Spelling suggestions: "subject:"epidermis."" "subject:"pidermis.""
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Caracterização clínica e laboratorial do acometimento dos folículos velos e da epiderme da face, pescoço e região anterossuperior do tórax na alopecia frontal fibrosante / Clinical and laboratorial findings related to vellus follicle involvement and epidermal changes on the face, neck and antero-superior chest area in frontal fibrosing alopeciaAline Roberta Campos Donati Jorge 25 September 2018 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A alopecia frontal fibrosante (AFF) é uma alopecia cicatricial primária linfocítica descrita em 1994, cuja prevalência vem aumentando rapidamente em todo mundo. A participação de um fator desencadeante ambiental na patogênese da doença é aventada e uma pesquisa recente encontrou uma associação da doença com o uso de cosméticos faciais. Alterações da pele e dos pelos da face e do corpo têm sido descritas em pacientes com AFF nos últimos anos e alguns estudos sugerem que essas alterações possam preceder a perda dos cabelos, indicando o início da doença fora do couro cabeludo. OBJETIVO: Estudar o acometimento da pele e dos pelos na face, pescoço e região anterossuperior do tórax em uma série de pacientes com AFF. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: A pesquisa constou de três partes. Na primeira parte foram investigadas evidências clínicas e dermatoscópicas do acometimento da pele e dos pelos fora do couro cabeludo em 37 pacientes. A segunda parte do estudo constou da avaliação da espessura epidérmica em biópsias realizadas na face, pescoço e região anterossuperior do tórax de 20 pacientes com AFF e 20 controles. Na terceira parte do estudo foi utilizada microscopia confocal de reflectância a laser \"in vivo\" para comparar a espessura epidérmica e a densidade folicular da pele da linha de implantação frontal de 21 pacientes a de 21 controles. RESULTADOS: O acometimento dos pelos velos da face não se restringiu a linha de implantação fronto-temporal e variou de 30 a 97% dependendo da região estudada, sendo mais frequente quanto mais próximo da linha de implantação frontal do couro cabeludo. Pápulas da face foram encontradas em 60% dos pacientes estudados, localizadas principalmente na região temporal (11/37 casos), seguida pela região malar (10/37 casos) e mento (6/37 casos). Metade dos pacientes (51%) apresentaram lesões hipercrômicas compatíveis com o diagnóstico de líquen plano pigmentoso associado a AFF, acometendo face (18/19 casos), pescoço (7/19 casos) e região anterossuperior do tórax (4/19 casos). As lesões hipercrômicas mostraram-se mais raras em pacientes com fototipo baixo (p=0,022). A espessura da epiderme dos pacientes de AFF não apresentou diferença quando comparada com a dos controles independente da metodologia utilizada. Densidade folicular menor que 3,56 folículos/mm2 na linha de implantação frontal ao exame de microscopia confocal apresentou 90,5% de sensibilidade e 90,5% de especificidade para o diagnóstico de AFF e implicou num risco 90,24 (IC95% 9,5-1132; p < 0,001) vezes maior de ter a doença. CONCLUSÕES: O acometimento dos pelos velos da face é frequente e pode ser detectado de forma rápida e não invasiva pela dermatoscopia. As pápulas da face estão presentes em 60% dos pacientes. As lesões de liquen plano pigmentoso são menos frequentes em pacientes com fototipos baixos. A epiderme dos pacientes de AFF não apresenta uma menor espessura quando comparada com controles pareados por gênero, idade, fototipo e local examinado. A densidade folicular da linha de implantação frontal \"in vivo\" medida através do exame de MCRL apresenta ótima acurácia para o diagnóstico de AFF / INTRODUCTION: Frontal fibrosing alopecia (FFA) is a lymphocytic primary cicatricial alopecia first described in 1994. Its incidence has been rapidly rising worldwide, possibly related to an environmental trigger. The use of facial leave-on creams has been associated with the disease in a recent publication. Vellus follicles involvement and epidermal changes outside the scalp region have been described in FFA patients in the past few years and seem to be an early event in the disease course. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate vellus follicle and epidermal involvement over the facial, neck and upper chest skin in a series of FFA patients. METHODS: This study consisted of three parts. In the first part, prevalence of clinical and dermoscopic findings related to vellus follicle and epidermal involvement in 37 FFA patients was investigated. In part two, epidermal thickness in skin biopsies from 20 FFA patients was compared with 20 control biopsies from the same body site. In the last part, epidermal thickness and follicular density over the frontal hairline were investigated in a group of 21 FFA patients and 21 gender, age and phototype matched controls through \"in vivo\" reflectance confocal microscopy. RESULTS: Vellus follicle involvement in FFA is not restricted to frontal hairline and varies from 30 to 97% according to facial region, with greater frequencies observed on the upper face region. Facial papules were detected in 60% of our patients, most frequently over the temples (11/37 patients), malar (10/37 patients) or chin (6/37 patients) area. Half of our patients (51%) presented hyperchromic lesions compatible with FFA associated lichen planus pigmentosus. Hyperchromic lesions were observed over the face (18/19 patients), but also over the neck (7/19 patients) and upper chest (4/19 patients) skin. Hyperchromic lesions were less frequent in patients with lighter phototypes (p=0.022). Epidermal thickness of FFA patients did not differ from controls both in histology and \"in vivo\" evaluation. Frontal hairline follicular density lower than 3.56 follicles/mm2 on confocal microscopy examination presented 90.5% sensitivity, 90.5% specificity and OR = 90.24 (CI95% 9.5-1132; p < 0.001) for FFA diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS: Facial vellus follicle involvement is frequent and can be easily detected through dermoscopy in most patients. Facial papules are observed in 60% of our patients. Lichen planus pigmentosus lesions are less frequently observed in fair skin patients. Epidermal thinning is not observed in FFA patients when adequate control group is included. Frontal hairline follicular density measured by confocal microscopy has high accuracy for FFA diagnosis
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Imunoexpressão de caderinas e integrinas no desenvolvimento do epitélio cutâneo humano / Immunoexpression of cadherins and integrins in the development of human skin epitheliumLeonardo Kamibeppu 15 June 2011 (has links)
Introdução: Caderinas e integrinas são importantes para a manutenção da integridade tecidual e transdução de sinal durante o desenvolvimento da pele. A distribuição destas moléculas no desenvolvimento da pele humana foi investigada e associada com os marcadores de diferenciação, Citoqueratinas (CK) e involucrina (INV). Método: Usando a técnica de imunoistoquímica foram investigadas as proteínas E- e P- caderinas, integrinas beta- 1 e -4, CK 10, CK 14 e INV em fragmentos de pele de várias regiões corpóreas de 7 fetos humanos (semana gestacional de 4 a 24, todos pesando até 500 g). Resultados: Na fase inicial do desenvolvimento, integrinas beta-1 e -4 and E- and P- caderinas estavam presentes na membrana plasmática das células epiteliais em todos as camadas do epitélio. CK14 e CK10 foram observadas em todas as camadas epiteliais e a INV fracamente detectada em células da camada mais superficial. Em estágios mais avançados, integrinas foram detectadas em todas as camadas epiteliais, com expressão polarizada principalmente na camada basal. E- caderina foi detctada em todas as camadas, menos no estrato cornificado e a P- caderina foi observada em camadas mais profundas do epitélio. CK14 estava presente na camada basal, CK 10 no estrato suprabasal e a INV foi observada no estrato cornificado. Conclusão: Caderinas e integrinas são essenciais para o desenvolvimento da pele, sendo espacialmente e temporalmente regulados. Suas expressões são relatas com a expressão da maturação de marcadores da epiderme. / Introduction: Cadherins and integrins are important for maintenance of tissue integrity and in signal transduction during skin development. Distribution of these molecules in human skin development was investigated and associated with markers of differentiation, cytokeratins (CK) and involucrin (INV). Methods: Using immunohistochemistry expression of E- and P- cadherins, integrins beta-1 and -4, CK10, CK 14 and INV was assessed in skin fragments of 7 human fetuses (gestacional weeks ranged from 4 to 24, all weighing up to 500 g). Results: At initial phases of development, integrins beta-1 and -4 and E- and P- cadherins were present on epithelial cell membranes in all layers. CK 14 and CK 10 were expressed in all epithelial layers and INV weakly detected in the superficial layer. In more advanced stages, integrins were detected in all layers, but a marked polarized expression was seen in basal layer. E- cadherin was detected in all layers, but the cornified stratum and P- cadherin were observed in the lower layers. CK 14 was expressed in layer, CK 10 in suprabasal stratum and INV was observed in cornified layer. Conclusions: Cadherins and integrins are essential for skin development, being spatially and temporally regulated. Their expression is related with the expression of maturation markers of the epidermis.
