characteristics Model, a model of factors that affect the satisfaction and motivation of workers, to determine its possible utility as a diagnostic tool in the field of education. / The study is based on a sample of 136 high school teachers from a francophone high school. The data collection instrument used in this study was the Job Diagnostic Survey developed by Hackman and Oldham (1980). / The findings revealed that the Job Characteristics Model and the JDS instrument have some utility in the field of education. Proposed relationships between job characteristics and psychological states, between psychological states and motivation and satisfaction outcomes were found to exist. Psychological states appeared to mediate between job characteristics and outcomes. Among core job characteristics, task significance was the most important motivating factor for teachers followed by autonomy, skill variety, task identity, feedback from the job and feedback from agents. Among the critical psychological states, the most motivating factor is experienced meaningfulness of the work followed by experienced responsibility and, lastly, knowledge of the results. For the outcomes, internal work motivation was the best motivator followed by growth satisfaction and general satisfaction. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

Designing strategy-supportive reward systems.

Halimana, Nomathemba Y. V. January 2003 (has links)
This study looks at designing strategy-supportive reward systems and the benefits that an organisation can obtain from such a system. Aligning the reward system to the company's strategy is one way that an organisation can gain a competitive advantage. In the literature review section of the study, the author looks at strategy formulation and its link to human resources activities. The implementation process of a selected strategy is crucial as it relies upon the human resources skills base. Therefore, employee retention and motivation is important in ensuring correct strategy implementation. Theories of motivation are highlighted s it is important to understand what motivates your workers and managers, and ensure that the reward system is congruent with the employees' motivational needs. Different performance management systems are highlighted to show how important it is to measure performance if you are to reward that performance. A case study of Chemplex Corporation shows that the company needs to improve on its communication of the chosen strategy through the hierarchy down to shop floor workers. Furthermore, Chemplex Corporation does not have a performance management system resulting in a reward system that is not aligned t the company's strategy. Recommendations are made using a model of strategy formulation and implementation that ensures participation at all levels of the organisation. The Balance Scorecard concept designed by Norton and Kaplan is recommended for performance management and ensuring that the reward system is in line with the company's strategy. Finally, guidelines on implementing a strategy-supportive reward system are given so that management knows what pitfalls to avoid. / Thesis (MBA)-University of Natal, 2003.

The impact of motivation and job satisfaction on productivity within the insurance industry.

Maharaj, Nirven. 27 August 2013 (has links)
Motivation, job satisfaction and their links with productivity have been researched for decades, with many researchers producing contradictory findings. This topic has become especially important in recent times as companies struggle in a challenging economic environment. The organisation that successfully implements strategies which address these issues can gain a significant competitive advantage, as a sustainable increase in productivity from their staff will result in running costs being reduced. This study was carried out on the short-term insurance industry within South Africa and investigated the impact that motivation and job satisfaction have on productivity within the organisation. The study comprised a literature review, which includes the following concepts: a definition of motivation, motivational theories, driving forces of motivation, skills variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, job feedback and organisational productivity. These topics provided insight into motivation, job satisfaction and productivity. A quantitative research methodology was used for this study to understand the relationship between job satisfaction, motivation and productivity. Due to the research being carried out on one insurance company, which the researcher had access to, a non-probability convenience sampling method was used. A key finding was that employees who were motivated or satisfied with their job were more productive. However, staff who were not motivated did not believe they were unproductive. The study also found that there was a relationship between motivation and job satisfaction. One of the recommendations of this study is that companies should empower staff to make decisions, as this is a key factor in them being motivated. Furthermore, job satisfaction is driven by one’s personal beliefs about whether or not their job is important to the organisation; therefore, companies should ensure that managers communicate with their staff regarding how their job affects the organisation. / Thesis (MBA)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville, 2011.

Darbuotojų motyvacijos sistema viešojoje įstaigoje / The motivation system in public office service

Maldūnienė, Renata 02 August 2013 (has links)
Darbuotojų motyvacija ypač aktuali tema šiuolaikinėje sparčiai besikeičiančioje, ekonomikos globalizacijos, technologijų ir darbo jėgos kaitos eroje. Lėšų taupymas viešąjame sektoriuje skaudžiai atsiliepia ir švietimo įstaigų veiklai, ypač išlaikant ir pritraukiant kvalifikuotus specialistus. Čia svarbu ieškoti ne tik materialinių, bet ir kitokių būdų darbuotojams motyvuoti, dar geriau sudarant materialinių ir nematerialinių motyvacinių veiksnių sistemą, kompleksiniam taikymui, kad išlaikyti darbuotojų lojalumą organizacijai bei atsidavimą darbui. Gilinantis į mokslinę literatūrą buvo atrinktos pagrindinės motyvacijos teorijos geriausiai reprezentuojančios mokslinių teorijų įvairovę ir šią temą. Jos buvo išanalizuotos, sistematizuotos ir apibendrintos. Šiame darbe buvo išnagrinėtas mokyklos veiklą reglamentuojantis LR Švietimo įstatymas, bandyta pažvelgti kiek jame atsispindi darbuotojų motyvacijos klausimai. Taip pat išnagrinėtos ilgalaikės strategijos, tai Lietuvos plėtros strategija “Lietuva 2030”, bei Lietuvos švietimo strategija 2013 - 2022. Vienintelėje Švietimo strategijoje 2013 - 2022, yra minima motyvacija, o tai reiškia, kad buvo atkreiptas dėmesys į jos svarbą ir netolimoje perspektyvoje galima bus tikėtis rimtesnio požiūrio šia tema. Darbe užsibrėžtas tikslas atskleisti labiausiai viešųjų įstaigų personalą motyvuojančius veiksnius, nustatyti darbuotojų motyvacijos sistemos tobulinimo rezervus pritaikant juos praktinėje mokyklos valdymo veikloje nuolat... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Employee motivation is particularly relevant topic in today’s rapidly environment changing, economic globalization, technological and labor change era. Spending cuts in the public sector dramatically influenced on educational institutions budget and became difficult to keep qualified personnel in the workplace. It’s important to look not only for material but also other ways to motivate the staff. It would be better to create the motivation system of material and non – material factors. This generated system would be used in practice to maintain their loyalty to the organization and commitment to their job. By exploring the scientific literature there were selected the main motivation theories which are represents this theme in the best way. Theories were analyzed, systematized and summarized. There was examined the Law on Education, which is the base of the school activity and it was found, that motivation have no legal basis. It were also examined the long – term strategies, such as Lithuanian Development Strategy called “ Lithuania 2030” and Education Strategy 2013 - 2022. Only in Education Strategy there was mentioned about the motivation, that means more attention to this issue in the nearly future. The goal of work – to reveal the most public agencies personnel motivating factors, to determine the motivation system improvement reserves and to adapte them to the practice of the school management in ever – changing environmental conditions. There are four tasks: Analyze... [to full text]

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