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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


SAYEDMOHAMMADMA VAEZ MOMENI (9187742) 04 August 2020 (has links)
Heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems (HVAC) are the single largest consumer of energy in commercial and residential sectors. Minimizing its energy consumption without compromising indoor air quality (IAQ) and thermal comfort would result in environmental and financial benefits. Currently, most buildings still utilize constant air volume (CAV) systems with on/off control to meet the thermal loads. Such systems, without any consideration of occupancy, may ventilate a zone excessively and result in energy waste. Previous studies showed that CO<sub>2</sub>-based demand-controlled ventilation (DCV) methods are the most widely used strategies to determine the optimal level of supply air volume. However, conventional CO<sub>2</sub> mass balanced models do not yield an optimal estimation accuracy. In this study, feed-forward neural network algorithm (FFNN) was proposed to estimate the zone occupancy using CO<sub>2</sub> concentrations, observed occupancy data and the zone schedule. The occupancy prediction result was then utilized to optimize supply fan operation of the air handling unit (AHU) associated with the zone. IAQ and thermal comfort standards were also taken into consideration as the active constraints of this optimization. As for the validation, the experiment was carried out in an auditorium located on a university campus. The results revealed that utilizing neural network occupancy estimation model can reduce the daily ventilation energy by 74.2% when compared to the current on/off control.

Integration of Production Scheduling and Energy Management : Software Development

Ait-Ali, Abderrahman January 2015 (has links)
Demand-Side Management concepts have the potential to positively impact the financial as well as the environmental aspects of energy-intensive industries. More specifically, they allow reducing the energy cost for the industrial plants by dealing with energy-availability fluctuations. In this context, efficient frameworks for scheduling with energy awareness have been studied and showed potential to reduce the overall energy bill for energy-intensive industries, for instance stainless steel and paper plants. Those frameworks usually combine scheduling and energy optimization into one monolithic system. This work investigates the possibility of integrating the two systems by specific exchange of signals, while keeping the scheduling model separated from the energy-cost optimization model. Such integration means that the pre-existent schedulers and energy optimizers could be easily modified and reused without re-implementing the whole new system. Two industrial problems with different scheduling approaches are studied. The first problem is about pulp and paper production which uses the Resource Task Network (RTN) scheduling approach. The second one is about stainless steel production which is based on a bi-level heuristic implementation of an improved energy-aware scheduler. This work presents the decomposition methods that are available in literature and their application to the two industrial problems. Besides an improvement in the RTN approach for handling storages, this thesis describes a prototype implementation of the energy-aware RTN scheduler for paper and pulp production. Furthermore, this work investigates the performance of the application of different decomposition methods on different problem instances. The numerical case studies show that even though the decomposition decreases the solution quality compared to the monolithic system, it still gives good solutions within an acceptable duration with the advantage of having two separate pre-existent systems which are simply exchanging signals.

Predictive Energy Optimization in Connected and Automated Vehicles using Approximate Dynamic Programming

Rajakumar Deshpande, Shreshta January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Zustandsüberwachung von Maschinen durch Datenabgriff an bestehender Sensorik und Nachrüstung einfacher Energiemesstechnik an Bestandsmaschinen

Grundmann, Andreas, Schmidt, Jens, Reuter, Thomas 28 November 2023 (has links)
Metall- und Maschinenbauunternehmen müssen im Durchschnitt pro Jahr ca. zwei Prozent ihres Umsatzes für Strom und Erdgas ausgeben und die Unternehmer gehen von weiteren Preissteigerungen aus. Damit rückt das Thema Energieeinsparung stärker denn je in den Fokus und wird zu einem strategischen Faktor. Um Kosten zu sparen und Wettbewerbsvorteile zu sichern, ist es notwendig, zielgenaue Energieeinsparmaßnahmen einzuleiten. Die ersten Maßnahmen, welche die meisten Maschinenbauunternehmen umsetzen, sind die Erneuerung der Beleuchtungs-, Heizungs- und Lüftungsanlage, die Verbesserung der Drucklufterzeugung sowie die thematische Sensibilisierung der Mitarbeiter. Aber auch in Maschinen mit ihren dazugehörigen elektrischen Antrieben, Lüftern und Aggregaten verbirgt sich eine große Menge an Optimierungspotenzial. Allerdings ist es hier notwendig nicht die Verbraucher im Einzelnen, sondern die Maschine und deren Prozesse im Ganzen zu betrachten. Meist fehlen hierfür aber geeignete Schnittstellen, um die Messwerte von Sensoren (bspw. Temperatur-, Drucksensoren, etc.) und Antrieben auslesen zu können, was dazu führt, dass diese Potenziale nicht ausgeschöpft werden.

