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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Práticas ambientais adotadas por cooperativas e associações de agricultores familiares de Ibiúna, São Paulo: um estudo de multicasos / Environmental practices adopted in cooperatives and associations of farmers Ibiúna family, São Paulo: a multicases study

Bernardo, Evelyn Gomes 15 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2016-08-04T20:05:28Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Evelyn Bernardo.pdf: 3527970 bytes, checksum: 2aaeadea7f9d048f49db68de9950aa83 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-04T20:05:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Evelyn Bernardo.pdf: 3527970 bytes, checksum: 2aaeadea7f9d048f49db68de9950aa83 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-15 / Taking into consideration that agriculture is one of the fundamental activities of humankind and that it depends among other things the power of man, this study aimed to analyze the environmental practices of rural labor cooperatives play a key role in spreading knowledge and technical guidance to farmers, within the context of family farming in Ibiúna, SP. Thus, the theoretical framework of the research was based on the context of family farming and the diversity of studies that focus on this concept in Brazil, its development and modernity. Also sought theoretical understanding about environmental practices in the field and training of farmers in cooperative groups, their desires and peculiarities. The research methodology was qualitative exploratory character, from an analysis of documents, files, indirect observation and semi-structured interviews to study the environmental practices from the perspective of family farming. The strategy adopted was a multiple case study, with an individual analysis of each case and subsequent data obtained in the interviews were triangulated compared between them. The results contribute to the practice, with five models of structured co-operative organizations and / or associations which play a key role in spreading knowledge and technical guidelines for environmental practices, preserving and contributing to environmental sustainability. Among the 18 analyzed practices, four stand out with best score between the groups, they are: the reuse of organic waste, energy saving, soil analysis and knowledge related to environmental legislation. The samples reveal that cooperatives and rural workers associations within the context of family farming contribute to environmental preservation, demonstrating technical expertise and a more harmonious relationship with the environment. / Levando-se em consideração que a agricultura é uma das atividades fundamentais da humanidade e que dela depende entre outras coisas a alimentação do homem, o presente estudo teve como objetivo de analisar as práticas ambientais das cooperativas de trabalhadores rurais que exercem um papel fundamental na difusão de conhecimento e orientação técnica a produtores rurais, dentro do contexto da Agricultura Familiar em Ibiúna, SP. Para tanto, o referencial teórico da pesquisa fundamentou-se na contextualização da agricultura familiar e da diversidade de estudos que enfocam este conceito no Brasil, seu desenvolvimento e modernidade. Também buscou entendimento teórico quanto às práticas ambientais no campo e formação de grupos de produtores agrícolas em cooperativa, seus anseios e particularidades. A metodologia de pesquisa foi qualitativa de caráter exploratória, a partir de uma análise documental, registros em arquivos, observação indireta e entrevistas semiestruturadas a fim de estudar as práticas ambientais na perspectiva da agricultura familiar. A estratégia adotada foi um estudo de casos múltiplos, com uma análise individual de cada caso e posteriormente os dados obtidos nas entrevistas foram triangulados, comparados entre eles. Os resultados obtidos contribuem para a prática, apresentando cinco modelos de organizações estruturadas em cooperativa e/ou associações que exercem um papel fundamental na difusão do conhecimento e orientações técnicas para as práticas ambientais, preservando e contribuindo para a sustentabilidade do meio ambiente. Dentre às 18 práticas analisadas, 4 se destacam com melhor pontuação entre os grupos estudados, são elas: o reaproveitamento dos resíduos orgânicos, economia de energia, análise de solo e conhecimentos referente à legislação ambiental. As amostras revelam que as cooperativas e associações de trabalhadores rurais dentro do contexto da Agricultura Familiar contribuem para a conversação ambiental, demostrando conhecimento técnico e uma relação mais harmônica com o meio ambiente.

