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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Komplexní simulační model vibračního generátoru / Complex simulation model of vibration power generator

Harapát, Jan January 2013 (has links)
This work is focusing on analysis of current development in energy harvesting projects in aerospace industry field, and on analysis of current development in vibration generator field. It is also concentrating on establishment of a complex simulation model of vibration generator. It deals with modeling of magnetic field of generator and its cross connection with a mechanic and an electronic model.

MEMS termoelektrický generátor v letecké aplikaci / MEMS Thermoelectric Generator for Aerospace Applications

Janák, Luděk January 2014 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá vývojem autonomního zdroje elektrické energie založeného na MEMS termoelektrickém generátoru. Uvažovaný generátor bude následně použit pro napájení autonomní senzorické jednotky pro letecké aplikace. Systémový pohled na autonomní senzorickou jednotku zahrnuje senzor se zpracováním a přenosem dat, energy harvester (termoelektrický generátor), power management, akumulační prvek a autodiagnostiku. Všechny výše uvedené komponenty jsou v práci podrobně popsány. V úvodu práce je provedena široká rešerše existujících termoelektrických generátorů pro letecké aplikace. Následně jsou popsány základní teoretické poznatky z oblasti DC/DC měničů pro energy harvesting. Zvláštní pozornost je věnována metodám MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking). Jako základ pro vývoj napájení autonomní senzorické jednotky bylo provedeno množství simulací za pomoci nástroje MATLAB/Simulink Simscape. Pro identifikaci prametrů modelu posloužilo měření na speciálním přípravku. Praktická implementace teoreticky popsaných problémů je provedena na k tomuto účelu navrženém technologickém demonstrátoru. Závěrem je zhodnocena reálná využitelnost navržené technologie pro finální aplikaci v leteckém průmyslu.

Modelování a verifikace piezoelektrického generátoru / Modelling and Verification of Piezoelectric Generator

Lán, Radek January 2015 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with the development and verification of the model of the piezoelectric generator, incl. determination of its parameters. This mathematical model should be used as a tool for development of new devices, especially for analysis of applicability of available energy source (vibration) and for design of device itself. At first the review of energy harvesting is described deeply. Subsequently piezoelectric generators and the ways how we can model them, are depicted in details. The methodology of parameters estimation and model development is presented in state space or in MATLAB/Simulink environment and applied on the commercial generator Midé V21BL. A device has been made within the scope of the thesis, which can be used as an universal tool in experiments with generator. Finally the model is applied on the analysis of energy yield from man's walk and there is also brief introduction to model modifications.

Mechatronic Design and Verification of Autonomic Thermoelectric Energy Source for Aircraft Application / Mechatronic Design and Verification of Autonomic Thermoelectric Energy Source for Aircraft Application

Ančík, Zdeněk January 2016 (has links)
Předložená disertační práce řeší komplexní mechatronický návrh autonomního termoelektrického zdroje energie pro letecké aplikace. Na základě dostupných zdrojů a literatury práce popisuje současný stav problematiky. V práci jsou prezentovány simulační modely MEMS termoelektrických článků, které jsou ověřeny experimentálním testováním a hodnotami dostupnými od výrobce. Na základě metodiky model-besed design byly navrženy a vyrobeny tři demonstrátory. Jejich vlastnosti byly testovány v reálných podmínkách na letecké pohonné jednotce.

Návrh vibračního generátoru s využitím nelineárních charakteristik / Design of Vibration Energy Harvester with Using of Non-linear Characteristics

Rubeš, Ondřej January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is focused on design of piezoelectric energy harvester with additional nonlinear stiffness. Linear generator has very narrow resonance frequency bandwidth. It makes the resonance mechanism very sensitive to tuning up of the resonance frequency and it can be tuned only for one narrow vibration peak. The main idea for using of the vibration energy harvester with nonlinear stiffness is to make resonance frequency bandwidth wider, so the generator will be useable for more excitation frequencies. In this thesis is used generator Midé V21BL and additional nonlinear stiffness is realized with permanent magnets.

Microsystème électrostatique tridimensionnel de récupération d'énergie pour alimenter un stimulateur cardiaque sans sonde / 3D electrostatic energy harvester to power a leadless pacemakers