Condition monitoring of machines by tapping data from existing sensors and retrofitting simple energy measurement technology to existing machines

Grundmann, Andreas, Schmidt, Jens, Reuter, Thomas 28 November 2023 (has links)
The average metal and mechanical engineering company must spend around two per cent of its annual turnover on electricity and natural gas, and companies are expecting further price increases. As a result, the issue of energy saving is becoming more of a strategic factor than ever before. In order to save costs and ensure competitive advantages, it is necessary to introduce precise energy-saving measures. The first steps taken by most mechanical engineering companies are to replace lighting, heating, and ventilation systems, improve compressed air generation and raise employee awareness. However, there is also a great potential for optimization in machines with their individual electrical drives, fans, and units. In this case, though, it is necessary to look at the machine and its processes as a whole rather than the individual electrical energy consumers. In most cases, however, there is a lack of suitable interfaces for analyzing the measured values from sensors (e.g. temperature, pressure sensors, etc.) and drives, which concludes that this potential is not fully exploited.

Hållbara mottagningsstationer : Kan de bli självförsörjande gällande värme, kyla och batteriladdning?

Beijer, Erik January 2023 (has links)
Mälarenergi’s vision is a world where we live and operate together without climate impact. This degree project has examined which opportunities Mälarenergi Elnät has in order to work towards this vision by looking more closely at whether their bigger substations can become self-sufficient in terms of heating, cooling and battery charging. The purpose of this degree project was to investigate how heat recovery from the substations’ transformers and the installation of PV-systems could contribute to both more environmentally friendly and self-sufficient substations. In addition to that, the economics and how this would affect the Swedish power grid regulation were of interest. The thesis was based on current values and data for oil temperatures and installed power in three of Mälarenergi Elnät’s substations. In addition to this, the thesis also includes a literature study, where previous research in heat transfer from power transformers, up-to-date information about PV-installations and the power grid regulation in Sweden were studied. The results of the thesis showed that both PV-installations and heat exchange for heating the station buildings could be of great benefit for Mälarenergi Elnät. In all but one case, the energy saving measures resulted in lower life cycle costs than if no measures were taken. It shows that the measures investigated in the thesis are not only good from an environmental perspective, but also has economic profitability.

Incorporating Passive Compliance for Reduced Motor Loading During Legged Walking

Pabbu, Akhil Sai 07 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Desarrollo e implementación de algoritmos para la optimización energética en tiempo real de redes hidráulicas a presión

