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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Imagining Equality, Shifting Human Consciousness Toward Ecological Sustainability

Jacob, Sarah 11 October 2012 (has links)
My thesis explored the idea that inequality is a human-made perspective that has been informed concurrently through social and metaphysical structures. My intent has been to show how inequality as a learned man-made system of consciousness has played a pivotal role in justifying the exploitation of other cultures and the environment in the name of progress, advancement and human destiny. I have explored the idea that anthropocentrism and ethno-centric patriarchy has been woven so deeply into the fabric of modern perception that we are largely unconscious of its existence, even while we reap the results in both environmental and social degradation. My thesis has argued that a metaphysics, which supports equality, would result in a different value system that would prioritize diversity of life above and beyond human advancement, and emphasize cross-species interconnectedness thereby reducing the risk of exploitation inherent in the existing globally driven capitalist system.

Ecologia integral como fundamento para o direito universal ao meio ambiente e ecologicamente equilibrado

Silva, Cristiane Velasque da 19 July 2018 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo estudar o fundamento ético do direito universal ao meio ambiente ecologicamente equilibrado. Investiga-se a raiz humana da crise global atual, a exemplo do “antropocentrismo desordenado” advindo pelo relativismo prático. Analisa-se que a crise atual é ambiental, social e de valores, caracterizada como uma crise socioambiental. A partir disso, avalia-se a possibilidade de uma ética ambiental universal, alicerçada na lei natural, a qual tem como princípio central, a regra de ouro: não faças ao outro aquilo que não queres que te façam, presente em inúmeras tradições. Ademais, estuda-se o direito universal ao meio ambiente ecologicamente equilibrado, seus aportes teóricos, a previsão legal e a necessidade de lhe atribuir uma fundamentação ética. Como fundamento a este direito universal, apresenta-se a proposta de uma “ecologia integral”, trazida na Encíclica “Laudato si’ sobre o cuidado da casa comum”, pelo Papa Francisco, que inclui a ecologia ambiental, social, econômica, cultural, da vida cotidiana. A ecologia integral advém de uma ética ambiental universal, interpela a cada um e a cada comunidade a uma responsabilidade solidária em relação à natureza e ao próprio ser humano, possibilitando o combate à pobreza, desenvolvimento da dignidade dos excluídos e o cuidado da casa comum planetária. A metodologia adotada é a hipotético-dedutiva, com as técnicas de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. Conclui-se que a ecologia integral, como fundamento ético ao direito universal ao meio ambiente ecologicamente equilibrado, está apta a colaborar na sua concretização, na superação da crise socioambiental e na preservação da própria vida humana. / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, CAPES / This present work aims to study the ethical ground for the universal right to an ecologically balanced environment, by means of investigating the human root of the current global crisis such as the “excessive anthropocentrism” originated from practical relativism. Considered as a socio-environmental crisis characterized by environmental, social and moral issues, the possibility of a universal environmental ethics based on the natural law, the so-called golden rule, present in various traditions that states you should not do to your neighbour as you would not want done to you. In addition, this study looks into the universal right to the environment, from the ecological perspective, as well as to its theoretical contributions, legal forecast and to the necessity of an ethical foundation to it. As a basis for such universal right it is proposed an” integral ecology” as presented in the Encyclical Laudato Si by Pope Francis on care for our common home, which includes the environmental, social, economic, and cultural ecology of daily life. Integral ecology originates from a universal environmental ethics that calls each and every one and every community to a solidary responsibility in relation to nature and to the human being himself,as an integrated approach to combating poverty, restoring dignity to the excluded and at the same time providing care to our planetary common home. It is adopted the hypothectical-deductive methodology, using bibliographic and documentary techniques. In conclusion, integral ecology as a basis for the universal right to an ecologically balanced environment can effectively contribute to overcoming the socio-environmental crisis and to the preservation of human life itself.

