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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Land degradation in Mhondoro (Zimbabwe) : an environmental assessment of communal land uses and resource management practice

Tichagwa, Cornelius Gibson 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: When land loses its intrinsic qualities or suffers a decline in its capabilities it is said to be degraded. Land degradation manifests itself in various forms such as deforestation, soil erosion, land, air and water pollution. In the context of sustainable development land degradation has become one of the world's major concerns. Now, more than ever before, it has become urgent to carry out empirical studies on the nature and extent of land degradation and to come up with appropriate responses to the problem. In much of the developing world communal natural resource management practices are common. It is often assumed that communal exploitation of common property resources such as woodlands, pastures, water sources and wildlife inevitably leads to land degradation. This is due to the belief that humankind would seek to derive maximum benefit from common pool resources without incurring any costs towards the conservation of those resources. This study was an environmental assessment of the impacts of communal land-use systems and common property resources management practices in the Mhondoro communal lands of Zimbabwe. The area has been subject to human settlement for over a century and is regarded as a typical representation of a well-established communal land management system. Several methods were used to make the assessment. These included the following: a questionnaire survey; interviews with key informants; soil and vegetation traverses and field measurements; tree density counts in demarcated plots; calculation of the population density and livestock density for the study area; completion of an environmental evaluation matrix and a communal projects sustainability index checklist; and analysis of geo-referenced time-lapse aerial photography covering a fifteen year period (1982-1997). It was established that serious land degradation had occurred in Chief Mashayamombe's ward in Mhondoro. Degradation manifested itself in the form of soil erosion and stream sedimentation, woodland depletion, pasture degradation and wildlife habitat destruction. Communal land-use and natural resource management practices are only partially to blame for this state of affairs. The fragile nature of the sandy soils of the uplands, the sadie soils of the vlei areas, combined with the fairly high rainfall amounts (annual average 750mm) make the area prone to soil erosion. Rainfall intensity tends to be high in the area and when the rain falls on the poorly vegetated, and highly erodible soils erosion occurs. The land has become severely stressed due to over-utilisation; a population density of 93 people per km2 and livestock density of 110 cattle per km2 were recorded. The land available for communal settlement in the area has been limited in extent. Due to the general poverty of the communal farmers the replacement of nutrients into the cultivated soil has not kept pace with the deteriorating condition of the land. Contrary to popular misconceptions, communal area residents have shown concern for environmental conservation through fallowing their fields, gully reclamation efforts, grazing schemes, woodland preservation and tree growing practices. Remedial and/or mitigatory measures for the environmental recovery of the area could adopt some of these well-established practices and incorporate them in a whole-catchment management strategy. Key words Land degradation, environmental degradation, pollution, environmental assessment, common property resources, communal land uses, sustainable resources management, sustainability indicators, soil erodibility, soil erosivity / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Wanneer grond sy intrinsieke waarde verloor of 'n afname in sy vermoë toon, kan gesê word dat die grond gedegradeer is. Gronddegradasie manifesteer in verskeie vorme, soos ontbossing, gronderosie, grond, lug en water besoedeling. Gronddegradasie het binne die konteks van volhoubare ontwikkeling wêreldwyd van besondere belang geword. Nou, meer as ooit vantevore, is dit noodsaaklik om empiriese studies uit te voer aangaande die aard en omvang van gronddegradasie, en om vorendag te kom met toepaslike reaksies tot die probleem. Gemeenskaps natuurlike hulpbron bestuur praktyke is algemeen in die ontwikkelende wêreld. Daar word dikwels veronderstel dat uitbuiting van gemeenskaplike eiendoms hulpbronne deur die gemeenskap, soos woude, weivelde, waterbronne en wild, onvermeidelik lei na gronddegradasie. Hierdie aanname het ontwikkel as gevolg van die oortuiging dat die mensdom daarna sal streef om maksimum voordeel te trek uit gemeenskaplike hulpbronne, sonder om enige koste aan te gaan ten opsigte van die bewaring daarvan. Hierdie studie behels 'n omgewings evaluering van die impakte van gemeenskaps grondgebruik sisteme en gemeenskaplike eiendoms hulpbron bestuur praktyke in die Mhondoro gemeenskaplike grond van Zimbabwe. Die area word al vir meer as 'n eeu deur mense bewoon, en word beskou as 'n tipiese voorbeeld van 'n gevestigde gemeenskaps grondbestuur sisteem. Verskeie metodes is toegepas met die evaluering, en sluit in: 'n vraelys opname; onderhoude met sleutel segspersone; grond en plantegroei opnames en veldopnames; boom digtheidstelling in afgebakende persele; berekening van bevolkingsen veedigtheid vir die studiegebied; opstelling van 'n omgewing evaluerings matriks en 'n gemeenskap projek volhoubaarheids indeks kontroleerlys; en 'n analise van geo-referenced time-lapse lugfoto's wat strek oor 'n tydperk van 15 jaar (1982-1997). Daar is vasgestel dat ernstige gronddegradasie voorkom in Hoofman Mashayamombe se wyk in Mhondoro. Degradasie word gemanifesteer in die vorm van gronderosie en stroom sedimentasie, uitputting van woude, weiveld degradasie en die verwoesting van wild habitatte. Gemeenskaps grondgebruik en natuurlike hulpbron bestuurspraktyke is net gedeeltelik verantwoordelik vir die stand van sake. Gronderosie vind plaas ook as gevolg van die sensitiewe aard van die sanderige grond van die hoogland, die sodic grond van die vlei areas, in kombinasie met redelike hoë reënval (gemiddeld 750mm per jaar). Reënval intensiteit in die area is geneig om hoog te wees, en erosie vind plaas wanneer reën val op die hoogs erodeerbare grond wat met yl plantegroei bedek is. Die grond verkeer onder geweldige druk as gevolg van oorbenutting; 'n bevolkingsdigtheid van 93 mense per km2 en veedigtheid van 110beeste per km2 is aangeteken. Die grond beskikbaar vir vestiging van gemeenskappe word in omvang beperk. Die vervanging van grondvoedingstowwe in bewerkte grond hou nie tred met die agteruitgang in die kondisie van die grond nie, as gevolg van die algemene armoede van die gemeenskapsboere. Inwoners van die gemeenskapsarea , teenstrydig met algemene wanopvattings, toon besorgdheid ten opsigte van omgewingsbewaring deur die grond braak te lê, donga herwinnings pogings, wei velds planne, bewaring van woude en praktyke ten opsigte van die groei van bome. Remediërende en/of versagtende maatstawwe vir die herstel van die omgewing kan van hierdie gevestigde praktyke inkorporeer in 'n bestuursstrategie wat die hele opvangsgebied insluit. Sleutelwoorde Gronddegradasi e, omgewingsde gradasi e, besoedeling, omgewingsassessering, gemeenskaplike eiendoms hulpbronne, gemeenskaplike grondgebruik, volhoubare hulpbron bestuur, volhoubaarheids aanwysers, grond erodeerbaarheid, grond verwering.

