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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Predicting Building Energy Performance: Leveraging BIM Content for Energy Efficient Buildings

Aquino, Eddie Villanueva 01 September 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Reducing and managing the environmental impacts of building structures has become a priority of building stakeholders and within the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) community; although, conflicting approaches and methods to combat the issues are present. For example, green building standards are widespread throughout the world; however each one has its own characteristics and consequently its own specific requirements. While all have proven to be effective rating systems and have similar requirements, the distinguishing characteristic that separates them is their treatment of performance and prescriptive metrics. The feature they all severely lack or currently limit is the inclusion of strict engineering evaluation through energy simulations; hence, the reason why they fail to offer procedural steps to meet performance metrics. How can design professionals design energy efficient buildings with such constraints? Fortunately, advances in technology have allowed design professionals access to content found in Building Information Modeling (BIM). However, extracting pertinent information for specific use in energy analysis is problematic because BIM software currently available is filled with interoperability issues when placed in external software for energy analysis and energy analysis software itself is created with many assumptions that affect the tabulated energy results. This research investigates current building rating systems, determines how current professionals meet energy requirements, and prove that it is possible to create an add-on feature to Autodesk Revit that will allow design professionals to extract the needed information to meet energy goals with actual prescribed methods of mechanical systems selection and evaluation.

Adapting building design to climate change for an office building in Stockholm through solar control techniques / Anpassa byggnadsdesign till klimatförändringar i en kontorsbyggnad i Stockholm genom solskyddstekniker

Costanzo, Matteo January 2020 (has links)
Climate change will affect many human activities and sectors. Among those, the built environment will face several challenges with respect to the varying climate conditions. The present study investigated the global warming impacts on energy demand and indoor climate comfort for an office building in Stockholm. Considering a service life of 50 years, the future climate conditions were investigated for the only air temperature increase in 2070, in accordance with the medium forecasted greenhouse gas emissions scenario provided by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Another climate morphing approach was adopted to develop the climate file for the year 2080 considering the variation of all the weather parameters. Three different passive cooling solutions, such as external roller shade, electrochromic glazing, and internally ventilated shading, have been implemented in the case study building to decrease the cooling demand. The characteristics of the strategies were preliminarily assessed and then implemented into the building energy simulation software IDA-ICE to evaluate the energy performances with respect to the different climates. The results indicated that an increment of the cooling demand and a reduction of the heating usage will be experienced in the future. The different morphing approaches displayed the inherent uncertainties when future evaluations are performed, although similar weather patterns were found. The improvement of the solar and optical properties, such as the introduction of the exhaust air extraction and the electrochromic technology, implied a lower cooling and ventilation usage. The EC technology reported the lowest cooling demand, while the internally ventilated shading option outperformed the others in terms of annual energy consumption. / Klimatförändringar kommer att påverka många mänskliga aktiviteter och sektorer. Bland dem kommer den byggda miljön att möta flera utmaningar med avseende på de olika klimatförhållandena. Denna studie undersökte effekterna av den globala uppvärmningen på energibehovet och inomhusklimatkomforten för en kontorsbyggnad i Stockholm. Med hänsyn till en livslängd på 50 år undersöktes de framtida klimatförhållandena för ökningen av lufttemperaturen utomhus till 2070, i enlighet med det medelprognoserade växthusgasutsläppsscenariot som tillhandahålls av International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). En annan klimatförändringsmetod antogs för att utveckla klimatfilen för år 2080 med tanke på variationen i alla väderparametrar. Tre olika passiva kyllösningar, såsom utvändigt solskydd (vertikalmarkis med screenväv), elektrokromt glas och invändigt ventilerat solskydd, har implementerats i fallstudiebyggnaden för att minska kylbehovet. Karaktären av strategierna utvärderades preliminärt och implementerades sedan i programvaran för byggenergisimulering IDA-ICE för att utvärdera energiprestanda med avseende på de olika klimaten. Resultaten indikerade att en ökning av kylbehovet och en minskning av värmeanvändningen kommer att ske i framtiden. De olika klimatförändringsmetoderna visade de inneboende/medföljande osäkerheterna när framtida utvärderingar utförs, även om liknande vädermönster hittades. De passiva kyllösningarnas reducering av total solenergitransmission, såsom införandet av frånluftsutsug och den elektrokroma tekniken, innebar en lägre kyl- och ventilationsanvändning. EC-tekniken rapporterade det lägsta kylbehovet, medan det invändiga ventilerade solskyddet överträffade de andra när det gäller årlig energiförbrukning.

