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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Epidemiological patterns of Lyme borreliosis in Lithuania in 1995-2006 / Laimo boreliozės epidemiologiniai dėsningumai Lietuvoje 1995-2006 metais

Ašoklienė, Loreta 25 February 2010 (has links)
There are about 1500 cases of Lyme borreliosis (LB) registered annually in Lithuania, the average morbidity rate was 34/100 000 in 1991-2006. The high incidence of LB determines the high attention to the epidemiological situation. The analysis of the diseases patterns and causative factors is needed for management of the situation, development of disease preventive strategies, improving the diagnostics, providing recommendations and etc. The aim of the study is to assess epidemiological patterns of LB and the main factors (natural-climatic and social) leading to them in Lithuania 1995-2006. In this study LB incidence trends and risk factors are evaluated, correlation of various risk factors with LB incidence and abundance of ticks are assessed, the prevalence of tick bites and risk factors among the population are determined. This study has evaluated the possible ecological significance of newly formed biotope‘s to the LB spread. After molecular tests the prevalence and genotypes of Borrelia in Ixodes ricinus nymphs collected from different biotopes was determined. This study succeeded to detect until now not detected in Lithuania Borrelia miyamotoi belonging to relapsing fever group. The study results showed that nymps’ infectivity in Lithuania is 14.8%. The climatic (air temperature and snow cover) risk factors are the most important ones influencing the LB. LB natural habitat has the property to expand at the expense of areas where the incidence rate was previously low. / Lietuvoje kasmet registruojama apie 1500 susirgimų Laimo borelioze (LB), 1991-2006 m. vidutinis sergamumo rodiklis buvo 34/100 000 gyventojų. Aukštas sergamumo LB lygis sąlygoja didelį dėmesį šios ligos epidemiologinei situacijai. Jos dėsningumų ir priežastinių veiksnių analizė reikalinga situacijos valdymui, planuojant ir rengiant prevencines strategijas, gerinant diagnostiką, teikiant rekomendacijas visuomenei ir kt. Šio darbo tikslas – įvertinti LB epidemiologinius dėsningumus ir juos sąlygojančius svarbiausius veiksnius (gamtinius-klimatinius ir socialinius) Lietuvoje 1995–2006 m. Darbe išnagrinėti ir aprašyti LB sergamumo dėsningumai, įvertintos sergamumo tendencijos, atlikta LB rizikos veiksnių analizė ir nustatytos sąsajos su LB sergamumu ir erkių gausa, nustatytas erkių įkandimų ir rizikos veiksnių paplitimas tarp Lietuvos gyventojų. Šiame darbe įvertinta naujai susiformavusių biotopų galima ekologinė reikšmė LB plitimui, atlikus molekulinius tyrimus, nustatytas borelijų paplitimas ir genotipai Ixodes ricinus nimfose, surinktose skirtinguose biotopuose bei išaiškinta nauja, iki šiol Lietuvoje neaptikta grįžtamosios karštinės borelijų grupei priklausanti Borrelia miyamotoi. Šio darbo rezultatai parodė, kad nimfų infekuotumas Lietuvoje yra 14,8 proc.; svarbiausi sergamumą LB sąlygojantys rizikos veiksniai yra klimatiniai (vidutinė oro temperatūra bei sniego danga); LB gamtinis arealas turi savybę plėstis teritorijų, kuriuose sergamumas anksčiau buvo žemas, sąskaita.

Laimo boreliozės epidemiologiniai dėsningumai Lietuvoje 1995-2006 metais / Epidemiological patterns of Lyme borreliosis in Lithuania in 1995-2006

Ašoklienė, Loreta 25 February 2010 (has links)
Lietuvoje kasmet registruojama apie 1500 susirgimų Laimo borelioze (LB), 1991-2006 m. vidutinis sergamumo rodiklis buvo 34/100 000 gyventojų. Aukštas sergamumo LB lygis sąlygoja didelį dėmesį šios ligos epidemiologinei situacijai. Jos dėsningumų ir priežastinių veiksnių analizė reikalinga situacijos valdymui, planuojant ir rengiant prevencines strategijas, gerinant diagnostiką, teikiant rekomendacijas visuomenei ir kt. Šio darbo tikslas – įvertinti LB epidemiologinius dėsningumus ir juos sąlygojančius svarbiausius veiksnius (gamtinius-klimatinius ir socialinius) Lietuvoje 1995–2006 m. Darbe išnagrinėti ir aprašyti LB sergamumo dėsningumai, įvertintos sergamumo tendencijos, atlikta LB rizikos veiksnių analizė ir nustatytos sąsajos su LB sergamumu ir erkių gausa, nustatytas erkių įkandimų ir rizikos veiksnių paplitimas tarp Lietuvos gyventojų. Šiame darbe įvertinta naujai susiformavusių biotopų galima ekologinė reikšmė LB plitimui, atlikus molekulinius tyrimus, nustatytas borelijų paplitimas ir genotipai Ixodes ricinus nimfose, surinktose skirtinguose biotopuose bei išaiškinta nauja, iki šiol Lietuvoje neaptikta grįžtamosios karštinės borelijų grupei priklausanti Borrelia miyamotoi. Šio darbo rezultatai parodė, kad nimfų infekuotumas Lietuvoje yra 14,8 proc.; svarbiausi sergamumą LB sąlygojantys rizikos veiksniai yra klimatiniai (vidutinė oro temperatūra bei sniego danga); LB gamtinis arealas turi savybę plėstis teritorijų, kuriuose sergamumas anksčiau buvo žemas, sąskaita. / There are about 1500 cases of Lyme borreliosis (LB) registered annually in Lithuania, the average morbidity rate was 34/100 000 in 1991-2006. The high incidence of LB determines the high attention to the epidemiological situation. The analysis of the diseases patterns and causative factors is needed for management of the situation, development of disease preventive strategies, improving the diagnostics, providing recommendations and etc. The aim of the study is to assess epidemiological patterns of LB and the main factors (natural-climatic and social) leading to them in Lithuania 1995-2006. In this study LB incidence trends and risk factors are evaluated, correlation of various risk factors with LB incidence and abundance of ticks are assessed, the prevalence of tick bites and risk factors among the population are determined. This study has evaluated the possible ecological significance of newly formed biotope‘s to the LB spread. After molecular tests the prevalence and genotypes of Borrelia in Ixodes ricinus nymphs collected from different biotopes was determined. This study succeeded to detect until now not detected in Lithuania Borrelia miyamotoi belonging to relapsing fever group. The study results showed that nymps’ infectivity in Lithuania is 14.8%. The climatic (air temperature and snow cover) risk factors are the most important ones influencing the LB. LB natural habitat has the property to expand at the expense of areas where the incidence rate was previously low.