A dimensão ética do turismo sustentável

Souza, Karoline Ketilin Moura 22 February 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The association of the concept of tourism with the sustainable development had the aim of reducing the negative effects and highlighting the positive aspects which this activity could cause to the local communities and to the environment. However, due to the non-agreement among the concepts developed inside the Academy and the tourist actions available in the work market, Mario Beni has called attention to the necessity of deep studies related to the terminologies and concepts largely used in the area. Taking into consideration Beni s ideas and the afford of The World Committee on Tourism Ethics to make the principles of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism known and the sustainable development possible, this work has as main objective to analyze the ethical dimension of the sustainable tourism according to its highest regulator (WTO). For its realization, were cataloged the following specific objectives: to analyze how the transformations of the ethical principles in technological age focus on the relationship of man with nature and in his social relations; pretend to respect for a new ethic that makes the environment favorable to human development; investigate the ethical foundations of sustainable tourism based on the documents and publications of the World Tourism Organization (WTO). This research required, above all, the methodology of the analysis of text. To base their discussions on ethics and environmental ethics, were analyzed the propositions of Larrère and Larrère, Leff, Rousseau, Santos, Serres and, mainly, of Hans Jonas. On sustainable development, the researches of Sachs, and Leff. To understand the dynamics of tourism, were considered the works of the following scholars: Beni, Krippendorf, Panosso Netto, Dias, Ruschmann, Coriolano, Philippi and Ruschmann, Fennel and Malloy. In addition to these sources, were used publications in international journals that make reference to the theme, such as: Journal of Vacation Marketing, Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Business Ethics, Revista Estudios y perspectives en turismo. And, as a main source, were analyzed the statements coming from the major conferences of the World Tourism Organization on tourism and sustainability, in addition to the deliberations of the Committee of Ethics for Tourism. The results of this study will encourage the analysis on the concepts of value that predominate in the formulation and planning of public policies, as well as in adoption by local communities and the private sector, strategies for management of sustainable tourism. It also aims to enable the understanding on which the ethical considerations implicit in the development of this activity. Providing an understanding about how tourism promotes the sustainable use, or stimulates principles for an environmental ethics on the part of the actors involved: local community, public bodies and private, as well as tourists. / A associação do conceito de turismo ao de desenvolvimento sustentável teve como objetivo, minimizar os impactos negativos e ressaltar os aspectos positivos que a atividade poderia causar às comunidades locais e ao meio ambiente. No entanto, devido à discordância entre os conceitos desenvolvidos na academia e as práticas turísticas disponibilizadas pelo mercado, Mário Beni tem chamado a atenção para a necessidade de estudos com a finalidade de aprofundar terminologias e conceitos adotados indiscriminadamente na área. Considerando as recomendações de Beni e o esforço do Comitê de Ética da Organização Mundial do Turismo para divulgar os princípios do Código Mundial de Ética do Turismo, a fim de possibilitar o desenvolvimento sustentável da atividade, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo principal: analisar a dimensão ética do turismo sustentável, segundo seu órgão máximo (OMT). Para sua realização, foram elencados os seguintes objetivos específicos: analisar como as transformações dos princípios éticos na era tecnológica incidem sobre a relação do homem com a natureza e em suas relações sociais; conjecturar a respeito de uma nova ética que torne o meio ambiente favorável ao desenvolvimento humano; investigar os fundamentos éticos do turismo sustentável baseando-se nos documentos e publicações da Organização Mundial do Turismo (OMT). A presente pesquisa exigiu, sobretudo, a metodologia da análise de texto. Para fundamentar as discussões sobre ética e ética ambiental, foram analisadas as proposições de Larrère e Larrère, Leff, Rousseau, Santos, Serres e, principalmente, de Hans Jonas. Sobre desenvolvimento sustentável, as pesquisas de Sachs, e Leff. Para entender a dinâmica do turismo, foram consideradas as obras dos seguintes estudiosos: Beni, Krippendorf, Panosso Netto, Dias, Ruschmann, Coriolano, Philippi e Ruschmann, Fennel e Malloy. Além dessas fontes, foram utilizadas publicações de periódicos internacionais que fazem referência ao tema, como: Journal of Vacation Marketing, Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Business Ethics, Revista Estudios y perspectivas en turismo. E, como fonte principal, foram analisadas as declarações oriundas das principais conferências da Organização Mundial de Turismo sobre turismo e sustentabilidade, além das deliberações do Comitê de Ética do Turismo. Os resultados deste estudo favorecerão a análise sobre os conceitos de valor que predominam na formulação e planejamento de políticas públicas, assim como, na adoção pelas comunidades locais e setor privado, de estratégias voltadas para gestão do turismo sustentável. Ela ainda almeja possibilitar a compreensão sobre quais as considerações éticas implícitas no desenvolvimento dessa atividade. Proporcionando um entendimento sobre como o turismo favorece a utilização sustentável, ou estimula princípios para uma ética ambiental por parte dos atores envolvidos: comunidade local, órgãos público e privado, bem como, turistas.

