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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A proposed study of outcomes for autistic children and their families after participation in a Horse Boy Camp

Lockwood, Jennifer Anne 13 December 2013 (has links)
The aim of this proposed study is to explore whether participation in a three day intervention involving horseback riding in nature– a program specifically designed for autistic children and their families called “Horse Boy Camps” – leads to improved outcomes for participants. It is hypothesized that children will demonstrate significant increases in language and communication skills after camp participation, as well as enhanced social, cognitive and sensory functioning. It is also hypothesized that attendance at a Horse Boy Camp will have an impact on the parents and siblings of the child with autism. Specifically, it is anticipated that camp participation will significantly decrease the anxiety, stress, depression and social isolation experienced by parents. It will also result in significant improvements in the relationship between the autistic and their siblings as well as family functioning in general. Participants will include 20 families attending a three-day Horse Boy Camp. There will be one autistic child per family who attends the camp, and at least one parent. The proposed study will help determine if Horse Boy Camps appear to be a promising intervention for children with autism and their families. / text

Effectiveness of equine assisted psychotherapy & learning for substance use disorder treatment in college-age young adults

Cagle-Holtcamp, Katherine Abigail 30 April 2021 (has links)
With overdose deaths and residential addiction treatment admittance increasing, more treatment options are necessary to meet the demand of services. Equine assisted psychotherapy and learning (EAPL) is a relatively new therapeutic tool in addiction treatment for individuals battling substance use disorder (SUD), and thus, lacks a solid evidence base to be implemented consistently and effectively. The purpose of this dissertation was to determine the effectiveness of EAPL in creating an emotionally safe environment for learning for college-age young adults with a particular focus on those struggling with SUD. This was accomplished in a series of projects focused on: 1) implementing evaluation methodology for tracking emotional safety and learning in young adults participating in equine interaction activities without therapeutic intentions, 2) determining the relationship between physiological responses and emotional safety and learning in young adults participating in outpatient EAPL programming for SUD, and 3) evaluating the treatment outcomes associated with emotional safety and learning for young adults with SUD participating in EAPL at a residential treatment facility. Each project utilized the same three evaluations for evaluating emotional safety and learning: 1) emotional safety evaluation, 2) equine knowledge exam, and 3) physical skills evaluation. In each of the studies, a correlation was found between emotional safety and equine knowledge and handling skills for college-age young adults, however, equine interaction with therapeutic intentions revealed a stronger correlation indicating it is not just the horse that provides the mental health benefits. An emotionally safe environment for learning, was established for college-age young adults within a residential treatment facility, this was not dependent on the length of stay or level of participation suggesting this is an efficient therapeutic option for SUD for this population. Emotional safety for the college-age young adults participating in EAPL was correlated to vital sign measurements, but vital sign measurements of young adults were independent of the vital signs of the therapy horse. Each of the three projects provided vital information filling the gap of knowledge surrounding EAPL as an effective clinical intervention strategy for SUD in college-age young adults and created a basis for further research using more objective measures.

If it’s safe, and it’s successful -then it’s OK : An ethnographic study of key factors and interaction in a Therapeutic Horsemanship program for Young People