La economía circular como parte de la sostenibilidad en el sector hotelero y su posible aplicación en el Perú / The circular economy as part of sustainability in the hotel sector and its possible application in Peru

Berrú Potozén, Manuel Orlando, Grabielli Velasquez, Fiorella 15 November 2020 (has links)
Las industrias colaboran con la degradación gradual del planeta y la industria hotelera no está exenta de ello. Por ello, se observan algunos cambios de actitud y políticas por parte del sector hotelero con respecto a su impacto ambiental; sin embargo, aún no existe un plan específico de acción que dirija a los hoteles a desarrollar una gestión sostenible. Actualmente, el sector hotelero mantiene un modelo económico lineal basado en usar y desechar; el cual se plantea reemplazar por uno circular que permite utilizar y optimizar los recursos evitando dejar residuos y/o desperdiciarlos aportando valor a la empresa y a su entorno para poder alcanzar la sostenibilidad. Esta investigación busca detallar a profundidad la realidad acerca del enfoque de la economía circular y su aplicación en la hotelería a nivel mundial para su posible implementación en los hoteles en Perú. Se empleó la metodología de revisión bibliográfica descriptiva y evaluativa partiendo de fuentes académicas como artículos científicos, tesis, entre otros; teniendo en cuenta las fechas de publicación del 2015 al 2020 con respecto a la economía circular y su aplicación en el sector hotelero a nivel mundial. A partir de ello se identifica que el sector hotelero mundial actualmente no utiliza el enfoque de la economía circular y en el sector hotelero peruano aún no se realiza mucha investigación sobre esta temática por lo cual se requiere ampliarla y realizar la respectiva experimentación que proporcione argumentos a favor o en contra de implementar la economía circular. / Industries collaborate with the gradual degradation of the planet and the hotel industry is not exempt from it. Therefore, there are some changes in attitude and policies on the part of the hotel sector regarding its environmental impact; however, there is still no specific action plan that directs hotels to develop sustainable management. Currently, the hotel sector maintains a linear economic model based on use and discard; which is proposed to replace by a circular one that allows to use and optimize resources avoiding leaving waste and / or wasting them, adding value to the company and its environment in order to achieve sustainability. This research seeks to detail a depth of reality about the circular economy approach and its application in the hotel industry worldwide for its possible implementation in hotels in Peru. The descriptive and evaluative bibliographic review methodology was used based on academic sources such as scientific articles, theses, among others; considering the publication dates from 2015 to 2020 regarding the circular economy and its application in the hotel sector worldwide. Based on this, it is identified that the world hotel sector does not currently use the circular economy approach and in the Peruvian hotel sector much research is not done on this issue yet, so it is necessary to expand it and carry out the respective experimentation that provides arguments to favor or against implementing the circular economy. / Trabajo de investigación

La aplicación de los criterios de sostenibilidad ambiental y su relación con la satisfacción de los clientes de servicios hoteleros / The application of environmental sustainability criteria and their relationship with the satisfaction of hotel service customers

Inga Ortiz, Gabriel Ruben, Seragaki Collazos, Carolina Hiromi 27 June 2021 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como principal objetivo el de realizar un análisis de la aplicación de los criterios de sostenibilidad ambiental y su relación con la satisfacción de los clientes de servicios hoteleros, por consiguiente, este estudio integrará estas dos variables para que se pueda contar con un estudio completo del tema que integre el conocimiento existente. El método utilizado fue el de revisión de literatura con enfoque integrador, se realizó una búsqueda y análisis de literatura académica tanto el idioma inglés como español, como artículos científicos, libros y tesis, con la finalidad de tener diferentes argumentos y puntos de vista sobre las variables de estudio. Además, todas las fuentes incluidas son preferentemente de los últimos cinco años entre el 2015 al 2021.En los últimos años, dentro del sector hotelero cada vez es más importante generar diferenciación frente a la competencia, por lo que la sostenibilidad se ha convertido en un punto clave para tener una mejor reputación, no sólo en términos sociales sino también económicos y ambientales. Se puede establecer que la satisfacción por parte de los clientes de servicios hoteleros, se ve impactada de manera positiva por la aplicación de criterios de sostenibilidad y, además, cada día más hoteles los están implementado; sin embargo, aún existe una brecha entre la teoría y la práctica. / The main objective of this research is to carry out an analysis of the application of environmental sustainability criteria and its relationship with the satisfaction of hotel service customers, therefore, this study will combine these two variables so that it can be exposed to a complete study of the subject that integrates existing knowledge.The method used was the literature review with an integrative approach, the search and analysis of academic literature was carried out in both the English and Spanish languages, as well as scientific articles, books and theses, in order to have different arguments and points of view on the study of these variables. In addition, all sources included are preferably from the last five years between 2015 to 2021. In recent years, within the hotel sector it is increasingly important to create a differentiation from the competition, so sustainability has become a key point to have a better reputation, not only in social terms but also in economic and environmental terms. It can be established that the satisfaction of hotel service clients is positively impacted by the application of sustainability criteria and also, more and more hotels are implementing them; however, there is still a gap between theory and practice. / Trabajo de investigación