Environmental and socio-economic impact of hosting refugees : a case study of villages around the Dzaleka refugee camp in Dowa district, Malawi

Kavalo, Eddie Bright 11 1900 (has links)
The opening of the refugee camp in Dowa by the Malawi Government, with support from UNHCR meant that the population of that area was increased abruptly. This led to an increase in socio- economic activities resulting into high demand of energy, food and other amenities from the natural environment. The impact of the refugees on the host community and their relationship was central in this research. The main aim of the study was to assess the environmental and socio-economic impacts for hosting refugees at the Dzaleka Refugee Camp in Dowa. The study used both quantitative and qualitative methods in data collection. A structured questionnaire, focus group discussions and key informant interviews were used to collect data and analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 16.0. In total, 237 household heads and 6 key informants were interviewed. In addition, 4 focus group discussions were conducted. Qualitative data, collected through focus group discussions helped in explaining and understanding the results from the questionnaire. The most evident environmental impacts reported by respondents were: deforestation and firewood depletion; land degradation and water pollution. It is important to note that such environmental impacts can affect the long-term livelihood opportunities of both refugees and host population. The camp establishment has had socio-economic impacts regarded as positive by the majority of the respondents. Although most hosts still struggle to survive, the camp has created a larger market for generating income and better opportunities to provide basic needs such as food and water. The majority of host respondents use the refugee camp for providing livelihoods. Most respondents reported that refugees are regularly benefitting from privileged access to resources unavailable to the local host population. In this respect, refugees at Dzaleka were offered opportunities for education, literacy, vocational training, health and basic livelihood. The most reported negative social impacts are exposure to more conflicts and increased insecurity. Both of these impacts relate to the relationship between the host community and refugee population. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Management)

Comparative analysis of environmental impact assessment compliance by two developers in the Northern Cape Province, South Africa

Shubane, Mahlatse Juddy 06 1900 (has links)
The study was undertaken to investigate the following: limiting factors faced by the developers in complying with the EIA conditions and to determine whether the various developers comply with the conditions. The study was undertaken by use of questionnaires, site visits, meetings, photographs, group interviews. Trained fields assistants were also used to administer the questionnaires in order to collect data. Data from two sites were collected between 2012 and 2014 and were intentionally collected in order to provide information regarding the implementation of mitigation measures. The collected data was subjected to SAS (statistical software). Chi-square test for independence was performed in order to compare the differences (Snedecor & Cocharen, 1978) between the two sites. Based on the results of the study, it is therefore recommended that competent authorities should consider drafting and supplying follow-up guidelines and these guidelines should also apply to all the relevant role players involved. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Management)

Índice agroambiental para avaliar o uso de agrotóxicos (IAA) no Estado do Paraná / Agro-environmental index to evaluate the use of pesticides (IAA) in the State of Paraná

