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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Competencia socioemocional en adolescentes de altas habilidades: un estudio comparativo

Fernández Vidal, María del Carmen 17 June 2011 (has links)
Este trabajo, titulado “Competencia socioemocional en adolescentes de altas habilidades: un estudio comparativo” tiene como objetivo analizar la relación entre la competencia socioemocional y la alta habilidad (superdotación o talento). La muestra estuvo compuesta por 566 estudiantes (386 con alta habilidad y 180 sin alta habilidad), con edades comprendidas entre los 11 y los 18 años. Además, han participado 535 padres y 443 profesores. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron: 1) las escalas de Percepción de Inteligencias Múltiples dirigidas a padres, profesores y estudiantes; 2) el Test de Aptitudes Diferenciales (DAT-5); 3) el Test de Pensamiento Creativo de Torrance (TTCT Figurativo); 4) el Cuestionario de Inteligencia Emocional para niños y adolescentes (Bar-On EQ-i:YV); y 5) el de padres y profesores (Bar-On EQ-i:YV-O). Algunos resultados mostraron que los padres y los profesores percibieron con mayor adaptabilidad a los estudiantes con alta habilidad. Además, los padres percibieron con mayor adaptabilidad a los chicos; y con mayores habilidades interpersonales a las chicas. / This work, entitled Social-emotional Competence of high abilities adolescents: A comparative study, aims to analyse the relationship between social-emotional competences and high ability (giftedness or talent). The sample was composed of 566 students (386 high ability and 180 not high ability students) aged 11 to 18 years old. In addition, 535 parents and 443 teachers have taken part in this study. The instruments used were: 1) Scales of Perception of Multiple Intelligences by parents, teachers and students; 2) The Differential Aptitude Tests (DAT-Fifth Edition); 3) Torrance´s Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT-Figural); 4) the Emotional Quotient Inventory by children and adolescents (Bar-On EQ-i:YV); and 5) the Emotional Quotient Inventory by parents and teachers (Bar-On EQ-i:YV-O). Some results showed that parents and teachers perceived students with high abilities as being more adaptable. Also, parents perceived boys as having greater adaptability; and girls as having greater interpersonal abilities.

Exploring the value and limits of using outdoor adventure education in developing emotional intelligence during adolescence

Opper, Bjorn January 2013 (has links)
Given today’s social milieu, there is no denying that the nature of the life experiences youth are facing has drastically changed in recent decades. In this study, outdoor adventure education (OAE) was explored as a possible intervention strategy for the development of emotional intelligence during adolescence. This research project consisted of a case study of an event, namely “The Journey”, which is a 23-day outdoor adventure education programme for Grade 10 learners at a private high school for boys in a major South African city. Through this research, which involved collecting, analysing and interpreting data on the topic, an endeavour was made to explore the possible impact of OAE on the development of emotional intelligence, as well as the sustainability of skills acquired, and also on possible design elements that may impact on the facilitation of the development of emotional intelligence. This study was based on a socio-constructivist paradigm, which had developed from an interpretivist world view. This research project represents a multi-method mode of inquiry: both quantitative and qualitative data-gathering techniques were implemented as a process of triangulation to provide a comprehensive analysis of the research problem. The research proper (76 participants) was preceded by a pilot study (28 participants). For the research proper, participants completed the Bar-On EQ-i: YV (Bar-On, 2007) questionnaire before embarking on “The Journey” (pre) and again at its completion (post1). This was followed by another post-test three months later (post2). Furthermore, 10 participants had also been randomly selected to form part of a pre- and post- “Journey” focus-group interview and to provide reflective essays post- “Journey”. Another focus-group interview with selected staff members was conducted post-“Journey”. The identified themes generated from the quantitative and qualitative data collected were as follows: emotional intelligence; outdoor adventure education; rites of passage; “Journey” design elements; boarding; the emotional climate of the school; division based on stereotypes; and sustainability of skills acquired. In terms of emotional intelligence as a theme, the results indicated