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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Regioninis verslo portalas: el. paslaugų sudarymas ir tyrimas / Enterprise Information Portal: E-services implementation and analysis

Kareiva, Rolandas 15 January 2006 (has links)
Presented work describe about new public e-services implementation, they presentation in internet, e-services between companies and public office development. Government intention to establish conditions to implement e-government and new enterprise services creation at eenvironment. There are suggested implement enterprise information portal with e-services: new companies name registration, business license receiving, new companies registration and enterprise dissolution.

Išteklių planavimo sistemos ERP funkcinių galimybių išplėtimas / Functional possibilities extension of Enterprise Resource Planning systems

Bartkienė, Edita 10 January 2005 (has links)
Effective information and resource management are the most important factors driving businesses to success. In today's dynamic and turbulent global business environment, there is a strong need for organisations to be competitive under all circumstances. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) can be used as a strategic tool, helping companies to gain competitive edge by integrating all business processes and optimising available resources. While ERP systems are powerful packages, many companies are not fully satisfied with their systems, because ERP systems do not always fulfil all company’s business needs. This work is meant to promote ERP systems by presenting one of them – the MFG/PRO by QAD, discussing its common and unique properties, sharing particular working experience and proving that this ERP system can be perfectly adapted to suit the needs of all companies. New methods for adaptation of ERP system according to organizational needs have been developed. Methods incorporate database, application and user interface modifications. Implemented modifications caused a reasonable improvement in MFG/PRO’s capabilities.

UAB „Real Estate“ strategijos metmenys / Strategy of ,,Real Estate" Ltd

Makaravičius, Lorenas 04 May 2009 (has links)
Įvade aprašoma ir apibūdinama organizacijos veikla, jos dalyvavimas nekilnojamojo turto vystymo rinkoje, problemos su kuriomis ji susiduria tiek vidaus, tiek išorinės aplinkoje. Šio darbo tikslas analizuoja perspektyvas tikrame versle ir padaro teorišką strategiją iš būsimo įmonės veiksmo. Pirma dalis duoda teorišką analizę pagal mokslinį metodą strateginio verslo planui. Antra dalis apžvelgia verslo aplinką įmonės ir duoda einamojo veiksmo analizę. Trečia dalis susitelkia ties strateginėmis alternatyvomis ir jų teorišku pritaikymu konkrečioje įmonės strategijoje. Ten kuriama misija ir vizija "Nekilnojamojo turto" įmonės, strategija jos verslininkystės metais 2009-2014, ir teoriški jos įsisąmoninimo aspektai. Šio darbo tikrovė guli jo praktiniame pritaikyme. Net jei nėra jokios visuotinės formulės verslo pasisekimui, kiekviena analizė yra didelė nauda ir analizuojančiam asmeniui ir visai įmonei. / The presented business is the supply of real estate companies, carried out by „Real Estate“ enterprise. The purpose of this work is to analyze the perspectives in actual business and to make theoretical strategy of future activities of the enterprise. The first part gives a theoretical analysis and acientific approach to strategic business plannig. The second part reviews the business environment of the enterprise and gives the analysis of current activities of the enterprise. The third part focuses on strategic alternatives and their theoretical applicability in a concrete strategy of an enterprise. There comes the mission and the vision of the „Real Estate“ enterprise, the strategy of its business activities in year 2009-2014, and the theoretical aspects of its realization. the actuality of this work lays in its practical applicability. Even if there is no universal formula for a business success, every trial to analyze and to plan is of the great impertance for a person concerned and for the whole enterprise.