Casagrande, Alessandro 01 February 2018 (has links)
O Brasil está entre os três maiores consumidores de agrotóxicos no mundo. Atualmente, não há no país nenhum índice agroambiental de uso de agrotóxicos capaz de refletir os seus impactos nos sistemas naturais. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo geral desenvolver uma metodologia para a criação de um índice destinado ao monitoramento do impacto do uso de agrotóxicos sobre o território paranaense. O estudo também considerou como objetivos específicos: i) propor o desenvolvimento do índice agroambiental para monitoramento do uso de agrotóxicos em bacias hidrográficas; ii) investigar a relação de indicadores que subsidiem o monitoramento de uso de agrotóxicos; iii) geoespacializar os dados na bacia em estudo por meio de mapas temáticos. A pesquisa propôs a criação de um índice baseado em três indicadores agroambientais: a) Indicador 1 - média da quantidade de quilos/litros de agrotóxicos por hectare por ano de área agricultável expresso no receituário agronômico dos produtos formulados receitados; b) Indicador 2 - potencial de periculosidade ambiental dos agrotóxicos e c) Indicador 3 - pluviosidade média anual de cada município para representar um maior ou menor grau de potencial de run-off. A pesquisa foi realizada em duas etapas: a etapa de cálculos e de produção cartográfica (mapas temáticos). Na etapa de cálculos, foi desenvolvida uma metodologia para tabular um grande conjunto de dados do Sistema de Monitoramento do Comércio e Uso de Agrotóxicos do Estado do Paraná - Siagro no intuito de subsidiar os indicadores. Na etapa cartográfica foram produzidos os mapas temáticos coropléticos no sentido de facilitar a visualização da informação geoespacializada. O estudo demonstrou ser possível utilizar o índice para elencar municípios prioritários para a gestão do risco agroambiental dentro de bacias hidrográficas, traduzindo uma grande quantidade de dados no recorte temporal estabelecido. Desta forma, possibilitou diminuir as aproximações na modelagem dos indicadores de uso de agrotóxicos utilizados atualmente no país. Concluiu-se que o índice pode ser utilizado para subsidiar a gestão do risco do uso de agrotóxicos não apenas para o uso em bacias hidrográficas, mas as outras áreas de estudo que tenham interesse nos impactos do uso de agrotóxicos. / Brazil is among the three largest consumers of pesticides in the world. There is currently no agri-environment index for pesticides use in the country capable of reflecting its impacts on natural systems.The general objective of this research was to develop a methodology for the monitoring impact of pesticides use in agriculture on the Paraná State environment. The study also considers the specific objectives: i) to propose the the agro-environmental index for monitoring the use of pesticides in river basins; ii) to investigate the list of indicators that subsidize the monitoring of the use of pesticides; iii) to geospatial data in the basin under study through thematic maps. The research proposed the creation of an index based on three agri- environmental indicators: a) indicator 1 - average amount of kilos/liters of pesticides per hectare of arable area expressed in the agronomic prescription of formulated products; b) indicator 2 - potential environmental hazard of pesticides and c) indicator 3 - annual average rainfall of each municipality to represent a greater or lesser degree of run-off potential. The research was carried out in two stages: the calculations part and cartographic production (thematic maps). In the calculation part, a methodology was developed to tabulate a large dataset derived from Monitoring System of the Trade and Use of Pesticides in the State of Paraná - Siagro, to subsidize the indicators. In the cartographic part, the thematic maps were produced to facilitate the visualization of geospatial information. The study demonstrated that it is possible to use the index to list priority municipalities for agro-environmental risk management within a river basin, translating a large amount of data into the established biennium. In this way, the main contribution of this work is the proposal of error reduction method in the modeling of pesticides indicators of use currently in the country. It was concluded that the index can be used to subsidize the risk management of the use of pesticides not only for use in river basins, but other areas of study that have concern about the impacts of the use of pesticides.

