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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza procesů jako základ pro zavedení nového informačního systému / Process Analysis As the Basis for the Implementation of a New Information System

Kmochova, Zdena January 2015 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis is to analyze the processes in the company POP service, Ltd., also to analyze the current problem in this company and to recommend and propose measures which eliminate the causes of the emergence of the problem. The causes originate from the aspects of the management of people and processes are identified through the analysis of processes associated with the problem and eliminated on the basis of proposals metrics and responsibilities for these processes. The theoretical part of the thesis is devoted to concepts in the field of process management. The theoretical part characterizes these concepts process management, business processes, process analysis and process modeling methods, process maps, graphical notation for writing business processes, business process improvement and analysis organization. In the second part of the thesis is presented the examined organizations POP service, Ltd.. Based on the analysis of the current state are defined vision, mission and goals of the organization. Then there is described a procedure of the analysis of the current state, which is process analysis and proposal of selected processes, metrics and responsibilities for these processes. Methods of analysis are SWOT analysis, analysis of the activities, structured interviews and process analysis. The result of this thesis is to analyze the selection of processes of the company POP service, Ltd., proposal metrics, define jobs and responsibilities and suggestions for improving the selected process.

Analýza podnikových procesů, výběr a návrh implementace ERP systému ve vybrané společnosti / The Business Process Analysis, Selection and Design of Implementation an ERP system In a Chosen Company

Kvita, Lukáš January 2017 (has links)
This master thesis focuses on the analysis of business processes and information flows in a small manufacturing company. The first part of this thesis is dedicated to theoretical bases which are necessary for understanding the problem. The second part focuses on the current situation in the company, its processes and the use of IS/ICT technology. The evaluation of an appropriate ERP systems and the implementation process of the ERP system are mentioned in the last part of this thesis.

Výběr a implementace informačního systému / Implementation of the information system

Anýž, Lukáš January 2021 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with the design and implementation of an information system for the company ProSpánek SE. The aim of my work is to assess the requirements for IS and to apply it well in operation. The diploma thesis focuses on the theoretical basis that is necessary for understanding the issue. Then a complete analysis, design and assignment of a suitable new information system to the company. It contains a proposal that contributes to the improvement, faster and lucid operation of the system.

Analýza řídicí roviny mobilních sítí 4. generace / Control plane analysis in 4th generation mobile networks

Hajn, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the description of LTE system in terms of signaling on interfaces of LTE and EPC subsystems, such as UE initial network connection. The next section describes the types of diagnostic methods for mobile networks using OSS, drive testing and flow analysis. The thesis also aims at description of key performance indicators (RSRP, RSSI, etc.) and the proposal for measuring of the LTE network physical layer and the data transmission speed.

Vergleich von QoS- und Mobilitätsmechanismen in Backhaul-Netzen für 4G Mobilfunk

Windisch, Gerd 17 November 2008 (has links)
Die vorliegende Diplomarbeit behandelt den Vergleich von QoS- und Mobilitätsmechanismen in der LTE/SAE-Architektur. Nach der Einführung in die LTE/SAE-Architektur wird dargestellt, wie die QoS und die Mobilität im Standard des 3GPP gewährleitet wird. Danach erfolgt eine Untersuchung der Technologien PMIP, Ethernet und MPLS, ob sie sich als Alternativen für die standardisierten Mechanismen eignen. In einem weiteren Kapitel wird ein eigenes Konzept zur QoS- und Mobilitätsverwaltung vorgestellt, und es erfolgen erste Betrachtungen. Abschließend wird ein Ausblick gegeben, wie das vorgestellte eigene Konzept weiter ausgebaut werden könnte.

Kartläggning av barriärer sombromsar EPC-marknadensutveckling : En empirisk studie i Sverige