Verslo valdymo sistemų funkcinių galimybių analizė ir vertinimas / The analysis and evaluation of functional abilities of enterprise resource planning systems

Ratkevičius, Donatas 30 December 2013 (has links)
Disertacijos tyrimo objektas yra šiuolaikinių verslo valdymo sistemų (VVS) funkcinės savybės. Tyrimo tikslas – atlikti VVS funkcinių galimybių analizę ir kiekybinį jų vertinimą tokiu būdu palengvinant įvairią veiklą vykdančioms įmonėms pasirinkti sistemą, geriausiai atitinkančią jų poreikius. Siekiant šio tikslo disertacijoje yra išanalizuoti VVS atrankos kriterijai ir pasiūlyta jų klasifikacija, ekspertinės apklausos duomenų pagrindu sukurtas VVS atrankos veiksnių sąryšių neraiškaus pažinimo projektų modelis, atliktas plačiausiai pasaulyje naudojamų VVS funkcinių galimybių įvertinimas bei palygintas Lietuvoje ir užsienyje sukurtų sistemų funkcionalumas. Panaudotas klasterinės analizės metodas homogeniškiems VVS bruožams, „paslėptiems“ tarp didelio skaičiaus heterogeniškų jų savybių identifikuoti. Analizuotos sistemos suskirstytos į grupes pagal jų tinkamumą skirtingą veiklą vykdančioms įmonėms, bei sukurtas VVS funkcinių galimybių panaudojimo vertinimo modelis. / The object of the research is the functionality of contemporary enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. The purpose of the research – to perform the analysis and quantitative evaluation of functionality of ERP systems available on the market, thus facilitating ERP selection process for the companies of different industries in order to choose the best fit solution. To meet this purpose the most important ERP selection criteria and their relationships have been determined. The statistical analysis of contemporary ERP systems and their allocation into different clusters by versatility and appropriateness for the distributing, manufacturing and financial accounting companies of different size have been performed. The functional power of Lithuanian accounting software has been compared with foreign systems. The mathematical model more evaluating the usage of ERP systems functionality has been created.

Verslo valdymo sistemų funkcinių galimybių analizė ir vertinimas / The analysis and evaluation of functional abilities of enterprise resource planning systems

Ratkevičius, Donatas 30 December 2013 (has links)
Disertacijos tyrimo objektas yra šiuolaikinių verslo valdymo sistemų (VVS) funkcinės savybės. Tyrimo tikslas – atlikti VVS funkcinių galimybių analizę ir kiekybinį jų vertinimą tokiu būdu palengvinant įvairią veiklą vykdančioms įmonėms pasirinkti sistemą, geriausiai atitinkančią jų poreikius. Siekiant šio tikslo disertacijoje yra išanalizuoti VVS atrankos kriterijai ir pasiūlyta jų klasifikacija, ekspertinės apklausos duomenų pagrindu sukurtas VVS atrankos veiksnių sąryšių neraiškaus pažinimo projektų modelis, atliktas plačiausiai pasaulyje naudojamų VVS funkcinių galimybių įvertinimas bei palygintas Lietuvoje ir užsienyje sukurtų sistemų funkcionalumas. Panaudotas klasterinės analizės metodas homogeniškiems VVS bruožams, „paslėptiems“ tarp didelio skaičiaus heterogeniškų jų savybių identifikuoti. Analizuotos sistemos suskirstytos į grupes pagal jų tinkamumą skirtingą veiklą vykdančioms įmonėms, bei sukurtas VVS funkcinių galimybių panaudojimo vertinimo modelis. / The object of the research is the functionality of contemporary enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. The purpose of the research – to perform the analysis and quantitative evaluation of functionality of ERP systems available on the market, thus facilitating ERP selection process for the companies of different industries in order to choose the best fit solution. To meet this purpose the most important ERP selection criteria and their relationships have been determined. The statistical analysis of contemporary ERP systems and their allocation into different clusters by versatility and appropriateness for the distributing, manufacturing and financial accounting companies of different size have been performed. The functional power of Lithuanian accounting software has been compared with foreign systems. The mathematical model more evaluating the usage of ERP systems functionality has been created.