Modelagem fuzzy para avaliação de desempenho ambiental do gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos industriais

Fagundes, Alexandre Borges 20 February 2015 (has links)
Esta Tese desenvolveu um instrumento para avaliação de desempenho ambiental no gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos industriais. A verificação das práticas considera o transcurso do ciclo de vida do produto por meio de indicadores e índices tendo como parâmetros alicerçadores a Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos e conceitos afins, como a logística reversa, a Produção mais Limpa e o Ecodesign, além de normas da série ISO 14000 tais como Sistemas de Gestão Ambiental, Integração de aspectos ambientais no projeto e desenvolvimento de produtos, Rotulagem ambiental e Avaliação de Desempenho Ambiental. O objetivo central da Tese, que foi desenvolver um modelo para avaliação de desempenho ambiental, esta contido neste panorama, o qual recorreu aos recursos da modelagem fuzzy a fim de assessorar as organizações na tomada de decisões. A metodologia, de natureza qualitativa e quantitativa, embasou a construção do instrumento denominado Índice de Desempenho Ambiental da Gestão de Resíduos Sólidos Industriais (IDEA PNRS+L). Este se constitui de 26 indicadores e 23 índices, concebido na forma top-down soft decision tree. O cálculo dos índices, compostos de regras fuzzy, variáveis e suas inferências, incluiu a visão de um grupo de especialistas, em pesquisa de opinião, para ajustar os graus de influência das variáveis de cada índice. Nas simulações, testes e aplicação do instrumento em uma indústria para avaliar as suas potencialidades, o IDEA PNRS+L mostrou-se sensível, mesmo para pequenas variações dos dados de entrada, plausível e confiável, ao reproduzir o comportamento estabelecido em sua concepção. Os parâmetros alicerçadores que constituíram o corpo teórico, concluindo, foram assaz abrangentes e permitiram a construção do instrumento de avaliação de desempenho ambiental IDEA PNRS+L, considerado adequado para a arbitragem das organizações. Concomitantemente, foram recuperadas as normas, concepções de iniciativas governamentais e atitudes profissionais ambientalmente corretas apoiadas em conceitos vanguardistas de produtos e serviços. / This Thesis develops an instrument for evaluating environmental performance in management of industrial solid waste. The practices verification consider the industrial product life-cycle through indicators and indices based on the National Policy on Solid Waste parameters and related concepts such as reverse logistics, Cleaner Production and Ecodesign, and standards like ISO 14000 series such as environmental management systems, integrating environmental aspects in product design and development, environmental labels and Environmental Performance Evaluation. The central Thesis’ aim, that was to develop an environmental evaluating model, contains this panorama, which calls on a fuzzy modeling tool to assist organizations in making decisions. Two methodological research groups covered the dicussions and the instrument construction called Environmental Performance Index of Industrial Solid Waste Management (IDEA PNRS+L): qualitative and quantitative. This fuzzy modeling is composed of 26 indicators and 23 index, conceived in top- down soft decision tree form. The index calculation - composed of fuzzy rules, variables and their inferences - included a group of specialists respondents view, through a survey, to adjust the variables influence degrees of each index. In the simulations, testing and application of the created instrument in an industry to assess their potential, IDEA PNRS+L was sensitive even to small variations of the input data, plausible and reliable, to reproduce the behavior established in the initial configuration. Concluding, the fundamental parameters that formed the theoretical framework were quite comprehensive and allowed the construction of Environmental Performance Evaluation called IDEA PNRS+L, appropriated for industrial arbitration. Simultaneously, the rules, government initiatives concepts and accurated environmentally professional attitudes supported by avant-garde products and services concepts were recuperated.