Energy performance optimization of administrative buildings in the function of occupant comfort / Oптимизација енергетских перформанси административних зграда у функцији корисничког комфора / Optimizacija energetskih performansi administrativnih zgrada u funkciji korisničkog komfora

Harmati Norbert 06 July 2015 (has links)
<p>The research is aimed in order to increase the efficiency and improve the<br />energy performance of multi-level administrative buildings in temperate<br />climate conditions. Special emphasis is on achieving and maintaining<br />acceptable indoor environmental standards and thermal comfort of<br />occupants. The investigation is based on a complex multi-criteria optimization<br />utilizing the most contemporary technology of dynamic energy simulations.<br />The developed methodology for energy performance evaluation and<br />improvement in the function of occupant comfort will have the possibility of<br />application on similar and newly designed buildings. The formulated model<br />also possesses flexibility and adaptability for further improvement and<br />application in different climatic conditions.</p> / <p>Истраживање је усмерено на повећање ефикасности и унапређење енергетских перформанси вишеспратних административних зграда у умереним климатским условима. Посебан нагласак је на постизању и одржавању прихватљивих унутрашњих микроклиматских стандарда и термичког комфора корисника. Истраживања су заснована на комплексној вишекритеријумској оптимизацији уз примену најсавременије технологије динамичке енергетске симулације. Развијена је методологија, флексибилна и прилагодљива, за вредновање и унапређење енергетских перформанси у функцији корисничког комфора, за примене и на друге сличне и новопројектоване објекте. Формулисан модел је подобан за даља унапређења и примену у различитим климатским условима.</p> / <p>Istraživanje je usmereno na povećanje efikasnosti i unapređenje energetskih performansi višespratnih administrativnih zgrada u umerenim klimatskim uslovima. Poseban naglasak je na postizanju i održavanju prihvatljivih unutrašnjih mikroklimatskih standarda i termičkog komfora korisnika. Istraživanja su zasnovana na kompleksnoj višekriterijumskoj optimizaciji uz primenu najsavremenije tehnologije dinamičke energetske simulacije. Razvijena je metodologija, fleksibilna i prilagodljiva, za vrednovanje i unapređenje energetskih performansi u funkciji korisničkog komfora, za primene i na druge slične i novoprojektovane objekte. Formulisan model je podoban za dalja unapređenja i primenu u različitim klimatskim uslovima.</p>

Možnosti snížení energetické náročnosti objektů s řízenou vnitřní teplotou / Possibilities to reduce energy consumption of objects with controlled indoor temperature

Karmín, Luboš January 2019 (has links)
The field of a research of this diploma thesis is building with controlled internal temperature. The research is focused on main heat fluxes at this type of buildings and how it contributes to the energy consumption of the building. The main objective of the analysis is heat loss caused by heat flux through the building envelope and air exchange at the building. As next it is described heat gain resulting from the operation inside of the building. To obtain the results of the research part is used software on the platform Delphi Pascal, temporarily called SIM_Chlad. The aim of this computer modeling is non-stationary heat fluxes from the mentioned heat sources in the building. The computed heat balance analyzes the energy consumption of the building for a period of one year. The diploma thesis evaluates impacts reflecting local weather conditions, the structural system of the building and the operation in the building. A cooling machinery analysis is not the subject of the research at this diploma thesis.

Modélisation dynamique des apports thermiques dus aux appareils électriques en vue d'une meilleure gestion de l'énergie au sein de bâtiments à basse consommation / Dynamic Thermal Modeling of Electrical Appliances for Energy Management of Low Energy Buildings