that participation in “The Journey” not only results in an increase in the overall EQ skills of participants, but that the impact also appears to be sustainable.1 As far as the impact of “The Journey” on the various subskills of emotional intelligence is concerned, the findings revealed that there was an increase in all EQ subskills directly after participation (quantitative and qualitative data). However, the results of the research proper, where pre- and post2-“Journey” scores were compared (quantitative data), suggest that increases were maintained in only three of the five subskills mentioned, namely intrapersonal skills, adaptability and general mood. Thus it appears that the initial increase in interpersonal and stress management skills did not have a sustainable effect. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Educational Psychology / unrestricted

Die verband tussen emosionele intelligensie, studie-oriëntasie in wiskunde en die middel-adolessent se wiskundeprestasie (Afrikaans)

Erasmus, Cathariena Petronella 16 August 2013 (has links)
lnternasionaal, sowel as nasionaal bestaan daar besorgdheid oor leerders se ontoereikende prestasie in wiskunde. In postapartheid Suid-Afrika is ontoereikende prestasie in wiskunde 'n wesenlike probleem. Talle studies is reeds onderneem om hierdie verskynsel te verklaar omdat wiskundeprestasie van kardinale belang is vir enige ontwikkelende land. Navorsing het onder meer aangetoon dat wiskundeprestasie op skoal een van die beste voorspellers van sukses op tersiere vlak is en dat daar 'n statistiese betekenisvolle verband bestaan tussen wiskundeprestasie en aspekte van studie-orientasie in wiskunde (insluitende studiegewoontes, wiskunde-angs, houding jeens wiskunde, effektiewe tydsbestuur, ouerverwagting, asook leerders se sosiale en ervaringswereld in wiskunde). Verskeie ander faktore beïnvloed ook wiskundeprestasie, met inbegrip van bekwaamheid, belangstelling, leerders se agtergrond en die gehalte van onderrig. Oor die afgelope 20 jaar fokus navorsers op onder meer die invloed van sosiale, kognitiewe en metakognitiewe, konatiewe en affektiewe fasette van prestasie in wiskunde. Die doel van hierdie studie was om ondersoek in te stel na die fasette van emosionele intelligensie en die dimensies van studie-orientasie in wiskunde wat moontlik 'n rol kan speel in die middel-adolessent se wiskundeprestasie. Die studie het veral gefokus op die aard van emosionele intelligensie en studie-orientasie in wiskunde, die aard en betekenis van wiskundeprestasie, die mate waartoe ('n kombinasie van fasette van) emosionele intelligensie en studie-orientasie middeladolessente se wiskundeprestasie voorspel en hoe verskillende taal-, geslag- en graadgroepe (in hierdie studie verteenwoordig) se prestasie in hierdie opsig vergelyk. Die studie het plaasgevind vanuit 'n sosio-konstruktivistiese paradigma wat uit die interpretivistiese paradigma ontwikkel het. Seide kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe datainsamelingstegnieke (KWAN-kwal) is in hierdie studie ge"implementeer ten einde die moontlike verband tussen emosionele intelligensie, studie-orientasie in wiskunde en die middel-adolessent se wiskundeprestasie te ondersoek en te beskryf. Altesaam 435 leerlinge in graad 9 en 11 aan die drie Engelsmedium-hoerskole in die Mafikeng area het aan die studie deelgeneem. Die kwantitatiewe komponent van die studie het bestaan uit die implementering van twee gestandaardiseerde vraelyste. Leerders is gevra om 'n El-vraelys, naamlik die Bar-On EQ-i: YV™ en die Studieorientasievraelys in Wiskunde (SOW) te voltooi. Kwalitatiewe tegnieke wat in hierdie studie ge"implementeer is, sluit in fokusgroeponderhoude, observasie, veldnotas en die gebruik van 'n reflektiewe joernaal. Daar is een fokusgroeponderhoud by elk van die drie deelnemende skole gevoer om die leerders wat aan die navorsing deelgeneem het se menings en opinies rakende wiskunde en wiskundeprestasie te peil. Die resultate het aangedui daarop dat 'n kombinasie van die fasette van emosionele intelligensie en die dimensies van studie-orientasie as moontlike voorspellers van die middel-adolessent se wiskundeprestasie beskou kan word. Die volgende Elkomponente het as voorspellers van wiskundeprestasie na vore getree: Algemene gemoedstoestand, Aanpasbaarheid en lntrapersoonlike gedrag. Die volgende SOW dimensies was voorspellers van wiskundeprestasie: Probleemoplossing, Studiegewoontes, lnligtingverwerking en Wiskundeangs. Temas wat uit die kwalitatiewe aspek van my studie na vore getree het as moontlik bydraend tot leerders se ontoereikende wiskundeprestasie, verwys spesifiek na uitdagings op makro-, meso- en mikrovlak binne die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks. ENGLISH : There is both internationally