Modelagem fuzzy para avaliação de desempenho ambiental do gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos industriais

Fagundes, Alexandre Borges 20 February 2015 (has links)
Esta Tese desenvolveu um instrumento para avaliação de desempenho ambiental no gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos industriais. A verificação das práticas considera o transcurso do ciclo de vida do produto por meio de indicadores e índices tendo como parâmetros alicerçadores a Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos e conceitos afins, como a logística reversa, a Produção mais Limpa e o Ecodesign, além de normas da série ISO 14000 tais como Sistemas de Gestão Ambiental, Integração de aspectos ambientais no projeto e desenvolvimento de produtos, Rotulagem ambiental e Avaliação de Desempenho Ambiental. O objetivo central da Tese, que foi desenvolver um modelo para avaliação de desempenho ambiental, esta contido neste panorama, o qual recorreu aos recursos da modelagem fuzzy a fim de assessorar as organizações na tomada de decisões. A metodologia, de natureza qualitativa e quantitativa, embasou a construção do instrumento denominado Índice de Desempenho Ambiental da Gestão de Resíduos Sólidos Industriais (IDEA PNRS+L). Este se constitui de 26 indicadores e 23 índices, concebido na forma top-down soft decision tree. O cálculo dos índices, compostos de regras fuzzy, variáveis e suas inferências, incluiu a visão de um grupo de especialistas, em pesquisa de opinião, para ajustar os graus de influência das variáveis de cada índice. Nas simulações, testes e aplicação do instrumento em uma indústria para avaliar as suas potencialidades, o IDEA PNRS+L mostrou-se sensível, mesmo para pequenas variações dos dados de entrada, plausível e confiável, ao reproduzir o comportamento estabelecido em sua concepção. Os parâmetros alicerçadores que constituíram o corpo teórico, concluindo, foram assaz abrangentes e permitiram a construção do instrumento de avaliação de desempenho ambiental IDEA PNRS+L, considerado adequado para a arbitragem das organizações. Concomitantemente, foram recuperadas as normas, concepções de iniciativas governamentais e atitudes profissionais ambientalmente corretas apoiadas em conceitos vanguardistas de produtos e serviços. / This Thesis develops an instrument for evaluating environmental performance in management of industrial solid waste. The practices verification consider the industrial product life-cycle through indicators and indices based on the National Policy on Solid Waste parameters and related concepts such as reverse logistics, Cleaner Production and Ecodesign, and standards like ISO 14000 series such as environmental management systems, integrating environmental aspects in product design and development, environmental labels and Environmental Performance Evaluation. The central Thesis’ aim, that was to develop an environmental evaluating model, contains this panorama, which calls on a fuzzy modeling tool to assist organizations in making decisions. Two methodological research groups covered the dicussions and the instrument construction called Environmental Performance Index of Industrial Solid Waste Management (IDEA PNRS+L): qualitative and quantitative. This fuzzy modeling is composed of 26 indicators and 23 index, conceived in top- down soft decision tree form. The index calculation - composed of fuzzy rules, variables and their inferences - included a group of specialists respondents view, through a survey, to adjust the variables influence degrees of each index. In the simulations, testing and application of the created instrument in an industry to assess their potential, IDEA PNRS+L was sensitive even to small variations of the input data, plausible and reliable, to reproduce the behavior established in the initial configuration. Concluding, the fundamental parameters that formed the theoretical framework were quite comprehensive and allowed the construction of Environmental Performance Evaluation called IDEA PNRS+L, appropriated for industrial arbitration. Simultaneously, the rules, government initiatives concepts and accurated environmentally professional attitudes supported by avant-garde products and services concepts were recuperated.