CEEQUAL : Ekonomisk, social och miljömässig hållbarhet i produktionen / CEEQUAL : Economic, Social and Environmental Issues under Production

Catapano, Gianbattista, Kadir, Zanyar January 2014 (has links)
CEEQUAL är ett klassningssystem utvecklad av ICE, den brittiska Institutionen för Civilingenjörer, för att bättra på anläggningsbranschens sociala, ekonomiska och miljömässiga hållbarhetsarbete. Systemet utvecklades år 2003 och användes fram till år 2011 endast i Storbritannien och Irland. År 2011 utvecklades en internationell version för organisationer som är intresserade av att certifiera projekt i andra delar av världen. Syftet med rapporten är att utvärdera konsekvenser för ett projekt som skall miljöcertifieras. Detta sker med hjälp av tre fallstudier från Skanska Sverige AB: Projekt Skarplöt, exploatering av en åkermark i Västerhaninge. Projekt Folkparksvägen, ombyggnation av en 1500 meter vägsträcka. Projekt Tyresövägen-Simvägen, en avsmalning av Tyresövägen från  motorvägsstandard till stadsväg.           Målet med rapporten är att: Identifiera förbättringsåtgärder för att främja hållbarhet och resurseffektivitet i produktion. Uppskatta vilka resurser förbättringsåtgärderna för certifiering kräver. Resultat från fallstudierna visar att Skanska har väl inarbetade rutiner i företagets ledningssystem, dock finns det förbättringspotential som kan uppnås med integrering av CEEQUALs krav i dagens arbetssätt. Merkostnaden av förbättringsåtgärderna består mestadels av tjänstemannatid för ett utökat samhällsengagemang, planering och bevakning av åtgärder som främjar hållbarhet samt insamling av bevismaterial för certifiering. Ändringar som uppkommer i arbetssättet är projektberoende och belyses i produktionsplaneringsskedet i varje enskilt projekt med hjälp av den extra planeringen som en CEEQUAL certifiering kräver. Rekommendationer för Skanska är att integrera en del av CEEQUALs krav i ledningssystemet och att skapa färdiga mallar som är anpassade till CEEQUALs frågeställningar med avsikt att effektivisera framställning av bevisdokumentationen i varje enskilt projekt. / CEEQUAL is an assessment and award scheme developed by ICE, The Institution of Civil Engineers in Great Britain, in order to improve the Civil engineering industry´s social, economic and environmental sustainability. The system was developed in 2003 and it was only used in the UK and Ireland until 2011. Year 2011, was an international version developed for organizations that are interested in certifying projects in other parts of the world. The report aims to evaluate the consequences for a project that is going to be assessed. This is done by using three case studies from Skanska Sverige AB: Project Skarplöt, exploitation of previous farming land in Västerhaninge. Project Folkparksvägen, refurbishment of a 1500 meter stretch of road. Project Tyresövägen - Simvägen, a narrowing of Tyresövägen from motorway standard to a city road with cycle lanes. The objective of this report is to: Identify improvement measures to promote sustainability and resource efficiency under production. Estimate the resources that such improvements and the works associated with the certification requires. Results of case studies show that Skanska has well-established work practices, however, there is potential for improvement that can be achieved with the integration of CEEQUALs requirements in the company’s management system. The additional cost of the improvement measures consist mostly of extra working time needed to administrate, plan and monitor measures that promote sustainability as well as gather evidence for certification. Adjustments to the production process that arises in the planning stages of the sustainability measures cannot be generalised and depend mostly on the project prerequisites. Recommendations to Skanska are to integrate CEEQUALs requirements in their management system and to create pre-designed templates for the required documentation and procedures in order to streamline planning and monitoring in each individual project that is going to be certified.