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Imunoexpressão de caderinas e integrinas no desenvolvimento do epitélio cutâneo humano / Immunoexpression of cadherins and integrins in the development of human skin epitheliumKamibeppu, Leonardo 15 June 2011 (has links)
Introdução: Caderinas e integrinas são importantes para a manutenção da integridade tecidual e transdução de sinal durante o desenvolvimento da pele. A distribuição destas moléculas no desenvolvimento da pele humana foi investigada e associada com os marcadores de diferenciação, Citoqueratinas (CK) e involucrina (INV). Método: Usando a técnica de imunoistoquímica foram investigadas as proteínas E- e P- caderinas, integrinas beta- 1 e -4, CK 10, CK 14 e INV em fragmentos de pele de várias regiões corpóreas de 7 fetos humanos (semana gestacional de 4 a 24, todos pesando até 500 g). Resultados: Na fase inicial do desenvolvimento, integrinas beta-1 e -4 and E- and P- caderinas estavam presentes na membrana plasmática das células epiteliais em todos as camadas do epitélio. CK14 e CK10 foram observadas em todas as camadas epiteliais e a INV fracamente detectada em células da camada mais superficial. Em estágios mais avançados, integrinas foram detectadas em todas as camadas epiteliais, com expressão polarizada principalmente na camada basal. E- caderina foi detctada em todas as camadas, menos no estrato cornificado e a P- caderina foi observada em camadas mais profundas do epitélio. CK14 estava presente na camada basal, CK 10 no estrato suprabasal e a INV foi observada no estrato cornificado. Conclusão: Caderinas e integrinas são essenciais para o desenvolvimento da pele, sendo espacialmente e temporalmente regulados. Suas expressões são relatas com a expressão da maturação de marcadores da epiderme. / Introduction: Cadherins and integrins are important for maintenance of tissue integrity and in signal transduction during skin development. Distribution of these molecules in human skin development was investigated and associated with markers of differentiation, cytokeratins (CK) and involucrin (INV). Methods: Using immunohistochemistry expression of E- and P- cadherins, integrins beta-1 and -4, CK10, CK 14 and INV was assessed in skin fragments of 7 human fetuses (gestacional weeks ranged from 4 to 24, all weighing up to 500 g). Results: At initial phases of development, integrins beta-1 and -4 and E- and P- cadherins were present on epithelial cell membranes in all layers. CK 14 and CK 10 were expressed in all epithelial layers and INV weakly detected in the superficial layer. In more advanced stages, integrins were detected in all layers, but a marked polarized expression was seen in basal layer. E- cadherin was detected in all layers, but the cornified stratum and P- cadherin were observed in the lower layers. CK 14 was expressed in layer, CK 10 in suprabasal stratum and INV was observed in cornified layer. Conclusions: Cadherins and integrins are essential for skin development, being spatially and temporally regulated. Their expression is related with the expression of maturation markers of the epidermis.