L'intégration de l'environnement dans les processus de développement touristique: contributions et limites de l'application de l'évaluation environnementale stratégique au secteur du tourisme en Région wallonne / Integrating the environment into the tourism development processes: contributions and limits of the implementation of strategic environmental assessment in the tourism sector in the Walloon Region

d'Ieteren, Emmanuel 01 December 2008 (has links)
Comme d'autres secteurs d'activité nouant des liens avec les territoires, le tourisme a été marqué par une conscientisation accrue de ses enjeux environnementaux au cours des dernières décennies. Durant les années 90, cette question s'est logiquement inscrite dans le débat plus large de la durabilité du tourisme. Depuis lors, de nombreuses initiatives en faveur d'un tourisme plus durable émergent dans le but de sensibiliser les différents acteurs du secteur à l'importance d'améliorer l'équilibre entre développement économique, protection de l'environnement et valeurs sociales. <p><p>Ces vingt dernières années ont aussi été une période d'intensification des dispositions législatives de protection de l'environnement, notamment à l'échelle de l'Europe. L'adoption en 1985 d'une directive sur l'évaluation des incidences environnementales des projets a ainsi été l'un des fondements de la politique environnementale de l'Union Européenne. Les approches de gestion de l'environnement évoluant, l'Union européenne a adopté en 2001 une directive portant sur l'Evaluation environnementale stratégique des plans et programmes (EES) et couvrant plusieurs secteurs dont le tourisme. L'EES a pour objectif de favoriser la prise en compte des considérations environnementales dans les processus de planification menés par les organismes publics. A l'échelle mondiale, malgré certaines limites reconnues, l'EES a fait ses preuves dans un grand nombre de contextes institutionnels et de secteurs différents et s'avère très complémentaire vis-à-vis de l'évaluation environnementale des projets. <p><p>Complétant un arsenal législatif environnemental déjà conséquent au niveau européen, l'EES suscite des questions quant à sa capacité à améliorer la prise en compte de l'environnement lors de la mise en œuvre des politiques de développement touristique et à contribuer à un tourisme plus durable. Partant de cette question qui s'inscrit dans la problématique générale de la régulation environnementale du tourisme, la présente thèse poursuit comme objectif d'évaluer les contributions et les limites de la mise en œuvre de l'EES dans le secteur du tourisme et dans le contexte particulier de la Région wallonne. <p><p>Dans un premier temps, la thèse analyse plusieurs approches de planification et de régulation environnementale opérant dans le cadre du développement touristique en Région wallonne. L’objectif est de mettre en évidence les facteurs sociopolitiques et instrumentaux pouvant influencer les résultats attendus de la mise en œuvre de l'EES dans le secteur du tourisme. Dans un second temps, la thèse examine plusieurs exemples d'application de l'EES à des processus de planification touristique afin d'identifier quels sont les facteurs opérationnels déterminant la capacité de l'EES à améliorer la prise en compte de l'environnement dans les décisions.<p><p>Ces deux niveaux d'investigation ont permis de mettre en évidence différents éléments intéressants. D’une part, il apparaît que la prise en compte de l'environnement dans les processus de planification touristique tient essentiellement à la mise en œuvre des législations environnementales et peu à l'affirmation d'une culture politique proactive en matière d'intégration de l'environnement. Face à ce constat, la valeur ajoutée de l'EES repose fortement sur son caractère obligatoire. D'autre part, les études de cas montrent que la valeur ajoutée de l'EES par rapport aux processus de planification touristique doit être interprétée en différenciant sa valeur ajoutée "absolue" et sa valeur ajoutée "relative". La valeur ajoutée "absolue" reflète la prégnance de différents facteurs organisationnels, méthodologiques et techniques qui sont sous-jacents à la mise en œuvre de tout processus d'EES. Quant à la valeur ajoutée "relative", elle dépend de la prise en compte effective des résultats des processus d'EES qui est conditionnée par l'équilibre réalisé par les acteurs politiques entre les enjeux économiques, sociaux et environnementaux du développement touristique. A travers le prisme des processus d'EES, la question de la durabilité du tourisme est donc clairement posée. <p> / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Towards sustainable municipalities : an evaluation of sustainability integration in Elundini Local Municipality strategy