Curvar-se diante do existente: o apelo às mudanças climáticas pela preservação ambiental / The construction of the modern discourse involving global climate change

Daniela de Souza Onça 05 June 2007 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo investigar a construção do discurso moderno envolvendo as mudanças climáticas globais. Tal discurso, que podemos observar em diversos tipos de publicações, eventos e atitudes, apregoa em geral a noção de que as mudanças climáticas globais já são uma realidade auto-evidente, com efeitos devastadores mundo afora, com um aquecimento progressivo e provocadas pelo homem, por meio do lançamento indiscriminado de poluentes na atmosfera. Sendo assim, fazem-se apelos apaixonados pela preservação da saúde do planeta, pela redução da emissão de poluentes, pois do contrário sofreremos graves conseqüências em nossas vidas, por exemplo, na agricultura, no abastecimento de água, no conforto térmico e na disseminação de doenças. Entretanto, no interior da comunidade científica, ao contrário do que possa parecer à primeira vista, não existe um consenso quanto às causas, conseqüências e mesmo quanto à realidade do aquecimento global. Constrói-se, dessa forma, um discurso que toma hipóteses por certezas, doutrinador pelo medo e, principalmente, que não rompe com as bases da concepção de mundo que gerou a degradação ambiental. Idealiza a possibilidade de uma harmonia entre a sociedade e natureza mas, ao mesmo tempo, conserva o mesmo tipo de racionalidade com relação a medidas mitigadoras e mantém seu utilitarismo - devemos proteger o meio ambiente porque o homem necessita dos recursos naturais para sobreviver. Enfim, faz o \"jogo do inimigo\", pois o apelo às graves conseqüências do aquecimento global é de forte impacto e tem maiores chances de agregar partidários e surtir algum efeito prático de mitigação. Acreditamos que, embora tal atitude possa até funcionar, não é o melhor caminho para a construção de uma autêntica consciência ecológica por manter fundamentalmente inalterada a mentalidade criticada. Sugerimos, assim, a construção de um argumento ético, a saber, o do valor intrínseco da vida e necessidade de respeito por ela, ao invés de insistir numa argumentação utilitarista e amedrontadora. A proteção à natureza não necessita de falsas premissas climáticas para sustentá-la, pois sua necessidade é auto-evidente. / This research aims to investigate the construction of the modern discourse involving global climate change. Such discourse, which we can observe in different kinds of publications, events and attitudes, generally proclaims the notion that global warming is already a self-evident reality, with its devastating effects worldwide, with a progressive warming and man-induced, via the indiscriminate launching of pollutants in the atmosphere. This way, passionate appeals for the planet\'s health preservation and the reduction of pollutants emission are made, otherwise we will suffer serious consequences in our lives, for example in agriculture, water supply, thermal comfort and dissemination of diseases. However, in the scientific community, instead of what we may think at first sight, there is no consensus about causes, consequences and even the reality of global warming. It is constructed, this way, a kind of discourse which takes hypothesis for certainties, indoctrinates by fear and, above all, does not break with the basis of the worldview that engendered environmental degradation. It idealizes the possibility of harmony between society and nature but, at the same time, conserves the same kind of rationality regarding mitigation measurements and keeps its utilitarianism - we must protect the environment because man needs natural resources to survive. In a word, it \"plays the enemy\'s game\", since the appeal to the serious consequences of global warming is powerful and has greater possibilities of aggregating partisans and producing some practical mitigation effect. We believe that, although this kind of attitude may work, this is not the best way to construct an authentic ecological consciousness because it keeps basically unchanged the criticized mentality. We suggest, thus, the construction of an ethical argument, to wit, the one about intrinsic value of life and the need of respecting it, instead of insisting on a utilitarian and frightening argument. The protection of nature does not need false climatic premises to support it, as its necessity is self-evident.