Putevi izloženosti čoveka cijanotoksinima i njihov uticaj na zdravlje / Human exposure to cyanotoxins and their health effects

Drobac Damjana 29 September 2015 (has links)
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Toksične cijanobakterije i cijanotoksini&nbsp; detektovani su&nbsp; u&nbsp; akumulacijama za<br />snabdevanje vodom za piće, rekreaciju, navodnjavanje i ribnjacima na teritoriji Srbije.<br />Cvetanje<em>&nbsp; Planktothrix rubescens&nbsp;</em> i mikrocistini su detektovani u jezeru Vrutci, akumulaciji za snabdevanje vodom za piće Užica, koja služi i u rekreativne svrhe. Izrazita toksičnost (<em>Artemia salina&nbsp; bioesej</em>) i visoke koncentracije mikrocistina&nbsp; (LC-MS/MS) su pronađene u biomasi iz jezera, a u&nbsp; jezerskoj i vodovodnoj vodi je&nbsp; detektovan dmMC-RR. Mikrocistini (MC-LR, MC-RR i njihove dimetilovane forme)&nbsp; su detektovani&nbsp; u tkivu ribe iz jezera Vrutci. Na osnovu&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; epidemiolo&scaron;kih podataka i rezultata sprovedenog upitnika iz Užica, mogu se pretpostaviti neki akutni negativni efekti cijanobakterija i cijanotoksina na ljude (stomačne tegobe, iritacije kože<br />i očiju, učestale glavobolje) i na druge izložene organizme (ribe, pse).<br />&nbsp;&nbsp; U Centralnoj Srbiji uočena je&nbsp; povezanost povećanih incidenci pojedinih kancera<br />(primarnog kancera jetre;&nbsp; mozga; srca, medijastinuma i plućne maramice; jajnika; testisa; želuca; kolorektuma; retroperitoneuma i peritoneuma; leukemija; i malignog melanoma kože) sa pojavom cvetanja u akumulacijama za vodosnabdevanje.&nbsp; U tri kritična okruga (Ni&scaron;avski, &Scaron;umadijski i Toplički) koja se snabdevaju vodom za piće iz akumulacija koje cvetaju&nbsp; incidence navedenih kancera su tokom desetogodi&scaron;njeg perioda bile znatno vi&scaron;e u poređenju sa ostatalim okruzima Centralne Srbije i Vojvodine.&nbsp; Takođe,&nbsp; tokom posmatranog perioda nije uočena korelacija između incidence primarnog kancera jetre i njegovih glavnih faktora rizika (ciroze jetre, HCV i HBV).&nbsp; Cijanotoksini mogu biti jedan od faktora rizika koji zajedno sa drugim faktorima deluju sinergistički i dovode do povećanja incidence pojedinih kancera.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp; U&nbsp; kompleksu ribnjaka&nbsp; Vojvodine (13 analiziranih) tokom leta 2011. zabeleženo je<br />cvetanje, a u uzorcima&nbsp; vode su detektovani (ELISA) mikrocistin, nodularin (11 ribnjaka) i saksitoksin (5 ribnjaka). MC-RR je pronađen u četiri&nbsp; uzorka&nbsp; mi&scaron;ićnog tkiva &scaron;arana (<em>Cyprinus carpio)</em>&nbsp; iz&nbsp; ovih&nbsp; ribnjaka. Uočene su i histopatolo&scaron;ke promene na organima (creva, jetra, bubrezi,&nbsp; &scaron;krge i mi&scaron;ići) ribe gajene u ribnjacima koji su cvetali.&nbsp; Posmatrani negativni efekti i akumulacija cijanotoksina u tkivima riba ukazuju da cvetanje cijanobakterija u ribnjacima može da utiče na kvalitet ribe, ali i potencijalno na zdravlje potro&scaron;ača.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp; Do&nbsp; masivnog pomora ribe do&scaron;lo je u Aleksandrovačkom jezeru&nbsp; gde je cvetao <em>Cylindrospermopsis raciborski</em>i. <em>Artemia salin</em>a test ukazao je na prisustvo toksičnih jedinjenja u cijanobakterijskim ćelijama, međutim&nbsp; mikrocistini, cilidrospermopsin i saksitoksin nisu detektovani. Postoji mogućnost da je neki drugi, neidentifikovani ili nepoznati cijanobakterijski metabolit&nbsp; doveo do uginuća ribe u akumulaciji koja se koristi za navodnjavanje.&nbsp; Cijanotoksini mogu da se akumuliraju u plodovima biljaka koje se zalivaju kontaminiranom vodom u kojoj se nalaze cijanotoksini.&nbsp; Nakon tromesečnog zalivanja paprika (<em>Capsicum anuum)</em>&nbsp; sa ekstraktom&nbsp;<em> Microcystis&nbsp; aeruginosa</em>&nbsp; PCC&nbsp; 7806, mikrocistini su&nbsp;&nbsp; detektovani u plodu paprike. Mikrocistini su&nbsp; indukovali oksidativni stres kod eksperimentalne&nbsp; biljke i u velikoj meri uticali na smanjenje njene antioksidantne sposobnosti. Zalivanje biljaka, koje se koriste u ljudskoj ishrani, sa kontaminiranom vodom usled cvetanja, može da ima&nbsp;&nbsp; negativne efekte na biljke ali potencialno i ljude koji ih konzumiraju.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp; Mikrocistini (MC-LR i dmMC-LR) su detektovani u dva testirana suplementa na bazi<br />cijanobakterija koji se prodaju na na&scaron;em trži&scaron;tu,&nbsp; u koncentracijama koje prevazilaze<br />preporučene&nbsp; granične vrednosti. Dugotrajna upotreba ovih preparata u velikim&nbsp; količinama, može da predstavlja rizik po ljudsko zdravlje.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp; Na osnovu dobijenih podataka za teritoriju Republike Srbije, ljudi mogu&nbsp; na različite<br />načine&nbsp; da budu izloženi cijanobakterijama i njihovim toksičnim metabolitima i da usled toga imaju zdravstvene posledice, iz tog razloga treba uvesti kontrolu&nbsp; cijanobakterija i cijanotoksina u vodi, hrani i suplementima.</p> / null / <p>Toxic cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins were detected in reservoirs for drinking water supply, recreation, irrigation and fishponds on the territory of Serbia. Following blooming of <em>Planktothrix rubescens&nbsp;</em> microcystins were detected in the lake Vrutci, the reservoir for drinking&nbsp; water supply of Užice, which is&nbsp; also&nbsp; used fore recreational purposes. Pronounced&nbsp;&nbsp; toxicity (<em>Artemia salina&nbsp;</em>bioassay) and high concentrations of microcystins (LC-MS/MS) were found in biomass,&nbsp; while&nbsp; in the lake and tap water dmMC-RR was detected. MC-LR, MC-RR and their dimethylated forms were detected in fish tissue from lake Vrutci. On the basis of epidemiological data and the results&nbsp; of questionnaire conducted in Užice, some&nbsp; acute adverse effects of cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins on people (abdominal problems, skin and eye irritation, frequent headaches), and the other exposed organisms (fish, dogs) could be assumed.</p><p>&nbsp; &nbsp;In Central Serbia correlation between blooming in reservoirs&nbsp; for water supply and increased incidence of certain cancers (primary liver cancer; brain;&nbsp; heart, mediastinum and pleura; ovary; testis; stomach; colorectum;&nbsp; retroperitoneum and peritoneum; leukemia; and malignant melanoma of skin) was observed. During the&nbsp; ten-year period in three critical districts (Ni&scaron;avski, &Scaron;umadijski and Toplički), which are supplied with drinking water from blooming reservoirs, the incidence of mentioned cancers were significantly higher compared with remaining districts of Central Serbia and Vojvodina. In addition, during this period correlation between the incidence of primary liver cancer and its major risk factors (liver cirrhosis, HCV and HBV) was not observed. Accordingly, cyanotoxins may be one of the risk factors that, together with other factors act synergistically and lead to increased incidence of certain cancers.</p><p>In the summer of 2011,&nbsp; complex of&nbsp; fishponds in Vojvodina (13 analyzed) was blooming, and in water samples microcystin, nodularin (11 ponds) and saxitoxin (5 ponds) were detected (ELISA). MC-RR was found in four samples&nbsp; of&nbsp;&nbsp; carp <em>(Cyprinus carpio</em>)&nbsp; muscle tissue&nbsp; from&nbsp; investigated&nbsp; fishponds. Histopathological changes in organs (intestines, liver, kidneys, gills and muscles) of fish grown in blooming ponds were also observed. The observed negative effects and cyanotoxin accumulation in fish,&nbsp; suggest that blooming of cyanobacteria in fishponds may affect the quality of the fish, but also potentially the health of consumers.</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp; A massive fish kill occurred in Aleksandrovac lake, where&nbsp;<em> Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii</em>&nbsp; bloomed.&nbsp; <em>Artemia salina</em>&nbsp; test indicated the presence of toxic compounds in a cyanobacterial cells, however microcystins, cilidrospermopsin and saxitoxin were not detected.&nbsp; There is a possibility that another, unidentified or unknown cyanobacterial metabolite&nbsp; led to fish&nbsp; mortality&nbsp; in this&nbsp; reservoir used for irrigation. Cyanotoxins may accumulate in the fruits of plants that are irigated with contaminated water containing cyanotoxins. After watering pepper <em>(Capsicum anuum</em>)&nbsp; for three-months with extract of&nbsp; <em>Microcystis aeruginosa</em>&nbsp; PCC 7806, microcystins were detected in fruit. Microcystin induced oxidative stress in experimental plants and influenced the reduction of its antioxidant capabilities.&nbsp; Irigation of plants&nbsp; used for human nutrition, with contaminated water due to blooming, can have negative effects on plants and potentially humans who consume them.</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Microcystins (MC-LR and dmMC-LR) were&nbsp; also&nbsp; detected in the two tested cyanobacterial supplements&nbsp; from&nbsp; Serbian market,&nbsp; in concentrations that exceed the recommended guideline values. Therefore, long-term use of these products in large quantities, may present a risk to human health.</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Based&nbsp; on the obtained data&nbsp; on&nbsp; the territory of the Republic of Serbia, people can&nbsp; in various ways,&nbsp; be exposed to cyanobacteria and their toxic metabolites,&nbsp; and as a consequence can&nbsp; have health problems, thus&nbsp; presence of cyanobacteria and&nbsp; cyanotoxins in water, food and supplements should be controlled.</p>