Sokutu, Nonkuselo January 2014 (has links)
This research study evaluated and assessed the extent to which strategic management processes integrated economic, environmental and social sustainability elements in the fiveyear strategy (2012) of Elundini Local Municipality (ELM). The study focused on three areas of strategic management, that is, environmental analysis, strategic direction and strategy formulation. The study also looked at possible reasons for sustainability integration in ELM strategy or lack thereof and also recommended possible solutions. The literature reviewed revealed that there was adequate basis for municipalities to integrate sustainable development in their strategies even though sustainability was noted as an evolving, complex and changing phenomenon. Local Agenda 21 principles, national legislative & policy framework, regulations and other relevant guidelines were found to be adequate for municipalities to develop credible sustainability strategies. The objectives of the study were achieved by data collected through the review of existing literature; the review of ELM Five Year Strategy (2012-2017); and SIAT-based questionnaires that were filled in by ELM employees. The results of the study showed that economic and social sustainability activities were identified most in the ELM strategy compared to environmental sustainability. The study then mainly recommended the review of the current strategy in order to improve all areas of strategy formulation; introduction of Economic, Social and Environmental sustainability – Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (ESEs-SWOT) for internal analysis as an improvement of SWOT analysis; introduction of Sustainability Integration and Strategic Management Framework (SISMF) as an improvement to existing framework.

Green synthesis of geopolymeric materials using Musina Copper Mine Tailings: a case of beneficial management of mine tailings