A framework and theory for cyber security assessments

Sommestad, Teodor January 2012 (has links)
Information technology (IT) is critical and valuable to our society. An important type of IT system is Supervisor Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems. These systems are used to control and monitor physical industrial processes like electrical power supply, water supply and railroad transport. Since our society is heavily dependent on these industrial processes we are also dependent on the behavior of our SCADA systems. SCADA systems have become (and continue to be) integrated with other IT systems they are thereby becoming increasingly vulnerable to cyber threats. Decision makers need to assess the security that a SCADA system’s architecture offers in order to make informed decisions concerning its appropriateness. However, data collection costs often restrict how much information that can be collected about the SCADA system’s architecture and it is difficult for a decision maker to know how important different variables are or what their value mean for the SCADA system’s security. The contribution of this thesis is a modeling framework and a theory to support cyber security vulnerability assessments. It has a particular focus on SCADA systems. The thesis is a composite of six papers. Paper A describes a template stating how probabilistic relational models can be used to connect architecture models with cyber security theory. Papers B through E contribute with theory on operational security. More precisely, they contribute with theory on: discovery of software vulnerabilities (paper B), remote arbitrary code exploits (paper C), intrusion detection (paper D) and denial-of-service attacks (paper E). Paper F describes how the contribution of paper A is combined with the contributions of papers B through E and other operationalized cyber security theory. The result is a decision support tool called the Cyber Security Modeling Language (CySeMoL). This tool produces a vulnerability assessment for a system based on an architecture model of it. / Informationsteknik (IT) är kritiskt och värdefullt för vårt samhälle. En viktig typ av IT-system är de styrsystem som ofta kallas SCADA-system (från engelskans "Supervisor Control And Data Acquisition"). Dessa system styr och övervakar fysiska industriella processer så som kraftförsörjning, vattenförsörjning och järnvägstransport. Eftersom vårt samhälle är beroende av dessa industriella processer så är vi också beroende av våra SCADA-systems beteende. SCADA-system har blivit (och fortsätter bli) integrerade med andra IT system och blir därmed mer sårbara för cyberhot. Beslutsfattare behöver utvärdera säkerheten som en systemarkitektur erbjuder för att kunna fatta informerade beslut rörande dess lämplighet. Men datainsamlingskostnader begränsar ofta hur mycket information som kan samlas in om ett SCADA-systems arkitektur och det är svårt för en beslutsfattare att veta hur viktiga olika variabler är eller vad deras värden betyder för SCADA-systemets säkerhet. Bidraget i denna avhandling är ett modelleringsramverk och en teori för att stödja cybersäkerhetsutvärderingar. Det har ett särskilt focus på SCADA-system. Avhandlingen är av sammanläggningstyp och består av sex artiklar. Artikel A beskriver en mall för hur probabilistiska relationsmodeller kan användas för att koppla samman cybersäkerhetsteori med arkitekturmodeller. Artikel B till E bidrar med teori inom operationell säkerhet. Mer exakt, de bidrar med teori angående: upptäckt av mjukvarusårbarheter (artikel B), fjärrexekvering av godtycklig kod (artikel C), intrångsdetektering (artikel D) och attacker mot tillgänglighet (artikel E). Artikel F beskriver hur bidraget i artikel A kombineras med bidragen i artikel B till E och annan operationell cybersäkerhetsteori. Resultatet är ett beslutsstödsverktyg kallat Cyber Security Modeling Language (CySeMoL). Beslutsstödsverktyget producerar sårbarhetsutvärdering för ett system baserat på en arkitekturmodell av det. / <p>QC 20121018</p>

A Study of Sustainable Compost Micro-Enterprise In Chimaltenango, Guatemala: Profitability and Employee Characteristics