Park, Herie 15 May 2013 (has links)
Ce travail propose un modèle thermique dynamique des appareils électriques dans les bâtiments basse consommation. L'objectif de ce travail est d'étudier l'influence des gains thermiques de ces appareils sur le bâtiment. Cette étude insiste sur la nécessité d'établir un modèle thermique dynamique des appareils électriques pour une meilleure gestion de l'énergie du bâtiment et le confort thermique de ses habitants.Comme il existe des interactions thermiques entre le bâtiment et les appareils électriques, sources de chaleur internes au bâtiment, il est nécessaire de modéliser le bâtiment. Le bâtiment basse consommation est modélisé dans un premier temps par un modèle simple reposantl'étude d'une pièce quasi-adiabatique. Ensuite, dans le but d'établir le modèle des appareils électriques, ceux-ci sont classés en quatre catégories selon leurs propriétés thermiques et électriques. A partir de cette classification et du premier principe de la thermodynamique, un modèle physique générique est établi. Le protocole expérimental et la procédure d'identification des paramètres thermiques des appareils sont ensuite présentés. Afin d'analyser la pertinence du modèle générique appliqué à des cas pratiques, plusieurs appareils électriques utilisés fréquemment dans les résidences – un écran, un ordinateur, un réfrigérateur, un radiateur électrique à convection et un micro-onde – sont choisis pour étudier et valider ce modèle ainsi que les protocoles d'expérimentation et d'identification. Enfin, le modèle proposé est intégré dans le modèle d'un bâtiment résidentiel développé et validé par le CSTB. Ce modèle couplé des appareils et du bâtiment est implémenté dans SIMBAD, un outil de simulation du bâtiment. A travers cette simulation, le comportement thermique du bâtiment et la quantité d'énergie nécessaire à son chauffage sur une période hivernale, ainsi que l'inconfort thermique dû aux appareils électriques durant l'été, sont observés.Ce travail fournit des résultats quantitatifs de l'effet thermique de différents appareils électriques caractérisés dans un bâtiment basse consommation et permet d'observer leur dynamique thermique et leurs interactions. Finalement, cette étude apporte une contribution aux études de gestion de l'énergie des bâtiments à basse consommation énergétique et du confort thermique des habitants. / This work proposes a dynamic thermal model of electrical appliances within low energy buildings. It aims to evaluate the influence of thermal gains of these appliances on the buildings and persuades the necessity of dynamic thermal modeling of electrical appliances for the energy management of low energy buildings and the thermal comfort of inhabitants.Since electrical appliances are one of the free internal heat sources of a building, the building which thermally interact with the appliances has to be modeled. Accordingly, a test room which represents a small scale laboratory set-up of a low energy building is first modeled based on the first thermodynamics principle and the thermal-electrical analogy. Then, in order to establish the thermal modeling of electrical appliances, the appliances are classified into four categories from thermal and electrical points of view. After that, a generic physically driven thermal model of the appliances is derived. It is established based also on the first thermodynamics principle. Along with this modeling, the used experimental protocol and the used identification procedure are presented to estimate the thermal parameters of the appliances. In order to analyze the relevance of the proposed generic model applied to practical cases, several electrical appliances which are widely used in residential buildings, namely a monitor, a computer, a refrigerator, a portable electric convection heater, and microwave are chosen to study and validate the proposed generic model and the measurement and identification protocols. Finally, the proposed dynamic thermal model of electrical appliances is integrated into a residential building model which was developed and validated by the French Technical Research Center for Building (CSTB) on a real building. This coupled model of the appliances and the building is implemented in a building energy simulation tool SIMBAD, which is a specific toolbox of Matlab/Simulink®. Through the simulation, thermal behavior and heating energy use of the building are observed during a winter period. In addition, thermal discomfort owing to usages of electrical appliances during a summer period is also studied and quantified.This work therefore provides the quantitative results of thermal effect of differently characterized electrical appliances within a low energy building and leads to observe their thermal dynamics and interactions. Consequently, it permits the energy management of low energy buildings and the thermal comfort of inhabitants in accordance with the usages of electrical appliances.

Förbättringsåtgärder vid nybyggnation av småhus för att uppnå kommande energikrav : En simuleringsstudie i IDA ICE

