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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Geschäftsbericht … / ENSO

20 October 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Geschäftsbericht … / ENSO

20 October 2022 (has links)
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Geschäftsbericht … / ENSO

20 October 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Geschäftsbericht … / ENSO

20 October 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Geschäftsbericht … / SachsenEnergie, ENSO

15 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Impactos do fenômeno El Niño Oscilação Sul na variabilidade climática e seus efeitos na produtividade da cultura da cana-de-açúcar em diferentes regiões brasileiras / Impacts of El Niño Southern Oscillation on climate variability and its effects on sugarcane yield in different Brazilian regions

Almeida, Alessandro Toyama 08 October 2014 (has links)
O evento climático conhecido como El Niño Oscilação Sul (ENOS) é formado pelos episódios de El Niño e La Niña e é classificado como um fenômeno de grande escala que ocorre no Oceano Pacífico Equatorial. Em razão do grande efeito do fenômeno ENOS na variabilidade climática e, consequentemente, na produção agrícola, se faz necessário o conhecimento adequado das consequências dos eventos de El Niño e La Niña nos regimes térmicos e hídricos de diferentes regiões brasileiras e de seus impactos na produção de alimentos, sobretudo na cultura da cana-de-açúcar. Para tanto, dados meteorológicos foram analisados a fim de se verificar algum efeito causado pelos eventos do ENOS na temperatura do ar, na radiação solar e precipitação pluvial. Em seguida, utilizou-se o modelo DSSAT CSMCANEGRO parametrizado para as condições brasileiras para simular a produtividade da cana-planta de 12 meses em quatro localidades de diferentes regiões do Brasil (Jataí, GO; João Pessoa, PB; Londrina, PR; e Piracicaba, SP), empregando-se séries históricas de dados meteorológicos, de 1979 a 2010, para três tipos de solos com diferentes características físico-hídricas (capacidade de água disponível), e para dois tipos de simulação da produtividade da cana pelo modelo DSSAT CSM-CANEGRO, o tipo Seasonal e o tipo Sequence. Foi possível notar nos resultados que para a temperatura do ar houve uma maior frequência de anos com essa variável acima da mediana nas localidades situadas na região central e nordeste no país durante os eventos de El Niño, ao passo que na região sul, representada por Londrina, tal frequência foi indefinida. Para os anos de La Niña, não houve, em geral, tendência clara de variação em nenhuma das localidades. Já nos anos neutros as maiores frequências foram de temperaturas abaixo da mediana nas localidades das regiões central e sul, enquanto em João Pessoa, PB, não houve tendência bem definida. Para a radiação solar, em geral, não se detectaram tendências expressivas, apesar de valores levemente acima da mediana em anos de La Niña, em todas as regiões. Finalmente, para as chuvas houve tendências um pouco mais expressivas, sendo que nas localidades da região central do país (Jataí e Piracicaba) as precipitações acima da mediana foram mais frequentes nos anos de El Niño e La Niña, ficando abaixo da mediana nos anos neutros. Nas demais localidades analisadas, as chuvas tenderam a ficar abaixo ou igual à mediana durante todas as fases do ENOS. Quanto à produtividade, algumas tendências também puderam ser observadas. Em Jataí, GO, não houve alterações da produtividade média maiores do que ± 1 t ha-1. Em João Pessoa, PB, a tendência de menores produtividades durante os anos de El Niño e de La Niña e de maiores produtividades em anos neutros. Situação oposta foi observa em Piracicaba, SP, e Londrina, PR, onde as produtividades tenderam a serem maiores do que a média histórica nos eventos tanto de El Niño como de La Niña, ao passo que nos anos de neutralidade do ENOS as produtividades tenderam a ser menores do que a média. / The climatic event known as El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is formed by episodes of El Niño and La Niña and is classified as a large-scale phenomenon that occurs in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean. Given the large effect of ENSO on climate variability and hence in agricultural production, proper knowledge of the consequences of El Niño and La Niña on the thermal and water regimes of different Brazilian regions and their impact on food production is needed, especially for sugarcane crop. To this end, climate variables were analyzed in order to verify any effect caused by the ENSO events on air temperature, solar radiation and rainfall. The DSSAT CSM-CANEGRO model, parameterized for the Brazilian conditions, was used to simulate sugarcane yield (plant cane of 12 months) in four sites of different Brazilian regions (Jataí, GO; João Pessoa, PB; Londrina, PR; and Piracicaba, SP), using historical series of meteorological data from 1979 to 2010, for three types of soils, with different physical-hydric properties (Soil water holding capacity), and two types of simulations in DSSAT CSM-CANEGRO model, with the Seasonal and Sequence procedures It was possible to notice in the results that the air temperature was a greater frequency of years with this variable above the median in localities situated in the central and northeastern region of the country during the El Niño events, while in the south, represented by Londrina, this frequency was undefined. For La Niña years, there was generally clear trend of variation in any of the locations. Already in neutral years, the highest frequency was below the median temperatures in the localities in central and southern regions, while in João Pessoa, PB, and no well-defined trend. Solar radiation, in general, no significant trends were detected, although values slightly above the median in La Niña years in all regions. Finally, to the rains there was a little more expressive tendency, and the locations of the central region (Jataí and Piracicaba) precipitation above the median were more frequent in years of El Niño and La Niña, below the median in neutral years. In other areas analyzed, rainfall tended to be below or equal to the median during all phases of ENSO. With regard to productivity, some trends were also observed. In Jataí, GO, no changes greater than ± 1 t ha-1 was observed. João Pessoa, PB, there was a trend of lower yields during El Niño and La Niña years and higher yields during neutral years. Opposite situation was observed in Piracicaba, SP, and Londrina, PR, where the yields tended to be higher than the historical average in both El Niño and La Niña events, while during neutral years the yield tended to be smaller than average.