The development of an environmental ethics undergraduate curriculum for California

Roberts, James Rowland 01 January 2004 (has links)
This study included an environmental ethics syllabi research project, an environmental ethics curriculum development survey of all colleges in California, and the subsequent development of tables to compare the results. The curriculum development survey of California colleges includes a listing of all course descriptions of environmental ethics and related courses.

Decolonizing Ecology: How Do Indigenous Knowledge and Decolonization Contrast and Challenge Eurocentric Conceptions of Ecological Moral Worth?

Silvestru, Alexandra January 2020 (has links)
In a world on the brink of climate apocalypse the question if modern conceptions on the moral worth of nature are failing is no longer rhetorical. During this time of reckoning questioning core ideologies and the places where they originate from is necessary. In matters of ecology, Eurocentric colonial paradigms dominate the scientific and philosophical narrative. Increasing in reach and exposure, Indigenous people and the environmental movements they support, point to a coherent body of knowledge which teaches humans how to live in better relationship to the natural world. This inquiry will be comparing, contrasting, re-evaluating these radically different worldviews and value sets, while seeking to understand the differences between Indigenous knowledge and Eurocentric environmental ethics. The tool with which this will be attempted is decolonization, chosen for its radical questioning of the entrenched colonial and Eurocentric status quo. Perhaps by showing how Indigenous knowledge challenges and contrasts the dominant ecological culture, it can then guide and inform Eurocentric environmental ethics toward a new ecological epistemology and the work of decolonizing ecology can begin in earnest.

The Milieu as Common Grounds for Global Environmental Ethics / グローバルな環境倫理の共通根拠としての風土

Laÿna, Droz-dit-Busset 23 March 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(地球環境学) / 甲第22615号 / 地環博第194号 / 新制||地環||38(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院地球環境学舎地球環境学専攻 / (主査)教授 宇佐美 誠, 教授 佐藤 淳二, 准教授 岩谷 彩子, 教授 出口 康夫 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Global Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM

John Haines and American Nature Writing: An Environmental Ethic of Quiet Attention

Sam T Dobberstein (9182327) 30 July 2020 (has links)
The idea of “wilderness,” of nature itself, is being interrogated in history, philosophy, and English departments throughout the academy; books on our place in the natural world have prominent spaces on shelves in bookstores; newspapers feature editorials on climate change and nature preservation. More attention than ever is being paid to environmental philosophers and nature writers as the ongoing climate crisis slowly but steadily worsens. All the while, however, some important thinkers on these subjects of nature and wilderness are utterly forgotten. My thesis focuses on the work of one of these neglected thinkers, the poet and essayist John Haines (1924-2011). Haines’s name is not mentioned often, if ever, in discussions of prominent American nature writers, and I aim to demonstrate why that is an unfortunate exclusion. Guided by his decades as a subsistence hunter and fur-trapper in the Alaskan bush, John Haines offers a perspective on the world outside of us that deserves consideration. I compare and contrast his ideas with those of other nature writers and poets, as well as environmental philosophers and theorists, and argue that he offers a unique and transformative vision of our relationship to the natural world and the non-human animals that live all around us.<br>

Ecocinema, Slow Violence, and Environmental Ethics: Tales of Water

Mridha, Shibaji 25 April 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Water and Power: The Environmental Politics of a Virginia Reservoir

Flanery, Trevor H. 22 May 1999 (has links)
This thesis attempts to problematize the power relations in environmental administration and decision making through the analytical lens of environmental discourse and ethics. It argues that developments in environmental politics reveal a marked increase in democratic involvement through an emerging ecological civil society as reflected in the case study of the proposed King William Reservoir in Virginia. An ecological civil society could become the leaders and educators in communities to develop the expertise needed for responsible democratic participation in environmental decision making at the local level. As reflected in the case study, however, official political marginalization and exclusion of the public are continued features of federal and state environmental processes and structures. These processes and structures should be re-formed to include new democratic elements which would increase local control and responsibility for environmental transformations, and reduce conflicts overall. / Master of Science

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