and nationally great concern about the poor achievement of learners in mathematics. Inadequate performance in mathematics is a substantial problem in post-apartheid South Africa. Numerous studies have been undertaken to explain this phenomenon, since mathematics achievement is of cardinal importance to any developing country. Research has shown inter alia that mathematics achievement at school is one of the best predictors of success at tertiary level and that there is a statistically significant correlation between mathematics achievement and aspects of study orientation in mathematics (including study habits, mathematics anxiety, attitude towards mathematics, effective time management, parents' expectations, learners' social world and mathematics experience). Various other factors also affect mathematics achievement, including competence, interest, learners' background and the quality of tuition. Over the past 20 years, researchers have focused on issues such as the impact of social, cognitive and metacognitive, conative and affective facets on achievement in mathematics. The aim of this study was to examine the facets of emotional intelligence and the dimensions of study orientation in mathematics that might play a role in the mathematics achievement of the middle adolescent. The study focused especially on the nature of emotional intelligence and study orientation in mathematics, the nature and meaning of mathematics achievement, the extent to which (a combination of facets of) emotional intelligence and study orientation predict(s) the mathematics achievement of middle-adolescents and also compared the performance of the different language, gender and grade groups (represented in this study). The study was based on a socio-constructivist paradigm, which had developed from the interpretivist paradigm. Both quantitative and qualitative data-gathering techniques (QUAN-qual) were implemented so as to examine and describe the possible relationship between emotional intelligence, study orientation in mathematics and the mathematics achievement of the middle adolescent. Altogether 435 learners in Grades 9 and 11 from the three English medium high schools in the Mafikeng region took part in the study. The quantitative component of the study comprised the implementation of two standardised questionnaires. Learners were asked to complete an El questionnaire, the Bar-On EQ-i: YV™, and the Study Orientation Questionnaire in Mathematics (SOM). Qualitative techniques implemented in the study included focus group interviews, observation, field notes, and the use of a reflective journal. One focus group interview was conducted at each of the three participating schools to gauge the views and opinions of learners participating in the research on mathematics achievement. The results indicated that a combination of the facets of emotional intelligence and the dimensions of study orientation could be considered potential predictors of the middle adolescent's mathematics achievement. The following EI components also emerged from the results as predictors of mathematics achievement: General mood, Adaptability and Intrapersonal behaviour. The following SOM dimensions were predictors of mathematics achievement: Problem-solving behaviour, Study habits, Information processing and Mathematics anxiety. Themes that emerged from the qualitative aspect of my study as potential contributors to learners' inadequate mathematics achievement refer specifically to challenges at the macro, meso and micro level within the South African context. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Educational Psychology / unrestricted

Die moontlike verband tussen emosionele intelligensie en 'n rasseminderheidsgroep se identiteitsonderhandeling, aanpassing en funksionering in 'n meerderheidskonteks (Afrikaans)

Meijer, Maria Magdalena 21 January 2010 (has links)
Legalised desegregation through the implementation of the South African Schools law (Law no. 84 of 1996) sparked the hope of an opportunity to promote integration between learners and more than that, that the former would also extend to the larger community. The media has however indicated that racial-integration in schools is not necessarily experienced as positive by all the role players and that the process does not present itself as being problem-free. The goal of this study was to investigate the experiences of racial minority groups within majority school contexts; the challenges that are posed to them within the contexts; the factors that may play a role in their adjustment and functioning within the context; the negotiation of racial-ethnicity and social identity that accompanies it, and the possible relationship that exists between the former and their emotional intelligence (EI). These