Risquez, Sarah 28 February 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans un contexte d’activité en forte croissance dans le domaine des implants médicaux, stimulée par de nombreux progrès dans le domaine des micro-capteurs et de la micro-électronique. L’autonomie en énergie des implants demeure cependant un facteur limitant. Notre travail a pour objectif de repousser les limites actuelles en termes de miniaturisation et de durée de vie. Il contribue au développement d’une solution basée sur la récupération d’énergie mécanique du cœur pour alimenter durablement un pacemaker miniaturisé sans sonde de nouvelle génération, dit « pacemaker leadless ».Le microsystème de récupération d’énergie étudié est composé d’un résonateur mécanique de type masse-ressort associé à un transducteur électrostatique. Il a pour particularité une architecture tridimensionnelle, dont la forme permet de profiter au maximum de l’espace disponible dans la capsule cylindrique du pacemaker. L'utilisation de la troisième dimension associée à un design original permet en outre d’obtenir un effet de pseudo multiplication de fréquence qui doit conduire, d’après les modèles que nous avons développés, à des densités de puissance nettement supérieures à celles présentées dans l'état de l'art. Pour réaliser ce microsystème tridimensionnel, nous avons développé un procédé de fabrication additif qui repose sur des étapes de micro moulage d'un matériaux structurel obtenu par croissance électrolytique (nickel), de croissance d'un matériau sacrificiel (cuivre) et de polissage. L’identification d’imperfections géométriques dues au procédé et aux matériaux utilisés nous a amené à améliorer la conception du transducteur. Par ailleurs, de nombreux verrous de fabrication ont été levés au cours de cette thèse grâce à la mise en œuvre d’une instrumentation dédiée. Ce procédé nous a permis de fabriquer un premier prototype tridimensionnel du micro-transducteur électrostatique composé de 10 couches de nickel. D’autres métaux élaborés par croissance électrolytique pourraient être envisagés pour réaliser des microsystèmes tridimensionnels, suivant les besoins de l’application considérée. Afin d’anticiper d’éventuels problèmes de compatibilité des micro-dispositifs avec l'imagerie par résonance magnétique, nous avons mis au point le procédé de croissance électrolytique d’un matériau non-magnétique à base de nickel dopé au phosphore. / This thesis contributes to the medical implants field, which is stimulated by many advances in the fields of microelectronics and microsensors. However, electrical energy lifespan of implants and large size of batteries are still a problem. Our work aims at pushing back these limits. It contributes to the development of a solution based on mechanical energy harvesting from the heart motion. The objective is to sustainably power a new generation of pacemakers without lead, so-called "leadless pacemakers."The studied energy harvesting microsystem consists in a spring-mass-type mechanical resonator associated with an electrostatic transducer. Its originality comes from a three-dimensional architecture, whose shape fits pretty well with the cylindrical shape of the pacemaker capsule. The use of the third dimension combined with an original design enables to get a pseudo multiplication frequency effect. Thanks to this effect, our simulation models predict power densities significantly higher than state-of-the-art figures reported in literature. To fabricate this three-dimensional microsystem, we have developed an additive manufacturing process based on steps of micro-molding of a structural material (electroplated nickel), electroplating of a sacrificial material (copper) and planarization. Identification of imperfections related to the fabrication process and the materials used allowed us to improve the design of the transducer. Moreover, many manufacturing obstacles were overcome during this thesis through the implementation of dedicated instrumentation. This new process has enabled us to fabricate a first three-dimensional prototype of the electrostatic micro-transducer made of 10 layers of nickel. Other electroplated metals can be envisaged to achieve three-dimensional microsystems, depending on the application requirements. In order to anticipate any compatibility issue of our microsystem with magnetic resonance imaging, we have developed the electrodeposition process of a nonmagnetic material: phosphorous doped nickel.

Conception et réalisation d’un banc pour l’étude de fiabilité des micros dispositifs piézoélectriques de récupération d’énergie dédiés aux implants cardiaques / Design and realization of a bench for the study of the reliability of micro piezoelectric energy harvesting devices dedicated to cardiac implants

Maaroufi, Seifeddine 30 June 2017 (has links)
Dans le cadre de cette thèse de doctorat, nous présentons la conception et la réalisation d’un banc dédié à l’étude de la fiabilité de structures piézoélectriques et plus précisément des micro-dispositifs de récupération d'énergie destinés aux implants médicaux autonomes actifs (stimulateurs cardiaques de nouvelle génération). Les structure étudiées se présentent sous la forme d’un bimorphe piézoélectrique encastré-libre comportant une masse sismique à leur extrémité. Une bonne compréhension du vieillissement des matériaux et des modes de défaillance mécanique et électrique est essentielle pour ce type de système où la vie du patient au sein duquel est implanté le dispositif est directement mise en jeu. Pour étudier la fiabilité et la durabilité de la partie active du récupérateur, nous proposons d'établir une nouvelle méthodologie de vieillissement accélérée via un banc d'essai dédié où l'environnement et les stimuli peuvent être contrôlés avec précision sur une large période de temps. Une caractérisation électromécanique des structures est périodiquement réalisée via l’extraction d’une série d’indicateurs (force de blocage, raideur, tension en régime harmonique) au sein même du banc tout au long du vieillissement. Il est donc ainsi possible d'identifier les différents modes de défaillance potentiels et d’étudier leurs impacts sur le bon fonctionnement du système. / Within the framework of this PhD we present the design and realization of a bench dedicated to the study of the reliability of piezoelectric structures and more precisely micro-devices of energy harvesting for the new generation of active and autonomous medical implants. The structures studied are in the form of a free-clamped piezoelectric bimorph having a seismic mass at their tip. A good understanding of the aging of the materials and of the mechanical and electrical failure modes is essential for this type of system where the life of the patient implanted by this device is directly involved. To study the reliability and durability of the active part of the harvester, we propose to establish a new accelerated aging methodology via a dedicated test bench where the environment and stimuli can be controlled accurately over a large period of time. An electromechanical characterization of the structures is periodically carried out by the extraction of a series of indicators (blocking force, stiffness, tension in harmonic regime) within the bench throughout the aging process. Therefore it is possible to identify the different potential failure modes and to study their impact on the proper functioning of the system.