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Synthèse de dérivés de la Névirapine substitués au carbone 13 pour l’étude de l’activation métabolique de cet antirétroviral dans des épidermes humains reconstruits / Synthesis of carbone 13-substituted derivatives of Nevirapine to study the metabolic activation of this antiretroviral drug in reconstructed human epidermisGreco, Marion 24 May 2018 (has links)
Les toxidermies médicamenteuses sont des réactions de toxicité cutanée déclenchées par la prise d’un ou de plusieurs médicament(s). Dans les cas les plus graves, ces effets indésirables médicamenteux menacent la vie des patients. La plupart des toxidermies ne seraient pas déclenchées par la substance médicamenteuse elle-même, mais par un ou plusieurs de ses métabolites cutanés suffisamment réactif(s) pour former un complexe antigénique avec les protéines épidermiques. Cette étape-clé serait le point de départ des mécanismes immunitaires à l’origine des toxidermies. L’objectif de ce travail de thèse a été d’étudier l’activation métabolique in situ de la Névirapine, un antirétroviral à l’origine de toxidermies chez 20% des patients. En utilisant une technique non invasive, la RMN HRMAS associée aux épidermes humains reconstruits, il a été possible de suivre l’éventuelle bioactivation épidermique de la Névirapine et de ses dérivés ainsi que la fixation de l’un d’eux dans l’épiderme. / Drug-induced toxidermia are cutaneous toxicity reactions caused by a drug therapy. In the most serious cases, these side effects of drugs are life-threatening.Most toxidermia are not induced by the parent drug, but by one or several skin metabolite(s) which may become antigenic by binding with epidermal proteins. This drug-protein conjugation step could be the starting point of immune responses leading to skin lesions.The aim of the PhD project was to study the in situ metabolic activation of Nevirapine, an anti-retroviral drug associated with toxidermia with an incidence of 20%. By using a non-invasive analysis technique, HR-MAS NMR spectroscopy on reconstructed human epidermis, it has been possible to follow the possible bioactivation of Nevirapine and its derivatives as well as the binding of one of them with the epidermis.
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DNA Damage Response of Normal Epidermis in the Clinical Setting of Fractionated Radiotherapy : Evidence of a preserved low-dose hypersensitivity responseQvarnström, Fredrik January 2009 (has links)
Investigations of DNA damage response (DDR) mechanisms in normal tissues have implications for both cancer prevention and treatments. The accumulating knowledge about protein function and molecular markers makes it possible to directly trace and interpret cellular DDR in a tissue context. Using immunohistochemical techniques and digital image analysis, we have examined several principal DDR events in epidermis from patients undergoing fractionated radiotherapy. Acquiring biopsies from different regions of the skin provides the possibility to determine in vivo dose response at clinically relevant dose levels throughout the treatment. A crucial event in cellular DDR is the repair of DNA double strand breaks (DSBs). These serious lesions can be directly visualised in cells by detecting foci forming markers such as γH2AX and 53BP1. Our results reveal that DSB-signalling foci can be detected and quantified in paraffin-embedded tissues. More importantly, epidermal DSB foci dose response reveals hypersensitivity, detected as elevated foci levels per dose unit, for doses below ~0.3Gy. The low-dose hypersensitive dose response is observed throughout the treatment course and also in between fractions: at 30 minutes, 3 hours and 24 hours following delivered fractions. The dose response at 24 hours further reveals that foci levels do not return to background levels between fractions. Furthermore, a low-dose hypersensitive dose response is also observed for these persistent foci. Investigations of end points further downstream in the DDR pathways confirmed that the low-dose hypersensitivity was preserved for: the checkpoint regulating p21 kinase inhibitor; mitosis suppression; apoptosis induction and basal keratinocyte reduction. Our results reveal preserved low-dose hypersensitivity both early and late in the DDR pathways. A possible link between the dose-response relationships is therefore suggested. The preserved low-dose hypersensitivity is a cause for re-evaluation of the risks associated with low-dose exposure and has implications for cancer treatments, diagnostics and radiation protection.