Palén, Jennifer January 2018 (has links)
I Sverige står bostad- och servicesektorn för 40 procent av landets totala energianvändningoch utfaller således i en högre förbrukning än både transport- och industrisektorn. Entredjedel av denna energi förbrukas inom de 90 miljoner kvadratmeter ägda av offentligsektor. I dagsläget erbjuder den svenska marknaden ett antal olikaenergieffektiviseringstjänster inom offentlig sektor. Energy Performance Contracting, (EPC), ären av dem. Denna typ av energitjänstemodell bygger på att EPC-leverantören hjälperbeställaren att ta ett helhetsgrepp på fastighetsbeståndets energi- och drifteffektivisering, föratt sedan ingå i ett långsiktigt avtal om energieffektiviseringsåtgärder och garantibesparingar.De formulerade åtgärderna finansieras därmed av framtida garanterade energibesparingar,garantier som undertecknas av EPC-leverantören. Genom att ingå i ett EPC-avtal kankommuners ekonomiska risker minimeras och fastighetsbeståndet uppgraderas samtidigtsom internationella och nationella klimat- och miljömål kan nås.Energibehovet i Sverige ökar ständigt och förutspås fortsätta stiga. Europaparlamentet ochEuropeiska unionens råd beskriver i sina direktiv att takten för energieffektivbyggnadsrenovering fordras öka för att det förhöjda behovet skall kunna möta allt striktaremiljökrav. Den antropogena globala uppvärmningen resulterar i extrema väderförhållandenoch orsakar förödande konsekvenser på olika delar av vår planet. Värmeböljor, ökenbildning,flyktingströmmar och svält är några av de allvarligaste följderna. Hållbar energianvändning ärdärför oerhört viktigt för att jorden skall fortsätta att vara en plats att leva på. 90 procent avde fastigheter vi har idag kommer att finnas kvar år 2050, och energieffektivisering i sambandmed renovering är därför avgörande för minskning av den totala energianvändningen inomsektorn. Trots flertalet goda exempel på nöjda kunder och kalkyler som visar på stor potentialhar enbart en tredjedel av Sveriges kommuner beslutat om att genomföra ett EPC-projektunder de knappa 20 åren som marknaden funnits. I dagsläget är marknaden nästintillobefintlig.En empirisk studie genomfördes där 20 intervjuer hölls mot beställare, entreprenörer ochområdesexperter för att definiera barriärer som begränsar EPCs utveckling i avsikt attförstärka positionen på marknaden. Studien visade att de mest påtagliga barriärerna för EPCär avsaknad av ansvarskänsla för energieffektivisering hos kommuner följt av frånvaro avincitament att arbeta med de satta målen. Låg beställarkompetens beträffande tekniskbefogenhet och allmän kunskap om energieffektivisering och hållbar energianvändning ledertill problematik att ta till sig EPC och släppa in entreprenör vilket är nästa barriär. Utöver detäven mytspridning som gett EPC dåligt rykte. Genom att likaledes definiera incitament attgenomföra ett EPC-projekt kan en klar bild av ursprungsläget målas upp för att tillsammansmed de konstaterade barriärerna förändra positionen. Intervjuerna visade att drivkrafternaatt genomföra ett EPC projekt kunde sammanfattas till viljan att ta ett helhetsgrepp påeftersatt underhåll och öka tekniknivån samtidigt som man sparar energi. Studien ämnarsåledes åt att förstå vad som saknas för att vilja nå dessa positiva effekter. / The housing and services sector in Sweden constitutes 40 percent of the country’s totalenergy consumption, resulting in higher consumption than both the transport and industrysectors. One third of that energy consumed is utilised throughout the 90 million square meterarea owned by the public sector. There is a number of different companies that currentlyoffers energy efficiency services to the public sector, and Energy Performance Contracting(EPC) is one of them. The EPC model is based on the concept that the property owner obtainshelp from an energy service provider, in order to adopt a holistic approach towards energyefficiency measures and warranty savings. The contractor, which in this case is the EPCsupplier,provides the warranty by signing a long-term agreement on the calculated energyreduction. By committing to an EPC agreement, the municipalities' financial risks can beminimised, properties upgraded as well as contributing towards the attainment ofinternational and national climate and environmental goals.Energy demand is continuously increasing and it is predicted to continue to rise. TheEuropean Parliament and the Council of the European Union state in their directives that thepace of energy efficient property renovation must increase, in order to meet ever morestringent environmental requirements. Anthropogenic global warming has resulted inextreme weather conditions causing devastating consequences to our planet, with heatwaves, desertification, refugee flows and starvation being some of the most serious.Sustainable energy utilization is therefore critical to maintain the earth’s inhabitability. 90percent of the properties we have today will still exist in 2050. That is why energy efficiency inconnection with renovation is crucial for reducing overall energy usage within the sector.Despite many good examples of satisfied customers and economically viable implementationsshowing great potential, only a third of Sweden's municipalities have decided to implementan EPC project. Hence, there is currently no substantial market for EPC projects.To identify what is needed to strengthen EPC's position on the market, an empirical study wasconducted where 20 interviews were held with clients, entrepreneurs and industry experts.The study revealed that the most significant barriers facing the EPC market are the lack ofsense of responsibility for energy efficiency within municipalities, followed by the absence ofmeasures incentivising attainment of the set targets. A further barrier is the customer´s lackof technical competence and general knowledge regarding energy efficiency and sustainableenergy usage resulting in problems in adoption and implementation of EPC, which in turnresults in EPC getting a bad reputation. The interviews demonstrated that the driving forcesencouraging the implementation of an EPC project could be summarized as the desire to takea holistic approach to neglect maintenance and increase the technology standard, whilstsaving energy at the same time. The analysis provides a clear picture of the current state ofthe EPC market, both in terms of barriers to its development and possible incentives requiredin order to encourage implementation of EPC projects. The study aims to provide insight intowhat measures can be taken to increase the market appeal of EPCs.