Nanomanufacturing of Wearable Electronics for Energy Conversion and Human-integrated Monitoring

Min Wu (9745856) 14 December 2020 (has links)
<div>Recently, energy crisis and environment pollution has become global issues and there is a great demand for developing green and renewable energy system. At the same time, advancements in materials production, device fabrication, and flexible circuit has led to the huge prosperity of wearable devices, which also requires facile and efficient approaches to power these ubiquitous electronics. Piezoelectric nanogenerators and triboelectric nanogenerators have attracted enormous interest in recent years due to their capacity of transferring the ambient mechanical energy into desired electricity, and also the potential of working as self-powered sensors. However, there still exists some obstacles in the aspect of materials synthesis, device fabrication, and also the sensor performance optimization as well as their application exploration.</div><div>Here in this research, several different materials possessing the piezoelectric and triboelectric properties (selenium nanowires, tellurium nanowires, natural polymer hydrogel) have been successfully synthesized, and also a few novel manufacturing techniques (additive manufacturing) have been implemented for the fabrication of wearable sensors. The piezoelectric and triboelectric nanogenerators developed could effectively convert the mechanical energy into electricity for an energy conversion purpose, and also their application as self-powered human-integrated sensors have also been demonstrated, like achieving a real-time monitoring of radial artery pulses. Other applications of the developed sensors, such as serving as electric heaters and infrared cloaking devices are also presented here. This research is expected to have a positive impact and immediate relevance to many societally pervasive areas, e.g. energy and environment, biomedical electronics, and human-machine interface.</div><div><br></div>

Plasmonics for Nanotechnology: Energy Harvesting and Memory Devices

Aveek Dutta (9033764) 26 June 2020 (has links)
<div>My dissertation research is in the field of plasmonics. Specifically, my focus is on the use of plasmonics for various applications such as solar energy harvesting and optically addressable magnetic memory devices. Plasmonics is the study of collective oscillations of free electrons in a metal coupled to an electromagnetic field. Such oscillations are characterized by large electromagnetic field intensities confined in nanoscale volumes and are called plasmons. Plasmons can be excited on a thin metal film, in which case they are called surface plasmon polaritons or in nanoscale metallic particles, in which case they are called localized surface plasmon resonances. Researchers have taken advantage of this electromagnetic field enhancement resulting from the excitation of plasmons in metallic structures and demonstrated phenomenon such as plasmon-assisted photocatalysis, plasmon-induced local heating, plasmon-enhanced chemical sensing, optical modulators, nanolasers, etc.</div><div>In the first half of my dissertation, I study the role of plasmonics in hydrogen production from water using solar energy. Hydrogen is believed to be a very viable source of alternative green fuel to meet the growing energy demands of the world. There are significant efforts in government and private sectors worldwide to implement hydrogen fuel cells as the future of the automotive and transportation industry. In this regard, water splitting using solar energy to produce hydrogen is a widely researched topic. It is believed that a Solar-to-Hydrogen (STH) conversion efficiency of 10% is good enough to be considered for practical applications. Iron oxide (alpha-Fe2O3) or hematite is one of the candidate materials for hydrogen generation by water splitting with a theoretical STH efficiency of about 15%. In this work, I experimentally show that through metallic gold nanostructures we can enhance the water oxidation photocurrent in hematite by two times for above bandgap wavelengths, thereby increasing hydrogen production. Moreover, I also show that gold nanostructures can result in a hematite photocurrent enhancement of six times for below bandgap wavelengths. The latter, I believe, is due to the excitation of plasmons in the gold nanostructures and their subsequent decay into hot holes which are harvested by hematite.</div><div>The second part of my dissertation involves data storage in magnetic media. Memory devices based on magnetic media have been widely investigated as a compact information storage platform with bit densities exceeding 1Tb/in2. As the size of nanomagnets continue to reduce to achieve higher bit densities, the magnetic fields required to write information in these bits increases. To counter this, the field of heat-assisted magnetic recording (HAMR) was developed where a laser is used to locally heat up a magnet and make it susceptible to smaller magnetic switching fields. About two decades ago, it was realized that a single femtosecond laser pulse can switch magnetic media and therefore could be used to write information in magnetic bits. This field is now known as All-Optical Magnetic Switching (AOMS). My research aims to bring together the two fields of HAMR and AOMS to create optically addressable nanomagnets for information storage. Specifically, I want to show that plasmonic resonators can couple the laser field to nanomagnets more efficiently. This can therefore be used not only to heat the nanomagnets but also switch them with lower optical energy compared to free-standing nanomagnets without any plasmonic resonator. The results of my research show that by coupling metallic resonators, supporting surface plasmons, to nanomagnets, one can reduce the light intensity required for laser induced magnetization reversal.</div>