Harri, Mia January 2021 (has links)
The cross-scientific field of Equine Assisted Interventions (EAI) for human health, education and wellbeing is wide, varied, and rapidly growing with an expressed need of increased knowledge. Interventions involving horses are used to address a variety of difficulties and suggested as an alternative option for children and youth in need of support, who for different reasons do not or cannot benefit from traditional therapeutic or educational contexts or settings. Research thus far has mainly investigated outcomes while systematic knowledge about processes and characteristics of these interventions is still lacking. The purpose of the study was to increase knowledge and understanding of EAI for children and youth by exploring key factors and interaction in a Therapeutic Horsemanship groundwork program for disadvantaged Young People. The research was of an exploratory nature, with qualitative research methods and an ethnographic approach where data was collected through a field study based on participant observation and semi-structured interviews. Data was analysed by Reflexive Thematic Analysis. Results show that the interaction can be understood as a triad consisting of child, practitioner(s) and horse. Key factors in the intervention can be understood through eight interrelated themes, divided into Framework Themes and Content Themes. The Framework Themes are Concept, Environment and Activity. The Content Themes are Safe Spaces, Communication is Key, Positive Perceptions, Helping Horses and Learning for Life. These themes interrelate, enabling and affecting the intervention and interaction in the triad. To understand processes in the intervention, findings were interpreted through Experiential Learning Theory and the Biophilia Hypothesis. Results show the significance of the whole concept and the equine environment, and that learning can be identified throughout the intervention. Through interaction, cooperation and training with the horse, the Young Person learns, acquires and develops awareness, competences and skills which can eventually be transferred to their everyday life, thus providing increased social competence and ability to handle difficulties. The intervention can be summarised as being child-centred, horse-focused and action-based. Findings suggest a significance of working exclusively with rescue horses,and that EAI based on groundwork activities can offer a novel and positive experiential learning experience for young people. Findings further suggest that the experiential learning process in EAI may be directable to address various issues, and that EAI/groundwork therefore could be a suitable option for children and youth for whom more traditional or conventional settings for education or therapy are not an option. / Det tvärvetenskapliga fältet hästunderstödda insatser (HUI) för mänsklig hälsa, lärande och välbefinnande är snabbt växande med ett behov av ökad kunskap. Tidigare forskning har huvudsakligen rört eventuella effekter och resultat, medan det saknas systematiserad kunskap om såväl processer som insatsernas karaktär. Studiens syfte var att öka kunskapen om hästunderstödda insatser genom att utforska nyckelfaktorer och interaktion i ett program baserat på markarbete med häst för utsatta barn och ungdomar. Studien var av utforskande karaktär, med en kvalitativ forskningsmetod och ett etnografiskt angreppssätt där datainsamling skedde genom en fältstudie baserad på deltagande observation och semistrukturerade intervjuer. Data analyserades genom Reflexiv Tematisk Analys. Resultaten visar att interaktionen kan förstås som en triad bestående av barn, praktiker och häst. Nyckelfaktorer i interventionen kan förstås genom åtta teman fördelade på två grupper; Ramverksteman: Concept, Environment och Activity, samt Innehållsteman: Safe Spaces, Communication is Key, Positive Perceptions,Helping Horses och Learning for Life. Dessa teman samverkar, möjliggör och påverkar insatsen och interaktionen i triaden. För att förstå processer i insatsen tolkades resultaten genom Experiential Learning Theory och The Biophilia Hypothesis. Resultaten visar en signifikans av hästens miljö, samt att upplevelsebaserat lärande kan identifieras genom hela insatsen, vilken kan sammanfattas som barncentrerad, hästfokuserad och aktivitetsbaserad. Resultaten visar vidare en signifikans av att arbeta uteslutande med hästar som omhändertagits eller omplacerats på grund av tex vanvård, samt att lärande kan identifieras genom hela insatsen och förefaller kunna riktas/anpassas efter olika behov och syften. Hästunderstödda insatser i form av markarbete kan ses som en lämplig metod att erbjuda upplevelsebaserat lärande, och upplevas som en ny och positiv erfarenhet för utsatta barn och ungdomar för vilka mer traditionella insatser inte är ett alternativ. Genom interaktion och samarbete med hästen lär sig, förvärvar och utvecklar barnet/ungdomen medvetande, kunskap och kompetenser vilka kan överföras till deras dagliga liv och leda till bland annat ökad social kompetens och förmåga att hantera svårigheter.

Social Functioning in Autism Spectrum Disorder: The Effects of Equine-Assisted Activities

McCormick, Kate 06 May 2017 (has links)
This pilot study examined the effect of participation in an equine-assisted activities (EAA) program on the social functioning of participants with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Pre- and post-assessments via the Naples Equestrian Challenge Participant Initial Evaluation were completed by a trained Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor prior to and at the conclusion of a 12 week EAA program. 12 individuals (75% male; M age = 10.8; age range 5 – 20 years) participated. Paired-sample t-tests were conducted to examine the impact of EAA on social functioning. Analyses revealed that involvement in the EAA program resulted in a significant improvement in social functioning, but when grouped by age (5 – 10 years old, 10 – 20 years old) the effects were not significant. Lastly, individual analyses indicated that 75% of the sample had improved social functioning scores after participation in the EAA program. Results support EAA as an effective therapy for persons with ASD.