Variabilité du volume d'eau chaude et de la couche barrière de sel dans l'océan Pacifique équatorial à l'échelle interannuelle (ENSO)

Bosc, Christelle 05 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Le Pacifique équatorial est une région clé pour l'étude du phénomène climatique El Niño Oscillation Australe (ENSO) qui joue un rôle essentiel sur la variabilité du climat à l'échelle globale. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier, d'une part le rôle des ondes équatoriales sur le mécanisme de Recharge-Décharge d'ENSO et d'autre part, d'observer et comprendre l'impact des couches barrières de sel susceptibles d'influencer ENSO. Le mécanisme de Recharge-Décharge de la bande équatoriale (5°N-5°S) est analysé sur la période 1992-2006 à l'aide de données altimétriques. Les variations de volume d'eau chaude qui rechargent ou déchargent la bande équatoriale sont bien représentées par les transports méridiens de masse exprimés en terme de transports géostrophiques et d'Ekman. Les ondes équatoriales de Rossby premier mode méridien premier mode barocline jouent un rôle important sur la partie géostrophique de ces transports. Une classification des évènements El Niño est également effectuée à l'aide des variations de volume d'eau chaude du Pacifique équatorial. La variabilité de la structure thermohaline de la warm pool est analysée dans la bande équatoriale, à l'aide de données Argo, sur la période 2000-2007. Une validation de ces données ainsi que des tests de différents critères d'estimation des couches barrières de sel sont présentés. Les co-variabilités entre les couches barrières de sel, le front de salinité, les températures de surface et la hauteur dynamique sont analysées. Elles montrent notamment que les températures de surface élevées (SST>28-29°C), associées au maximum de convection atmosphérique sont fortement liées à la présence de couches barrières de sel épaisses (>20m). Les couches barrières de sel sont favorisées par des fortes précipitations, de faibles vents, l'advection zonale de salinité de surface et le cisaillement vertical de courants. Pour la première fois à partir d'observations, l'influence des ondes équatoriales sur les couches barrières de sel est mise en évidenc

Central Purchasing at Stora Enso : A Survey of the Supplier Relations

Antell, Beatrice, Heijl, Emma January 2004 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study is to investigate the suppliers’ view of their relation to Stora Enso. The study focuses on the relation between the central purchasing unit of Stora Enso and the suppliers but also gives indications of how the overall interface between Stora Enso and the suppliers works. The purpose is explored through a number of research objectives, which are presented below. </p><p>Areas essential for the functioning of the central purchasing unit: </p><p>- The overall organisation of Stora Enso’s purchasing activities, </p><p>- Stora Enso’s cross-functional purchasing teams, </p><p>- The internal coordination and communication, </p><p>- The relational bonds between Stora Enso and the suppliers </p><p>Important goals and visions for the central purchasing unit: </p><p>- Minimising the Total Business Cost, </p><p>- Being an attractive partner to the suppliers </p><p>Currently discussed issues within the central purchasing organisation: </p><p>- The potential for closer cooperation between Stora Enso and the suppliers, </p><p>- The professionalism of Stora Enso’s purchasers </p><p>Stora Enso is well organised for purchasing but the centrally coordinated cross-functional teams are not working as well as they could. The internal coordination has improved lately but the central purchasing unit’s mission to optimise for Stora Enso as a whole often creates tension within the organisation, as a result of the mills being profit centres. The internal communication is not efficient, and the suppliers are strengthening their bonds with the mills by taking over the responsibility for certain information flows. The central purchasing unit and the cross-functional teams have the responsibility but not the authority to carry out their task of identifying and reducing the Total Business Cost. Stora Enso is an attractive customer for their suppliers, mainly because of the big volumes they represent. The current negotiation strategies are not advantageous for the introduction of collaborative supplier relations but other factors in the relation between the suppliers and Stora Enso speak strongly in favour for such a strategic change. When it comes to professionalism and business moral the suppliers give the central purchasing unit a very positive evaluation.</p>

