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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sebeprezentace uchazeče o zaměstnání písemnou formou před ústním pohovorem / Job Applicant`s Self-Presentation in Written Form Before an Interview

NEKOLOVÁ, Adéla January 2008 (has links)
The graduation thesis deals with the function of a CV in the process of finding an employment, particularly in the period before a face-to-face job interview. The subject matter is observed from the point of view of the employer and of the job applicant as well. In the theoretical part, the crucial terms are explicated and the preparations before the appointment are described. The practical part of the thesis confronts and observes theoretical information taken from a sample that consisted of sixty real CVs. Data in the theoretical part is compared with real facts. On the basis of this confrontation, conclusions concerning various categories as well as the whole issue are made.

TRH PRÁCE V OKRESE CESKÉ BUDEJOVICE VE VZTAHU K ZAHRANICÍ / Labour market in Ceské Budejovice district in relation to foreign countries

ŠNEJDAR, Jaroslav January 2008 (has links)
Degree work, year 2008, University of South Bohemia in Ceské Budejovice, Faculty of economics, Department of management, degree work leader doc. Ing. Ružena KRNINSKÁ, CSc. The aim of the degree work was to chart the labour market in Ceské Budejovice district in relation to foreign countries and to specify the influences on the development of legal employment of foreigners in Ceské Budejovice district, who had been granted a work permit in last 5 years, and the impact on unemployment in Ceské Budejovice district. It also charts the influence of EU entry and its impact on the outflow of workers from the labour market in Ceské Budejovice district. The main aim is to analyze the examined region and the labour market with regard to professions demanded by the employers. It is about how this affects the legal employment of the foreigners. A comparison of Ceské Budejovice employment agency{\crq}s statistics from the years 2003 {--} 2007 and the surveys, done via questionnaire enquiries, at employers (companies) in Ceské Budejovice who employ foreigners or have the intention to employ foreigners, was made. For purpose of cross-border employing of citizens of the Czech Republic via the employees of the employment agency in Ceské Budejovice arranged a contact with an employee of the given agency Arbeitsmarketservice Freistadt, where we talked about questions concerning the way of employing people from abroad, especially the Czech Republic. Further on an analysis of the questionnaire enquiries and the statistical data assigned by the employment agency was made. The results of the questionnaire enquiries were passed on to the employment agency in Ceské Budejovice for further possible use.

Agenturní zaměstnávání / Temporary agency work

Černá, Michaela January 2015 (has links)
The topic of this diploma thesis is Temporary agency work in the Czech Republic. Diploma thesis is logically divided into two main parts. The first part is predominantly theoretical. Within this topic the basic definitions and its mutual relationship are analyzed in detail. The thesis is mainly focused on analysis of current legislation and its history from 2004 till present. The second part of the diploma thesis is based on the survey published through questionnaire. The questionnaire has logical structure and therefore it is possible to deduce the position and experience of the respondents with the held topic. In conclusion, there are proposals to improve the current regulation of temporary agency work which could contribute to an increase of positive attitudes towards agency employment in the Czech Republic.

Návrhy na snížení nezaměstnanosti v kraji Bratislava / Suggestions for Reduction of Unemployment in the District of Bratislava

Kraicová, Petra January 2012 (has links)
Master’s thesis is specialized to unemployment in the Bratislava region. Factors affecting unemployment and structure of applicants for a job in different sides of view are analyzed, active policy of employment is concerned, and proposal of measures leading to reduction of rate of unemployment in this region are included.

La morale de l'emploi : Les coulisses de l'Etat Social Actif / The moral of the job : Behind the scenes of the active welfare State