Značaj primene definicije slučaja za unapređenje epidemiološkog nadzora nad hepatitisima B i C / The importance of introducing case definitions for improving epidemiological surveillance of hepatitis B and C

Dakić Zoran 02 February 2017 (has links)
<p>Adekvatni nadzor nad zaraznim bolestima predstavlja aktuelni izazov ne samo kod nas već i u razvijenim zemljama. Savremeni epidemiolo&scaron;ki nadzor nad zaraznim bolestima zasniva se na odgovarajućim definicijama slučaja. Njihova osnovna funkcija je olak&scaron;avanje prepoznavanja određenih bolesti i njihovo registrovanje na jednoobrazan način. Definisanje slučajeva zaraznih bolesti nije jednostavno, jer uključuje kliničke, epidemiolo&scaron;ke i laboratorijske parametre, uz istovremeno očekivanje visoke senzitivnosti i specifičnosti. Ciljevi istraživanja su bili da se utvrdi primenljivost definicija slučaja hepatitisa B i C na Klinici za infektivne bolesti Kliničkog centra Vojvodine, te da se utvrdi senzitivnost i specifičnost primenjenih definicija slučaja hepatitisa B i C. Uz postojeći dijagnostički algoritam Klinike za infektivne bolesti Kliničkog centra Vojvodine, uvedena su tri seta definicija hepatitisa B i C: Evropskog centra za prevenciju i kontrolu bolesti (ECDC) iz 2008. i 2012.godine kao i američkih Centara za kontrolu bolesti (CDC) iz 2012. godine. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na Klinici za infektivne bolesti Kliničkog centra Vojvodine i tokom 12 meseci, u skladu sa predloženim definicijama slučaja, identifikovano je 150 ispitanika obolelih od hepatitisa B i C. Utvrđene su sledeće činjenice: preporučene definicije slučaja su primenljive u Republici Srbiji za laboratorijske i kliničke kriterijume, dok uključivanje epidemiolo&scaron;ke povezanosti u definicije slučaja ima malo praktičnog značaja za prijavljivanje hepatitisa; definicije slučaja koje uključuju i obavezno prisustvo kliničkih kriterijuma (najče&scaron;će definicije verovatnog slučaja) imaju nisku senzitivnost, a visoku specifičnost, kao posledica prisustva infekcije i u odsustvu bilo kakvih kliničkih manifestacija; definicije slučaja koje se zasnivaju samo na laboratorijskim kriterijumima imaju maksimalnu senzitivnost i specifičnost.</p> / <p>Adequate surveillance of communicable diseases is the actual challenge, not only in our country but also in developed countries. Modern epidemiological surveillance of communicable diseases is based on the appropriate case definitions. Their main purpose of them is to facilitate the recognition of certain diseases and their registration in a uniform manner. Case definition of communicable diseases is not easy, because it involves clinical, epidemiological and laboratory parameters, along with the expectated high sensitivity and specificity.The objectives of the study were to determine the applicability of the casedefinitions for hepatitis B and C in the Clinic for Infectious Diseases of the Clinical Center of Vojvodina and to determine the sensitivity and specificity of the applied definition of cases of hepatitis B and C. In addition to existing diagnostic algorithm of the Clinic for Infectious Diseases, three sets of hepatitis B and C case definitions were introduced: the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control in 2008 and 2012 as well as the US Centers for Disease Control in 2012. The study was conducted at the Clinic for Infectious Diseases Clinical Center of Vojvodina over 12 months, and in accordance with the proposed case definitions, 150 patients suffering from hepatitis B and C were identified. We found following facts: recommended case definitions are applicable in the Republic of Serbia for laboratory and clinical criteria, while the inclusion of epidemiological connection between the case definition has little practical significance for reporting hepatitis; case definitions that include the obligatory presence of clinical criteria (most common definition of probable cases) have low sensitivity and high specificity, as a result of the presence of infection in the absence of any clinical manifestations; case definitions that are based solely on laboratory criteria showed maximum sensitivity and specificity.</p>

Skrandžio vėžio rizikos veiksnių įvertinimas Lietuvos sąlygomis / The assessment of risk factors for stomach cancer in Lithuania

Žičkutė, Jurgita 06 January 2006 (has links)
Gastric cancer is one of the main health issues in Lithuania. The risk factors of the disease are related to nutrition and environment. There were no epidemiological studies on that subject in the country. The aim of the study was to assess a relationship between gastric cancer risk and lifestyle (diet, alcohol use, smoking, physical activity), work environment and some social factors. A hospital based case-control study included 379 cases with newly histologically confirmed diagnose of gastric cancer and 1137 controls that were cancer and gastric diseases free. Cases and controls matched by gender and age (+5yr.). Ratio of case and controls was 1:3. A questionnaire was used to collect information on possible risk factors of gastric cancer. The odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for gastric cancer were calculated by a conditional logistic regression. Our data showed that salt and salt processed food items increased risk of gastric cancer. After adjustment for a certain confounders (alcohol use, smoking, family history on cancer, Body Mass Index at 20 yr of age, education level, residence, other dietary habits that were related to the outcome, and physical activity) subjects that like salty food or put salt additionally to prepared meal had three times higher risk of gastric than those who do not do that. The risk of the disease increased two times eating salted meat 1-3 times a month and more, having smoked meat 3-4 times a week and more, and using smoked... [to full text]

Laukinių ir naminių gyvūnų pasiutligės epidemiologija, diagnostika ir imunoprofilaktika Lietuvoje / Epidemiology, diagnostics and immunprophylaxis of rabies in wild and domestic animals in Lithuania