Framgångsfaktorer för att implementera miljöfrämjande åtgärder : En kartläggning av utvecklingsmöjligheter i svenska små- och medelstora företag

Erlandsson, Emma, Zakari, Lovisa January 2023 (has links)
För att bemöta klimatförändringarna och exploateringen av naturen krävs ett krafttag från alla sektorer. Små- och medelstora företags (SMF) utbredning på den lokala såväl som den globala marknaden indikerar att de har en central roll i omställningen mot en hållbar samhällsutveckling. Trots detta förefaller det svårt för flertalet små- och medelstora företag att implementera miljöfrågan i verksamheten. Forskningsstudien syftar därav till att undersöka framgångsfaktorer för att implementera miljöfrämjande åtgärder i svenska SMF samt kartlägga utvecklingsmöjligheter för att bemöta barriärer och lyfta goda exempel på hur SMF kan bedriva ett miljöarbete. Frågeställningarna besvaras genom en kvalitativ studiedesign. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in med hjälp av semistrukturerade djupintervjuer och kvalitativ innehållsanalys har använts för att analysera materialet. Analysen synliggjorde nio framgångsfaktorer och sex betydande barriärer hos de SMF som deltagit i studien. Totalt 12 utvecklingsmöjligheter har identifierats. Sju utvecklingsmöjligheter har syntetiserats utifrån framgångsfaktorerna, exempelvis; främja en hållbarhetspräglad företagskultur, involvera medarbetarna i miljöarbetet och integrera miljö i affärsmodellen. Fem utvecklingsmöjligheter har utlästs utifrån barriärerna, exempelvis; skapa incitament för förbättrad miljöprestanda, tydliggöra efterlevnad och uppföljning av miljökrav samt öka samverkan mellan myndighet och näringsliv. Studien påvisar att ett miljöarbete inte är en statisk process, vilket kräver att utvecklingsmöjligheterna anpassas till företagets förutsättningar. / Responding to climate change requires a joined effort from all sectors. The prevalence of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on the market indicates that they have a central role in the transition towards sustainable development. Despite this, it proves difficult for several SME to integrate the environmental issue in their operations. Therefore, the research study aims to investigate success factors for implementing green practices in Swedish SMEs, map what opportunities there is to address barriers and emphasizes good examples of how SMEs can carry out an environmental work. The research questions are answered through a qualitative study design. The empirical material has been collected using semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis has been used to analyze the material. The analysis resulted in nine success factors and six prominent barriers for the SMEs that participated in the study. A total of 12 development opportunities have been identified. Seven of these development opportunities have been synthesized from the success factors, for example, promote an organizational culture characterized by sustainability, involve employees in environmental work and integrate the environment into the business model. Five development opportunities have been synthesized from the barriers, for example, create incentives for improved environmental performance, clarify compliance and follow-up of environmental requirements and increase collaboration between authorities and business. The study demonstrates that the implementation of environmental practices is not a static process, which requires that development opportunities must be adapted to the company''s conditions.

An uneasy marriage : ecological reason and the Resource Management Act

Kerr, Simon January 2005 (has links)
The late 1960s witnessed an unprecedented interest in the environment. One of the intellectual characteristics of this period was the rise of ecocentrism, a form of ecological reasoning that challenged the domination of anthropocentric environmental thinking and practice. The thesis briefly reviews the evolution of ecological forms of reason, and then poses two questions. The first question asks: "What is ecological reason and how does the literature conceptualise it?" This leads to a theoretical analysis of the forms of ecological reason discernable in the literature, and results in a 'matrix of ecological reason'. The three primary forms of ecological reason are described as 'Technocentric Ecology', 'Discursive Ecology' and 'Eco-social Ecology'. They differ in respect to different dimensions of ecological reason, the forms of communication employed (drawing here on Habermas), and the level of commitment to anthropocentrism or ecocentrism. This 'matrix' highlights the contested nature of ecological reason in the literature, and demonstrates that there is, yet, no clear agreement on what it means, or should mean. The second question examines the ecological rationality of environmental practice. The 'matrix' is employed in three case studies of environmental decisions that take place under the New Zealand Resource Management Act (RMA), and investigates the forms of ecological reason expressed in these decision processes. The results of this analysis show that Eco-social Ecology barely registers in these case studies, while the other two forms of ecological reason. Technocentric Ecology and Discursive Ecology are both highly visible in the rationality of the RMA, but with two important qualifiers. First, although there is a commitment to Discursive Ecology on the part of many professionals, there is also much concern that this form of reason undermines quality environmental decisions. Thus, there is significant ambiguity as to the role of the community (an important dimension of Discursive Ecology). This leads to the second qualifier. There is an uneasy relationship between these two forms of reason, at both the theoretical and practice level. This tension underpins the competing visions of the RMA as a scientifically driven process and as a community process. This thesis argues that this tension does not provide for a secure marriage of these two visions.