Lavitry, Lynda 05 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les transformations du travail des conseillers du service public de l’emploi, pris en tension entre une logique d’individualisation et une logique de rationalisation du service orientée vers le renforcement des contrôles. L'analyse socio-historique de l'accompagnement des chômeurs, et la sociologie de ce groupe professionnel permettent d’envisager les reconfigurations du métier de conseiller à l’emploi comme un révélateur des mutations de l’Etat social vers un Etat social actif, qui s’exprime notamment par un projet institutionnel d’incitation à l’adaptabilité aux normes d’emploi. S’appuyant sur une longue enquête ethnographique menée dans 7 agences auprès de 87 conseillers parmi une centaine de professionnels, et sur 200 observations de rendez-vous entre conseillers et chômeurs, la thèse analyse les effets de deux visées potentiellement contradictoires : la subjectivation d’une part, et la rationalisation gestionnaire d’autre part.Une rationalisation industrielle d’un nouveau type recompose les clivages structurants entre normes socio-cliniques et socio-techniques, logique technico-commerciale et logique civique. Elle fait émerger un nouveau modèle professionnel, marqué par une gestion actuarielle des risques de chômage (qui conduit notamment à écarter de l’accompagnement les chômeurs non indemnisés), mais aussi porté par une dimension morale qui repose sur l’individualisation du traitement. Les clivages antérieurs subsistent toutefois et donnent lieu à des dilemmes et polarisations éthiques et des stratégies d’évitement ou de neutralisation des actes professionnels les plus coercitifs. / This thesis focuses on the transformation of the Public Employment Service through a social history of the National Employment Agency, and a sociological pragmatic study of discourse and practices of professional employment counselors. We consider the reconfiguration of this profession is an indicator of changes in the welfare state to an active welfare state, which is expressed in particular by an institutional incentive project to the adaptability to employment standards. This project crystallizes a recurring tension in social intervention and more specifically in policies of employability, between control and empowerment, and between customization and standardization.Based on a long ethnographic investigation in seven agencies with 87 counselors among hundreds of professionals, and 200 observations of appointments between advisers and unemployed, the thesis analyzes the effects of these two potentially conflicting targets: the subjectivation on the one hand, and the management streamlining on the other.By changing the standards, organization, training of advisers, this industrial rationalization of a new type reconstructs the structural divisions between socio-clinical and socio-technical standards, and between techno-commercial and civic logic. It brings out a new professional model, marked by an actuarial management of risks (which especially leads to remove the unemployed from the monthly appointment), but also supported by a moral dimension based on the individualization of treatment. However, earlier divisions persist and give rise to ethical dilemmas and strategies of avoidance or neutralization of the most coercive professional acts.

Posuzování zdravotního stavu občanů pro účely dávek sociálního zabezpečení / The examination of state of health of citizens for the purposes of social welfare benefits

SOBOTKOVÁ, Helena January 2008 (has links)
The topic of the thesis is {\clqq} The examination of state of health of citizens for the purposes of social welfare benefits.{\crqq} Medical statement sevice ensures this activity, which has a wide medical, social, employment and economic importance. On 1st January 2006 the first instance medical statement service was divided into the insurance and non-insurance system. OSSZ and ČSSZ continues providing examinations for the insurance systems while the examination for the non-insurance system is carried out by physicians of the newly created examination services of employment agencies. The paper aims at analysing the so far experience of the medical statement service after the division into the insurance and non-insurance system. I presume that the division of the medical statement service and its transformation have been effective. I have dealt with the medical statement system in the most wide context. In the theoretical part I have concentrated on historical development of the medical statement service, on its system and the scope of activity of the medical statement service and I did not omit the examination of state of health of citizens for the purposes of the social welfare systems. In the practical part I concentrated on physicians carrying out medical statements for employment agencies and district administrations of social welfare, on their feelings, opinions on the reorganization of the medical statement service in 2006. The research was carried out in Central Bohemia region with the view to evaluate the division of the medical statement service in the insurance and non-insurance system. A quantitave attitude was chosen for this research usingt the questionnaire method. Two types of questionnaires were handed out: for physicians of the medical statement service of employment agencies and for physicians of medical statement service of district administration of social welfare system. In total there were 40 questionnaires handed out to the physicians of medical statement service of district administration of social welfare system and 25 to the physicians of the medical statement service of employment agencies. 34 (100%) questionnaires were used filled by the employment agencies physicians and 16 (100%) questionnaires filled by the physicians of the district administration of social welfare system. I chose the graph form to process the research part of the paper. The principal hypothesis was confirmed. For both the physicians of the medical statement service of employment agencies and physicians of medical statement service of district administration of social welfare system was proved that the division of the medical statement service into the insurance and non-insurance system was effective. Further activities within the organization of the medical statement service should endeavour to depict small discrepancies and to ensure a continuous improvement of the system.