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Genetic Sequence Analysis by Microarray TechnologyHultin, Emilie January 2007 (has links)
Developments within the field of genetic analysis have during the last decade become enormous. Advances in DNA sequencing technology have increased throughput from a thousand bases to over a billion bases in a day and decreased the cost thousandfold per base. Nevertheless, to sequence complex genomes like the human is still very expensive and efforts to attain even higher throughputs for less money are undertaken by researchers and companies. Genotyping systems for single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis with whole genome coverage have also been developed, with low cost per SNP. There is, however, a need for genotyping assays that are more cost efficient per sample with considerably higher accuracy. This thesis is focusing on a technology, based on competitive allele-specific extension and microarray detection, for genetic analysis. To increase specificity in allele-specific extension (ASE), a nucleotide degrading enzyme, apyrase, was introduced to compete with the polymerase, only allowing the fast, perfect matched primer extension to occur. The aim was to develop a method for analysis of around twenty loci in hundreds of samples in a high-throughput microarray format. A genotyping method for human papillomavirus has been developed, based on a combination of multiplex competitive hybridization (MUCH) and apyrase-mediated allele-specific extension (AMASE). Human papillomavirus (HPV), which is the causative agent in cervical cancer, exists in over a hundred different types. These types need to be determined in clinical samples. The developed assay can detect the twenty-three most common high risk types, as well as semi-quantifying multiple infections, which was demonstrated by analysis of ninety-two HPV-positive clinical samples. More stringent conditions can be obtained by increased reaction temperature. To further improve the genotyping assay, a thermostable enzyme, protease, was introduced into the allele-specific extension reaction, denoted PrASE. Increased sensitivity was achieved with an automated magnetic system that facilitates washing. The PrASE genotyping of thirteen SNPs yielded higher conversion rates, as well as more robust genotype scoring, compared to ASE. Furthermore, a comparison with pyrosequencing, where 99.8 % of the 4,420 analyzed genotypes were in concordance, indicates high accuracy and robustness of the PrASE technology. Single cells have also been analyzed by the PrASE assay to investigate loss of alleles during skin differentiation. Single cell analysis is very demanding due to the limited amounts of DNA. The multiplex PCR and the PrASE assay were optimized for single cell analysis. Twenty-four SNPs were genotyped and an increased loss of genetic material was seen in cells from the more differentiated suprabasal layers compared to the basal layer. / QC 20100714
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Coagulase-negative staphylococci in prosthetic hip infections /Nilsdotter, Åsa, January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Linköping : Linköpings universitet, 2005. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.
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Alternative mechanisms in skin allergy processes : contribution of radical reactions from the molecule to the tissue / Implication des mécanismes de type radicalaire dans les processus de sensibilisation cutanée : compréhension en allant de la molécule au tissuKuresepi, Salen 11 May 2018 (has links)
L’allergie de contact est une pathologie touchant de 15 à 20 % de la population occidentale. A l’heure actuelle il n’existe aucun traitement, la seule façon efficace de prévention étant l’éviction totale des allergènes. Les tests de sensibilisation de nouvelles molécules avant leur mise sur le marché ont été réalisés sur l’animal jusqu’à l’interdiction dans le 7ème amendement à la directive Européenne concernant l’industrie cosmétique. Dans ce contexte il est primordial de développer des méthodes alternatives. Ce travail de thèse propose d’analyser la problématique de l’allergie de contact en allant de la molécule au tissu pour les allergènes réagissant par voie radicalaire :In chemico : étude de la réactivité des hydroperoxydes allyliques vis-à-vis des acides aminés par la RMNIn situ : études de radicaux issus de ces composés sur des épidermes humains reconstitués par RPEIn cellulo : étude du stress oxydant sur les cellules dendritiques et la voie de signalisation Keap1/Nrf2/ARE. / Allergic contact dermatitis is a pathology affecting 15 to 20% of the Western population. Until now no treatment exists, the prevention is the eviction of allergens. In the past, tests concerning new molecules for the market were tested on animals until the prohibition in the 7th amendment of the European directive concerning the cosmetics industry. In this context it is essential to develop alternative methods to assess the allergenic potential of chemicals.This manuscript proposes to analyze the problem of the allergic contact dermatitis from the molecule to the tissue for allergens reacting through radical mechanisms:In chemico: study of the reactivity profile of allylic hydroperoxides toward amino acids by NMRIn situ: radical intermediates formation on reconstructed human epidermis from allylic hydroperoxides by EPR In cellulo: study of the oxidative stress from allylic hydroperoxides on dendritic cells trough the Keap1/Nrf2/ARE sensor pathway.