Engelmark, Johanna January 2017 (has links)
EU har ställt höga krav på energianvändning i byggnader genom ett nytt direktiv där respektive medlemsland har fått i uppdrag att ta fram gränsvärden för energianvändning i just sitt land. I Sverige har Boverket fått detta ansvar. I och med det skärpta krav som har föreslagits finns en orolighet i byggbranschen att det kommer att bli svårt att uppfylla det. Tillverkare av småhushar ofta en standardiserad konstruktion som de nu kan behöva ändra på. Syftet med detta examensarbete blev därför att undersöka om en småhustillverkare behöver förändra sin standardkonstruktion, och i så fall vilka förändringar som kan göras, för att uppnå det nya kravet för energianvändning. Genom att studera nuvarande energikrav och Boverkets förslag på nytt krav samt teorier inom byggnadskonstruktion har den teoretiska grunden för examensarbetet lagts. En litteraturstudie har dessutom gjorts över tidigare studier inom området, där framför allt förbättringsåtgärder för att få energisnålare hus har varit till stor hjälp för detta arbete. Studien av en småhustillverkare har genomförts genom att energianvändningen av ett småhus i standardutförande har tagits fram i simuleringsprogrammet IDA ICE. Studerat hus är en trävilla med bergvärme och FTX-ventilation beläget i klimatzon 1. Efter simuleringen har åtta förbättringar i husets konstruktion gjorts med nya simuleringar för att identifiera vilka av dessa förbättringar som är lämpliga att utföra. De mest lämpade förbättringarna har slutligen kombinerats ihop för att uppnå det nya energikravet. Studien visar att nuvarande konstruktion inte uppfyller kommande krav. Utifrån de avgränsningar som har gjorts rekommenderas att följande tre åtgärder vidtas; installation av en värmepump med COP 4 istället för 3, fönster och dörrar med U-värde 0,8 W/(m2*K) istället för 1,2 W/(m2*K) samt ytterväggar med U-värde 0,1 W/(m2*K) istället för 0,137 W/(m2*K). Dessa rekommendationer utgår från att det föreslagna kravet även gäller för klimatzon 1. / The EU has demanded lower energy consumption in buildings through a new directive where each member state has been assigned the task of developing new energy consumption targets for their respective country. In Sweden, Boverket has been assigned this responsibility. There is a concern in the Swedish construction industry that it will be difficult to meet these new requirements. Manufacturers of small houses usually have a standardized design that they now may need to adjust. The purpose of this thesis was therefore to investigate whether a single-family house manufacturer needs to change its standard construction, and if so, what changes could be made to achieve the new requirements for energy usage. By studying current energy requirements and Boverket's proposal for future requirements as well as theories in architectural engineering, the theoretical basis for the thesis has been laid out. A literature study has also been performed of previous studies in the field. Particularly studies of home improvements to get energy-efficient houses have been of great help for this work. A single-family house has been constructed and simulated in the IDA ICE simulation program. The house was made out of wood with a ground source heat pump and FTX ventilation located in climate zone 1. Eight improvements in the house design have been studied with new simulations to identify which of these improvements are appropriate to implement. The most suitable improvements have finally been combined to meet the new energy requirements. The study shows that the current house construction design does not meet future requirements. Based on the delimitations that have been made for this thesis, it is recommended that the following three measures are to be taken; A heat pump with a COP of 4 instead of 3, windows and doors with a U-value of 0.8 W/(m2*K) instead of 1,2 W/(m2*K) and outer walls with a U-value of 0.1 W/(m2*K) instead of 0,137 W/(m2*K). These recommendations are based on the assumption that the proposed new requirements are also applicable for climate zone 1.

Étude de l’amélioration de la performance énergétique de bâtiments due à l’emploi d’enduit minéral à fort pouvoir isolant / Improving the buildings envelopes energy performance using aerogel-based insulating mineral rendering

Ibrahim, Mohamad 19 December 2014 (has links)
En France, le secteur du bâtiment est le plus grand consommateur d'énergie et représente environ 43% de la consommation totale d'énergie. L'isolation thermique dans le bâtiment est nécessaire afin d'améliorer son efficacité énergétique. Dans certains pays dont la France, la rénovation des bâtiments occupe une place essentielle dans la stratégie de transition énergétique. La stratégie mise en place consiste donc à renforcer l'isolation thermique des enveloppes de bâtiment et ceci en perdant le moins de surface habitable possible. Ceci justifie le fait de développer et de mettre en œuvre à l'avenir des matériaux super isolants comme les aérogels. Les objectifs de cette étude sont d'examiner le comportement thermique des bâtiments et d'étudier l'amélioration possible de leur efficacité énergétique en utilisant un nouvel enduit isolant à base d'aérogels de silice et ainsi que l'énergie solaire. Tout d'abord, la performance thermique et hygrothermique des murs extérieurs est étudiée afin de trouver la meilleure structure de ces murs. Deuxièmement, nous étudions l'évolution du confort thermique et du comportement énergétique des maisons en adoptant le nouvel enduit isolant comme isolation extérieure. Cette évolution a aussi été représentée par un modèle mathématique. On a comparé les résultats obtenus à l'aide de ces modèles avec les mesures expérimentales faites sur une maison récemment construite. Enfin, le potentiel de réduction de la charge de chauffage en adoptant un système actif dans la paroi est analysé. Ce système est proposé pour capter une partie de l'énergie solaire qui tombe sur la façade sud et qui est disponible pendant les journées non nuageuses en hiver, et la transférer vers la façade nord par l'intermédiaire de canalisations d'eau intégrées dans l'enduit isolant objet de l'étude. / In France, the building sector is the largest consumer of energy and accounts for about 43% of the total energy consumption. The building sector offers significant potential for improved energy efficiency through the use of high-performance insulation and energy-efficient systems. For existing buildings, renovation has a high priority in France because these buildings represent a high proportion of energy consumption and they will be present for decades to come. Nowadays, there is a growing interest in the so-called super-insulating materials, such as Aerogels. The objectives of this study are to examine the thermal behavior of buildings and to foster energy efficiency through the use of a newly developed aerogel-based insulating coating as well as the use of renewable energy sources, specifically solar energy. Firstly, the thermal and hygrothermal performance of exterior walls having different layer composition structures are examined. Secondly, the heating energy demand as well as the risk of summer overheating is examined for different construction periods and under different climates. Also, a mathematical model is built and compared to experimental measurement of a recently built full-scale house. Finally, the potential to decrease the heating load by adopting a closed wall loop system is scrutinized. The latter is a proposed system to capture some of the solar energy falling on the south facade available during non-cloudy winter days and transfer it to the north facade through water pipes embedded in the aerogel-based coating.