Zaměstnanost z pohledu současné právní úpravy a úloha úřadů práce / Employment from the View of Current Legal Regulations and the Role of Employment Offices

PLÁŠILOVÁ, Eva January 2011 (has links)
The dissertation deals with the current situation of the labour market, as well as presents legal wording in the field of labour law, employment law, labour code, their ammendments, and other important legal regulations. The aim of this work is an analysis of the existing situation of the labour market and the cooperation with employment offices and companies in the Czech Republic. In addition, it looks to define an understanding of the real situations and problems these institutions struggle with, using statistical and mathematical models learned during my studies.

Ungdomsarbetslöshet i Borås : En kvalitativ studie om Arbetsförmedlingens handläggares arbete med ungdomar / Youth Unemployment : A qualitative study of the Unemployment  Agency’s administrators work with youths.

Cramer, Angelica, Hellman, Malin, Matar, Zeinab January 2017 (has links)
Baserat på SCBs statistiska mätningar, räknas ungefär var fjärde ungdom i åldersgruppen 15-24 år som arbetslös och är idag de som är högst representerad bland arbetslösa. Vägen in på arbetsmarknaden kan bli problematisk för den här åldersgruppen. Skäl som kan försvåra är avsaknad av meriter, låg utbildning och anseendet av att vara oförberedda för arbetslivet. De som är mest utsatta och svårast att matcha, är personer med en brokig bakgrund, med språksvårigheter, samt odiagnostiserade problem och inlärningssvårigheter. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka på vilket sätt handläggare på Arbetsförmedlingen i Borås arbetar med att få ut arbetslösa ungdomar på arbetsmarknaden. I uppsatsen undersöks även varför handläggarna tror att det finns en viss matchningsproblematik och varför en del arbetssökande ungdomar är svårare att få ut på arbetsmarknaden än andra. För att kunna besvara frågeställningarna har kvalitativa intervjuer hållits med tre anställda på Arbetsförmedlingen, samt fyra stycken arbetslösa ungdomar. Resultatet är att de anställda begränsas av regelverk och riktlinjer i sitt arbete för att kunna hjälpa sina kunder.  Den höga arbetslöshetsgraden beror på att studerande som söker extrainkomst räknas med i gruppen arbetssökande. Matchningsproblematik bidrar även till  arbetslöshetsgraden. Ungdomar med en avbruten grundskole- eller gymnasieutbildning, fysiska, samt psykiska problem gör dem svårare att matcha och nära intill icke anställningsbara. De ungdomar som var arbetssökande och inskrivna hos Arbetsförmedlingen hade en brokig bakgrund eller oavslutade studier. Slutsatsen i uppsatsen är att tidigare nämnda faktorer är en bidragande orsak till matchningsproblemet. En större del av ungdomarna som har den här typen av problem hade inte kommit till Arbetsförmedlingen tidigare. De hade istället förtidspensionerats, eller skrivits in hos en annan myndighet. I dagsläget släpper Arbetsförmedlingen in alla som registrerar sig hos dem, oavsett avstånd till arbetsmarknaden, som öppet arbetslösa. / Based on SCB’s statistical measurements, approximately one in every fourth youth between the ages of 15 to 24 is counted as unemployed and are today those that are the highest represented among the unemployed. The way into the Labour market can be a difficult one for this age group. Reasons that can obstruct are lack of merits, unsubstantial education and the general belief that they are unprepared for the working life. Those that are the most vulnerable and are the hardest to match are people with a dysfunctional background, linguistic difficulties, undiagnosed mental health issues and learning disabilities. The purpose of this essay is to examine how administrators at the Employment Agency in Borås work to get unemployed youths out on the Labour Market. This essay also examines why there are certain matching problems and why some youths are harder to get out on the Labour Market than others. To answer these questions, qualitative interviews have been held with three employees at the Employment Agency and four unemployed youths. In the results, the essay concludes that the high unemployed rate of youths, are because of students who seek an extra income that are included in the group of jobseekers. Matching problems are also a contributing factor to the high unemployment rate. Youths with an interrupted primary or secondary education and youths with physical and also mental issues are harder to match and make them near impossible to hire. The youths who were seeking employment and registered within the Employment Agency had a diverse background of unfinished studies and the conclusion is that these factors are contributing to the matching problems. A larger portion of youths who have this type of problem would’ve earlier not been registered in the Employment Agency before and would have been forced into early retirement, or registered with a different state agency. In the current situation, the Unemployment Agency allows anyone to register with them as openly unemployed, regardless of how far away from the Labour Market they are. This essay is written in Swedish

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