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Estudo da expressão de filagrina e claudinas 1 e 4 em indivíduos adultos com dermatite atópica / Study of expression of filaggrin and claudin 1 and 4 in adults with atopic dermatitisMariana Colombini Zaniboni 25 May 2015 (has links)
Introdução: A dermatite atópica (DA) é uma doença cutânea inflamatória crônica que cursa em surtos. Possui manifestação clínica variável, mas o prurido e a xerose são características frequentes, e pode estar associada a outras manifestações extra-cutâneas de atopia. Pacientes com DA apresentam maior risco de infecções por bactérias e vírus, destacando-se a erupção variceliforme de Kaposi, causada por herpes simples. A DA mostra-se como exemplo de dermatose com comprometimento da barreira cutânea, aliado a disfunção imunológica. São descritas alterações das proteínas da barreira cutânea na DA (filagrina e claudinas ), relacionadas ao maior risco de infecção . Objetivo: Avaliar a expressão de proteínas relacionadas à barreira cutânea como a filagrina, e as claudinas -1 e -4 na pele de pacientes adultos com dermatite atópica, acompanhados no Departamento de Dermatologia da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Métodos: 32 indivíduos com diagnóstico de DA (estabelecido pelos critérios de Hanifin & Rajka) e 23 controles (indivíduos sem DA), maiores de 18 anos, foram submetidos a biópsias cutâneas. Os indivíduos com DA foram biopsiados em dois pontos, tanto na pele lesada, quanto na pele não-lesada. O material obtido foi analisado por imuno-histoquímica, através de marcadores específicos para filagrina, claudina-1 e claudina-4. As lâminas foram digitalizadas pelo Panoramic Scan - 3DHistech - Hungria, e as imagens analisadas pelo software Image Pro Plus 4,5, quanto à intensidade da expressão do marcador. A espessura média da epiderme do local estudado foi também avaliada. O grupo com DA foi também analisado quanto à gravidade da doença (EASI), níveis séricos de IgE e grau de eosinofilia. Resultados: Houve redução da expressão da filagrina na pele de doentes de DA em relação aos controles, tanto na pele com lesão quanto na pele sem lesão. Demonstrou-se correlação inversa na expressão da filagrina, tanto com relação à gravidade da doença quanto à espessura da epiderme. A análise das claudinas -1 e -4 demonstrou redução de ambas na pele dos doentes de DA, mas não houve correlação com a gravidade, espessura da epiderme, níveis de IgE sérica ou eosinofilia. Conclusão: No adulto com dermatite atópica, existe redução da expressão das proteínas relacionadas à barreira cutânea, como a filagrina e as claudinas -1 e -4. A redução da expressão da filagrina relacionou-se inversamente com a gravidade da doença, e com a espessura da epiderme, sugerindo cronicidade das lesões. Houve redução da expressão das claudinas -1 e -4, sem relação com a gravidade da doença, espessura da epiderme, eosinofilia ou com os níveis séricos de IgE / Introduction: Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic, inflammatory dermatosis with ocasional flares. Its clinical features are variable, but pruritus and xerosis are frequent, and the disease may be associated to extracutaneous atopy. Patients with AD have increased risk for bacterial or viral infection, with emphasis on eczema herpeticum due to herpes simplex. AD is an example of a compromised skin barrier, allied to na imune dysfunction. There are reports on efective proteins of the skin barrier (filaggrin and claudins), related to increased risk for infection. Objectives: To evaluate the expression of proteins related to the skin barrier, such filaggrin and claudins-1 and-4 in the skin of adults with AD, followed at the Department of Dermatology, University of Sao Paulo Medical School. Methods: 32 individuals diagnosed as AD, according to Hanifin & Rajka\'s criteria, and 23 non-atopic controls, above the age of 18, were biopsied. Individuals with AD were biopsied in two different sites (lesional and nonlesional skin). The specimens were analyzed by immunohistochemistry through specific markers for filaggrin, claudins 1 and 4. The slides were scanned utilizing Panoramic Scan - 3DHistech - Hungary, and images analyzed by Image