goals were realised through the launch of a theoretical, as well as an empirical investigation of aforementioned aspects related to the life worlds of racial minority groups in a majority school context. The empirical investigation was conducted from an INTERPRETIVISTIC-positivistic paradigm. Two schools where white and black learners are respectively in the minority were involved in the study. All the learners (grade 9-12) that were regarded as part of the racial minority group in the involved schools, were asked to complete an EI-questionnaire, the EQ-i:YV, after which six participants (three males and three females) from each school were selected on the basis of their scores achieved on the previously mentioned questionnaire. Afterwards qualitative techniques (focus groups, semi-structured interviews, observations and reflection) were implemented to investigate the (racial and social) identity negotiation, adjustment and functioning of the participants in their respective school contexts. The former was also related to their EI. Triangulation and crystallisation were implemented to verify the findings. Racism was identified as the biggest stumbling block to successful integration in the white school context, whereas language appeared to be the biggest stumbling block of the white participants’ adjustment and functioning within their black school context. Social categorisation emerged as a reality in both school contexts and white learners appeared to be evaluated as the higher-status group in both schools. From the results it appears that no relationship worth mentioning exists between the white participants’ EI and their identity negotiation within a black school context, whilst it appears as if a small relationship exists between the black participants’ EI and their identity-negotiation within a white school context. It appears however that a strong relationship exists between participants’ EI and their adjustment and functioning within their majority school context. The following additional factors (that are not applicable to EI) that can play a possible role in the adjustment and functioning of racial minority groups in majority school contexts have also been identified: home circumstances, faith, recognition of sport and/or cultural achievement and the support of one or more parents. AFRIKAANS : Daar is met die wettiging van desegregasie deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Skolewet (Wet no. 84 van 1996) gehoop dat die geleentheid geskep sou word om integrasie tussen leerders te bevorder en dat voorgenoemde na die breër gemeenskap sou uitkring. Uit die media blyk dit egter dat rasse-integrasie in skole allermins positief deur al die rolspelers beleef word en dat die proses nie sonder probleme verloop nie. Die doel van hierdie studie was om ondersoek in te stel na rasseminderheidsgroepe se belewenis van meerderheidskoolkontekste; die uitdagings wat binne hierdie kontekste aan hulle gestel word; die faktore wat moontlik ‘n rol in hulle aanpassing en funksionering in hierdie kontekste speel; die onderhandeling van ras-etniese en sosiale identiteit wat daarmee gepaard gaan, en die moontlike verband wat tussen voorgenoemde en hul emosionele intelligensie (EI) bestaan. Hierdie doelstellings is gerealiseer deur ‘n teoretiese, sowel as ‘n empiriese ondersoek na voorgenoemde aspekte van die leefwêrelde van rasseminderheidsgroepe in meerderheidskoolkontekste te loods. Die empiriese ondersoek is vanuit ‘n INTERPRETIVISTIES-positivistiese paradigma onderneem. Twee skole waar wit en swart leerders onderskeidelik in die minderheid is, is by die studie betrek. Al die leerders (graad 9-12) wat as deel van die rasseminderheidsgroep in die betrokke skole beskou kon word, is gevra om ‘n EI-vraelys, die EQ-i:YV, te voltooi, waarna ses deelnemers (drie seuns en drie dogters) op grond van die tellings wat hulle op voorgenoemde vraelys behaal het, geselekteer is. Kwalitatiewe tegnieke (fokusgroepe, semi-gestruktureerde onderhoudvoering, observasie en refleksie) is daarna geïmplementeer om die (ras-etniese en sosiale) identiteitsonderhandeling, aanpassing en funksionering van die deelnemers in hul onderskeie skoolkontekste te ondersoek. Voorgenoemde is ook met hul EI in verband gebring. Triangulasie en kristallisasie is geïmplementeer om bevindinge te verifieer. Rassisme is as die grootste struikelblok tot suksesvolle integrasie in die wit skoolkonteks geïdentifiseer, terwyl taalprobleme die grootste struikelblok in die wit deelnemers se aanpassing en funksionering in hul swart skoolkonteks blyk te wees. Sosiale kategorisering blyk in albei skoolkontekste ’n realiteit te wees en wit leerders blyk in albei skole as die hoëstatusgroep geëvalueer te word. Uit die resultate blyk dit dat daar geen noemenswaardige