Matidza, Murendeni 17 September 2019 (has links)
MENVSC / Department of Ecology and Resource Management / Mine tailings (MT) have been a global problem due to the environmental impacts the waste generates such as air, soil and water pollution. The detrimental impacts include a global problem such as acid mine drainage (AMD) which has been difficult to cleanup. Several studies have been conducted to find alternative measures in reducing or mitigating impacts such as AMD and air pollution. Several studies have revealed how alumino-silicate mineral waste can be used as raw material to produce construction materials. This study aimed at evaluating the potential of synthesizing a geopolymer material from Musina copper mine tailings. Tailings were characterized for their physicochemical and mineralogical compositions using standard laboratory techniques in order to evaluate suitability in geopolymerization. First section of the results presented physicochemical and mineralogical characterization of the Musina copper tailings together with the bioavailability of the chemical species. It was observed that the tailings are mainly composed of SiO2 and Al2O3 as the major oxides indicating that they are aluminosilicate material. Mineralogical analysis revealed dominance of quartz, epidote and chlorite as the major minerals. The bioavailability assessment showed that largely Cu and Ca are bioavailable and highly soluble in an aqueous solution while Al, Mg, Ni, Co, Cr and Fe have a high proportion in non-labile phase. Second section presented the preliminary results wherein the potential application of Musina copper tailings in geopolymerization was evaluated. The results showed that Musina copper tailings can be used to synthesize a geopolymer material. However, it was recommended that several parameters influencing geopolymerization need to be evaluated. The third section presented the evaluation of optimum parameters that influence the geopolymerization process, which include type of alkali activators, alkali activator concentration, curing temperature, liquid-solid (L/S) ratio and curing regime. It was observed that a mixture of NaOH:Na2SiO3.5H20 at a ratio of 70:30 yields a better geopolymer material. The concentration of 10 M NaOH:Na2SiO3.5H20 at a ratio of 70:30 was observed to be the best that yielded the UCS that is acceptable according to SANS1215 standards. When evaluating curing regime, it was found that the material cured using greenhouse has lower UCS as compared to the material cured using oven. The v effect of temperature showed that the UCS decreases with increasing curing temperature. An admixture of river sand and cement was introduced which resulted in a high UCS of 21.16 MPa when using an admixture of cement. The mineralogical composition of the geopolymer bricks showed formation of secondary minerals such as phlogopite, fluorapatite, diopside and actinolite. Batch leaching conducted on the geopolymer bricks detected high leaching of Na from the bricks. Based on the findings of the study of the raw MT potential to produce geopolymer bricks, it was concluded that the material can be used to produce bricks that are within the SANS 1215 requirements. The study further recommended that the study a focus on using cylindrical moulds, other alkali activators and a mechanical mixer. It was also recommended that the greenhouse be restructured to contain heat within the greenhouse during the evening so as to allow constant temperature within / NRF

A sustainable livelihood framework for community-based tourism: a case of the African Ivory Route in Limpopo Province

Letsoalo, Josephine Mampheri 05 1900 (has links)
Inadequate attention has been paid to the complexity of rural livelihoods and the dimensions of poverty. Although progress has been achieved in poverty reduction in many countries over the years, statistics indicate that there is still much to be done. Nearly half of the population of South Africa is poor. Sustainable Livelihood Approaches see poverty reduction as achievable through diversification of livelihood strategies. Communities can benefit from the development of tourism through employment, financial gains, infrastructure creation and cultural revitalisation. While fees charged for tourism activities have the potential to contribute to locals, they are rarely controlled by them. The aim of this study was to formulate a Sustainable Livelihood Framework for Tourism (SLFT) along the African Ivory Route. The study involved fourteen villages near Fundudzi, Mtomeni and Nthubu camps which were purposively selected as they represented the three main ethnic groups in the province. Mixed method research design was used and included qualitative and quantitative approaches. A 10% sample was selected from the total number of households. Questionnaires, focus group and key informant interviews were used to collect data. The data was analysed and presented in tables, graphs and maps. The perceptions of the communities towards the African Ivory Route were both positive and negative. The benefits included, improved network, community empowerment and development of infrastructure. The constraints included, conflicts, mistrust, political interference and power struggle among the various institutions. The study concluded that the African Ivory Route has not achieved sustainable livelihoods outcomes for the concerned communities. The recommendation was that frameworks for maximising benefits from tourism were necessary to directly support community development. Communities, Institutions, Tourists and Environment (CITE) framework was conceptualised to assess the best way for attaining positive sustainable livelihoods outcomes. / Geography / Ph. D. (Geography)

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