Étude de l'influence du comportement des habitants sur la performance énergétique du bâtiment / Study of the influence of the inhabitants behavior on the energy performance of buildings

Vorger, Éric 04 December 2014 (has links)
Le comportement humain est modélisé de manière sommaire dans les logiciels de simulation énergétique des bâtiments. Or son impact est considérable et il est à l'origine d'écarts importants entre résultats de simulation et mesures in situ. Les occupants influencent les consommations d'énergie des bâtiments par leur présence et leurs activités, les ouvertures/fermetures de fenêtres, la gestion des dispositifs d'occultation, l'utilisation de l'éclairage artificiel et des appareils électriques, la gestion des consignes de chauffage et les puisages d'eau chaude sanitaire. La thèse propose une modélisation de l'occupation incluant l'ensemble de ces aspects suivant une approche stochastique statistique, pour les bâtiments résidentiels et de bureaux. La construction des modèles fait appel à un grand nombre de données issues de campagnes de mesures, d'enquêtes sociologiques et de la littérature scientifique. Le modèle d'occupation proposé est couplé à l'outil de simulation thermique dynamique Pléiades+COMFIE. En propageant les incertitudes des facteurs du modèle d'occupation et du modèle thermique (enveloppe, climat, systèmes), un intervalle de confiance des résultats de simulation peut être estimé, ouvrant ainsi la voie à un processus de garantie de performance énergétique. / Human behaviour is modelled in a simplistic manner in building energy simulation programs. However, it has a considerable impact and is identified as a major explanatory factor of the discrepancy between simulation results and in situ measurements. Occupants influence buildings energy consumption through their presence and activities, the opening/closing of windows, the actions on blinds, the use of artificial lighting and electrical appliances, the choices of temperature setpoints, and the water consumptions. The thesis proposes a model of occupants' behaviour including all these aspects, according to a stochastic approach, for residential and office buildings. Models' development is based on numerous data from measurements campaigns, sociological surveys and from the scientific literature. The proposed model for occupants' behaviour is coupled to the simulation tool Pléiades+COMFIE. By propagating the uncertainties of factors from the occupants' behaviour model and the thermal model (envelope, climate, systems), the simulation results confidence interval can be estimated, opening the way to an energy performance guarantee process.

Energetická a environmentální analýza budovy / Energy and environmental analysis of the building

Dobrá, Zdena January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis is to bring knowledge from the field of energy and simulation evaluation of buildings. Further, there is an introduction to the issue of energy and environmental assessment, legislative documents. A brief procedure for creating an energy model in a simulation program, then setting the model. Evaluated results from DesignBuilder that are in the form of charts. And also the evaluation of the measured data in the form of graphs from Libuše object in Karlova Studánka.

Možnosti snížení energetické náročnosti objektů s řízenou vnitřní teplotou / Possibilities to reduce energy consumption of objects with controlled indoor temperature

Karmín, Luboš January 2019 (has links)
The field of a research of this diploma thesis is building with controlled internal temperature. The research is focused on main heat fluxes at this type of buildings and how it contributes to the energy consumption of the building. The main objective of the analysis is heat loss caused by heat flux through the building envelope and air exchange at the building. As next it is described heat gain resulting from the operation inside of the building. To obtain the results of the research part is used software on the platform Delphi Pascal, temporarily called SIM_Chlad. The aim of this computer modeling is non-stationary heat fluxes from the mentioned heat sources in the building. The computed heat balance analyzes the energy consumption of the building for a period of one year. The diploma thesis evaluates impacts reflecting local weather conditions, the structural system of the building and the operation in the building. A cooling machinery analysis is not the subject of the research at this diploma thesis.

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