verband tussen die wit deelnemers se EI en hulle identiteitsonderhandeling binne ’n swart skoolkonteks bestaan nie, terwyl dit blyk of daar ’n geringe verband tussen die swart deelnemers se EI en hulle identiteitsonderhandeling binne ’n wit skoolkonteks bestaan. Daar blyk egter ’n sterk verband tussen deelnemers se EI en hulle aanpassing en funksionering binne hul meerderheidskoolkontekste te bestaan. Die volgende addisionele faktore (wat nie op EI betrekking het nie) wat moontlik ’n rol in die aanpassing en funksionering van rasseminderheidsgroepe in meerderheidskoolkontekste kan speel, is ook geïdentifiseer: huislike omstandighede, geloof, prestasie op sport en/of kulturele gebied en die ondersteuning van een of meer ouers. Copyright / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Educational Psychology / unrestricted

Effek van 'n emosionele ondersteuningsprogram op die emosionele intelligensie van adolessente leerders met spesiale onderwysbehoeftes / The effect of an emotional support programme on the emotional intelligence of adolescent learners with special educational needs

Marais, Eileen 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans. Abstracts in Afrikaans, English and Zulu / This study explored how nine adolescent learner-participants with cerebral palsy or other physical disabilities responded to an emotional support programme (EOP) of 20 intervention sessions, aimed at developing their emotional intelligence. The research study highlighted the utilisational value and importance of emotional intelligence, which is associated with problem-solving skills, career success, selfactualisation, stress management and the like. The rationale for compiling the EOP was in accordance with the rationale for the research study, being embedded in diverse learning needs, support for learners, and the design of learner opportunities. The study focused among others on the development and implementation of an EOP based on Bar-On as conceptual model (2000), together with the five core competencies of social and emotional learning (SEL), namely: responsible decision-making, emotional self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship skills. The Lions Quest SEL-programme, Skills for Adolescence, formed the basis of the EOP, although the researcher had to adapt it for her learner-participants’ special educational needs. The EOP was further extended with the knowledge obtained through the literature study regarding emotional intelligence and adolescence, and was aligned with the aims of the South African school curriculum in respect of emotional intelligence skills, as stated in the aims of the subject Life Skills. The researcher’s embedded, mixed-method research design allowed the larger qualitative component to include the smaller quantitative component, so that the specific phenomenon could be understood from different participants’ perspectives. Qualitative data was collected by means of metaphor interviews and collage activities. The quantitative research component of the study refers to the standardised Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory: Youth Version (EQ-i:YV) together with the researcher’s own structured questionnaire. The researcher did not interpret the data obtained from the quantitative data collection instruments in isolation, but used it to expand and verify the results of her qualitative generated data. The integrated data results of the learner-participants brought the answer to the research problem: most of the adolescent learner-participants with special educational needs who had participated in the EOP, did indeed benefit through their involvement, and their emotional intelligence (the phenomenon under scrutiny) had improved. / Die studie ondersoek hoe nege adolessente leerder-deelnemers met serebrale en fisieke gestremdhede op ’n emosionele ondersteuningsprogram (EOP) van 20 intervensiesessies reageer met die doel om hulle emosionele intelligensie te ontwikkel. Die benuttingswaarde en belangrikheid van emosionele intelligensie word deur die navorsingstudie uitgelig. Hoë emosionele intelligensie word geassosieer met probleemoplossingsvaardighede, werksukses, selfverwesenliking en streshantering, onder andere. Die rasionaal vir die samestelling van die EOP stem ooreen met die rasionaal vir die navorsingstudie en is gevestig in uiteenlopende leerbehoeftes, ondersteuning aan leerders, en die skep van leergeleenthede. Die studie fokus op die samestelling en implementering van ’n emosionele ondersteuningsprogram (EOP) gebaseer op Bar-On (2000) se konstruk van emosionele intelligensie as konseptuele model van die studie saam met die vyf kernbevoegdhede van sosiale en emosionele leer (SEL), naamlik: verantwoordelike besluitneming, emosionele selfbewussyn, selfbestuur, sosiale