Piezoelektrisk energiskördning för oregelbundna lågfrekventa rörelser / Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting for Irregular Low Frequency Motions

Bogren, Oliver, Olofsson, Simon January 2016 (has links)
Energiskördning är idag ett växande område och är framstående sett till hållbarhetsaspekterna. Vibrationsbaserad sådan har blivit allt populärare där man kan utnyttja mekanisk energi från olika källor till att generera elektrisk energi. Piezoelektricitet fungerar enligt denna princip och piezoelektrisk energiskördning har varit ett område som fler och fler utnyttjar på grund av dess effektivitet, exempelvis till trådlösa sensornätverk. Ett krav på att piezoelektrisk energiskördning ska fungera optimalt är att vibrationerna sker med en satt frekvens utan större variation, ofta i väldigt höga frekvenser. Syftet med detta projekt är att anpassa denna teknik till mänskliga rörelser vilket kan göra den mer användbar och ett tänkt ändamål kan vara ett demonstrationsexempel för oregelbundna rörelser vid låga frekvenser, precis som mänskliga rörelser. Utmaningen lägger därmed i att utveckla en piezoelektrisk energiskördare som har ett frekvensområde inom mänskliga rörelsers frekvenser på 4 till 7 Hertz, där effektiviteten fortfarande kan vara hög. Detta har beprövats med vibrationsplatta. Vad som observerades var att med flera piezoelektriska material på konsolbalkar i kolfiber av olika dimensioner med olika vikter längst ut, uppstod ett frekvensområde inom mänskliga området med höga spänningar. För att göra det möjligt behövdes vikterna ha en stor massa av upp till hundratals gram så att resonansfrekvenserna kunde vara inom nämnt frekvensområde. Då piezoelektriska material ger en växelspänning, måste spänningen likriktas. Detta gjordes med två olika gränssnitt med ett mönsterkort tillverkat för vardera. Dessa gränssnitt är ett klassiskt som helt enkelt likriktar spänningen, medan den andra, Parallel Synchronized Switch Harvesting on the Inductor (P-SSHI), ska maximera spänningen och effekten. Det visade sig att det inte blev lika lyckat som planerat. Det klassiska gränssnittet gav en likspänning som var nästan lika hög som den inmatade växelspänningen medan det inte gällde för P-SSHI. / Today energy harvesting is an area on the rise and is outstanding in regards to the environmental aspects. Vibration based energy harvesting has become popular where it uses mechanical energy from different sources to produce electrical energy. Piezoelectricity operates according to this principle and piezoelectric energy harvesting has been an area more are using because of its efficiency, with applications such as wireless sensor networks. One demand for piezoelectric energy harvesting to work optimally is that the vibration source must have a well known frequency with minor deviations and this in usually very high frequencies. The purpose of this thesis is to adapt this technology to human motions which could make it even more useful and a proposed usage is a demo product for irregular motions of low frequency, just like human motions. The challenge is hence to create a piezoelectric energy harvester which has a frequency range within the human motions’ frequencies of 4 to 7 Hertz, where the efficiency still could be high. This has been tested using a vibration exciter. What was noticed was that with multiple piezoelectric materials on cantilever beams of carbon fibre with different dimensions and tip masses, a frequency range within human range with high voltages could be created. To make this possible, the masses needed to have a significant mass of up towards hundreds of grams in order for the resonance frequencies to be within the stated frequency range. As the piezoelectric materials provide an AC voltage, the voltage needs to be rectified. This was done with two different interfaces with a PCB created for each. These interfaces are a classic one which simply rectifies the voltage, while the other, Parallel Synchronized Switch Harvesting on the Inductor (PSSHI), is supposed to maximize the voltage and power. This did not turn out to be as successful as predicted. The classical interface delivered a DC voltage almost as much as the provided AC voltage while the P-SSHI interface did not.

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