Silberg, Timothy 2011 December 1900 (has links)
Over 13 million people live in Guatemala, and among this population more than 50% live below the poverty line. One proposed solution to mitigate the large percentage of poverty in the country is micro-entrepreneurship. A compost micro-enterprise is a small business, which collects organic raw material and processes it into stable humus material for the purpose of applying to soils to increase crop yields. Developing such micro-enterprises could not only indirectly improve current soil nutrient deficiencies specific to the region, but also provide alternative incomes for the already agriculturally involved community. The success or failure of enterprises practicing composting may be measured by a plethora of figures or outcomes. Employee characteristics are one variable that should be taken into consideration when estimating the efficiency of an agricultural enterprise's operations and productivity. While a variable, such as an employee characteristic, may not be able to be quantified exactly it should be argued that this variable can have a structural impact on productivity. Another crucial variable considered when developing such a micro-enterprise is accounting for its input and output. It is explained the issue of costs within micro-enterprises is complex and should be considered not only in terms of fees but also in terms of payments in any kind, such as entry and exit presence, and the duration of the apprenticeship. When an enterprise has failed to account for its various inputs and consequent output, it has become unsustainable because it has not satisfied basic economic, social and security needs presently and for its future. This study identified and described employee characteristics and documented the inputs and outputs of compost micro-enterprises in Chimaltenango, Guatemala. The study found that employee characteristics, particularly gender, age, and occupation affected a micro-enterprise's access to markets as well as row materials, and how efficiently tasks were completed. Costs of labor, raw material, transport, packaging, energy and the location the micro-enterprise itself heavily influenced profitability. The production of any product on a large scale must anticipate how positive financial outcomes will occur because profitability may not arrive as planned. If the revenue cannot be determined and/or made, compost micro-enterprise may fail to be a sustainable, much less a viable option for alternative income streams.

Analyse Mobile Device Management Criteria

Jalili, Mahmoud January 2014 (has links)
Mobility and using smartphones and tablets as replacement of laptops are getting to be increasingly vital for enterprises and accordingly bring new concerns from different perspective for both companies and individuals. To achieve enterprise mobility companies needs to ensure that the mobile equipment are always connected, complies with security policy in a safe and protected path toward being productivity and efficiency. To approach these purposes Mobile Device Management (MDM) was created few years back in order to not only secure enterprises information but additionally manage user’s activities and equipment. However there is no general methodology to define criteria weight for these systems and rather depends on different enterprise policy. One primary issue here is availability of many MDM solutions in market and several difficulties to compare them together and meanwhile most of comparison documents limited based on white papers of providers which mostly designed for commercial market purposes. This thesis will come up with a list of important properties for MDM solutions and evaluate several of solutions as well as categorizing all available criteria in this area. Second part of thesis is a case study of choosing proper MDM solution for two different scenarios and give recommendations on what products to utilize relying upon what sort of association you have. In order to achieve this, strong analytical methods are required to compare existing services and sharper eye from security perspective toward the applications.

Sensemaking in Enterprise Resource Planning Project Deescalation: An Empirical Study

Battleson, Douglas A. 11 May 2013 (has links)
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) projects, a type of complex information technology project, are very challenging and expensive to implement. Past research recognizes that escalation, defined as the commitment to a failing course of action, is common in such projects. While the factors that contribute to escalation (e.g., project conditions, psychological, organizational, and social factors) have been extensively examined, the literature on deescalation of projects is very limited. Motivated by this gap in the literature, this research examines deescalation, that is, on breaking the commitment to the failing course of action with a particular focus on ERP projects. This study is organized as a single-case study of a complex ERP project that was undertaken after a merger of two organizations. It examines how the project team members’ sensemaking is implicated in deescalation. Applying sensemaking as a theoretical lens, this engaged scholarship research contributes to practice by providing recommendations on how to better manage ERP project deescalation. It contributes to theory by providing a nuanced understanding of ERP project deescalation through project team members’ sensemaking activities.

Tool Support and Data Management for Business Analytics

Azarm, Mana 20 June 2011 (has links)
The data delivery architectures in most enterprises are complex and under documented. Conceptual business models and business analytics applications are created to provide a simplified, and easy to navigate view of enterprise data for analysts. But the construction of such interfaces is tedious, manually intensive to build, requiring specialized technical expertise, and it is especially difficult to map exactly where data came from in the organization. In this paper we investigate how two aspects (lineage and requests for data i.e. semantics and new reports) can be addressed by tying metadata documentation to a systematic data delivery architecture in order to support business analytics applications. We propose a tool framework that includes a metadata repository for each step in the data delivery architecture, a web based interface to access and manage that repository and mapping tools that capture data lineage to support step by step automation of data delivery.

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