Hästen lär mig att jag duger som jag är : En kvalitativ studie om deltagares syn på hästens roll och betydelse i hästunderstödd terapi

Lundmark, Petra, Sundgren, Linnéa January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka deltagares upplevelser av och tankar kring hästunderstödd terapi. Utifrån detta studerar vi hur hästunderstödd terapi är en del av socialt arbete. Detta har vi undersökt utifrån följande frågeställningar: ”Hur talar deltagarna om hästens roll och betydelse i den hästunderstödda terapin?”, ”Hur beskriver deltagarna att hästens närvaro påverkar deras färdigheter och känslor?” och ”Hur upplever deltagarna hästunderstödd terapi som behandlingsmetod?” Studiens empiri härrör från intervjuer med fem deltagare i hästunderstödd terapi. Vi har gjort en kvalitativ studie med semistrukturerade intervjuer som metod för insamling av data. Till analysen har vi utgått från en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet behandlar deltagarnas beskrivning av känslor och färdigheter som härrör från behandlingen samt deltagarnas syn på hästunderstödd terapi som behandling. I slutsatsen fastslår vi, utifrån empiri och tidigare studier, att hästunderstödd terapi finner relevans i socialt arbete. Denna behandlingsform bidrar på ett konstruktivt sätt till alliansskapande och motivationsarbete samt ger en känsla av empowerment och medveten närvaro hos deltagarna. Vi har sett att hästunderstödd terapi verkar hälsofrämjande på ett kognitivt, emotionellt och socialt plan.

An Exploratory Mixed Methodology Study Into the Theoretical Foundation of Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy

Dawson, Bradford Tyler 01 June 2014 (has links)
Equine-assisted psychotherapy is emerging as a new alternative therapy method. As the field is new, there is limited amount of research looking at the current theoretical foundation being utilized in the therapeutic process. This study aims to explore the field of equine-assisted psychotherapy and its current theoretical foundation. The main question guiding this study was: What are the therapeutic theories and themes guiding the current practice of equine-assisted psychotherapy? The study consisted of six in-person qualitative interviews with current practitioners of equine-assisted psychotherapy. A short Likert-type scale was also used to quantitatively gather descriptive statistics about theories currently being used by these practitioners. The results of this study yielded interesting findings about the similarities between equine-assisted psychotherapy and traditional office therapy. The use of horses in therapy creates new dynamics to be addressed in the therapeutic process. The practitioners interviewed in this study agreed on many different aspects about the application of equine-assisted psychotherapy to clients displaying characteristics of trauma, anxiety, depression, and boundary issues, but also had dissenting opinions about other aspects of the practice. The generalist model of social work practice is utilized in the questionnaire. This method of questioning found that the use of the generalist model is applicable to the field of equine-assisted psychotherapy.

Equine Assisted Psychotherapy with Suicidal Girls: Understanding the Changes over Time

Bauducco, Serena January 2012 (has links)
The study investigated 17 suicidal girls attending Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP) sessions as a complementary therapy. In particular, the study focused on three main issues. First, whether the patients’ happiness, warm emotions, awareness, relaxation, control, loquacity, and coordination improved over time. Second, whether riders and novices benefited equally from the therapy. Lastly, whether and how horse responsiveness and patient’s motivation affected the outcome. Individual Growth Curves analysis was used to answer these questions. The results showed a significant improvement in awareness and coordination, and a small change in warm emotion and relaxation over time. Moreover, previous riding experience was related to higher scores in warm emotions, awareness, control, and coordination. However, this effect faded over time as the clients became more familiar with EAP. Finally, the patient’s attitude, reflected in the horse’s responses, influenced positively the overall outcome. In conclusion, beginners might need more time in order to feel comfortable with the EAP environment. Thus, it is crucial to set appropriate goals. Additionally, patient’s motivation is an important factor for the success of the therapy, as it will be reflected in the horse’s responsiveness, and will eventually lead to greater improvements. Overall, the results suggested that patients’ experiences with horse riding, horse responsiveness, and motivation are important elements of EAP that are related to improvements in suicidal girls over time.