Jacevičienė, Ingrida 11 December 2012 (has links)
Pasiutligė – viena iš seniausių ir pavojingiausių žmonių ir gyvūnų ligų. Šia liga užsikrečiama kai pasiutlige sergantis gyvūnas įkanda žmogui ar kitam gyvūnui, ar apseilėja sužalotą odą. Žmonės dažniausiai užsikrečia nuo valkataujančių naminių gyvūnų, todėl išlieka visiems reali užsikrėtimo pasiutligės virusu grėsmė. Vienintelis ir efektyviausias apsisaugojimo būdas nuo pasiutligės yra imunoprofilaktika. Šiame darbe ištirtas pasiutligės viruso paplitimas 2003-2011 metų laikotarpiu ir nustatyta laukinių ir naminių gyvūnų pasiutligės epidemiologinė situacija Lietuvoje. Atliekant 2007–2011 metų pasiutligės geografinio paplitimo analizę buvo nustatyta, kad nagrinėjamu laikotarpiu didžiausias tiek laukinių, tiek naminių gyvūnų infekuotumas buvo nustatytas Lietuvos Rytinėje ir Pietrytinėje dalyje. Naudoti pasiutligės diagnostikos metodai pasižymi speciškumu ir jautrumu. Įrodyta, kad kartu taikant tiesioginį fluorescuojančių antikūnų ir audinių kultūrų infekavimo pasiutligės virusu metodus, galima užtikrinti greitą ir efektyvų pasiutligės viruso nustatymą laukinių ir naminių gyvūnų tiriamuosiuose galvos smegenų mėginiuose, tuo užtikrinant diagnozės patvirtinimą dėl užsikrėtimo pasiutligės virusu. Laukinių gyvūnų oralinės vakcinacijos nuo pasiutligės (ORV) periodu 2007-2011 metais atlikta naminių ir laukinių gyvūnų pasiutligės viruso izoliatų filogenetinė analizė N geno srityje atvirkštinės transkripcijos polimerazės grandininės reakcijos (AT-PGR) metodu. Pirmą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Rabies is one of the oldest and most dangerous human and animal diseases. This is a disease that is transmitted directly from animal to animal and from an animal to a human being. People usually contract this disease from stray domestic animals therefore a realistic threat is posed to everyone to become infected with the rabies virus (RV). The only and the most effective way of protecting oneself from rabies after an infected or unknown animal has bitten one, is immunoprophylaxis. Between 2003 and 2011, the epidemiological situation of rabies in Lithuania was assessed. The methods that were used to diagnose rabies are noted for specificity and sensitivity. It has been proved that applying simultaneously the direct fluorescent antibody test (FAT) and rabies tissue culture infections test (RTCIT) methods it was possible to ensure a fast and effective determination of RV in the samples of wild and domestic animals under investigation thereby ensuring confirmation of the diagnosis of being infected with RV. During the wild fauna oral rabies vaccination (ORV) period between 2007 and 2011, the philogenetic analysis of RV isolates of domestic and wild animals in the sphere of N gene by means of the reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was carried out for the first time. In 2006-2011, the assessment of the efficacy of ORV in raccoon dogs and red foxes by means of the quantitative the Enzyme-linked immunoassay test (ELISA) research method... [to full text]

Epidemiology, diagnostics and immunoprophylaxis of rabies in wild and domestic animals in Lithuania / Laukinių ir naminių gyvūnų pasiutligės epidemiologija, diagnostika ir imunoprofilaktika Lietuvoje

Jacevičienė, Ingrida 11 December 2012 (has links)
Rabies is one of the oldest and most dangerous human and animal diseases. This is a disease that is transmitted directly from animal to animal and from an animal to a human being. People usually contract this disease from stray domestic animals therefore a realistic threat is posed to everyone to become infected with the rabies virus (RV). The only and the most effective way of protecting oneself from rabies after an infected or unknown animal has bitten one, is immunoprophylaxis. Between 2003 and 2011, the epidemiological situation of rabies in Lithuania was assessed. The methods that were used to diagnose rabies are noted for specificity and sensitivity. It has been proved that applying simultaneously the direct fluorescent antibody test (FAT) and rabies tissue culture infections test (RTCIT) methods it was possible to ensure a fast and effective determination of RV in the samples of wild and domestic animals under investigation thereby ensuring confirmation of the diagnosis of being infected with RV. During the wild fauna oral rabies vaccination (ORV) period between 2007 and 2011, the philogenetic analysis of RV isolates of domestic and wild animals in the sphere of N gene by means of the reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was carried out for the first time. In 2006-2011, the assessment of the efficacy of ORV in raccoon dogs and red foxes by means of the quantitative the Enzyme-linked immunoassay test (ELISA) research method... [to full text] / Pasiutligė – viena iš seniausių ir pavojingiausių žmonių ir gyvūnų ligų. Šia liga užsikrečiama kai pasiutlige sergantis gyvūnas įkanda žmogui ar kitam gyvūnui, ar apseilėja sužalotą odą. Žmonės dažniausiai užsikrečia nuo valkataujančių naminių gyvūnų, todėl išlieka visiems reali užsikrėtimo pasiutligės virusu grėsmė. Vienintelis ir efektyviausias apsisaugojimo būdas nuo pasiutligės yra imunoprofilaktika. Šiame darbe ištirtas pasiutligės viruso paplitimas 2003-2011 metų laikotarpiu ir nustatyta laukinių ir naminių gyvūnų pasiutligės epidemiologinė situacija Lietuvoje. Atliekant 2007–2011 metų pasiutligės geografinio paplitimo analizę buvo nustatyta, kad nagrinėjamu laikotarpiu didžiausias tiek laukinių, tiek naminių gyvūnų infekuotumas buvo nustatytas Lietuvos Rytinėje ir Pietrytinėje dalyje. Naudoti pasiutligės diagnostikos metodai pasižymi speciškumu ir jautrumu. Įrodyta, kad kartu taikant tiesioginį fluorescuojančių antikūnų ir audinių kultūrų infekavimo pasiutligės virusu metodus, galima užtikrinti greitą ir efektyvų pasiutligės viruso nustatymą laukinių ir naminių gyvūnų tiriamuosiuose galvos smegenų mėginiuose, tuo užtikrinant diagnozės patvirtinimą dėl užsikrėtimo pasiutligės virusu. Laukinių gyvūnų oralinės vakcinacijos nuo pasiutligės (ORV) periodu 2007-2011 metais atlikta naminių ir laukinių gyvūnų pasiutligės viruso izoliatų filogenetinė analizė N geno srityje atvirkštinės transkripcijos polimerazės grandininės reakcijos (AT-PGR) metodu. Pirmą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Galvijų paragripo-3 ir respiracinio sincitinio virusų infekcijos epidemiologinė situacija, diagnostika ir prevencija Lietuvoje / Epidemiology, detection and prevention of bovine parainfluenza-3 and respiratory syncytial virus infections in Lithuania