bewussyn en verhoudingsvaardighede. Die Lions Quest SEL-program, Skills for Adolescence, vorm die grondslag van die EOP, alhoewel die navorser baie aanpassings vir haar leerder-deelnemers se spesiale onderwysbehoeftes moes maak. Die EOP is verder uitgebrei deur die kennis wat die navorser tydens die literatuurstudie ingewin het ten opsigte van emosionele intelligensie en adolessensie, en sluit aan by die Suid-Afrikaanse skoolkurrikulum-doelwitte wat verband hou met emosionele intelligensie-vaardighede soos uiteengesit in die doelwitte vir die vak Lewensvaardighede. Die navorser se ingebedde, gemengdemetode-navorsingsontwerp laat toe dat die groter kwalitatiewe komponent die kleiner kwantitatiewe komponent insluit, sodat die spesifieke fenomeen vanuit verskillende deelnemers se perspektiewe verstaan kon word. Kwalitatiewe data is deur middel van die metafooronderhoud en collage-aktiwiteit ingesamel. Die kwantitatiewe navorsingskomponent van die studie verwys na die gestandaardiseerde Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory: Youth Version (EQ-i:YV) tesame met die navorser se eie gestruktureerde vraelys. Die navorser het die data wat sy uit die kwantitatiewe datainsamelingsinstrumente verkry het, nie net in isolasie geïnterpreteer nie, maar dit ook gebruik om die resultate van haar kwalitatief-gegenereerde data uit te brei en te verifieer. Die geïntegreerde data-resultate van die leerder-deelnemers bied die antwoord op die: die meerderheid van die adolessente leerderdeelnemers met spesiale onderwysbehoeftes wat aan die EOP deelgeneem het, het inderdaad gebaat by hulle deelname, en hulle emosionele intelligensie (die fenomeen wat ondersoek is) het verbeter. / Ucwaningo luhlola ukuthi ngabe ukuzibandakanya kwabafundi abangabadlalindima abayisishiyagalolunye abasesigabeni sobubhungu/sobutshitshi abakhubazeke ngokwengqondo noma ngayiphi indlela emzimbeni baphendule kanjani kuhlelo oluxhasa ngokommoya (emotional support programme) kumihlangano engama- 20 yokunceda, ehlose ekuqiniseni ubuhlakani bommoya. Isifundo socwaningo siveze ukubaluleka kokusebenzisa kanye nokubaluleka kobuhlakani bommoya, okuhambisana namakhono okuxazulula izinkinga, impumelelo yobizo lomsebenzi, ukuzibonakalisa, ukulawula ingcindezi yengqondo kanye nokunye. Isizathu sokuhlela i-ESP sasihambisana nenhloso yesifundo socwaningo, esitholakala kwizidingo zemfundo ezahlukahlukene, kanye nokuhleleka kwamathuba omfundi. Ucwaningo lubheke hlangana nokunye nokuthuthukiswa kanye nokusetshenziswa kohlelo lwe-ESP olususelwa ku-Bar-On njengemodeli yegama (2000), kanye namanye amacebo abalulekile amahlanu ohlelo lokufunda kwabantu kanye nokufunda ngokwemizwa (SEL), wona yilawa alandelayo: Ukumelana nezinqumo ozithethe, ukwazi imizwa yakho, ukuziphatha ngokwakho, ukuxwayiswa komphakathi kanye namakhono okwenza ubudlelwano. Uhlelo lwe- Lions Quest SEL, Skills for Adolescence, akha isisekelo se-ESP, yize umcwaningi kwakufanele aluguqule lolu hlelo ukwenzela ukuba luhambisane nezidingo ezikhethekile zemfundo yafundi abadlala indima. . Uhlelo lwe--ESP lwaqhubeka nokukhuliswa ngolwazi olwalutholakala ngocwaningo lombhalo wobuciko obumayelana nobuhlakani bokusebenzisa imizwa kanye nesigaba sobutshitshi/sobubhungu, kanti lolu hlelo lwaluhambisana nezinhloso zekharikhulami yezikole zaseNingizimu Afrika mayelana namakhono okusebenzisa obuhlakani bokusebenzisa imizwa, njengoba kushiwobkwizinhloso zesifundo samaKhono Empilo (Life Skills). Isakhiwo somcwaningi esequkethwe, sohlelo-oluvangene locwaningo siye savumela isigaba esikhulu socwaningo olugxile kukhwalithi (qualitative) ukuba sixube isigaba esincane esigxile kumanani (quantitative), ukuze kuzwisiseke uhlelo oluthize ngokwemiqondo yabadlalindima abehlukahlukene. Idatha yohlelo lwequalitative yaqoqwa ngokusebenzisa izinhlolombono zokungathekisa kanye nemisebenzi yokuhlanganisa imifanekiso eminingi. Isigaba socwaningo olugxile kumanani sichaza uhlelo olufanayo lwe--Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory: Youth Version (EQi:YV) kanye nemibhalo yemibuzo ehlelwe wumcwaningi. Umcwaningi akazange achaze idatha etholakele kumathuluzi okuqoqa idatha encike kumanani yodwa, kodwa le datha iye yasetshenziselwa ukukhulisa kanye nokuqinisekisa imiphumela yakhe eyakhiwe ngokwendlela yekhwalithi. Imiphumelo ehlangene yedatha yomfundi ongumdlalindima ilethe impendulo kwinkinga yocwaningo: Iningi labafundi abadlala indima abasesesigabeni sobubhungu/sobutshitshi abadinga imfundo ekhethekile abazibandakanye ohlelweni lwe-ESP, ngempela baye bazuza ngokuzibandakanya kwabo, kanti-ke izinga labo lokusebenzisa ikhono lobuhlakani bemizwa buye bathuthuka kakhulu (the phenomenon under scrutiny). / Inclusive Education / D. Ed. (Inklusiewe Onderwys)

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