Equine Assisted Psychotherapy with Suicidal Girls: Understanding the Changes over Time

Bauducco, Serena January 2012 (has links)
The study investigated 17 suicidal girls attending Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP) sessions as a complementary therapy. In particular, the study focused on three main issues. First, whether the patients’ happiness, warm emotions, awareness, relaxation, control, loquacity, and coordination improved over time. Second, whether riders and novices benefited equally from the therapy. Lastly, whether and how horse responsiveness and patient’s motivation affected the outcome. Individual Growth Curves analysis was used to answer these questions. The results showed a significant improvement in awareness and coordination, and a small change in warm emotion and relaxation over time. Moreover, previous riding experience was related to higher scores in warm emotions, awareness, control, and coordination. However, this effect faded over time as the clients became more familiar with EAP. Finally, the patient’s attitude, reflected in the horse’s responses, influenced positively the overall outcome. In conclusion, beginners might need more time in order to feel comfortable with the EAP environment. Thus, it is crucial to set appropriate goals. Additionally, patient’s motivation is an important factor for the success of the therapy, as it will be reflected in the horse’s responsiveness, and will eventually lead to greater improvements. Overall, the results suggested that patients’ experiences with horse riding, horse responsiveness, and motivation are important elements of EAP that are related to improvements in suicidal girls over time.

Equine assisted activities or therapy : towards a future curriculum

Shkedi, Anita January 2015 (has links)
Equine Assisted Activities and Therapy (EAA/T) is a non-invasive treatment modality recommended by the medical and educational community for a subset of challenged children and adults. As its popularity increases, so too are the concerns among stakeholders and the medical and educational professions about its legitimacy as a treatment modality. The main concern being that EAA/T practitioners have not acquired the professional skills required and that the EAA/T treatment programmes are not evidence-based. The central question of this research focused on identifying Equine Assisted Activities and or Therapy (EAA/T) and creating an optimal learning curricula and more practical experience for future practitioners. In order to explore these issues an extensive multi-method research study was conducted to identify gaps in EAA/T curricula, which included a review of empirical data and different curriculum models. The Delphi Method (DM), a robust, qualitative, naturalistic, systematic and interactive research method was used to support the research. Part of the DM required an analysis of data, adaptation of issues and amendments to questions culminating in a collective consensus among EAA/T experts. The key research findings suggested that current training programmes use curricula with significant gaps resulting in poor professional knowledge formation, a lack of experiential learning, insufficient knowledge of equestrianism and an inability to use pedagogic paradigms. Other findings showed that curricula being used were not being built as an application of sound theoretical principles but rather, transmitted in a manner that does not motivate active and meaningful learning or promote the best practical experience. As a consequence, national organisations and academies dedicated to EAA/T training sidestep high standards and core values for the sake of membership and financial gain. This rigorous research study has highlighted gaps in current training practices and has made it possible to make recommendations for a future curriculum. Recommendations that suggest the future curriculum is built on sound theoretical principles developing foundation knowledge to operate EAA/T in all fields of practice. This could set new quality and performance benchmarks and provides EAA/T practitioners with adequate tools to connect best practices to people with real-life challenges.

Hästen i lärande och utveckling : En intervjustudie om hur hästunderstödda insatser kan bidra till individens förändringsprocess / The horse in learning and development. : An interview study on how horse-assisted efforts can contribute to the individual's change process

Niebl, Viktoria January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att få ökad kunskap om hur professionella upplever att hästunderstödda insatser (HUI) bidrar till utveckling hos individer. Den metodologiska utgångspunkten för undersökningen är en kvalitativ ansats med hermeneutiskt perspektiv, datainsamlingen utgick från semistrukturerade intervjuer. Studiens resultat visar att intervjupersonerna använder hästen som ett pedagogiskt verktyg i arbetet med individerna de möter och att HUI kan bidra till individens lärande och utveckling. Resultatet visar att HUI fokuserar på det friska hos individen och att de professionella arbetar ur ett holistiskt perspektiv, vilket överensstämmer med KASAM som är den teori som studien har utgått ifrån. Slutsatsen av studien är att HUI kan hjälpa individer i lärande och utveckling både när det kommer till psykisk och fysisk hälsa.

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