Kęstaitienė, Kristina 06 October 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: Atlikti PG-3 ir RS virusų infekcijų epidemiologinius tyrimus Lietuvos galvijininkystės ūkiuose, nustatyti pasyvaus ir aktyvaus imuniteto trukmę bei išaiškinti imuninio atsako galimybes, naudojant skirtingus vakcinacijos būdus. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti galvijų PG-3 ir RS virusų paplitimą Lietuvos galvijų ūkiuose. 2. Palyginti galvijų PG-3 ir RS virusinių infekcijų paplitimą su kitomis Lietuvos galvijų ūkiams aktualiomis virusinėmis ligomis. 3. Nustatyti galvijų paragripo-3 ir respiracinio sincitinio virusų paplitimo geografinius ypatumus. 4. Atlikti PG-3 ir RS virusinių infekcijų laboratorinės diagnostikos metodų palyginamąjį tyrimą. 5. Ištirti krekeninio imuniteto galvijų PG-3 ir RS virusams dinamiką ir trukmę bei jo įtaka veršelių sergamumui. 6. Atlikti vakcinacijos palyginamąjį tyrimą naudojant skirtingus įraumeninį (IM) ir įodinį (ID) vakcinacijos būdus ir bei skirtingas vakcinos dozes. Darbo mokslinė reikšmė ir naujumas: 1. Nustatytas PG-3 ir RS virusų paplitimas ir epidemiologiniai ypatumai Lietuvos galvijų ūkiuose. 2. Atliktas galvijų PG-3, RS, GIR ir GVD virusinių infekcijų paplitimo palyginamasis tyrimas. 3. Atliktas įvairių diagnostinių tyrimų palyginamasis įvertinimas. 4. Nustatytas galvijų PG-3 ir RS virusų serologinis paplitimas Lietuvos apskrityse. 5. Nustatyta pasyvaus krekeninio imuniteto trukmė galvijų PG-3 ir RS virusams bei jo įtaka veršelių sergamumui. 6. Nustatyta, kad ID vakcinacija nuo PG-3 ir RS virusinių infekcijų yra efektyvi... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The main objective of the present dissertation: To carry out epidemiological investigations of PI-3 and RS viral infections in the Lithuanian cattle farms, to establish the duration of passive and active immunity and to find out the possibilities of immune response using different routes of vaccination. Goals of the study: 1. To determine the prevalence of bovine PI-3 and RS viruses in the Lithuanian cattle farms. 2. To compare the prevalence of bovine PI-3 and RS viral infections with the prevalence of other cattle–relevant viral diseases at Lithuanian cattle farms. 3. To determine the geographical distribution patterns for PI-3 and RS viruses. 4. To conduct comparative analysis of laboratory diagnostic methods for PI-3 and RS viral infections. 5. To investigate the dynamics and duration of colostral immunity to bovine PI-3 and RS viruses and its influence on the morbidity of calves. 6. To conduct a comparative investigation of different routes of vaccination – intramuscular (IM) and intradermal (ID) – and different doses. Scientific importance and novelty of research: 1. The prevalence and epidemiological peculiarities of PI-3 and RS viruses in the Lithuanian cattle farms were determined. 2. A comparative analysis prevalence of bovine PI-3, RS, IBR and BVD viral infections was conducted. 3. A comparative assessment of various diagnostic investigations was performed. 4. The seroprevalence of bovine PI-3 and RS viral infections in the Lithuanian counties was determined. 5... [to full text]

Povezanost vremena nastanka multiple skleroze sa karakteristikama kliničke slike, toka bolesti, nalazima nuklearne magnetne rezonance i likvora / The correlation of time beginning Multiple sclerosis with clinical features, disease course, magnetic resonance imaging features,and presence oligoclonal band in cerebrospinal fluid