Pro Plus 4,5 for the intensity of each marker. The mean epidermal thickness was also evaluated. AD patients were also analyzed for disease severity (EASI), circulating IgE levels and eosinophilia. Results: In lesional and nonlesional skin of AD patients there was a reduced expression of filaggrin, when compared to nonatopic controls. There was an inverse correlation of filaggrin expression with disease severity and epidermal thickness. In the skin of AD individuals, there was reduced expression of claudins 1-and-4, which did not correlate with disease severity, epidermal thickness or eosinophilia. Conclusion: In adults with AD, there is reduced expression of skin barrier proteins, such as filaggrin, claudins 1 and 4. The reduction of filaggrin expression had an inverse correlation with disease severity and epidermal thickness, suggesting disease chronicity. There was reduction of claudins 1 and 4, with no relation with disease severity, epidermal thickness, circulating IgE levels or eosinophilia
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Identifying the cellular origin of Merkel Cells and the mechanisms regulating epidermis homeostasis and repairMascré, Guilhem 17 June 2013 (has links)
The skin epidermis ensures critical vital functions: it represents the first line of defense against external aggressions.<p>The Epidermal Proliferative Unit (EPU) and the stochastic model are two opposite theories that have been proposed to explain the homeostasis of the interfollicular epidermis (IFE). During my thesis, we addressed this question. We used two inducible CREER transgenic mouse models (K14CREER and InvCREER) to labeled basal cells of the IFE using the RosaYFP reporter system, allowing us to follow their fate. Using confocal microscopy to analyze the basal YFP positive clones induced, we demonstrated the existence of two distinct basal progenitors. The mathematical modeling of our data set confirmed this observation and clearly demonstrated the existence of a quiescent stem cell (SC) population (targeted by the K14 promoter), which eventually gives rise to a more rapidly proliferating cells, the committed progenitors (CPs, targeted by the Inv promoter) that participate actively to replace the IFE cells lost during the normal turnover of the tissue. By using an independent genetic mouse model (K5tTA tetO-H2BGFP) and by studying the transcriptional profiling of the two basal populations, we confirmed our hypothesis, and thus reconciling the two seemingly opposite EPU and stochastic models. Finally, we challenged the function of the K14 SCs and Inv CPs during IFE wound healing. Conversely to what happens during homeostasis, we observed that SCs are massively proliferating and participating to the repair and maintenance of the damaged area, while CPs are poorly recruited to the wound.<p>The skin is also a highly sensitive organ, which contains many different receptors specialized in a precise sensation, and richly innervated by somatosensory neurons.<p>The Merkel Cells (MCs) are mechanoreceptors present in the basal layer of the IFE that have features of both neurons and keratinocytes, and might be implicated in the development of a rare but very aggressive skin tumor. Since their discovery in 1875, many studies claimed the neural crest cells (NCCs) or the epidermal progenitors are at the origin of MC, but no clear evidence has been proposed. <p>During my thesis, we were also interested in the embryonic origin of the MC. We used different transgenic mouse models to assess the NCC (Wnt1CRE and Pax3CRE RosaYFP) and the epidermal (K14CRE RosaYFP) hypotheses and we finally demonstrated that MC arise from embryonic epidermal progenitors. Using induction of adult epidermis transgenic mouse (K14CREER RosaYFP, K15CREPR RosaYFP), we showed that the epidermis also participates to the renewing of adult MC. Finally, we deleted the Math1 gene in all the MC progenitors (K14CRE Mathfl/fl) of mouse embryos, resulting in the absence of MCs in adult mice, demonstrating the importance of this transcription factor for MCs specification during embryogenesis.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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