Effektivisering av korta cirkulationen Pappaersmaskin 2 Stora Enso Hylte Bruk

Jönsson, Johan, Cederlöf, Anna-Karin January 2007 (has links)
<p>Stora Enso Hylte Bruk är ett tidningspappersbruk beläget i Hyltebruk.</p><p>De fyra pappersmaskinerna startades 1972(PM1), 1974(PM2), 1976(PM3) och</p><p>1989(PM4).</p><p>Produktionen 2005 från dessa pappersmaskiner var 800 000 ton papper.</p><p>För att tillverka papper åtgår stora mängder energi i form av värme och el, Hylte</p><p>Bruk gjorde 2005 av med 1 % av Sveriges totala elenergibehov.</p><p>Den 1/7 2004 höjdes processrelaterad elskatt från 0 till 0,5 öre/kWh vilket ledde</p><p>fram till den lag som trädde i kraft den 1/1 2005, ”lag om program för</p><p>energieffektivisering” (PFE)1.</p><p>Ändamålet är att främja en effektiv energianvändning och ger energiintensiv</p><p>industri möjlighet att delta i ett 5-årigt program för energieffektivisering. De</p><p>företag som är kvalificerade att ingå i programmet och klarar av de krav som ställs</p><p>befrias från elskatten.</p><p>Som en del av det här programmet ingår att utarbeta en lista med</p><p>elenergieffektiviseringar som ska överlämnas till Statens Energimyndighet.</p><p>Detta examensarbete kan efter beslut av ansvariga på Hylte Bruk ingå som en del</p><p>av denna lista.</p><p>Syftet med examensarbetet var att undersöka effektiviteten hos tolv pumpar på</p><p>PM2 genom mätning av effekt, flöde och tryck. En del av dessa har varit i drift i</p><p>upp till 32 år, under denna tid har slitage skett, vissa pumpar har gått mot delvis</p><p>stängda ventiler samt förutsättningarna i form av produktion har ändrats sedan de</p><p>dimensionerades.</p><p>För alla de berörda pumparna kan en effektivisering göras, den kan bestå av: lägre</p><p>tryckhöjd, mindre flöde, pump med bättre verkningsgrad, eller en kombination av</p><p>ovanstående exempel.</p><p>De förslag som har en återbetalningstid kortare än tre år ger tillsammans en</p><p>energibesparing på 1 375 000 kWh/år, vilket motsvarar mer än ¼ av vad</p><p>pumparna förbrukar idag.</p><p>Om istället alla de förslagen som är framarbetade och genomförbara skulle</p><p>realiseras kan energibesparingen ökas ytterligare till 2 302 000 kWh/år, detta</p><p>skulle dock innebära en större investeringskostnad vilket resulterar i en längre</p><p>återbetalningstid.</p>

Central Purchasing at Stora Enso : A Survey of the Supplier Relations

Antell, Beatrice, Heijl, Emma January 2004 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the suppliers’ view of their relation to Stora Enso. The study focuses on the relation between the central purchasing unit of Stora Enso and the suppliers but also gives indications of how the overall interface between Stora Enso and the suppliers works. The purpose is explored through a number of research objectives, which are presented below. Areas essential for the functioning of the central purchasing unit: - The overall organisation of Stora Enso’s purchasing activities, - Stora Enso’s cross-functional purchasing teams, - The internal coordination and communication, - The relational bonds between Stora Enso and the suppliers Important goals and visions for the central purchasing unit: - Minimising the Total Business Cost, - Being an attractive partner to the suppliers Currently discussed issues within the central purchasing organisation: - The potential for closer cooperation between Stora Enso and the suppliers, - The professionalism of Stora Enso’s purchasers Stora Enso is well organised for purchasing but the centrally coordinated cross-functional teams are not working as well as they could. The internal coordination has improved lately but the central purchasing unit’s mission to optimise for Stora Enso as a whole often creates tension within the organisation, as a result of the mills being profit centres. The internal communication is not efficient, and the suppliers are strengthening their bonds with the mills by taking over the responsibility for certain information flows. The central purchasing unit and the cross-functional teams have the responsibility but not the authority to carry out their task of identifying and reducing the Total Business Cost. Stora Enso is an attractive customer for their suppliers, mainly because of the big volumes they represent. The current negotiation strategies are not advantageous for the introduction of collaborative supplier relations but other factors in the relation between the suppliers and Stora Enso speak strongly in favour for such a strategic change. When it comes to professionalism and business moral the suppliers give the central purchasing unit a very positive evaluation.

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