Suknjaja Vesna 21 September 2016 (has links)
<p>UVOD: Početak multiple skleroze (MS) u dečijem uzrastu je dijagnostički i terapijski izazov. I ako rani početak MS-a uglavnom ukazuje na dobru kratkoročnu prognozu, neka deca razviju te&scaron;ku onesposobljenost, fizičku ili kognitivnu, a vi&scaron;e od 50% obolelih uđe u sekundarno progresivnu formu bolesti pre 30. godine života. Rana dijagnoza je neophodna za uvođenje imunomodulatorne terapije, kojom se obezbeđuje dobra dugoročna prognoza. CILJ: Analiza parametara koji bi omogućili ranu dijagnozu multiple skleroza sa ranim početkom u odnosu na simptome, sprovedene dijagnostičke procedure i tok bolesti. Sagledavanje inicijalnih kliničkih manifestacija multiple skleroze, prisustva ologoklonaliteta, nalaza MRI endokranijuma i njihovih osobenosti u dečijoj populaciji uz komparaciju sa inicijalnim kliničkim manifestacijama kod pacijenata obolelih od multiple skleroze u odraslom dobu. MATERIJALI METODE: Ova retrospektivno/ prospektivna studija obuhvata pacijente lečene na Klinici za neurologiju KCV u Novom Sadu u periodu od dvanaest godina, od januara 2003. godine do januara 2015. godine sa znacima i simptomima inicijalne demijelinacione bolesti CNS. Od ove kohorte izdvojeno je dve grupe pacijenata; prva grupa pacijenata kod kojih je bolest nastala pre 18. godine života, i druga grupa uzrasta od 20-55 godina. Pacijenti su epidemiolo&scaron;ki obrađeni prema godinama početka bolesti, polu, porodičnoj istoriji, simptomima na početku bolesti (inicijalni simptom), toku bolesti- pojavi drugog relapsa i vremena do pojave drugog relapsa, nalazu MRI, nalazu evociranih potencijala i prisustvo oligoklonalnih traka u likvoru. Tokom praćenja beleži se vreme do drugog relapsa i tip relapsa. Tražila se korelacija između kliničkih i dijagnostičkih rezultata sa brzinom pojave drugog relapsa. Za testiranje razlika između grupa kori&scaron;ćen je Pirsonov hi-kvadrat test, a za testiranje jačine povezanosti kori&scaron;ćeno je Kramerovo V. Neparametrijski podaci su obrađivani Men-Vitni U testom. REZULTATI: Od ukupnog broja ispitanika, u grupi pacijenata sa ranim početkom MS-a odnos ženskog i mu&scaron;kog pola je bio 1,3:1, a u grupi pacijenata sa uobičajenim početkom MS-a 2,2:1. Iz dobijenih rezultata vidimo da ima manje nego &scaron;to je očekivano pacijenata rođenih u mesecima decembru 4,6% i januaru (5,9%), a vi&scaron;e nego &scaron;to je očekivanu u mesecima martu (11,3%) i julu (10,6%), &scaron;to nije statistički značajno (p=0,726). Prema manifestaciji bolesti kod dece 17,6% ima polisimptomatski početak, a kod odraslih 37,6% ima polisimptomatski početak.Polisimptomatski početak statistički je značajno vi&scaron;e zastupljen kod odraslih pacijenata (p=0,020).Poremećaj piramidnog sistema (P=0,010) i senzorne smetnje (P=0,006) su zastupljeniji kao inicijalni stimptom u grupi odraslih.Nisu nađene statistički značajne razlike u zastupljenosti optičkog neuritisa (p=0,366 ili p&gt;0,05) i ataksije /stablarne simptomatologije (p= 0,791) u ove dve grupe. Najče&scaron;ći inicijalni simptom kod dece, gotovo u istoj razmeri su optički neuritis (35,3%) i ataksija (35,3%). U grupi odraslih pacijenata senzorne smetnje (41,6%) su najče&scaron;ći inicijalni simptom, odmah za njim sledi piramidna simptomatologija (37,6%). Prema nalazu broja lezija na MRI pregledu, u grupi ispitanika sa ranim početkom MS-a vi&scaron;e su zastupljeni oni sa manje od 4 lezije, nego &scaron;to je to slučaj u grupi odraslih. Odnos broja pacijenata sa 4-10 i preko 10 lezija simetričan je u obe grupe. Korelacija između doba početka MS-a i broja lezija viđenih na MRI je statistički značajna i neznatna (P=0,06). Nije nađena statistička značajnost u prisustvu lezija u korpusu kalozumu između ove dve grupe pacijenata ( P=0,920). Primenom Fi&scaron;erovog dvostranog egzaktnog testa koji je u ovom slučaju statistički značajan (p=0,034), možemo reći da se grupa sa ranim početkom MS-a i ona sa uobičajenim početkom statistički značajno razlikuju, tumefaktivne lezije su prisutnije kod ispitanika sa ranim početkom MS-a. Pozitivni oligoklonali su zastupljeniji u grupi odraslih pacijenata ( P= 0,018). U na&scaron;oj grupi ispitanika kada smo pratili vreme pojave drugog pogor&scaron;anja, najkraće godinu dana, u grupi dece 11 pacijenata (21,6%) nije imalo pogor&scaron;anje , dok je 40 pacijenata imalo pogor&scaron;anje (78,4%),. Medijana kod grupe dece za pojavu drugog &scaron;uba bolesti je 12 meseci. U grupi odraslih 22 pacijenta ( 21,8%) nije imalo drugi relaps tokom perioda praćenja, dok je njih 79 (78,2%) imalo drugi relaps. Prosečno vreme u grupi odraslih pacijenata do drugog relapsa je 9 meseci. U grupi dece ne postoje značajne razlike u odnosu broja lezija viđenih na inicijalnom MRI pregledu i vremenu pojave drugog relapsa ( p=0,884) Kod odraslih postoji značajna razlika u vremenu relapsa između grupe sa manje od 4 lezije i grupe sa 4-10 lezija (p=0,09).Korelirali smo pacijente sa pozitivnim i negativnim ologoklonalnim trakama u likvoru u obe grupe sa vremenom nastanka prvog pogor&scaron;anja, pri toj korelaciji nije dobijena statistički značajna razlika ni u grupi dece ( P= 0,598) ni u grupi odraslih (P=0,133). Kod ispitanika sa ranim početkom če&scaron;ća je pozitivna porodična anamneza, u vidu prisustva MS i drugih imunolo&scaron;kih bolesti( P =0,042). ZAKLJUČAK: Polisimptomatski početak je če&scaron;ći kod odraslih, pozitivne oliogoklonalne trake su ređe pozitivne kod dece, kod dece je najče&scaron;ći inicijalni simptom optički neuritis a kod odraslih senzitivne i motorne smetnje. Manje od 4 lezije se če&scaron;će javljaju kod dece na inicijalnom MRI pregledu, &scaron;to je najverovatnije povezano sa vremenom stvarnog početka bolesti i njenom kliničkom manifestacijom. Kod pacijenta sa ranim početkom MS-a duži je period do drugog pogor&scaron;anja. U grupi dece ne postoje statistički značajne razlike u odnosu broja lezija viđenih na inicijalnom MRI pregledu i vremenu pojave drugog relapsa. Kod odraslih postoji značajna razlika u vremenu relapsa između grupe sa manje od 4 lezije i grupe sa 4-10 lezija. Inicijalne manifestacije MS-a u dečijem uzrastu ne razlikuje se u mnogome od MS-a kod odraslih po karakteristikama i toku bolesti.