Det fördjupade patent-och domstolssamarbetet - Rättsliga och kommersiella avväganden vid valet av europeisk patentsskyddsform i framtidens Europa. / The enhanced patent cooperation in Europe - legal and commercial aspects related to the choice between a european patent or unitary patent.

Claeson, Erik January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

O regime jurídico  do contrato de EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) no financiamento de projetos (Project Finance) / The legal framework of the EPC agreement under the project finance.

Pinese, Paulo Henrique Signori 06 April 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado visa analisar o regime jurídico do contrato de Engineering, Procurement and Construction (ou contrato de EPC), tomadas como premissas os princípios do modelo de financiamento de projetos (project finance), conforme utilizado no setor de infraestrutura e obras de grande porte. O trabalho parte do regime jurídico do contrato de empreitada do Código Civil de 2002, traçando um paralelo com as características principais do contrato de EPC e os interesses envolvidos em um projeto financiado com recurso limitado (limited recourse) ou sem recurso (no recourse) ao patrimônio dos patrocinadores, com o objetivo de verificar a adequação das normas da empreitada ao referido instituto ou a eventual necessidade de regramento específico sobre a matéria. / This master thesis aims at analyzing the legal framework on the Engineering, Procurement and Construction Agreement (EPC), based on the principles and rules of the project finance as applied to the construction and infrastructure areas. The present work sets forth the basis of the construction agreement (contrato de empreitada) as set forth in the Brazilian Civil Code, establishing a comparison with the main aspects of the EPC contract and the interests involved in a limited recourse or no recourse financed project with the objective of verifying the adequacy of the rules of the Brazilian construction agreement (contrato de empreitada) to the EPC contract or the need to create an specific legal framework for such agreement.

Os contratos de EPC : entre tipicidade e atipicidade

Seibert, Guilherme January 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho analisa a qualificação do tipo social do contrato de EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) na ordem jurídica brasileira em face do tipo legal do contrato de empreitada. Investiga-se, portanto, a existência de identidade ou diferença entre ambos os tipos a fim de que se possa dar ao EPC a devida qualificação jurídica. Para isso, no Capítulo I, são apresentados os caracteres gerais dos contratos de construção, com foco na delimitação do espaço normativo específico ocupado pelo contrato de empreitada. No Capítulo II, apresenta-se o Contrato de EPC. São delineadas suas principais características gerais para que, em um segundo momento, possa-se aprofundar a análise a partir do emprego do método tipológico. Por fim, no Capítulo III, demonstra-se a forma como o regulamento dos contratos atípicos mistos em geral é construído para, posteriormente, analisar-se a formação do regulamento do EPC em seus principais pontos. / The present work analyzes the qualification of the social type of the EPC Contract (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) in the Brazilian legal order in consideration with the legal type of the works and supply contract. It is therefore investigated the existence of an identity or difference between the two contractual types in order to give the EPC the appropriate legal status. For this purpose, in Chapter I the general characteristics of construction contracts are presented, focusing on the delimitation of the specific normative space occupied by the works and supply contract. In Chapter II, the EPC Contract is presented. Its main general characteristics are presented so that, in a second moment, one can deepen the analysis using the typological method. Finally, Chapter III demonstrates the way in which the regulation of mixed atypical contracts in general is constructed, so that it can be analyzed the formation of the EPC regulation in its main points.

RFID based Smart goods and infrastructure

Pirazadeh, Nima, Pirazadeh, Laleh January 2009 (has links)
This report mainly focuses on RFID based smart goods and their effect on supply chainintelligence and local decision making. In today’s supply chain for making any decision, it isrequired to make a connection to central data bank system. Among some vertical transactionsbetween a special supply chain level and central part, decision is made. As it will be discussedin the report this structure has many disadvantages. The report tries to introduce a smartinfrastructure that is based on decentralized decision making enabled with smart goods.In this report several ways of distributing intelligence and providing smart logistic system withthe help of different technologies will be discussed and compared according to theiradvantages and disadvantages. The report introduces a smart infrastructure containing smartgoods, RFID tags and readers that supports local decision making idea and intelligencedistribution concept. Also smart freight benefits and possibilities in supply chain are discussedin the report.

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