Gestão da cadeia de suprimentos verde: hierarquização das barreiras pelo método AHP em um fornecedor de primeira camada da indústria automotiva brasileira / Green supply chain management: ranking of barriers by AHP method in a first provider layer on brazilian automotive industry

Silva, Flavia Cristina 03 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2016-08-16T15:38:24Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Flavia Cristina da Silva.pdf: 3181859 bytes, checksum: ec2e71bc944595cf5e4a7b0a3e2a9042 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-16T15:38:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Flavia Cristina da Silva.pdf: 3181859 bytes, checksum: ec2e71bc944595cf5e4a7b0a3e2a9042 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-03 / The interface between organizations and the context in which they operate tend to give barriers to the implementation of the green supply chain management [GSCM]. The general purpose of this study was to analyze how the barriers to implementation of GSCM are prioritized by Brazilian automotive sector. Therefore, this research used a mixed methods approach, applying a systematic literature review and CVR content validation in the qualitative approach and the Analytic Hierarchy Process method [AHP] for the quantitative. The contributions of this study to the theory include the collection of forty-three literature barriers to implementing the GSCM. The model of thirteen barriers applicable to the Brazilian organizational setting, validated by technical and academic experts, in addition to the synthesis of other information relevant to research on the topic. In terms of contributions to the practice of management, from the results and their comparisons in relation to companies in other sectors located in other parts of the world, it is intended that this study drives the member companies of the automotive supply chain in developing action plans to overcome the barriers to implementation of GSCM. / A interface entre as organizações e o contexto em que estão inseridas tendem a originar barreiras à implementação da gestão da cadeia de suprimentos verde [GCSV]. O propósito geral deste estudo consistiu em analisar como as barreiras à implementação da GCSV são hierarquizadas pelas empresas do setor automotivo brasileiro. Para tanto, esta pesquisa utilizou a abordagem de métodos mistos, com a aplicação de revisão bibliográfica sistemática e validação de conteúdo CVR na abordagem qualitativa e o método Analytic Hierarchy Process [AHP] para a quantitativa. As contribuições deste estudo para a teoria incluem a coletânea de quarenta e três barreiras à implementação da GCSV da literatura ao modelo de treze barreiras aplicáveis ao cenário organizacional brasileiro, validado por especialistas técnicos e acadêmicos, além da síntese de outras informações relevantes para pesquisas no tema. Em termos de contribuições para a prática da Administração, a partir dos resultados alcançados e suas comparações em relação às indústrias de outros setores localizadas em outras partes do mundo, pretende-se que este estudo norteie as empresas integrantes da cadeia de suprimentos automotiva na elaboração de planos de ação para a superação das barreiras à implementação da GCSV.

Gestão da cadeia de suprimentos verde: hierarquização das barreiras pelo método AHP em um fornecedor de primeira camada da indústria automotiva brasileira / Green supply chain management: ranking of barriers by AHP method in a first provider layer on brazilian automotive industry