Alonso Campos, Joan Carles 20 January 2022 (has links)
[ES] El objetivo general de la presente Tesis es investigar metodologías que permitan obtener en tiempo real los parámetros de operación de redes hidráulicas a presión que minimicen el consumo y/o el coste energético, garantizando el cumplimiento de las condiciones de funcionamiento necesarias para una adecuada calidad del servicio. Al tratarse del ámbito de la operación diaria de la red, una de las condiciones indispensables que deben reunir los métodos de optimización es una respuesta lo suficientemente rápida como para que no solo se pueda disponer de las soluciones más convenientes en el momento de ejecutar las consignas de operación, sino que además se habilite un procedimiento flexible que permita dar respuesta a posibles cambios en las predicciones o eventos que puedan producirse. Se ha abordado de manera aislada la optimización energética de los subsistemas de transporte de agua y la de los subsistemas de distribución debido a las distintas características que se pueden observar en ellos. En la parte relativa a los subsistemas de distribución, particularizada al caso de un sistema de riego con bombeo directo a red, se han explorado los métodos metaheurísticos de optimización, realizando varias aportaciones originales orientadas a la mejora en la eficiencia computacional de los mismos, debido a la necesidad de obtener una respuesta rápida compatible con la toma de decisiones en tiempo real. En cuanto a los subsistemas de transporte, se ha explorado la aplicabilidad del método determinista de optimización por programación lineal, a la vista de las importantes ventajas que presenta respecto al resto de métodos generales de optimización. Asimismo, en el contexto de los subsistemas de transporte, se ha trabajado en la definición de una heurística basada en el cálculo del coste energético y/o económico del agua entregada en los puntos de consumo y almacenada en los depósitos intermedios, que ha permitido formular un algoritmo voraz para la optimización energética en cada instante de tiempo. Este método ha conseguido igualar el desempeño alcanzado mediante la programación lineal y se espera que ofrezca unas mejores capacidades en sistemas con un comportamiento marcadamente no lineal, así como también una mejor adaptación a problemas de optimización con la participación de energías renovables. / [CA] L'objectiu general de la present Tesi és la investigació de metodologies que permeten obtindre en temps real els paràmetres d'operació de xarxes hidràuliques a pressió que minimitzen el consum i/o el cost energètic, garantint el compliment de les condicions de funcionament necessàries per a una adequada qualitat del servei. En tractar-se de l'àmbit de l'operació diària de la xarxa, una de les condicions indispensables que han de reunir els mètodes d'optimització és una resposta prou ràpida com perquè no sols es puga disposar de les solucions més convenients en el moment d'executar les consignes d'operació, sinó que a més s'habilite un procediment flexible que permeta donar resposta a possibles canvis en les prediccions o esdeveniments que puguen produir-se. S'ha abordat de manera aïllada l'optimització energètica dels subsistemes de transport d'aigua i la dels subsistemes de distribució (reg per injecció directa) a causa de les diferents característiques que es poden observar en ells. En el treball amb els subsistemes de distribució s'han explorat les possibilitats que ofereixen els mètodes meta-heurístics d'optimització, realitzant diverses aportacions originals orientades a la millora en l'eficiència computacional dels mateixos a causa de la necessitat d'obtindre una resposta més ràpida que siga compatible amb la presa de decisions en temps real. Quant als subsistemes de transport, s'ha explorat l'aplicabilitat del mètode determinista d'optimització per programació lineal a la vista dels importants avantatges que presenta respecte a la resta de mètodes generals d'optimització. Així mateix, en el context dels subsistemes de transport, s'ha treballat en la definició d'una bona heurística basada en el càlcul del cost energètic i/o econòmic de l'aigua entregada en els punts de consum i en els dipòsits intermedis, que ha permés formular un mètode voraç per a l'optimització energètica en cada instant de temps. Aquest mètode ha aconseguit igualar l'acompliment aconseguit mitjançant la programació lineal i s'espera que oferisca unes millors capacitats en sistemes amb un comportament més marcadament no lineal, així com també una millor adaptació a problemes d'optimització amb participació d'energies renovables. / [EN] The general objective of this Thesis is the research of methodologies to obtain in real time the operating parameters of pressurized hydraulic networks that minimize energy consumption and/or cost, ensuring compliance with the operating conditions necessary for an appropriate quality of service. Since this is the field of daily network operation, one of the indispensable conditions that optimization methods must meet is a response fast enough so that not only the most convenient solutions are available at the time of executing the operating instructions, but also a flexible procedure is provided to allow a response to possible changes in the predictions or events that may occur. The energy optimization of the water transport subsystems and that of the distribution subsystems (direct injection irrigation) have been approached separately due to the different characteristics that can be observed in them. In the work with distribution subsystems, the possibilities offered by metaheuristic optimization methods have been explored, making several original contributions aimed at improving their computational efficiency due to the need to obtain a faster response that is compatible with real-time decision making. Regarding transport subsystems, the applicability of the deterministic method of optimization by linear programming has been explored in view of the important advantages it presents with respect to the rest of the general optimization methods. Also, in the context of transport subsystems, there has been a work on the definition of a good heuristic based on the calculation of the energy and/or economic cost of the water delivered at the consumption points and intermediate reservoirs, which has allowed to formulate a greedy method for energy optimization at each time instant. This method has been able to match the performance achieved by linear programming and is expected to offer better capabilities in systems with a more marked non-linear behaviour, as well as a better adaptation to optimization problems involving renewable energies. / Alonso Campos, JC. (2021). Desarrollo e implementación de algoritmos para la optimización energética en tiempo real de redes hidráulicas a presión [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/180389