</p> / <p>INTRODUCTION: Тhe onset of multiple sclerosis (MS) in childhood poses diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. Althougth the onset of MS in childhood typically predicts a fevoruable short/term prognosis, some children are severy disabled. Etiher physically or cognitively, and more then 50% are predicted to enter the secondary-progressive phase of the disease by the age of 30 years. Immunomodulatory therapies for MS and their safe application in children can improve long-therm prognosis. AIM: We saught to identifay clinical and diagnostic features in children wich inplicate to early diagnosis of MS in children. We aimd to determine the clinical features, cerebro spinal fluid, magnetic resonance imagin (MRI) features of children and their comparation with adult MS patients. METHODS: In this retrospective/prospective study we present data from 152 patients with clinical isolated syndrom (CIS) for the first time, which are obtained throught Clinic of Neurology , Clinical Centre of Vojvodina, Novi Sad from January 2003 to January 2015g. Patients were divided into two grups - in first group patients 51 with early onset of disease before 18 years, and second group patients with adult onset desease (20-55 year). Patients wer observed for a minimum one year. The common presenting symptoms, gender, MRI finding, oligoclonal band (OCB) and Visual evoked potential findings, corse of disease, family history were compared between the two groups and with thime of second relaps. To test the difference between groups was used Chi-square Pearson product moment test, and to test the strength of connection used is a Kramer V. Population data are processed Men-Whitney U test. RESULTS: Of the total number of respondents, in the Group of patients with early beginning MS the ratio of women and men was 1.3:1, and in the group of adult MS patients 2, 2:1. From the results we can see that fewer than expected has patients born in the months December ( 4.6%) and January (5.9%), and higher than expected in a March (11.3%) and July (10.6%), which is not statistically significant (p = 0,726). According to the manifestation of disease in children 17.6% has a polifocal onset, and in adults 37.6% has a polifocal onset. Polifocal beginning is significantly over represented in adult MS patients (p = 0,020). Motor disorder (P = 0,010) and sensory disabilities (P = 0.006) are more present as the initial manifestation illness in the adult. They not found statistically significant differences in the representation of optic neuritis (p = 0,366 or p &gt; 0.05) and ataxia (p = 0.791) in these two groups. The most common initial symptom in children, almost in the same scale are the optical neuritis (35.3%) and ataxia 6 (35.3%). In a group of adult patients sensory disturbances (41.6%) are the most common initial symptom, right behind him follows a motor disturbens (37.6%). According to the number of lesions on the MRI exam, in a group of subjects with early MS more are they less than four lesions, than is the case in the group adults. The ratio of the number of patients with 4-10 and over 10 symmetrical lesions in both groups. Correlation between the time of the beginning of the MS and the number of lesions seen on MRI is statistically significant and insignificant (P = 0.06). There was no statistical significance in the presence of lesions in the corpus callosum indicates between these two groups of patients (P = 0,920). Application of Fisher the exact test case that is in this case a statistically significant (p = 0.034). We can say that the group with the early start of MS and the one with the usual beginning of significantly different, tumefactiv lesions are present in patients with early onset MS, Positive oligoclonal bands are more present in a group with adult MS patients (P = 0.018). In our group of respondents when we track time appear another relapse, minimum one year, 11 children (21,6%) had no deterioration, while the 40 children had worsening (78,4%). The median at groups of children for the appearance of second relapse is 12 months. In the adult these 22 (21,8%) had another relapse for tracking period, while 79 (78.2%) had another relapse. The average amount of time in the adult patients relapse to another is 9 months. In a group of children there are no statistically significant differences in the relative number of lesions seen on the initial MRI examination and time show up another relapse (p = 0,884). In adults there is a significant difference in relapse time between groups with fewer than four lesions and groups with 4-10 lesions (p = 0.09). Pressures are patients with positive and negative ologoclonal bands in the cerebrospinal fluid in both groups with the time of occurrence of the first downturn, when the correlation is not get statistically significant difference in the children (P = 0.598) or in a group of adults (P = 0,133). In patients with early starting stacks is a negative family history, and often the presence of MS and other immunological diseases (P = 0,042). CONCULSIONS: Polisifocal beginning is more common in adults, positive oliogoklonalne bands are less positive in children, with children being the most common initial symptom is optic neuritis, in adult sensitive and motor disturbances. Tumefactiv lesions are present in patients with early onset MS. Less than four lesions are more common in children on the initial MRI examination, which is probably connected with the time of the real onset of the disease and its clinical manifestation n the group of children there are no statistically significant differences in relation to the number of lesions seen on MRI at the initial examination and the timing of another relapse. For adults there is a significant difference in time of relapse between the groups with less than 4 lesions and groups with 4-10 lesions. Children onset MS does not significantly differ from that it has been typically seen in adults in terms of major clinical manifestations and course of disease.</p>