Silva, Flavia Cristina da 03 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2017-06-06T15:28:07Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Flavia Cristina da Silva.pdf: 3181859 bytes, checksum: ec2e71bc944595cf5e4a7b0a3e2a9042 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-06T15:28:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Flavia Cristina da Silva.pdf: 3181859 bytes, checksum: ec2e71bc944595cf5e4a7b0a3e2a9042 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-03 / The interface between organizations and the context in which they operate tend to give barriers to the implementation of the green supply chain management [GSCM]. The general purpose of this study was to analyze how the barriers to implementation of GSCM are prioritized by Brazilian automotive sector. Therefore, this research used a mixed methods approach, applying a systematic literature review and CVR content validation in the qualitative approach and the Analytic Hierarchy Process method [AHP] for the quantitative. The contributions of this study to the theory include the collection of forty-three literature barriers to implementing the GSCM. The model of thirteen barriers applicable to the Brazilian organizational setting, validated by technical and academic experts, in addition to the synthesis of other information relevant to research on the topic. In terms of contributions to the practice of management, from the results and their comparisons in relation to companies in other sectors located in other parts of the world, it is intended that this study drives the member companies of the automotive supply chain in developing action plans to overcome the barriers to implementation of GSCM. / A interface entre as organizações e o contexto em que estão inseridas tendem a originar barreiras à implementação da gestão da cadeia de suprimentos verde [GCSV]. O propósito geral deste estudo consistiu em analisar como as barreiras à implementação da GCSV são hierarquizadas pelas empresas do setor automotivo brasileiro. Para tanto, esta pesquisa utilizou a abordagem de métodos mistos, com a aplicação de revisão bibliográfica sistemática e validação de conteúdo CVR na abordagem qualitativa e o método Analytic Hierarchy Process [AHP] para a quantitativa. As contribuições deste estudo para a teoria incluem a coletânea de quarenta e três barreiras à implementação da GCSV da literatura ao modelo de treze barreiras aplicáveis ao cenário organizacional brasileiro, validado por especialistas técnicos e acadêmicos, além da síntese de outras informações relevantes para pesquisas no tema. Em termos de contribuições para a prática da Administração, a partir dos resultados alcançados e suas comparações em relação às indústrias de outros setores localizadas em outras partes do mundo, pretende-se que este estudo norteie as empresas integrantes da cadeia de suprimentos automotiva na elaboração de planos de ação para a superação das barreiras à implementação da GCSV.

Medidas de responsabilidad ambiental en la hotelería y su influencia en la satisfacción de los clientes / Measures of environmental responsibility in the hotel industry and its influence on customer satisfaction

Vasquez Flores, July, Velasque Parco, Andrea Aracely 28 November 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo se ha desarrollado debido a la preocupación que existe ante los impactos que el sector hotelero genera sobre el medio ambiente y cómo mitigan estos impactos con acciones que ayudan a revertir el problema. Por tanto, el presente estudio tuvo como objetivo general investigar las medidas de responsabilidad ambiental implementadas en el sector hotelero y su influencia en la satisfacción de los clientes. Esta investigación empleó la metodología de revisión de literatura con enfoque integrador, ya que las variables planteadas fueron analizadas y evaluadas para concluir el tema de investigación. De ese modo se determinó que las acciones ambientales de los hoteles influyen en el comportamiento de los consumidores que apuestan por estas nuevas tendencias; estos se hospedan en hoteles orientados a las mejores prácticas ambientales donde priorizan el cuidado del medio ambiente para el crecimiento de sus operaciones. Asimismo, las empresas hoteleras se encuentran aplicando medidas de responsabilidad ambiental en sus actividades para mejorar la calidad del servicio y favorecer la mejora de su entorno ambiental. Sin embargo, aún existe escasa información y evidencia de cuáles son las medidas de responsabilidad ambiental que han demostrado tener mayor influencia en la satisfacción de los huéspedes. En tal sentido, este estudio brinda información sobre la importancia de las prácticas ecológicas de la hotelería y su efecto en los clientes. / The general objective of this study is to investigate the environmental responsibility measures implemented in the hotel sector and their influence on customer satisfaction. This research will use the literature review methodology with an integrative approach since the proposed variables will be analyzed and evaluated to conclude the research topic. This work has been developed due to the concern that exists about the impacts that the hotel sector generates on the environment and how to mitigate these impacts with actions that help to reverse the problem. Therefore, it was determined that environmental issues influence the behavior of consumers who bet on these new trends, they stay in hotels oriented to the best environmental practices where they prioritize caring for the environment for the growth of their operations. Likewise, hotel companies are applying environmental responsibility measures in their activities to improve the quality of service and favor the improvement of their environmental environment. However, there is still little information and evidence of which are the environmental responsibility measures that have been shown to have the greatest influence on guest satisfaction. In this sense, this study provides information on the importance of green hotel practices and their effect on customers. / Trabajo de investigación

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