Driftoptimering av kyl- och frysanläggning : En analys av en kaskadprocess med partiell förångning

Holmgren, Robin, Hallenberg, Dante January 2016 (has links)
Studien är utförd åt Freezing Food Småland Öland AB. Syftet med undersökningen var att ge förslag på åtgärder som minskar anläggningens energibehov samt att beräkna återbetalningstid för åtgärder. Genom användningen av simuleringsprogramvara tillsammans med data från praktiska mätningar så testades olika förändringar i anläggningen. Studien resulterade i förslag på en höjning av frysrumstemperaturen och temperaturen i LTB1. Dessa åtgärder höjer anläggningens köldfaktor och minskar energibehovet. Förslag för att få bukt på istillväxten är att isolera av komponenter så som rör och ventiler. Isolering ger en energibesparing och en minskad risk för korrosion. Genom belastningstester framkom det att kompressorerna arbetar ofördelaktigt så förslag på lämpliga driftområden togs fram för att öka verkningsgraden och minska underhållskostnaderna och energibehovet. Anläggningen visade sig vara väl dimensionerad mot transmissionsförluster men att golvvärmen står för en oproportionerligt stor del av förlusterna i förhållande till dess yta. / The study is conducted for Freezing Food Småland Öland AB. The purpose of the study was to propose measures to decrease the facility’s energy demand and to calculate the payback time for these suggestions. By means of using simulation software along with data from practical measurements different configurations in the facility were tested. The study resulted in suggestions consisting of an increase of the temperature in the freezing room and the temperature in LTB1.Those suggestions increases the facilities COP and decreases the energy consumption. Proposals to curb the ice growth are the insulation of components such as pipes and valves. Insulation results in a small decrease in energy demand but greatly increases the accessibility and also decreases the risk of corrosion. Through load tests conducted on the compressors it showed that the compressors were not driven in the optimal load range, suggestions were made for operation in a more favourable load range. Thus increasing the efficiency and cutting the maintenance costs. From the results it is shown that the facility is well built and dimensioned against thermal transmission. Though it turned out that the floor heating accounts for a disproportionate amount of the thermal transmission.

Indicators for Minimizing Energy Consumption and GHG Emissions at Wastewater Treatment Facilities

Devata, Naveen Kumar 05 August 2010 (has links)
Wastewater treatment facilities around the world use significant amount of energy which contributes to large quantities of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. According to the U.S.EPA, nearly 3% of the USA's energy is used to treat wastewater. This consumption is increasing at faster rates with increase in population and regulations. Wastewater facilities use large number of pumps in their transfer stations, treatment plants, and effluent pump stations. All these pumps consume considerable amounts of energy. This study presents a preliminary energy inspection of two facilities from Louisiana. This audit provides an inventory of the energy consumed for various activities like pumping, treatment, and discharge. This analysis helps the operators to identify the potential power consuming areas and optimize by adopting several energy conservation measures (ECMs). This study also involves the quantification of GHG emissions based on the energy consumption. The benefits of the study include minimizing energy and GHG emission.

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