Mining large amounts of mobile object data / Истраживање великих количина података о покретним објектима / Istraživanje velikih količina podataka o pokretnim objektima

Gavrić Katarina 22 December 2017 (has links)
<p>Within this thesis, we examined the possibilities of using an increasing amount of<br />publicly available metadata about locations and peoples&#39; activities in order to gain<br />new knowledge and develop new models of behavior and movement of people. The<br />purpose of the research conducted for this thesis was to solve practical problems,<br />such as: analyzing attractive tourist sites, defining the most frequent routes people<br />are taking, defining main ways of transportation, and discovering behavioral<br />patterns in terms of defining strategies to suppress expansion of virus infections. In<br />this thesis, a practical study was carried out on the basis of protected (aggregated<br />and anonymous) CDR (Caller Data Records) data and metadata of geo-referenced<br />multimedia content.</p> / <p>Предмет и циљ истраживања докторске дисертације представља евалуација<br />могућности коришћења све веће количине јавно доступних података о<br />локацији и кретању људи, како би се дошло до нових сазнања, развили нови<br />модели понашања и кретања људи који се могу применити за решавање<br />практичних проблема као што су: анализа атрактивних туристичких локација,<br />откривање путања кретања људи и средстава транспорта које најчешће<br />користе, као и откривање важних параметара на основу којих се може<br />развити стратегија за заштиту нације од инфективних болести итд. У раду је у<br />ту сврхе спроведена практична студија на бази заштићених (агрегираних и<br />анонимизираних) ЦДР података и метаподатака гео-референцираног<br />мултимедијалног садржаја. Приступ је заснован на примени техника<br />вештачке интелигенције и истраживања података.</p> / <p>Predmet i cilj istraživanja doktorske disertacije predstavlja evaluacija<br />mogućnosti korišćenja sve veće količine javno dostupnih podataka o<br />lokaciji i kretanju ljudi, kako bi se došlo do novih saznanja, razvili novi<br />modeli ponašanja i kretanja ljudi koji se mogu primeniti za rešavanje<br />praktičnih problema kao što su: analiza atraktivnih turističkih lokacija,<br />otkrivanje putanja kretanja ljudi i sredstava transporta koje najčešće<br />koriste, kao i otkrivanje važnih parametara na osnovu kojih se može<br />razviti strategija za zaštitu nacije od infektivnih bolesti itd. U radu je u<br />tu svrhe sprovedena praktična studija na bazi zaštićenih (agregiranih i<br />anonimiziranih) CDR podataka i metapodataka geo-referenciranog<br />multimedijalnog sadržaja. Pristup je zasnovan na primeni tehnika<br />veštačke inteligencije i istraživanja podataka.</p>

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